The issue isn’t with the addition of the new tier by itself. Its everything else that went along with it.
Whiteside: “We’re not making a gear treadmill.”
Forum users: “YOU LIE AND YES YOU ARE”
Whiteside: "We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”
Chill out guys. I think the concerns about ascended gear are pretty much covered. Ascended is the “mid-term goal” and is just as optional as legendaries ever were in all content aside from high level fractals. Which, let’s get real here, aren’t gated content. They’re a harder version of the same content you can do just fine in exotics.
As for WvW balance in terms of ascended gear… Which is a larger benefit to your team. 100g on ascended items, or 100g on siege weapons bps and cap upgrades?
The only effect Ascended gear, implemented as it is, will have on WvW is to change the excuses people use when they die. In stead of “outnumbered” or “cheese tactics” they’ll now blame ascended gear. Once the ascended gear moves over to WvW acquisition and becomes more common they’ll find something else to blame.
They are going to add more pieces every 3-4 months. Just because its a small tread mill doens’t make it any less of a treadmill. They also introduced content gating and even more grind.
Can’t say I didn’t tell you so
If you are wiping on fractals you are in terrible groups, except for the statue one, that’s easy to get knocked off and bugged.
It shouldn’t be tied to RNG thats for kitten sure. And time =/= effort. Fractals don’t get any harder to complete, they just get longer to complete. The mechanics for them doens’t change, you simply take damage constantly and get more mob thrown at you with more health. Thats the lazy way of “increasing” difficulty.
ANET made it outdated. They intended to do it. They are funneling players into content. The reason this intention is clear is because they could have easily added these drops to existing dungeons as well.
Be sure to include your disgust of the gear treadmill in the other block. NCSoft is using this to gauge if they should include 1 time events in other games. Let them know what you are really upset about!
If you are dissatisfied with the direction of the game theres several things we can do to try and change NCSoft’s mind, they are likely behind these changes since they control the purse strings.
1) Review bomb all retail sites
2) E-mail ANET/NCSoft
3) Stop logging in
4) Send me E-mails/PMs and I’ll hand deliver them to NCSoft HQ. That’s right, I live in Korea ATM and I’m more than willing to get thrown out of a company building for the cause
Diminishing returns is supposed to force players to go on into more of the game world while also making botting less profitable. Its easily cirumvented by real players. The problem is that ANET now has put in place a dungeon that isn’t really affected by DR at all and gives the best drops in the game. They’ve funneled players into 1 zone. With that one change, DR no longer serves it purpose of encouraging people to play in more than 1 area.
I happen to agree with the thread title NO DR on the Flavor of the Month new content why on the old content?
There is DR in the FOTM, you just never trigger it unless you are killing things constantly in a single instance.
GW2 already peaked in sales with the first selling. The rest will simply be holiday gifts. Those will probably be lower now because of all the bad press from the change. People are tired of WoW for a reason, and its not just because of welfare epics and the world. ANET,Nexon, and NCSoft will learn the hard way.
Speaking of which, I think I’m going to give NCSoft a vist
There are no “Raids” in GW2.
But we seem to be unable to leave that mindset behind.
Not yet
This is … just too much. If all that is right I’m not worried. I’m relieved. It means I can quit this game and never come back and rely on all themepark games becoming utter trash in the name of profit.
Just a note… I have been playing EVE Online since last Friday or so, and while the game has a MASSIVE learning curve it really is a blast.
100% PvP, Full Loot Drop, Sandbox-Style game based on being an immortal space ship captain.
I have given up on all MMOs, and all multi-player “themepark” style games.
Yes, Eve seems nice at the start… You will quit in less than 90 days.
Most people that quit eve in 90days do so because they dont’ like the fact that when they die, they lose all their stuff.
And what if a part of the game you like is suddenly off limits to you because you don’t meet the gear requirement?
i guess i’d figure out what the gear req. was and what i’d need to do to get it.
