Showing Posts For bladie.5084:

WvW Maintenance October 25, 2016

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Anet, has it ever occurred to you that EU is more active than NA?….. WTF

Not having fun anymore :(

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Stop being so dramatic. Life will go on and the world doesn’t revolve around you.

Unique Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Never again should Anet make a BL similar to the Desert BL. It was too big, too ambitious and takes away the time, you could be having fun capping/fighting. Desert BL doesn’t work and wvw veterans don’t like it because it just takes too long to get from point A to point B. People log on to get into the action, not explore the map.

That being said I do agree there should be another BL. But it should replace EotM tbh. Getting tomes are much easier now hence defeats the purpose of EotM raids/farm.

Hmong Clan [HMNG] PVX Guild BlackGate Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: bladie.5084


More power and gl to u guys!

u guys got any milwaukee, wi ?

Dec 27th Desolation/Aurunny Rock/Ganderpa

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


Thanks Augury Rock for the amazing fun this evening on the Gandara Borderlands! Got to say you ran quite the numbers, compared to our 11 man squad guild raid. Though, real teamwork and sportmanship was shown from you guys to never leave an ally behind! Hope you had as much fun as we had! We recorded the fights and made a little video out of it too!

P.s. little roleplay in the end after the final scene!

That video reminds me of this:

Grass eaters will be grass eaters.

Thiefs, Off-Hand Swords Suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


2.5 seconds immob is a bit.. OP.. And if you trait up for ricochet.. That’s like perma immob venom but without having to use it on utility. And it’ll put pistol #2 to shame.

Desolation / Gunnars Hold / Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


EXG is the biggest blobbing guild ever.

Desolatoin/Fort Ranik/Gunnars Hold

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hello guys! Great match up thus far! I have to admit. Gunnars is prolly the best when it comes to primetime but unfortunately there’s not an on/off button in wvwvw.

I just wanted to say that it’s unfortunate that EXG and INC did not get to GVG each other. Idk and cannot speak for INC but for the EXG squad, we were all generally excited and thrilled to go up against INC. Last match up could not happen. Due to many reasons tbh. Being new in the GVG scenes, we were being confronted and challenged from left to right. First come first serve, no offense.

For this week It was unfortunate that we did not get any GVGs going on. There is no excuse and we apologize on our part of the deal. It’s just that we all thought that GVG was going to take place on Thursdays (because those are the GVG that we have to do extra preparations). On how the appointment was done and how it was decided is beyond my knowledge. But next time lets be more professional and get a CLEAR date on which day to go. No “we can do it today or tomorrow” and no throwing temper tantrums, keep it civil guys. And this is directed to BOTH guilds. Just to clear the misunderstandings, we are not scared of INC, we are/were excited to go up against you guys.

FYI S/D did not get a minor/moderate nerf

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


Checkmate atheists.

Cleary implying there’s a flaw in the argument he was stating.

Thanks for being more direct though.

FYI S/D did not get a minor/moderate nerf

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


There is NO differentiation between a bad S/D player and a good one. Hopefully these changes WILL introduce some type of differentiation between a good S/D player and a bad one. Hopefully the bad ones will have to peel more often, reducing dps pressure. There are reasons why upper-level players left the game, and S/D theefs are part of that reason.

I beg to differ. D/P thieves are probably the majority reason why people are leaving esp in wvwvw (where the majority of the kids are).

And the same can be said about D/P thieves as well. There are no difference between a good d/p and a bad d/p.

Sword Pistol Thieves: Discuss

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


Do we still have thieves who are still willing to play s/p after patch?

Sword Pistol Thieves: Discuss

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


—Shadow Return on Sword. Renamed to Infiltrator’s return. Added a 1/4s cast time.
—Pistol Whip. Reduced the after cast on the first half of this skill by .25 seconds.
—Assassins Reward. Increased healing scaling by 35%. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.

These are the three main noticeable statements that was stated that can affect P/W builds.

While I applaud Anet’s attempt to fix Pistol Whip and try to diversify new builds, the shadow return nerf is just too big of a liability now to play the very unorthodox weapon set.

Other Profession’s Sword flurry can still do it better.
Lose DPS for Assassin’s Reward, the healing will still be crap and you do not need 30% more boon duration as part of your build.

Does Sword Pistol still need to be nerfed?
Are the new buffs viable enough for us S/P thieves to look the other way?
What buffs do Sword pistol thieves really need??

FYI S/D did not get a minor/moderate nerf

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


they made #3 too spammable, but then again, nerfing shadow return doesn’t exactly fix that problem. if the goal is to reduce #3 spamming they could’ve increased ini cost or reduced damage on flanking strike or larcenous strike.

