I can kill a heavy golem with the warrior rifle build I posted above in about 5 seconds. The light and medium drops basically instantly.
20.2 s all three golems, with full adrenaline
22.3s all three golems, with no adrenalineMethedology: Sig Rage -> On My Mark -> Brutal Shot -> Kill Shot (if adren full) -> Berserker Stance -> Volley -> autoattack/volley/killshot as cds go up.
PvP berserkers, traits as you listed.
But try to time yourself. Then try it with full Zerkers Ranger. Time yourself again. And make sure you report your methodology and full results! And compare it with a ranger. You’ll find the results to be pretty similar.
Not sure how you’re killing the medium one “instantly.” Heavy goes down pretty fast due to killshot/volley, but in this method, the medium goes the slowest since volley/killshot are on cd. Light of course dies pretty quick cuz volley/killshot is back up.
Signet of Rage -> On My Mark -> Brutal Shot -> Volley ->Bleeding shots -> [heavy golem dead] -> Brutal Shot -> Bleeding shots -> Volley -> [light golem dead] -> Bleeding shots -> Brutal Shot -> Kill Shot -> [medium golem dead]
Adrenaline was empty at start.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
I can kill a heavy golem with the warrior rifle build I posted above in about 5 seconds. The light and medium drops basically instantly.
Also, I am looking over his warrior build. It isn’t very good.
Much better:
The idea that the ranger does more ranged damage than the warrior or even an engineer with the grenade kit is laughable at best.
Why is this laughable? Have you actually tested it out?
Yes, and those tests are with the pet on golems. When fighting a player, in any situation, you are not going to have optimal pet dps output. Just by a player moving, a pet’s dps drops by 50% just because the pet can’t consistently hit a moving target. If the target knows how to move, the pet’s damage will drop even further due to pathing issues.
Also, the fact that he didn’t test the Warrior with Rabid is inconsistant. The rifle’s autoattack stacks bleeds
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
The idea that the ranger does more ranged damage than the warrior or even an engineer with the grenade kit is laughable at best.
There is nothing significant they added to really fix the ranger. We simply benefited from universal changes such as the movement speed signet, arrow speed, and improved mob attack mechanics.
Where is something as simple as removing ranger’s sword auto-attack root?
Now a moving pet only loses 50% of its dps.
They haven’t really listened to their player base since before release.
WvW was just poorly thought out when it was designed. It’s a pseudo-competitive PVP and a poor replacement to open world PVP. The maps are too small, the point system encourages a certain kind of play, and there is no permanence to it. For people that want a PVP server or even a Dark Age of Camelot experience, it just isn’t there.
If Anet is like how Bioware was with SWTOR they focus more on fixing exploits than punishing the people actually doing them. They basically deny it or tell people that it’ll be fixed in an upcoming patch so it isn’t worth their time punishing somebody if its going to be fixed by then. They only took action against speed hacks, economic exploiters, and bots, but everything else was “fine” until they fixed it.
That is probably (90% sure) why there isn’t a option to report people for exploiting / cheating. They’re too afraid to whip out the ban button because it can damage their public image and lose subscribers (i.e. money).
It’s funny though. Bioware and Anet both police their forums with an iron fist.
I am reassured to find I’m not THE ONLY person who has noticed a similarity to how certain developers have handled the support and community aspects of their respective products. One wonders if lessons will be learned and arrogance dispensed with or if history will repeat itself.
The big difference with Anet is they actually talk to their players (and they talk to them like they’re actual real people). In SWTOR, Bioware would slap in class nerfs on the PTR and there could be twenty forum posts about it and they wouldn’t say a word. Getting an answer out of them was like pulling teeth.
Anet had another advantage because they were still in development when SWTOR was out so they learned a lot from their mistakes.
I disagree with this. It might have been like that at one point prior to release, but nowadays, ArenaNet is no different than any other developer when it comes to discussing stuff with its players. SOE, of all companies, have done an absolutely amazing job of maintaining a line of communication with their players. It puts attempts like ANet has done to shame.