And you are ok with that? If it constantly happens, over and over and over again, with every new patch the type of content you liked requires you get the gear from the last patch only to give you new gear that will be required in a latter patch? And you would be ok doing that OVER and OVER again, just to get that new piece of gear?
I think we’re over emphasizing the stat increase. I’m not saying it isn’t substantial, or that it should even be allowed in WvW, but I don’t think it’ll have the cataclysmic impact that folks seem to give it.
It’s not the stat increase alone. It’s the gate that ANet opened which they promised they never would.
There was no promise…. a manifesto is not a promise or binding contract/document… it has no weight in forcing the author or reader to follow it. It’s generally a bad rule of thumb to stray from your guidelines, but it’s perfectly within their right to do it.
At the least it was false advertisement
the gear is optional. not required. just do the stuff you find fun. you said you like “open world multi-player events”. good. the new gear is not required to do that.
Not required yet, but once the full set becomes available the endgame zones are going to need to have a power increases to ensure they don’t become trivial.
Everyone wants a path to the best stuff in the game, a few days ago Arena Net seemed to respect that today not so much. So the games appeal has demised.
You didn’t answer my question about PvP do you like PvP, or here’s another one. What if they made you complete every jumping puzzle in the game to get the components you need to mystic forge yourself up a piece of your Ascended gear ….what then how would you feel about it then?
Today the game is less because they pigeonholed me into game play I don’t care for.
can you not do DE’s anymore? the events now require this new gear? if your asking me what i would and wouldnt do for new gear, i play the game to have fun. i do things i find fun. i don’t do things i don’t find fun. don’t really know how to answer other than that.
The question were not that hard, Do you like to PvP/WvW , Do you like jumping puzzles? …… and I’ll add one more, Do you like making your character as powerful as they can be?
i find parts of pve, spvp, and wvw fun. which i play depends on my mood. im not overly concerned with gear.
And what if a part of the game you like is suddenly off limits to you because you don’t meet the gear requirement?
Good for you. I’d like EvE more if it wasn’t for the fact that combat is dull.
You, sir, are doing it wrong.
EVE’s pvp combat (pve is indeed dull) is the only time in any video game (even now after I’ve played EVE for almost 4 years) when my palms get sweaty with excitement.
OT: I hope you contributed to this project
Thanks for the replies…and yes, the post is meant to be a bit of a satire, but hey…we all know how much love and attention Arenanet puts towards the tiny details of their world, so I can guarantee you nothing is done without a lot of thought.
I was just laughing so hard considering the latest patch
They constantly do things clearly nobody thought about (or at least tested them) before.
OT I herd about this game last week. Yes, for a space sim thats something that seems like a better game.
can you not do DE’s anymore? the events now require this new gear? if your asking me what i would and wouldnt do for new gear, i play the game to have fun. i do things i find fun. i don’t do things i don’t find fun. don’t really know how to answer other than that.
You still don’t get what we are complaining about. We are complaining about content gating. Any content gating, to us, is bad and goes against everything ANET promised. It doesn’t matter if the entire game doesn’t require it, a part of the game does. Not only that, but its based on RNG.
I play the game, I am having fun, and I don’t need convincing otherwise.
Just because some of you don’t appear to be having fun, doesn’t mean that you have a moral obligation to convince me to share your opinion.
We aren’t trying to convince you. We are trying to convince ANET that they messed up. If you play MMOs for gear treadmill and progression then I have to ask, why did you buy GW2 in the first place?
There is no content that is off-limits to you as a fresh 80 with nearly free rares from the trader.
There isn’t any YET. New content will require you to be geared in agony resistance to do it.
We dont know that yet! I suspect and hope it will be just be required for more difficult levels of the fractal dungeon only!
All current information points to the fact that it will. Otherwise its not progression.
This is … just too much. If all that is right I’m not worried. I’m relieved. It means I can quit this game and never come back and rely on all themepark games becoming utter trash in the name of profit.
Just a note… I have been playing EVE Online since last Friday or so, and while the game has a MASSIVE learning curve it really is a blast.
