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Name of armor help? Looked everywhere..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

The helm looks like Phalanx, which can only be purchased in the gem store (though remember that you can convert gold to gems).

I don’t know if it’s being sold right now, though.

Reminder: Personal Story is horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I actually like the Personal Story.

My only qualms is that it can conflict with the Living World making things weird like LA.

It doesnt conflict with anything. The personal story takes place loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong before the LS does in the timeline. The fact that LA appears the same as it does in certain PS missions is irrelevant.

For those of us who have seen LA prior to Scarlet’s attack, though, it is somewhat… disorientating. I mean, things like Tybalt “selling” his apples in a city that has been reduced to ash, or working your way around debris from the Breachmaker to speak to General Soulkeeper seem more than a little “whut?” to me.

Guild chat lag?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Sometimes it will say cannot connect to login server, error message.

and the guild roster shows unknown on loads of people.

and when doing a dungeon with them it just said [..] in the guild tags, nothing written in it.

As /say and /map and everything is fine apart from guild chat (and my internet is super fast with no other problems) it’s likely a problem on anet’s side.

This bug existed shortly after launch (for everybody), but they since have fixed it, now the same problem has returned.
I can’t believe we are the only people experiencing this.

Not only this error, even forum timeout errors when trying to attach files, it sticks at 93% never finishes.

What about when you use other online services?

Reminder: Personal Story is horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Worst? Not really. Personal Story has its failings, but it has nothing on the clusterfail that was City of Heroes in its later years, and possibly one of the dumbest retcons I’ve seen in a game.

Toxic shoulders will ever be back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

It’s a high possibility that it’ll be reinstated at some point. It’d be weird to reinstate all the other various armours they’ve had up on a temp basis, yet leave some out of reach forever.

The Most Hardcore Thing you have ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Blundering Arah explorable into the wee hours of the morning. :\

Personality Removed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I know gameplay wise personality wasn’t really a big thing but, I wanted to check what my character’s personality was since I haven’t played in a while and it seems to have been removed from the Hero Panel UI. Did they just take the chart out of the game and left the flavor options in when you speak to NPCs?

As far as anyone can tell, it’s just the chart that’s been removed from the hero window. The system’s still in place, but is merely partially hidden now.

ummmm what?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

You probably missed the events. You didn’t say what map you are on so I will use Queensdale as an example.
Bandits have constructed a roadblock to stop Shaemoor traffic (2)
Catch rabbits and return them to Arlo (2)
Drive the bandits away from the windmill (2)
Kill the giant wurm tearing up Jeb’s field (2)
Protect the hay bales from bandits (2)
Prove you know a lot about Destiny’s Edge (2)
Defeat the Lady in White (3)
Drive the harpy flock from the dam (3)
Prevent the bandits from blowing up the water pipes (3)
Failure: Defend workers repairing the pumping station (3)
Protect Shaemoor’s drinking water from bandits (3)
Failure: Bring blobs of toxin to Apprentice Jameson (3)

Each map has it’s own set of events. Some run by themselves. Some are started by players. If an NPC runs up to you and speaks to you they probably have an event for you. Many NPCs with the option to talk to (rather than just greet) have an event they can give at various times during the day. So look for NPCs that try to flag you down, have orange circles over their heads, orange circles on the map and contested waypoints.

Heck, I’ve been playing since release and I haven’t played all those events. They weren’t on when I was in their area. However, I managed to get a toon to level 70 and she’s got only 35% of the world map explored. My main got to level 80 way before he entered Orr.

That’s probably not even a complete list, either, if the map has any events that spawn based on your personal story (like the Son of Svanir that ambushed my Mesmer in Dredgehaunt a few weeks ago, because she helped the grawl in her order story).

Web support anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Information about the API is available here:

And here:

Bear in mind, the API’s just an interface that provides data to use in programs and web services that are written for its use — you need to actually write something to use it properly — and it won’t provide everything you’re after.

