Showing Posts For Zicarous.2134:
So when do dog lovers get some love?
When you get a cat…
I’m so confused :‘( i play with sage’s amulet and loving it, i do great damage and condi damage my defense is always kick kitten and as said amazing in team fights but but I use warhorn as i love it xD but there is reason there is a meta… (so the lazy people don’t have to come up with a build that works) XD
1 place for all idea’s i like!!
heres mine…
Fire Axe;
Conjure a Fix Axe and throw it at target foe.
On Impact damage, burn, kd.
Ice Bow;
Conjure Ice Bow and Barrage Target Location.
Damaging, bleeding and chilling foes.
Conjure Lightning Hammer;
Conjure Lightning Hammer and leap at target foe.
Damaging, dazing foe, create static field.
Conjure Earth Shield;
Conjure Earth shield and create wall of of the ground for 4 seconds (channel cannot move)
Second function shatter the wall early to damage, cripple and bleed foes.
Conjure Fiery Great Sword;
Conjure Fiery Great sword and pierce the ground with it, this creates a shock wave that will damage and burn foes on impact and leave a fire field behind.
(if used on top of downed enemy will finish)
Trait changes to give 2 stacks of might 20 seconds when use a conjure (instead of extra charges)
enjoy only 1 im not sure on is elite.. think conjures do need a full redesign as i don’t see need for them.
Name of the Spec- Warden; Greatest Defense has always been a offense!
Niche the spec fits into- Close/ medium range dps/ support.
New weapons- Shield.
New mechanic – When changing attuments, gain access to new power elemental skills (that replace that attuement) such as; BLizzard: Cast a blizzard around you, damaging, chilling and tormenting foes.
New utilities and heal- Wards (I know you said existing but WARDS)
General Idea; I know ele has alot of support but with wards gain alot more support and control in a small area! shield (with traits) would increase our touhgness which is much needed and give us great spells such as; Metor: Bring down a Metor from the sky, smashing into the ground damaging, burning and knock back foes (Blast Finisher)
I know not orginal but my god been waiting for wards too long..
going to share your build wolf
seems few trying out condi ele heres mine similar to others but i prefer my varient
promotes masive condi and normal dmg and perma vigor, regen and protection with almost perma might (it is perma 10+ stacks in battle) with some great support aspects!
Killed end boss one guy gets rewards rest of us don’t ;/ good times after taking so long to kill boss.
After playing gw1 for so long i just jump everywhere i go
got my stuff back thought been hacked again :/ really should post something if its gone down..
open pvp build pannel go to heroes bit click on him to buy the track for 15 gold
i just want to not loose win streak or pips after fighting 4 vs 5 :/ gg
thought edit second loss second 4 vs 5 good times bye bye points
(edited by Zicarous.2134)
Support necro here don’t tend to loose (i play to win), lightning rod ele too (s/w) love my builds there is a meta for a reason but that doesn’t just mean 5 builds or quit
gw1 had it, my god the scams, the map chat spams, you think ita easy to sell stuff if can only sell it by map chat? nope gw guru helped but the spamming. Not fun trade post is great the fees suck but no more scams (pretty easy to if someone was fast enough could swap what they had on the trade thing for someelse leave person with nothing) I never got scammed but took forever to sell stuff. now trade post and move on collect money when it sells win win.
well if i was doing balance, powerful aura would grant 1 or seconds of resistance, and diamond skin would be replaced with!!
