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Anyone else sad new items look aweful?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Why isn’t anyone here talking about the clipping issue with this outfit on Norn males? (see image attached below)

Pretty amazing that a Deluxe edition bonus is so poorly implemented. I know clipping is a problem for a lot of skins, but this is supposed to be an incentive for players to buy the higher tiers of the expac and as it stands this will probably turn a lot of players off.

Also, the outfit honestly looks so basic to me. I’m really tempted to load up a human character and do a mix-and-match armor set to see how close we can get to this outfit with current armor skins.


(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Not bothered by this tbh. They’re still tradeable, and most people with a working brain buy these skins on the TP. The skins are really nice-looking as well, with lots of detail.

It’s really a non-issue imo when there’s much more suspect stuff at play, namely those seasonal account-bound on acquire items they started putting into BL chests.

It’s a non-issue for those players who didn’t have tickets to spend in the first place, or for those players who don’t care whether they get tickets from the BL chests or not. It’s certainly a non-issue if the only way you ever acquire BL weapon skins is through buying them directly from the trading post.

But keep in mind that the BL weapon tickets are a currency, and if this move on Anet’s part is a new trend rather than an outlier, they’ve effectively reduced the value of that currency by 50%. That’s a problem.

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I very much hope this was a one-off attempt at pushing the limits of what they could get away with and not a trend for future BL weapon sets. Again, this change has cut the value of tickets in half, while the weapon price in gold has remained stable with what new BL weapons usually cost. This tells us that while Anet believed these weapons should be worth more, players disagreed and are still trading the weapons at standard prices. This “artificially” inflated ticket price, likely intended to increase the value of weapons, actually ended up devaluing the currency used to purchase them instead. If that was their attempt, it absolutely backfired.

This has done nothing more than discouraged players from using Black Lion Weapon Tickets, and similarly one can assume it has probably discouraged players who would be buying keys with real world currency in the hopes of acquiring a ticket. That’s certainly true for me, at least.

Perhaps key sales have balanced out due to the other rewards added to BL chests with this patch, but as it stands Anet has made it clear to players that they should not waste their time buying keys in the hopes of acquiring scraps or a ticket, because this patch tells us that going forward, those items are meant to have very little value despite their verifiable rarity.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Anet Can we make risen giants count

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


But they are risen. They are creatures of Zhaitan, and as such, killing them will count toward the Zhaitan’s Bane slayer achievement.

This is no different than any other creature of Zhaitan. Risen drakes do not count toward the drake slayer achieve, nor do risen raptors count toward raptor slayer, etc.

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Interestingly enough, this has actually cut the value of BL weapon tickets (when used toward these skins) in half. Current buy orders on TP for the new Abaddon skins are in line with what buy orders usually are for BL weapon skins on release day. The highest current buy order for any Abaddon skin is 92g. Current listings are around 150-160g, but these will likely also drop over the coming days, as they always do, and even this price is pretty standard for the day a new set is released.

Therefore it seems to me that the only players this change in price will affect are those players who either saved their tickets or hope to acquire them by chance via BLC.

So what was the intent with the change in price, then? The only logical conclusion I can make is that it was an effort to either try to remove more BL tickets from the game than normal (provided there was an overabundance lurking in player storage across the game), or to try to artificially increase the value of these skins. If it was the former, I guess it was probably a job well done. If it was the latter, it was an utter flop and backfired entirely.

That’s all conjecture on my part, though. We’ll never know the reasoning behind the decision for sure, but as it stands BL weapon tickets, on release day for the new set, are worth around 45g each. What a joke.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


It’s a total cash grab from an already dwindling fan base. Anet just keeps making bad calls. It’s a shame too.

If they wanted a cash grab, they’d add all sorts of things to the chests to make them more attractive to those spending RL currency.

This is the opposite of a cash grab, since it largely affects people who stockpiled tickets expecting to be able to get one skin/ticket.

Yep. Joke’s on us for expecting the price to be standardized with the rest of the BL weapon skin releases, I suppose. Serves me right for saving my tickets, eh?

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’m pretty salty over this. New BL weapon skins have always been 1 ticket each. I’ve been holding onto my BL scraps and tickets for about the last year, and finally have exactly 16 full tickets. I didn’t really like the design of the previous set (keymaster or whatever they’re called, I forget) so decided to save my tickets to buy a full set of the next set I liked.