This is probably the most informative and correct statement.
nerfing Shadow return on sword is not just a nerf to S/D but also (yet again) S/P. when you’re indirectly nerfing other weapon sets because another set was too evasive or “OP” does that justify the nerf? No, It signifies that Anet once again, is being sloppy and doesn’t give a shlt.

And yah, As topic stated: This is not going to be a minor/moderate nerf, this is going to be a pretty big nerf. A 1/4 second cast for an already really buggy shadow return, how ridiculous can Anet get?

18/10 Desolation/Abaddon's Mouth/Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


Don’t speak out of context, this was the extra round after the official 4-1 defeat. We can actually provide all 6 rounds if you would like a recap on it.
Btw the only reason you won a round was because we had a dc and we just went in -1 ( you dont see us complaining about it)
Please stop trying to play the victim here, we wont do a rematch… we have seen how you guys deal with these kind of things and we don’t support that.

See you on the battlefield

please do so.

Heart of the Mist Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hi, Today I logged onto my guard and went into Heart of the Mist. Upon doing so I all of a sudden crashed and had to send error report.. I logged on my engi (because he was already in Heart of the mist) and same thing happens…

I Logged on my other accounts not in Heart of the mist and everything was fine.. Dunno what’s going on but my precious guard needs some saving.

Desolation / Abaddon / Gandara 30/8

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


You should have been in AM borderland today, had some amazing small scale fights against [EXG] from your server. Big shout out to those guys for the awesome fun, nice try bringing in a thief to focus me but S/P is just the wrong weapon set for WvW hence he didn’t do a very good job of it.

Also there are many, many small roaming guilds on Gandara so either you are blind, or haven’t been looking hard enough for small scale fights.

Lol yeah I do have to admit, D/P is pretty (easy mode) hard to counter with since S/P is a pretty slow skill but not everyone wants to play Fotm. It wasn’t that small scale given the fact that we were outnumbered most of the time. If i wasn’t mistaken, and ur the COF thief guy, Didn’t you get CCed like crazy in the early fights until you chose to switch to D/P? I would know, since I did play charr warrior in the beginning.

Vizunah / Desolation / Seafarer's

in Match-ups

Posted by: bladie.5084


Speaking from Deso side. Put your money where your mouth is!! If you got the balls to talk crap, back it up with ur guild!! If your guild’s unreliable, THEN STFU! thank you. This wasn’t directed towards anyone. Too much kitten talking.

Pistol Whip?

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


sigil of para is not viable.

Best. Content. Ever.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: bladie.5084


im strictly wvwwv and i have to say, i absolutely LOVE this patch.

Exploring no-stealth S/P roam builds in WvW.

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


Dear S/P Brothers: please stop posting S/P builds, let them play daggers! I feel so exposed.. :9

phantasms killing you after mesmer downed

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


At :22 you really had the asura running for his money. Honestly I don’t know why you disengaged. You should have stealthed and ended it with Heart seeker (as intended).

You could have BP+HS and stealthed or used you shadowstep to go where ever he was and finished him off with HS.

I rarely use elites for 1v1 but in desperate times, I really recommend dagger storm for mesmers.

[video]S/D evasive. Zerg frontline (testing)

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


Based on your videos, you’re obviously a good player, so I just wanted to get that out of the way. I don’t however see double s/d being “freakin awesome” here. You’re only good in that enemy front line for as long as you can evade, and often have to withdraw to wait for cd’s, getting hp/initiative back up in between. You don’t bring any combo fields to support your team and it takes a while to actually get players down. With better weapons that time would have been reduced of course, but I still think it would be lacking in damaging fast enough.

D/p however would take most of those upleveled characters down with a backstab and a heartseeker. As you probably already know, s/d and d/p go together actually quite well and the synergy gives a thief a lot more tools than simply spamming 2-3-3-3-3-3-3-2 90% of the time. I think this combo will always be superior to double s/d in wvw because of its versatility. It’s great that you’re trying out new things though.

Actually, I beg to differ. Essentially, a thief’s combo field is not as valuable as other profession’s. That being said, a thief is more needed to throw off the zerg’s game or divert them to distraction. Combo fields and support isn’t everything to a zerg. Face tanking and being up in the face plays a major role as well (if not, even more). sword main set is best for zerg vs zerg imho. You get in and you get out, rinse and repeat. I don’t main D/P so I wouldn’t know how useful they are in zergs but, I strongly believe the best mobility is the best way to go.

Finally they don't QQ on Thieves anymore...

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


You haven’t been nerfed till you have played a d/d ele.

that’s funny. Really, it is.

