Showing Posts For Strategist.6132:

Thief is OP and fun don't change it :)

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I don’t see anything bad with his posts:P

But I am very curious what build you’re running!

The core of Reaper's Unbalance

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Reaper currently is one of the strongest classes in PvP I believe. Mainly because they can counter condition damage so well while still being able to do decent damage.

DareDevil Dash

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Haha I like the Daredevil Dash too! I think the dodges each have some nice utility.
→ Dash is nice for keeping distance and moving fast
→ Bounding is nice for access to stealth with offhand pistol and close combat damage.

Daredevil launch constructive feedback

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I hope Escapist Absolution will be made a minor too!

BUFF thief

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Let me review my statement of before!:

→ Daredevil Pistol/Pistol actually works quite well (even though it feels a bit lame to spam unload)

→ I think the melee + squishy part is the thing that makes thief feel weak:P

Daredevil underwheliming in PvP?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


To be really honest, I have been playing thief since launch, but I dropped it 6 months ago because I just felt underpowered. I still occasionally play it though, but that feeling does not go away.

I believe this ‘underpowered’ feeling results from a few things:

- Thieves do not have a lot of armor or condition cleanse making them very unforgiving when mistakes are made. While a warrior or engineer can tank quite a lot of damage, for a thief getting hit by a small burst we almost have no choice but to retreat, since our healing/tank capabilities are not as good.

- Thieves are generally more power based then condition based, expecially since we don’t have access to burn. Because the current meta (necro’s, engineers, warriors, revenants, D/D elementalist) in general are quite tanky, it is hard to do a lot of damage without having to retreat because you got hit a few times.

- Thieves probably need more skill / experience to be played well. I still believe thief has some potential sometimes I just ask myself the question: “Why should I work so hard to be successful, while I can also choose another class and work less hard to be successful?”

Lately I hear a lot of people say that they find thief quite underpowered. I wonder if the Developers of Anet feel this way too, or if they think it is in a good spot. Its hard to find a good solution though.

Small comparison between Scrapper Hammer and Backstab

Backstab damage coefficient: 2.4 (when hit from behind)

#2: Electrowhirl (6s CD) damage coefficient: 2.2
#3: Rocket Charge (10s CD) damage coefficient: 3.0
#4: Shock Shield (20s CD) damage coefficient: 2.5
#5: Thunderclap (25s CD) damage coefficient: 3.6

I understand that Anet wants to put the Elite specializations in a good spot, but I just think that the damage of some classes really make thief unplayable. We die so fast now in group fights, that thieves are kind of forces to take all kind of utility skills that help them survive, instead of focussing on damage as opposed to for example Engineer.

BUFF thief

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


To be really honest, I have been playing thief since launch, but I dropped it 6 months ago because I just felt underpowered. I still occasionally play it though, but that feeling does not go away.

I believe this ‘underpowered’ feeling results from a few things:

- Thieves do not have a lot of armor or condition cleanse making them very unforgiving when mistakes are made. While a warrior or engineer can tank quite a lot of damage, for a thief getting hit by a small burst we almost have no choice but to retreat, since our healing/tank capabilities are not as good.

- Thieves are generally more power based then condition based, expecially since we don’t have access to burn. Because the current meta (necro’s, engineers, warriors, revenants, D/D elementalist) in general are quite tanky, it is hard to do a lot of damage without having to retreat because you got hit a few times.

- Thieves probably need more skill / experience to be played well. I still believe thief has some potential sometimes I just ask myself the question: “Why should I work so hard to be successful, while I can also choose another class and work less hard to be successful?”

Lately I hear a lot of people say that they find thief quite underpowered. I wonder if the Developers of Anet feel this way too, or if they think it is in a good spot. Its hard to find a good solution though.

Small comparison between Scrapper Hammer and Backstab

Backstab damage coefficient: 2.4 (when hit from behind)

#2: Electrowhirl (6s CD) damage coefficient: 2.2
#3: Rocket Charge (10s CD) damage coefficient: 3.0
#4: Shock Shield (20s CD) damage coefficient: 2.5
#5: Thunderclap (25s CD) damage coefficient: 3.6

I understand that Anet wants to put the Elite specializations in a good spot, but I just think that the damage of some classes really make thief unplayable. We die so fast now in group fights, that thieves are kind of forces to take all kind of utility skills that help them survive, instead of focussing on damage as opposed to for example Engineer.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think Gaurdian Trap builds can be quite strong expecially if you don’t pay good attention to it. But I don’t think it’s overpowered. Most people either just dodge through it, or just go ranged. (If your class has that capability)

[Stronghold] Invisible Wall at close to Spawn

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Strategist.6132


As the title says!, I have been hearing players say it, and now experienced it myself:

Sometimes there’s a random invisible wall you cannot walk through at the map Stronghold. Close to the doorbreakers and archers spawn not allowing players to leave that place (or trying to somehow find a gap in the wall). This of course limits play quite a lot.:P

I heard stories of other peoples where the wall appeared at other places closer to the lord.

