Also seeing same trend in PvE, for example Fractal 40lvl farm. They need only chrono+warr+3 ele for farm. Yesterday i saw in LFM “No rangers” in one of fractal groups (classes were not stated, was not usual Chrono+Elle PvE farm group).
Pugs will never learn that there are other options than those they are used to. Guard can spike as good as Ele these days. A long time ago when dungeons were extremely frequently visited and pugged, pugs took 2 full years to forget about stacking in corners at bosses without adds.
Ranger has it’s burst, even power. Power is just weak for longer fights atm and not that high in damage as ele, guard, thief or w/e. I hope that issue is addressed with soulbeast but who knows…
No raider worth their salt is crafting ascended gear these days, after all.
Indeed. I really need to equip something soon. My bank can only hold so much.
PS in particular is toxic because it stacks might so effectively, it makes any utilities or traits that grant might obsolete on other classes.
The trait itself just shares 6 seconds. What makes it effective are sigils, runes, traits and bufffood that grant might frequently enough to compensate the short duration.
Yet banner of discipline will give every player in the raid group more than 11% bonus damage if they are at 100% crit chance.
Sry to break your math here, but you are incorrect. 11% more critdamage does not imply 11% more total damage. Most power specs run arround 220% critdamage.
(220+11)/220 = 105%, which means 5% more total damage assuming 100% critchance.
(edited by Tornupto.2304)
Lyssa is Jennah and Anise- you heard it first here.
The last i heard was that Anise is Livias daughter. Or atleast a descendant of Livia.
iirc There will be more raids. They just did not include them in the announcement as this one was all about Elite Specs and Mounts.
No, the best solution would have been for Anet to pull people from the expansion team instead of the legendary weapons team back in early 2016. They didn’t do that. They already had our money.
They have a set of designers to work on the legendarys. If one legendary is finished they try to ship it with the next release. They also explicitly stated that the rest of the 2nd gen legendarys will only require HoT. They will still deliver what you paid for but will not put everything on hold just to deliver a few weapons before the next expansion hits.
Still ranger is not the only class with a viable core spec build. I wouldn’t recommend engi either for a beginner, but your words read like “there is no other viable core build”.
My adivice is ranger, early ge is very easy and in end game he is one of top tier dps and almost auto include healer in raids (druid spec). Also he is only one who can play raids withput elite so that meajs he wont be so dependant on new specializations in next expansion
Did you forget Engi?
First of: just dodge it.
Second: DON’T let him jump away from the group. Place him beside the spawning statues. The group may stay out of the circle anyway as it’s really small and easy to avoid. Or they just dodge.
If % of usage would be an indicator of strength… I can only imagine how the bearbow ranger would have to be nerfed into the ground :S
Srsly: Don’t balance by such numbers without context.
Traps also do not trigger on downed players/structure enemies (siege, walls, gates and world bosses).
It would be a nice change for these to trigger.
Traps also aren’t weapon skills… marks are… it is not imperative for utility skills to trigger on structures and downed enemies… it is however imperative that weapon skills trigger on such targets
Marks activate on the same property as traps, weaponskill or not. Marks are some kind of trap. Just a more visible one. They trigger after someone stepped into it. If marks work on downed targets so should traps then. Nevertheless letting them trigger on siege wouldn’t be a good idea. Enemies would just throw some blueprints at them etc.
btw: What about just finishing your downed opponent or throwing marks at enemies arround you if the downed one isn’t the only one?
You get the exact same amount of pips and rewardtrack progress if you are roaming. The only thing that matters is participation. And that is a nonissue as you get rank 6 for bassically doing random things like slaying dolyaks, taking various capturepoints (ruins, camps, etc.).
Taking rangers, thiefs etc. into zergfights can be a good decision. You just have a different job than the main zerg. Your goal is to take out the backline and not to fight the meele train. An enemy thief in your backline can be quite annoying as he can take down several backliners if he is ignored. Same for a small group of rangers. You can set a target in the backline and snipe it simulatanously to down it or atleast force it to retreat.
Actually the existence of meters HAS increased the exclusion behavior… and it only gives you the opportunity to prove your non-meta build if you’re willing to use a meter yourself and record the results. Without prior proof, most groups now won’t give you a chance if your not Meta… before meters were “acceptable” groups were more willing to accept non-meta builds and allow people to prove themselves. It wasn’t even uncommon for some groups to secretly use meters when they were still a potential ban risk. At that time, meter using groups were more open to accept non-meta builds out of fear that rejecting them outright might put them at risk of being banned for use of 3rd-party programs…
With meters being made acceptable, these groups have no fear of ban, and as a result reject anyone who’s not meta.