I am absolutely not going to bother shelling out more money in the hopes that I’ll get another 16 full tickets to complete the set. If each new set that’s released is going to be starting at the 2-ticket minimum, I think I’m done bothering with these skins.

Very frustrated. I know I’m not owed or entitled to anything, I’m just frustrated that at the lack of consistency here. Why bother saving tickets if their value is indeterminate? Release the next set of skins at 4 tickets each and see how happy players are for that change. I’m sure the increased “value” of those skins will balance out the frustration, right?


Scrap TP and let us set up Trading Stalls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


TL;DR: I came here to post my support for direct player-to-player trading and realized while typing out my thoughts that the trading post is a far superior system in nearly every way.

Putting aside the fact that it will never happen, I don’t think removing the trading post is a good idea. I think the majority of players who use it regularly are happy with the safety of each transaction. It has effectively removed the possibility of player trading scams.

I’ve thought about this a bit over the last day or so and initially I came here to post support for including both player-to-player trading and the trading post. Trouble is, every time I put my thoughts into writing and re-read what I’d written, it didn’t make logical sense. Here are the counters to my own arguments that I was about to make:

1.) I had originally wanted to say that direct player-to-player trading could help alleviate those who get a high ticket item and don’t want to pay the TP fees to list it or wait the long period of time for the item to sell. But! Those TP fees are good for the economy since they act as a gold sink to help keep inflation in check, and regarding the long wait time? I’m keenly aware of just how long you have to wait and how much you have to spam map or trade chat in GW1 when you want to sell something. I do not miss those days of idling in Kamadan trying to sell a few rare minis from birthday presents. The time spent spamming trade chat every few minutes and waiting for a buyer vastly outweighs the time it takes for an item to sell on the trading post, but more importantly: you can post the item on TP and go do something else.

And regarding those TP fees? Well, they don’t look so bad anymore when you consider that after a few hours of trying to sell something in GW1 you’ll inevitably have to lower your asking price (sometimes considerably) to finally pique a buyer’s interest and finally rid yourself of this item you’ve been trying to sell for so long (sometimes weeks or months).

2.) Wanting a player-to-player trading system so you can exchange equipment or items with random players you meet in the world. While it might be convenient to have a relatively safe direct trade window, the simple counter for this is that you still have that option. Mail the item directly to the player you want to trade with and they can mail you directly as well. There you go. Trade complete. But what if you don’t trust that other player to hold up their end of the bargain? Then you have a perfectly safe system to use—the Trading Post. If you’re concerned that another player is going to scam you and run away with your gold, why would you want to trade with that person in the first place? If it’s a guild member or friend you want to trade with, why would you be concerned at using the mail system? And if you are that concerned—once again, using the TP will solve your problem.

3.) I’ll admit, there is an excitement that comes from “shopping” player stalls in an MMO and stumbling across someone that’s selling something that you either really want or something that they’ve severely underpriced. There’s a similar excitement to running your own shop and leaving yourself logged in overnight only to find that in the morning, all of your stuff has sold. That was great. But the convenience of having every tradeable item at your fingertips vastly outweighs the excitement of bargain hunting in player shops, and you can still get the same excitement from watching your stuff sell on the trading post. When you have something listed for several hundred gold and someone finally buys it, that little exclamation point over the TP icon can put a quick grin on your face.

[Suggestion] Add practice golems for WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


The Fractal lobby has the golems you seek.

Guide to interacting in game and forums. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


This is great advice that we can all learn from, myself included. There are entirely too many occasions where I find myself clicking that Reply button a bit before my brain has actually formulated a non-combative response. I can do better. Thanks for posting this reminder.

It’s easy for us all to “fly off the handle” sometimes and not be considerate of other viewpoints. Everyone has their own unique experience, not just in GW2 but in all things, and two people experiencing the same event from different perspectives might have completely opposite opinions of what took place.

I love the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, by the way. Their YouTube channel is downright moving sometimes.

EDIT: The relevant video goes into a greater explanation of some possible context behind ‘Sonder’

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Kaiser Weapon Box?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


5 super boxes and 1 kaiser box this year. I haven’t done tribulation zones today but I’m going to give it a shot and see if I can get any more.

My impression of GW2 so far

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Welcome to Guild Wars 2! I envy you, in a way. I remember how blown away I was when I first started playing, and it’s only gotten so much better since release.

