Showing Posts For dragonkain.3984:

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Lets start from the most underpowered spec of this expansion, which is…

  • Soulbeast.

Do you realize that if we trade something like a ranger pet, we should get something more powerful in return to justify losing that useful pet?

So far by trading a useful pet we get pathetic skills that deal like 300 dmg and have huge cast times and pathetic ranges. Do you really think it’s even worth playing that class when you actually lose more than you already have as a core ranger?
All ranger traits are horribly situational and weak even if conditions are met (especially the laughable grandmaster one’s)
Did I mention over 9000 bugs with that spec? For example not all pet-focused traits/skills transfer to beast mode or don’t work at all?

So far that spec is just laughable pile of worthlessness so it should be a main priority above anything else of buffing it.

Core ranger is better than elite spec… Which is just LOL.

  • Deadeye.

Maximum Malice stacked Death’s Judgment does too much damage so it should be toned down at high stacks.

Also class as a whole is utterly useless vs reflects/projectile blocks spam that we always have in this game so it needs more unblockable attacks or a way to get unblockable buff on themselves.

Stolen abilities are totally useless. There’s a bug too > Deadeye loses stolen ability if target dies.

Overall spec is pretty almost finished, just needs the mentioned tweaks. It already got a good counter-play strategy against them (kneel has cooldown so using line of sight vs deadeyes is a great way to control their damage, forcing them to reposition themselves)

  • Holosmith.

Seems to be heavily melle oriented spec but lacks stability or resistance or overall surviviablity to be in melle, so he’ll be an easy kill in any PvP mode. Damage is crazy however. Solution – tone damage down a bit but give them more defences OR range.
Losing F5 skill kinda limits this specs viability by alot too…

All utilities besides Laser Disk are worthless so they need serious buffs (including toolbelt one’s)

Overall, spec is a suicide bomber who will be doing his combo and then dying with no chance of revival in any PvP(useless engineer downed state abilities say HI)

  • Spellbreaker.

Winds of disenchantment are overpowered. That whole skill will be what makes or breaks any team-based pvp engagement.

Overall damage on spellbreaker is pretty low. Solution – buff damage a bit but nerf that broken elite (also give it a use in PvE)

  • Mirage.

Totally forced to go condi, needs serious buffs on physical side of that spec, otherwise we won’t see anything but condi mesmers once again.

Overall class doesn’t excel in anything but running away. No strengths no weaknesses.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Thanks for leaving condi thief alone

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


You know why they left condi thief alone?

Cos of this on 8 sec cd and plenty of condi dmg reducing trats and skills added in expansion.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Why useless sigils inventory clutter...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


…is still a thing?

Can’t you already add them to sell junk button or add a separate button for green/yellow one’s for kitten’s sake… ???????????

Please add Tengu, and here is why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


I thought about it more and nah, never gonna happen. They already had 2 chances to add them and even created models but idea was scrapped and scrapped ideas never come back,

Sorry guys, just search for other game if you care about it, I myself won’t bother with GW2 anymore because of that realization.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Please add Tengu, and here is why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Well, the fact they never added a tonic kinda hints at possibility of them added being still there.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Build Diversity VS Build Type Viability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


It won’t happen only because humans create those systems and their brain processing power is not enough to calculate all interactions and. as a consequence, imbalances in a system.
So, to say it shortly, perfect balance is perfectly possible but humans just didn’t evolve enough to reach it, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t keep trying. Those who disagree with this can go back to their comfortable apartments in Stone Age caves and avoid bothering those who want to evolve in future

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Thank you for this balance update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


You guys finally started buffing/remaking the crazy amount of useless skills and traits we have in the game and increasing build diversity like that. Thank you and keep it up!

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Chances for a true shapeshifter? (Soulbeast)

in Ranger

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


We have laziest devs in all mmo market when it comes to customization, so no, not gonna happen.

I wouldn’t call them the “laziest”, especially when we already have so much customization in certain areas, so many transformation skills, potions, all with different animations, skills, attacks, mechanics, models etc, also think about all the transformations and unique skills and mechanics throughout the story.