Hope you can fix this Anet!,

I really enjoy HoT so far:P


Academy Gaming Stronghold Tournament (October 19)

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


To be really honest, I believe Stronghold is actually the map that requires some thought. The reason why people probably don’t like stronghold too much is because you cannot zerg from point to point. A good stronghold team requires much more map-awareness and communication between team members:P

Daredevil updates, post BWE 3 (launch)

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I do believe that evading is something that requires a bit of skill. (Unless you have to much evades, but I don’t think that it is that case). Mmm I think it would be nice if Acrobatics got some kind of condition cleanse on gaining vigor, but maybe that is a bit too overpowered. Maybe replace Guarded Initiation by a trait that cleanses conditions? I think it would help having Acrobatics being picked again.

Daredevil updates, post BWE 3 (launch)

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Why is Shadow Arts still the only viable way to remove conditions now? If you want to push evasions over stealth for a more mobile playstyle, give it better condition removal or even transferal. And the only reason SA is the best condition removal is because we can sit in stealth and WAIT for them to tick off while we heal with the SA GM trait, not because it removes them super quick. HoT has WAY too many conditions and it’s becoming a problem for the evasion based thief. Try something that is static, a simple 1 condi removal on dodge, regardless if it was a successful evade or not. S/D is currently the only way to condi remove while playing evasion. Sword 2 is fine for 1v1 condition removal, but if I’m going to 1v1 someone, I’m just going to use d/p anyways. S/D is for the group fights, it’s condi removal should reflect that. It would be really something if the dodges gave condition removal IN the GM trait, not the trait tier before it. As in on Bound, successful hit of this skill removing 1-2 conditions on a 5-10s cooldown. Just what I’ve noticed playing DD so far.

I have said it a lot of times, but I just secretly will repeat it (Hoping that Karl doesn’t forget): I really hope that Thief can have a little bit more condi cleanse too, or maybe make Escapist Absolution swapped with the grandmaster minor. Especially since some condition builds can do 9 stacks of burning in only 1 or 2 seconds. Right now (without shadow arts) that is kind of instant death for a thief:P

I don’t think there will be too much changes though, after all, there’s only 10 days left before HoT release #LookingForwardToIt!

Ankle Shot working correctly?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I thought they fixed the range bug to not have the increase at all. Mmm lets hope that this gets fixed!

Interrupt Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Maybe we can ask for an improvement of Headshot? Maybe either make the cast time instant, or increase the bullet speed? Or maybe decrease the initiative cost by one, so that we can try more often?

Diamond Skin for Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Mmm it depends in what situation of course. I think resistance in Stealth is maybe a bit too much:P Expecially in WvW:P But we do need some better condition cleanse I believe.

How will the chat API work?

in API Development

Posted by: Strategist.6132


It will probably be a little harder to implement then the other API’s, but I really think this would enhance the community so hard.:P I already see myself chatting with my guild mates during the lectures haha:P

Daredevil updates, post BWE 3 (launch)

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I like the changes so far but there is still one major thing I don’t see addressed. I’ve already mentioned it on reddit but I guess it can’t do any harm repeating it here.

DareDevil is designed as elite spec which doesn’t rely on stealth but so far we have no real Condi cleanse outside of shadow arts and/or hide in shadows. Sure there is the single Condi cleanse on successfully dodge trait but that one is really weak. Any build with decent Condi burst can load their conditions on a daredevil without shadow arts and hide in shadows and then simply stop attacking so the daredevil can’t trigger his condi cleanse trait.

tl;dr DareDevil misses a proper Condi Cleanse outside of shadow arts and hide in shadows if it should work without stealth.

changes i was hoping to see but didn’t:

  • swapping driven fortitude and escapist’s absolution around (DF is a strong contender in itself, i’d argue with a slight buff it would be on par with the other two traits, but EA is just mandatory for any competitive scenario, meaning no one takes the other traits because they just can’t give up EA’s cleanse)

Bruno has an excellent point here, which has had me concerned. The cleanse is absolutely mandatory in PvP and WvW. Which sucks, because then we miss out on taking Staff Master and Impacting Disruption. I tested the former, but never tested latter, which is a shame because I run Sleight of Hand.

