I think if the serversided calculation or server client communication would be the issue, the frames should stay stable, but skills would be delayed, you get teleportet, stuff like this. Your client is most likly able to calculate your movement and the server calculates stuff around it. That is why you still got your frames and ppl running before dcs.
I tend to think this is bandwidth problem on your cpu, ram connection. This is very hard to measure, but from my experience in benchmarking my codes (one of my main jobs is to optimize code for parallelization in big clusters but also on single multicore cpus, so this single thread prob doesnt happen a lot to me) this could well be the real bottleneck. Thats why I wondered, why ddr4 did not bring much improvement, but then again ddr4 is not really on the point yet where it will get in future and in many circumstances still is not faster than ddr3.
If i am really correct, cpus with very big cache could bring some improvement.
I personaly run the game on a 3570k at 4.1ghz. I might be able to test it on a cluster with xeon e5 1620 v3 and k80 gpu. But last time i tried some packages from whine and imagemagick colided… This System has a slightly bigger cache, so if we see improvement there it might be the bottleneck.
I understand the mechanism but i cannot believe it is inteded that way.
If it is intended, I call it a bad mistake in gamedesign. It might be somehow usefull in open world content or stuff like this, but it is just plain stupid to get randomly rallied at pvp without touching any of the opponents dying, esp at the beginning of a match.
Today I started thief 1v1 at far and got my opponent (venom thief) into downstate, suddenly he rallied. Got him into downstate again and same thing happend again.
Needed to think a while what happend there. Both time he rallied, one of my teammates at mid died.
Later same thing happend to me where i randomly rallied altough i surely never hit the opponent that died, but i used basilisk venom close to an allie before.
Conclusion: venom share bugged?
I am truely wondering if the unranked mmr got resettet. I get matched with players from every tier. The system seems to need a lot of time to determin my mmr, altough i played quite a few matces after last mmr reset known to me.
First match i get 8 pro league players, next match ppl that just started pvp. There are a few players i meet in more than one game, but the variaty used to be smaller. I mean, i remember getting the same 20 ppl in matches for weeks basically. I know players base officially has grown, but than mmr should even work better. Will it settle in again?
I dont know if Rev needs to sell HoT. You pretty much cant reach high tier on any class without HoT.
I agree on your point about war. At hight tiers it is harder to land damage, but still not that hard it gets invalid. You just need to time it better.
In general i agree, but that is like telling sombody to finally solve any hunger in the world before putting a picture on the wall. Two completly different categories of work to be done.
This problem is as old as the game. I would really like to roam around the backline as a thief, but skillags made it impossible from the first day.
After 3 years I dont expect a change on this.
Ok right, i agree there. Thief is a not in a good place against dh in a 1v1 (if the dh is decend). The main problem imo is the huge amount of blocks that prevent interrupts. That has been a problem pre HoT too. But i still prefer a good thief over a good dh in an organised team.
I really dont see an issue if ppl cant facetank a damage dealer. A bit of movement and skill should be aquired for bunkers too, not just looking at teammates healthbars and conditions.
Talking about PvP and WvW Rev is a suitable joice. I stopped playing pve completly when HoT came out, so i cant tell you anything about that.
Rev is different from Warrior, you can loose a fight quite fast if you make mistakes, warriors usually take longer to die. Also the CD system is completly different.
The great thing about rev is its combination of movement, leaches (armor doesnt help against it) and bursts, good amount of blocks and easy to time interrupts.
If you dont know the skills yet, you can start with one weapon set only and learn those skills and than add the second weapon set. Rev took me quite a few matches to get solid on it, i cant even tell you why, as the mechanics seem to be quite simply.
It is a heavy armor class, but still a little squishy. Still you can get reat survivability out of it.
Your signature shows you play thief, if traps catch you often, it’s faulty gameplay tbh.
You can dogde all of them and calling dh op is hopefully ment to be funny.
Only thing where they are good is at really low tiers where they put the traps on a point and players are not inteliggent enough to just leave the point for 2 secs.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
As a thief main a have to agree with the threat opener. This skill is stupid af. Yeah, it is needed to be able to fight an always blocking basically hard to interrupt dh, but thats another story.
Getting in a thief 1v1 with this skill just sucks, also revs just cant handle it most times.
To the one asking to nerf the d/p 5, 2 chain: This chain needs a lot of initiative, so its fine imo and some defends for a thief is not a bad thing.
Thiefs dont need to be nerferd (!), but at this point of the game thief 1v1s are just a joke and most times over in 10 seconds. Without elite skills thief 1v1s are kind of fun. Or as mentioned before, reveal at the beginign of the cast.
