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Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I’m guessing they’re releasing these changes in chunks. You don’t want to change too many variables in the equation or you’ll end up with a clusterkitten of a mess.

I figured this too. And it’s a terrible idea. I’d rather that they just wait and not update anything than further nerf engineers and keep promising fixes at a later date. What’s going to happen is one of two things:

Engineers will just keep sliding down a slippery slope of irrelevancy. With small nerfs to our class, and some buffs all around to other classes, the Engineer will become mostly obsolete. It’s already happening. When people talk about any serious play, dungeons, wvw, spvp, tpvp, anything, almost nobody mentions the abilities of the engineer.

Engineers will suddenly get buffed to the point where they should be right now, and the change will be so drastic that people that originally just wiped the floor with engineers will be so angry that they’ll all cry for a nerf. Whether or not we get nerfed again is irrelevant; there will be disgruntled players all around

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Most likely. I love my engineer, but I don’t want to play a class that clearly doesn’t want me to play it. So I’m taking a break for now

Rifle vs Pistol ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Power pistol works but it’s strange. You’re hitting for less, but you attack much faster.

How’s that? I don’t think power makes you attack faster.

Chain Lightning Engineer Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


How does this build deal with crippling effects? Cripple seems to be the #1 thing that ends up getting me killed.

Rifle #4

Chain Lightning Engineer Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I just tried this build out, and I have to say, I love it. I’ve been a little weary of playing lots of PvP on my engineer, because I liked bunkering, but I couldn’t progress that much; bunkering naturally doesn’t reward players that well. But now, I can rank up my glory with this build, then switch to bunkering for tournaments. Bravo. I love it

Kits go against ANET's vision of progression

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I’m still not totally sure as to why ANet gave the Ranger the massive amount of customization that the class has in the form of pets, while Engineers are stuck with that same grenade kit from 5 to 80

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Heritage armor looks nice. Also, the named exotic armor chest looks like GW1-era charr with an exposed chest. Other than that, everything else looks pretty awful on my warrior

What profession for Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Engineer. I made my sylvari have dark blue skin so that he looks like a seaweed. His natural resistance to fire makes him perfectly equipped to not kill himself with his own bombs and flamethrower

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Sorry, ritualist are not in the game and I don’t care how many times you try to tell me that the engineer is one. I will flat out tell you and engineer is a engineer. They are not ritualist. Ritualist used spirits and delt with the spirit world not machinery or explosives or torrents. And since Cantha has closed itself off from the rest of the world there would be no reason for Arenanet to release the ritualist professions at launch since they are a Faction profession.

No, you’re not seeing it. If they add the ritualist, what can make the profession unique that also links it to its roots in GW1?

If they add spirits, how are they different from reskinned turrets? Spirits and turrets provide the exact same playstyle, and if ritualist spirits were added, then they’d be overlapping with turrets. Or they could be changed and become more mobile and overlap with either clones or minions. It just doesn’t work.

Bundle items and weapon kits? No, those are basically kits, but kits are just expanded to a much fuller potential. The only thing that could keep their flavor but make them stand out from engineers would be if they could be cast, last a certain duration, and could be picked up by others, but that’s encroaching on elementalist conjured weapons territory.

Destructive was Glaive AoE damage? That’s the same thing as the bomb kit, but again, just reskinned.

Restoration Magic heals? Then you run into the problem that GW2 can’t have a class that can be a dedicated healer. Resto magic could be stylistically unique with spirit-esque particle effects, and they could essentially fill the same niche that other classes have with a more support-oriented weapon. But it’s not enough of a unique playstyle to constitute a new class.

Channeling Magic Anti-armor lightning damage? How would that be made distinct from the Elementalist’s air magic line?

I played a Rit in GW1 more than any class, and I loved it. I wished the class could come to the sequel, but honestly, Engineer has taken most of the class, and small parts of it have been distributed among the others. I feel like, if Cantha is re-introduced, it’s going to be like real-world China, having strange exotic technologies, like repeating crossbows and explosives and a waning belief in gods. That way, most classes would get stuff like crossbows and some would get guns, and the ritualists of old would basically be long dead as a result of a growing reliance on technology, not magic. It’s set up to be that way, as well, since there’s a complete wall of silence between Tyria and Cantha, and Cantha is now under xenophobic autocratic rule.

Little Norn Style Advice

in Norn

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Hi all, here’s my question about the norn:

I ‘m an American Indian (Or Native American, or Injun, if you’re stuck in the 1800s, but that’s a topic for a different day) in real life. In every game, I usually like to make at least one character that looks like he’s a classic Native American hunter. So, for Guild Wars 2, I made my Norn Ranger as skinny as possible, gave him dark skin, red tattoos, and jet black, straight hair with no beard.

