Showing Posts For bluewanders.5297:

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297



Player: “Hey… small guilds got screwed by the way you implemented this content. I’m not happy and this is why. Blah blah blah.”

Devs: (Silence)

Player: “I’m still not happy… and look at what it is doing to the game now that it is released… people are turning into kittens toward each other, charging gold to get the new currency… small guilds are being torn apart…”

Devs: (Silence)

Player: “……”

Devs: “We are excited to announce a way to make more influence, but we want it to be highly time gated, so we are going to penalize you for wanting to make it happen faster. Don’t worry though, big guilds who don’t need any help making influence can still speed things up and see no penalties at all.”

Player: “This doesn’t address the most important failings in the implementation of this content. This is a baind-aid for a mostly non-issue. But thanks for being a jerk… we love time gating irrelevant kitten.”

Devs: (Insert bottom line response here.)

Player: “You said all guilds can participate in this… I belong to a small guild… I don’t want to be a part of a big guild.”

Devs: "All guilds can participate in this content… you just need to “grow” and “progress” your guild till it’s a big guild."

Player: “Did you even read one kittening word I’ve written?”

"Boon Hate" Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Why can’t they do something more meaningful like create more/better team mechanics… instead of just upping the damage against people running boons… how about introducing utilities that put down a combo field that can be finished by teammates to strip boons or something along those lines.

Stop adding damage… burst in this game is already ridiculous. Start adding and USING the mechanics we already have.

What is your definition of grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Have you ever wondered why no one ever debates what the definition of “book” is?

Living languages are messy, hairy, ugly snaggles of slang and misappropriated words… add in to that sub-cultures that develop a term, which is then further fragmented by sub-cultures of the sub-culture… and then sprinkled heavily with “what is your definition of……” which further fragements the terms down with personal definitions competing for canonical legitimacy….

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato or maybe George Santayana …. speaking of misappropriation.

Is Anet being too vauge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Your post is so vague I have no real clue to what you are referring in relation to the game and Anet…. or how I should respond.

Close deadlines?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297



What is your point?

Bug: Hidden Thief and pistol main hand

in Thief

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


There is a /bug feature in game for reporting bugs…

There is also a bug forum here:

Bug reports don’t belong here.

Refugee Possessions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


There are plenty of resources on the internet showing possible spawn locations.

Do you not see the problem here?

You are unable to use a search engine? Not my problem.

I do believe his problem is that there isn’t enough information in game to lead to the objects, but we would all like to thank you for your valuable and not at all negative input.

I don’t see how there isn’t… Talk to the coordinator, he says “these objects may be covered in dirt or snow now blah blah blah”

Talk to refugee “i lost my goblet in wayfarer foothills”

Talk to other refugee “i lost my soldier in diessa”

Go to area and lo and behold “snow covered object” appears not far from the refugee path…. go to diessa and amazingly “dirt covered object” is also not far from the path….

I found them both with about 5 min of looking for each one. And I didn’t talk to anyone else in-game about it… and I didn’t look it up on the internet either.

Plenty of information if you actually take the time to talk to the npcs, read what they say… and put on your critical thinking caps.

Worst color combination ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Luckily there is no accounting for taste.

I’ve always loved that phrase… so many different interpretations one can apply to it.

To all the PvE exclusive players...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I play pretty much what I want to play, when I want to play it, and how I want to play it.

WvW is not a factor in any of my decision making processes… do I WvW? Sometimes… when I feel like running behind a mass of other players… but WvW can be incredibly boring and repetitive to me sometimes so I don’t do it with any great frequency.

I’m not your recruit… I don’t owe you anything… I could care less about the “buffs” you feel you provide me… I’m not scared of a repair bill… and I’m an adult that is perfectly capable of coming to a conclusion as to how he wants to spend his leisure time in game.

Does that about cover it for you?

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.

That’s right! If I wanted people to know I’m leeching with full Magic Find, I’d tell them.

It’s a certifed backed and provided gear set by Anet themselves… they created it, made rules for it, and inserted it into the game.

The fact that you don’t like it and want to call people leeches for wearing it just shows that you want to force people to play the way you prefer.

Do I wear magic find in a group? Nope… but if you wanted a gear check to find out I would kick you.

If you wanna ask me for a ping and talk shop on builds and such… I’m down for that. But… I don’t like gear checkers, bad attitudes, know-it-alls and the like… “elitists” the dregs of the gaming population… there’s no guarantee they are any more skillful than the rest, but what they all have in common is the idea that they are better than you and you need to somehow convince them otherwise. I kick people for attitudes like that… and I like having the choice to do so by them not being able to gear check people without their permission. If they want to play together…. they can sit in a big ol’ circle and check each others gear till someone gets the cookie. Not my idea of a good time.

