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CDI Topic: Rewards in PvP

in CDI

Posted by: Tres.5427


Ranks will be removed imho because they are unnecessary considering what PVP is supposed to be.
There is no competitive game (afaik) out there where you are rewarded for how long you play. Rewards are based on how good you play.
Let’s take LoL as example, since it is the most played competitive game: you have an account level, from 1 to 30, which only purpose is to be an entry barrier to ranked matches. And that is exactly how it should be in GW2 imho.

Players need skill-based rewards, not farm-based ones.

GW1 had a Rank Emote and i’ll be sad to see GW2’s go. No one is saying hey lets not do these other changes people are more interested in seeing the ability for current Rank (Timesink to get higher as was GW1’s) and the ladder one co-exist. It’ll be something on the side personally i loved the /rank command in GW1 and while I don’t pvp much consistently in GW2, to think that it won’t be there to be earned is a tad bit saddening.

CDI Topic: Rewards in PvP

in CDI

Posted by: Tres.5427


Personally I don’t believe that removing Ranks and their associated Emotes/Finishers is the wrong way to go. It’s something passive in the background even a casual player can jump into and work towards it without particularly being forced into Ladders and something more competitive (which is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea). I don’t see why the ladder and just ranks in general can’t co-exist.

Fancy Footwork (Swampland Fractal)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


@ Fancy Footwork
You can not trip a single trap at any point in time and must successfully return a wisp to trigger achievement. (More than likely to prevent people from afk’ing at the turn in and pissing their other party members off)

@ The Floor is Lava
As was said before there are lava pools at the final encounter in the instance that do not give the lava debuff but if you even slightly step in one it will ko your achievement.

LVL 30 Fractal done

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


If you’re just there for reward stop at 10/20. If you are interested in testing yourself and your group further go further? Why’s everything have to have a carrot? Personally our group is going to push till we can’t pass trash and then be content with ourselves and fractals.

Vial of Condensed Essence

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


you can get vials above 10. The only thing is 1-9 only chance at vial. 10-19 chance at vials and globs. 20-29 chance at vials globs and shards.

Possible Fractal Level Segregation Fix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


This sort of takes idea’s from all sorts of diff posts from others and tries to find a mid-way thats more reasonable (at least I think so anyways). Thats my disclaimer.

What if the levels you could enter based on group were Tier’d instead of singular?
ie. If you are in the first tier (1-9) you can enter any 1-9 group and progress your personal level by 1 on each completion.

Group of 1 3 5 9 9 enter Level 9 and complete.
now it’s 2 4 6 10 10 afterwards.

This group would then could do difficulty 9 over again to catch other people up or replace the two 10’s who are in a new tier and continue at whatever highest level their group has.

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tres.5427


GW1 PvP was varied and great fun in my opinion. What we have in GW2 lacks any need for real skill and has no depth. It’s basically dumbed down. The one game mode at the moment is by far the weakest they could have chosen.

I would love to see more things along the lines of GvG from GW1 or even the diff types they had in the Hall of Heroes for sPvP it would do a lot more for being competitive than king of the hill type stuff ever does.

Ascendeds supposed to drop after level 10?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


for the Jade Maw you need someone with at least 10 resist at level 20 rest of it you don’t really need Agony Resist.

Beyond that the Ascended Rings are from the daily chest for killing Jade Maw. As such you only have one chance a day at it. It resets at Reset time.

Fractals of the Mists - Where's the carrot?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Why’s there gotta be a carrot. Yes people can get their rings at level 10 and never do anything harder. Yes I’ve been seeing the same rate of drops 1-20+. No it doesn’t bother me I want to see just how high i can push myself for funzies and that is what I’m chasing.

Not sure what to do at this point.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tres.5427


you think this is a bug? lol you should have known Anet was going to nerf drop rates as soon as you saw the “convert gems to gold” option.

It’s abnormal from where it was for most of the games life so yea bug. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself or in threads filled with em thanks theres enough garbage on the forums as is thanks to people like you.

Fractals 11 - Loot error please FIX

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Questions about the daily chest:

- Does it only happen the first time you fight Jade Maw that day, no matter what FOTM level?

- Does the bonus chest for the ascended ring only happen on the 10-11 run or could you get it for example from the 12-13 run if that’s the first time you did Jade Maw that day?

-Is there more than one daily chest i.e. one for each tier?