Personally, I’d like to see both EA and DF merged into the master minor trait slot. This provides 2 levels of sustainability that are essential for a melee based, in-your-face, brawler type specialization. That said, I would be happy enough if DF and EA traded places.

  1. If damage reduction is added to Weakening Strikes, then merge EA into DF at the master minor.
  2. Alternatively, if a heal is added to Weakening Strikes, just move EA to the minor and remove DF entirely.
  3. Add a new master trait where EA was that supports condition damage builds.

These changes do the following:

  • Greatly boost survival on the cleansing, healing and damage reduction fronts, which we desperately need
  • Allow low or non-stealth Daredevils to have a comparable level of sustainability that they got from Shadow Arts, freeing them up to choose other trait lines that compliment the elite spec better. Because lets’ face it, taking SA for survival as a non-stealth Daredevil is a complete waste. Even stealth-using Daredevils would be hampered, because they’d feel they have to take SA to be viable. If the Daredevil line can provide solid survival, then it’s much more lucrative to our damage to take either the DA or CS lines.
  • Send some love in this trait line to the condi builds.

Escapist’s Absolution, though great on paper, does very little to save you or buy you time against condi builds, which just chews through thieves. Relying on Shadow’s Embrace gets quite tiring. I feel like the internal cooldown could be reduced to 0.5s, without breaking the game. This way, depending on the type of dodge used and situation, a successful dodge would benefit you from either 1 or 2 condi removals. Furthermore, should this trait act as a replacement for Driven Fortitude, it would massively help thief’s survivability.

Escapist Absolution as a minor

Karl! Thanks for the great changes! The only thing I still hope for is for Escapist Absolution to become a minor. I would not mind this being swapped by one instead of merged.

I think this is better because thief has basically only 2 good condition cleanses that have a low cooldown which are Escapist Absolution and Shadows Embrace. Which means that a Daredevil that really wants Impacting Disruption or Staff Master is kind of forced to take Shadow Arts. But since a staff player will not benefit from Shadows Embrace, it is basically forced to take Escapist Absolution leaving the other traits unchosen. I think the change would prevent thieves being limited in their builds because of having no condition cleanse. (It basically opens 3 new master traits that are more equal to each other:P)

Why this isn´t overpowered

A reason not to change this might be because you think its to overpowered. I believe it is not so overpowered because of two factors:
- We need to successfully evade so we cannot randomly spam dodges to clean conditions (such as elementalists in water)
- A smart condition player will probably stop attacking after applying all those burn stacks on us. (Which there is not much we can do about I guess)

I really hope I can convince you on this one, please feel free to post some feedback on this idea if you have some time.

Good luck out there and thanks for the efforts!

Btw!: Just an idea: I heard people talking about wanting changes to Acrobatics. I can understand they will not come anytime soon with HoT in mind. But if they will come, maybe try to add a reliable condition removal trait to acrobatics? I am sure a lot of players would go for it then.:P

BWE3 live feedback chat room

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Karl! I already heard someone else say this: But I also want to thank you for the work you did on Daredevil. The physical skills and traits are interesting and even though I will probably not use staff, I still think you did a great job. So kudo’s for that!

The only changes I hope for are the following 2:

- I already noticed that the block duration of Bandits Defence is longer then 1 second (Or I can’t count haha). It would be great if it could become a flipover skill or get an evade during the knockdown. That would help a little in groups!

- Since thief has not much condition removal I hope that Escapist Absolution become a minor so we don’t have to sacrefice the interrupt or staff trait for that.

Thief basically has 7 damaging condition removal skills/traits:

- Hide in Shadows – Nice heal skill although a pretty big cooldown compared to others.
- Shadows Embrace – Stealth gets countered a lot lately and with staff we don’t have access to this.
- Escapist Absolution – We need to rely on evades, so whenever someone stops attacking we’re screwed:P

- Shadow step – Very high cooldown and rather saved for escapes.
- Infiltrator Strike – Sword only, only one condition
- Signet of Agility – One for each ally
- Trickster – Only useful if you run a full trick build.