Meters don’t tell your build. They measure your damage and yóur buffs. Everyone with a bit of class understanding and a good eye can tell most of your traits when they see you infight and some things of your build even outfight.
Weapons for example, one of the more importantparts of a build. You can see atleast one set the whole time. If you see a warrior with hammer you might consider to kick him if he does not exchange that weapon for something else. Some utility and traits also show. I’ve seen “dps” heralds with Soothing Bastion. They sometimes refused to take an obviously supirior trait (dpswise) so they got kicked. No meters involved.
Same thing with signets.
Actually dps meters help people with less LI etc. to get into some groups. How often have i seen people with <50 LI joining a group requiring >150 LI and asking if they can stay. Some commanders give them a try to prove themselves while looking at their behavior in terms of mechanics and their dps. Often enough they were accepted for the rest of the run.
It is already bad enough that they tie mastery points to the things. A chest. More than that and it is no longer ‘some people like them, some people do not’.
For me that reads like: “I don’t like the content so noone should get decent rewards.”
If you don’t like it. Fine. Arguing with mastery points gets old. There are more than enough mastery points you can get. Removing the ones from the JP will give you nothing. You just take away from other players.
You may complain about things like the tokens in the ember bay JP. But don’t argue about things that are easily replaced because they are redundant. Mastery points are already redundant. There are more than you need and they keep coming.
There are bosses with low armor or short burn phases that make power more effective than condi for the fight. You just asked for bosses clearing conditions.
Catching forum bugs…
Well condi can be countered… hardcountered and softcountered, as opposed to DPS
Meta builds do not bring
- condi cleanses,
- resistance,
- trooper runes,
- generosity and purity sigils sigils
- condition duration removal food (sweet bean buns anyone?)
- condition duration removal runes (melandru? hoelbrak, antitoxin…. it was a thing in WvW?)
- plague signet and condition transference (necro’s?)
- light fields and blast, whirl and projectiles?
Too bad raid bosses do not use these much.
Ever heard of Xera and Sloth?
Sloth cleares ALL conditions every 20%.
Xera converts conditions to boons while standing in the AoE of her bloodstone shards.
You can prevent Xera from doing so, but the fact stands: She can remove all conditions. While she is standing in the range of a shard she is basically immune to conditions.
I am 100% certain I am correct that more people means it takes longer. I’ve done the event dozens of times. It’s not a false assumption, I know I can kill it quickly and zergs even breaking the defiance bar cannot.
It’s not the scaling that causes the problem. Lazy players cause it. One of the reasons why i don’t do world bosses if I don’t have to. Too many people just don’t know how to do dps with more than 3 digits.
Almorra Soulkeeper
Ember Doomforge
And maybe i have a charr bias…
especially the first part with difficult jumping, difficult gliding, lava, geyser kicking off gliding and grubs shooting fire too! Seriously Anet….
Wait a second… Where is the gliding difficult? You can dodge every fountain by just flying a bit sideways. And if you are talking about the entrance… You are probably using the most complicated way to get in there. There is an easy reachable tunnel which leads into the jp entrance.
Especially Deimos, wipe at 20% because over 15 tears shows up in the Demon Realm is really frustrating.
Besides that I think Deimos mechanics are not fun to deal with, it’s just overwhelming, the fact that one guy is doing nothing is wrong to me, and the black goo is another thing to discuss because of how it works.
Having 15 tears at 20% is caused by people who litterally ignore them while fighting Saul. Some ppl still think that those tears despawn, but they don’t. They have never despawned.
the conditions that the console applies don’t do any damage, so it counts from your first hit
Place conditions on the golem by console and go afk for half an hour. After you return the golem has lost some percent of his HP. Those conditions do near to no damage, but they deal damage.
They still don’t trigger the DPS measurement.
It is a pretty weird change considering power PS is already way behind condi PS. Nobody wants power ps in raids anymore except for KC. And now you nerfed it even further?
You know that condi PS was hit extremely hard by this patch dps wise? Trying with the pre patch rotation i noticed a ~3-4k decreased DPS. You just miss one or two F1 (the window to get the last Bow F1 out is like 0.1 sek now…). Maybe a new rotation can fix 1k maybe 2k, but you wont get as high as before. Those .5 sek more CD on the F1 are just that bad.
There is a differnece between PvP and WvW. Anet does not want heavy bunkers in sPvP. Therefor they already removed most defensive amuletts. They nerfed several defensive abilities for sPvP only because that nerf is not intended to hit WvW where bunkers are sometimes even needed (just imagine a zergfight of glasscanons…).
I personally wouldn’t even comment on JPs if they didn’t have content locked behind them. If they were purely optional, I wouldn’t care how hard they were as I would simply not do them.