However, looking over my choices of armor, I can’t come up with anything good. Heritage armor is kinda nice since the chest piece has a little crop of feathers on it, but otherwise looks very non-Native American. I kind of like the looks of the HoTW set chest, as it may look nice and show off my tattoos with some gloves, such as those from the Noble set.

Anyway, what do you all think? Has anyone tried something like this with any sort of results that really seem to pop? Thanks

Pug Speedrunning and Trash

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I’ve been in too many runs where someone has seen a video of speedrunning a dungeon, and tries to do it all himself, then either dies halfway through or gets to the end and just sits there, refusing to come back and help. That’s why I always ask whether or not they want to speedrun it

Why even have Dungeons when mobs drop better gear and more of it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Because after about 5 runs you get a guaranteed exotic with a unique skin in addition to the loot you can get. From my experience, dungeons are about as fast as farming for getting exotics

This aggro made me laugh

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


1 elixir and crit for swiftness isn’t much.

Check out the trait “Speedy Kits” in the Tools line (I believe). It gives 5 seconds of swiftness every time you equikittent on a 5 second cooldown, ie, if you keep swapping your kit out, you can permanently maintain swiftness.

In response to OP’s post, it’s toughness. More than likely, your team had basically no toughness, opting for mostly glass cannon builds, and you were specced for the tough bomberman build that gets you the “bombs heal allies” trait.

Your toughness seems to do some crazy things with the aggro system in that it may be so high that monsters completely forget about the fact that they should naturally target the closest enemy to them before checking stats.

My advice: get a more balanced team. A lot of people say that hybrids aren’t useful in this game, but that’s completely false. This is one of the few games where even if you get your damage stats to be very competitive, you should still have trait points to spend on things like vitality or toughness. Otherwise, you’ll be a victim of the curse of toughness and it will bring you more aggro than toughness can mitigate.

If there was a Tier 3 Racial Elite Skill..

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


No. It’s a bad idea to give one race a specific elite that’s just so amazingly powerful. I shouldn’t feel compelled to play Sylvari because the meta says so; I should feel compelled to play sylvari because their skin glows and they look like flowers

Need help choosing a vision for my Sylvari engineer!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


With my sylvari engineer that I made on launch day, I went with shield of the moon. I had no idea of how that story would play out, but I was pleased. I wanted to go more with a crafty, charismatic james bond (frond? brb, new character name) type, since the story eventually has you sneaking around in a couple places. It does have a dark ending, and your character will reflect on it. Like you said, there is an element of healing and compassion. In all, I don’t think it’s the best for a more mad scientest-esque engineer

Traits missing vital informations in tooltips to make informed decisions.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Well, just look at the engineer’s “Equipping a kit creates an attack or spell.” Most of the attacks/spells are already part of that kit, so it’s not like they can’t just say “cast Super Elixir/grenade barrage/etc when you equip elixir gun/grenade kit”

Played to 80 + Dungeons and karma farming - thoughts

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I can usually carry a team through dungeons with elixirs and pistol/shield. I don’t see big numbers but I got down last and I cure conditions so often that TA and the spider queen in AC are pitifully easy

Which Order did you pick?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I liked the whispers armor the most. It looks cool on my sylvari. And then I found out tybalt was one of the best characters in a video game. No regrets

Dungeons have too many easy healthsinks

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I agree. There aren’t enough true zerg rushes. Basically every fight is made up of about 3 guys that take a massive beating before going down. The gravelings come close, but ANet gave a lot of them too much health

Engineers don't compare to other classes in terms in Defense

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Correct me if I’m wrong, but engineers are one of the few classes that can maintain 100% vigor and swiftness through traits. That right there is plenty of survivablity for me

Your Favorite Dungeon Group Make Up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Have not seen an engineer listed. I think it’s funny how they’re almost never seen in the game, but one of the most useful classes, and especially so in dungeons. Anyhow, I like:

Engineer (elixirs/elixir gun generally, switch to FT/bombs as needed)
Warrior (hammer and sword/sword for CC on trash mobs and crazy bleeds on a boss
Ranger (tanky pet, Longbow or shortbow and axe/torch)
Mesmer/thief (the usual supportive builds with plenty of area stealth to make rezzing easy)
One more of any of the above

Because guardians get boring after a while.

I love Warriors this much

in Community Creations

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


meh, not really. I like the warrior, but I don’t love him just because the warrior playstyle is really pretty simple. I feel like no matter what I do, I can do excellent damage, CC or support. And that’s fine. I really like classes such as the engineer that require you to think about every move, unless you want to just deal piddly damage

New Playable Races

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I would like to point out that ‘lesser races’ (Skritt, Quaggan, Grawl, etc.) likely won’t be implemented as a playable race.