(edited by bluewanders.5297)

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


By that same logic there would be no legitimate reason to have curtains in your home…

It’s my character… not yours. I don’t want you looking in my house… I don’t want you looking in my desk… I don’t want you snooping through my documents files… I don’t want you checking out my guild vault…. I don’t want you perusing my account vault… I don’t want you checking out my build… I don’t want you checking out my gear… I don’t want you perusing the list of my achievements…

If you want to know something about my account… you ask. And I choose whether I share that information or not.

It’s not your house. It’s your character. It’s your performance. Comparatively it’s like asking to join a racing team with your car and refusing, or acting shocked, when they try to have a look at your engine.

Why aren’t you making a fuss about the lack of an option that lets you turn off your character model? After all, people shouldn’t be allowed to see your character if you don’t want them too! Additionally it’s hard to see the parallel between your character and your house unless you also happen to keep private and/or personal information hidden somewhere in your traits.

A piece of armor is not a performance. You’ve caught yourself in your own poor logic loop. Player skill determines their performance… and the gear they choose enhaces the playstyle they prefer that meshes with their skill that creates their performance. I have yet to see a set of pauldrons solo Lupicus. Have you?

And I CAN turn my character model off… when I’m tired of it I can log off or even delete it. Didn’t consider that did you?

It doesn’t matter whether there is anything personal in someone’s account or not… it doesn’t matter whether they have anything to hide or not… it doesn’t matter whether they have dirty little secrets or not. You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.

As for your race car analogy… did you miss where they needed to ask to see my engine? Yeah…. I would let them WHEN THEY ASKED… but I would break their trolly little fingers for touching my ride without my permission.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


It’s my reason… you should learn to deal with other peoples reason. Screw gear check… that not good enough for you?

No. It’s not a reason, it’s an illogical emotional response. I’m sure there’s a reason for that, as I’m sure it’s far less altruistic than you’d have yourself believe, but you haven’t provided it.

I don’t care whether you trust me… I like telling gear checkers to suck eggs… If you want to check my gear, I want the chance to tell you to sod off, even if my “gear score” meets your approval.

That’s fair. But why would you want to play with me then? If you hate me so much, why would you -ever- play with me?

Just say no to invasive game mechanics. Why? Because of a hundred reasons in this thread already mentioned… it’s the attitude that comes with gear checking… it’s the elitist bullkitten that arises from being able to “inspect” another player and pass judgement on them.

You want to screen your parties? Use the equipment ping… if they refuse, you can choose not to party with them. If they refuse and tell you to suck eggs… good for them.

You are a politician at heart. Quite an adept of eliciting emotional response, while divinely terrified of providing any solid argument, because you know you have none.

My original post started with pointing out that there haven’t been any legitimate arguments in this thread (or ever, in fact) againts inspect gear. If you’re bringing nothing new to the table, don’t bother.

There is no legitimate arguments for having it either… only player preference.

And you are right… by forcing you to ask about my build to screen me… I get the chance to “play my way” and choose not to play with you. When they give you the tool to look me over and judge me without my knowledge… they take that away from me.

And it isn’t an illogical response… all we need to do is look at the history of the community in every MMO ever that had a gear check. That’s enough for me. I don’t like it… I don’t want it. That’s a reason… that’s a VERY GOOD reason… it’s the only valid reason there is. Everything else is just justifications for an opinion in one direction or another.

This isn’t a debate… I have no interest in debating with you. I never started debating with you. I have no interest in repeating all the reasons that have already been presented in this threat that you have dismissed. Why? Because you dismissed them… that means you agree with me… this isn’t a debate to you at all… you never started debating…

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Why not just have a party option which have inspect gear and one without. That way people can choose to do whatever they want.

It became quite annoying to ask people to ping gear. And some of them take forever, either because they are slow or they just try to hide it and get in the group.

Or just have it, and by it existing it would be an option by default: Want it, use it, don’t want it, don’t use it.

There’s no legitimate reason to try and hide your gear/build.

By that same logic there would be no legitimate reason to have curtains in your home…

It’s my character… not yours. I don’t want you looking in my house… I don’t want you looking in my desk… I don’t want you snooping through my documents files… I don’t want you checking out my guild vault…. I don’t want you perusing my account vault… I don’t want you checking out my build… I don’t want you checking out my gear… I don’t want you perusing the list of my achievements…

If you want to know something about my account… you ask. And I choose whether I share that information or not.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


This should be a non-debate.

Those who want gear check already have it… when you make yourself a little group… demand an equipment ping… those people that don’t mind that sort of stuff will ping their gear.