I totally agree with this. JPs where originally optional content, now they are required just to complete a map. More and more content locked behind them and made harder and harder.
which jp is required to complete a map?
None of them are required for map completion.
Wall Breach Blitz (the big wall in Diessa) has atleast one vista and a heropoint at the end. It was the first jp i ever completed in this game and the one who motivated me to find all of them.
like when you cannot see adequately due to your character being up against a wall
There is a first person camera. Pretty usefull in such situations.
Its all a matter of guess work on what you should try and try and try again. There is no consistency in the height or distance your character can travel. So we never really get to know the limitations to our character. To be able to establish with confidence “I can jump this distance or i can jump this height”. ..You can find yourself jumping to a height destination never possible before and fail at a height destination previously accomplished numerous times in the past. The same goes for distance.
Never thought that i would have to say this to anyone, but
Lern to jump.
I do several jps partly daily (e.g. chalice of tears(CoT)) and i can definetly calculate how far a jump will go. If you can’t calculate that it’s your fault not the fault of the game.
The one single thing that i have to agree with to some degree is the thing with slopes not indicated as save ground in some newer JPs.
The only JPs without proper indication of the pass you should take are CoT and the new one (forgot the name).
Also you CAN utilise class knowledge. There are several JPs where you can use leaps/stability/blocks etc. to get trough some parts easier. There were even record runs for CoT. I personaly did one in 5 mins with all checkpoints, the latest record was 3.5 mins but without all checkpoints i think.
If you need help with some JPs i might help you, but don’t blame the game for something that you can’t do.
Also yes its impossible to take something else and apply it to another thing if you dont know how it works.
As long as you know the input format, are sure that the code/machine/engine/whatever produces the correct output for your input and know how to deal with the output, you can use it. It is done while programming nearly every time. Technically you could write a code for most things on your own, but there are librarys that do certain things for you in an efficient way. You don’t necessaryly know how they do it, but you can work with it.
Same goes for Taimi and Omaads machine. Taimi knows how to deal with inputs and outputs of that machine, but she does not know what the machine does to achieve that.
Do you know guys that only Humans believe in Gods.? So I doubt a charr, norn or sylvari would be a new god
I bet Faren will be a new god of war
Charr believe that the gods exist. They just refuse to warship them at any time.
But a charr becoming a human god is still unlikely.
I had a lot of fun doing the new jumping puzzle without any guide etc. But they could have added another checkpoint more towards the end as i had to do some longer parts of the JP at the end way too many times.
Chalice of Tears is actually one of my favorite JPs to be honest. But i know there are people who hate it, which i can understand it, but i like challenging JPs where you can optimise your paths.
Number 4: A lot of the jumps required are not just obscure, they also take a lot of trial and error to just get. Like in the picture. As if it’s clear that you obviously wedge yourself in the gap and hammer spacebar until you get up, right?
If that spot is the one i think there are actually 3 better ways to get up there. I don’t know why everyone wants to go through that gap. You can litterally run arround a rock and glide there.
Btw: If anyone on EU needs help with that jp, i’m ready to help. That jp isn’t THAT hard if you know the tricks.
EDIT: if you want to compare damage numbers, perfect rotation cPS on the training dummy gets to about 20-21k. In raid scenarios depending on boss fights and group composition it’s realistic to land 11-13k with not perfect rotations, with ideal boss fights and good play toping at 15-17k. If you are sub 10k on cPS you really need to work on your rotation no matter which boss.
Ehm. 20-21k are realistic to many bosses. On the golem you should go way higher with a good rotation.
I guess its the tree at the end. And yes you can interact with that at any time.
If they are going underground in the Ring of Fire, Lazarus may be going for the lost Scepter of Orr
Livia already got the scepter like 100+ years before LS3.
Rangers aren’t there for their own DPS. Rangers are there for Spotter, Frost Spirit, and Grace of the Land.
You missed the point a bit. This thread is not about druid.
Torches are the reason power ranger is no longer a thing, torches are the reason necros, thieves, guardians and revenants are not meta classes.
1. Guardians and thieves are a very good DPS option atm.
2. Necros still have uses. And their DPS isn’t that bad.
3. The reason power rev isn’t used is their balancing. It’s not the fault of any class or weapon.
4. I can barely keep myself from rolling around laughing because of that sentense. You really hate torches…
Regarding KC: Condition damage gets also scaled up by his debuff. The reason why power is far superior there is the rampup time that every condition build needs.
Regarding Xera: She clenses/converts conditions while standing in shards. Also powerbuilds can nuke shards far better than condi builds.
and yes it’s a problem that condi rangers are basically shining now, there is not a single raid boss that is more vulnerable to power damage than condi damage, with KC being the exception that proves the rule, and because condi rangers are by far the best condi class, it means you will get kicked because you are not running condi ranger.