I really hope that the interrupt builds can be saved by making Escapist Absolution a minor. (Its not that they will die:P Just conditions will be a very hard counter to these builds probably)

Keep the good work up! I am also a fan of the dodge toggle, but I don’t think there would be enough time to implement it. Daredevil already is looking great for me:P

(edited by Strategist.6132)

New Thief wears plate, and uses a rifle...

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


It’s probably a full burst build, but the damage is still a bit too much over the top if you ask me..:P

Thief/daredevil Build collection

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


BWE3 live feedback chat room

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I figured something out that annoys me pretty much a lot:

When I do Bandit’s Defence and someone hits me in melee with some kind of rapid attacks, it will try to do the knockdown. But instead I die because enemies spam auto attack or some other attacks during that window that it will try to knockdown the opponent.

For example when a warrior does Whirlwind, I still get hit by the whole thing (aside the first strike), so that’s pretty annoying. You might say it’s part of the skill and maybe that’s true, but it really doesn’t help in group fights where people are focussing on you.

Maybe change this to make the knockdown a flipover that you can trigger? And increase the block to 2 seconds?

You need a buff...

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


It’s also hard to get used to the playstyle.:P I just believe that thief needs a little more sustain from condition damage:P But the rest is all fine. I mean with skillful play we can mitigate / avoid most of the damage.

Trickery and Initiative

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I don’t think the Traits of Trickery are OP, the only thing that really is, is the recharge reduction:P

Restructure Daredevil Minors and other stuff.

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Escapist Absolution
I believe Escapist Absolution should also be put as a minor. Since it is really one of the core traits that is useful for Daredevil in general. It would be nice if they merged this into the minor traits or swapped it with the Grandmaster Minor.

Driven Fortitude
Driven Fortitude is not overpowered and not really underpowered either. I think it could use a small buff. But I would not complain if it stayed the way it is.

Enforcer Training: I like the idea you propose, because you have a point when you say: A Daredevil must also maintain 3 bars. But on the other hand: A Daredevil already has a lot of traits to gain that endurance + the fact that things would get complicated with vigor. For example if we got a 7.5 base duration, how will vigor effect that? We would get potentially 15 endurance regen with Acrobatics, which is a bit too much if you ask me.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Strategist.6132



First of all! Good luck developing Engi, its probably hard having those Rangers spam the whole forum as well.:P

I tested out Scrapper and if I may be honest, I didn´t really feel like it added a lot compared to the original Engineer builds.

I think the Hammer skills are cool! The leaping Hammer skill #3 might still need some work, but the idea of the skills are great.

I think these are lacking a bit if I may be honest, just some notes:

Mass Momentum: This trait only gains 5 seconds of might. The toughness into power is nice, but does not really add something unique or cool to the Scrapper. Since the only way to get stability is by evading an attack, or using Flamethrower. I feel like this is not very useful when you´re not using Flamethrower. Expecially since 5 seconds of might is really small.

Perfectly Weighted: To me the damage increase is a bit of a lack luster for a grandmaster, I think it would be cooler to have a reduced cooldown on hammer. The stability is nice though!, However I think it would be more grandmaster-worthy if it applied on dodge, instead of on evade.

Many traits only useful with Gryo´s
As other people already pointed out: Gryo´s still need some work. So many people will probably try to use other builds, because Gryo´s simply might not work in some cases, for example big WvW battles. The problem is that Scrapper contains many traits that are kind of only useful for Gryo play. Examples:

Expert Examination: When dazing or stunning a foe, apply weakness and vulnarability. The problem is that outside Gryos, Engineer only has access to these on Shield and Elite Supply Crate, making it basically useless for other builds other then Gryo.

Shocking Speed: Gain super speed while leaping in a Lightning Field. The only Lightning field the Engineer has, is the one on Hammer. Unless you use Gyros and the lightning after explode trait. So this again is super limited again in other builds.

Impact Savant: Same criticism as the first trait: If they also mean daze by stun: Then still the only skills and Engineer has outside Gryos that stun or daze are: Shield and Elite Supply crate, again making it very limited.

Rapid Regeneration: I like the idea of this skill, that it heals with Swiftness. Which is generally useful of course. But the superspeed heal is pretty much based on Gryo usage again. Because the only way to gain superspeed is to equip Slick Shoes, or the shocking speed trait, which is not worth it if you dont have Gryo´s.

Final Salvo: This of course is ´the´ Gryo trait which of course every Specialization should have. The problem is kind of that to use this GM you´re kind of expected to take the leap-inside-lighting-field trait too, and the regen-on-superspeed.

