Seriously Anet give the Dragon Finisher instead that they don’t complain for nothing XD
This thread seems to have gone to tripe.
Gold. I am a nihilist, I believe in nothing. NOTHING.
CC is like sinking ennemy action IF he has no stability nor cleanse or breakfree. Hammer CC warrior needs to be tone down.
Well I was kidding SoR, trying to find a way to just wake you up this week !
Come to the field we want to bleed you XD
SoS need more guilds.
Remove everyone from every servers. Rename 24 global servers (no more NA or EU but GLOBAL): make everyone choose a server after these change : implement a lower cap on population on every of these server. Start leagues. Here you have 24 random servers that have all equals chances. Next season repeat the same: remove everyone from servers, rename them all, etc…
3 month of WvW on BG server and you gather enough gold to buy a legendary weapon.
BG can’t be held responsible for SoR failure in league S01.
No need to farm CoF we are already farming SoR for heavy lootbags.
I think you should spend some time away from these forums and your computer. Your omnipresence on every stupid SoR V BG complaint thread (I agree they’re lame, and I’m SoR) is rather concerning.
No need to farm CoF we are already farming SoR for heavy lootbags.
Lol, BG forum warriors fail and are disconnected from reality it seems.
Well you may mean disconnected from game (update ongoing) ? because if GW2 is your reality I feel sorry for you XD
Alright guys, no need to get angry because ZD decided not to transfer to your server. They wanted to fight IRON (which they saw 50+ zergs of at the start of leagues) and Blackgate was the perfect server to do just that.
No jimmies need to be rustled over it.
Wouldn’t ZD get better fights against guilds like GD, RG, VII, Scnd, etc.? But then again, if memory serves me right, they weren’t a match for the guilds I’ve mentioned above…
Probably, probably not. Regardless, IRUN should feel privileged to have the chance to fight ZD’s instead of QQing about it in the forums.
Hope to see them come back from hiding next week.
IKR? Everyone should have the privilege of fighting an 80-100 man guild blob of ZBs + ZDs.
Fight against superior numbers? We’ve done it versus PRX, FOO, ATM, TW, Choo+FEAR, NYS+SAHP. The secret is to not roll over and die at first wipe. Waypoint and try again.
The secret is to buy guilds like Omen, Coin, ZBs, SG, and practically all other guilds from DB when it fell from t2, just like how you bought all Kaineng guilds to go to T1.
Let me tell you son, here’s some of the guilds that BG have attempted to buy from EU servers. VoTF, Circle of Nine, Desert Sun. Every guild that I know in EU that’s registered in have been contacted by BG to transfer over to help ‘em, cause like you guys say "We’re outmanned, help us balance this fight. SoR rolling over us. QQ".
Hell, even Reticle from Fort Aspenwood was contacted by Blackgate and told the leader of Reticle. “We don’t care if you GvG and aren’t PPT warriors like we are, just fight for us. >:”Those storytelling skills are great, can we try non-fiction this time???
League is soooooo much fun… XD
Just because you weren’t privy to something doesn’t mean it did or didn’t happen.
At the end of the day your picking on one tiny wincy aspect of my post, and completely ignoring that the whole entire reason it was brought back up again was, because members of your current server, and newer members of SoS have said SOR was the sole reason SOS imploded, at that time, which I was stating is utterly incorrect, and at the same time, also point to the fact that if the SoS people really wanted to hate a server they should perhaps look at BG since your, now current, server took the lions share of the SOS WvW guilds compared to SOR, JQ, TC and FA.
So please don’t be getting your knickers in a knot because of the small aspect of my post. but by all means please try to point out where in my reasoning that it, if there be any server that, should SoS hate a server more, when presented with the facts, it should actually be BG.
It looks like you still ignore half of my first post saying the same thing you’re complaining that I’ve ignored. Go read it again, JQ was a very large reason for all of those transfers.
Also “not privy” is hilarious. I’ve specifically been talking about AoI, I have not once mentioned anything regarding MERC, for example, being “bought.” Which btw, was the entire reason this buying guilds thing ever came about. When MERC posted that BG helped them pay transfer costs for some of their members. This isn’t even close to a secret. However you’ve got some twisted revisionist history, where most of the guilds were bought and only you know which ones.