Grawl seem to actually be fairly developed. They’re still tribal, mostly, but they can speak Tyrian words and are capable of magic and their models are not terribly different from human models. The Grawl really aren’t a far shot from being playable

New Playable Races

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Risen. or the Centaurs. A harpy would be cool too, but we could not really fly, but i like to play as the Koda (bear peoples)

Risen? No, I don’t think so. I really don’t think they could get away with writing the Risen in as playable. The closest you might get would be the Awakened in Joko’s Domain in Elona. However, those are just centaurs, humans, and harpies that got mummified.

Torches: Do Not Sheathe

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


The real problem would be the running animations. But it’s a nice idea.

Which roles do we usually cover in tPVP?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Bunker builds seem to be the only one. Like Gilgamesh said, Engineers that don’t fully spec into bunkering just don’t seem to be able to survive long enough to mean anything

Q sylvari world to powerful

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I didn’t find it hard at all. If you’re dying too much, I guarantee you that you aren’t specced for toughness, vitality, or healing power and focusing on raw dps. If so, you really can’t complain about dying

New 80 LF advice on gear / build

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Actually, for perma-swiftness, speedy kits is enough. You don’t need to use the med kit #5 to maintain swiftness, since the speedy kits give you 5 seconds of swiftness on a 5 second cooldown

Thinking of making an engineer (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


The engineer won’t often be able to get more damage, support, or control than another class. However, an engineer can roll with a very decent amount of all 3 in a single build, which only the elementalist can really do. Engineers are really the best utility class, as they can bring something for every situation packed into one single build

How does Toss Elixir R work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


If you run with it, tell your group. Too many thieves will teleport away from your rez zone, and some others will stop kiting and get killed by a mob in a dungeon to rez someone that will get back up in 3 seconds due to your elixir r

Making the Engineer flamethrower more interesting and useful.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


No. All it really needs is some bugs worked out with obstructions on 1 and 2, and 2 needs to detonate on hit. Otherwise, this is an insane control, support, and aoe damage weapon. If you want to play a less subtle class, go play a warrior or even an elementalist. Because, honestly, if the engineer gets more damage, it will be seriously overpowered. Just because some people looked at the cool kits and thought that they would just be easy mode doesn’t mean that the engineer should be a class that just bluntly steamrolls everything. I’d rather see few people play the engineer as it is very well than see to s of engineers playing a watered-down engineer that has no subtlety

Review of the Warrior: I got yo back brah.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Good idea. Let’s take an extremely powerful profession that is based around brute strength damage and add conditions to everything he does. Then nobody will have to bother with silly class choices.

No, there are a couple bugs with skills not working right, but the warrior does not need any sort of buffs right now

This class is just so arduous right now and I think my 1 key hates me.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Flamethrower has excellent damage against groups and has an amazing knock back with a base 15 second cool down (which is also aoe). Traiting for the flamer also let’s you more easily trait for the rifle and the pistol, along with the elixir gun so you can max 30 in firearms and 30 in alchemy or inventions so you can have very nice dips with a mix of weapons, the option to have insane CC, and the option to provide some excellent group support

This is more for ANET, but feel free to comment

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


coglin, I would like to know exactly what 4-5 viable builds you’re speaking of. I almost haven’t seen a single engineer in dungeons, and most people just write them off as a class. If you know there’s more viability to the engineer than most people think, please do share, and include videos that might prove they’re just as effective as a warrior running his index finger from 1 to 9 repeatedly

Chilled: Lengthen the time it takes to revive/stomp/cast

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


So, I was thinking about the engineer and his downed skills, namely the primary one that has a chance to inflict chilled on a target. I wondered why that might be useful when you’re about to get stomped since en enemy’s cool down doesn’t even matter at that point, seeing as how they just need to stomp. And I thought it might be more useful if chilled also made it take longer to stomp someone or revive someone or maybe even to fire off channeled skills or long casting time skills.

That may mean the engineer shouldn’t get chilled as a condition on downed, but it would make chilled more useful in team fights as you could pop a chill on an enemy if they’re about to stomp your ally, or make it so it takes them longer to cast a heal spell, which sets them up for spikes more easily.

Thoughts? I figured this would be fairly interesting, but might add a layer of unnecessary complexity to the game.

Make "~" switch to last used kit.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


A way to work around this is set a hotkey to your kit, and that way you can just use that as your switch. But the ~ key change would be awesome

Sylvari Specific Skills Worth it?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


The seed turret is pretty sad. It’s like the engineer turrets (which aren’t stunning) but watered down more