These outfits are creative, could you all please post the armors you’re using? Unless you want to keep it a secret.
Thanks for all the responses!
I honestly appreciate the comments, I definitely agree that from a long term player’s perspective my opinion can be pretty frustrating. I also agree that A-Net should probably know how a returning customer that is clueless probably feels. Maybe this review gives better insight to other similar complaints that don’t really go into detail and are primarily letting off steam
I’m also thankful that my intention of an unbiased review was successful. Having played other games for years, I get curious to see how other people who are new or fresh to content I’ve done, see it through their unbiased eyes. It’s a real brainteaser sometimes when I hear players talk about content pretty comfortably that may cause me to rage or squeal with nostalgia!
Honestly, any other critique / feedback I could think of would just be about the story. Still, as I’ve said before, I feel that’s incredibly subjective, and considering I don’t like it, I’m not the right person to give that kind of feedback. XD
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Thanks for taking the time to write in as objective a fashion as can be done. -And- to format it so nicely, that’s appreciated! Other posters have given meaty replies so I’ll just note one tiny thing, you probably didn’t have a “dev” per se (you might have, I dunno, could have been Josh Foreman or suchlike). All the employees of ANet (and possibly their immediate family members? I’m not sure on that part) get to be members of the ANet guild and when repping it they get the logo on their name. The accounts are regular, without any special dev powers. Could have been a coder, a community manager, a custodian …
So you certainly had someone connected to ANet, just might not have been a dev.
No it was a dev lol. I asked if they were a GM and the person said, I’m a dev, I worked on the workaround for this quest. It was really neat!
That could definitely be the case! In all honesty, I’m sure the content was working as intended, but from my perspective it was a bit much. That’s why I say this is my opinion. Honestly, I doubt the devs are going to give my opinion any weight in that department considering your points. Still, I think even if just 1 map IN the expansion eased all players in then increased in difficulty even in that zone map alone would be a good idea. Verdant Brink was just chaos from start to finish. Auric Basin was FAR easier than Verdant Brink. Shoot, I’d argue all the maps were easier than Verdant Brink. In either case, I don’t think you’re wrong and neither do I think I’m wrong. I think these are two valid opinions for different perspectives of the game.
I was considering getting it, but again.. I seriously can-not-stand those heroes LOL. I didn’t want to rant about it too much in the review, and I don’t want to do so here. In either case, LS3 seems to JUST be story heavy stuff and I really dislike the main characters of the story. I really hope they shift from this model, set these characters in the background and offer new ones (for a variety of reasons aside from my own personal dislike). However, that’s just my opinion.
Thanks so much for the responses. Everyone has some really interesting points and I appreciate you all sharing!
See this to me is where the disconnect comes in. OP hasn’t played the game for years, comes back and expects to jump into end game content and do well immediately.
Many who have been here all along, didn’t find HOT as difficult. Didn’t have problems soloing the stories. Taking years off and jumping into end game content should be hard, and HOT was always meant to be end game content.
Other than that, I thought it a fair review, so good job OP.
Hey there,
Thanks for the response! I just wanted to touch on this, the fact I haven’t been playing for years is the whole reason why I wanted to make this review. I want to give a different perspective than those that have stayed playing throughout this time. I’m a returning customer. I think this perspective offers insight into how ANet could tune / market to customers who fell off out of the loop and introduce them to the game more smoothly.
Maybe the first two zones should be easy then ramp up in difficulty? Maybe there should be a couple different starting zones (one for newbies another for veterans)? Maybe they could scale up or scale down armor accordingly to put everyone on the same footing for a certain time limit? Are these good suggestions? No clue!
In either case, I posted that it could be my bad gear, I could suck, etc. This was just my personal experience that it seemed really excessive. I’m glad to hear that wasn’t the case for the veteran players, tho!
Just a quick note, despite difficulty, I was really impressed with how helpful and generally kind map chat was. If I had a problem and asked, 9/10xs I would get not only information but help. So despite the difficulty and the fact I honestly didn’t enjoy myself for a bit, the community really jumped in and made it a better experience.
Thanks again!
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Lol, I JUST posted a review as well. Sorry, I should’ve posted it here. Oh well. : /
We’re gonna need a bigger post! Just a heads up – this post is long. You’ve been warned! TL;DR: Just read the bold.
I haven’t played this game for a few years. I just happened to watch some press release for PoF a few weeks ago. I decided to give it a shot. After playing the demos for PoF, I figured it might be a good idea to pick up HoT. I haven’t read / heard anything about this game from release aside from a grind that was apparently fixed. I thought it might be a good idea to offer my opinion about the game without any bias from that release hype.
- First and foremost, the passion from the Dev team is really apparent. You can see how well thought out their choices were in the story / maps / battles.
- Gliding is very entertaining, and is also a good spin on a typical MMO trope. The creative use of gliding adds to the experience of the game.
- Masteries being account wide was a really good decision, the grind isn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t want to do this per character.
- Elite specs are pretty fun. I could take some, I could leave others, so it was nice not to see them required
- The new combat mechanics from the mobs were really interesting (shadowleapers, snipers, stonetooth, arrowhead, etc.). I know other mobs have charges and line aoes, but the mobs felt really fresh each zone.
- The new races were really interesting. I cared about good ol’ Tizlak and the exalted.
- The rewards for meta events, story quests, etc were adequate. They added more depth to pushing for the tier 4 or asking in map chat if gates had enough players. In other words, the events / rewards seemed to promote teamwork.
