If I wanted to play a game with grinding for item progression, I would just play Rift which has far superior itemization.
I will never understand while “meaningful end-game content” has to involve a gear treadmill which is a poor illusion at best to someone with even half a brain.
I swear 15 years of EQ/WoW/etc. has really done a number when it comes to conditioning people.
EQ prior to Luclin wasn’t even as bad as the modern MMO. There was gear grind, but the levels of the player were far more important than any of the gear and gear lasted a long time. I had three robes. My first magical robe I got at low level lasted until my Enchanter was able to obtain an Ishva robe and it lasted until I was in my 50s when I got my planar robe which lasted until I quit the game. Now level grind on the other hand is a completely different topic.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
Oh nooooo, I wont be able to progress to the deepest parts of the optional dungeon without the new armor which is only useful for this dungeon…. This game sucks omg you are tearing me apart Anet.
Its like all logic goes out the window when people come onto these forums.
l2read. The stats will work everywhere.
Oh yeah, I forgot how much of a difference that extra 3 precision will make. Oh and cant forget that MF buff.
Power 68 vs 63 = 7.94% increase in Power
Precision 68 vs 63 = 7.94% increase in Precision
Magic Find 10 vs 7 = 42.86% increase in Magic Find
So lets say a person get all pieces, that’s a nearly 8% increase in combat stats and a nearly 43% increase in magic find.
Not so little when you use percentages.
8% is not much at all considering all of the special effects some runes have that would make using infusions not worth it. And who cares about MF anyways, unless youre farming Orr all day I find it to be a useless stat.
They deceptively showed only the MF one for the very response you have given. MF is the primary stat on those two pieces of jewelery, the other two stats are secondary.
I agree with OP, would be nice with an honest response from a real developer.
We haven’t had an honest response about anything since the game’s release.
If I wanted to play a gear grind game, I would play Rift. It’s grind is far better and so is its itemization.
How is power creep a good job?
(edited by Moderator)
but in all honestly, I am done with being regarded and treated like a second-class player because I don’t raid (or super-dungeon, or whatever ANet will call the frustratingly hard instances you get the 1337 gear from).
I think this summarizes the feelings many people have with how MMOs treat them.
Wait. So I have worked my tail off to get 4 exotic armor sets for my level 80 character for different styles of play and now they are going to be basically useless because of a new tier of armor… Oh my…
Two months in and all our gear is obsolete…
And 2% more stats that isn’t required for ANYTHING, is mandatory how exactly?
Yes, the irony is DELICIOUS!
How does it feel to be told “this game isn’t for you”?
2% stats can still make a difference in WvW, but it’s the infuse slots that will make the gear required for certain upcoming content.
And yes the tables have been turned. It may mean the game isn’t for me anymore but I can handle that, disappointing as it may be. The thing is. Anet are throwing out their own principles to make these changes and I think that by itself will damage them more than the actual introduction of a new tier of gear.
It was clear to point out this game wasn’t for the gear treadmill because it was advertised as such. Anet are actually changing something that was a a foundation, a pillar of their philosophy. They were a company you could still believe in would have some principle and backbone with it. The real sad part is that it looks like they are giving that up and it will be interesting to find out where this goes.
If it means that this is no longer the game for me, so be it. I already got my money’s worth so far. The difference is that once I decide this is no longer the game for me, you won’t see me here ranting for another two months or longer about it. I will simply leave and find another game to play.
This. If they make this game something I no longer like, I will just leave. There’s no point to ranting about it on the forums weeks from now.
One of the things I’ve liked about the ongoing process with the Planetside 2 beta is just how upfront SOE has been with their plans for release and beyond.
They also do a very good job at communicating with their player base and willing to tell them a straight ‘no’ when something they demand doesn’t fit the game. Smedley and the developers are always tweeting changes they are planning and considering and react quickly to opinions of players. I’ve never seen more communications between a developer and its player base.
ArenaNet does talk with us, but they are very secretive. It’s quite a contrast from SOE. Straight talk and openness goes along way in build trust with players, I hope ArenaNet learns that one day.
(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)
They should have patterns such as a starry pattern with a field of stars on it.
2/11 [Sea of Sorrows] vs [Sanctum of Rall] vs [Isle of Janthir]
in WvW
Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283
SoR continues to sit at ‘Full’ despite us having less than 100 players on the entire server during off hours.
Something has to be wrong with the system.
Nothing is wrong, the vast majority of players on most servers only do PVE. Some servers are more heavily PVE oriented than others.
I think players and developers underestimate just how badly instanced dungeons hurts a world’s population.
Keep in mind that full most likely has absolutely nothing to do with player activity. If someone’s inactive and hasn’t played for a month they’ll probably still count towards the server population. There’s no reason to believe that it’s on an activity base, because while logical it would be worse for PR regardless of activity levels. This of course is even assuming they don’t artificially lower the full bar to so say their servers are full.
That isn’t the case at all. My guild transferred servers a few weeks back and it took an entire week to get everyone over as there were only a couple of times per day for an hour or two during off hours that the server would drop from Full to High.
You will never completely get rid of the bots. Bots just get more sophisticated as time goes on and become less noticeable. Bots have gotten to the point in certain other p2p games where they will level via quests and run instanced dungeons.
If they did this, I would pretty much quit the game overnight.
I don’t really miss those quests, but I do miss the classic Everquest quests where quests aren’t identified by an exclamation point of the NPC head and it neatly tells you what to do in the GUI. I prefer the exploration the old EQ quests gave. You talk to all the NPCs, looking for identifiers for quests and read what they want or need, often the quest heading into a quest chain.
Yeah I also believe Full might pertain to total characters in server rather then online. Crystal desert always full but lower levels zones feel empty, except on weekends. However considering the size of the world, plus dungeons and WvW and Pvp there is a lot of places people can be.