Everyone who doesn’t want to cater to your elitist bullkitten can refuse.

Everyone is happy. End of discussion. No one is forced to play with anyone… and no time was lost.

Surely if that was the case you would have no reason to object to inspect. After all, we’re just doing the exact same thing but saving you the trouble. If you don’t like the group don’t join it. It’s easier, more streamlined, and way less time is wasted for either party without affecting or injuring either in any possible way whatsoever.

Except you can simply keep a normal set of armor on your inventory and link that, while using your MF gear. Which makes me think that people like you are less honest people who are simply disgruntled by a potential feature that wouldn’t affect them at all, and more dishonest players trying to protect their ability to piggy back off of better players.

Oh I do object… because screw gear check… that’s why.

If you want to see my gear, ask me. The inspect gear only causes trouble… and I am 100% against it.

We have an equipment ping… use it.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Now on to the main reason I came to the forums I am seeing a disturbing trend where larger guilds are offering tempory invites to there guild for a set amount of money (the one I have seen the most is 1 gold) just so you can play this new content. I find this trend a bit distrurbing.

We did say that was coming… it won’t end… it will only get worse. As long as you give a segment of the population exclusive access to something they will abuse the rest of the population and extort them as “gatekeepers”…

Nothing new to see here… WoW Wars 2…

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


shrug. I guess everyone have the right to complain. Since people are basically selfish.

They basically think everyone else should play with them even if they dont’ want to. Why do I have to play with you because you are new to the game, wearing masterwork or have no ar.

I mean I laugh at all those calling other people elitist and they dont’ look at themself and realize how selfish they are.

I don’t really care about gear inspection. I just find that as an interesting human behavior. I suppose that’s how people are and maybe I should act that way myself.

yes… because using a logical fallacy is a great way to prove a point.


Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Is there even any reasoning with you?
I look back to my 6 years playing FFXI and remember nothing of value could be accomplished without large group effort. Threads like this and posters like you would be laughed out of the forums. Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden people think it’s legitimate to complain about everything they don’t like in a game as if it’s somehow possible to please millions of people in the same game. As if all content is amazing for every gamer out there.
It’s pretty simple really, either do the content or don’t. If there’s content you want to do and there’s prerequisites for the content (having enough people), then get enough people. The devs clearly wanted to add larger group content to the game. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. Go on playing like the content isn’t there and if you feel you need the earrings, save up your laurels and ectos.

You have made one powerfully incorrect logical fail here. I highlighted it in bold for you.

“Everything of value had to be accomplished in a large group.”

Hey you know what? That’s fine… I love accomplishing things in large groups. I run to temples all the time… I coordinate with people in WvW… I participate in roleplay events, and large contests in-game… I throw parties… hold contests for new players in starter areas… attend dragon events… hang out and socialize at the maw… and other members of my “small guild” do the very same thing. We love large groups of people… I love wvw because I adore large scale content.

A large group achievement is not the same thing as a large guild. A guild, in my definition, is a group of players who have developed a fondness for each other over time or come together with like-goals.

The very first announcement of guild content said “well what if my guild is super small? You don’t have to worry about that because blah blah blah….”

This is GUILD content… don’t think of it as large group content… I’m fine with large group content… I’m fine with large group guild content… but this is GUILD content… and they told me a super small guild would have nothing to worry about.

Any rationalization you make beyond that is meaningless to me… I am not an unreasonable man. I can be rigid, and my loved ones can tell you that I often DO use words like duty and honor in regular conversation… but I am not unreasonable. I have a guild… I am a one guild man… I am loyal to my guild… I want guild content to enjoy with my guild, not someone else guild… and when Arenanet announced they would be bringing guild content, they told me that wasn’t a worry at all.

We are even fine helping other guilds do their content too… make it as zergy as you want… we will love it. But we are a unit… we were told our guild wouldn’t need to worry… and we shouldn’t have to.

There’s a difference between a large group and a guild… educate yourself.

Dailys are tedious to say the least

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I usually finish mine without looking… if there is a focus on it, it’s because you’ve created one for yourself.

Getting a second copy of GW2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


You could always just delete all your characters… and then use your other hand to make new ones with a little strange.

When are you eligible for a refund for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


At 600 hours played… perhaps you should consider leaving them a tip on your way out the door.

Complaining about overflow and guesting...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


why are you creating a new useless thread to reply to another thread? Is your opinion on the matter somehow so incredibly important that it could not possibly be contained as a direct response to the threads you are answering? Are you super ultra special? Should I have made sure I was wearing clean underwear before addressing you?

My opinion of the crit food buff nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


They should of changed the way aggro works so mobs targeted people with more critical bonus, not nerfed something without any compensation. They pretty much removed almost 2-3 builds from every class.