- In all honesty, I think the mobs overall have way too much health or hit way too hard. I honestly wanted to try to get a refund my first couple of days b/c I kept getting 2-3 shotted by pretty much every mob. I know my gear isn’t great, I know there needs to be challenge, but it seriously got to the point where it really wasn’t fun.
- The story quests are not always solo friendly. I’m sure there are many players here who did these story quests solo, but I think it should be noted they were difficult in some instances. Honestly, I couldn’t finish any mission without dying 3-5xs. Sure, I could suck, bad armor, etc, but story quests are solo. I personally don’t want a challenge. I don’t feel more accomplished after dying so many times in a story quest then beating it. I feel more so annoyed at my time wasted and curious as to why everything is burning my face off in a few hits.
- Lay off the champions in story quests – kinda goes along with the above point, but these mobs worked great once I got a couple people to help me. Solo took me ages and I honestly just didn’t have the time to keep ressing to finish off mobs
- The prison in the final story mission is an awful design choice – I was unable to help my team, I had to watch my character look like an idiot shouting story dialogue from the sidelines, and just in general, it was bad.
- Faolin was horrific, seriously, seeing her half torso twisting out of the head part of the vinetooth made me cringe each time. Good job or bad job.. she was a nightmare
- I paid for the HoT / PoF bundle, which was 50$, so HoT was 20$. I really think that price is a fair price for what I got out of the game. The most I’d pay for this game would probably be 30$, so I do think I got a deal. The pricing for PoF (30$) seems like a good choice as well. The initial high price of HoT was one factor I didn’t buy it the first go around.
- One of the reasons I quit was b/c I really just dislike EVERY character in this new destiny’s edge team. I find them poorly drawn / written / just awful EXCEPT Canach. He was not only my favorite out of the bunch, but I think he’s such an asset to that team.
- Mordremoth’s dragon design was awful imo. The art was terrible, his moves looked silly.. he just looked like a bloated lizard Groot stomping around. The concept art for these dragons have been really inspired (hopefully by good
). I understand the engine has limitations, but cutting the teeth out of the art to produce some really generic and downright boring designs is not the way to go imo.
- I’ve played a few MMO’s and I’ve never had the experience to play with a dev. On hearts and minds, I asked for help and an A-Net dev joined my party along with another friendly stranger and helped me finish the story. This has nothing to do with HoT, but that was a very unique and notable act for the crew to play with their customer. Thank you
- If the expansion is around the size of HoT, keep the price at 30$ or less
- Introduce new heroes with expansions instead of dragging the old ones through every storyline. That offers a fresh take on the story and if your customers don’t like the previous heroes, they’re not stuck with them for forever.
- Don’t skimp out on the creative monster designs and keep the final boss looking unique
- Keep up the interesting and creative spins on usual MMO tropes (Gliding / Mounts / Elite Specs). The less you tie down your customers (required expansion builds / gliding / etc) the more fun these new features will be!
- Add 2 versions of the story missions – Solo and Group or Storymode and Hardmode or whatever ; offer an achievement for the hardmode or something. With storymode, easy on the champions / number of mobs / and just overall difficulty.
- More Canach please
Hopefully that’s helpful, maybe some other players that are getting into HoT a couple years later can add to this with their own assessment
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Just my 2 cents / I know it’s too late to really change anything, but here it goes…
Feedback from a returning / newbie player:
Holosmith: Feels great to do substantial damage on engineer, easy to pick up, very smooth gameplay.
Deadeye: Same as holosmith, unique gameplay and my personal favorite, hard to integrate rifle / kneel with other thief weapons.
Scourge: Fun, fast, looks challenging to master, very smooth gameplay.
Ele spec: Too complicated and clunky, I probably won’t play it
Guardian spec: Super clunky, didn’t feel well integrated with skills, not fun, slow, sticking with dragonhunter maybe… Mantras were great, losing virtues for kits.. ahem, books took away any speed guardian has in fights imo = clunky
Soulbeast: …why? Ranger = pet, you took it away, nice option for some, didn’t understand it and skills were very underwhelming for losing a tank / dps. Support pets seemed viable for the loss of pet.. maybe.
Mesmer / Mirage: Didn’t understand it, very underwhelming, confusing with mirrors (but actually they were images of mirages?). Added survivability is nice, but at the cost of a spec tree… just seemed weak overall.
Warrior / Revanant: Didn’t test / I don’t play those classes
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Please adjust the size / proportions of the mounts for Charr characters. The Charr models are far too tall / shoulders too wide for the raptor mount; I can only imagine how awkward they’ll look on the rabbit. The shoulders make the Charr look far wider than the mount, and the Charr’s height makes it look taller than the mount.
Just a suggestion, sorry if it’s already been made; please make the mounts larger / proportional to the Charr models. I don’t know if just increasing the raptor size will fix it, but with the raptor for now, the Charr model looks very clunky on the mount.
I think the problem is the Charr are so tall (at least looking at the female model). It’s almost the same height as the raptor itself, as well as the width of the shoulders with the Charr’s armor pauldrons.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Not to Hijack your thread, but was the candy corn gobbler also removed?
No problem at all. I hope you get your info.
Thanks again to those who shared information. Btw, something I didn’t notice, that Gaile post was for an April 14th update. There is no official news about the sale coming back anytime soon.
Thanks so much for all the info. I’ll update my original post if anyone else clicks this looking for info.
The living story season 2 is still available in the story journal, but isn’t 20% off.