Dungeon Finder is never a solution to create a social game. If you want a social game, get rid of the instances altogether. Instances do nothing but isolate people from the game world.
Also, if you want a social game, you want an ecology within the classes/professions. Things a class can do, that others cannot. Everquest had this in spades, which made it a very social game. A Druid and Wizard could teleport, an Enchanter could give you mana regeneration, a Necromancer could summon your corpse, a Cleric could rez you, etc. I am not sure why MMOs try to get further and further away from this.
The social aspect of your game is based around the granularity of your game design, not surface level stuff like whether it has guild options or not. If you present your world as a world that people can get lost in, instead of an amusement park with every little thing pointed out on your map, you will have a more social game. If you have a reason to interact with others because other individuals offer things you want that you can’t get yourself, you will have a more social game.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
Instancing has a negative effect on a game’s community. I don’t know why developers refuse to see that. They seem more inclined to take the easy way out when developing content by simply making it instanced instead of large enough and detailed enough for a lot of people.
Our alliance was notified that we had a Mesmer hidden in SM over two hours before we took it.
This is all a symptom of ArenaNet designing WvW as some sort of psuedo-competitive match.
I can confirm that SM was sweeped, I also highly doubt that a Mesmer could hide in SM for 2 hours even if they somehow managed to avoid being detected by a 40 man sweep. Also in response to Wiredgunslinger, I have seen all three servers exploit already this new match. The important thing is that you do not use exploited portals. It is easy to tell when a Mesmer is exploiting, you become just as guilty as the Mesmer in question when you use those Portals. Report the Mesmer and make sure to let everyone know not to take portals from that Mesmer.
You didn’t sweep it good enough.
Who cares if Reveal isn’t well accepted by the thief community? The thief is overpowered, and they know it. They just want to remain overpowered.
My argument against Reveal is that tracking should be a regular utility skill on a reasonable cooldown.
Ranger just needs tracking as a skill to reveal stealth.
The number of passion flowers it takes and how rare they are is just stupid.
Just 1 piece of agony significantly reduces the damage.
That equals 60 hours of your life?
More like 60 seconds on the auction house and the mystic forge.
Plus the gem-gold exchange.
I think the problems addressed by the OP is the problem that every themepark MMO runs into. That’s why the future of MMORPGs will have sandbox features. Eventually companies will realize that throwing more and more of the same content out there won’t solve the problem, they will start thinking outside the box.
One of the biggest annoyances I have with many of the posts upset with ArenaNet, is that they do not even know what the word LIE means.
Even IF way back when, they said something would work one way and now it doesn’t, it does NOT mean you were lied to.
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
So unless you really believe when they put out a given statement, it was their intent at that time to be untruthful, it is not a lie.
Either we accept Chris Whiteside’s statement that this was planned all along, in which case they lied then, or it wasn’t planned all along and they are lying now. Either way, they lied. There is one thing a company can do to instantly lose all respect in my eyes and that is lie. I don’t like being lied to.
I definitely think the ArenaNet that designed the Hall of Monuments and the initial idea of Guild Wars 2 isn’t the same ArenaNet as now.
People should stop confusing horizontal progression and cosmetics though. Horizontal progression is new abilities, but with the goal of them being balanced with previous abilities.
Would Final Fantasy 14 being released before it was finished or even well thought out count?
Game was beautiful as hell but so awful in every other aspect. It tanked pretty hard and damage control of firing their staff and making a trailer of them nuking the FF14 universe into oblivion was pretty epic. .-.Yeah, that one’s going to occupy a place of infamy just because it’s so… so weird. Sometimes I think Square Enix makes about half their business decisions via Ouija Board.
Yeah, FFx1v is a great example.
I like that when they relaunch they’re gonna be a subscription model with the explanation “We promised our customers we’d bring them Final Fantasy MMO with a subscription” — as if anyone would really be mad if it were sub-free.