100% PvP, Full Loot Drop, Sandbox-Style game based on being an immortal space ship captain.
I have given up on all MMOs, and all multi-player “themepark” style games.
Yeah great game until you are in a corporation that is locked in their hangars by some jerk of another corporation that thinks it’s fun to try to actually ruin other gamers play time by destroying the vessels of the other corporation that have no basic defenses.
Anyway, this topic was a good read, I’m going to invest my money in Reynolds and Reynolds aluminum foil asap.
You can ignore 0.0 space and only play the built in Crop vs Crop game. I better stop before this thread gets locked for going off topic too much.
Good for you. I’d like EvE more if it wasn’t for the fact that combat is dull.
You, sir, are doing it wrong.
EVE’s pvp combat (pve is indeed dull) is the only time in any video game (even now after I’ve played EVE for almost 4 years) when my palms get sweaty with excitement.
Thats because you can lose all your stuff. The combat system is dull to me. Too much spread sheet vs spread sheet. I’d rather play a game like Darkfall
You can grind fractals all day to try and get new gear
We’re TRYING to play the game for fun. ArenaNet is requiring a stat grind of ever-growing proportions in order to reach that fun.
it’s not required. if you don’t find it fun, don’t do it. i guarantee you will enjoy the game more.
Exactly my issue as well.
And it will spill into WvW as well making PvE needed for WvW.
If that’s the case, there was no reason for the stat increase.the increase is to give those players a reward. they new gear isn’t easy to get. it requires dedication and skill. but it is also not necessary to complete other content.
Its not necessary YET. ANET said it will be in the future. Content gating has been introduced to GW2
still waiting for the required quote.
I already gave it to you.
There isn’t any YET. New content will require you to be geared in agony resistance to do it.
So you’re concerned about something that hasn’t happened, that hasn’t been announced and is clearly not going to happen?
When the new gear was announced, it was said that there would be a point beyond which you won’t be able to advance without it.
for the new dungeon right? if you want to do the new dungeon you can.
If its only limited to one dungeon then its not progression. They already said, as I’ve pointed out in countless threads, that they will be expanding on the agony system in future content updates.
Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later…
So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content[that content being agony system].
This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content.
Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.
We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features.
That clear enough for you
once again. nowhere does it say the gear is required.
You can choose to ignore everything I pointed out to you. And in a couple months when a new dungeon is added that requires you have agony buffs at the start I’ll simply say “I told you so”
This is … just too much. If all that is right I’m not worried. I’m relieved. It means I can quit this game and never come back and rely on all themepark games becoming utter trash in the name of profit.
Just a note… I have been playing EVE Online since last Friday or so, and while the game has a MASSIVE learning curve it really is a blast.
100% PvP, Full Loot Drop, Sandbox-Style game based on being an immortal space ship captain.
I have given up on all MMOs, and all multi-player “themepark” style games.
Good for you. I’d like EvE more if it wasn’t for the fact that combat is dull.
We’re TRYING to play the game for fun. ArenaNet is requiring a stat grind of ever-growing proportions in order to reach that fun.
it’s not required. if you don’t find it fun, don’t do it. i guarantee you will enjoy the game more.
Exactly my issue as well.
And it will spill into WvW as well making PvE needed for WvW.
If that’s the case, there was no reason for the stat increase.the increase is to give those players a reward. they new gear isn’t easy to get. it requires dedication and skill. but it is also not necessary to complete other content.
Its not necessary YET. ANET said it will be in the future. Content gating has been introduced to GW2
still waiting for the required quote.
I already gave it to you.
There isn’t any YET. New content will require you to be geared in agony resistance to do it.
So you’re concerned about something that hasn’t happened, that hasn’t been announced and is clearly not going to happen?
When the new gear was announced, it was said that there would be a point beyond which you won’t be able to advance without it.
for the new dungeon right? if you want to do the new dungeon you can.