Just a personal note,
I think it’s really frustrating as a customer to not have any sort of warning before they take these deals off. I’m sure their economist see this as an opportunity to strike a sense of compulsory buy, but as a buyer it just makes me angry and honestly not want to purchase anymore of their products.
I feel like this sort of behavior from ANet looks very “sleezy,” “If you don’t buy it now, you could never get another chance!” It sounds exactly how those infomercials act, basically shaming the customer into a purchase. ANet should be better than infomercials.
I understand this criticism is harsh, but I’m honestly very frustrated to see ANet still doing this with their gemstore. Other games may do this and get away with it, but GW2 is a higher caliber game than other MMO’s.
Please WARN your customers before randomly taking down a sale. Just taking sales off without a date is a bad business practice and I have several friends who used to play the game refer to this sort of business practice as one of the reasons why they quit.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Yeah, I did not have it unlocked, but I cannot find it in the gemstore.
I mean, the obvious answer is yes it did get removed since I can’t find it on there. However, I guess I’m just confused. Season 2 Living Story is game content; at least that’s how I understood the idea of selling that product. So, it was a bit distressing to see that game content isn’t available permanently.
I mean, this isn’t a festival or something, this is a huge chunk of the game.
- The living story season 2 is still available in the story journal, but isn’t 20% off.
- The discount was 20% (1280 instead of the full price of 1600 (320 gem difference)
I was just curious if I missed something, but did they take the Living World Season 2 from the Gemstore? I can’t find it anywhere on the gemstore now and I didn’t see any notice before hand that it was going to be taken down.
I checked the patch notes and didn’t see any mention of it and went to check the wiki and didn’t see any notice.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
I’m definitely in the camp of having issues with the Charr / Human lore. I completely agree with Lutinz’s points. There’s (dare I say) sloppy writing going on here and imo the Charr were really mishandled.
For me, as a player of GW and a player in general, if I’m going to put my heart into a character then I need to relate, sympathize, empathize, and / or connect on some level with that character. After seeing what the Charr did tothe humans, that’s a very tall order.
There’s the usual back and forth about ‘but the humans did this.." Here’s my problem, the Charr, imo, still exhibit those heinous behaviors that made me hate them in the first place.
“Victory at any cost.” That line is absolutely disgusting. I hate it. No heroic race should EVER stand by that creed. Victory at any cost includes any and every dirty, sleezy, or terrible act to achieve a win. As a person I very much believe in the code of “It’s how we win that matters.” Get me on the Charr’s side after the Searing? Easy, make them noble winners. Show that they’re better than Humans in a war. Show that they were disgusted at the Searing, because that’s a dishonorable way to win a war. That may be somewhere in game, but I haven’t really seen that as a major presence among the Charr. (If you’re going to put in here, “that’s not the real world.. wars in the real world were won in horrible ways yada yada,” I’m giving my opinion on how to get me on board with the Charr in a fantasy game. So sure, evil is in the world, but if the world was a video game, I wouldn’t put my money to it. Good thing we can control / give input into our hobbies.)
TBH, all of the races are really troubling to me. The Norn seem like they will abandon any alliances once they get their home back. The Asurans seem like they’re just waiting for an opportunity to smother the other races under their tech to dominate the world. The Charr with their “Victory at any cost” seem poised to reignite those war machines against any bordering race.
The only two races that don’t seem to have an alterior motive are the Humans, b/c they’ve been beaten to death, and the Sylvari, b/c they’re too new to know how crappy the world can be.
In the end, the Charr should have been humanized. Show me that they were victims to the Flame Legion JUST AS MUCH as the humans. Show me the humans were victims to Alderbern JUST AS MUCH as the Charr. Provide mutual understanding between the Charr and every other race. Get rid of Trojan Horses like “Victory at any cost,” and I’m all on board. Otherwise, this is just a race that is still very 2 dimensional.
Again, this is just my opinion. I play a charr character despite the fact I struggle with really enjoying it due to all of the negative relations I have with their lore. Even if I think the writing is sloppy, at the end of the day, I really enjoy the game and the wonderful worlds that are built within in it… just not the Charr ;o
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Cecil miniature toy lion
All (or a percent) of proceeds would be donated to animal conservationist groups to help protect the remaining animals in the Savannah, b/c soon there won’t be any. ( )
Ty Beanie Baby is already doing this, come on, we can’t be outdone by cute cuddly plushies!
The story of Cecil’s death:
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
I saw that they added some things to the account page – the mini dragon, so I got excited at the possibility this might have been fixed.
It’s not. Nice to see them adding that mini, but still super bummed out I can’t have the items I earned.
Ah ok, great thank you
I’m definitely feeling the pain in standing around in melee. Usually I kite in a circle (which is equally effective and hilarious to watch!) dropping bombs. I tried that backpack regenerator and I didn’t get a regen. I don’t know if it was supposed to show up as a buff or not, but even when I took it off I didn’t seen any of my health regen.
Thanks so much for the info on the kits! Also, thanks for putting up with my newbieness! I certainly don’t want to act like I know more than I do, just the playstyle I prefer playing – which I’m positive isn’t effective as others.
So far I’m planning on sticking with grenades whenever something won’t chase me around lol.
Thank you all so very much for the suggestions. I wont’ lie, I was pretty nervous posting b/c of how long it’s been since I’ve played lol.
I was wrong though, it was the bombs that I loved using. I remember there was a skill where explosions healed and I would just sit and throw bombs. Of course, this didn’t work in dungeons so I’d switch out to Grenades.