It doesn’t. The server population on the unofficial Oceanic server I transferred to is mostly full all the time except a couple of times per day in the off hours. There were very short windows for my guild and I to transfer.
The key drop is abysmal. I haven’t seen one drop in my 681 hours of playing.
or you could just find another group, go do something else or visit the guild recruitment forums to find a guild that actively does dungeons. Basically anything other than trying to stir up internet drama.
All the rangers in my guild have basically retired their characters. That includes one of our only remaining commanders because commander tomes are soundbound.
Pets that work right would be a good start.
I would be more enticed to buy things from the cash shop if what I bought didn’t take up my normal storage space.
Yet the irony is that this thread, so quaintly informing them of these two places, could just cause Plinx and the Cursed Shore tunnel farms to disappear. Didn’t you get the memo that ArenaNet is against the idea of farming?
There will need to be some hefty changes to bring rangers into line with other classes.
Currently in pvp, the only really viable build is torch+trap condition ranger and the sad fact is, its not that great.
I’ve been hoping the ranger would get fixed much sooner then this, but at least its coming…..
It might be coming. It was suppose to be coming in this previous patch. It may never come.
The current sPVP mode is not team deathmatch nor capture the flag,. You will have some people that are dedicated to it, but many people who really love arena matches simply cannot take it seriously.
If you want sPVP to be popular, my recommendation is quit trying force the current mode on the players and add new modes and letter the players themselves decide what they want to play.
So will we have a revamp of the profession?
They need to increase the rate of fire.
I would buy keys if they were like 5 gems per key.
I would like to see a open world PVP continent where players actually build and own their own keep until it is taken from them, but I am of the opinion that only sandbox can truly give lasting content in MMORPGs.
Open world dungeons similar to the Mad King's Labyrinth
in Suggestions
Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283
I would really like to see open world dungeons similar to Mad King’s Labyrinth but to a greater degree of size and detail similar to the old fashion Everquest 1 & 2 dungeons. I know there are the mini-dungeons, but those just aren’t even vaguely similar to the overall feeling of the large open world dungeons with a bunch of players roaming around inside of them.
I always though they would be excellent with the dynamic event system, and the Labyrinth showed that to be the case. I could only imagine what type of things could be done if you weren’t limited to a Halloween event.
Hackers will still ninja keeps and towers.
I would rather see the return of the dwarves.
I would like to see a bard profession.
Please let it be a temperate high level zone.
I remember being excited about the next 3 levels or so and having a really strong ambition to hammer through those levels to get that skill I wanted to play with.
And with that one statement right there, you perhaps unknowingly hit upon the reason why you get all your skills up front. The journey is the game, not rushing through content to get to that next shiny. It took me awhile to get this concept because other games conditioned me to think that way. Some never will.
I get tired of hearing about the ‘journey’. A person who plays 3 hours a day and a person who plays 13 hours a day both have the same ‘journey’, but simply do it faster. It takes the same amount of experience regardless.
No thanks, I don’t want to see the Ranger get the rifle.
I wish the bow was 1200 range.
It’s also that the few skills and weapons that we do have are too reliant on the trait tree which narrows down the viable skills available at one time.
As I have(maybe had) a ranger main, it makes me envious as one of our abilities was going to be a permanent stealth that was removed with doing anything at all. Still bitter they removed it, but kept this.
Our signet should provide 25% movement speed.
I am disappointed that you can’t transmute costumes onto your armor. I wanted the witches outfit for my Mesmer.
Back when I played Runes of Magic, I bought diamonds (their cash shop currency) and traded them for gold on their auction house. Their market is player regulated without a ridiculous exchange rate as both the buyer and the seller had to agree to the price set. It allowed market forces because for someone to buy diamonds with gold, there had to be someone selling diamonds for gold and vice-versa. There doesn’t appear to be any such thing in GW2 which is a fatal flaw.
If the keys were 5 gems each, I’d consider it.
As for the Gun restriction issue, I completely agree with the OP as I also have wondered why the rangers are not able to equip ‘All’ the ranged weapons because well… we are ‘Rangers’ after all.
The ‘range’ in ‘ranger’ does not come from ranged weapons. It comes from someone who ranges.
The fact that this has to be explained time and time again is dumbfounding.
As one of the newer NA people on Sea of Sorrows, I am seriously disappointed in the Australian guilds. I shouldn’t have to feel like I need to spend all night playing in addition to all day because a bunch of AU wanted to slack in WvW all night to do the Halloween event.
You have seen the score right now, that’s thanks to the Oceanics, haven’t you? The NA shift (no offence to them, as they started off working up from basically zilch) left them with about 140PPT maybe and we’re… where exactly, now?
NA handed almost completely capped maps the day before the Halloween event and within one night we lost literally everything. The following day it was NA trying to recover everything the AU guilds lost.
Right now we have a couple of active AU guilds and a bunch of NA players who are still playing a whole lot more than they should have to to get everything back.
As one of the newer NA people on Sea of Sorrows, I am seriously disappointed in the Australian guilds. I shouldn’t have to feel like I need to spend all night playing in addition to all day because a bunch of AU wanted to slack in WvW all night to do the Halloween event.
Ranger got nothing and Warrior got a bunch of buffs. Something is seriously rotten up at ArenaNet.
Honestly, I can’t get myself to run them much now. I begrudgingly do them once in awhile because my new alt is going to need exotic gear.
My suggestion to improve explorable mode would be to give a decent chance to get an exotic drop off a boss mob and just keep tokens as rewards for finishing the dungeons.
I’ve seen two exotic drops in my 100 member guild, one was off trash mobs in Orr and the other was off a trash mob in Honor of the Waves.