Web support anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Most of mmos have like webstie which you can log on into and check your character status,inventory,friendslist ect..
Is there a website like that? and if not why not?


The OP wants to know if ArenaNet provides a web-based service to examine your character, inventory, friends list, etc etc and so on, without the need to fire up the game itself.

Sadly, there isn’t, and I don’t think the GW2 API ever got to a point where it could provide character- or account-specific data, either. :\

is it even worth trying?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

AP is just not a solid indication of a player’s competence or, equally important, their attitude. I’ve seen some people with high AP blunder just as hard as those with low AP.

In fact, most of the time, I don’t even look at a player’s AP unless I’m curious, and 99.99999% of the it’s in a moment of boredom in the wait for everyone to turn up and get ready and 99.99999% of the time, I’m just “Oh, okay.”

Put 50g in guildbank..can i get it back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Why were you depositing gold anyway? That’s not how gold works anymore. Are you a returning player from before the wallet? Did you seriously come back to the game after that long ago and not even approach trying to find out the Major changes to the game that have occurred in that time?

It’s highly possible that the OP might have been told about it, but still ended up forgetting anyway. It can happen. I keep looking around Vigil Keep for the Laurel Merchant or zipping over there to craft, and then about a minute or two of looking around later: “Oh. Right. Airship.” and then I’m off to Hoelbrak. This is about two months after LA got kaploded.

Mobile Authenticator?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

So this is probably a stupid question but I’m really confused.

I’ve been reading about a lot of accounts being hacked lately, so I installed the Google Authenticator on my phone and went through the setup in my GW2 account settings. It confirmed that it’s all linked and working and when I go to security under my account settings, it says ‘A mobile authenticator is currently linked to your account’ at the top just like it should.

However, when I go to log into the game or into my account settings, I’m not prompted to put in my authenticator code. Is this because it already knows my IP address? I wanted to test it to make sure it was working but can’t seem to trigger a request for the code and the instructions made it sound like I’d be asked on every single log in.

When is it supposed to prompt me to put in the code? :/

I think it’s the case that, if you’ve already confirmed the network you’re logging in though and selected “remember” BEFORE you’ve set up an authenticator you won’t need to go through the authentication process. However, if you reset your router afterward (assuming you’re given a new IP address each time) or log in from another property or connection, you will need to authenticate. It’s just sparing you a minor inconvenience, is all.

Direct Song: Support Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I have contacted him directly on Twitter and plan to do so continuously until he replies.

He seems active on Twitter and Facebook, so there’s a change he might reply. Who knows? He is a genius composer, but he might also be a huge kitten and just ignore me (and countless of over costumers who did not receive their soundtrack either).

I encourage everyone to tweet him, asking him for a respond on all these issues with Direct Song.

Here’s my tweet if anyone would be interested:

The last time I asked him what happened, his response was “Far as I know, this has already been shipped.” and then proceeded to ignore further tweets explaining that I never even got the usual dispatch notice (that I remember getting with Skyrim). He either doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing, or he just doesn’t care.

I’m not sure pressuring him on a social network where he can just retreat to Private Mode will be much help either.

Direct Song: Support Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

DirectSong is Jeremy Soule and he now exclusively works with SOE for EQ. ArenaNet can’t really do anything about someone else’s business. He also made comments about not being invited to something back at launch, so he probably doesn’t even like ArenaNet, but that doesn’t explain his failure of a store, since everything else he sells comes with the same service.

That man seems to have a reputation of shooting his mouth off without thinking, doesn’t he? :\

Chinese Gw2 launch & how it affects us

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

The speculation surrounding GW2 China baffles me, especially after the original game had a Chinese release, on its own, unconnected server, and that had next to no impact on the western release beyond “You have been playing for X hours. Please take a break.”

WTH is this in Nothern Shiverpeaks?????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

If you don’t have any GW1 Hall of Monuments rewards, a Portal Stone can STILL be very handy to have. You use the Stone to teleport to the Hall of Monuments. When you leave the Hall, you are returned to the spot where you left.