Solo Keep Lord + Veteran

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


to make it simple; the bigger the castle, the harder the lord.

Camp —-————->tower —> keep/garrison --> SM
Quaggan easy —-—->easy —-->medium————>hard

what about the camp?

Fixed it for you

thanks, bro.

Camps are considered the hardest btw.

Solo Keep Lord + Veteran

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


to make it simple; the bigger the castle, the harder the lord.

tower —> keep/garrison —> SM
easy --—>medium————>hard

Solo Player = No Badge?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Every couple of days I buy a new batch of food+ nourishments, and that can cost me over 4 gold (how messed up is that)! When roaming i make NO money at all and lose profit on drops.. I HAVE to zerg 50% of the time just to make profit back. Yeah…

Solo Keep Lord + Veteran

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


failed, double post. delete please.

Solo Keep Lord + Veteran

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


just one more proof the thief class is OP…

Can’t you appreciate good play by a player?

1. He took advantage of the fact that skills can be obstructed.
2. Took cover when needed to.
3. Every dodge was not wasted.
4. Almost if not, all Death Blossom was accurate.
5. He knew how the Lord fights and knows when to disengage and re-engage to not get One Hitted.

This video worked with the thanks of Anet.
-No resetting on stealth
-Death Bloss 1 initiative shorter [even then OP wouldn’t struggle]
-No invaders joining in the fight.
-and the fact that the Keep lord/veterans weren’t buffed.

This video shows good intuition, knowledge, timing, and beautiful display of knowing oneself.

Gratz OP you get major props from me personally.

Thief: the ONLY prof without 1200 range

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


thief, the only profession that has 3000+ range. Close topic please

If this is true, I am kinda happy again

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


If it is true i am dissapointed again. First they nerf everything they can on ,,Stealth, burst thief" so lot of us started to play S/D instead and then they will do this:
Crippling Strike: This ability no long applies weakness.
Larcenous Strike: Initiative cost increased to 2.
I was happy when heard about changes of weakness. It would finely give thief good survival ability. But according to those notes they would replace or remove almost every weakness thief has.
Torment will not be worth change if you are not Condi thief.
So: S/P is too strong lets nerf PW to make them play D/D and D/P but this is also too strong, lets make them to play S/D….S/D can still kill people too easily so we will just make them to play condi builds.
I do no belive it. This would be just too much..

D/W bro. Black Desert Online, Final Fantasy A realm Reborn, Archeage Online, Blade and Soul Online. Just wait a lil longer.

Thief is broke.

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Stealth is OP. nerf nerf nerf.

If this is true, I am kinda happy again

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


I don’t see how a S/P can eat D/P thief.

It’s because from that 1% that plays P/W it’s safe to say 1/3 only excel in it. But it’s do-able.

IF the “leaked” patch is for real you wouldn’t be happy at all.. No break stun? S/D won’t be affect as much as S/P.

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


I believe you guys when you guys say that the commander is a bad leader.

But that doesn’t excuse the fact that you guys are selfish players. I just keep reading Complain this complain that. It’s amusing how some of you guys don’t even know how pathetic you sound.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’d like to have the maps being like this:

Green BL – Forest map
Blue BL – Water map
Red BL – Fire map

When I say water map, I don’t mean 100% water, I mean water inbetween everything so open field combat has a big chance of being in water, etc.

holy crap! I really like that idea tbh +1
Then we can change EB to one big open battlefield. Team deathmatch ftw!

Thanks! Finally the promised moblity :))))

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


but, you do realize that’s just steal right? That’s a very little part of mobility. They’ve heavily nerfed some of the thieves just to add additional range on steal? The compensation is not worth the trade off imo.

Build Concept: Might Stacking Venom build

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’m skeptical if the build has any use at all but the fact that you don’t have any break stuns (other then shadow return on infil strike) you’d lose to a decent thief or ele in the long run. Which i wouldn’t play because those two are the ones i hate losing to, the most.

This is just a concept.
Keep in mind that when you’re running S/x you have always a stunbreaker.

Not according to the “leaked” information :9 And yes I do keep in mind of that.


in Ranger

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’ve never heard of any of the thieves say that Rangers were OP. If anything, we’d usually target them first because they’re easy and predictable.

You have it wrong. These “leaked” informations have mixed feelings. It’s a 50% nerf this and nerf that while 50% small buff here and there.

Build Concept: Might Stacking Venom build

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’m skeptical if the build has any use at all but the fact that you don’t have any break stuns (other then shadow return on infil strike) you’d lose to a decent thief or ele in the long run. Which i wouldn’t play because those two are the ones i hate losing to, the most.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


There shoul also be maps designed for players who doesn’t like that zerg mentality, or maps to even out and stop the abuse of OP builds. Like.. a map with rocky edges and cliffs and mountains. Imagine how hard it would be for a thief to maintain their stealth. You’d have to excel in stealthing to be rewarded. Just a thought.