I’d love to play the remake and hope very much that it doesn’t suck. But I wouldn’t be able to trust that it’s worth being pay 2 play. It’s pretty much impossible for me to trust a game at all anymore nowadays to be worth P2P. There’s always some horrible blunder that just ruins the game, or they just don’t take it anywhere fun and it feels like your just making a bad investment.
I am dumb founded that they didn’t make it f2p. They can’t realistically expect that it will succeed. No one is going to risk their money on it.
Play a warrior. Warrior shout build is like the best healer in the game right now.
Sorry, but you are wrong. If it was host side, it would be easily hackable to the point they could just copy all the magical items they want. Everything is still server side, regardless if it is instanced or not.
I wasn’t saying that you were completely disconnected from ArenaNet. You needed a constant connection to continue to play (much like you do with Diablo and Starcraft).
This connection allows them to ensure that you don’t modify the instance through hacking. This is why D3 prevents offline single-player.
That doesn’t mean Blizzard hosts every D3 single-player game. That’s just absurd thinking on your part. Likewise, ArenaNet doesn’t have to “host” instances to make sure you aren’t cheating. You “join someone else’s game” when playing multiplayer.
I’m not going to bother arguing about this any further… since it’s not at all related to my argument.
My primary argument is that they have costs (and these costs are higher than GW1).
They need to cover these costs (in addition to paying off whatever investments were made to cover development).
Do you even know what hosting is?
Costs may or may not be higher. Technology advanced, both in things like dynamic events and world size, but so has bandwidth and servers. The one common theme of the internet is everything has become cheaper. When Neverwinter Nights Online was out in the 90s, you paid an hourly rate. Bandwidth and server space was really expensive.
Lost Shore patch was like a combination of Dark Age of Camelot’s Trials of Atlantis and Lord of the Rings Online’s Radiance combined.
The name Guild Wars comes from a historical event that happened on Tyria.
More Ranger nerfs.
2. No open world PvP …
How is WvW not open world PvP?
Uh, because it isn’t. It’s like a set of 4 300 man instanced PVP matches, that’s it.
Server and bandwidth costs would be the roughly the same regardless if GW2 was persistent or not. In fact, it could have very well went up with major instancing since everything happening on the server would have to be replicated for each individual instead of just once for 500 or so people.
Instancing takes the burden of “hosting” off of the server and places it on the players. ArenaNet only had to actually host the town hubs.
This is why Diablo and Starcraft don’t charge anything for Battle.Net access (and Guild Wars was initially designed by people that designed those).
One player “hosts” the instance and everyone else’s machine just copies it.
Sorry, but you are wrong. If it was host side, it would be easily hackable to the point they could just copy all the magical items they want. Everything is still server side, regardless if it is instanced or not.
Server and bandwidth costs would be the roughly the same regardless if GW2 was persistent or not. In fact, it could have very well went up with major instancing since everything happening on the server would have to be replicated for each individual instead of just once for 500 or so people.
The title of this thread should have been “Agony is actually rather radiant”…
Don’t forget to add Dark Age of Camelot’s Trials of Atlantis expansion where they added PVE grind to the game. It single handily wrecked it.
Could add Lord of the Ring Online’s Radiance as well.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
per Ree Soesbee in the PCGamer interview:
You guys take a pretty definite line – they’re a hero, they’re going to have this particular moral alignment. It’s “how are you going to achieve this heroic thing” rather than “are you an kitten”. Is that degree of extra freedom superfluous in other games?
No – it depends on the kind of game you’re playing. We’ve said from the beginning that Guild Wars 2 is a game about heroes. If you’re playing a game about villains there should totally be choices to be a villain. What we wanted to do was tell a story that ends hopefully in the defeat of the dragons, and the choices of bad guy who would do that fall into anti-hero. So that was as far as we were willing to go.
nuff said
They did a 180 on one philosophy, no reason they can’t do another 180 on a second.
How is this game, in any way, shape or form a “grind”?
Go out and get 300 ectos. That will answer that question quite succinctly.
I have fun by not being psychologically manipulated with the skinner box.
… looks that the gear grind is here to say, and GW2 is just taking up space on HD.