That’s why I don’t understand that such a huge thing like an elite spec, that’s supposed to keep people for the next 2 years playing, gets so little attention in comparison.

I mean look at the weaver, they got 40+ new skills with insane effects etc. I guess every expansion they only pick one elite spec where they invest heavily in the visuals.

The soulbeast was clearly not picked this time.

Check the game called Champions Online and compare the customization they have there (much smaller company and much smaller team of devs and smaller salary) and then compare it to what GW2 offers and ask yourself “Why the kitten they have such amazing customization when we dont?”

Daredevil will wipe the floor with deadeye

in Thief

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Deadeye will be crap in pvp for 1 sole reason – reflects and projectile destroyers spam, all thanks to deadeye having 0 unblockable attacks.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

EU is getting scammed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Pretty much the reason I won’t buy that DLkittenil they either fix their ratios or do a huge discount like they did with first DLC.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Zerg vs. Zerg = Skill Lag

in WvW

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


So in the end the problem is them not wanting to spend enough money to buy good servers.

Since you're adding gliding to WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


They are still useful, a while back like 1+ years ago, I remember a commander on my side asked everyone to put on fall damage trait when we were defending hills, then we all jumped on the enemy group that was clumped near their catas at cata wall. Quite a few of them got thrown off the cliff and many of those remaining we’re either low health or downed.

So in your 2-3 years playtime of gw2 this trait was useful once, thanks to crazy coordination of a group…
LOL! now go compare it to traits that are useful for you any day and in any situation.

Since you're adding gliding to WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Does it mean you’ll finally get rid of those utterly useless “reduced fall damage” traits and replace them with something actually useful?

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Well, the whole point is, unless it is horribly unfair towards players (financially speaking) and doesn’t require minimum effort from devs, it’s most likely not gonna happen at all, so the only realistic way of us getting those armor parts that I see them going is this one. “Shrugs” And ye, I have no faith in humanity’s good intentions.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


That cost can be in gold if extra 50-100 gems is so scary for people.
And we all know that even if you state that you won’t bother buying them right now, you will in future, because price increase would be minimal. All it takes for them is just to create an outfit piece that you would like and you would buy a whole outfit just to get that part.
As for it being unfair… lol, gambling and lockboxes are unfair, but people got used to them, so they will get used to extra little price too.

Extra 50-100 gems?

You have to buy the outfit first. That’s the hangup. You’re asking people who don’t like outfits or don’t like that outfit or who don’t have the money/gems to buy a 700 gem outfit, to first shell out the 700 gems and then have the ability to buy the the 50-100 gems item they want.

It’s not 50-100 gems. It’s 750-800 gems.

True, but it’s better for business like that.

Forcing people to buy things they do not want and won’t use that is up to 7 times more expensive than what they want to buy is poor business practice. Not only is it unlikely to generate repeat business but dissatisfied customers will verbally trash your business to future possible customers and discourage them from buying.

You can’t ask someone to first make an unwanted $8-$9 purchase before they can make their 62 cent to $1.25 purchase and expect them to be happy about it, or come back for a second purchase.

It is much better strategy than selling each piece for 500 gems like they did before, I can bet it was super unpopular because whole outfit costs 800 and one piece was selling for 500, now if you make them super cheap, but lock them behind the outfit purchase, it would actually produce much more customers than selling them separately for such high price tbh.

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


That cost can be in gold if extra 50-100 gems is so scary for people.
And we all know that even if you state that you won’t bother buying them right now, you will in future, because price increase would be minimal. All it takes for them is just to create an outfit piece that you would like and you would buy a whole outfit just to get that part.
As for it being unfair… lol, gambling and lockboxes are unfair, but people got used to them, so they will get used to extra little price too.

Extra 50-100 gems?

You have to buy the outfit first. That’s the hangup. You’re asking people who don’t like outfits or don’t like that outfit or who don’t have the money/gems to buy a 700 gem outfit, to first shell out the 700 gems and then have the ability to buy the the 50-100 gems item they want.