Infiltrator's Strike lost all its skill.

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


BTW, I use only S/D and have yet to run into any major issues with IS.

Ur either new to Sword Main Set or you’ve been using Infil Strike on a very basic level this whole time.

You.. Nvm.

Or I’m aware of my positioning and where my target is and avoid spamming keys like an untrained monkey…. Either or.

Or you just game with a very casual state of mind.

Leaked Patch Notes

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


No break stun on shadow return from Sword infil strike is the biggest Nerf for me if this happens. It’s fine for S/Ds, because they have other forms of survibility.

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Although it is a significant enough amount that they tend to stick in your mind with a fair level of frequency.

My mind? What is on my mind?

My point is though that if you’re going to make yourself the center of play for a decent amount of unknown players then you ought to cater for that fact when you try to get results out of them.

But you don’t understand that a commander needs the co-operation with the Pugs to get them to understand what needs to be done and how to get from Point A to Point B. When all is done, getting familiarize, debrief and critique to increase gameplay and knowledge and gain a level of respect. In the end, everyone is a person behind that character. No one needs to “cater” to anyone. A commander doesn’t need to cater to the PUGs, vice versa. It’s all about co-operation. Selfish thinking leads to clouded judgment.

-Just because I put on a commander tag doesn’t mean i HAVE to cater to your needs.
-Just because I put on a commander tag doesn’t mean i HAVE the authority to order you around.

A commander doesn’t have to be the center of play. In fact, you can use the commander to rally everyone, zerg and get the best out of everything for your server. It’s how you look at a commander.

There’s this expectation that everyone there has hundreds of hours of WvW experience behind them and or understands the huge amount of abbreviations or slang words that players often make.

Not true. Not true at all. If you don’t understand the abbreviations or slang words, just ask in Map chat.

Thief with Dual Incinerators Dreamer and Bolt

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


I am rather disappointed by people who disagreed with him while agreed that it is fine to waste your time ingame farming and buy your legendary.

This is prolly the most real comment ever on this topic. +1

Thief with Dual Incinerators Dreamer and Bolt

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


my wife dumps 3000 on handbags and crap like that all the time.

spending it on a video game is no different.

People spend 3k on golf clubs, I spend lots more than that on holidays that are gone forever.

People pay what they want for entertainment.

What’s the problem?

Golf clubs can last you 5-10 years, are made out of high quality steel / alloy / carbon fiber / graphite. The ones that cost that much are usually custom fitted / weighted / and even lofted according to your swing.

Those skins will last him a couple months until he gets bored, and are made out of pixels, 1 size fits all. But what do I know I’m just proletariat scum who wouldn’t dream of spending 3 grand on a video game

Guy’s got a point. But congrats on your legendary though. You’re an adulit, it’s ur money, it’s ur decision.

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


I suppose it’s not really a question of incompetence or victimisation, rather having unreal expectations when dealing with random players.

You can pretty much rely on people always taking the route which has higher rewards for little effort be it zerging, capping the sentry post while the zerg moves on or chasing down a lone player.

A lot of the randoms don’t share the commanders priority for tactics or strategy, they just want some fun and maybe some loot. Most of the hardcore players will be in WvW focused guilds or guild groups.

The expectation that all the casual randoms are going to share your zeal for charging huge enemy numbers just because the commander is swearing at them constantly is un-realistic.

You have the right ideas of how a respectable commander is, yet you generalize commanders. Have you honestly tried to compromise with a commander to help each other get what everyone wants? The problem is that no one seems to respect anyone.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’m curious about this as well. I know it would be a little complicated since wvwvw lets you interact with other servers but… When New contents come out like Lost shores I can’t help but think, “what about wvwvw?”

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


I do find it pretty ridiculous that commanders always expect to run PUG groups like their WvW guild.

Talk to people like crap, rage about things that were obviously going to happen (10 people chase after 1 enemy)

You’d think after it happened 20 times, it’s easier to let them have 10 seconds to down that thief they managed to un-stealth rather than rant about it constantly.

Also the amount of times a commander demands people stack on them and then run their 10 man pug in to the 50 man enemy zerg without any tactic bar “push” then whine and rage after the inevitable wipe and complain that no one listens lol.

also as an amusing aside – I love how there’s always a commander’s “sidekick” It always seems to be the same person. You can spot them from the following phrases;

“Stack on commander plz guys”
“Listen to commander!!!!!!”
and in the middle of running with 20+ people running behind them will randomly say in /s FOLLOW PLEASE like the large train of players was there by chance.