Some things to think about:

- What is the use of superspeed if I don´t choose Rapid Regeneration.
- What is the use of a lightning field if I cannot get Superspeed from it?

I think those are some core issue´s that tie many traits together, having no good use if they are used as standalone traits or combined with other traits. (Of course superspeed and lightning fields are nice, but not that nice to specially trait for, if you understand what I mean. (Of course this is my opinion)

I hope you see this as constructive feedback!: I just hope that the traits can be changed so that they will be nice too for general play for the Engineer, instead of being focused a lot on Gryo´s. Otherwise I believe that it is better to just go for the Engineer core (but then we would miss Hammer: nooooooooo)


(edited by Strategist.6132)

Does Med-kit swap still proc on-heal effects?

in Engineer

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think it doesn´t work on runes either anymore. Maybe they patched that.

I really feel sad about medkit, I would like it to have the on-proc heal again, that would make it a little useful again. Mmm they should really put a bit more effort into the medkit. I liked the idea of a rework, and the skills are fine. Just the delay with throwing makes it really hard to use.

BWE3 live feedback chat room

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I will make the key points black, so you don´t have to read through walls of text.

Practicality of skills. Is a certain skill reliable? Does it do enough damage or perform it’s function well? How’s the cast time?

I only tested the Physical Skills but here is what I think:
-> Damage output is good when you choose the Impacting Disruption trait. It really creates a unique playstyle where you do damage by interrupting others and trying to lock them. Kudos to you for this Karl!

Distracting Daggers: Its already a nice skill! But some ideas to enhance it:
– Make the daggers a projectile finisher.
– Make the daggers cast time instant, so it can be used while using other skills. (This is because you do not in general want to stand there doing nothing, while waiting for the opponent to use a skill.)
– Maybe reduce the cast cooldown a little to 0.5 seconds (is this technically possible?)
– Since the cooldown will trigger once all daggers are thrown, the effective cooldown is a bit longer. Maybe make the cooldown trigger when you charge them? I know this sounds powerful, but this basically means that you will be able to throw 3 daggers in 25 seconds right? (It could be stacked up, but if the after-cast cooldown is high enough, it shouldn´t be too much of a problem right?)

Fist Flurry:
The damage is very rewarding for this! But to hit the skill is really hard. People can evade, block, do blinds, ect. But I believe that is also the risk of the skill. One thing I would think would be nice is: Maybe allow this skill to miss because of blind or blocks, and still flip over then? Since it is already hard enough hit when players can dodge. But in general this skill is already okay I think!

[Possible Bug] While all other skills only give endurance on every initial cast, I noticed that Palm Strike also gave endurance with Brawlers Tenacity. Now this is far from overpowered, so I don´t think its bad to have it there, but just to let you know.

Bandits Defence:
Theoretical this is a really nice skill, but in practise it was a little hard to use in groups. I noticed this:
This skill gets triggered by clones and pets, which make you knockdown them instead of the pesky ranger or mesmer.
– The small travel duration on melee attack is nice.

Channeling Vigor:
I think its a nice heal which gives you back about 2 dodges. It would be nice if the cast-time could be decreased a little more.

Endurance Skillfact Bug: Most skills that give endurance are showed as a percentage, while in fact it is a flat amount of endurance given. Maybe good to change this? (100% endurance is 2/3 for a Daredevil)

Trait synergy and effectiveness. Do traits work well with each other and with traits from other lines? Do they perform well in practice, not just on paper? Do they define builds well?

Few things here! I like the dodge abilities, I secretly hope we can make it swappable on demand. But its not bad as it is now. Some comments on the traits:

Impacting Disruption: This is an amazing trait to create a whole new different play style. Great to see:P

Escapist’s Absolution: Thief does not have much condition cleanse. But once it does it is a really powerful one. I got totally pwned by condi builds on PvP when I chose Impacting Disruption. Personally I would really like to see this as a grandmaster minor trait, as Daredevil is based around dodges and it would be nice in every mode. The 50 endurance on steal trait kind of forces you to take Trickery too, otherwise it would be much less effective. Notice though that right now the choice is forced between Impacting Disruption and Escapists Absolution, which is basically choosing between surviving vs the whole new interrupt playstyle (which is already hard as it is, but fun with practise and skill).