That’s pretty much the history of the elementalist right there:
1- Realize you’re skills have huge lag and cooldown and do twice less damage than other classes
2- Equip a bunker amulet and traits because with anything else you get 1-shot by people pressing 1-1-1-1 or just pressing random keys spamming condis
2- Practice like an addict until you can master some crazy complicated combo with might blasting
3- Watch for a few months as people playing easier classes complain that you are OP
4- Get nerfed like hell (multiple times)
5- Stop playing for a few months the only viable build (because Anet made 75% of your skills and traits either useless or completely essential)
6- Make good suggestions to Anet to balance the class
7- Watch as they completely ignore you and buff one useless skill by 5%
8- Get buffed again (by accident)
9- Back to step 3 (repeat 5 times)
10- Try another class and realize that even if you’re having more success it’s just not what you wanted to play
11- leave the game for good
I stopped at 2. If you tell me skill rotations on ele are complex i dont know what to answer. It is very easy as you can do the same every single fight, not reacting at your opponent at all and still win. And yes i played ele, about a thousand ranked matches. It is not a hard class. Allthough anet seems to be able to to balance it, it was always a cele class and of course its on a weak spot now.
I got to agree with thread opener. I used to play thief until hot release, but switched to multiclassing after thief was in a bad state (not taƶking about newest thief buff now). I played in a pretty high tier, due to familie and work reasons i couldnt play a lot lately. Nevertheless, altough i never played a decend engi, i can run scrapper against esl players and teams with succes (alltough i only meat them in unranked atm). The damage is ok, but the sustain comming with it is insane. As i didnt play a lot latetly my ranked tier got pretty low and i am only ruby. In ruby i can often 1v3 and kill all three players wirh the scrapper. And again, i am not even a good scrapper. No matter how bad the opponents are, this should not be possible. Invuls, heal and condiremove, lots of dodges and blocks, stunbreakers, stealth, lots of regen, steath counter. Pretty much every defensive option is combined in this class, but still the damage is insane. Easy acces to venom to prevent healing and interrupts seals the deal. Remeber when cele engi was op, this is by far worse!
Only class i go 1v1against another scrapper is rev, maybe the buffed thief now.
It even sipports quite well wirh decend mobility.
This sounds pretty bad, but than again a small debuff in either damage or sustain could bring it into the right spot.
So? Premade teams are part of the game and not the devil himself….
Also if you can make it work with premade, you can do it with pugs, especially if it comes to tanky builds.
Same here. Pls fix, made me loose a couple of 1v1s i origanilly won against reapers. If stomp fails, i die and in downstate is reaper just to strong.
This was a lot needed change for pvp. This elite is very strong and powerfull and the damage it does is a lot. I run chronoshatter with zerker amu and this wells plays an important part in many group fights. Also, did you watch hellseths using of it? Its an great elite as long as you are not at foefire.
It is easy to get quickness and slows as chrono and timewarp is hard to use offensivly with big cd. I see moa against big bunkers and wells, but i dont need timewarp anymore. Used it on normal mesm though. Good teams will make timewsrp rezzes also quite hard, look at frostball and hellseth on the last prehot match. Both used tw but not a single time it kicked in.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
I saldy agree there. I defended thief long, but now its just dead.
Yep, nerf gw2.
There are balance issues, but this forum is just bs around about everything. Let meta settle in some time and than rebalance.
I dont play high tier, but you dont either
And it was never a 3v2. The last player jumps into a very very stupid rez together with the other one. If ppl just commit to rezzes because they dont know when to stop its not your win but their loss. You didnt outplay anybody there and you did nothing a usual engi couldnt have done too.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
Could have done the same on thief. It was even a squsihy ele that pushed you of point and nearly capped it, because you had to run around stuff onm the map.
He decided to go for the cap instead of pressering you, thats the only reason you survived.
All your balanced posts are quite funny and make me smile about what you think happend there. but i am not impressed at all
I won a lot of matches with double thief, but i agree that the playstyle differs. You will get a game with more capping and kills. If both thieves go on the same target its nearly a sure kill due to high damage/stunn/imo/interupt, most opponents just melt. I agree its hard to hold points in a 5v5 with 2 thieves, but than again there is no need to play one point only. If you got two thieves in your team, you need to rotate a little better, but most pug-teams will not react to it and therefore loose imo.
Its the same with double powerranger, necro on power or double mesmer, it gets a lot harder, vut there is also a great chance by changing the playstyle.
