Precursors…. what are those? 4 years playing and never saw one appear on drop – only in mystic forge.
yep been here since day 1, and no precursor drop, spent a pretty decent chunk of mats and money in the forge, nothing…
whats the most common way to use the forge for a precursor? exotics, mixed, rares, same type ….I think last time i tried all same type of crafted rares.
would love to get a precursor so i can waste the rest of my days getting the rest for a legendary finally.
woot right on, thank you!
don’t fight in the line of fire? I’m not sure what you all are doing…just move…
Love the New maps, make a list of people who embrace change and learn from it and then have fun!
the best server for participation and TS with lotsa veterans Blackgate, hands down. but all T1 servers are decent in their own way. join one of them and force the bottom tiers to shut down so we can stuff the top 3 tiers to the max.
hey Anet! thanks for listening to the players and making some of the kewl changes in WvW and outside WvW (long list of QoL stuff and challenging play)
anyways i’m glad I have so much stuff to do and won’t finish it for a long time at my play rate hehe.
Thanks again.
Love the new map and the new mechanics, it’s a new thing that allows me to get all kitteny trying to figure out all the nifty angles and tricky things to do…the old map map was old and used up. it’s new and no way in hell do I want the same old crusty bl back.
Reply OMG I just withdrew a stack of Mango pies and they didn’t appear in my inventory…..gonna try and restart and see if that fixes it…. EDIT: yep relogged and my precious mango pies are there. Whew
(edited by Zepher.7803)
so I haven’t played since last night everything was working fine… woke up this morning played just fine, then this afternoon I can’t get to the character select screen without it crashing…..something new change?
whats the steps to get a crash file to post?
should tell you all that you need to know, hopefully.
just thought i’d leave this here….
pretty funny stuff, glad it wasn’t me doing it.
so I just tried to log-in and on the character screen i noticed my toon was turned around facing away from me, I then tried to spin him around and noticed the hair part was stuck and wouldn’t spin with the rest of the body
then I noticed the body armor was trying to render over and over and over and the hair was flickering….
i then tried to enter the game and loaded into LA for about 5 seconds then the game crashed.
just tried to log in again and the game crashed at the character screen. I’ve never had any issues ever so this is new to me….
anyone else have this?
stop finding the blobs…go to a map and take a tower or 2 see who shows up if the blob shows up goto another map take a tower….blobs don’t jump maps that quick for small groups
The only way to completely “solve” this is to limit siege to build sites, much like how cannons/mortars work. Like a keep has 3 positions for arrowcarts, 2 ram positions on the door and 3 surrounding sites where you can place 3 ranged siege on each. That way the hardcap for siege is actually all the siege you can build on a border. But that would probably get boring and predictable.
Oh gosh no, please!
I only two months ago discovered brand new siege placement spots to counter the abuse of the fov camera angles. This plan would have thwarted that creativity and effort to counter
An easy way could be to raise costs every time you solo build siege. Like, first ram you build cost 40 sups. If you dump all those 40 sups into it, the next ram cost 80 sups. If you dump all those 80 sups into it, the next ram cost 160 sups, etc and so on. But you would have to time limit it in order to make solo play viable (say 10 min cd), which only delay the troll. Or they bring groups to troll. Maybe thats good enough, I dont know.
This would only enable those trying to drain supply from a keep so that defenses are low. This actually would delight most siege trolls who’s sole purpose is to keep supply low so a tower or keep is easier to flip.
As you said, anything that can be abused by players will be.
how about just add the players name to the siege? just like the guild tag shows up on guild siege.
The more I hear about this the more I like it. However, I’d be concerned with map harassment of a player who say, only dropped a regular AC, or put a piece of siege in an odd spot because they were learning or they were experimenting with new placements. You know how people are — “we do it this way and this way ONLY!” -- and they freak over any changes. I’d hate to see this tool being used to harass someone.