I agree that more advertisement would be a good thing, and I suspect you’ll see just that in the near future. It’s pretty likely that a second expansion is coming “soonish,” and once they announce it I’m certain there will be an ad campaign to go along with the big reveal. I’m guessing we’ll see the next expac before the end of the year, but that’s pure speculation on my part.

I don’t know much about model viewers or how any of that works, but I think it’d be really interesting to see what talented animators might be able to do if they were given such tools. I’ve seen some truly amazing Battlefield and TF2 machinima videos and it’d be cooler than cool to see Guild Wars 2 get the same treatment.

That said, there are already some really impressive GW2 videos made by players and fans that you might be interested in. Some have taken in-game cutscenes and spliced them together in interesting ways, like music videos for example. A forum regular here also made a feature length film detailing all of the events that took place during the first Living World season, events which are no longer available. There are some really talented folks out there—imagine what could be done with direct access to character models!

Relevant links:
Scarlet Briar: “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”

Guild Wars 2 – The Complete Season 1 Movie

Magic Gathering Tools

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I would think the easiest change (and why it wasn’t implemented in the first place i have no idea) would be to increase the base charges and adjust to the karma cost to compensate. no idea why it only has 25 charges rather than the standard amount.

This is a good idea. Maybe restructure it so that you can either buy separate tools or +25 charges, in case you still want a separate tool specifically for an alt or something. Have the tool max out at 250 charges.

The +25 charge item could even be more expensive due to the convenience of carrying a single tool with significantly more charges.

small guild problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


They OP isn’t saying he wants it handed to him on a platter. He is just saying that is beyond painfully difficult for someone like him to do anything with his guild as it is main just him and very occasionally a friend.

The OP and others in this thread may personally feel that it is “beyond painfully difficult” to “do anything with his guild” but that’s simply not true. As myself and others have pointed out, it isn’t that difficult to make good progress on your guild hall. Many missions are soloable, and the only ‘difficult’ point would be the amount of materials that are needed for certain GH upgrades. This isn’t a roadblock so much as it is a speed limit. You’re only going to make as much progress on guild unlocks as the time and effort you put into it.

Myself and many others have made significant progress on their guild halls with only one or two people donating materials. Is it expensive? Sure. But there are lots of ways to make gold in this game, and if you truly want to upgrade your guild hall on your own or with only one or two friends, you should expect that it’s going to be a slower process than if you had 50 other players contributing.

small guild problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’m not sure why a guild with 2-5 active members that don’t even play at the same time, wouldn’t join a larger guild in the first place and just play as they are now, without actually having a “guild” per se.

There’s something rewarding about building up a guild from the ground up with a small group of personal friends. Also, there’s nothing stopping these folks from having their own guild and also being a part of larger guilds. That’s the beauty of GW2, you can have it both ways.

That’s what I do.

small guild problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


A friend and I have a level 34 guild hall that we’ve built almost entirely on our own through relaxed gameplay. We used the LFG tool to assemble a group of 5 to claim the GH shortly after HoT was released and have been slowly building it up ever since.

Several of the guild missions are doable with one or two players. Several others, like guild races, can be done by only one active guild member. Head to the guild race starting flag and hang out until a different guild starts the race, then start your mission and begin the race. As long as the race is completed 15 times for the event you will get credit for completion. It could be one player (you alone) running the race path 15 times on your own, or it could be three players (you and two randoms) each running it 5 times—it makes no difference. (Note: You must complete the race at least once for you and your guild to receive credit)

Using these methods, after a few weeks you’ll easily max out your guild favor and from there it’s pretty easy to upkeep by simply doing the easy missions each week (like guild trek or easy bounty).

Claiming the GH is the most “difficult” part of the process but using the LFG tool, even that shouldn’t take you too long. If you’re having trouble getting players to assist, you could incentivize it by offering 1g to all participants upon GH claiming completion. That’s what we did, and we got a group almost immediately (though this was at the height of the HoT release so it may take a bit longer these days).

Good luck. You’ve got this!

equipment preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


It’d be neat if there was a zoom toggle (or slider) that would let us zoom in and out on our characters when previewing equipment. Think of the zoom toggle that we have during character creation, and imagine that we had that feature in the equipment preview window. Really huge weapons that don’t entirely fit in the window space would now be fully visible by clicking the little magnifying glass to zoom out.

