I’m loving my dual sword Berserker. I run with Arms and Defense traits, in full Rabid gear.
I find off hand sword much better than torch, you get a great source of ranged Torment, and a block on a very short cool down that can either reflect all projectiles during 2 seconds, or retaliate with a ton of aoe bleeding against melee attackers.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
A vanilla build I used was something like this:
Full Knight gear
Hammer with Mace and Shield
Paralyzing sigils on both Hammer and Mace
Bull’s Charge, Stomp and Signet of Precision
With Sharpening Stone, Scrapper Runes and Armored Attack trait you have 2600 power and 4000 armor, plus the additional 7% damage reduction. Choose whatever food you want.
Basically your job would be the chain CC and weakness (Body Blow trait), while staying alive. Damage output is still very good due to high precision and power, and the Merciless Hammer trait (20% damage) along with Berserker/Stick and Move traits (30% damage).
You also have plenty of condition removal with Brawler’s recovery, Mending and Cleansing Ire. Mobility comes from Warrior’s Sprint, Bull’s Charge and Earthshaker.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Toss Elixir U creates a wall that protects from projectiles, either a smoke field that destroys projectiles or a light field that reflects them. The base duration is 12 seconds, which is meant to be extended to 14.5 seconds with the HGH trait in Alchemy.
However the duration of the field is always only 12 seconds, despite the tool tip being affected accurately, the actual duration is not affected by the HGH trait.
I like Knight equipment myself with my Hammer Scrapper. With Mass Momentum trait and Sharpening stone, I have 2600 power and 2600 toughness. I seem to do decent damage, high toughness plus Toolkit help against power builds, and Alchemy with Elixir C and Adaptive Armor help with condition builds.
I use sigil of energy as well as Adrenal Implant trait and food with endurance regeneration, so lots of dodges.
Honestly, the game is a lot more fun if you develop your own build though, rather than just copy that of someone else or from some website.
1) “Med Blaster”, name stays, but remove the boon variable, reduce the range to 450, and increase the healing. Med Blaster also damages enemies, about the same as "Cleansing Flame " from Guardian Torch.
2) “Throw Bandages” becomes “Cleansing Shot”. Removes 3 conditions from 5 enemies in a 500 range cone. Does not affect the caster, and cool down is 12 seconds. Applies 2 seconds of Cripple to any enemies in the range.
3) “Throw Stimulant”, becomes “EM Wave”. For 12 seconds you pulse 4s Fury and 4s Swiftness on a 3s interval. Radius is 450 and it stops pulsing when you un-equip Med Kit. Cool down is 20 seconds, and cool down starts when EM Wave runs out or Med Kit is un-equipped.
4) “Throw Accelerant” becomes “Frost Blaster”. Same identical effect as the Frost Bow skill “Deep Freeze”. Half the range (450 instead of 900), but the same cool down (30 seconds).
5) “Throw Antidote” becomes “Emergency Station”. A construction with 2.5K armor and 11.000hp that can be destroyed. It pulses the “Cleansing Wave” ability on a 3 second interval. It can be repaired with the Tool Kit auto attack of another Engineer. The station disappears when you un-equip the Med Kit or 10 seconds after you leave combat, but stays if you enter combat again. The ability has a cool down of 120 minutes, which starts after the station disappears or is destroyed.
The Alchemy trait “Health Insurance” has its effect changed, and now it grants 5 seconds of Protection when equipping the Med kit. Trait cool down is 20 seconds.
The Tool Belt ability of Med Kit remains the same, except it also removes burning and poison. Increase cool down from 17 seconds to 20 seconds.
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I love Warrior shield, I slot Paralysation sigils to turn the Shield Bash stun from a 2s stun into a 2.5 stun, which trust me is a huge difference in actual combat, and the 3s stun from Skull Crack into a 4 second stun, which to your opponent feels like a hundred years if they ran out of stun breakers.