I actually had someone on my NA account be snotty to me over me placing a treb in a newly found spot I’d discovered in EU. It’s really effective and works brilliantly versus the new fov angles. They stood there and criticized the new spot because it wasn’t the USUAL spot. It made me not log into my NA account for a month, lol. When I did, however, I found some people who weren’t closed minded and they were overjoyed with the new placements and what they could hit.
I laugh at people that don’t know my “leet” siege placement skills but the name tag thing would be for screen caps of obvious siege trolling, 100 rams/trebs etc. it’s more of a “oh kitten everyone will know I put this siege down” which might help.
how about just add the players name to the siege? just like the guild tag shows up on guild siege.
The main thing I don’t understand or what bugs the hell out of me with the Torch is that it doesn’t burn anything #4 sets you on fire, and #5 only does damage not burning damage…makes no sense
Torch #4 burns nearby enemies when you activate it (1 stack for 3 seconds) and burns your target when you throw it (3 stacks for 3 seconds)
skill 5 should burn that whole magical flame thing needs to burn!
I had Fun, it was a nice break from the normal grind.
The main thing I don’t understand or what bugs the hell out of me with the Torch is that it doesn’t burn anything #4 sets you on fire, and #5 only does damage not burning damage…makes no sense
just because everyone is doing it does not make it right, they made to choice to exploit a bug and continue to exploit it to the point of breaking the game-mode….Ban the Crap out of every single exploiter for a week. and if they don’t like it, then go play another game; we don’t need your kind here.
the only way i see to get variety is to base the colors off of something else besides glicko, I still say the Orders should decide what color you are based off of storyline, then you can just pick whatever side you want to be on in the Mists, this is a dream still remember? don’t want to do storyline on any character at all? then you just get sent to a random side.
there’s variety, and choice….what else do you want.
this is a game, golem rush is an event in the game, get over it, this is nothing to waste so much time over frothing at the bit to try and change it….do something different, like find ways to kill the golem zergs that’s pretty fun.
This is a game, and it’s an event in a game, get over it everyone so serious.
Dear Anet, this update is broken as hell, please cancel the whole thing immediately.
People are going around glitching with golems and making 10k damage pressing 1 button.
I got hit with 4k ice bow 1 skills and 10k ice storm.
Check the image.
were you in a golem? if not then you would have lived, but anyways ya Ice bow bug is deadly.
I believe if you use Ghostly Tonic you go back to normal form but your still a Golem/scorp whatever.
I have yet to see anyone else counter the golems with Ballistas, which is freaking hilarious to watch in WvW….seriously, you gotta try it it’s fun
them bolts just cut like hot knife through 80 sticks of butter
sit back and enjoy, get behind a balli or in a golem…have fun it’s a nice change from the same matchup same thing over and over and over, actually try to do something different for once.
I have been wondering why Protection is considered a buff with everything being condi…can we get protection to actually protect against condi? or delete it…
I’d like to remind people that hate EoTM is that it is there for people other than yourself. If you don’t like it then just don’t play it..trying to impose your will on other people is wrong so please focus on what parts of the game you do play
this is getting pretty annoying, so any eta on fixing the cap bugs? for practice
Finally, Maybe know people will understand the power of the Ballista!
anyone want Protection to affect condi damage also?
since toughness does nothing for condi damage and just about everything leans towards condi then vitality would seems like something to have more of than tough/armor,
but as always you gotta find a balance for the situation…which always changes…so there ya go
did anyone notice the Garri inner WG is still broken? that’s pathetic.
“I do what I want!” <—-best quote ever
And we have ridiculously broken stuff in all 3 game modes, including those guardians overruning doors. :S*Those guardians overrunning doors thinking they are doing nothing wrong, abusing an exploit on seriously large scales.