Protip: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Protip: your still ignoring the fact the BG took, stole, bought, borrowed, received, how ever you want to word it the largest amount of guilds causing SoS to implode more than any other server, thus what my post was actually about. But you being so pro and all would know that and wouldn’t go on for 3/4 posts about the wording I used… Oh wait ….
“Implode” is such an emotive word. This all happened 10 months ago. Post from Tarkus above pretty much sums up what happened. Lots of other servers experienced similar to SoS to different degrees – such as HoD, ET, IoJ, SBI, DB, Kn, even BG a bit. Lots of people have moved into and some out of SoS since then. SoS is in a good place at the moment which is the main thing – much more relaxed than when we were in T1. This week is especially fun.
About SoR, I don’t hate you I hate the mentality of few guilds members/leaders you have there and that are selfish elitists …..
Same could be said of BuyGate’s reputation from posters like you. Particularly one who only shows up on the forums when BuyGate is winning.
You have to get rid of that statesment , I already answered I went 3weeks in spvp to get my tiger finisher (instead of rabbit that looks so lame) reaching rank 40. So 24/7 3weeks spvp I had no reason to post in WvW. But well I feel like I am repeating the same thing to Alzeimer people XD. I am back in WvW from last Monday (the day that was the end of ze weurld for SoR … like seriously wtf…)
As clue, first week of S01 BG won I havent post anything on the forum I was still in spvp…
Many SoR will be famous for Drama and propaganda I feel like being back to primary school…There is really nothing to explain. Your server was struggling so you ran away for a month. Now that others have helped rebuild BG’s ranks, you decided to pop back in and ride their coat tails. It’s all good man
Now I can finish ennemies with a nice TIGER FINISHER ! And spvp is so tiring and boring to reach R40 that I was impatient to come back for long hours into WvW, I wish I wouldn’t have miss the 1st week victory but well I had to get that finisher ^^.
WvW is a blast fun and BG community is the best one from any server I have been part of.
(edited by Titan.3472)
What do you claim is buying guilds? Is it paying for their transfers, either in part or wholly? Is that buying guilds?
Is buying guilds paying gold in excess of transfer to fees? or would it be buying guilds if you paid them 2 transfer fees for their entrance and exit from a server. and gold on top of that?
define buying guilds please.
I’ll do you one better, I’ll describe the situation.
SoR dominated BG through the first 3 days of its match up last week. Sunday night going into Monday morning Blackgate paid a Russian guild an extremely large sum of gold to transfer to their server just for the league. The guild has already stated that they have no intentions of staying on BG and are only be paid to help them win league. As SoR has no players in their particular time slot (9aPST/12pEST) the guild continues to flip all borderlands uncontested.
Now SoR players are quitting the game left and right. The league was viewed as the savior of WvW for a large section of the base but now that one server has gone to the extreme to literally ‘pay-to-win’ a lot of the player base has lost faith in leagues and ArenaNet.
Some how I knew this would turn into a QQ thread. I think SoR needs to take a long look into the mirror, and stop trying to blame Guild Transfers for their own failings.
Well, SoR’s Favorite book is “Excuse Book”
Just because you weren’t privy to something doesn’t mean it did or didn’t happen.
At the end of the day your picking on one tiny wincy aspect of my post, and completely ignoring that the whole entire reason it was brought back up again was, because members of your current server, and newer members of SoS have said SOR was the sole reason SOS imploded, at that time, which I was stating is utterly incorrect, and at the same time, also point to the fact that if the SoS people really wanted to hate a server they should perhaps look at BG since your, now current, server took the lions share of the SOS WvW guilds compared to SOR, JQ, TC and FA.
So please don’t be getting your knickers in a knot because of the small aspect of my post. but by all means please try to point out where in my reasoning that it, if there be any server that, should SoS hate a server more, when presented with the facts, it should actually be BG.
It looks like you still ignore half of my first post saying the same thing you’re complaining that I’ve ignored. Go read it again, JQ was a very large reason for all of those transfers.
Also “not privy” is hilarious. I’ve specifically been talking about AoI, I have not once mentioned anything regarding MERC, for example, being “bought.” Which btw, was the entire reason this buying guilds thing ever came about. When MERC posted that BG helped them pay transfer costs for some of their members. This isn’t even close to a secret. However you’ve got some twisted revisionist history, where most of the guilds were bought and only you know which ones.
