click to move
urgoz and the deep
8 man parties
being able to loot kitten without accidentally opening up an npc interaction everytime.
being able to drop things on the ground
costumes that were wearable in battle
skillz title track
cheap and easy to obtain max gear.
(edited by StormcrowX.9236)
I miss the competitive missions that were actually fun, FA, JQ and AB kept me going for quite a while, while Zkeys made me nice money. I didnt enjoy WvW because its not balanced numbers-wise, and all anyone does is follow the blue icon in a huge zerg, imo that is not fun at all..
But in the end what really kills this game for me is the lack of skill variety, lack of builds etc. the passive trait system is a poor substitute and most elite skills are utter crap. Also making skills tied to weapons is possibly one of the worst design decisions ever made. I have actually stopped playing for quite a while.. i just got terribly bored after only 3 months and i played the original guild wars for years.
OP’s post seems deliberately vague. Anet doesn’t go around banning RPers for no reason. Care to admit what sort of RP exactly was this that got you banned?
And here I thought I was the only one who kept losing the cursor.. I always simply assumed it was due to too many particle effects onscreen. (I notice that if there are too many players casting everything starts to blurr together and i lose concentration.. never experienced this in other games)
And imo, looting should be rebind-able to another key. I’m so sick of hitting “F” only to start chatting with an NPC, get stuck rezzing one, or running off a cliff with the current bug of running+pickup.
This is a legitimate complaint as well.. with the current poor visibility of the loot sparkles, the only way to ensure you dont miss out any drops is to keep spamming F, and that causes you to start interacting with random NPCs in the middle of a fight, another example of poor design..
some pictures for comparison would be nice. but then again everything looks tiny on my asura anyway. freakin downscaling
I wish we had back the old costume system which could be worn in combat..and toggled back and forth outside town…. yes, and costume/festival hat storage as well.
If you dont want to play than dont play.
If ascended was as big an issue as you lot THINK its going to be, then wed see a much bigger outcry similar to what we saw prior to the lost shores.
But the first pieces have come out and its just a couple threads here and there that funnily enough, don’t actually bring up substantial topics or bugs but instead cry DOOOOM!
Yeah. This really isnt an issue for most of us.
Soooooo tata.
submit them to anet. they have implemented fan creations before.
actually i think they have promise as 2 separate sets. i like the “day” parts, not a fan of the overly spikey bits but thats personal taste.
beautiful, intricate concept art. better than anything anet currently has ingame anyway.
(edited by StormcrowX.9236)
I miss being able to switch builds (and gear) at the drop of a hat. And the funny thing is that guild wars1 had hundreds of skills but nowhere near the amount of extreme buggyness that gw2 suffers from. Also, Anet cited balance as one of the main reasons for the vast reduction in skill variety and yet the classes are still imba as kitten.
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Theres a couple of botters on cursed shore that ive been reporting for days with no success. Maybe its time to file a support ticket the old fashioned way.
You are wrong, Shiny is the cutest!
Yeah, this is a pretty bad time to start up again. The population’s in flux, lots of people leaving or playing less. Not a lot of newbies joining. You can also thank Anet for channelling everyone into LA for the FoTM grind.
Old topic. Everyone knows the targetting system in this game is terrible and anet has yet to even acknowledge it.
1) No monthly fee – yes
2) Customizable builds with 100s of skills – no
3) Competitive missions -no. WvW sounded good on paper but it turned out to be a numbers game. please bring back JQ and FA game modes…
4) Easy to max out char lvl and gear. – i used to be able to get to max level super fast and obtain multiple max weapon sets on each character… no longer. now i have to grind if i want a new weapon; i can not afford multiple armour sets either.
5) Fun pvp -no
6) The excellent targetting system – no. the target system in gw2 is poor and when there are many people i can’t tell what im attacking.
7) tactical gameplay eg. use of high ground, careful pulling of mobs, strategic usage of skills instead of button mashing – all gone now. also i hate the invuln mechanic.
8) pvp characters -no
9) only horizontal progression – …..
People used to complain about build wars, but now I’ll take build wars over zerg wars/gear wars/latency wars anyday.