Sliver Armor; 20% chance to block the next spell/ attack (1sec CD), when you block a spell/ attack, gain retaliation for 1 second.
the trait is for weapon skills fire overload is not a weapon skill.
i nominate Zicarous.2134 pvper since day one that will one day maybe get a legendary or something pretty
huh i run similar build for both pve and pvp
everything need to move about kill and survive
Hi there did some minor tweaks to your build not done wvw for a while but do enjoy the tempest and think that this will be better.
basically dropping the traits on overloads due to fact that in wvw they can be easily avoided so don’t want to put too much into it. Also adds alot of support still got your great cc and even better constant condi removal
if you find it to be to much condi removal try runes of solider and speccing into earth for loads of protect and cleaning condis with the shouts.
erm they actually have something to help dc’s in game ^^ i’ve crashed a couple of times and EVRYTIME got back in still had all the progress bar
The issue they have it seems is the progress is bound to your char and to instance if you get back into a different instance you do loose it, which makes sense but sucks at the same time
duno the solution other than if it is a dc have a 2 min reserve time on that instance so you can get back in? would help all those people dcing on teq atleast.
ele main changes needed to be done but i fear.. without buffs to other area’s… (nerf fire line.. smart..) still most be running earth/ water/ arcane. they made this class and have no idea what to do with it.. they should bring in some fresh blood into their team…
Sounds good changes, but in another post said about sand squal giving earth aura??
reduction trait for shouts needed, shocking aura for eye of the storm and the stability on overloads to be 2 stacks pulsing every second is what is needed for the tempest to really shine. I enjoyed playing as tempest the support was amazing! think this would help so much <3
“Crystal Hibernation: This one is all about personal defence and is a great save-me button for those sticky near-death situations. A crystal energy shield prevents damage after this skill has been channelled, and it also quickly tops up your health pool. Your character gains a defiance bar when this skill is used, and the risk of using it will need to be considered carefully.”
all i say is think overloads should gain this… even if its trait.. persoanlly should make aura share baseline for weapon skills, move heal on aura to water add this, hopefully just make it baseline but aslong as they add it i’d be happy
with system recovery i can go back to windows 7? i’ll look at that next such weird issues with win 10
Hi there searched forums not found my problem alot of similar ones were game crashes and black screen but you can alt f4 out, my issue is full pc crash after about 15 mins of game play, almost on the dot. Doesn’t matter what im doing either. Strange Strange issue though… only happens with SHORT CUTS. If I run gw2 through going to the actual file in C drive, I don’t crash :/ only happened since getting win 10, updated graphics car drivers too. Played few other games such as APB and have no issues there so don’t think its the overheating problem.
have posted a ticket but thought ask if anyone seen this before.
Doesn’t matter if i remake a shortcut still crashes it. :/ really xD
Overall too weak too slow cast times.. think the skills should do something more than what they do dmg is good but needs more not incresed dmg,
this was my post along time ago yeah not the best skills i came up with but basically same as the temptest and i had the idea long time ago… duno why they couldn’t give us wards though
anyone here found any good condi builds with poison master love tht trait struggling to find something worth while
think we need a letter to start it only got that letter on wintersday i am too in need of it 6 months to go
in arcane line at the end now 4 traits merged to one
well i lost 100g end of the world :d ha oh well not one of the lucky people back to the farm !
R.I.P to my favourite pvp build guess going back to old ones for now :/ gah not happy hope they change it back but if not we got to find new kick kitten signet build ! be in there somewhere….. i hope !
wards is what ive been wanting forever in this game loved them in gw1 can only hope so far
hmmm thinking something same lines then. been running. gs, sw/da. 2/6/6 set up. celestial amulet and strength runes. gives great amount of dmg and condi dmg. tripple signet is slots for regen speed n condi removal.
been playing round with this trait seeing if anyone else has what theyve come up with!
id love wards great in gw1.
its nice for stomping but other traits better, if it worked out, tht the skill went on cd per person so can blind 3 people at once but cant blind them again for 5 secs be better.
been running this with s/d loving it! will try s/f though but currently not needing the earth immunities
Thanks for feedback do like the suggestion of all having same cd! which would make it harder to play vs also could make them quit strong skills in this reguard. thanks for feed back! yeah never happpen but you don’t know until you put it out there!
But also same skils on all weapons as that would require hell of alot of work!
Hey all please rip apart my idea but wanted see what you all thought.
Elemental Attument 10 second cd at all times.
Change the Arcana Trait line to reduce cd charge on Elemental Skills.