That buggy symbol trait is being disabled, though as the first response suggests… what about grenade barrage?
i must have been freaking blind or something cause i had this equipped and didn’t notice a kitten thing…
uh what is the OP showing? damaged stacked on npc’s ? how does that even come close to real combat situations/builds . I don’t get it.
the new LA is AWESOME!, I am so glad those workers were working for so long…everything is polished and Beautiful…Very nice Work.!
some good points there, but based off of what I see in T1 large groups play different sides when the time is right or when they want to switch it up…there is no ‘spying’ per se because it doesn’t matter. why? because so many people across T1 have all been on the same server or have friends/enemies they love to fight, meaning spying is worthless when everyone knows everyone and the results are always the same, someone wins someone else comes is second, and someone comes in third…
when ya get the same matchup over and over and over…or the matchup is so flipping one-sided it sucks…why not meld everything together get back on track with what it’s all about, mashing keys in a certain order and killing other toons trying to do the same thing.
server loyalty is a myth, and it’s keeping this mode of game play at the same level it has been for 2 years…time to change.
can’t rewrite history to separate WvW from GW2 that ruins the integrity of the game.
when the 3rd BL map comes out (Rainforest anyone?) and they put all 3 into play same time then that might keep things fresh if the servers get a good rate of color change.
but again….it’s all about changing the fight to who you fight by changing servers…so back to the same problem; so how could the current server v server v server mentality keep WvW going?
anyways, I’ve been on 3 servers bottom mid and top, and the evolution seems to lean towards a fresh reason to fight, in the end it’s just pixels and data, so we move onto the next dataset with new pixels….same thing.
In Guild Wars 2 there are three orders. Each character will join one of these orders at the last chapter of their level 30 personal story. This choice is permanent and determines a significant portion of the higher level parts of the story. Each of the orders has their own philosophies about what tactics will ultimately defeat the dragons. While they are rivals at times, they recognize that protecting Tyria is the most important goal which they each share.
my idea connects this to WvW and each order has a color
Durmand Priory: Blue
Order of Whispers: Green
Vigil: Red
this ties WvW to your personal story directly and you can change what Orders you fight against just by changing to a toon that picked whatever Order in the storyline.
of course Anet would have to do the overflow thing, but being able to choose what order (or color) you fight for as a contest keeps the game a game and not all of this segregation that some people want to hold onto.
and remember WvW is in the Mists a “Proto-reality” if you will….not Reality as we know it
some other thoughts..
maybe transfer costs are tied to switching orders which doesn’t cost money but makes you have to start a new storyline
OR make it 100 gold to bribe the order you want to join to overlook the requirement set in the storylines.
anyways this ties WvW back to the game where it should be and not some separate game-mode, and hence brings back the FUN
so let’s brainstorm on why this wouldn’t work as per the subject.
OR if ANET could step in and just shoot the idea down right away so we don’t waste time on something that will never even come close to happening.
there’s variations of this but should get you where you wanna go.
there is a lot of talk about the specialization name still, is this name going to be displayed somewhere? is that why most forum warriors are having an issue? so when other people see the name dragonhunter on a toon, they are going to do what? is it going to cause them to go into convulsions?
btw anything related to GW1 is a NO….move on people. it’s just a dream!
only 5k hours of playing time on guardians should one be able to voice change
other classes will have counters, so the OP dragon hunter will then go back to subpar when the rest comes out.
Gawd…..ok fine…..Spirit Guardian! or if you go down the line of other words for Spirit..
Life Force>Vital Principle>command post, focal point, headquarters, hotbed, HQ, control center, core, epicenter, esoteric reality, focus, ganglion, heart, hub, inner reality, intrinsic reality, switchboard, vital center
So Ya….Spirit Guardian
yea that was a nice QoL feature….please fix
this almost got me excited, until they mentioned “this initial test will feature some of the most active WvW players in Guild Wars 2.”
active is subjective, active zergmonkey? most World rank points? most post in WvW forums complaining? most kills?
i’d want people who actively play and know every side of WvW and knows how to find the design flaws.