No they didn’t… they nerfed an abused OP food buff.

Builds should never revolve around externally derived temporary bonuses… if one does, it means its a crutch that people are using to carry a crap build, or their own sub-par skills… food buffs should help to enhance not facilitate.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Absolutely not. Absolutely not acceptable to add an inspect gear function. Absolutely not.

In case that wasn’t understood, I’ll rephrase. I am absolutely positively 100% adamantly against the addition of an inspect gear function in this game.

If people want any information of any kind aside from my visual model… they should need to ask. And I will CHOOSE what they may know… and what they may not. Why? Because privacy that’s why… and because it isn’t your right to know anything about my character if I don’t choose to share it with you… and because if you can’t be bothered to type a simple message to me, you don’t deserve to know jack.

We already have an equipment ping… and when people take the time to ASK ME what I’m wearing… I happily share… and usually enjoy the conversation that ensues trait choices and gear combinations.

That would be nice, but what if they just lie to you? You would turn out to be (censored). And if this is so friendlysocialcasual game why Magic Find in the first place? Or agony?

I have no fear of people lying to me… because when I ask about gear I have no jerk wad elitist agenda.

To be honest… I kick… often… but not for gear. I kick people for bad attitudes and player abuse… I often tell people I have a zero tolerance policy in my parties rudeness, elitist attitudes, and other forms of trolling. Zero tolerance… also people who don’t interact in party chat never get an invite to come again.

This is the culture I desire in my groups… I wonder if I should start lobbying for a “player score” system where players can rate other plates based on personality… then I can “inspect” their personality and choose to boot them for being kittens long before they ever get a chance to rear the trolly little heads.

Then you just have no idea what Fractals of the Mist are or Simin before nerf.

I do kill runs in Arah… we don’t like speed running or skipping mobs in my guild. Your assumptions are entirely unfounded… probably because you concentrate more on gear score than player skill.

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Absolutely not. Absolutely not acceptable to add an inspect gear function. Absolutely not.

In case that wasn’t understood, I’ll rephrase. I am absolutely positively 100% adamantly against the addition of an inspect gear function in this game.

If people want any information of any kind aside from my visual model… they should need to ask. And I will CHOOSE what they may know… and what they may not. Why? Because privacy that’s why… and because it isn’t your right to know anything about my character if I don’t choose to share it with you… and because if you can’t be bothered to type a simple message to me, you don’t deserve to know jack.

We already have an equipment ping… and when people take the time to ASK ME what I’m wearing… I happily share… and usually enjoy the conversation that ensues trait choices and gear combinations.

That would be nice, but what if they just lie to you? You would turn out to be (censored). And if this is so friendlysocialcasual game why Magic Find in the first place? Or agony?

I have no fear of people lying to me… because when I ask about gear I have no jerk wad elitist agenda.

To be honest… I kick… often… but not for gear. I kick people for bad attitudes and player abuse… I often tell people I have a zero tolerance policy in my parties for rudeness, elitist attitudes, and other forms of trolling. Zero tolerance… also people who don’t interact in party chat never get an invite to come again.

This is the culture I desire in my groups… I wonder if I should start lobbying for a “player score” system where players can rate other players based on personality… then I can “inspect” their personality and choose to boot them for being kittens long before they ever get a chance to rear their trolly little heads.

(edited by bluewanders.5297)

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Absolutely not. Absolutely not acceptable to add an inspect gear function. Absolutely not.

In case that wasn’t understood, I’ll rephrase. I am absolutely positively 100% adamantly against the addition of an inspect gear function in this game.

If people want any information of any kind aside from my visual model… they should need to ask. And I will CHOOSE what they may know… and what they may not. Why? Because privacy that’s why… and because it isn’t your right to know anything about my character if I don’t choose to share it with you… and because if you can’t be bothered to type a simple message to me, you don’t deserve to know jack.

We already have an equipment ping… and when people take the time to ASK ME what I’m wearing… I happily share… and usually enjoy the conversation that ensues trait choices and gear combinations.

My opinion of the crit food buff nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


That nerf was so absolutely called for… it was WAY op… I tried it on my warrior to see what all the hubbub was about.

If your builds depend on a food buff to survive… then you might want to reconsider your build choices, gear choices, or playstyle… and adjust as needed.

TC Natives are Weeping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Any system a developer creates that CAN be abused… WILL be abused.

I want to goomba stomp people like a dragoon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


You want an engineer! Rocket boots will let you goomba stomp anyone you want to… the personal battering ram is your very own mushroom stamper… he also carries a shotgun, a flamethrower, grenades, bombs…. AND he has an elixer that turns him into the almost incredible hulk.