Aside from that, I’m quite satisfied with the preview window. It serves its purpose well enough to give you a generalized idea of what a piece of armor or weapon will look like on your character, and not only that but it also allows you to preview armor and weapon skins that aren’t even usable by your current character.

Should GW2 Have an "Offline" Mode?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


It does, in a way. Log on, and open your contact list in-game, then click the online status dropdown box next to your name and set yourself to Invisible.

Then go play the game as you normally would. Players will not be able to whisper or chat with you and you won’t see guild messages appear in guild chat. Don’t party up with anyone and ignore any other players you may encounter. There you go; single player GW2.

Seriously though, why redesign the game from the ground up when you can already play the vast majority of the game alone? If it’s strictly due to a lack of a solid internet connection in your area, then I apologize—I know that struggle all too well, as I’m sure many of us do. If so, then you have my sympathies, friend.

Give SAB more love, expand it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Speaking as someone who is a huge fan of Super Adventure Box, I would love to see more content for future festivals. I don’t think any SAB fans would be against getting additional worlds over the coming years.


Speaking as someone who is also a huge fan of the healthy state GW2 is currently in and the regularity of content and QoL updates, I would be really disappointed if they sacrificed the steady, regular stream of patches we’ve been getting over the last year for the sake of more content that can only be accessed during a 3 week festival.

I love SAB and I’ve begged for more SAB stuff just like many others here on the forums and in-game. But if the only way we’ll ever see W3 or W4 is by putting the playerbase into another 6+ month long content drought then I would have to say that it isn’t worth it.


If one or two devs could be spared to take W3 on as a pet project for next year, and if that isn’t going to negatively impact the healthy state of the game as a whole, then I’m fully onboard.

A Thank You to the Commanders.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


re: I wonder if Anet have considered the value of commanders and wether its worth considering incentivising the commander role further? – Absolutely not. We want commanders commanding because they want to help other players, not because of some “incentive:”. Their value is that they help others. We don’t want people trying to command because they want whatever the “incentive” might be.

+1 to all of this

Also I agree with the OP. Thanks for leading, Commanders!

We need more things for Bubble Baubles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


You know you dont have to do any of those other furniture shops in tribulation mode?
Just the W1Z1 second furniture shop is only reachable in tribulation mode

All others can be visited in normal mode to unlock them

I’m pretty sure you can even visit all of them in infantile mode, too, making this achievement even more simple to complete. There is only one furniture coin room that requires tribulation mode and that’s the one at the end of W1Z1.

We need more things for Bubble Baubles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Yeah, I’d love to have more fun items to buy with my bauble bubbles, but as it’s been stated there are already a number of available options. If you don’t want to complete tribulation mode to unlock the two extra boomboxes, and you don’t want to even attempt world 1 zone 1 tribulation to unlock the furniture coins, then the problem isn’t a lack of available stuff to buy, it’s that you aren’t interested in what’s left.

Think of it this way: I knew the atrocious drop rate for the good stuff from ToT bags, so rather than open stack after stack of bags in the hopes of getting one of the Oontz amulets or Halloween weapon skins, I bought them directly from the trading post. So that put me in the situation you’re in now: I already have all of the “good” Halloween festival rewards unlocked because I pursued them directly, so now the rest of the stuff I could get from ToT bags seems worthless to me so why should I bother participating anymore? Even though there was a really highly valued phosphorescent aura I could have tried to get, I didn’t want to attempt it.

Same goes for SAB rewards. You bought all the stuff you wanted. Now you’re upset that there isn’t more stuff for you to buy, even though there actually is and you just aren’t interested in attempting it. You should. The feeling of completing your first tribulation zone is exhilarating and it’s a huge reward in and of itself. The furniture coins are a bonus.

Legendary Aura.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


The only problem with an aura menu that I foresee is the current use of multiple auras at once. A lot of us have characters with several different auras, including things like both of the SAB bauble auras, ghostly aura, oontz gems color auras, etc.

By placing everything in an aura menu similar to the wardrobe you will be severely limiting the number of auras that can be worn at once and I’d hate to see that happen.

Are sale gemstore items really sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


So my question is, is it really worth it to buy a sale item from the gemstore when everyone is buying it, therefore increasing the conversion rate?

Short answer:
Probably not.

Longer answer:
Currently, no.
Usually the gold=>gem exchange rate fluctuates around 100g for 400 gems. Assuming this as a baseline for gem store purchases, a character slot that’s not on sale is worth ~200g (800 gems).