Then add the 3 second knockdown from Bull’s Charge.
No other class has stuns that long, it’s just a matter of timing them right.
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In my experience, condition engineer is a lot better without the Scrapper trait line. If you take Scrapper, you either lose Inventions/Tools, or Alchemy, you lose movement speed as well as other good traits, and you do not get enough value in return. Having to walk around at base speed is just agonizing. You could use speed runes, but then you lose half your damage output since no Balthazar runes.
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I know most people think elite is always better than non elite, and usually it is true, but in this case I really don’t feel Scrapper is a big contribution for a condition engineer, you get much more from Inventions or Tools.
I like Pistol/Pistol, trait lines are Firearms/Alchemy/Tools, Rocket Boots for the huge Tool Belt burn as well as the escape, Healing Turret, Elixir C for aoe + self condition cleansing, Supply Crate and either Elixir Gun or Flamethrower. I can dodge every 3.5 seconds, which helps a lot and is very fun, it gives a more dynamic feel.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Thanks a lot, I appreciate the answer.
The Vigorous Training tooltip says that your pet grants 10 seconds of Vigor to you and allies. But the Lingering Magic minor trait in the same tree, says boon duration granted by pets is increased by 50%.
Could any Ranger please check how much Vigor duration you effectively get by swapping pets with Vigorous Training active? I don’t have a Ranger at the moment, but thinking of making one.
You get in, backstab, get out. When exactly does the 1s CD makes it even harder? HS to Smoke has at least 1s of animation, which means your stealth attack is out of CD. Revealed is 3s (4s in PvP) which also mean that your stealth attack is out of CD. And if this 1-2-3 counting theory is to be believed, that’s 3s wait before a stealth attack, meaning the stealth attack is out of CD. Which clearly have been the case for me.
Because when your backstab misses, you could try again right away, now you need to wait a second, it makes a big difference.
Aren’t the Venom skills themselves incredibly weak innately though?
Take Devourer for example, a 2 second immobilize on a 40 second cooldown. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to slot something like that? It’s like having one less utility slot and a waste of time just pressing the button to activate it. Warriors get a 4 second ranged immobilize on a 16 second cooldown, that’s double the effect and less than half the cooldown, yet still no warrior slots it.
The other venoms are all incredibly weak as well, the effects add absolutely nothing to a fight, compared to the valuable skills you aren’t taking instead. Even if you can share the effects, the radius is so small you’d have to all heap up every time you want to share a venom. A radius of 360 was already too small to be of much use, and then they went and lowered it further to 240. For the sharing to be of much value it would need a radius of 600 like shouts, and that’s ignoring how weak the effects are.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
A normal character has 100 endurance and 5% base endurance recovery, which means it needs 10 seconds to fill one bar.
So if a daredevil has 150 endurance and 5% base endurance recovery, it would theoretically mean he needs 7.5 seconds to fill one bar.
Yet even with 150 endurance, a Daredevil still needs 10 seconds to fill one bar. Which means that he only has a 3.35% base endurance recovery, one third less than all other classes.
It means that over the course of say 5 minutes, the Daredevil can’t dodge any more often than other classes, save that one single extra dodge at the start.
I guess one extra dodge per fight is still a small advantage, but I think it is very meager compared to the unique elite mechanics of other classes.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Warrior (Berserker elite) has both insane self healing and condition damage. Just use the Defense traitline, equip a sword or mace with a torch, wear Dire or Rabid gear and you’ll have huge offense as well as sustain.
What is this “Experience Scroll”? I can’t find any information on it.
That’s why I suggested to improve the shouts themselves, rather than the traited healing. Warriors have enough healing, they really don’t need any more, it is the shouts themselves that need to be a lot better. That way you can also use the shouts without having to trait for them and having to take the Tactics line. You’re already pretty much forced to take the elite trait line.