Easiest dungeons to solo?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Why solo if you exploit?

Plus 1 to you fellow poster… plus 1 to you.

AC-very frustrating

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Dungeons are always a little hard after their mechanics are changed. You just need to learn new strategies. I think it is actually a bit easier… they even added new mechanics and lowered health bars… that’s a big step in the right direction.

A little help for you… stock up on stability and condition clears… if you can keep vigor with as much uptime as possible because it gives you more dodges. And pay attention the npc’s… they actually matter now.

As the dungeons in the game get more complex… hopefully kill crews of zerker warriors will become less appealing.

EDIT: I forgot to add… strengthen your communication skills. Coordination and team communication are really key to completing content everyone isn’t super familiar with…

(edited by bluewanders.5297)

Learning from MMO Mistakes of the Past

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


So the players have to contribute. The best way I’ve found is RP.

I agree with part one. Why not world gathering? Have NPC’s collect stuff that we all contribute to and as we do, it builds new things into the world. These would be pre-built in Anets world but invisible to us until we contribute enough. Think of different types of things, some helpful for daily venturing, others like landmarks, statues, etc. Throw a little sand box in there.

The “real” endgame in an MMO has always been player created content of whatever sort… the social aspects and community culture of the game. It doesn’t matter how many dungeons or raids or whatever a company pumps out… players will consume it… and longevity comes from the tools the company gives the players to interact with each other, rather than the newest npc to slay. Barring any tools at all.. there’s plenty of opportunity for players to create their own stories it sure is nice to have it be a collaboration with the devs though.

What I wish we could see.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Players create builds… not developers… and players shape the meta.

Devs have the power to put in new traits… but throwing new traits in for all the classes with every patch would be a bug and balance nightmare.

Learning from MMO Mistakes of the Past

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


enjoy the pve “farming” endgame.

thats the problem.

wow had hardcore challenge with epic loot.
gw2 have facerollable farmable events and boss or scrap to salvage.

endgame will work if the gameplay is worth it. now, in pve, your hero is a farmer.

see it how you want, not every player is ok with that.
it does get boring.

Comparing the best of one game with the worst of another.

Try fractals and Arah. Also participate in liberating the temple of grenth when it’s up.

Not to mention… at launch WoW didn’t have much “epic” content….

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Back on topic:

Yes, the only chat channels in GW2 are guild and map.

There is no housing. No place to go and visit.

I’d be hesitant to join a large guild where I would lose the ability to have personal conversations with those I care about.

The problem with this is, someone at ANet will take it to mean that the solution is a private chat. So they’ll implement that and then wonder why everyone is still kittened off.

There already is private chat. I often use it to talk to people when I have to leave the spot where they’re hanging around. Or if I want to have a conversation in Troll’s Arch . . .

No… there is an ability to whisper… which allows you to have a private conversation with exactly 1 user.

That is very different than being able to create a channel for multiple people to converse in… similar to party chat, squad chat, guild chat, map chat….

How can LA handle so many Commanders?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


The tag needs to be automatically forced disabled in non-combat zones.

And we need a UI element that provides options for what tags we see and when we see them… that way if I only want to see a commander from my guild, I have that option. Or if I only want to see 2 commanders that I feel are worth a kitten in wvw, I can shut the others off and limit the amount of useless information on my minimap.

Are Patches Creating Fun or Not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Viewed overall… the patches have been a positive thing that has only improved the game.

But viewed as a line item… there are some choices that have been complete and utter kitten. This most recent one included… guild missions add more fun (and would have been a great addition to the game if they hadn’t introduced it in such a kitten poor way)… fractals add a lot of fun (would have been WAY more fun if they had been fully functional at launch instead of having all the disconnection issues and whattnot.)

All in all… new content is always good… introducing new content in kittenty ways is always bad.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I think the simple resolution for the current Guild Missions system is this:

- Large guilds should have an advantage, but not as much as they have now over small guilds.

No. Absolutely not. I don’t know what kind of thinking leads to people saying that any size guild should have an advantage over any other size guild. That isn’t a fair compromise at all… large guilds aren’t special… they aren’t more important… they aren’t anything other than a larger collective of normal players. And should be treated as such. The ONLY advantage a large guild should have is in meeting the playstyle needs of it’s members… I.E. Large scale group dynamics. Increased influence gain is also an advantage. Beyond that, they deserve absolutely nothing. People that don’t enjoy that wouldn’t see it as an advantage, and wouldn’t feel disadvantaged for not being in a large guild.

This isn’t WoW… and shouldn’t be made into WoW.