Protip: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Protip: your still ignoring the fact the BG took, stole, bought, borrowed, received, how ever you want to word it the largest amount of guilds causing SoS to implode more than any other server, thus what my post was actually about. But you being so pro and all would know that and wouldn’t go on for 3/4 posts about the wording I used… Oh wait ….
“Implode” is such an emotive word. This all happened 10 months ago. Post from Tarkus above pretty much sums up what happened. Lots of other servers experienced similar to SoS to different degrees – such as HoD, ET, IoJ, SBI, DB, Kn, even BG a bit. Lots of people have moved into and some out of SoS since then. SoS is in a good place at the moment which is the main thing – much more relaxed than when we were in T1. This week is especially fun.
About SoR, I don’t hate you I hate the mentality of few guilds members/leaders you have there and that are selfish elitists …..
Same could be said of BuyGate’s reputation from posters like you. Particularly one who only shows up on the forums when BuyGate is winning.
You have to get rid of that statesment , I already answered I went 3weeks in spvp to get my tiger finisher (instead of rabbit that looks so lame) reaching rank 40. So 24/7 3weeks spvp I had no reason to post in WvW. But well I feel like I am repeating the same thing to Alzeimer people XD. I am back in WvW from last Monday (the day that was the end of ze weurld for SoR … like seriously wtf…)
As clue, first week of S01 BG won I havent post anything on the forum I was still in spvp…
Many SoR will be famous for Drama and propaganda I feel like being back to primary school…
(edited by Titan.3472)
Just because you weren’t privy to something doesn’t mean it did or didn’t happen.
At the end of the day your picking on one tiny wincy aspect of my post, and completely ignoring that the whole entire reason it was brought back up again was, because members of your current server, and newer members of SoS have said SOR was the sole reason SOS imploded, at that time, which I was stating is utterly incorrect, and at the same time, also point to the fact that if the SoS people really wanted to hate a server they should perhaps look at BG since your, now current, server took the lions share of the SOS WvW guilds compared to SOR, JQ, TC and FA.
So please don’t be getting your knickers in a knot because of the small aspect of my post. but by all means please try to point out where in my reasoning that it, if there be any server that, should SoS hate a server more, when presented with the facts, it should actually be BG.
It looks like you still ignore half of my first post saying the same thing you’re complaining that I’ve ignored. Go read it again, JQ was a very large reason for all of those transfers.
Also “not privy” is hilarious. I’ve specifically been talking about AoI, I have not once mentioned anything regarding MERC, for example, being “bought.” Which btw, was the entire reason this buying guilds thing ever came about. When MERC posted that BG helped them pay transfer costs for some of their members. This isn’t even close to a secret. However you’ve got some twisted revisionist history, where most of the guilds were bought and only you know which ones.
Protip: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Protip: your still ignoring the fact the BG took, stole, bought, borrowed, received, how ever you want to word it the largest amount of guilds causing SoS to implode more than any other server, thus what my post was actually about. But you being so pro and all would know that and wouldn’t go on for 3/4 posts about the wording I used… Oh wait ….
“Implode” is such an emotive word. This all happened 10 months ago. Post from Tarkus above pretty much sums up what happened. Lots of other servers experienced similar to SoS to different degrees – such as HoD, ET, IoJ, SBI, DB, Kn, even BG a bit. Lots of people have moved into and some out of SoS since then. SoS is in a good place at the moment which is the main thing – much more relaxed than when we were in T1. This week is especially fun.
I remember the IoJ falling from Tier 1 to Tier 3 claiming at us old CD crew to teach us WvW ; During the FA/IoJ/CD 7 weeks straight matches IoJ always ended last and finally dismissed merging into FA to ensure them a win doing PVD on their old server to beat CD. IoJ players were selfish and condescendant to CD server and they get what they deserved. Claiming to learn us some great WvW tactics, in fact CD bring the pain and played much better with less. That was my best memory when I was on CD the end of IoJ and their falls to T8 XD That has been best achievement we can dream about : beat the elitists that believe to be pro and has no respect to others…
About SoR, I don’t hate you I hate the mentality of few guilds members/leaders you have there and that are selfish elitists and believe to be godlike with no need of militia (that they name pugs or rallybots…). Wish your server can handle the pain in S01 and that the bad seeds will leave and let you rebuilt a real and stronger community. Just clean your ranks will help a lot for sure.