There will most likely always be one build that is prefered. But saying that other classes aren’t accepted is wrong. I pug alot and have seen plenty thiefes, condi mesmers, warriors (not only PS), engineers, guards, necros and eles. Most groups i’ve seen don’t even search a specific class and just search for dps. Funfact: Ele has still higher damage vs big hitboxes and engi can get higher dps than rangers.
Basically you can apply 9 stacks of burning after 5 seconds every 6.6 seconds (roughly), with a full viper set with nightmare runes you get 15k damage on that skill alone, which is a whooping 3k increase of dps by using it, and thus completely outshine every other condi build currently in the game, especially necros.
Ever heard of Meteor Shower? That single skill is such a huge dps increase on big hitboxes that some people insist on Ele vs big hitboxes.
The problem is that it doesn’t make sense for rangers to have such a powerful skill in a single weapon, there isn’t a single trait or gear piece that boosts burning damage, yet this skill could possibly be the main source of DPS for the build.
All in all it feels like a vestige from the days before condition damage was relevant.
Why it doesn’t make sense?
Oh and warriors have a trait that boosts burning damage? I can only find +33% duration. Thats done by a rangers gear. Rangers have a trait that explicitly boosts torch skills. This thread feels more like: Why can a ranger do good dps now?
Do you want the old days of the dungeons back when someone got kicked for just joining a group before he even could switch char? Atm all classes but rev have a more or less good damage build and you want to see the only good dps build of a ranger nerfed?
The problem is: Astralforce is not the thing that terminates the CA. I tested it with a mushroom. I refilled AF while in CA and it still canceled after 15 sec. At that time AF was still filled by 50%. The internal functionality would have to be reworked for a trait like -50% AF degeneration to work.
Maybe the reason was, that there was nothing to retrieve? API was down for 1 to 3 days.
You can overlap fields pretty easy with rev. All you need is a free block (e.g. staff 3) or some energy to heal through. However you should not waste the glint heal to just stack things if you don’t desperatly need it anyway as its your backup if you miss shield 5 on deimos’ aoe for whatever reason.
A rev doesn’t even need heal for the debuff as he has either glint heal (if not wasted) as backup or enough energy to spam heal with ventari.
So you were a leecher that got carried hard… You should be glad you got the kill.
The commander also has explained you the reason because you got kicked so he did right.
There is nothing right about griefing someones loot just because someone feels like he has to. Either kick him before or let him get his loot. Maybe he shouldn’t have joined the group in the first place if they required experience with the boss, but that is something the commander should care about before the kill is done. Kicking someone in a try which surely gets the kill or kicking directly after the chest spawned is griefing. There is nothing right about that. If he took the aggro of the boss by toughness the commander had the chance to notice that even at the very beginning of the fight and took action. NOT after the kill especially as it is weekly locked and you can’t get your chest again.
@OP: That rarely happens as far as i know. Submit a ticket if you think it’s worth the time or just write the name of the commander who griefed you down so you can avoid playing with him again. To gain experience i would suggest to join training runs and fix your gear (better before joining a training as many training groups atleast require a proper build).
v2/skills seems to round numbers up. I saw that at Illusionary Riposte. It evades for 0.5 seconds and blocks for 2.5 seconds, but api lists those with 1 second and 3 seconds.
There are no skillfacts about the physical damage listed on that entry. The skill itself got two of them ingame. Found this while looking up damage coefficients. Maybe other entrys also miss some facts.
There are guilds out there who recruit players who are new to raiding. You just have to take a look.
On the forumlag-index it’s a clear soon™.
@aerial: If you were online between launch of Episode 3 und launch of Episode 4 you get Episode 3 for free. If you don’t own HoT you “bank” it and unlock it as soon as you upgrade to HoT.
(edited by Tornupto.2304)
I can’t remember one other sigil that works the way bursting does.
Bursting doesn’t increase the outgoing condition damage by 6% it increases the stat by 6% and apparently the increase happens before condition damage (stat) from might is applied. Other sigils don’t affect a stat by a certain percent but by an additional amount which can be applied before or after might without changing the outcome.
Btw: Sigil of Bursting is worse than earth and geomancy.
You should only use it if these two conditions apply:
- You already use Earth
- You are not able to swap weapons or are ranging all the time.
If those don’t apply it’s a waste of gold.
The Sigil of Strength on the mace is put there because you don’t benefit from the greatswordtrait anymore. There is a trait in the strength traitline that grants might on critical hits with GS. That is also the main source of might for the power PS. If you can’t use the trait (while on CC weapons) you need another source of might so that the mightstacks of the group don’t drop too much. On the GS you technically don’t need it.
So the pact commander is tengu now?
I still count only 5 races.