I’ll try these out. The absolute last thing I want is more than one kit (ie I’d rather swap between weapon and just one kit (like bombs for open world and grenades for dungeons).
Currently I was trying grenades or bombs / elixir, but there’s so little healing going on and the elixir healing skill feels extremely weak even if I use F1 for buff. Again though, I’ll try these out. (Sidenote, I never liked Flamethrower… I know! I’m horrible ,_,)
Thanks so much again, I’ll def come back here for more questions. Hopefully that’s ok!
I’m sure there are probably dozens of these threads, and I apologize for adding to them. However, the ones I’ve read through either do not have enough information or too much. So I figured I’d make my own.
I’m a returning GW2 player from probably 1yr and a half – so basically new. I played my Engi upto around level 60. The build I loved the most was a personalized bunker-ish grenade / elixir build (I stood in one spot, drank elixirs, and just blasted things to death).
Upon returning, I’ve tried to follow builds, guides, and look over the updates. I’ve gone to heart of the mists and I’m just… totally overwhelmed. I can see this class is not an easy class to master; however, surely there is a build that doesn’t involve 25 buttons for 1 single rotation.
Please community, link / explain / show me an easy / fun to play engi build that does not require a novel to read or a rotation that is little more than me frantically pushing dozens of buttons and hoping for the best.
TLDR: Looking for an Engi build for pve that doesn’t require a novel to play or dozens of buttons to push for a single rotation. Something with survivability and is fun to play – I used to enjoy the elixir / grenade build.
Thanks so much again
I’d also like to add my voice to this issue. Returning player, so I haven’t had to deal with as long of a wait as many other players; however, upon returning, the first thing I wanted to do was add all of my rewards to my wardrobe and mini’s to my miniatures. When I first saw the disabled comment, I shrugged and googled. I was absolutely floored to see this has been disabled for so long.
I’m not asking to put aside the work into fixing those accounts that received undeserved rewards, but there absolutely should have been some sort of temporary fix to allow those that had rewards to still be able to add them to their wardrobes.
Also, I completely agree there should be some form of compensation. It may sound entitled, whiny, and unreasonable, but as complex of an issue as this is, any gesture to the player base over this would be welcomed imo considering the length of time that has passed.
Hello ANet,
I just wanted to drop some feedback and a quick suggestion with your latest installment, Bazaar of the 4 winds.
You’re starting to get it right. Of course, you guys / gals continue to push the envelope when it comes to what I can get from a game I’ve already purchased. You’ve more than well earned my purchase price and my gemstore purchases thus far, but I’m not going to lie, I was slowly beginning to drift from the login button. I’ve honestly skipped the Skypirates all together.
However, you do listen. Thank you. I remember I had posted a suggestion (along with many others) in regards to tying legendaries to the achievement points. I’m in no way saying I (or any other player) had much of a hand in your new achievement point system. I’m positive you all probably had that planned long before my suggestion. The Zenith weapons are no legendaries but goodness it sure is a start!
Also, adding items to our home-instance is so appreciated! I never go to the home instance and now you’re given me excuses to drop by that dusty ol’ instance and enjoy it again. Please continue with this!
The biggest point I wanted to bring up was, thank you for allowing us to retrieve items similar to the HoM. I understand money is tight with a B2P monetary system; still, your company took a step away from the continual inventory load-up items (want to purchase more inventory from the gemstore? ) and provided very player friendly item options.
This leads into my suggestion:
Please provide NPC’s that we can trade our Pets / Costumes / Weaponskins to that will issue it back to us whenever we want. Use the HoM NPC if you want! GW2-only players can enjoy their own legacy within GW2!
I understand this can impact your sales in the inventory space department; however, I’m going out on a limb here in saying that your pet / costume sales would increase. I know I have passed up on many purchases because I just didn’t have enough space for anything. It’s a gamble but your players would love you for it.
ArenaNet, you still surprise me as a gamer. Sometimes negatively, but this patch thus far has been very positive. You’re not always going to get it right by me and that’s ok. Thanks for your hardwork thus far. Thank you for the Quaggen pets (…I’ve always wanted one since the beginning of the game).
P.S: Could you please provide the ghostly quaggen pet in the gemstore? …He stole my heart <3
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
If this has been previously mentioned, please post a link to the thread. Thank you.
I want to post this thread to inform and also complain about the achievement tracker towards the Shattered Dragon Wings.
Either there is a bug that is not displaying the appropriate achievement points or the achievement tracker is very misleading.
I’m relaying some information from since I’m unable to find solid evidence from ArenaNet.
Supposedly, we need 10 out of 14 achievements to obtain the Shattered Dragon wings; however, some of these achievements do not count. Which ones? Your guess is as good as mine.
So far, I’ve read the Case Closed achievement does not count towards the Shattered Dragon wings.
Here are the achievements I’ve completed thus far:
- Zhaitasty
- Color the Sky
- Paper Dragon
- Dragon Ball Devotee
- Dragon Ball Boss
- Meet the Hosts
That’s 6 achievements in total, yet two are not displaying. Now, I’m assuming the Dragon Ball achievements do not count, yet this is not listed anywhere on the achievements tab. Not only does this waste players time, it’s also very misleading strictly in game.
The solution to this issue is so simple, I have no idea why it is not in game at this very moment. When a player drags the mouse over the achievements, please make a note that this will not count towards “The Dragon Bash Experience.”