If its only limited to one dungeon then its not progression. They already said, as I’ve pointed out in countless threads, that they will be expanding on the agony system in future content updates.
Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later…
So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content[that content being agony system].
This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content.
Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.
We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features.
That clear enough for you
I play the game, I am having fun, and I don’t need convincing otherwise.
Just because some of you don’t appear to be having fun, doesn’t mean that you have a moral obligation to convince me to share your opinion.
We aren’t trying to convince you. We are trying to convince ANET that they messed up. If you play MMOs for gear treadmill and progression then I have to ask, why did you buy GW2 in the first place?
There is no content that is off-limits to you as a fresh 80 with nearly free rares from the trader.
There isn’t any YET. New content will require you to be geared in agony resistance to do it.
I don’t understand your point. And I’m serious, its not coherent.
The spectral agony and this system are nothing alike. This system is more akin to LOTRO’s resiliency system, which was eventually scrapped. For this to be like spectral agony ANET would have to remove RNG from the system and make the gear a guarantee item from reaching certain levels fractal, and they would also have to remove the gating mechanic.
So, were this true… What help can we give them?
We can quit playing the game
Can someone just clarify this for me: What changed?
People are saying the game is no longer fun, but the game that existed before the patch is still here. They simply added new content.
If the old content was fun, why are you trying to do things that are un-fun? Why not stick to the stuff you find to be fun? (I personally hate sPvP so I don’t sPvP. Problem solved)
I already explained it to you. Grinding on a treadmill for hours a day to get the best gear, that will be required for future content, has killed all motivation to play, thus making the rest of the game not fun.
can’t seem to find this ‘required for future content’ info. care to share a link?
Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later…
So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content[that content being agony system].
This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content.
Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.
We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features.
That clear enough for you
Can someone just clarify this for me: What changed?
People are saying the game is no longer fun, but the game that existed before the patch is still here. They simply added new content.
If the old content was fun, why are you trying to do things that are un-fun? Why not stick to the stuff you find to be fun? (I personally hate sPvP so I don’t sPvP. Problem solved)
I already explained it to you. Grinding on a treadmill for hours a day to get the best gear, that will be required for future content, has killed all motivation to play, thus making the rest of the game not fun.
You should repost this on
before it gets deleted :-|Would be such a shame to loose this one!
Its already there.
There’s already a gear treadmill at Level 80.
It goes White-Blue-Green-Yellow-Orange.
Can’t believe a little extra tier is provoking so much rage.
Its not a treadmill because getting Orange doesn’t require me to repeat the same content over and over and over against to require it. Having that is vertical progression People really need to stop trying to alter the definitions of words to fit their agenda.
I’m not doing it, but not playing the game anymore. The game is no longer fun, to me, with the introduction of this patch. Is that so hard to understand?
honestly yes! provided you found the game fun before this patch that is. This patch didnt change any of the content that was there before (okey some class balances here and there) just added new stuff.
If you find the added stuff unfun whats the problem with ignoring it?
do you think without ascended items you’ll fail at PvE?
do you think without ascended items everyone will kill you in WvW?
whats the real issue why this patch made what was fun before suddenly be unfun?Hopefully my break down for why its not longer fun for me helps you understand this
1) I don’t like like being required to grind for gear
2) This new patch requires me to grind for gear now and in the future because not only does this gear have better stats (and so will the next pieces), but Agony will be required to participate in future content, ANET said it will be used in the future, you don’t get progression. This means, if I want to experience new content and be the best I can be in WvW I’m required to grind
3) MMORPGs are an overall process of character development and exploration. Its also a social. Thats why I prefer MMORPGs over single player games, even games like Skyrim. If I don’t like what the future holds, because it involves things I don’t like (vertical gear progression tied to RNG) I lose my desire to play.Thing is as far as we know and there is 0 reason to think it will be any different the agony mechanic which is the only thing you really need ascended gear for is in the fractals of the mists dungeon. This to me was created to provided content for people who like gear grinds, threadmills and stuff like that. If you dont enjoy that sort of thing then you’re not going to play fotm which means agony is a non issue for you which means you dont really need ascended armor.