(edited by Titan.3472)
What do you claim is buying guilds? Is it paying for their transfers, either in part or wholly? Is that buying guilds?
Is buying guilds paying gold in excess of transfer to fees? or would it be buying guilds if you paid them 2 transfer fees for their entrance and exit from a server. and gold on top of that?
define buying guilds please.
I’ll do you one better, I’ll describe the situation.
SoR dominated BG through the first 3 days of its match up last week. Sunday night going into Monday morning Blackgate paid a Russian guild an extremely large sum of gold to transfer to their server just for the league. The guild has already stated that they have no intentions of staying on BG and are only be paid to help them win league. As SoR has no players in their particular time slot (9aPST/12pEST) the guild continues to flip all borderlands uncontested.
Now SoR players are quitting the game left and right. The league was viewed as the savior of WvW for a large section of the base but now that one server has gone to the extreme to literally ‘pay-to-win’ a lot of the player base has lost faith in leagues and ArenaNet.
Now I know what people mean when they talk about SoR drama and propaganda… Funny.
4000 hours. 100bucks/month (mostly to support game development not because I want or need something with gems in store…)
(edited by Titan.3472)
Last time i used MF i get a precursor but as Anet changed the name of it in French in that time : I didn’t notice it was one as I wasn’t aware of the name change so I drop it in MF to forge more and realised only later that it was the precursor I was seeking for seeing they just renamed it with no warning back then… Since I don’t use MF any more.
Atm only another necro can take over 1vs1 a condition spec neco. No other class can overcome to a well spe geared necro even a class spe in conditions cleansing. The extra hp tool while bunkering necro makes them really better and last much longer without needs to play hard XD. Condition bombing is over the top there is no way to mitigate the dot it’s either cleanse and get rid off condition or get hit from it fully. Such conditions damages mechanism makes the conditions broke and the bombing most powerful spe in 1vs1, smalls and mediums scales encounters.
(edited by Titan.3472)
This match week is a blast and fun at the very first 48hours.
I would like to congratulate SoS for doing so well so far, even better than SoR expected you to do. I think SoS is going for 2nd place to gain 3 points this week, if so that might hurt SoR even further in their “Elites Guilds Pride” that they are the only ones to believe in.
I will tell you I have more respect for non-affiliated wvw guilds’ players from SoR because they are getting hit hard and keep fighting because of the behaviours of some of their wvw guilds that are hiding in pve now: these guilds that treat them so bad for so long calling them pugs, rallybot etc… and not caring nor respecting them. If you feel hurt then just move to another server you ll receive more consideration and respect.
(edited by Titan.3472)
What a nice team work BG and SoS are doing right now! You look like a true couple, SoS from north and BG from south at our EB keep… are you guys on the same TS? Because it is so organized now… like twin souls.
This coming from the server whose guilds contacted many of us last week asking to team up with them against BG. I’ll tell you this right now the main SOS guilds are not teaming up with anyone. That 2v1 crap is garbage. Get over it.
SoR true face is sad face…
Grats SoS for kicking SoR from EB and taking their keep, very impressive work !
BG owns SoR garison T3 with WP XD
I think BGs are sharpening their blades for the next encounter with JQ. Don’t expect JQ to beat BG.
I’m predicting you won’t be posting for a week if BG does start losing to JQ.
I stoped posting in WvW when i was going for spvp 3 weeks straight for R40 tiger finisher and thats not going to happen now until next season, so whatever I ll post in WvW now. (btw i am done with spvp unless Anet fix the crazy requirements to go further…)
In order to let EVERY CLASS have more game option and also make that Elite slot power deserving its name here I suggest the changes that would benefit EVERYONE.
Just let that Elite power slot have this set up :
We would be able to equip ANY power in that slot either from healing lines or utility lines. And any power equipped in the elite slot would benefit a 20% bonus time reduction on Cooldown and also 20% bonus in every aspects that this power is giving.
Please give your feeling about this suggestion that in my opinion would benefit EVERYONE and make Elite power slot worth its name.
I think BGs are sharpening their blades for the next encounter with JQ. Don’t expect JQ to beat BG.
Please remove living story out of WvW Anet, till then I won’t be buying my usual $50 a fortnight on gems.