It’s not 50-100 gems. It’s 750-800 gems.

True, but it’s better for business like that.

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


That cost can be in gold if extra 50-100 gems is so scary for people.
And we all know that even if you state that you won’t bother buying them right now, you will in future, because price increase would be minimal. All it takes for them is just to create an outfit piece that you would like and you would buy a whole outfit just to get that part.
As for it being unfair… lol, gambling and lockboxes are unfair, but people got used to them, so they will get used to extra little price too.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


They’d have to rework the whole outfit UI to make a new outfit panel for outfits made of bits and pieces of other outfits, a wardrobe of outfit bits and pieces, and find the parts that don’t clip then make and sell them separately. Might take a bit more effort than you would think at first glance of your suggestion.

I wonder though, do we need to fill in the whole outfit? Can we run around in (outfit) shoes and shoulder pads only? If so, count me in. ^^

Nah, no new UI is needed, they can just add all those parts to gem store and allow those parts to be sold only if certain conditions are met (Just like they did with anniversary boxes for example)

Are you talking about making parts of oufits into armor pieces? If that’s what you meant, how is that going to increase the sales of outfits.

It is already stated in original post, they become unlocked for purchase only after outfit itself is owned.

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


I like how you gave your idea the adjective “best” in the post title. It’s a great start for a discussion

Indeed, it’s not really a topic for discussion but more of a thread created to convey an idea that would satisfy ALOT of people out there.

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


They’d have to rework the whole outfit UI to make a new outfit panel for outfits made of bits and pieces of other outfits, a wardrobe of outfit bits and pieces, and find the parts that don’t clip then make and sell them separately. Might take a bit more effort than you would think at first glance of your suggestion.

I wonder though, do we need to fill in the whole outfit? Can we run around in (outfit) shoes and shoulder pads only? If so, count me in. ^^

Nah, no new UI is needed, they can just add all those parts to gem store and allow those parts to be sold only if certain conditions are met (Just like they did with anniversary boxes for example)

Best suggestion to increase outfit sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Since you guys think that we’re all are so simple minded that we’re incapable of avoiding clipping during creation of our own costumes, so we need to be restricted from such combinations like children “ironically chuckles” I would like to propose an alternative way to increase outfit sales by:

1.Letting outfit parts that don’t clip with anything to be used separately from outfit as stand-alone costume parts AFTER you buy them for an extra, smaller than whole outfit, price. But it must be noted that opportunity to buy those extra parts should be present AT ALL TIMES for outfit owners.

2.Keeping outfit parts that do clip with other existing armor parts usable only with a whole outfit.

This way you can make everyone happy, including your own company, by increasing an amount of sellable items in gemstore for minimal work (just separating some armor pieces from outfit)

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Holy shiit The New Warrior looks promising

in Warrior

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Overpowered as hell, gonna be number 1 pvp spec.

Little sad there no Tengu playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


The truth is that they’re struggling as it is when it comes to creating or even fixing content that’s related to the races. They’ve pretty much stopped putting out new armors, the ones we do have clip, Personal story is crap and some races barely have any lore (looking at you norn).
It ain’t going to happen people, let it go

So you think giving people less of what they want would prove to be more successful? No, it would create an effect of reducing their interest even further.

Just look at how WoW dealt with their expansion fiasko. They instantly gave players what they wanted for a long time (demon hunters), and guess what, it worked! GW2 however went the stupid way of giving us less of what we want, so I bet their sales wont improve at all after that.

Reason why backpack sales are so low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


It’s because we can’t recolor them. They simply don’t fit the armors if they have different colors and as a result nobody’s buying them judging by your backpack discounts spam lately.

And yes, I’m aware that it would need some work to teach your old game engine to recolor backpacks, but the point is, until that work is done, very few people bother to buy them. It’s that simple.

So yeah, the choice is yours a-net, either make them worth buying or enjoy low sales.

Its not a clearance sale because nobody is buying them. That is only neccessary, if your unsold stock takes up too much storage, which isnt the case because they dont take up any.