You don’t get progression if the gear isn’t required for future content. If its only limited to fractals, why bother adding it? This doesn’t satisfy the people who like character progression tied to gear and it only pisses everyone else off. And ANET already said that they’ll use Agony mechanics in future updates. It doesn’t matter if Agony mechanics are only limited to dungeons, or certain dungeons in the future. The point is that the gear still has the best stats, and to do those future dungeons I have to go through an insane amount of grind to even participate in the new content (progression doesn’t exist if you don’t require previous pieces to get new ones). Content gating is simply bad (outside buying new content, which is understandable).
I’ve spent a good 40 minutes reading this thread and I’ve had to stop reading for a while because i mostly fell out of my chair laughing, hurt my stomach so bad i had to stretch, choke on my food and drink….
Completely miss the point of complaints if you think people are only complaining about content locking in FOTM, or the current affect on stats in WvW.
so do tell me what am i missing? we are getting new free content, fun, challenging, hard, achievable gradual and not a vertical gear treadmill. so, what am i missing?
The fact that these additions won’t continue and will be in future content patches where you’ll be required to meet the gear pre-request to have a chance of even completing the new content. The fact that this tier will eventually be a complete set that will require every WvW player to meet the new max stat to be the best they can be in WvW. The fact that it is a vertical progression, one tied to RNG. Just because its slow, doesn’t make it any less of a treadmill.
How can you have fun when everyone is now got the gear treadmill in their head.
OH i want to do a dungeon, wait I can’t, everyone is doing FoTM lvl 20 now. I can’t find anyone to do level 1. So just gonna sit around in LA now for weeks on end.
Then you could counter it saying doing it with your guild. Well the argument with that is Find a guild that’s doing PvE dungeons nowadays thats got space and on level 1.
Most guilds that say they do PvE and PvP basiclly just do Wv3 and thats it. Thats my exp with jumping to 5 servers to find a PvE guild.
They have completely removed the ability to take your time and do what you like for PvE and Wv3 players. It’s now World of Guild Wars. Rush to max level or be left behind.
Anet sold this game on, do what you like and won’t be left behind. 3 months on they changed there mind.
I honestly feel like i have been robbed of my £59.99
I know about 10% of most MMO players look at there game forums but look at the number of positive and Negitive threads. Negitive wins by a mile
I am with them. I am off back to WoW once again. I do love that game but I was looking for a more relaxed casual MMO. Guild wars has become a more grind fest than WoW so…….
don’t worry about the people who have ‘geartreadmill’ in their heads. just do what you enjoy doing. the new gear is not required.
You missed the point where he said he can’t because he no one else, or very little people, are doing other group related content.
I take back what I just said. ANET might actually be going overboard on these changes to prove a point.
I was going to post something insightful and got a error. They are already among us.
Same thing happened to me lol
This is … just too much. If all that is right I’m not worried. I’m relieved. It means I can quit this game and never come back and rely on all themepark games becoming utter trash in the name of profit.
We’re TRYING to play the game for fun. ArenaNet is requiring a stat grind of ever-growing proportions in order to reach that fun.
it’s not required. if you don’t find it fun, don’t do it. i guarantee you will enjoy the game more.
If that’s the case, there was no reason for the stat increase.
the increase is to give those players a reward. they new gear isn’t easy to get. it requires dedication and skill. but it is also not necessary to complete other content.
Its not necessary YET. ANET said it will be in the future. Content gating has been introduced to GW2
I’m not doing it, but not playing the game anymore. The game is no longer fun, to me, with the introduction of this patch. Is that so hard to understand?
honestly yes! provided you found the game fun before this patch that is. This patch didnt change any of the content that was there before (okey some class balances here and there) just added new stuff.
If you find the added stuff unfun whats the problem with ignoring it?
do you think without ascended items you’ll fail at PvE?
do you think without ascended items everyone will kill you in WvW?
whats the real issue why this patch made what was fun before suddenly be unfun?