As everybody is able to relog, there is no way of matchmaking to consider classes.
If you get instant killed its your fault. A dps guardian will do the same to you xD
I played med guard against burn guardians and they die. I play mesmer, thief against burn guardian and they die if they are not better in playstyle than me. They are not op at all.
You can kill them in 1v1 without condiremoves, thats even some kind of beeing underpowred imo.
80k damage and you died only once, so whats the problem? If you get dpsd 80k you die at least 5 times. Its the only damage your opponent has. And yes, getting to much damage is l2p
p/p thieves are more or less useless, if you want this playstyle use a ranger, its much better. Everything is working against thieves. I didnt complain about the thief state much, i most times disagread on the thief is dead stuff, but this is just stupid.
Well, it really looks like thief is dropping out of puggin completly. If stealth is given out this often together with superspeed…..
If you get 3 secs stealth and superspeed you can change the rotation easily without beeing seen and the opponent has to react afterwords. One of the view things a thief was still quite important for.
I fear, a stealth nerf will follow because of all this stealth and hief is getting downed even more….
Sry, but I cannot understand why anet decides to keep stuff like the trapper rune out of pvp for a good reason and suddenly just need new stuff. Instead of thinking of sth putting in old stuff that hasnt been there for a reason is not a good way….
To be fair, your MMR is different on each of your characters, so switching classes every few games counteracts the “50% win/loss” thing that is supposed to happen.
To be real, I feel you. I’ve definitely had those days. Take a break, do something else, it will get better (at least that’s what I tell myself)!
Not really true. Yes, mmr is different on different chars but it is not considered at matchmaking. Devs decided, because you can switch the class after joining into the game
Bazooka, I didnt look up your personal posts and I am not following you around here. I just remember most of the stuff i read and i read here a lot.
I dont agree on your point and it is also very important to get feedback on your feedback. I just dislike all the people qqing around without any contructive ideas for changes. Most times those changes suggested would destroy the general game design. Pls dont think about only your games and playstyle but the game in general, the differences between tiers and stuff like this.
I dont see meta wars, I even disagree with the meta in some points when it comes to pugging. If you play full premade you can also change a lot and switch the jobs. All classes have at least 3 builds that are valid though all tiers. Thief is an exception ( I still see only one valid build, altough some talk about pp beeing good, still I cannot bring it to value and i havent seen anybody do yet) and I agree that it needs rework time. But i also disagree to thief is dead posts, i still play it against good players with success.
Every game with pvp has a meta, nothing to do about it. The fact that it changes without balance patches shows also, meta is about playstyles and its not always the best way to play it. Think about shoutbow dropping out of meta, comming back and than switching to shield without any changing. Also the mantra mesmer dropped rapidly out of the meta builds before they patches the mantra cds. still thhose old builds can be used with great succes, even if not considered meta anymore. Often its just a build a popular streamer is using.
Feedback should be in a way a balance team can use it and should be consitent to what is happening in the game.
When they changed the trait system i was also disappointed, i agree there. It was more flexible before, but ppl got used to it and its fine imo. Meta is made by the players and not only the game design and its not hard to play good builds that are not on metabattle.
This post…
Haha..Ty 4 the constuctive post.
I did read quite a few posts of you and the general topic is always a qq about how anet does everything wrong and you will stop to play the game, etc. All those qqs are very strange and dont reflect the average opinion of the community (like the qq about cele monthes after the cele meta ended). So I can undersand Grand Havens post, its about the same constructive level as yours.
I plus 1 the nec. If i get into a fight that turns against us I cannot disengage at all, I just die. Also I am not a good 1v1er on nec at all, loosing fights i propaply shouldnt (like against boon after boon after boon ele, i am just to stupid to kill those on nec, altough booncoruption should counter eles imo). And i cannot handle getting focused in 4v4s or 5v5s which happens almost every time if you enter as nec.
Also i only know very few good necros.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
After playing a few matches today is start to laugh at those burnguards. Guardians were called thief hardcounters all the time. Thx to burning guards its not true anymore. Now they just die like flys while just doint sth about nothing.
Honestly, if you call those op, i dont know what you are doing. I also played against them on a meta build mesmer, it doenst have condi remove at all and its still completly in the mesmers favour.
why would a thief hace reflect against other opponents than warrior? because there is an elite that is way shorter than lich time without any other use?
also: mesmer has a 2 sec reflect, guardian doesnt have reflect on a vlaid 1v1 build if i am not mistaken. ele has a 3 sec reflect if i remember correctly. Nothing of this is a counter to lich.