Currently, the gold=>gem exchange rate is 129.85g for 400 gems. At that exchange rate, the gold price of a character slot under the sale is 207.6 gold. So at the moment, you’ll spend about as much gold on one as you usually would when there was no sale going on.

That being said, if you are purchasing a character slot with USD or some other real world currency then it truly is a sale. The same can be said if you already had gems on hand from a prior gold=>gem exchange at a lower rate or the average rate.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

[Suggestion]SAB Tribulation tokens exchange

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’d love to see Anet implement a new way for us to spend our trib tokens, but as IWN said it’s extremely unlikely this would be implemented before the end of this year’s festival. Maybe they’ll set something up for us next year.

I don’t agree with the idea of using trib tokens as a means to purchase Kaiser or Crimson skins, though. I think those skins have enough “prestige” associated with them as it is, and that prestige would be pretty significantly lessened by the ability to simply farm them via trib tokens. I might be going out on a limb here, but I think most of the players who desire an alternate use for these tokens are able to effectively speedrun tribulation zones fast enough that they’d be able to farm the remaining Kaiser/Crimson skins within one festival season. These skins should take much longer to acquire, in my opinion.

That said, I’d still love for an alternate use for them. I think even a small amount of baubles or furniture coins would be fair. I’d be perfectly happy to be able to trade the tokens in a 1:1 exchange rate for furniture coins—this would value each trib token at 25 baubles each. That may not seem like much, but when you’re farming tribulation zones for baubles, an extra 25 baubles per zone will add up really quickly. Since world 2 is more challenging (or more time consuming, at the very least), perhaps world 2 tokens could be exchanged at a 1:2 rate for coins, valuing world 2 tokens at 50 baubles each. Just an idea.

Gadgets, Gizmos, and Consumables

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Experimental Rifle – Gives you a ground targeted leap skill.
Experimental Teleportation Gun – Gives you a forward leap skill with a mesmer portal on both ends of the leap.

These are the two I carry on most alts, but I’ll give you a more comprehensive list when I get home from work in a few hours. I carry a LOT of consumables most of the time.

Thank You for an Awesome Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Welcome to GW2! Glad you’re enjoying it.

You should check out Super Adventure Box in Rata Sum if you haven’t yet. It’s only around for another few weeks and then it’ll be another year before it returns.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to whisper me in-game if you see me on. Happy gaming!

My SAB experience so far

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Well got to the toad boss and this happened. That kinda ruined my evening and not gonna do SAB again.

If you’re around this evening and want help getting through W1Z3 (or any of them, really) send me a message in-game and I’ll be happy to speedrun you through whichever zones you’re having trouble with.

Elemental Sword, Privateer set again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Now, one of the three slots in a chest is guaranteed to be worthless garbage, and the rest is far more limited, and it’s far less likely you’ll be able to sell anything valuable/rare that comes out of the chest that doesn’t really appeal to you (And hopefully it’s not a duplicate)

Regarding this, I think you’re underestimating the value they’ve given BL chests with the recent guaranteed items. The current seasonal chest gives you ecto and last season’s chest gave T6 mats. Open 25 keys and you’ll likely come away with 150-200 ecto. While the cost of keys from gold > gem conversion is significantly higher than what you’ll get back from selling one stack of ecto, for those of us who buy their BL keys with real world currency the guaranteed ecto is a nice bonus. The guaranteed T6 was a nice bonus during the last seasonal chest and I came away with a small stack of T6 mats that I can put toward the legendary I’m working on. As you said, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

Regarding the sword, I’m sorry if you’ve had poor luck with RNG and getting it to drop, but I’d really be disappointed if they reverted this overhaul of the BLC system and went back to the days of nothing but revive orbs and boosts. Both of which I value, by the way, but consumables don’t hold enough value for me to justify buying BL keys.

Elemental Sword, Privateer set again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


The community was unhappy at things that are obtainable only by pure RNG that you have to pay money for.

We were? Huh, I don’t remember being unhappy at the introduction of the Privateer set. Quite the opposite, actually. But thanks for purporting to speak for all of us.

I’m very supportive of the new way the BL chests are being handled. For a long time there were very few worthwhile items in the Black Lion chests, or rather, the items that were obtainable from BL chests (aside from BL tickets/scraps) were nothing special. Now we’re at the point where every new update sees us with not only one new rare account bound item we can get excited about, but also some really solid guaranteed items.