Hopefully my break down for why its not longer fun for me helps you understand this
1) I don’t like like being required to grind for gear
2) This new patch requires me to grind for gear now and in the future because not only does this gear have better stats (and so will the next pieces), but Agony will be required to participate in future content, ANET said it will be used in the future, you don’t get progression. This means, if I want to experience new content and be the best I can be in WvW I’m required to grind
3) MMORPGs are an overall process of character development and exploration. Its also a social. Thats why I prefer MMORPGs over single player games, even games like Skyrim. If I don’t like what the future holds, because it involves things I don’t like (vertical gear progression tied to RNG) I lose my desire to play.
Holy crap, I’ve seen this so much it’s sickening. Basically it’s your group = your rules. Period. If someone else makes a group and they have some sort of rules then so be it. Don’t like it? Make a group of your own. This isn’t rocket surgery.
And as far as mindset goes, here’s the mindset that I see: People need to conform to me because <insert reason here>.
It’s a sore point with me because I’ve seen this so many times. Someone will complain that they don’t have the time to get the gear and people who are making their groups shouldn’t have gear score as a consideration. My real bone of contention is who the kitten are you to say what other people should and should not do with groups they are making? It’d be nice if they didn’t consider gear score but they have every right to play the way they want, just like you do.
You’re right. That doesn’t mean ANET should encourage this type of behavior, or make a system were it can’t be circumvented. Why can’t I skip levels in the Fractal for instance? Why is gear progression tied to RNG?
I’m not doing it, but not playing the game anymore. The game is no longer fun, to me, with the introduction of this patch. Is that so hard to understand?
Then go play a game you do enjoy. This isn’t a skinner box.
I’m hoping that ANET will fix the issues that adding in ascended gear, fractal levels without the ability to skip levels, and progression tied to RNG caused. The patch just released, there’s still room for ANET to change it a bit. Thus why I’m on the forums.
If its not changed, or there isn’t any hit of it being changed, in a week or two. I’ll leave GW2 forever.
I’m not doing it, but not playing the game anymore. The game is no longer fun, to me, with the introduction of this patch. Is that so hard to understand?
I’ve spent a good 40 minutes reading this thread and I’ve had to stop reading for a while because i mostly fell out of my chair laughing, hurt my stomach so bad i had to stretch, choke on my food and drink….
Completely miss the point of complaints if you think people are only complaining about content locking in FOTM, or the current affect on stats in WvW.
I really dont like the direction this game is heading, they advertised it as an MMO thats trying to break barriers and in alot of ways it did and thats what made people buy the game in the first place. Now all they are doing is kitten on all that by changing the foundation this game was built upon. It feels as tho the management have changed there original goals. :s
Or management has changed idk but there’s an evil influence somewhere and if they have dreams of competing with WoW they will fail as all other games have failed before them because that time has passed WoW was a product of it’s time- A huge number of players have been there done that and the market is ready for something different – the great and only hope of GW2 was their promise to be different.
Naw, the great hope for something different only lies in sandbox games. GW2 was still a typical themepark game, even without the treadmill.
This is something that existed prior to ascended gear, and was something that we saw happen all the time in GW1, even without any sort of gear progression. Some players, typically people who play the game a lot, tend to only want to play with other players that play like them. They require some sort of proof to get into their party, whether it be displaying your Lightbringer Title, equipping or linking some type of gear, or using some other method of showing that you have already done and are experienced with the content. While ascended gear might be the new excuse, this behavior happens regardless.
While this is not really something that we want to encourage, players do have the choice to play the game in the way they want. We can’t force those players to be all-inclusive in who they invite to the parties they create, and to be honest, doing so would probably make people even more unhappy than they are now, and lead to a lot of undesirable behavior.