Evasive Empowerment: I heard others sugesting this too, but I believe it would be nice if this trait was a little buffed to for example 5 seconds (without it stacking)

Staff Master: I believe the idea is fine as it is! Just because it has to compete with two amazing traits, I think it will be rarely chosen. Expecially if Escapist Absolution stays in the master line, then this trait will probably not often get chosen, since it is the only (reliable) way for Daredevils with staff to condition cleanse.

Does daredevil feel unique from thief (given that acro has changed, please avoid comparing to pre June thief)? Can you create fun and useful builds with the tools it provides?

Impact Disruption really creates a nice new playstyle, the dodges are also a nice mechanic added to daredevil. I do not think that Acrobatics overlaps too much with Daredevil, as Acrobatics is mainly about getting vigor, and mitigating stuns and movement impairing conditions, which is not what Daredevil does.

How does thief (not daredevil) fare against daredevil and other classes introduced in HoT. Keep in mind, all elites and even base specs have received significant changes since the last BWE. Please give feedback based on this weekend and not past experiences.

State one thing you really like about daredevil.

This might already be leaked inside the post^^, but Impacting Disruption really is great. It creates the mesmered GW1 playstyle where interrupting is rewarded through skillfull play.

State one thing you dislike/want changed about daredevil.

If you want to play the mesmerized GW1 gameplay you are basically going to be countered by all condition builds, because you cannot choose Escapist Absolution anymore. Shadow Arts does not make much sense for a Daredevil since we do not have much access to stealth, so we´re quite limited in condition removal right now. (The only ones I can name out of the top of my head are, Signet of Agility, Shadow Step and The Trick trait, but they all have very high cooldowns)

So what I´d like to see changed: Please make Escapist Absolution a minor grandmaster trait, so that we are not forced into trickery for better endurance regen, or forced into shadow arts for a reliable condition cleanse. This is of course, if you want to support the skillfull interrupt playstyle.

Good luck developping!

EDIT: If Escapist Absolution would be a Minor Grandmaster then Staff Master and Endurance Thief would have to compete:

Staff Master: 2 endurance per initiative = ~2 endurance per second.
Endurance Thief: 50 per steal = 2.5 endurance per second (with Trickery)

Which is a much nicer comparison if you ask me, since Steal will not always be instacast when off cooldown.

(edited by Strategist.6132)

We NEED a dodge toggle

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I hope this can be realized too, but I could also understand if there was a lack of development time.

The New Feline Grace ?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I feel like the traitlines you propose has really some nice features. I just think that if you want to do some interrupt damage with the DD master trait, you need to give up your condi cleanse, which is a bit sad…

[Constructive Idea's / Feedback] Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone,

Just a post to post some constructive idea’s. If you post a new idea or have some constructive feedback please give it a bold title.

[Daredevil] Distracting Dagger
Maybe make this a Projectile Finisher? I really like the idea skill itself already. I heard they will already reduce the initial cast time to 1/2 which is nice. I secretly still hope that they will make cooldown trigger upon cast. This would mean you can throw 3 daggers in 25 seconds without having to wait 25 seconds after that again. (Having a effective cooldown of 50, if you’re late with throwing your thingies). Or maybe decrease the total cooldown by 5 seconds?

[Daredevil] Dodges
I know many people already opted it, but I will include it anyway. Thief has 50 more endurance at the start of a fight, effectively giving it one more dodge for the whole fight. (Or able to store more during the fight, but I think dodges are most of the time not full). I still hope that the thief dodge mechanic could be changed into it being selected. That would really create a lot more skillful play for thieves. But this will probably also cost a lot of development.

[Acrobatics] Guarded Initiation
I know this is not a Daredevil trait, but I am sure that almost no one takes this trait. You need to be above 90 percent health which basically means that you probably didn’t get hit before and thus have no Vulnarability, Weakness or Slow to cleanse on you. If someone things differently about this one, can you try to convince me?

If anyone has more to post, please do. Maybe we can help the devs somehow like this:P

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Mmm personally I pretty much like the idea. I think Thief is not in a very good position when compared to most other classes. In Competitive PvP we mostly are the decappers because of our stealth, but in fights there are just some better alternatives (ele cough).

But I think Daredevil will make a nice change to that! It has some good damage abilities.

Though like Jayden already said, it would open up some new abilities like:
- Cloak and Dagger
- Staff knockdown (2sec)

And repeat that:P

Add Stronghold Disabling Option again

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


There are two check boxes to choose whether you want to play on stronghold or conquest under the Unranked/Ranked buttons.