So if the phone rings, or the pizza delivery guy rings the doorbell, or if nature calls and you can’t hold it in any longer, the Hall of Monuments can be your “AFK Safe House”. A way to “pause the game” without logging out. Of course there is always the possibility that your return location will be under attack when you leave the Hall, but that’s better than being attacked while you’re AFK.

Flip me, that’s actually pretty genius. o_O

better gameplay physics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I don’t think it was a matter of making gathering difficult, rather, what we currently have was a better idea than trying to have the server calculate the direction that an AoE splash (which will be what’s STRIKING* you, even if the snowball misses) will throw every single player, particularly in larger boss fights where large numbers of people could be thrown at any moment.

For accurate faceplanting, the suggested maths is off, though that’s understandable. Maths is pain. Depending on whether the projectile or the splash hit you, I’d hazard a guess that you’d have to calculate the angle of the vector between the projectile’s last position, that of the attacker itself or that of the splash’s epicentre, and the position of the player, and then calculate the X and Z positions (assuming the Y axis is vertical) based on the angle from which the character has been struck.

This is, however, all just a guess.

(*thank you, overzealous filter)

(edited by The Pointless.3869)

Difference between condition and power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

From what I can understand:

A foe can be inflicted with just about every unique condition the game in one go, and that foe will suffer damage from all of them at once.

Each time you apply a condition to a foe, a “stack” for that condition is added, up to a maximum number of stacks that can be active for each condition at a time. If the foe already has the maximum stacks of that condition, any new applications will be disregarded until a stack expires, at which point, a new stack can be applied.

Conditions can either stack intensity or duration. In the case of intensity, the condition damage of the new stack is added to the condition damage of every other stack already on the foe and will remain until the duration of the entire stack runs out.

In the case of duration, the stack order is arranged in such a way that the stack with the greatest amount of damage takes priority. The rest of the stack cannot apply damage until that top stack expires. So, say you inflicted burning on a foe, and then someone else with greater condition damage inflicted burning too, while the original effect was still going. When that happens, your weaker burning will essentially pause and make way for the stronger one until its duration runs out. When that happens, the weaker one will take over again for the remainder of its duration.

I hope that made any kind of sense, but if you need further clarification, feel free to ask.

Stacks of clothes tonics/specialty outfits?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I can only guess that the idea was that you had several to distribute across your characters without having to play Pass the Potion between your bank, but unfortunately that’s exactly that: a guess.

Difference between condition and power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Condition damage chips away at the target’s health over time, either periodically or—in the case of the likes of confusion—when a requirement for triggering damage is met. Power, on the other hand, only affects direct strikes, some of which may inflict conditions.

It depends on how your char is set up, with regards to traits and armour/equipment bonuses (namely those boosting condition duration and condition damage), but piling on conditions can be nasty for the target. Confusion can particularly be nasty if you’re forced to fight while under it, and you have no means of removing it fast enough (even if you have a skill with cond removal, it’s not much help while it recharges, after all) and without it just being re-applied right after.

But on the other hand, if the target has effective condition removal, conversion or transferring, you’re… kinda stuffed there.

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

It depends on whether you can corner for squat. It depends on what you’re up against. It depends on the actions of other racers. All that extra horsepower’s no good if you’re stuck behind a load of cars blocking you, or your opponents can outmanoeuvre you or otherwise outsmart you.

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Um, it’s pretty simple. If I want to remain competitive, and be the best I could be, I have to have max stats in WvW. I have to have max stats in PvE as well, because I’m one of those people who actually CARE about doing very well, and I hate dragging the team down.

Like I said, other people can special snowflake it all they want, but don’t go calling me “bad” or my gear a “crutch” just because I enjoy improving my character.

Nothing you have stated in this thread has in any way PROVEN you need Ascended gear to be “competative” (certainly not in WvW). Having BiS equipment does not make you best at anything (other than jumping on the grind bandwagon for BiS gear). There is NOTHING wrong with you wanting to improve your stats by crafting Ascended gear and I applaud your efforts, but who are actually trying to convince that it is absolutely necessary to play end game content? (because it is NOT required).