Howdy! To answer your question there are two seperate Bonus Chests. One is a daily reset at reset time the other is a special chest for hitting the X0 Levels for the first time. 10 20 30 etc.
The rings can be gotten out of any Jade Maw kill. Whether its 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 etc.
As far as i know there is no seperate daily tiers either just 1 daily chest.

Not sure what to do at this point.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tres.5427


I think everyone’s noticed the lack of ecto’s out of rares by now but Support are definitely the wrong people to bring it up to. Bug ticket it instead. I know I have. This stinks of the issue that caused dye droprates to skyrocket but in reverse for ecto’s. As it stands right now getting 0 Globs is more common than getting 1.

Beyond that farming the same mobs for too long does trigger DR. You need to become mobile around the world and hit multiple spots to not trigger it. Best of luck.

Fractals 11 - Loot error please FIX

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Fun fact, just did level 20. You cannot even survive Agony with only +5 resistance. At least from the Jade Maw’s auto-application, as it auto-killed everyone else in my party except me (technically one other player could have had +10 resistance, but he was stingy with his fractal shards). We only managed to survive because when we re-entered the arena, the party-wide application left me clinging to life, and the jade maw couldn’t hit us where we’d reentered.

Darn straight im stingy 225 to be able to fill an Offensive slot geez :P. Jade Maw is really the only exception to the not needing Agony as a group without at least 1 person at 10 can not complete a 20+ Jade Maw (someone has to survive to res everyone after all). The rest of it? We had members going into our 20+ run without a single agony resist and everything else went fine. For the most part. Geebus those Chanters on cliffside and their vuln stacking =/.

Agony past lvl 20 is horrible design

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


There are literally VERY few bosses that you can’t avoid agony on.

You cannot avoid agony on Jade Maw (without clever use of game mechanics)

It’s hard but you can avoid agony on every other fractal. Some are easier than others (most infact are really easy)

+0 – + 5 agony will reach you to 20, at 20 you need atleast 10 to survive during maw (with self heal + aoe heal)

afaik only Jade Maw is the unavoidable one. Every other one is avoidable.

Archdiviner at the bottom applies agony by being in the circle when the aoe debuff actually goes off. You have a 1-2 second window to get out of it or if you have no reaction time just keep moving. In Phase 2 of the final seal fight the aoe flash applies it. The real problem with cliffside at higher difficulties is the healing seal part where like 10 chanters spawn. If you do not complete it at the start when it starts with 2 chanters on either side you’re pretty much boned. They apply stacks of vuln too fast with so many.

(edited by Tres.5427)

Fractals of the Mists bonus chest question.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


It does indeed reset with daily reset.

Finished fractals 10 and dissappointed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


IIRC they responded already and said that this is a bug and you are supposed to get the ring the first time you beat Jade Maw on level 10.

They have not as far as i’ve seen. It took me till 15 before i got my ring. Fractals are do-able without ascended gear up to that point. This over exaggeration about not being able to continue cause people don’t have the ring right away is getting kind of tiresome. You can continue just play better. Understand what’s happening. Only certain boss attacks apply agony and learn to avoid them. Better yourself and then worry about gear you’ll have a much better time with things.

Edit* The chest is a daily occurance resets with reset period.

(edited by Tres.5427)

Ascended backpieces from Mystic Forge ??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


I’ve gotten a fair bit of T6 mats out of fractals.

More fractals in future?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


I think everyone expects fractals of the mists to be able to grow in all departments almost like its a given cause of it’s setup.

Fractals of the Mists - Best PvE design yet.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


The Fractals are great, it’s just killed every other dungeon in the game. This isn’t a good thing.

Just wait till people hit the actual difficult parts then the complaints that after x difficulty its only for super people will come out and everything will return to normal.

Disconnected During Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


This was confirmed as a bug already and is being worked on

How do i unlokc Fotm Difficulty 2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


For Odd Level Difficulties you do 3 fractals to increase your level. ie.
Level 1 Swamp → Snow → Cliffside → Level 2
For Even Level Difficulties there’s a 4th fractal to complete to increase level. ie.
Level 2 Swamp → Snow → Cliffside → Jade Sea → Level 3

So far the fourth one has been the same for us want to buy more bosses please arenanet.