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The shouts we get and the accompanying trait, seem really bad even if you’d like to offer support to your team, be it in pvp, wvw or pve. Maybe in the first year of the game they might have seemed decent, but with HoT I don’t see anyone ever using them.
I’ll try to offer some suggestions to improve them, but feel free to make better suggestions.
“To the Limit!” -> Should give 10 seconds of retaliation to allies and self instead of 25 endurance. This gives some synergy with the Spiked Armor trait.
“For Great Justice!” -> 5 stacks of Might instead of 3 and add 6 seconds of Stability (3 stacks).
“Shake it Off!” -> Should remove 2 conditions instead of 1, and cool down lowered from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Would offer good synergy with Trooper runes.
“Fear Me!” -> Always 3 seconds of Fear regardless of target proximity, as well as 10 seconds of Weakness. The cool down of 60 seconds is very long, so it has to be worth it.
“On My Mark!” -> I would just change the function of this shout completely, other classes have way better methods to stack Vulnerability without having to devote an entire utility slot to purely that condition.
Vigorous Shouts -> Improve the Adrenaline gain from 5 to 10.
What do you think?
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Lol, the whole concept of a rifle is to fire projectiles. :p
If you think it’s the best healing skill in the game, you should try it. I did exactly that when they buffed meditations and added the heal, it’s not as good as it seems. If you run meditations, the majority of what you listed is already applied to other heals as well. Basically just gaining 25% outgoing damage heal and 4 seconds of fury. I instantly felt how hard it hurt to lose shelter and would still use the trap heal over wrath if I had to choose.
That doesn’t make sense though, the heal does what it does, why does it matter if other skills have similar effects. What matters is the value you get from using that heal, and to me what you get seems quite nice. I didn’t say I thought it was the best heal in the game, I said it was one of the best. I might be wrong of course, it’s how it seems to me.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
So, Litany of Wrath base function is:
- 1640 initial heal
- 25% of outgoing damage converted to healing.
This all on its own is really, really bad and there would be no reason to ever take this skill.
But with Monk’s Focus the function is:
- 1640 initial heal
- 1960 trait heal
- 4 seconds of fury
- 25% of outgoing damage converted to healing.
This is a little better, but still not enough to use it,
And finally with Monk’s Focus plus Smiter’s Boon the function is:
- 5560 total heal (1640 + 1960 + 1960)
- 8 seconds of fury (4 + 4 from Smite Condition)
- 2 conditions removed
- roughly 1200 aoe damage
- 25% outgoing damage converted to healing
All this on a 24 second cooldown and a 25ms cast time.
I read everywhere how bad this skill is, but this does not sound so bad to me, more like one of the best healing skills in the game, so am I missing anything?
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You can’t trait for banners to have a lower CD. The only thing the banner trait does is add the regeneration boon.
Your idea would definitely be an improvement. My own suggestion would be to simply improve all current aspects of the banners. When you pick up a banner it should be useful for solo play, giving you powerful offensive and defensive active skills.. and when you plant the banner, it needs to give more stats and more boons.
In turn I would reduce the length each banner is active, from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. A strong 30 second boost is better than a really weak 60 second one.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
It really depends on your playstyle and what content you engage in.
Personally I love Knight stats due to the huge synergy with the Defense trait line. Adrenal Health, Armored Attack and Cleansing Ire especially. It works well for me in PvE and WvW due to being very tough. But it won’t be very useful in raids or fractals I suppose, since there only DPS matters.
I’m having a lot of fun with Knight stat armor (toughness, power, precision), and the Strength, Defense and Berserker (or Discipline) trait lines. Defense gives you the Armored Attack trait (10% of toughness is turned into power), which completely compensates the lower power, and Adrenal Health and Cleansing Ire have amazing synergy with high toughness.