There has to be an advantage to having a larger guild – else what would be the point? They’ve made larger guilds more desireable and are making guilds themselves more desireable. It’s all a step in the right direction, but there really should be a reason to have a 30+ active player guild, vs a 3-5 active player guild.

They have a reason to exist… that reason is some players enjoy playing in large groups…. and they have an advantage… faster influence gain. They “DESERVE” absolutely nothing beyond that. They are not special… they are not more important… they are just a larger collective of normal gamers. End of story.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I think the simple resolution for the current Guild Missions system is this:

- Large guilds should have an advantage, but not as much as they have now over small guilds.

No. Absolutely not. I don’t know what kind of thinking leads to people saying that any size guild should have an advantage over any other size guild. That isn’t a fair compromise at all… large guilds aren’t special… they aren’t more important… they aren’t anything other than a larger collective of normal players. And should be treated as such. The ONLY advantage a large guild should have is in meeting the playstyle needs of it’s members… I.E. Large scale group dynamics. Increased influence gain is also an advantage. Beyond that, they deserve absolutely nothing. People that don’t enjoy that wouldn’t see it as an advantage, and wouldn’t feel disadvantaged for not being in a large guild.

This isn’t WoW… and shouldn’t be made into WoW.

Goodbye Pistol Whip:

in Thief

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Honestly… it was kind of OP…

A warrior with dual axes could essentially heal full up using a single skill #5 on a short cooldown… with availability of another full heal up in between.

It was OP… it was almost godlike… I tried it… never had to dodge… didn’t have to slot anything like endure pain… if I got in trouble I could just hit #5 and heal all the way up while dishing out massive damage in an AoE at the same time. Cooldown on it was less than my heal… it was begging for a nerf.

A consumable should never make a build… enhance one sure… but if the absence of that food means the build has lost all survivability or effectiveness entirely… then the food was OP and needed to be adjusted.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


People want solutions instead of all this QQ’s? Ok fine here’s one, coach sign me up, I am ready for the big game, ready to work in game development at any time.

Here’s the way I think it should have been done and still can be done. Put the bounties in the different tiers create new unlock bounty tiers that each divide the current 30,000 influence, so each bounty tier unlock is 10,000 influence. This way at least the middle to small guilds can do one guild mission in the next month.

Here’s the list and what it would look like in Art of War.

Research Art of War Level 1
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 1
500  Influence
16 hours

 Research Art of War Level 2
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 2
1000  Influence
1 day

 Research Art of War Level 3
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 3
5000  Influence
3 days

Guild Bounties Unlock Tier 1
Allows the guild to build Guild Bounty missions.
10000  Influence
3 days

Guild Bounty Tier 1
Trigger a bounty hunt for the guild. Guild members will have to track down and defeat each of the bounties within a set amount of time to complete the hunt. Each bounty is a champion, so prepare accordingly.
200  Influence
12 hours

 Research Art of War Level 4
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 4
10000  Influence
4 days

 Guild Bounties Unlock Tier 2
Allows the guild to build Guild Bounty missions.
10000  Influence
3 days

 Guild Bounty Tier 2
Trigger a bounty hunt for the guild with one additional target. Guild members will have to track down and defeat all three of the bounties within a set amount of time to complete the hunt. Each bounty is a champion, so prepare accordingly.
200  Influence
12 hours

 Research Art of War Level 5
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 5
20000  Influence
1 week

 Guild Bounties Unlock Tier 3
Allows the guild to build Guild Bounty missions.
10000  Influence
3 days

 Guild Bounty Tier 3
Trigger a bounty hunt for the guild with four additional targets. Guild members will have to track down and defeat all six of the bounties within a set amount of time to complete the hunt. Each bounty is a champion, so prepare accordingly.
200  Influence
12 hours

Research Art of War Level 6
Increase your guild’s skill in Art of War to Level 6
30000 Influence
10 days

^^ This, in combination with a proper Alliance system that allows small guilds to participate together on missions while earning influence for their respective guilds. This.
And well done, Leohan.

YES! Though my guild may still have some work to do to start doing some guild missions, having the lower tier missions start at level 3 is a heck of a lot more attainable and should stop or at least lower the amount of discontent from us small guilds. You sir win the genius of the internet for the week.

No… honestly the new guild content should have been placed in a tree all it’s own. So that every guild, no matter it’s size or age… would start on a level playing field. Because they’ve been on a level playing field all along… everyone starting a new guild could look and see exactly what each tech tree was about, and plan how their guild would grow based on that.

You don’t tell someone they can order a pizza… take their order… start making it… then halfway though baking it let them know their topping choices have changed.

When you add new items to an existing tree… you announce it well in advance… and make sure that the new addition is relevant to the tree it is being placed in and not just some arbitrary choice.