Really? You don’t want to encourage it? Yet you release a dungeon were you can’t skip levels, where levels are directly tied to loot rewards? On top of that you introduce resistances, that will be required as stated by another dev, directly tied for random number generated loot. Yes, you can’t stop people from doing that sort of behavior, but the least you can do is not no incentivise. Or did you not anticipate that the majority of the player base would go to the area with the best loot?
If you guys really are listening to community feed back but still want to keep progression, then the least you can do is remove the RNG component from the patch. It doesn’t create a sense of accomplishment or progression, its simply a gimmick to keep people grinding and help slow down the pace of progression. Any gear that is linked to progression and future content should be earned through the token system. Then, you should allow people to set the level of the group to the HIGHEST level obtained by any member of the group. This helps eliminate the gating aspect of the ascended system by allowing people to actually grind out the gear in lower levels, should they choose since its easier, instead of forcing people to do it because they weren’t lucky. With this change, its probably a good idea to also increase the token rewards as you increase in level.
We’ll see how you feel when you hit FotM 20 and need people to be geared to continue to 21. I’m not sure why one game mode suddenly destroys the whole game.
I may never get that far. I expect by then Agony resist would be something of a must, and the grind to get the Ascended backs makes getting a full set of raid gear in WoW seem like a blink of the eye. Back when I played said game, you could acquire (via whatever token the current expansion was using) roughly 1 piece of gear per week using their random dungeon system, plus whatever the RNG gave you while raiding. Unless the Ascended rings have a much higher drop rate than exotics, and even possibly rares, once you get to Fractal 10+, Ascended gear is a heavy grind proposition.
I already make a second run to fractal 10->11, not because I like that level, its because agony is a pain in the kitten and I MUST grind the ring if I want to progress.
Not funny at all. I still remember when you need to make kanaxai 15 times to get the axe. They changed that to the dungeon tokens, and those where not even needed unless you wanted the skin. But now, I MUST grind some levels of that dungeon, because I may encounter huge problems with agony.
And way worse…. the ascendant items that exist atm, don’t even have the atributes I want. There is NOTHING focused on tou + Heal Pow. So to progress I must BREAK my build.
It doesn’t make sense at all.
Wait, so you aren’t even guaranteed the ring drop? Seriously!?
Its not a currency exchange. Its based on a algorithm that tries to determine supply and demand. All trading is done through ANET. If it was purely freemarket, I’d be able to set the price of gems I want to sell.
You can make them the same rank as you and then leave. So yes
Too bad its bind on acquire. I don’t care if you don’t need it until level 99. The point is RNG is bad game design.
And how many games have you designed? How many classes have you taught on the subject? How many books have you had published on game design?
Every MMo, Rpg, A-Rpg, several popular RTS and FPS, and most kittening board games rely heavily on random number generation or random procedural occurrence.
You may want to educate yourself a bit on games, game theory, design principles, standard practices, and even historical evolution of game design.
Because something isn’t to your liking doesn’t mean it’s bad design, especially when that particular mechanic is so prevalent to core game design itself that there are workshops during programming and design conventions to discuss the best way to make random more random.
RNG based loot, that is required for future content, is bad game design. That’s why most games got rid of it. And don’t come to me with your pseudo intellectual BS.
Why was the title changed? It wasn’t offensive and its true that RNG exist for essences.
Huh most games got rid of RNG based loot? like which? dont know a single MMO that doesnt have RNG based loot! can you give some examples please?
Most games don’t have RNG based gear progression. My bad for not being clear. You know, they give you tokens instead of random based drops? Even if this wasn’t true, it would still be bad game design because it leads to wasted time. I quit AoC because I got the same Raid belt 3 time when what I need was a helm
Ahh okey thought that was a bit of wierd statement.
Still think its a mistake to consider ascended gear as any kind of progression outside the fractal of the mists itself. You really dont need it!
Except ANET already stated that Agony protection will be required for future content.
However, I have not seen really anyone say; “These dungeons aren’t fun.” Then again, maybe I missed those posts.
They are fun the first couple of times you do them, because you are still learning how the complete them. After that, they are woefully repetitive.