The Strength trait line with greatsword, gives a 40% damage modifier, Berserker adds another 7-17% depending on what grandmaster trait you pick, so I find my damage to be more than satisfying for PvE content. It works quite well in PvP as well, and you can solo all champion monsters without having to do any kiting. The only problem cases are the ones that constantly steal life, but I doubt they were meant to be solo’d anyway, and I only encountered one or two of those in the world maps.
(When I say “Berserker”, I mean the trait line, not the armor/weapon stats.)
You can also defeat almost any number of monsters at once. My health doesn’t go down even if I am facing 20 monsters, and they go down quite fast as well due to the huge damage modifiers warrior gets, along with the Hundred Blades ability of your greatsword.
I do use Runes of Speed on my armor to not move like a snail, but with Runes of the Scrapper you could even be tankier, while at the same time gaining more damage. You’d just lose out on movement speed. You could substitute Berserker with Discipline if you don’t have the HoT Expansion, then you wouldn’t need Runes of Speed, as Discipline gives you 25% movement speed as a trait. If you go for Discipline, I suggest slotting a longbow as a second weapon, as its Burst ability cannot miss, and you need it to hit for the condition cleansing, the healing and the damage modifier. With Berserker it is not so important, because the Primal Burst of greatsword has a much larger range than the normal Burst, and is much easier to land. Personally I rarely even use a second weapon, I just camp greatsword 99% of the time.
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Since I think the plan is for more elite trait lines to be implemented, I think the intention is for people to take one elite line and two basic lines. That will likely always be better than three basic lines, unless maybe for some gimmick builds. I see nothing wrong with this. Basic lines are for leveling your character, and once you graduate your profession you pick one of the elite lines.
If they wanted the elite lines to be equal to the basic ones, they would have just made more basic ones, and that seems pointless, boring and unimaginative. I think the whole system is quite genius, and if Anet continues like this, GW2 will likely be by far the best and most popular MMOrpg for a long time, in time growing even more rather than shrinking.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
I use the same build, it is fun.
Neither the Ranger nor the Guardian can do unblockable ranged damage though, even if our base rifle and longbow skills are inferior, being able to get in all the damage unblocked is still quite valuable.
Thanks! I will try it out.
This is my build concept:
It’s centered around having Kill Shot available on cooldown by using “To The Limit!” and Signet of Fury, and around making sure your Kill Shot and Volley combination will always be unblockable and unreflectable through the Signet Mastery trait combined with the Signet of Might, as each offers 6 seconds of the unblockable boon. The Burst Precision trait will make sure your Kill Shot will always crit all opponents it pierces.
I use Signet of Rage for the 25 seconds of Fury and 100 precision, and Signet of Stamina to have an emergency full-condition wipe. The Warhorn offers permanent group swiftness as well as five additional condition cleanses, plus a full movement-impairment cleanse.
“To The Limit!” heals for 10K health every 24 seconds, so you should have some survivability despite the lack of stun breakers, but obviously a big weakness is direct damage and hard CC. So the best use for this setup I think is similar to the now relatively useless Gun Flame build. Gun Flame does pitiful damage now and does not pierce anymore, and since this build allows very frequent use of Kill Shot, which really hurts if you line up some enemies, it could be a good alternative.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Usually when Anet nerfs something it becomes a marginal skill no one uses anymore, so I think it is very good they don’t overdo it with Surge. 15% is still a hefty chunk of damage gone.
Is it not a bit boring though to only use a single weapon skill?
I guess it is subjective, the reason I love D/P is because it is the only thief weaponset where every single skill is useful and good.
If I calculate the auto attack damage using the official editor plus the wiki chain timer, it says that staff auto attack does quite a bit more DPS against single target than dagger, but is this true?
Against a single target, which auto attack DPS is higher, dagger or staff?
My Sylvari:
- 2 pieces of Tier 1 cultural armor.
- 2 pieces of Tier 2 cultural armor.
- 1 piece of Tier 3 cultural armor.
The level scaling in GW2, is the best I have ever experienced, it is simply genius.