BTW some Elitist (yeah, I used the word) ideal that you MUST have Ascended gear or you are a “noob” or a 2nd rate player is NOT a valid “requirement” but a prejudicial viewpoint (that you have every right to fool yourself into believing).

I will caveat my statements by saying if your desire is to play high level Fractals, then Ascended gear IS needed (but for the ability to slot AR, not for the minor stat increases).

Sorry but just no. He doesn’t have to “prove” anything. The gear is out there, it gives better stats, period. Unless you want to debate that “fact,” prove to my satisfaction that stats don’t matter.

That’s not the point. The point is this: is the difference between Ascended and Exotic really worth the effort? Does the end justify the means? Nobody’s denying that Ascended offers better stats, but are the stats even that much of an improvement to strive for?

Think of it like car selection in a racer. One of those cars will be the fastest, and can outrun everything else on a straightforward sprint, but all that speed isn’t much good on a winding loop. In much a similar way, that edge you’ve got from your Ascended armour might not make a jot of difference when every factor comes into play.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

It’s nice to actually see people outside of Lion’s Arch (or, at the moment, Vigil Keep) for once, so I like it. I’ve always found the world system somewhat strange for PvE and sPvP, after the first game managed the District system just fine.

So, I’ve never really identified with my server of choice to begin with, and yes, I have experienced a slight increase of idiots, but not a great deal more than I usually have to deal with.

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I would be willing to bet that the second phase of the Living story will be a filler developed by a minimal part of their team while the majority of them work on a new game.

While this could be disappointing, because of the unfulfilled potential of GW2, if we were in their shoes it’s probably what we would all do considering the fast pace at which moves the industry.

They didn’t just acquire the Unreal 4 Engine for their future project to sit on it a few years developing content for their old GW2 engine. (source: ) They have to train their developers to work with the new engine and start making content early on.

The merging of servers to manage low population issues also hint at the fact that they are looking ahead beyond GW2. The Chinese release will give them a fresh cash income for the development of their future project.

Why do I sense that whoever wrote that article was some random kid that doesn’t even realise what NCsoft is, or that NCsoft != ArenaNet? >_<

Bank/character gold merge: Undo please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

If it’s a matter of budgeting and limiting spending for each individual character, surely a spreadsheet would help you there, right?

I can't create character on new server..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

The game may be region coded now and also can detect where you are from so what you are trying to may not be possible, but there may be options you could try. Depending if you live in EU or NA you may have to get a new account in the region you want to play in but that may not be possible either because the game may detect the region you are in from your ip not sure. Maybe if someone sees this thread and plays cross region can tell how they do it. But I know for a fact that depending on the region you live in you can’t change to the a deferent region because the servers are not listed. You will have to get a new account, some how in that region. There may be a way to trick the game into thinking you are in the region threw a proxy but most likely is no allowed and will cause you to lag.

My ability to play on an NA server, from the UK, using key from an EU box, all since launch and possibly before, would say otherwise, actually, along with the ability of others to transfer between regions without problem after account creation.

GW2 Game Cards in London?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I’ve seen them in the games section of my local Asda, local being North East England, but they should be available at your nearest store, if dedicated games stores fail.

Waypoint codes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

You copy them from sources outside the game (such as the wiki) and paste them into chat (with Ctrl + V, the standard key combo for pasting) and the game interprets them into clickable links to those waypoints, as long as the code is recognised.

Please reduce Waypoint costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I have about 31g right now, after spending 70g on gems. That 31g would have taken about 2 weeks, except I got an exotic drop that I sold for 6g recently.

That’s thrice what I have right now, and it would take me longer to build it up to that on the basis that I don’t play every day, but I’m still not fretting about the insignificant dent to my wallet that waypoints deal.

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I would like it if I could use dyes on my female toon’s underwear. The defaults are just so ugly.