Since these new missions have absolutely nothing to do with any of the tech trees present… they belong in their own tree. Where a guild who had taken the time to plan their own progression would be on a level playing field with every other guild.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Yeah, I missed your sarcasm font. I have this thing in Chrome and Safari which automatically converts it to Arial. I should really turn that off.

I’ve also been in this before the content launched, but mostly the voice going: “But it’s not out yet, can we wait until it hits and we see what it exactly is before we go to the rooftops?” And the hopeful “maybe it won’t be so bad”.

It’s pretty bad if you look at it from “getting to it immediately”, though I can attribute that to the devs missing the range on “small guilds” and what Influence they should have. They overestimated for the initial unlock cost. Of course, if you take it as a “long term goal” then it’s much less onerous . . . though still, in some cases, over-costed due to that misconception of “small guild” to mean able to field 10-15 people.

In the beginning… we weren’t just spewing gross exaggerations and nonsense entitled QQ.

The unlock cost, while being something that was a bit of slap to the face… pales in comparison to the real argument… the lockout and timelapse this has occured that is bleeding population from smaller guilds into larger ones. Our concerns have since been very much validated by player behavior.

What we have seen is even more guilds requiring 100% repping… even beyond that we have seen guilds wanting to charge people to have access to the reward system… lots of mud being slung from both sides of the argument at each other… tons of entitlement (big guild deserves to see content first blah blah blah)… ridiculous amounts of abuse being leveled on people within in-game chat channels… basically lots of things that we’ve always hated about every mmo ever made that sought to give certain portions of the population “exclusive” content…

I went from being a fairly hardcore player (multiple hours every day like clockwork) to not having logged in since the patch dropped. The air surrounding these guild missions in-game has become almost caustic. People trying to recruit for their guild getting shouted down… lot’s of hoity toity big shot big guild members flexing and slinging their e-junk around like primates hooting at each other… abuse across the board from guilds screaming at non-guildies in the mission for not coordinating well enough…

Right now GW2 isn’t a game I want to be playing… because it isn’t fun to log in and watch people abuse each other. I was looking forward to the guild missions very much… especially the races and puzzle… but the way this has been handled doused my enthusiasm with a bucket of glacial waters. It’s not that I wasn’t prepared to do the work to raise AoW… it’s not that I don’t think larger guilds should have stuff to do together… it’s that the way Anet handled the release of this content was very reminiscent of a monkey kittening a football. It’s ugly… invites elitism and exclusion… encourages player abuse… and creates stratification based on haves and have nots.

I’m sure it will cool down eventually… maybe things will go back to the way they were before… maybe Anet will fix it… I doubt it… and gamestop isn’t so far away that I’ll be willing to watch a few thousand morons abuse each other for too long.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


That isn’t exclusive enough. If there is content that only big guilds can do and be rewarded for… then they need to be excluded from things that small guilds can do and be rewarded for. Otherwise it would be terribly terribly abused… big guilds would do their big guild only content and receive the rewards… then run around raking in tons of currency doing all the “small guild” stuff too…

I’m compelled to ask two questions:

- What stops a large guild from having smaller groups of people do small-guild content? They always could before, there’s practically no way of telling.

- Why does it seem to have a burning need to punish a guild for getting too large? From the ire being heaped at them simply for being large, isn’t there social punishment enough?

We should be figuring out ways of inclusion and not new ways to throw up fences, here . . .

You obviously missed my sarcasm font.

I’ll point you back to the first dozen or so pages of this discussion and the original thread that was deleted. I’ve been in this debate and aware of the issues from the very beginning. Welcome to the party.

The idea of satire is to use rhetoric and hyperbole to point out flaws in the subject of your attentions. When done right… your satire can seem to be a serious attempt at discussion, that causes others to point out all the places you went wrong (thereby using them as rhetorical tools to reinforce the points you wished to make)… without falling into the trap of sounding aggressive, angry, or ridiculous.

The point I want to make is pretty much how you responded. There should be no burning need to punish (or even separate) guilds by size or playstyle. Rewards can be higher in quantity… but should never be better in quality. Content for large guilds should always have a small guild equivalent.

On the subject of rewards having higher quantity… I would even caution against that… this is supposed to be content for large guilds to do together… not a function of farming more or better rewards. Don’t give anyone an unfair advantage. The advantage of a large guild should be in having the opportunity to enjoy large scale content and large scale group dynamics… not earn rewards that no one else can earn, or see content “faster” or “before” anyone else can.

One core flaw in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


To be honest… the “jilted lover” tone of your post is very very off-putting.

I think perhaps you need to step back and get some perspective.