I would prefer an MMORPG with no levels at all, but I’ll make do with GW2 until then. By far the best MMO that has ever been created.
The wiki says this chain grants might for each enemy struck, with the new patch notes, does this mean, against 3 enemies, the first strike grants 3 might stacks, the last one grants 9 might stacks, for a total of 12 stacks?
I’m wondering if I can do without the extra 3 max Initiative, but I do lack experience. How important is this trait really?
How does this ability work, does it remove one condition every time you get hit, as long as you are above 75% max health? Or does it remove all conditions when you get hit?
The Lightning Storm on the hammer summon only creates few bolts, the storm
only lasts 1/4th a second. It seems like it was meant to last a lot longer, creating a
lot more bolts, considering the low damage per bolt (tooltip damage anyway, it’s
hard to judge real damage since it just doesn’t hit any targets, the few bolts just
hit the ground around me, far away from or just always just next to, a target.)
I think it is the only useless Lightning Hammer skill, so it would be nice to have it
fixed, considering Lightning Hammer is the only way for elementalists to do damage
in places like dungeons, and Lightning Storm seems like it was meant to be a high
damage AOE skill.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
The Fire Magic trait Internal Fire, which is meant to increase damage in fire
attunement by 10%, is not correctly working. Either the damage does not end
up on the tooltip of the skills, or it is not granting the 10% damage bonus.
It is also not affecting summoned weapon skills or utility skills.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
I prefer staff as well, but the damage is so bad that staff skills alone do not cut it for
any of the game content. My solution is to use Flame Axe and Lightning Hammer
in a 20/0/0/30/20 build. The 30 in water for defence, healing, condition removal, to
support team mates, the 20 in arcane for faster attunement switching, attunement
bonuses and larger staff area circles (blasting staff).
Then the 20 in fire for a nice boost in power, as well as +10 charges on your summon
axe, hammer and elite greatsword. That’s 50 uses of summons, and another 25 when
you are in a tight spot with the elite summon greatsword.
Consider if you run out of charges in a big fight, you can just pick up the summons you
created on the ground, for another set of charges. Tho usually other players will have
picked ‘em up, cuz it’s just really fun to use them.
I usually go into a fight by placing a bunch of aoe circles from various attunements,
and then I go into the fray with the hammer and the axe, both of which do good
damage. The 2 and 5 of the axe for example give some major burst, while all hammer
skills are good.
If you don’t like the un-magey double daggers, or the girly sceptre, then imo this is a
nice solution.
I do wish fire magic had more than one trait for summoned weapons.
Elementalists haven’t been OP since they got overnerfstomped during beta, they
are all glass but no cannon.
There is more to the game than just running staff zerker in tpvp to provide aoe
damage and then dying within a split second after being targeted. Or playing a
bunker that does no damage what so ever and doesn’t do anything but just stand
there and be hard to kill. It is at the inbetween, where playing is actually fun, that
elementalist is lacking, of course not just the elementalist.
I wish anet would look at the whole game content when considering skill balance,
rather than only at tpvp. Maybe they should just completely separate the two.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Well the reasons don’t really matter, I think if you have a short cooldown heal, then
it is just really nice to be able to empower such a heal with a trait. I would use the
runes that give on-heal bonuses, but they are not that great.
Maybe a 3 or 4 second Fire Shield on heal, tier 1 Fire Magic?
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
I think pretty much every profession has a trait that gives a boon or bonus when
using heal. With Ether Renewal Elementalists have a great short cooldown heal skill,
much like thieves (who have like three heal-traits), so I really think Elementalists
would benefit greatly from a trait that gives an effect on heal.
10 seconds of vigour on heal would be very nice, or a bonus depending on your
current attunement.
For example:
Fire: 8-10 seconds of vigour or might.
Water: 5-8 seconds of regeneration.
Air: 10 seconds of swiftness.
Earth: 10 seconds of aegis or 3 seconds of protection.