I know this issue has come to light in previous events. Please save your consumers some time and fix these misleading achievement time sinks.
I’m really happy to see that this thread has maintained a huge amount of integrity. I expected the thread to crash and burn by the tenth post or so.
I apologize for saying this, but I never came to the dungeons forums. I honestly had no idea there was a huge debate on here with pro killing trash mobs and anti-killing trash mobs.
I think it was established pretty early on the discussion is regarding exploits specifically. Such as, bugging out bosses so they cannot hit you or the fight does not go as intended.
I appreciate the wonderful discussion, and I’m learning a lot about our gaming community. I just don’t want this thread to turn into a debate over something that was never intended to be debated.
I truly hope an ANet Dev is watching this thread and learning about the community that has supported its development of GW2 considering we have maintained a respectful and very introspective exchange of ideas without our discussions devolving into a collection of tantrum fits.
Thanks again for the posts and views.
why would I want to spend 20 minutes rolling around in circles playing like crazy only to be rewarded 1 green item and some silver, when I can stand in one spot, do more dps and not have to worry about it?
The problem is with the game, not the players.
We may be referring to different exploits, but the exploits I’m referring to normally ends with the battle taking twice as long because your skills are limited by range / the nature of the exploit.
Also, why wouldn’t you want to roll around and play like crazy? The core of GW2’s gameplay is about rolling around playing crazy. I feel like your statement is the same as saying, “Why would I want to crouch for cover and attempt to take shots at the enemy in Battlefield?”
The problem may be with the game, but we as players can control how we respond to that exploit.
Obviously, you enjoy participating in exploits, and you find the exploit more worthwhile than the content. I’m in no way attempting to change your view. Everyone is going to play the way they want despite countless banned accounts, the negative impact on the game’s short and long term status, and the impact on the game’s community.
However, to go on without even bringing this issue up to the community, I feel, would be a disservice to my gameplay as well as others since in MMO’s we all impact each other’s gameplay, indirectly or directly.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
If only people would ensure they can do it without exploits.
When you are doing Cliffside at level 48 you really don’t want to hear people say “I have never done this properly”. And then proceed to wipe multiple times.
This. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
And here’s the catch 22: to get good at a fight, sometimes players need to wipe multiple times until they get it right.
But what many players are totally not realizing is the fact that exploits are making you a bad player in the long run.
I don’t think most people care.
Think about it. MMO players are those guys who made “kill ten rats” quests so popular. They are not concerned about being skilled. They are not concerned about having fun. They want to farm and grind (and exploit, since it’s almost the same thing) . . .
I totally agree with you, and thanks for your post.
Yet, I’m not directing my post to those types of players.
I understand farmers / exploiters are going to do what they want to do despite anything I say. I also understand a farmer / exploiter’s primary concern is themself. They don’t care how much they harm the game in the long run so long as they get their loot. That’s how they want to play, I’m not going to contest them.
I’m directing my post to those that simply go along with it. The quiet players that follow without hesitation. The players that may have standards in other games like WoW, but as soon as they log into gw2 those standards are adjusted accordingly.
Now I’m not asking for players to start a ruckus or yell at their party members for not having better standards. I am asking players to be aware of their actions and how it is affecting the game overall.
I know we have an amazing community here, and if we all demanded a little bit more from ourselves in game, it would reflect into a much brighter future for the game.
I get this is a lot to ask. Being an individual is against human nature, because back in the day individuals were the first ones eaten.
Still, I just want to raise this awareness and hopefully offer something to think about while playing GW2 instead of gold, legendaries, precursors, and dungeon tokens.
to the OP i think the best bet for this is creating your own group clearly stating you do not wish to use an exploits and if suggested you will be kicked / or have you and your guild/friends who are on the same page do the runs.I understand this is not ideal at all and it shouldn’t have to be that way but it is about the only reliable way to get groups whom will see things as you do.
Thanks for the response. I apologize if this sounds rude, it isn’t my intention. I really don’t want to make this situation personal to my own situations, but more so to raise awareness of this rampant acceptance of exploitative parties in general.
However… I do the exact suggestions you offer. I post no exploits, we don’t exploit, we wipe because the party does not have the skill to fight the bosses as intended.
Also, it’s impossible to run parties for me with only a specific group. I have to rely on the community.
So, the result is.. me coming on the forums and trying to raise awareness. lol.
PS , for all that is good in the world please stop refering to exploits and skipping mobs in the same sentance they are completely and utterly different. its like saying finding 5 dollars on the ground outside your front door is stealing
I haven’t mentioned running past mobs as an exploit, if I did I apologize.
Thank you so much for your post, Aliettefaye.
I apologize for sounding like I’m generalizing the entire community. I can become very short sighted when it comes to my own personal experiences and applying them to the vast majority of what I’ve seen / heard.
Thank you for offering a different perspective as well. Perhaps the fights themselves are a huge issue, like so many have brought up in this thread.
Thanks for your response Booler!
That’s a really well thought out response, and I agree with you.
Yet, I feel like players continue to ignore the effects I brought up. People are aghast when I’ve seen members say, no exploits please, or, no bugging the boss. I know I’ve been ran out of groups and yelled at over making the suggestion myself.
ANet may be at fault, but we cannot control ANet. They’re going to make the decisions they want to make.
We can control how we play and how we treat each other.