You said in your own words nothing in WvW would change during leagues…. Well you changed it.
Also, I played some sPvP and tPvP…. How come those arenas dont have the living story on the cap points?
Seems a little unfair that you add Living story to the merc cap points and not to the sPvP arena cap points, or do you think that might annoy them too?
if you guys think buffing engi is a good idea. You are smoking some seriously good shti over at arena net headquaters
Rewarding winner is conventionnal behaviour you know right ?
I have a toon from each class :
Most OP stuffs (more than warrior signet by far !!!!) :
Thieves : perma stealth
Ele : perma regen with 2 regen sources possible
Guardian : perma retaliation (can even reach 100% boon duration build (means every boon durations are twice longer !!! … and regen build 20% more powerful than healing signet warrior AND with the AOE regen trait makes it even stronger with no comparison!!!! )
Necromancer : Extra grey hp bar full bunker they have like 70k-80k hp seriously !!!???
If Anet reduce the regen damage mitigation of warrior you have to nerf every others classes also. I doubt anyone agree then because we would all insta die in spvp and wvw… Mitigating damages in order to sustain is fun and then on longer fights only most skilled will survive.
If Anet turns encounters with the “one shot” “I win button” spirit that will be the end of fun for everyone.
Anet I can give you every OP builds of every class. XD
(edited by Titan.3472)
I gathered enough mat to craft 2ascended weapons in wvw but I have already legendaries weapons so I stock them for the ascended armors parts that will come soon enough XD.
Only a WvW player can spank hard Spvper.
Thief: shortbow needs 1200 range.
And Longbow warrior1400 range then ; like engineer nades because IRL i never found anyone able to throw a nade farer that an arrow… Then replace the range longbow warrior trait with something new and useful : like 20% stance cooldown reduction.
Also replace the master trait warrior that is actually giving retaliation buff for few seconds for a new master trait 25% chance to cast 6 seconds of Protection when being hit with internal cooldown of 24sec.Thieves are the only class without a 1200 range attack on a weapon, so don’t cry about warrior LB.
I don’t cry I said it should be set up at 1200 with no need of a trait this is dumb. And could use a new and more useful trait instead.
My rank is 700 so based on your suggestion I should never wait to get inside WvW maps… cool idea… but definitely not fair and elitists discrimination based on wxp rank is such bad and evil idea…
Everyone has to wait in queue in T1 so we are all equals… There is no issue for me considering that being in a 24/7 coverage server I don’t have to fight so hard all the time and I get much more fun than issue.
(edited by Titan.3472)
And Longbow warrior 1200 range base ; (about engineer nades comparaison IRL i never found anyone able to throw a nade farer that an arrow…) : then replace the range longbow warrior trait with something new and useful : like 20% stance cooldown reduction.
Also replace the master trait warrior that is actually giving retaliation buff for 5 seconds for a new master trait : 25% chance to cast 6 seconds of Protection when being hit with internal cooldown of 24sec : give us that instead !
Like I already suggested use Vitality stats as a counter stat to condition damages stats in order to mitigate the dot from all the various conditions for people who aren t running cleansing builds. Make 20vitality reducing the incoming dot from 1 damage/20vitality per dot
(edited by Titan.3472)
seriously nerf dodge ???? lol punishing players that play the game as it was designed XD… I will just tell you one thing : if you nerf EVERY tool that contribute in mitigating damages it will break the survivability that requires to use all of these tools together to be efficient. If you want most experimented players to be tone down to reduce gap of gameplay with random average player… the less complex are game mechanisms and the smaller is the gap between players and it’s lowering game mechanisms knowledge requirements: but then the question is “Is it going to be still fun playing”.
(edited by Titan.3472)
Thief: shortbow needs 1200 range.
And Longbow warrior1400 range then ; like engineer nades because IRL i never found anyone able to throw a nade farer that an arrow… Then replace the range longbow warrior trait with something new and useful : like 20% stance cooldown reduction.
Also replace the master trait warrior that is actually giving retaliation buff for few seconds for a new master trait 25% chance to cast 6 seconds of Protection when being hit with internal cooldown of 24sec.
(edited by Titan.3472)
Lol Iron the patch saved the very few of you still alive at that EB choke point XD
CERN grats to take out underlevel karma train zergs in EB you guys are T1 material with good spirit in the last match hours XD