No trust me as a long long time player of mmos of all kinds, it’s definitely the gear treadmill dungeoneer crowd entering the game en masse. Gearscore, dps meters, demands on new players to be instantly level 80 are just the beginning of the downfall of the community.
I’ve seen it happen multiple times to other titles. the moment these people get in there and start breaking up the community and the company alienates the community they were originally hoping to keep, it’s really REALLY difficult to come back from that.
The majority of us who don’t care about dungeons, who play the game to see the world and play with our friends in open events where people aren’t worried about your level or gear to participate are patiently waiting for what they will do next in their upcoming patches.
It’s not just the gear treadmill that we were all complaining about when the Nov 16th patch was released, many of us knew this was coming.
On my previous server (Sea of Sorrows), I witnessed people flaming each other in Orr because certain groups were not completing DEs in a certain prescribed fashion. (apparently hindering their 100% karma farming efficiency. god forbid.) All people did in the Straits of Devastation was run around in huge zergs farming DEs at breakneck speed, and if you happened to do a DE without following the “zerg”, you would get called all sorts of unsavoury names.
These were the “hardcore” threadmillers, aka. Anet’s Most Dedicated Players. (lol)
I wanted no part of such a community, so I jumped servers.
So yes, I have no doubt that we’re going to see more of this negative sentiment as the threadmill grinders take over this game.
My advice is to just ignore those maps, (if you can live without the 100%) run straight to Cursed Shore and join the karma farmers. Save yourself alot of aggravation that way. Malchor’s Leap has always been one of the most unpopular and underpopulated zones, even before the opening of FoTM, and with good reason.
That, and I agree with the poster before me. Malchor’s is just poor design. While completing it I got stuck in corners a few times and had to wp out.
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I’ve been selling all the Unids recently. I figure its more cost effective to buy the ones i actually want off the TP instead of gambling on them.
He’s obviously using skritt kit labour in his dingy workshop, probably how he cranks out toys so cheaply and abundantly.
Personally I think dungeon armor was implemented badly. Instead of forcing you to run a dungeon multiple times, they should have done it the old fashioned way. Eg. Allow you to assemble the required mats without stepping foot inside the dungeon, complete a certain quest, NPC spawns who will then craft it for you. Same way Obsidian set was obtained. I didn’t have to farm FoW a gazillion times to get it, since the mats were obtainable outside. (via trade or simply buying from material trader)
Come to Tarnished Coast. Since transfer I’ve yet to experience any of what you mentioned. (barring one minor incident, but jerks are like weeds. no way you can 100% get rid of em.) In any case, /report is good, also remember don’t insult them back, don’t use expletives or give them fodder to nail you. Anet has been pretty good about banning people for verbal abuse.
Oh yeah, I also seldom run dungeons. In any case the PuGs I’ve been with have been helpful and patient.
(edited by StormcrowX.9236)
Really? I sure can’t tell it.. Log out of your game and look at the world map and see all the high and full servers. Just about every server is either high pop or full.. I think you got your info wrong or you are wondering around with blinders on. I see lots of players in starting areas and many other areas.. Maybe you are playing at the wrong times. This game isn’t going down hill.
Server population means nothing. I play on a “Full” server and the only place with a living soul is Lion’s Arch and Orr. (bots in Orr and people who want to spam the first boss for cash – that’s all)
I have to disagree.. Server population means everything.. If the game was going down hill the populations would be low if players were leaving.
You still aren’t understanding. The server can be full of people doing Fractals and hanging out in LA, and the world will still be EMPTY. Thats the problem. The WORLD is empty, not the server. There’s stuff to do out there too, ya know.
Even getting groups for Dungeons and Fractals is rough if you aren’t on level 10 already.
This exactly. Everyone’s either in CS or LA now. Every other zone is fairly devoid of players, which is a little depressing because I like to explore.
As soon as they raise the level cap, I’m gone. Yes, I know they will eventually raise it. That just means that I already know that whatever I do here is temporary.
I deleted my creadit card information from the gem store the day they announced gear progression.
Yep, sadly I don’t think this is a game that I’m going to stick around with in the long term. I have already lost faith in the dev team.