Elemental Skills, Four attuments each with there own Elemental Skill. To use each skill you must be in that attument (same idea as enginer, drop a turret and F skill changes to another Detanote Turret skill).
Each Elemental Skill Will have a recharge of 1 Min, each point in trait line reduces this by 1 second. So at 30 points, be 30 seconds recharged.
Fire; Sunblast, cast Spell on target foe dealing damage and dazing foe for x amount of seconds (depending on how much traited into Fire.)
Air; Lighting Crack, Cast Spell in target location, all foes with targeted area are, damaged, weakened and blinded (damage increased with how much traited into Air.)
Water; Ice Missile, Cast spell on target foe, once missile hits foe. Foe is stunned for x
length of time (depending on how much traited into Water.)
Earth; Poison Ivy, Cast Spell in target locations, all foes are poisoned and crippled in traget area for 3 seconds each pulse (number of pulses increased with how much traied into earth.)
This is just my idea really please say what you like don’t like! Be Gentle
Ele – Sword (seriously having fds that changed colour with attument!)
Ele – Whip having a pull on lighting and away to give stealth through earth Yeah!!
Engineer – Hammer or having an elite Hammer kit!!
War – Spear paragon ftw
Ranger -Xbow high high damage
Thief – Off hand bag of tricks (like dropping flash bomb/ smoke bomb to help evade attacks while damaging too
Guard – Polearm, long ranger melee weapon
Mesmer – Loads say pistol, i say off had dagger stealth phantasm :o
Necro – Scythe for more melee necros (dagger <3)
thanks alot shame, hope i can get xmas back piece then.. got tht pvp one just not pve one gah!
I must respectfully disagree.
I currently have Three, yes that’s 3 sets of wings in the inventory of one of my characters.
No none of them are soulbound yet because I personally think they look silly but that is just me.
No I can’t destroy them cause hey, I did earn them.
Enough with the Wings already, please.
And maybe one step further, these are the Back Items just sitting in my character’s inventory, UNUSED. Why, well because I only have One back.
- Mad Memoires
- Mad Memoires: Complete Edition
- Toymaker’s Bag
- Sclerite Karka Shell
- Sun Catcher
- Lightning Catcher
- Wind Catcher
- Desert Rose
- Zephyr Rucksack
- Wings of the Sunless
- Fervid Censer
- Guild Defender Backpack
- Holographic Dragon Wing
- Holographic Shattered Dragon Wing
Yes, yes I know I could spread them over to my other 4 characters but they already have back items of their own; well except for the Engineer but that is another story for another time.
Now If we could stack up these skins in some sort of back item tab and make use of them when an appropriate situation arises(like Minis), then I say bring on the Back Items(wings) but until then I am just running out of inventory space.
And before someone says just buy more bank inventory space…
I currently have 430 Bank Slots available NOT counting Character Inventory or Guild Bank Space and yes, they are all almost completely full of stuff.
dam lot of back items! i have 2.. but was hoping the Mad Memoires would come back with halloween event!
Sooo we can’t get this again? i was been silly last year and only pvping now i can’t get it?
I want to wield a sword just for bolt!
hehe i want sword too, for FDS, just think some sort of legendary dragon sword that flames change colour depending on your attument :o
earth shield
mist form
10 seconds of invulnerability isn’t too shabby. but you don’t even need a bunker build to do it
bunkers hold points… you cant when invul…
a mjor thing that kills us is immobilse.. a were so weak in health n armor soon as rooted we die.. ive us a trait to make us immune would make us strong again like everyone else!
love secpter one im going for but tempted by focus if i can find a s/f build tht isn’t better as d/f..
the buffs still not enough i use conjures same as everyone else, ice bow —> skill 4 —> drop…
id like to see fgs to stun where the secondary lands to be honest..
but then again i also think other than elite, should only spawn one conjure tht you can drop n pick up when you want with in its spawn time…
but my god shield needs to be a stun breaker, i love the shield but can never fit it in anywhere cause its just crap (and my engi friend forces me to take lightning hammer, cause he so wants engis to have a hammer heh)