Black Lion chests are at a good place, and as long as Anet continues to introduce fun and exciting stuff that you can’t get anywhere else, I will continue to purchase keys to open them in the hopes of getting the exciting stuff.

Bone Dragon Staff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Yes please. Give it the Storm Bow treatment and make it a gem store skin. I’d buy it in a


SAB - Can I Just Buy it this time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I really want SAB to be permanent… =(
This is one content I do not want to see go.

I agree completely. SAB is my favorite festival in Guild Wars history, and as disappointed as I am with the fact that we won’t see any new worlds, I will still gladly replay the first two worlds for the duration of the festival this year.

The best advice I can give, for those of us who love SAB and want to see more content for it (or more anything SAB-related, really) is to buy ALL gem store Super Adventure Box items while they’re available, with real world currency. If there is enough direct financial support for SAB items specifically, it’s possible that Anet will devote additional developer resources in the future.

If enough revenue is generated, we might see more goodies in the future. It’s not a certainty, of course, but the best way to tell Anet how much we love SAB is in the language that everyone understands: $$$$$!

map reserved PLEASE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


This is a feature that was in the game when it was released. Another feature was the waiting lists to join a map, so you didn’t have to spend all your time clicking join [player] in [map].

Wha? I don’t remember those things at all. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of WvW? You can queue to join WvW if it’s full. It will bring up a window that asks if you’d like to queue to enter a map and you’ll be prompted again when a slot frees up.

I don’t know of any reserved slot or queue system for PvE maps. I’m pretty confident that’s never been a thing but I’d love to see evidence proving me wrong.

Is there a breakbar training golem?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I need to double-check but I’m fairly confident you can use the training golem spawner in the Fractals hub to spawn a stationary champion golem which has a breakbar you can practice on.

I might be wrong, though. It may not have a breakbar. I’ll check in a few minutes for you when I get in.

EDIT: Yep, the Fractal Instability Trainer in the Fractal hub can spawn an idle champ golem with a breakbar for you to beat on.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Sab is coming back, third world or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’m not expecting new worlds or new levels of any sort, but I’m hopeful that we’ll see some new stuff to play with. Some in this thread have mentioned the idea of new weapon skin colors, which would be neat but I think even that’s unlikely as they’ve already introduced a fairly “end-game” version of the SAB skins with the orange Kaiser skins.

My hope? New SAB decorations for the GH, which I think we can all assume are probably likely. But even more than that, I’d love some SAB tonics or transformations.

We have Super Adventure Box minis, but currently the only transformations available are those in the Super Adventure Box of Fun, and they only last for 30 seconds before the transform expires. It isn’t even really long enough to participate in a costume brawl before the transform reverts. I would love some SAB tonics, and I think it’d be neat if we had some infinite versions that you could grind out bauble bubbles for.

Similarly, it’d be neat if we had a way to trade in the extra tribulation coins for other items, for those of us who’ve got a small stack of them. Considering how “easy and fast” they are to acquire for those of us who have mastered some of the trib zones, I can’t see them having a high value, but even 1 bauble bubble per 1 trib token would be a wonderful addition.

Failing all of that, I will still be playing the crap out of Super Adventure Box this year. Even if we get exactly zero new content and it’s literally a copy-paste of last year’s festival, I will play from start to finish and likely put some alts through the gauntlet to get all of the SAB unlocks.

This is my favorite time of year.

7 MORE DAYS!! <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I posted a thread on SAB last week but there didn’t seem to be much interest so the thread got buried pretty quickly. Another user posted a thread a couple of days ago asking if SAB was coming back and their question was answered fairly quickly and again the thread got buried after about a day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge SAB fan and can’t wait to play (in 5 days!!), but I guess the community isn’t as revved up about it as some of us are.

Stop with PvP ascended items, please!

in PvP

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


So, you want fewer players participating in PvP? Or, do you only want the good players in PvP? Bad players need to stay away?

How do bad players get good?

Class/Build Recommendation for DH Player?

in PvP

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


So I’ve been playing a variant in some form or another of the same build basically since league season 2 and am really growing bored with the same ol’, same ol’.

To summarize my “play style”: I play a DH meditrapper for the most part, with more emphasis on condi cleansing and staying alive than DPS. I can usually hold my own in 1v1’s and 1v2’s depending on the situation, and at the very least I try to sustain as long as possible on a cap until help arrives.