The most valuable, and most demanded items on the TP are all geared towards level 80. If lvl 90 gear came out tomorrow all this would quickly become worthless. Imagine the state of the economy then. (not to mention rendering old content even more obsolete.) No. This is just a lazy, plain kittened up way of adding illusory “progression” which only creates a host of new problems.
Sorry, not a single cent more until they reverse this VP bullkitten. Since the damage is already done, might as well roll out the rest of the ascended crap and leave it as it is. Any more tiers after that and its bye-bye.
Also, I do not feel at all assured by this PR spin and waffling. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I think Malchor’s Leap is the worst offender of the 3 orr maps, wps constantly contested, giant obstacles getting anywhere. Just travelling through it feels like one huge jumping puzzle complete with annoying pulling, snaring mobs. So feel free to nuke that one into oblivion. I don’t think Malchor would mind. If I lived there for any period of time I would get tempted to do the same thing he did.
Raising of the level cap is a scary idea. If they raised the cap to 99 tomorrow wouldn’t they have to release level 99 gear (with accordingly bigger stats) to go with it? So everything, absolutely everything we have right now would become completely obsolete. May this never come to pass.
I can’t speak for the general population, but I’ve noticed a significant drop in guild activity since the Lost Shores patch. A bunch of people left. What used to be a lively, talkative guild is now virtually dead. And from what I’ve read on this forum, the same has happened to other guilds as well. Make of that what you will.
I didn’t know passion flowers existed either. I simply assumed those nodes were worthless and didn’t bother with them.
I am underwhelmed by the style of Tier 3 Cultural Armour,
so i shall never worry if i have enough gold to afford it,
because it’s fugly and i don’t want it.
^ This. I have not seen any I fancy, let alone anything I would be willing to spend hundreds of gold on.
snowball arena would be excellent for that. if they dont screw it up like they did the costume brawl.
Late 20s, Singapore. I hate this item progression bullkitten. No, I love kittens, just not this particular one. I generally dislike how grindy this game has become. What happened to cosmetic upgrades? Regarding microtransactions. They could have made a bomb selling us frivolities like townclothes, costumes, weapon skins and whatnot. TF2 still going strong on a f2p microtransaction model. It can work, just not the kitteny way Anet has done it. Instead we get gear grind, of which I fail to see how it can possibly be profitable.
Also like someone above said, it’s a matter of principle. Doesn’t matter if the increase is 0.2% or 20%. They reneged on their promises.
Alright, I see how it is. vertical progression here to stay, increased level cap on the way, etc. I see the direction this is going and I don’t like it at all. Debate all you like about the manifesto, I don’t really care. Right now I’ve pretty much lost motivation. I won’t delete my account, ask for a refund or uninstall like some people have done; I might still log in now and then… but this isn’t the game I paid for, or even the game I waited for.
Something has come between us and we’ll never be the same again…
Or, as Plinx would say, “I’m done with this.”
This relationship has run its course. R.I.P. August 10, 2005-Nov 15, 2012
True, there isn’t another big game out there like it. Even if I wanted to quit this game where would I go to? Another one of the 100s of grindfest MMOs? No thanks.. It would have to be something else outside the genre.. I’m done with threadmilling and grindfests. I learned that the hard way during my high school days.
This wouldn’t have gotten so bad if it weren’t for anet’s stony silence and lack of communication on the matter. unfortunately, it looks like an reccurring pattern from what i’ve been seeing eg. the “botting” debacle, when all bot-related threads were merged, dumped into one huge containment thread, ignored and subsequently locked. Now this just looks like more of the same.
Ps. I’d like to point out that the OP’s post is pretty inflammatory as well. And you know what they say about fanning flames…
Because well, if you start a post with “you people are the worst thing that happened to this game” and dont understand how that could be construed as offensive…i really don’t know what to say.
(edited by StormcrowX.9236)
I’m not getting my hopes up. I’m betting that any questions about “item progression” are getting swept under the carpet.
Dunno, its usually pretty dead when I go there. No event chains, nothing worthwhile to farm cept the rich ori node. Orr is still much more profitable so obviously everyones going to go where the gold is. Not that I’m gonna complain about another lvl 80 zone though. that was badly needed.