Discounts do mean alot however, they have no reason to make discounts on hot-selling products. Yet almost all backpacks (excluding wings) get them.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


It needs a way to keep it in combat mode, nuff said.

Reason why backpack sales are so low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Double post because of super slow forums.

Reason why backpack sales are so low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


It’s because we can’t recolor them. They simply don’t fit the armors if they have different colors and as a result nobody’s buying them judging by your backpack discounts spam lately.

And yes, I’m aware that it would need some work to teach your old game engine to recolor backpacks, but the point is, until that work is done, very few people bother to buy them. It’s that simple.

So yeah, the choice is yours a-net, either make them worth buying or enjoy low sales.

Vengeful hammers keeps deactivating itself.

in Revenant

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Still a problem, no idea why wasn’t fixed in big rev bugfixes patch cos its gamebreaking

Flanking Strikes thief trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Since all utility+trait skills share cooldowns on all traits, after recent buff to Haste with cooldown reduction from 60>50 this trait wasn’t updated properly, still being stuck with 60 sec cooldown.

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Still same pointless and horrible system.

50% of games are win 50% are lose, no way around it.

What’s the point of even playing pvp where no matter what you do result is already known?

Since we have standard character models...

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


…in unranked, may be its time to disable forced removal of auras in spvp? Hmmmm?

Bountiful Theft?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Probably because it shares boons, but I know everyone would prefer this boon sharing to be removed in favor of it stealing stacks. (1 stack of 3 boons to team was worthless share anyway)

Anet, Pls fix the stuck bug.

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


also if you have auto-move-forward and use movement skill>instantly dodge after movement skill, you get stuck too.

How frequently each class has been used?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Balance is horrible for 1 reason : NO BUILD DIVERSITY WHATSOEVER.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984



Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


People here talk as if ele doesn’t have the most imbalanced downed state ability called mist form… xD

Yeah, you kill ele using over 9000 cooldowns that could’ve been spent more efficiently
>his teammates use stealth on his body
>he mist forms somewhere a mile away and gets ressed EACH TIME.

That’s what happens in reality, enjoy.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Because this pvp community is weird and irrational xD

No other explanation rly on why everyone loves having an immortal class in their matches, which is also a free-win vs teams that dont have an ele (Only if ele has a brain obviously)

There was a thread like this before but they say stuff like he’s fine, he’s fine yet all I see in all legendary matches is that eles are left alone to do their own thing without interruptions because everyone knows that focusing them is a waste of time.

Heck, when I play NOBODY ever focuses this class, even if it’s 3vs1, people prefer to simply rotate to another node instead of wasting time on killing the godmode auramancers.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Just give us the kitten ed long range rifle sniper thief already…

What keeps you from watching pvp on twitch?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


gw2 is the most boring game to watch for 2 reasons:

Every fight is a simple skill spam of everything you got off cooldown.
No in-depth tactics or strategies like Beast Master jungling in DotA game for example.

Bored of Conquest? Try Frostball!

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


lol, that’s awesome xD wish i had more active guild that actually cared to organize such stuff.

If Arena net lifted the armor restrictions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Well, it would be awesome of course but a-net thinks they need to keep the dog(player) on a short leash, because hey, we’re so stupid that we can’t even fix clipping issues ourselves during our own costume creation, right? I bet all who say no to more options think that way about themselves.

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Don’t swap, leave as is, male armor on females was always unfitting.

The definition of fun

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Clueless balancing team that is providing community with tiny, lazy balance patches/fixes.

This is a problem since eternity (FYI)
EDIT: not to mention that they are working brutally slow compared to the efectiveness/quality of theyr work.

Yeah, I know, I even remember myself chuckling when they claimed that they want to make gw2 an e-sport, but even at that time I knew that if they’ll keep the same balance team, it would end up in a total failure, exactly what we have now.

Really, since we have a new game manager, why he keeps the old, obviously inefficient, as proven by so many years of work, pvp balance team?