I’m nothing special, ranked high silver and will likely remain in high silver or low gold ranking, and I’m okay with that. I’m not looking to be the best of the best or anything (know thyself and all that), but I’d love to hear some suggestions on which class I should try out next before I bore myself out of PvP entirely from playing the same build forever.

In season one, I primarily played chrono mesmer with a sort of bunker build but I was never really any good with it. I main as chrono for everything else GW2 (Fractals, WvW, general PvE) but for some reason I’m basically terrible with it in sPvP. I’ve recently tried out a couple of different thief builds as thief has always been something that’s sounded like fun, but in practice I’m equally terribad..can’t even 1v1 properly, so I don’t think thief is for me.

I’ve tried engineer and necro briefly during season 3 but they didn’t stick, though my builds were probably part of the problem. I also ran druid for awhile during season 3 and enjoyed it, but I’m looking for something other than druid as I have a guild PvP buddy who plays druid exclusively and I’m not looking to muddy up our team comps with 2 druids every match.

Any help or advice is appreciated. Willing to try anything out, for the most part!

Item Shortcut / Action Bar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


+1 to quickbar.

I often run around with my inventory hanging totally off the right side of my screen so I can quickly use consumables like [Experimental Rifle], [Experimental Teleportation Gun], [Candy Corn Gobbler], etc.

The main problem I encounter is not the limited combat visibility (I consider that a reasonable trade-off), it’s that I can’t see how quickly loot is rolling in and therefore my inventory fills completely much more often than when I’m not using the “inventory-bar.”

I’d love to have a small quickbar for inventory consumables. Even 2-3 slots would be wonderful.

Super Adventure Box Festival 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Am I correct in assuming we are 2-3 weeks away from seeing the return of SAB?

Returning to Josh Foreman’s blog post last year, dated March 31, 2016, from

Guild Wars 2 is a huge game, and keeping it strong means making tough decisions about where to spend our time to best serve the most players. We decided we couldn’t justify the sacrifice to Guild Wars 2 to make more new worlds for SAB. But we did have time to dust off the cobwebs (we had to fix a lot of stuff that breaks as the engine evolves and improves) and make sure SAB has a great, regular home in Guild Wars 2. As a yearly festival, SAB will now be a dependable fixture in Tyria, and that makes us very happy. Just check out Rata Sum to see how happy we feel!

I’m really looking forward to what they have in store for us. I’m not expecting any new playable content, but I’m hoping there will be some new decorations to chase down and perhaps a few new minis. Maybe even a set of tonics?!


(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Most Fun Profession ATM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837



End of post.

Ascended Weapon Chest drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Wow, that’s wonderful! Congrats on that reward.

~Muses to self: I wonder if I need to try that kitten-y kitten of a kitten-y JP again.~

As I say to anyone who has trouble with JP’s, if you need a mesmer to help you out, feel free to whisper me. I love running jumping puzzles and am more than happy to assist with any JP in the game.

Though I doubt you’ll take me up on the offer, the offer is there nonetheless. And that goes for anyone reading this.

Best sword skin to pair w ghastly shield?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Fiery Dragon Sword goes with anything.

Gem Store Wishlist w/ notifications

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’ve seen gem store offerings posted on one of the Guild Wars timer pages as a widget, showing new and returning items and their gem prices. Are those updated manually by the website administrators or is this information pulled from an API? I always assumed it was auto-generated from an API but the replies in this thread tell me otherwise. The widget lists all current promotions, their gem costs, and their price in gold (via gold>gem conversion).

I can link directly to the timer page but I’m not certain that hotlinking to external sites is allowed so for now I’ll just say it’s one of the more commonly used event timer websites with a fairly obvious web address.

[suggestion] Stop overwelming us with boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Yeah, I’m really not onboard with the idea of auto-gathering, auto-salvage or auto-etc.

Auto-salvage is just asking for trouble, and I can only imagine the nightmare of a headache that would be for Anet Support. Take a moment and think about how many players accidentally salvage the wrong thing and put in a support ticket asking to fix their mistake, and then imagine that they implemented a system which salvages everything for you immediately and how many support tickets that system would generate. No thank you.

And auto-gathering? Really? I completely understand that you don’t want to spend the time running around a map farming wood, ore, and plant nodes, but surely you must see how ridiculous this idea is.