Idk if i should feel bad for the commander having such an incompetant group or feel bad for you being victimized by a commander.

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


Meh, I’d be satisfied with 3 different borderlands at this point. Unless they can find a way to make money off of WvW like they do with all their PvE events, I don’t think we’ll see many changes in WvW. Obviously their focus is going to be their revenue stream.

Surely they have to realize that their fanbase is decreasing. Such a game with great potential too. And the worst part is that there are new MMOs coming out (cannot guarantee to be great) but have ideals that others are looking for that guildwars2 isn’t delivering.

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


Thief’s perspective here:
IMO it’s justified to stealth stomp in this meta game, and for one good reason. I suggest everyone tries to make a thief and finish off a player without stealth. You will realize half the time a player can actually down you if you have +-5k hp left after a fight, not to forget if he has a friend and you DON’T stealthstomp him, you are dead, simple as that.

Take this any way you like, whether stealth is OP or not, without it thieves would be like a turtle without a shell. There would need to be a complete class haul over for it to even work, peace

Thieves are a medium armor class sharing the same health pool as eles and guardians.

Eles, in light armor, are forced to spike people without the aid of stealth. Why do thieves get a break when their armor value is better?

Don’t run glass, and you have nothing to worry about.

Because Ele’s can bunker, have all the heals, access to aoe burning and bleeds, ect. Why even stomp when you can dps the opponent down just as fast while keeping your guard up? Also, even in Knight’s Armour Thieves are still squishy, and Soldier’s Thieves have trouble just plain killing.

You do realize that bunker eles really don’t deal that much damage, right? They win by wearing the enemy down over time.

And how does an ele wear the enemy down over time? Being rewarded with rotation of attunement and speccing into the ultimate tanking/healing/condition removing ele with a bundance of boons. And don’t forget their graceful up to par, in combat mobility as well.

Your 2nd post defeats your 1st post.

No, my second proves my first. Eles have to do this crap with cloth armor. They wear appropriately specced armor to the fight. Thieves should have to do the same, except ANet gave them a cheat tactic.

What’s really hilarious is that thieves can stealth…then ANet will ban non-thieves for stealth-hacking to accomplish the exact same stuff thieves use it for.

Yup…makes perfect sense. “Cheating.”

If you didn’t get what I was implying, I was basically stating that even though thieves are medium armor, it doesn’t change the fact that they are squishy no matter what. Light or Medium makes no difference when you don’t have defensive boons to help you survive.

You are wrong, Eles can burst for quite a lot while maintaining their bunker build. Just not as good as a thief, because that’s what we’re suppose to be good at? But that being said, an ele has so much more to offer. They can trait for the ultimate condition removing/boon rewards, while producing substainable DPS/condition and support to allies.

Stealth stomping is fair game. You obviously have a grudge against thieves and their stealthing. Don’t let Ignorance cloud your judgment

It's time for New World versus World maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: bladie.5084


I think Eternal battlegrounds is a pretty solid and satsifying choice of option. My problem is that I have no need or urge to go to borderlands anymore.

My problem with the design of borderlands is that there are too much running and all of the borderlands are the same.

There should be new maps coming out to attract new and old players to login. Something that’s dynamic and a treat for your wvwvw/pvp fan base.

1. Minimal Tower/Keep capturing. Capturing doesn’t have to be “the name of the game.”

2. Lets have ships involved! Whether in the the sea or in the sky.. Having POI’s to fight between and One focal point Castle in the sky (or island) Can really make the game that much more addiciting

3. Lets take Terrain battling to the next level and involve the weather! Lets face it, the only terrain advantages are uphill/downhill battles and catching ur enemies in narrow paths.

—I want to fight battles in forests, in a open field zone with tall grass, beatifully landscaped maps with REAL terrain advantages and able to use the water to one’s advantage.

I want to recreate what i see in animes, movies, tv shows and what i’ve read in books. I want World vs World to have a realism design but with the fantasy of gaming to keep us compelled and fall in love with it (like, literally).

I want those big Chest rewards you get in PVE but in WvWvW. And no, I refuse to kill the grub and that one Tree Guardian for them.

I want to raid civillian NPCs and their towns/cities. It will be the Enemy Defender’s job to save them and cities. Be the bad guy or the town hero.

TLDR: I’m tired of defending and capturing pointless towers/keeps. The karma/exp is alright but it gets repetitive. New maps, Team deathmatch, Pirate battles, castles in the skies.. something please

(edited by bladie.5084)