(edited by StormcrowX.9236)
I must say that looking for a group is the first big obstacle towards getting into FoTM. The number of levels, chat suppression plus the lack of a party search feature means that you waste alot of time standing around in town. Time that could be put to more profitable pursuits. (another unfun thing about fotm: if you d/c, you can’t rejoin your group.)
But then again finding a group is hard for any dungeon nowadays.
I would have been perfectly happy if it was just another rarity tier, maybe with shiner skins, and harder to obtain than exotics but easier than legendaries. But for godssakes please do away with the stat increases. We don’t need that kitten.
After a one week break I came back to a dead guild.
I have no freaking idea what happened when I was away. All the regulars disappeared, a bunch of people appear to have left.
I still play, but have not been grinding FoTM, finding a party thats of the same level takes too long and if you spam lfg lfg you get suppressed anyway. Not worth the time.
I didn’t even get to participate in the event. My dad sent the PC for repairs without telling me =/ ….and then I rejoined only to see the lion statue gone again with no friggin idea what on earth happened when I was away, no explanations, nothing.
Nope, since I sure as hell won’t have more free time on my hands. Actually, I even feel somewhat less motivated right now…that announcement was like a punch to the gut for me, and I still feel it.
Ugh, same. I’m feeling very demotivated right now. Should I bother gearing up my ele in exotics or will those shortly become obsolete? kitten I cant even sell them off to recoup my losses.) Will this game devolve into a generic threadmill grinder? That announcement was so ominous and depressing. Everything’s on hold right now.
OP is vocal minority. 85% of statistics are made up. This thread is bull.
I’m probably one of the minority who don’t hate him, lol. But yeah, that guy does seem kind of emotionally…flat and disconnected. (thats my impression anyway) To his credit though, it appears that virtually nothing seems to phase him. Oh no, the outer gates are being overrun by risen! For the greater good we must shut the gates and leave the soldiers out there to die! Okay, cool beans….. Oh no! The inner gates are being overrun, we must shut those too! Okay, no problemo. Hardly any emotional response to anything, just flattened affect.. Not sure if thats a good thing or not, it being wartime and everything, but it certaintly doesn’t endear him as a personality.
And after each violent encounter, no matter how dire the current circumstances, he just calmly sheathes his sword and says “Moving on.” in that droll monotone. Theres just something so ridiculous about it that it makes me giggle a bit inside.
As for the stealing your glory thing, I don’t really care. I got to kill Zhaitan and Trahearne got to sit at home twiddling his thumbs and didn’t become a God.. (thank goodness, kitten Kormir, now she* was even more useless)
I don’t know which is sadder, that some people fail to recognize a troll post or that some people are actually serious about this.
I am real happy they are putting what makes MMOs great into this game.
I am real unhappy that they are putting what makes other run of the mill MMOs tedious and soul-sucking into this game.
I’m more annoyed by the fact that I can’t seem to put any gems in it.
Anyone find it funny that all the critically-inclined threads are being dumped into this mega-thread morass of ignominity while all the “I WUV Anet” ones are left alone?
This question only works if the majority of the games population answers this question. For that the majority of the players would have to be on the forums. I’m pretty sure more than half of the people who play never visit the forums.
So who were the people that were for it? Because Linsay states that the decision was made due to feedback of the community. Well, it’s certainly not THIS community, I think that is pretty obvious now.
This is actually something that I’d love to know myself. I really wish they would tell us exactly how they find out this stuff. I’m all for the new content coming in, but this one thing remains a mystery to everyone. To be fair, I think it’s something we should all know the specifics of.
This. Quoted and bolded for truth.
Because if the devs haven’t noticed by now, the feedback since the announcement has been overwhelmingly negative. So the question becomes, who the kitten thought this was a good idea and who the kitten is actually getting precedence (suggestions-wise)? Several popular and oft-asked for features eg. TP preview, FoV slider, appearance change, guild halls etc. have not been added, yet Anet had the time to implement this kind of nonsense.
More trash mobs, less hp on each mob. Current drop rates seem about okay, I leave each instance with full invent. Less HP on bosses, because 10-15 mins of spamming doesn’t constitute an epic fight, just a boring, tedious one.
Personally what I’d like to see is an old style dungeon densely packed with mobs, just like the elite HM dungeons. Plowing through huge waves of wardens with EoE bomb was awesome.
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