Based on your requests, it sounds as though you would also be a fan of allowing AFK farming with necros and rangers. They shouldn’t have to spend their valuable time actually killing mobs to get loot, right? They should be allowed to just park their characters somewhere and let the loot roll in? Surely you see the problem here. The same problem applies to your idea of auto-gathering.

I do understand the lore proposition and logic behind Asuran technology being used to go out in the world and harvest materials, and I wouldn’t doubt that in the game lore this might actually already be a thing, but in practice this wouldn’t have positive effects on the economy and would actually encourage more players to not go out into lower level or mid level maps to farm those mid tier materials.

I could go on but I’m sure you get my point.

Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.

I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.

Please how do I do this?
And is it considered bannable?

Unless I’m mistaken, macros are only accepted when they replicate one key press for one action. Anything more than that and it would be an actionable offense if caught. That means that pressing a single mouse button to automatically replicate 10 or more double-clicks would fall outside the ToS and thus be a “bannable” offense.

I’d say it’s probably good practice to avoid using macros at all. The only time macros are officially allowed are when they are used for playing music with musical instruments. To my knowledge, this is the only situation in which Anet has officially stated that macro use is allowed.

Need Anet 3d models

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Sorry, but what does this have to do with Guild Wars?

Aside from your use of their art and media assets and your requests for their 3D models, what does this program have to do with GW2?

All of your screenshots seem to suggest that you’re trying to recreate your own version of GW2 in Unity.

What’s the point?

[suggestion] Stop overwelming us with boxes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Well, minor sigils and runes really aren’t worth the effort to anyone who has a max level character. There are thousands of them sitting on the TP which nobody wants to buy. I’d like to be able to add them to the “junk” list, but that’s just a personal wish and would probably take too many resources to properly code into the game. Guess I’ll just have to live with manually selling them off to the vendors.

They’re worth the effort to me. I’m sure I’ve probably vendored thousands of major and minor sigils over the years. Even at 1 silver each for the major sigils, that’s a good chunk of gold.

I wouldn’t be against being able to assign them to “junk” status to allow for ease of selling, but it really doesn’t take that much longer to doubleclick a few extra items when you’re vendoring stuff.

Game of Chess in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


While it’s wasn’t remotely chess-like, I do miss being able to play the RC golems in Metrica Province. There was a certain chess-like element to it, having to plan your moves to get towards the enemy had a certain amount of strategy to it. I know one of the reasons they took it out was because of the dramatic drop of players in early zones, but it was still a fun minigame I’d like to be able to play against my friends.

You can still play this! They put playable versions of the RC Golems in Auric Basin in a semi-hidden area. It’s not truly hidden of course, but it’s certainly off the beaten path and easy to miss if you’re not actively seeking it out or scouring the map during map completion. There are two playable boards near the Ancient Golem Part hero challenge.

Wiki has the location info.

Have fun!

EDIT: I’d like to add, I would love to see this minigame added as a guild hall “decoration” or upgrade. Put it in the tavern, or just outside, and let us play with guildies!

Same goes for Belcher’s Bluff, I’d love for there to be a permanent table in the GH tavern that you can unlock through an expensive guild upgrade. Considering the infinite use Belcher’s Bluff kit is 100g, I would expect a guild hall table to be probably 2-3 times that in cost. I would gladly pay the same amount of gold for a permanent RC Golem minigame in my GH. I know that’s crazy expensive, but I would buy it.

(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)

Mystic Forging Fractal Weapon Skins

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


Ah, thanks! I’m a fool. If I’d have just opened one of these crates I suppose I’d have figured that out by now.

Thanks again.

Mystic Forging Fractal Weapon Skins

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I can’t seem to find a straight answer on wiki, in LA mapchat, or via googling the forums. I have some fractal weapon skins sitting in my bank that I’ve been holding onto. I’m wondering:

If I drop these into the Mystic Forge to upgrade them into gold fractal weapon skins, will it also unlock the base version of the skin? Or, to phrase it a different way, do I need two (2) of each fractal weapon skin if I want to unlock both the basic skins and the gold skins?

Fractal Axe, for example. Do I need to acquire a [Fractal Axe] and consume that to unlock the fractal axe skin, and then acquire a second [Fractal Axe] so I can MF it into a [Gold Fractal Axe] to unlock that skin too?