And also, the freekin boxers on the human males just look so wrong.

Would you prefer the tighty-whiteys?

/me tosses in a vote for Faren’s red Speedos

Please reduce Waypoint costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

How many waypoints are you possibly using to blam even a single gold so hard? o_O

You’d have to WP from one far end to the other (~4s) ~25 times for 1 gold. And thats just going back and forth if you are not doing ANYTHING in the zones you WP to. Even travelling to just to gather can net you SOME cash, not to mention killing mobs, selling loot, doing events, etc. It’s still such a small fee it’s almost negligable.

Exactly. I’ve forgotten the last time I ever needed to worry about waypoint costs, barring the one time, post-Feature Pack, where I got careless buying up cultural armour to add to the wardrobe. That was just a rare lapse of judgement. Honest.

Please reduce Waypoint costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

How many waypoints are you possibly using to blam even a single gold so hard? o_O

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Also, if you’re a straight guy playing a female because you don’t want to stare at male meat cheeks for hours, why are you staring at male butts in the first place?

The question, really, is less why and more… how? Most male armours have something covering their backsides up. Unless said players have a habit of running around without pants at all times… o_O

You say armours, but you also say pants. I’m really confused.

Generally, my use of British English terms tends to leave me spending the next few posts explaining them. Spellings, on the other hand, tend to go unnoticed.

So tell me, by Pants, did you mean underwear? Or by Armour, did you mean Armor?

…By “pants” I meant “trousers,” or in GW ‘s case, leg armour, and yes, I meant “armor.” -_-’

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Also, if you’re a straight guy playing a female because you don’t want to stare at male meat cheeks for hours, why are you staring at male butts in the first place?

The question, really, is less why and more… how? Most male armours have something covering their backsides up. Unless said players have a habit of running around without pants at all times… o_O

You say armours, but you also say pants. I’m really confused.

Generally, my use of British English terms tends to leave me spending the next few posts explaining them. Spellings, on the other hand, tend to go unnoticed.

Priory boots change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Those look like Priory boots. Are you sure you haven’t transmuted that skin onto them?

"Deposit collectibles" should not be hidden.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I… have no idea if this is a serious request or not. :|

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Also, if you’re a straight guy playing a female because you don’t want to stare at male meat cheeks for hours, why are you staring at male butts in the first place?

The question, really, is less why and more… how? Most male armours have something covering their backsides up. Unless said players have a habit of running around without pants at all times… o_O

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I’m a guy and I’ve converted most of my characters to guys bc I hate getting sexual PMs from other guys that think I’m a chick IRL. -.-

I just mock them. My female characters get a lot of unwanted whisper spam (far worse now since the Megaservers) whereas my male characters don’t. At the end of the day, my characters are not representative of me but are merely puppets under my control. It’s not my problem if some hormonal teen gets turned on by pixels.

All my characters are females and I’ve never received a PM like that.
Then again, I never roleplay.

That’s not even a factor. I’ve had the rare creep whisper me while I’m playing my norn mesmer, and I don’t roleplay ever.

Mail Button Spelling Mistake.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869


I don’t know if anyone else has spotted this, but when I receive a mail from a player, the ‘Delete’ button is missing the letter ‘e’ off the end, saying “Delet”.

However, messages from the game, are correct. The other two buttons are fine (‘Reply’ and ‘Return to Sender’). It could possibly be because of the Report button (the hexagonal “!” button) appears for player-sent mail and does not for game sent mail.

Thank you.

The button label itself is fine and correctly spelled, but the width of the button that has gone off-kilter since the Feature Pack, and fluctuates depending on the message type. That’s what’s cutting off the end of the word.

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

So were coming on two weeks after feature patch

They spent four weeks building up to the Feature Pack. Another two isn’t going to kill you.

The last content was early February.

Early March, actually, if you don’t count Aftermath.

Greatswords models in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

The armor, weapons and to some extent the flamboyant skills, are Anime driven.