With Ether Renewal you have the bonus on a short cool down, and with the Glyph
you get a bonus on top of the Glyph attunement bonus. Some nice synergy I think.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
If any profession wields a staff and then runs, the running animation is slowed down
drastically, and while you don’t actually run slower, it doesn’t feel very smooth and it
doesn’t feel very comfortable. It really makes you feel as if you run slower then.
So my suggestion is speeding up the running animation while wielding a staff, to be
at the same speed as other weapon sets.
I notice the warrior hammer has no defensive abilities, even though its traits are
in the Defence tree. My suggestion is to add a block to Staggering Blow. Just have
it block for 2 seconds, and when you get hit, it instantly executes Staggering Blow.
The advantage is obviously some defence, while the disadvantage is to have a bit
less control, so I suggest to raise the damage of the counter attack.
Most people use Staggering Blow right after Backbreaker, but really while it is cool
it doesn’t offer any advantage to use it like that since they are already unable to use
skills when knocked down.
I also suggest to change the charge of Fierce Blow from 3/4 to 1/2, and the charge
of Backbreaker from 1 to 3/4, to make it a little harder to dodge it, although it will
still be something people see coming from miles away.
I also suggest raising the damage of Earthshaker, with a hammer adrenaline comes
very slow, especially with Cleansing Ire now on the same tier as Merciless Hammer:
in the past we could use Embrace the Pain to gain more adrenaline, not anymore…
if it’d do more damage, then Earthshaker with just one adrenaline bar would get a
lot more viable to use. That’s still ten strikes, which is a lot with a hammer, but it’s
better than thirty strikes, which never happens in pvp, we die or win long before.
Adrenaline gain with mace and hammer is horrible now, it would be nice if Cleansing
Ire were a tier 1 ability instead so it can be used along with the mace or hammer
traits, as both mace and hammer are pointless without their respective traits. If
that is not an option, then we need some kind of way to gain more adrenaline as
hammer or mace users, a means that doesn’t stack with the others, otherwise the
other builds get too much adrenaline.
I would suggest having hammer and mace get 2 strikes of adrenaline per attack,
but it would only give an extra strike of adrenaline when using one of the five skills
of mace or hammer, so it can’t be abused with longbow Combustive Shot.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
I am having a lot of fun with mace/warhorn + mace/shield, but I can’t decide between
the Defence traits. In the past Shield Master and Missile Deflection were on different
tiers, so I would always pick Missile Deflection.
But now Shield Master moved to tier 1, I could take both Shield Master and Sundering
mace, but then I would lose out on Missile Deflection.
What trait combination would you suggest?
- Missile Deflection + Shield Master ..or
- Sundering Mace + Shield Master ..or
- Sundering Mace + Missile Deflection.
I appreciate any answers, I am leaning toward either option one or option two, myself, I
don’t have enough experience to decide what is most efficient though. I don’t have the
points left to go 30 into Defence, so I can’t pick all three traits.
I use 10/0/20/20/20, I already decided on that, I just don’t know what defence traits to
The question is basically, which two of those three traits is best?
Loving Skull Crack by the way, using Signet of Fury just to have one available at all times.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Maybe the 30% crit damage from Discipline trait line aren’t registering in the actual
calculations? They made changes to that trait line so it might be a bug.
I think it is better anyway to have some sort of middle value, not all bunker and not
all glass cannon, but somewhere in between. GW2 is team game, and going all glass
cannon makes it hard for you to help your team mates, and makes you somewhat
of a burden, as they have to res you all the time. It’s not just about damage and dps.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
It sounds fair to me, there is no reason why rangers shouldn’t be able to command
their pet while downed. It makes sense to me, they can still speak and shout, they’re
not stunned, just downed.
I don’t play ranger, but the last thing they need is another downgrade. Maybe the pet
commands should even remain visible in the downed state, so all rangers know they
can still command their pets, to make it an official non-bug.