Personally I feel players have taken a dark route in this situation. If you hate the way a dungeon is done, don’t run it. Show ANet that you don’t accept their choice. Offer constructive suggestions. Possibly, try to conform to ANet’s dungeon, despite how tedious and frustrating and become so good at those frustrating fights, they become a piece of cake.
I understand I’m fussing at human nature, and I apologize for that. I just hate seeing the bar so low in groups. Honestly, I cannot remember participating in exploits in WoW (Vanilla, BC, or WotLK), FFXI (Rise of Zilart, Promy, or Wings), LotRO (Isen, and that other expansion I cannot remember.. I’m sorry.. >.>)… here’s the kicker, not even FFXIV – and let me tell you… those fights were horrible.
I really believe in the gaming community of GW2, I just wish the community believed in itself more often and played with the integrity I know we all have.
Exploits are used because:
- Mobs give kittenty rewards to the point its not even worth killing them
- Mobs have a bazillion hitpoints and tedius mechanics
- Instances that are designed just to take time and toy with the patience of the player rather than be fun (harpy fractal prime design example, or swamp).
- Oh and did I forget to mention that mobs dont have any loot worth killing them for?Make instances fun and worth it and you’ll see the level of exploits drop considerably. Skip all the mobs up to Lupicus by exploiting the left path you say? Give each of them a very high chance to drop 1-3 T6 dusts and you’ll have a whole community foaming at the mouth.
Hello and thanks for this response. Perhaps the rewards are an additional issue for parties to accept exploits. I remember way back when they added the whole DR system, I did notice exploits being used more often.
I must contest with this being the continual issue today. Many new players never experienced this game before the DR, so those crappy rewards shouldn’t even be a huge issue to them. Yet, exploits are becoming more and more accepted.
A really great point to consider, thanks again.
While this happens in all MMOs, GW2 exacerbates the situation with it’s game play mechanics. Since survival has almost nothing to do with how you build your character, and everything to do with how you play your character (meaning it is entirely on the player) you can, and indeed should, build for maximum DPS. There really is no reason not to since there is no trinity. This leads to cutting corners elsewhere and you end up with exactly what you are talking about here.
It’s how the game is built and, sadly, it will always be this way in GW2.
Thank you for your response, and it’s always good to hear a different perspective; however, I disagree with the DPS point being the sole reason for exploitative parties becoming the accepted standard.
Not to say you’re wrong and I’m right, that’s just not what I see is the problem that leads to parties wanting to participate in exploits.
Personally, I think the ugly truth is, players in GW2 claim they want challenging content, but really they want the easiest possible way to obtain whatever goals they’ve accepted.
Inherently, the system GW2 has set up really leaves players (imo) quite confused as to what the goal is in playing the game. Is the goal to get a legendary? To get as much gold as possible? To get the best equipment? To be a good player?
The issue could also be a subjective one, as I said previously, since different people have different goals. The system in obtaining the interested goal, however, to me is very obvious.
To obtain whichever goal you want, you have to put in the hard work for it. Yet, players don’t seem to want to put in that hard work considering how acceptable exploits are in the average dungeon run.
Honestly, this problem has many deep issues that I don’t think I could root. I do want to bring this ugly occurrence up to the community, since our actions and considerations determine the overall accepted behavior in the present and future state of GW2.
And just an additional point…
I often hear players complain how easy this game is. Exploits also undermine the difficulty of the game. If players want challenging content, then why are exploitative parties the norm? Do people think they want challenging content but really want to stand in one spot and auto-attack a boss?
Just some food for thought I guess.
I don’t normally come to the forums to discuss serious topics, because honestly most serious discussion get trolled / flamed into a big argument. However, this issue has grown into an uncontrollable phenomena that I cannot seem to avoid.
Dungeon Exploits…
I’ve been playing this game since beta and am only now noticing how rampant the ‘accepted’ norm of running dungeon exploits are in PuGs (pick up groups). Now, I can understand why exploits are attractive:
- They make life easier for the entire group on difficult fights
- They make the group go faster! More Efficient!
- People have been participating in these exploits since the beginning of the game, why complain now?
But what many players are totally not realizing is the fact that exploits are making you a bad player in the long run.
Players become so used to standing in one spot without danger from the boss and winning. They’re not developing the skills as intended for the dungeon by actually participating in the fights. So when they do have to actually fight the boss, it ends in a very ugly fashion, because the player does not have / has lost the skills to defeat the boss.
Not only do exploits lower a player’s skill, they also make dungeons go much faster than intended.
What a second, isn’t that a good thing? I don’t have a lot of time to play. I want to get in and get out as soon as possible!
But the entire rest of the game is catered to that playstyle, dungeons aren’t meant to be completed in such a way because they’re the culmination of your skill as a player at the intended level. They’re so supposed to take time and effort. The result is the last point I’d like to bring up.
Exploits ruin the game.
How many times have you seen players say, “I wanted to get this armor set two weeks ago and now I have every piece, I’m bored now, I want challenging content, there’s no endgame..” etc… well perhaps if exploits weren’t the norm in dungeons it would take a little longer than two weeks to get the equipment? Thus extending, even at a minimal margin, the life of the game.
I understand this is a very subjective matter, and I could be wrong due to my point of view, but if we continue to accept exploits, bugging bosses, and participating in runs that undermine the whole point of dungeons, we’ll never be satisfied as a community of players.
I’m not asking for people to go on strikes in parties, maybe just take a second to think of how you’re impacting your own game when you accept exploitative parties.