The definition of fun

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


I’m not sure its a lazy balance team, it might be the directive that PvP and PvE have to be consistent with each other in terms of skill behavior. This would necessarily hamper efforts and make cases where a change to improve one necessarily negatively impacts the other. Essentially their hands could be tied by management mandate.

That’s a false assumption. 90% of traits/utilities are still worthless in PvE and my example with dual pistols made 0 difference in both PvP and PvE modes since thief in team/raid already has 25 might stacks and yet nobody uses dual pistols for pve cos dmg is abyssmal.

The definition of fun

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Clueless balancing team that is providing community with tiny, lazy balance patches/fixes.
For example removing amulets and reducing amount of viable builds instead of fixing core problems with conditions or tanky classes, or useless buffs like thiefs might on dual pistols (clearly shows that they had no idea that dual pistols would still be worthless after this, because the problem with them is not damage)

Still over 90% of traits/utilities are worthless and it seems like they don’t realize it. I can bet they hardly play their own game, so they obviously are clueless about which trait/utility is useful and which is not.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Are you enjoying the builds u use in ranked?

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Not enjoying at all, every class is pigeonholed into ONE useful build, making build diversity completely non-existant, and turning this game into “Attack of Clones” pretty much and devs, instead of fixing broken stuff/buffing useless specs just keep removing amulets, falsely thinking that it actually does anything good for the game.

Biggest fear of next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Not fear, but I would be seriously disappointed if we won’t get a new race…

Fix thiefs non-existant teamfight potential

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


If you speak about tradeoffs, why revenant can have it all, and thief can’t then? HUH?

And as I remember when devs revealed Daredevil class, their intention with it was to give more sustain to thief in TEAMFIGHTS, yet all we see is thief dying to random aoe spam if he tries to.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Fix thiefs non-existant teamfight potential

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Meh, whatever, kittens always swarm threads of smart people talking about balance claiming their 5>2 nonstop spamming braindead class takes any skill to play (ROFL, such a complex playstyle indeed!). No it’s not a problem of me learning to play, it’s the fact that I see thieves in my/enemy team always being worthless piece of kitten, legend rank ofc.

Whatever, enjoy being useless thieves! Thankfully I play all classes and can enjoy rolling over any team with thief in their lineup without any problems, knowing that it’s an easy win.

Cool story Bro.

A good thief can vet in the mix in middle. I’ve been in many a game where a good thief at middle was the only reason they could hold middle. With out the thief jumping in bursting down a member of my team, they lost middle every time. There thief was the exception, not the rule. Most thieves melt in seconds, normally because they don’t have a clue how to play there class. The amount of times I’ve melted a thief in a 1vs1 fight is really funny, but then a good thief can beat me. The problem with thieves is that for every good thief player, there are 10 bad. Coming to the forum and QQing about it makes you a bad player.

Guess what, revenant can do the same, and even better than thief, and he got ALOT more utility for himself/team too, gg wp?

Fix thiefs non-existant teamfight potential

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Meh, whatever, kittens always swarm threads of smart people talking about balance claiming their 5>2 nonstop spamming braindead class takes any skill to play (ROFL, such a complex playstyle indeed!). No it’s not a problem of me learning to play, it’s the fact that I see thieves in my/enemy team always being worthless piece of kitten, legend rank ofc.

Whatever, enjoy being useless thieves! Thankfully I play all classes and can enjoy rolling over any team with thief in their lineup without any problems, knowing that it’s an easy win.

Cool story Bro.

A good thief can vet in the mix in middle. I’ve been in many a game where a good thief at middle was the only reason they could hold middle. With out the thief jumping in bursting down a member of my team, they lost middle every time. There thief was the exception, not the rule. Most thieves melt in seconds, normally because they don’t have a clue how to play there class. The amount of times I’ve melted a thief in a 1vs1 fight is really funny, but then a good thief can beat me. The problem with thieves is that for every good thief player, there are 10 bad. Coming to the forum and QQing about it makes you a bad player.

Guess what, revenant can do the same, and even better than thief, gg wp?