If that were the case, wouldn’t our characters be screaming out the names of every skill? o.O

Please don’t give them any ideas. I can see it now, we wear red robes and yell “backlash wave” (inuyasha). My reply meant to say the armor and weapon styles seem to be influenced by Anime. Over sized swords etc. Seems all mmos do this. Really breaks western immersion though.

It always seemed to me that the bulkiness of GW2 ’s armour and weapons were either more inspired by Warcraft, what with their remarkably Saturday Morning cartoonish aesthetic and all, or someone was allowed near Space Marines (British creation) for far too long.

Japan and Korea aren’t the only countries guilty of having media creators that allowed the “bigger = better” mentality get the better of them.

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

This was a frustration I had with my Mesmer a few weeks ago: trying to find light armour that wasn’t just glorified lingerie and actually looked functional. There are so few female sets that don’t seem designed to flash as much skin or curves as the game’s age ratings allow. >_<

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I’m not quite certain what seems off about human males.

Because they all look like they belong in a boy band!

I’m not sure One Direction would have this guy.

He looks Norn. Maybe he’s part of a boast band.

Fair point. Somehow, I missed the “human” part of that conversation. >.<

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Temporary content is not real content

It’s content, whether you witnessed or played it or not. There is no “real” or “not real” in this. It was created, therefore it is content.

If my favorite series stops airing, I can always watch it online.

Not if your on-demand service of choice can’t get the rights to it, or if your favourite torrents get taken down.

If a book I want to read isn’t in print anymore, there are always libraries.

Not if that library can’t get a copy.

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I’m not quite certain what seems off about human males.

Because they all look like they belong in a boy band!

I’m not sure One Direction would have this guy.


Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Well kitten me, I may not be the brightest bulb of the bunch but even I can see that you can’t consider LS as content…

In all fairness, by this very logic, a game you missed out on and cannot obtain again isn’t a game. A book that has fallen out of print before you could obtain a copy is not a book. A TV show that no channel can be bothered to rerun is not a TV show (this would absolutely kill soap operas).

It’s like saying the Eiffel Tower doesn’t exist if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes as opposed to though other media.

Hyperbole at its finest.

Not really. You could get hit by a bus or struck by the severed engine of an aircraft or something before you get to see it.

[Suggestion] Add zoom option for God shake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

I read something about adding “-testVerticalFov” to the file extension, but that does not change the fov.

I think that was made into a permanent change some time after that switch was introduced, if I recall correctly: -testVerticalFov used to change the FOV to what it currently is now.

Do you know if we can modify/add something else to change the fov even more?

As far as I’m aware, there isn’t.

How European are we?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Where is chinese a European language? There are more dutch, polish, norwegian, italian, portuguese, romanian, swedish, maltese, hungarian, finish, spanish and 15 more languages and you give us a nice new tournament with the 4 biggest languages in Europe. English, German and CHINESE !!!!!!!!!!!
Why T f chinese?
greetz exp

It’s a language for the stream. They want to drum up interest in China ahead of the launch there. What’s the problem?

More people speak french in europe than chinese, this is a european tournament, not an asian one etc etc.

And yet it will still be of interest to those outside of Europe.

So what part of more people speaking and understanding that language in europe is hard to understand, sorry?

The part that seems to ignore the fact that the “European” part of the Tournament applies to participants, not spectators.

As you can see, I thought they canned the french stream in favour of chinese because I proof check the OPs post. /passive aggressive angsty grrrr

Ah, right. A lot was posted while I was typing that up. :|

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Well kitten me, I may not be the brightest bulb of the bunch but even I can see that you can’t consider LS as content…

In all fairness, by this very logic, a game you missed out on and cannot obtain again isn’t a game. A book that has fallen out of print before you could obtain a copy is not a book. A TV show that no channel can be bothered to rerun is not a TV show (this would absolutely kill soap operas).

It’s like saying the Eiffel Tower doesn’t exist if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes as opposed to though other media.