Towards the middle of May I noticed issues with the targeting system; I would select a target, press auto attack, and my character would either attack the air or attack a different target, with my original target still selected
I play a necromancer with a scepter, dagger / staff weapon combo.
This issue is not contained with weapons. I’ve also noticed it with downed skills as well.
Back in May this only happened every so often, but since the latest patch, I’ve noticed it happens much more frequently.
Issues I’ve ruled out:
- Lag: my computer runs totally fine during these incidents, and I don’t have lag.
- Game lag: I’ve been in parties when this has happened, and no one else is reporting the same issue at the same time
- I am mis-clicking: This is kind of a have to take my word for it, I’ve closely monitored my target and will see my character’s entire body turn the opposite direction and auto attack a different target.
I’ve discussed this problem with players in game and have found some members experiencing the same issue.
Please take a look at the targeting system, because it’s becoming very frustrating to pull adds on myself and my party without my control.
Thank you
This whole thread is just hilarious… and no I am not in favor of any kind of /inspect. The simple solution for those that want /inspect is DONT PUG. Seriously, get together a team of friends to do your silly dungeons with and do it with them only. If you choose to PUG or bring PUG’s into groups… just expect the worst and make the best of it.
If only we could use common sense such as this.
Common sense is such a fleeting trait now a days it’s soon to become a virtue. : /
Engineer was one of the most difficult and frustrating classes PvE wise for me. I spent countless hours in the mists, pve, and dungeons attempting to find a fun middle ground. The builds were either overly complicated or incredibly boring. After aching wrists, I finally admitted defeat.
My main depends on my mood. I’ve gone from Mesmer to Thief, and now working on Necromancer. After Necro I plan on going to Ele then Ranger. Guardian, for me, is a whole other can of worms.
I try to avoid this topic, because it seems /inspect has joined the ranks of politics and religion when it comes to public posting on MMO forums.
Still, I’d like to raise a point.
The /inspect function has not been added at all in the game for PvE. The game has run completely fine without it. Why add it?
For those arguing about the MF armor,
How do you even know MF armor is affecting your group when you cannot be sure anyone is even wearing it? Could the reason a run is ‘failing’ not be that the group’s skill just isn’t upto par with the content?
If you’re in a bad group, do you stick with the group or leave to find another one?
If you have managed to play the game successfully without /inspect, how do you know it is going to make your game better with it?
These are more rhetorical questions to help reflect on the issue. Of course, if you want the /inspect function there is nothing either I or anyone else can say to help illustrate our opposing opinions.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
I feel that I’m definitely in the minority on this issue, but I agree with the OP’s argument about Temp content vs Permanent content within GW2.
I understand there is little I can do to deter one side from the other on this issue. The developers have made their decision quite obvious, and I can’t help but to feel I am fighting a losing battle.
However… I’m a stubborn woman and hard-headed, so here it goes anyways >.>;
I completely agree ANet made the right decision with the Living Story plan as a fun distraction while working on bigger and better things for GW2. I adore the backpacks, titles, and fun (/ frustrating -.-) games introduced! However, after reading an expansion isn’t even in the works and Living Stories are the way to go, I became really agitated.
Temporary events, although fun, are not comparable to the large chunks of exciting game changing features I find in expansions.
I understand a lot of people are probably going to get irritated with my next comment, but I feel it is important to be posted some where on this forum for the possibility of a GM / Dev reading.
In addition, the living stories are totally detracting from the point of the game, in my opinion. Let’s look at GW2’s story for a second, weren’t we supposed to be fighting dragons? What happened to that? Sure, we got Zhaitan, but what about the other terrible creatures poised to destroy every living creature on the planet? Why, as a player, should I really care about the fussiness of some pig-headed consortiums screwing over refugees that cannot seem to read contracts properly? Why would I opt to sidetrack my DRAGON HUNTING to go sort out some problems that are ‘interrupting’ trade with the lionguard?
Grumble grumble grumble…
I know I sound ungrateful for the hardwork that was put into this content, and for that I apologize. I just really disagree with the direction ANet has chosen and would like to properly express my opinion on the matter.
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Trust me, that guy that died 3x in the first room of the dungeon would die 3x in the first room of the dungeon if he wasn’t wearing MF gear. Sometimes it’s just the skill factor and the player himself.
That one extra stat on his gear would not have tipped the scales in his favor to make him a productive member of the team.
I don’t want to start a tiff here but this assumption is simply untrue.
I’m appreciative of this thread pushing the idea that magic-find is a poorly implemented feature of Guild Wars 2 and should be looked into; however, there have been dozens upon dozens of these threads. Thankfully, I read a few of them and am a little educated in the matter, so I’ll reiterate (poorly I’m afraid) what I’ve read in other threads. The math has already been compared, and the amount of stats, though not significantly large, was not so negligible to be ignored. The difference very well could make an impact on game play.
I’m afraid to post how disheartened I’m becoming everytime I head to these forums. Not in response to complaints but watching the direction the game is taking without any alteration to truly disruptive game mechanics. Magic find is one of these ignored features.
… the stuff that’s offered in the cash shop right now is aimed at the unsuspecting teenager and the occasional girl-gamer. Anyway, enough hyperbole and digression from the OP.
May I have a little bit of clarification on this comment about “occasional girl-gamer[s]”?
Also I’d like to add to the thread’s discussion about black lion chest keys. I’m pretty happy that the chests don’t offer great rewards. The way it works now, I don’t feel pressured to buy anything in the cash shop, which is how I feel a cash shop should be.