I’ll check back in a few years, to see if ArenaNet has sorted out their waffling. In the mean time, Elder Scrolls Online is only months away, and Skyrim, with tons of reality mods is looking amazing, looks far better and runs far cooler than gw2,
Good Luck with all the monkey grinds.
Elder Scrolls Online has the gear treadmill too, fyi.
But they will be blown away by ESO.
The only way for them to not be would have been staying loyal to their manifesto and be UNIQUE; A game without vertical progression, grind and treadmills.
Changing that, they are just one of the many mmo around, and there is no reason to keep playing GW2 instead of ESO.
Yep, ESO will probably have grind and a gear treadmill, with what looks to be a superior form of RvR. If someone wants to gear treadmill, there are options out now that are better at it than Guild Wars 2.
As the title says, I think Agony itself is rather brilliant. It creates vertical progression endlessly without stat progression.
As it stands, ArenaNet could add endless dungeons and simply gate them by agony resist required. The hardcore PvE players get their vertical progression though more and more agony resist, which makes them better at these dungeons, while it does literally nothing for WvW, or world PvE.
Provided they handle it right, it’s effectively endless vertical progression, without any form of significant power creep.
Yeah, that’s what I thought too, back when it was Radiance in LOTRO.
You can see for yourself how well that turned out.
Yep, dejavu.
Colin JohansonFun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.
Anyone notice that Colin Johanson and Eric Flannum are mysteriously missing since the whole Lost Shores fiasco started?
Did you notice that nothing in that quote from Colin has been contradicted?
Last I checked the rarest rings and back pieces in the game are the most powerful rings and back pieces and you need them to be the best. There is now a mandatory gear treadmill, those who don’t chase after the new prestigious gear are less powerful than those that do.
Anyone else not really excited?
Colin JohansonFun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.
Anyone notice that Colin Johanson and Eric Flannum are mysteriously missing since the whole Lost Shores fiasco started?
WvW definitely isn’t as good as DAoC’s RvR. The maps are too small, there is no persistence. Things like limited number of targets for AOE really limit the few versus many battles. It’s really a poor substitute overall.
There is nothing to justify a second chance. They haven’t recanted their motive to move forward with the gear treadmill.
There are games out there with better itemization and implemented grind if you really wanted to grind. If you don’t like grind, Guild Wars 2 definitely isn’t for you and you would be better off finding something else to take up your time. That’s the reality of the game right now.
The strayed from YOUR interpretation of THEIR manifesto.
That is a big difference people don’t seem quite to be getting.
Except it’s not our interpretation.
Fun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.
That didn’t really answer it. Nexon would have pushed on NCsoft, and NCsoft would have pushed ArenaNet. There would never have been any contact between Nexon and ArenaNet.
So what you are saying is this. Nexon who within the last few months bought a small part of NCsoft. Nexon knows nothing about GW2 or Anet, and has never had any contact with them in anyway. Nexon somehow goes to NCsoft, and makes vague pressures about a game they have no idea about, thus forcing NCsoft to go to Anet and pressure them into some drastic change in said game that Nexon knows none of the workings of. That is quite the logic train there.
You really have no idea how corporations work do you? Nexon’s $688 million purchase of NCsoft isn’t a ‘hope’ that NCosft is going to be successful and they turn a little bit of profit. When a corporation purchases a part of another corporation, they expect profit in the realm of ten or twenty times what paid for it. They aren’t going to just invest that kind of money and sit on their hands. They had to have plans far larger than playing the role of a gigantic day trader.
Notice the original post. Why did they push it through? It’s interesting that you are trying to deflect this specific conversation.
Because they wanted to. Because they had some stuff ready and wanted it out. Because somebody got overly ambitious and jumped the gun.
Really the why doesn’t matter. It happened, they regret it and will try to do better in the future. Any other badgering on the topic is superfluous.
Better? They said they had no intention of stopping the gear treadmill. That isn’t ‘better’.
We should all remember this:
Fun impacts loot collection. The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.