I just want to say thank you for this! This is a great addition! Another thing you might want to add, is a special tickbox for courtyard maybe? Since that is also different from the other modes.

Trait Build Save Request Reminder

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Templates are something we would love to do. We have talked about this quite a bit, and with the frequency we’re seeing raid builds get tweaked we agree this would be a huge help.

PRAISE MELANDRU! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time:P

Mallyx: "Condis can't be removed from you"

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I am also in for this! Though I did some calculation, and because the Resistance skills are quite energy heavy, you wouldn’t be able to cast much other spells because of it.

But a buff that allows you to not clear conditions while in that mode would be great.

Malyx - Suggestion Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone,

I know that there’s already a lot of posts about this, but I’d hope to provide a more general thread were we can discuss new idea’s for Malyx.

Original Malyx Intention
Malyx originally was about manipulating conditions. (I think) Because I think Malyx does not really have the potential of doing a lot of condition damage since Torment just doesn’t do a lot of damage. For reference:

Torment damage (without condition damage) = 16 (32 while walking)
Torment damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 84 (while walking 168)

Of course we can apply more torment and stuff, but I still don’t believe that this will get anywhere near the level of, for example, burning. EDIT: See Torment-Burning comparison below: Though I must admit that the confusion application can have some potential.

The Problem
Currently the old Malyx has been changed where Embrace the Darkness has been changed such that it does not copy any condition anymore. This was changed because support classes would clean conditions on Malyx and it wouldn’t be able to do any copying of conditions anymore. Personally I believe that removing this leaves Malyx a bit as a lack luster. I mean we can use Resistance to survive condition attacks (which is nice), but there’s not really a lot of ways to do damage now with Malyx. (Not power, and just mediocre condition damage)

Just one suggestion, I heard on some other threads
This is just a suggestion: Maybe we could apply an effect that while using Malyx (or Embrace the Darkness) you’re unable to remove any conditions? I think that would solve the issue between supportive players and Malyx-players while allowing Malyx player to counter conditions to some extend. (Right now only Necro’s can counter condition damage.)

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions maybe? I am not sure how hard it is to implement things. Just I don’t believe that -8 energy upkeep for 6 seconds of torment and 10 percent stat increase is really worth it (expecially for it being an elite skill). But that is just my opinion!

EDIT: Burning-Torment comparison:

Torment damage (without condition damage) = 16 (32 while walking)
Torment damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 83.4 (while walking 166.8)
Burning damage (without condition damage) = 131
Burning damage (with 1500 condition damage) = 364

So basically burning is between 4 and 2 times as weak as burning. (Which is better then I initially thought.)

(edited by Strategist.6132)

Restore Malyx Elite. It balances burn in pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I agree with this! Resistance is nice on Malix, but the only profession that can counter condition damage is necro right now. (And ele can cleanse). It would be nice if revenant had an option to at least counter condition damage, when choosing Malix.

Soothing Bastion - Boon duration with stacks?

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone!,

I have a simple question:

Let’s say I have 2 stacks of stability and I activate a shield skill while having Soothing Bastion equiped, will increase the boon duration of both stacks?

Or if I have 2 stacks of resistance (that stack in duration), will only the total duration get increased by 2? Or each application of it? (so a total of 4?)

Thanks in advance!

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Would still love to see the dodges selectable with f3 f4 f5 10 second cooldown and changeable in battle.

I feel that this has so much potential in pvp…it makes up for the fact that you lose shadow arts or deadly arts. It solves many problems with the current daredevil from a pvp perspective.

Please make this happen.

I hope this too! I mean it would really open up some cool possibilities in PvP. It would require skill to play with, without being overpowered in the general sense. I hope this could be implemented.:P

Does Pulmonary Impact give us Endurance?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone!,

I am wondering the following. Since Pulmonary Impact is a Physical skill according to the Skill facts:

I was wondering: Does it give us 10 endurance everytime we apply it if we trait with Brawlers Tenacity (

I think it would be something very neat to have, and would make an interrupt build a little viable. (5 times this skill for an extra dodge sounds reasonable)

What do you guys think?

Does Pulmonary Impact stack?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I don’t think this will be OP even if this does increase damage. It cannot crit, which is important to notice. Headshot costs 4 initiative, aside that we have Steal / Basilisk Venom and maybe some utilities. I wouldn’t mind a cap on the amount of stacks (like 3 or so) or no stacks at all, but please do not nerf the damage. I think thief is already a bit a worse of a group fighter compared to Ele. I mean thieves are nice for capping and stuff, but in team fights it just feels like there are better alternatives right now. So I am happy if we can deal some damage:P

so how do you kill ele ?