Goodness, now I’m going to become a broken record!
As I have now stated in multiple threads… (/hidesface!) I completely agree the skill system needs a face lift.
Quests leading to new skills (even by factions), quests leading to unlock new weapons, skill capping special monsters and bosses, really there are a ton of fun ways to engage the player with achieving skills and specializing their characters.
More choice is better
A great money maker for Anet would be a hilarious skill (like summon cowface that could put cow masks on other players.. or something) in the black chests with a similar skill available in game through laurels or some other reward system.
Just some ideas.
EDIT: I’m liking ‘Cathead’ better that could summon a cat holding onto people’s heads.. oh oh oh OR Quaggan hugs! Summons Quaggans holding onto people’s chests… >.>
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
These are just my opinions after playing the game since beta and some ways I feel GW2 can be improved.
- Fun Whimsical Tone (dialogue, characters, objectives)
- Beautiful Artstyle
- Beautiful Characters
- Interesting unique combat goals (no trinity)
- Dodging
- Quaggans
- Not enough weapon skill variety (few weapons are effective while others feel not effective at all)
- Not enough effective utility skills (per cooldown / damage / practical in game use)
- Not enough effective build variety
- Too many high risk monster abilities with little margin for mistakes
- No motivation for leveling
- Dungeons are not challenging or fun
- My character doesn’t produce any real change in Tyria
- Enemies are very 2-dimensional and not interesting
- Very disheartening rewards (horrible drop rates, no sense of achievement in downing bosses, etc)
I would like to keep this constructive so I’m going to point out some very small adjustments that could impact this game in a huge way.
First of all, as a gamer I feel communication in ANet is lacking among themselves and to their players.
- Example: Multiple times I’ve seen red posts completely contradict with other red posts, then corrected a few days later only to be totally retracted a month or two later.
I have no idea how difficult developing a game is, especially an MMO, but when I, as a player, get suckerpunched (so to say) with off the wall game adjustments or look forward to misinformation, that really falls on the team’s poor communication not only to the gamers but also amongst their team members.
How to fix it: I feel if everyone on the ANet team (even the little guys) were on the same page with changes and focused on priorities for the game it would reflect so well to players in general.
Secondly, while playing GW2 I feel the game is very unfocused. There’s so much to do everywhere at all times without a lot of direction. Between dungeons, jumping puzzles, dynamic events that randomly happen, dynamic events that can be initiated, dynamic events that can be prevented well it can all become quite confusing and overwhelming. The problem with this scatter-shot approach, I’ve found, is I end up missing a lot of what makes this game fun.
- Example: I’m just going to stick to dynamic events here since there’s so much in this post already. I can’t even remember the name of the event, but let’s start with the Orrian ship that attacks Fort Cadence in Sparkfly Fen event. That event took four people well over 15-30mins to complete. The rewards were absolutely inadequate for the deaths, armor repair, and time spent on the event but afterwards I felt I had achieved something. I saved the fort’s waypoint. Yay! Immediately after the event I waited a bit because I naturally wanted to put up defenses to help prevent the same battle from happening. Nothing triggered. Oh well. I continued questing for probably an hour and guess what? Yep, the ship event happened and the waypoint was lost. All the work I spent was for nothing. After similar situations, I just ignored the higher level dynamic events all together.
How to fix it: Please consider more substantial chains of events leading into dynamic events, quests leading into the dungeons (not just a letter in the mail), and giving a more fruitful backstory for these amazing jumping puzzles. I understand some events should be random but as a developer I can only assume you are asking me as a player to care about what happens in this game. Why else put these events in the first place? In the end events, dungeons, jumping puzzles, whatever are really difficult to care about when what I do does little to nothing in the end.
I could continue, but I’ll stop here since I believe I’ve rattled on enough. Small tweaks could edit a lot of the shallow experiences in game to really fulfilling gameplay.
I agree that the potential is there. As I said, ANet can save it if they act quickly. But the main difference between GW1 PvP and GW2 PvP is the stark difference in build variety and depth. What kept me coming back for months was creating new builds and capping skills. GW2 doesn’t have that.
I don’t mean to stumble in on this constructive PvP conversation… since I’m mainly PvE, but I really want to support this comment.
I’ve stated a similar claim in other threads. The biggest feature that kept me playing GW1 for years was knowing even if I hated most of the professions (which I did) I could always come back and try out a new build later. I adored the adventures I took in capping skills, and I would have these rushes of excitement finding skills to craft around entire builds. Even trekking through the same content over and over again was bearable, because I was so excited to try a new build out in the game.
Sorry again for splattering some PvE in here! Great discussion going on btw.
I wouldn’t say I found a ‘fat’ character, but I did find a gem of a character design some time ago. Huge male norn with pink long hair, and pink beserker (I think?) gear.
My favorite things about this character? Pink hair, pink armor, cute skirt <3 Takes a real man to wear pink!
EDIT Removed picture since it could have baited some very unruly conversation. >.>;
(edited by TheUndefined.1720)
Not quite for sure if the only place to find ectos are in fractals, but I’ve been playing this game since closed beta. I have never found an ecto in the open world. I also do not run fractals, so maybe that adds to it.
No (I actually mean yes level cap raises with expansions is fine and I love to level, but I don’t wanna get yelled at for being the .0001%)
Just say yes if that’s what you truly believe. This is your game too, and I’m positive the developers want to hear your opinion. When people start getting fussy, ignore them and don’t reply. No one is right or wrong here.