Showing Posts For Tenoh.2305:
i dont like mage hats but i do support more hats options for all armor classes.
Due to recent new cheaper VR(virtual reality) display glasses i think Anet would be wise to add support for this kind of technology!
I know i would love to look around and see living world of Tyria around me even if its just a demo mode.
We do need Oceanic server for AU!
kitten anet, my guardian with aegis one still doesnt show mf boost with boon one when i use consumable.
anet is now so greedy!
doesnt help if they are not there.
how i kitten hate you all.
After killing and killing and killing the bosses in pavelion i sometimes dont get the boss chest.This is very frustrating and for now i am trying to keep it civil.Anet id like toask nicely to compensate me for atleast 4 chests that i deserve.
and why the hell chest expire so fast?
i got a question,what drunk genious came up with idea of seperate login for site,forum and support?fk if i want to log in 3 kitten times!
kitten Anet. fix the bloody/ greatswords! i hate the guy who thought of them,cant kill them cant dispell,no time limit and they almost killed me near merchant!!!! kitten i want to sell my crap! I am very kitten ed at you anet right now!
oh and skrew this filters.
on a difrent note… Anet,wtf is with baloon events forcing on me? maybe i dont want to do them and just want get to DR. Why are you forcing those events on us? kitten ing me off!
I know i loved when Anet did the whole commando thing of april first few years back but wouldnt it be nice to actualy have in living world update phase for 2 weeks?
Maybe with a trip to the future and a glimps modern style military base to safe them from some sort of future threat?
heck i wouldnt mind gw3 to be in the future!
heh,only 3 elitist that like it? lol,thats funny.
Yup, with OP on 100% on this!… when you cant even roll out of bosses aoe attacks and it kills you on the spot,thats just anet getting off on punishing ppl.
Tryed everything i can to change color but it just wont retain it after i leave dye window.Very frustrating!
Cant belive how bloody greedy Anet has become! Shame on you anet,shame on you! 800 gems for kitten pick? really? i like you less and less now,wich is sad.
I hate anet for nerfing engi. i never asked for more turret damage! skrew that but they make turrets expire! FK u anet! fk u!
Exciting feature? LOL op must be easely impressed,personly there are non for me.
personly i find that name very offensive! Change it anet,change it now or else!!! lol… yeah right,like they would listen >_>
they are good but i wouldnt say they are the best… so many issues make game very frustrating to play.Fix them and ill say that they are the best… for now they are just good.
yes, its kind of wierd there! i suspect its just not finished by anet but knowing them,they wont give answer for this.
they all busy doing something else other then bug fixes… grrrr
yes,seems anet does nothing else but makes events harder and dont even fix bugs…. i got nothing good to say to anet this days.
someone at anet gets off on making game frustrating for you.I really dont see a reason for monsters to spawn as they do now,they should wait till i leave the friggin area.
if there is no ppl to do then whats the bloody point of the group event? it should be scaled down so one person can do it. but i bet anet is too kitten to do it.
someone at anet gets off on this bugs,they like it when your frustrated.
glad i dont see this pvp freeks in pve. Anet kitten fix the bloody mortar!!!
i see that normal,weak event also became almost too much and not worth bothering with. I wonder what ….. at anet gets off on this? spawning too soon was old problem but its just gets way too much sometimes and all you can do is just run and curse anet.
anet needs to rework pets,i hate if i put pet away it WONT stay away,sick of it, also sick of selecting one target them fkin shooting something else entirely!!!! grrr…
alot of stuff bugged in the game. from target locks to normal events that are way to hard for one person and just buged event period… anet better get their act together.
lol, anet doesnt care. Group event cant be done with just one person, they usualy have overpowered boss that can kill you in 2-3 hits.Someone at anet gets off on this torture.
yeah,anet and their spd mesage supression,buh hate it.
Bosses? lol, when a lvl 5 champion kills my lvl 80 warrior in 3 hits i tend to curse anet >_>
love the game but yeah,some times in a few ways it does suck very much.
I am getting very frustrated with monster invulnerability.i fight one then its suddenly stops,regens and walks away only to attack me after he is full health again and me not.I am not pulling it out of its range so there is no way in hell he is out of his agro zone,wich is still stupid idea to make then invulnerable in the first place.
well they better fix it,its very frustrating.