Intimating that a company making a game needs to have your best interest in mind… that you can no longer trust them… that decisions they have made emotionally hurts you… is kind of creepy, and you might possibly need to take a step back and re-evaluate some of your views and priorities.

There have been decisions that I haven’t liked… the way the new guild content has been handled has been absolutely abysmal in my opinion. But to say I’ve lost trust in anyone over it? Arenanet is company… who is producing a product… a product they want you to buy and then occasionally make micro-transactions with if you feel satisfied. They don’t want your trust… that want a transaction with you… a transference of their effort for your money. And I’m sure most of them would love it if you adore the game, and have fun… but placing a burden on these people you don’t know, the enormity of which being your trust, emotional well-being, and your best interests is beyond any responsibility they signed on for when they sold you that disc containing their work.

You aren’t a jilted lover… you aren’t a best friend, brother, sister, or parent… you aren’t a spouse… long time associate… or even an occasionally “bumped into” acquaintance. You are a consumer… their customer… valued for your ability to trade your currency for their time. There can be a collaborative fondness bourne in having similar interests, sharing in jokes they’ve placed into the game, and even feedback (that’s the nature of social interaction, from which true association can arise)… but the burden you are choosing to place on them is incalculably weightier than any burden of expectation or familiarity they would ever consider placing on you (even if they ever had you in mind).

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Here is an idea.

Since everyone says that the whole rest of the game is for small guilds and blah blah blah… why don’t they just add the currencies into the rest of the game? Then when a guild group with a membership of 50 or less completes a dungeon, meta event, de, or jumping puzzle together… they get the same rewards that these uber awesome and ultra important mega guilds get for all the content they do together that is designed for them.

Maybe that isn’t exclusive enough… maybe it should only work for guild groups completing “all the rest of the game” together with a membership of 20 or less.

Earlier, I made the suggestion that full guild groups doing the meta-events or dungeons could earn Merits/Commendations.

That isn’t exclusive enough. If there is content that only big guilds can do and be rewarded for… then they need to be excluded from things that small guilds can do and be rewarded for. Otherwise it would be terribly terribly abused… big guilds would do their big guild only content and receive the rewards… then run around raking in tons of currency doing all the “small guild” stuff too…

Actually… the multi-guild system could be abused that way… so to make it more exclusive we would need to lock people out of earning the personal currency with more than one guild. Either remove the ability to belong to more than one guild, or create a “home guild” option that forces you to name your “home guild” where you would only receive the personal currency from doing content with them. Of course make it fair… they can change their home guild… but give it a 30 day cooldown so that they can’t abuse the system.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Here is an idea.

Since everyone says that the whole rest of the game is for small guilds and blah blah blah… why don’t they just add the currencies into the rest of the game? Then when a guild group with a membership of 50 or less completes a dungeon, meta event, de, or jumping puzzle together… they get the same rewards that these uber awesome and ultra important mega guilds get for all the content they do together that is designed for them.

Maybe that isn’t exclusive enough… maybe it should only work for guild groups completing “all the rest of the game” together with a membership of 20 or less.

So what's the big problem?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Here is an idea… brace yourself… it’s a doozy.

You could try… I dunno… maybe reading a little? And forming your own opinion? Instead of asking people you don’t know to summarize the opinions of people they don’t know… which just seems kind of silly.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

Don’t you get the commendations by doing the event though? You don’t have to be in the guild that started it to get rewarded for participating.

No… the only people who get the currency are members of the guild who activated the event. Everyone else that participates just gets regular open world rewards.

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297

50k influence to unlock? Really?

and that ascended, I never seen that before, are that earring? please don’t tell me guild commendation is the only way to get those ascended thing.

50K influence is honestly not a big deal… but this information right here validates my original concern. Small guilds that don’t already have access to this tier of AoW are now left scrambling to catch up… why? Because now ascended gear is attached to the kitten new reward system… what does that mean? Guilds that don’t have access to earning the new currency for their members are going to bleed players to big guilds who do… it has already begun.

Good job Anet… the comparisons I was making to the laurels were spot on in more ways than one. Players who cannot start earning the currency immediately will feel as though they are getting behind the curve and will leave their guilds to find one that can give them access to it. This also creates a very prohibitive barrier to new guilds entering the market.

Not only that… but higher tier content appears to earn “better” rewards… not just “more” rewards… further making guild membership in a smaller guild unappealing.

I would like to express my displeasure in the harshest of strong terms.

Will the hero system make a comeback?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I sure hope not.

Let’s not trivialize the MMO portion of MMORPG

day and night

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Because its always 4 oclock somewhere?

The earth is a sphere that rotates on an axis while orbiting the sun…