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


So, I can’t go into much detail on things quite yet, but I just wanted to reassure you folks that we’re actively discussing a number of issues that are affecting balance in PvP – including, but not limited to elementalist sustain/damage. Per the usual, we’ll be talking to you folks about the changes once we’ve finalized them.

Sorry I haven’t been that active on the forums lately – we’ve been pretty busy around the office.

“Thanks, Grouch. You’re the worst!”

Edit: Also, just because this is an elementalist thread doesn’t mean we’re only looking at elementalist, and it also doesn’t mean we’re only looking at doing nerfs.

We love you man, I don’t think many things are OP right now aside Elementalist. I think it’s best to nerf the burn it can do. I mean not being able to kill an elementalist is not bad, (it’s hard to kill a tank gaurdian too). The problem lies in the fact that it also does decent damage expecially with the burns. (+ The fact that it might be a little too tanky, but I bet you guys know more about it then we do)

Questions regarding to some Traits and Skills

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Alright guys!,

I know the Stream still have to get started but I would like to point out a few questions which hopefully will get asked by users on the Stream so that they can be posted here!

- [Pulmonary Impact] Does Pulmonary Impact stack?
- [Impacting Disruption] Is there an internal cooldown? Or can we just spam [Headshot] and get damage from it.
- [Brawler’s Tenacity] What does it mean to “First” activate a physical skill, is it the first in combat? Or does it mean that followup combo skills (like the elite) do not trigger?

What do you guys think? Personally I don’t think staff will be super practical in PvP (because of its lack of stealth), but we’ll see about that!

Daredevil have no combo field?

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I agree that maybe stealth is not the goal of dare devil (which is of course fine), the problem is though, that now there is no way to use the whirls or leap. Aside taking smoke screen (which people in PvP rarely take because of its high cooldown). I’d hope they at least provide one field on staff.

"No Subscription" is not a FAVOR

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I believe n0-Subs is mixed. I mean at one point it’s a choice of the company. But they could as well have introduced a Subscription, and I am pretty sure they would tons more that way. (I think WoW makes tons of profit and I don’t believe everything is invested back in the game) So to some extend it is a Favour because they chose to do it like this, because more people can play this way. (Also the poor students), even though they of course still need to earn money from expansions / gems to be able to survive.

PvP in a PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think this idea is not based on a lot to be really honest. Anet value’s PvE quite a lot.

Please don’t freak out without knowing if it will actually happen okay? Imagine you’re a dev and you need to read stuff like this everyday? People assume a lot of things without having them confirmed. Anyways back to the story!:

There’s lot’s of things they can do if they want to add PvP to PvE (Which I personally doubt):

- Dual option, where both players accept and can duel in a map

- One or two maps where people can attack each other. (Shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you ask me, it’s kind of like WvW but then Free4All)

- Something like Jade Quarry of the old GW1. Aka you queue up and do a team fight for your server. Personally I think this would be cool. But I doubt it will be there.:P

It was probably just something to make the story exciting.

Eternity Sucks! :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think the Title can be a bit nicer next time. (It’s your personal opinion of course)

Personally I don’t think selling should be much of a problem, I like the new skin, but to create the actual effect will probably be a bit harder (without making it just a texture I mean:P)

Why is the community so easily discouraged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Mmm I think critisism allows GW2 to improve, but the problem lies in the attitude of some people around here. Making baseless accusations without arguments or losing their temper and making things bigger then they actually are.

You must also realize that Anet has limited resources with that comes the fact that right now they are also developping HoT. I don’t think you can expect them to look at every nook and cranny. Hopefully they will have more time after the HoT expansion to look at those things.

Just for everyone: Please be kind and nice to each other, then we can come to results together.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategist.6132


This sounds pretty interesting! I hope they would put some cool reward or mechanics / achievement into it then it would be fun.

For example: Getting a Fish Finisher when you fish a lot or somethingXD

who's your favorite character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I like:

Not sure if troll or…

TRAHEARNE FOR THE WIN! He even has it’s own Reddit section right? I love his jokes:P

[Wiki] Damage of skills changed during Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Alright as promised I would respond on this:

It appears I was wrong: PvP skills are calculated with Exotic weapon ranges and not the maximum weapon ranges:P So the skill coefficients probably haven’t changed a lot.

(edited by Strategist.6132)