Fractals of the Mist trying to rejoin party.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


It’s a bug that you can’t rejoin atm and they are working on a fix.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Ahh that’s unfortunate but still a player issue. Pushing towards 20 myself but i still go back to help friends out in lower ones when i’m not doing other things. After all if a person your running a higher one with runs into an issue your pretty boned being at higher without more people to fill in with. At least that’s how I see it, it’s totally see-able that others don’t have the same view till it hits them face first.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Find people you can trust to run with? It seems like everyone’s been going through the game without adding good players to friends list that they have played with or play at similar times and are dependable and now its biting people in the behind.

Tell me, why is this acceptable.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Its perfectly plausible to go higher without agony resist. 2/5 of our group got rings so far and we’re pushing towards 20 without backpieces.

Colossus final boss Fractal level 12

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Howdy, This one gave our group trouble as well on 14.

First of all if you wipe you can pull the extra adds without pulling the boss given you have someone with 1500~ range (for safety so a Ranger with Longbow or Engineers).

On the second point you are right you need to hit the seal asap to have the least amount of adds spawned. But beyond that what our group found worked was to stick to a corner of the room till we had cleared the adds there and systematically work our way around. In this way we avoided aggro’ing the Fanatics and Veteran Novices that spawned at the Entrance and opposite side until we were ready for them.

Hope this helps and best of luck to you all =)

Edit for others that read. A Group filled with agony resist is not required. Our group has only 2 players with Rings atm through RNG and well no backpieces. Still do-able

(edited by Tres.5427)

Query on Cliffside - 11 and up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


It’s true above 11 the chanter’s no longer despawn. You need to kill them while the boss is chasing you about. Best of luck~

ETA on AC burrow hit box fix?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


We’re very aware it is happening with bunches of structures (bunches being a super technical design term). The fix SHOULD fix a lot of situations.

Are you also aware of this bug having to do with targeting?
If the player disables auto-target (so it doesn’t get targeted again), then deselects the burrow and just aims their attacks in its direction, they will all hit without problem. You don’t have to circle or do any weird stuff.

Don’t ever have to target the burrow at all just swing/shoot in general direction and everything will land.

Arah shortcut...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


The sad thing is you only get 8 tokens doing this meaning 100 runs to get 800…

Do you get the picture? Speed Run ARAH groups are NOT hurting anyone but themselves.

They have to log out, log back in and change who starts the instance to reset it.

You realize it takes 10 minutes to get 8 vs 1-2 hours ish to get 31?

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


As soon as I noticed loads of people wearing the armour despite the look being really cool knowing it was so easily gained it just yells to me ‘I took advantage of a balancing issue/exploit and think I’m so cool because of it’ which to me does the exact opposit.

It’s no sign of skill or experience or patience or anything. At the moment it just makes you look bad. Which is a real shame it’s one of the nicest dungeon sets.

And what set do you wear? Cause if its TA or Arah read my above post.

TA isnt hard. Arah people shard run for like 8 tokens / 10 mins so also being farmed real easily. There’s no status symbol left atm for “Hey I’m awesome and was able to accomplish this” other than Legendary weapons

I’d say the title ‘Dungeon Master’ is a pretty solid status symbol

Suppose it is though its not as flashy as armor and no where near as easily noticeable. I don’t find myself clicking on people very often to see the titles they have on maybe that’s just me so it didn’t come to mind right away =)

Anyone else feels CoF gear is noob gear ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


As soon as I noticed loads of people wearing the armour despite the look being really cool knowing it was so easily gained it just yells to me ‘I took advantage of a balancing issue/exploit and think I’m so cool because of it’ which to me does the exact opposit.

It’s no sign of skill or experience or patience or anything. At the moment it just makes you look bad. Which is a real shame it’s one of the nicest dungeon sets.

And what set do you wear? Cause if its TA or Arah read my above post.

TA isnt hard. Arah people shard run for like 8 tokens / 10 mins so also being farmed real easily. There’s no status symbol left atm for “Hey I’m awesome and was able to accomplish this” other than Legendary weapons

Explorable Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tres.5427


Is “shard running” meant to be so much better than actually completing the entire Explorable mode in the cases of certain dungeons that take longer? (ie Arah).

For those that do not know what shard running is you do the easiest path to hit bosses with limited trash then leave instance and reset it.

Is this intended? Is it something people should jump on while its active? Whats the deal with it.

edit Meaning as far as gathering tokens. heck may even be better gold cause of chest loot but i haven’t run any math on that.