(edited by Tux der Pinguin.3049)
If you were to host a private 1 on 1 Tournament what would your “banned list” include. The reality is the game is still not balanced for 1 on 1, but could banning a few traits and utility skills do anything to help?
I would allow only berserker amulet, this help a lot to balance duels. Ranger not allowed too.
Any other build is ok. Rampage and lich is not a problem in 1v1 (rampage = just kite and wait the end, Lich =just use reflect skills)Still as someone said, duel are not balanced, meaning classes are more efficient against others an less against some others.
For example, necro can be good against ele, but is poor against warrior.
Warrior can be good against necro, but how poor is against mesmer.
No rangers because?? And just reflect lich is also quite funny for most classes that dont have reflect XD
This post: Wow, just wow!
Celestial is only meta on a single class, its not really what does the trick.
Edit: well, two
I played bothat some matches (about 700 ele, 400 engi) and i think they are both about the same. Maybe engi is a little bit harder, as you cannot rela on any rotation. But the difference is very small.
No, its another one.dance doesnt work.
Wvw bug occured when objects changed around you, if i remember correctly, which doesnt happen alot in pvp
Not to easy. You need a lot of resources for that as you also need to make a time gap so ppl dont get told about enemie stuff. I would be happe if they started streaming all events, like funday munday, 2v2, etc.
Funny part is, i get a lot of whispers like “nice hack/cheat”, etc. I never used any macros (despite one that has a mouseclick repeating to open large stacks of stuff) and dont use any plugins (despite the ts overlay to see who is speaking) or even cheats. I dont see a lot of cheaters (altough there was this funny ranger with 50k autoattacks), i’ve seen some, but very rarly.
There are a lot of people in this game who are paranoid. There are only very few hackers. If you get hit in stelath you choose an obvious way, etc. Dont blame all the others.
About original topic, i came to this bug before and it gets broken by movement skills. Every time it accured to me (maybe 5 times) there was an nec, thats all i know. I cant see what causes this bug, nothing seems to be specific about it. Repluggin keyboard also works.
By just reading the title, i agree on that point. Both were or are not valid at any good gaming. A turret engi was always the best opponent you could get. Nver had propblems with any of them, same is for burning. But qq along, i dont mind any more.
I dont know which is the average, that might be quite low, also to the big amount of inactiv players.
Its an age old question for games, around what type of user do you plan. Sure, there are players that like this game, play only pve and will never reach lvl 80 (pvelevel), because they only play occasionly. There are those other players spending 10hours plus per day. I dont know which is the more important customer, i guess the second one.
Btw, i hate what this forum does to my name^^
Ok, this is now 7/3 in the other direction and you feel fine about it. You know there is someone with 3/7 in the other direction. Also during weekend and esp. beta weekends there are more players to make good matches.
That is due to two facts, ppl expected it to get better is the biggest one. But also keep in mind, in a sample of 10 tests you are not to far away of 50/50 in both cases. 7/3 is quite near and those are just not enough numbers to go for 1/1.
If there is one law, that it totally missunderstood its Murphy’s!
Ok, first you dont want to start with the venom. Use it at a health level you can get the opponent down with backstab, stun, attacks and another stun from steal if venom runs out. Thats a first suggestion.
I wrote it earlier, you cannot relay on any skillrotation as a thief like eles can do. You need to watch your opponent and react to his actions. Its not working to use the same combo every time.
Ok, there surely is a difference between working and non working players. But i will assure you, there are a lot playing more than 40 hours per week.
It is so simple, burning is not op and doesnt need to be fixed. If it were op, esl would be full of burning builds. If you cannot handle burns, you do sth wrong, a true l2p issue. The fact you can cover burns in other conditions is still not enough for burning to be a valid option in high tier teams. If you would take this away, condi builds are even more useless.
AND NO, i dont play burning builds, i prefer sth i can rely on to work against every opponent, dps. Yes, i tried burning builds and bad players got melted in a few secs, but only the really bad ones. I main thief and still can fight against most burning builds, i prefer them a lot over the other builds those classes have as an opponent.
Its the same with turret engis, those were never hard opponents. Just a low tier games.
Not a single hit was needed to kill this war xD
You may look a few streams on twitch.
Nope, i was serious. If I read thief is op its most times bottom tier players, but no way to proof. Well, you proofed yourself.
Thief is still very good at pve. You dont need any survivability there, just damage. Every single boss mechanics is outbplayed by just bursting the boss down. I dont know what will change with higher fracs, but i remember going lvl 79 before it was closed at 50 and it still worked there.