Some of the tonics are fantastically perfect for gliding while transformed.
This past Wintersday, I was consuming a whole bunch of tonics to progress my festive imbiber, and the last one I ate was a reindeer tonic. I was still in reindeer form and accidentally ran off a cliff that was really high up and hit space bar in a panic to open my glider and try to save my fall. I started gliding, but the glider skin itself didn’t appear because I was under the effects of a transformation.
In that moment I was ecstatic at the realization that in Tyria, you can be a flying reindeer.
One of these years during Wintersday I’m going to get a big group of folks to follow me around LA or DR somewhere, in reindeer form, gliding from high up rooftops. Hopefully we can find a Santa look-alike to follow behind.
Res signets do have their place sometimes, mostly only in PvP though and mostly only for support builds. Warbanner is still useful with the right builds.
But I agree, for PvE res signets and warbanner are all but useless nowadays. But back before they removed the ability for these to revive dead NPC’s they were incredibly useful. My warrior always had warbanner equipped when doing PvE stuffs, especially during living story instances that required you to escort or defend NPC’s. As soon as things started going south you could drop warbanner and immediately revive a group of dead NPC guards to keep the event alive. Extremely useful in Silverwastes when doing defend events and you were overwhelmed and there was only a few seconds left before failure. Warbanner panic button FTW.
RIP warbanner/signets.
Uh, what? Maybe post a screenshot of this?
This is honest feedback from someone who has really enjoyed episodes 1-3 of this season.
So far, I don’t find the story and zone very interesting. I think episodes 1-3 were some of the best LW and I can appreciate that this episode might have been planned to reuse more material than usual due to the holiday season.
I do intend to finish it but I don’t really feel very compelled to do much with it now.
It feels like a lot of re-used foes and zone models. Again, given time of year, I can understand this one wasn’t planned as a heavy lift but I would have reused mobs or zones, not both.
That said, it isn’t terrible, just not as good as some of the recent ones that set a very high bar. Looking forward to finishing it and looking forward to more.
I logged into GW2 on thursday in anticipation of seeing the new zone and experiencing it. I quickly found myself asking what it was that was boring me. Was it my character, the zone, or just the game’s mechanics. It felt like I had already experienced all of it, and was merely replaying it, even though it was the first time in the new zone, and I hadn’t played GW2 in months.
I honestly am in the same boat. I really want to like the new map. It’s beautiful, and a smallish map so it should be easy to get around in, it’s got repeatable hearts and new stuff to collect and new achievements to hunt down.
But I’m bored, and I’m annoyed, and I really cannot pinpoint what it is that’s bothering me about this map. The longer I spend playing the map the less I want to play it. Last night I thought I was feeling this way because I’d had a sorta crappy day at work so I was in a rotten mood, but tonight I’m in a great mood and I just find myself not only uninterested, but disinterested.
I know that this is unhelpful. It helps to provide specific details as to what I think might be improved upon, and speaking in generalities like I am here isn’t very useful to the developers who worked so hard on this content. But there’s just something about this map that I find myself not enjoying. It’s turning me off to playing entirely and I’m frustrated in that I can’t explain why.
I’m sorry.
Yes! Absolutely love this idea. I’ve “upvoted” other threads proposing this idea but I will do the same here.
We have so many books now, and many of us are still holding all these completed books in our bank storage. Mine is starting to fill up with these and I’d love to not only have a secondary place to store them, but more importantly to have a place to show them off.
If books became an account-bound unlock like home instance nodes, not only would we not need to hold onto those books in bank storage, we would also be able to have many more books.
I’d even support making this a crafting thing related to scribes.
Cause um… the crafting profession is SCRIBE after all.
You are correct, it is your right to speak. It is also your right to read the terms of service you agreed to when signing up for a service. Such as the following taken from: 10 paragraph B
“You acknowledge that Service may be interrupted for reasons within or beyond the control of ArenaNet, that ArenaNet cannot and does not guarantee You will be able to use the Game or any Account whenever You wish to do so, that ArenaNet will interrupt the Service on a regular basis for purposes of maintenance or updates and may do so without providing You with notice before such interruption, and that ArenaNet may provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to the Game that You must accept and/or install before You will be able to use the Game.”What does it have to do with me asking to give us anything free? It’s about account usage, not update.
LOL if you don’t understand how this paragraph is relevant, there is absolutely no reason for us to continue debating with you on this subject. That said, I’ve bolded the relevant bits.
Have a great day.
I feel like a lot of you are misunderstanding why people are upset. It’s not the delay, it’s that people feel a bit strung along with statements like “a little later than usual” and “slight” when others are saying they’ve known it was a real possibility it wouldn’t come out today. That’s why most people are upset.
I give zero kittens if ppl think they’ve been strung along. Anet thought they’d get it out. They ultimately decided they couldn’t. They kept updating us as they made progress until they finally called it. Even if it’s a day or two late, that’s still “soon” in my book.
Frankly the amount of entitlement among some people is absolutely insane. At least all these entitled kittens can go rage chat some more in an AB multimap for another day. [/Brightside]
Ah yes that old yarn. It’s entitled to be upset about anything to some people I guess. Funnily enough it’s the “defenders” that are acting the most childish in their responses and yours is a key example of that.
I don’t think that poster is referring to people upset at what they viewed as poor communication, I think that poster is referring specifically to players in other threads that are literally asking for free gem handouts or BLC keys/weapon skins/etc as compensation for the delay.
Check the Ep4 update thread with the red splash. There are a few of them but there is one specifically that’s really being pushy about it.
I may be wrong, but I think that’s the type of behavior the above posters are referring to.
You would have a leg to stand on if you paid a premium for immediate access to this specific patch on this specific day. You did not pay such a premium as one does not exist, therefore you are not entitled to anything.
You bought a license to play Anet’s game. That entitles you to the ability to play the game. Servers are up, you play the game you paid for. GG.
I paid over 100 bucks for the game, HoT and gems, without the money I wouldn’t be able to experience the update. Especially HoT was quite expensive to buy and the final fight was still buggy till this day. So every HoT players deserve something because of the bad service?
You didn’t pay a dime for Ep4. And you didn’t pay anything to get it released today, either.
Someone already linked you to the appropriate part of the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you purchased the game. You should read it.
Absolutely agree with the sentiment here. There’s no reason to get up-in-arms about the delay, especially when it’s clear that they are doing their best to get the problems taken care of and the patch shipped to players as soon as possible. This was an incident that was completely out of their control.
And remember: Anet developers love playing this game too, so I guarantee you that a whole bunch of them are at the office right now trying to get this sorted out not just so that we can play the new content, but so they can too.
If any devs are reading this, or anyone else working their butts off at Anet HQ, I’m sorry this happened! And thank you for all the hard work. If nothing else, the toxicity and saltiness from players regarding the unforeseen delay truly shows just how much people love this game world you’ve all created.
Keep up the good work!
Just stop.
Why? I paid money to buy the game and gems, as the customer it is my RIGHT to speak out when circumstances like this had happened.
You would have a leg to stand on if you paid a premium for immediate access to this specific patch on this specific day. You did not pay such a premium as one does not exist, therefore you are not entitled to anything.
You bought a license to play Anet’s game. That entitles you to the ability to play the game. Servers are up, you play the game you paid for. GG.
Like, how can you be so into MMOs that you are planning your life around them yet not realize that planning your life around an MMO on patch day is a terrible kittening idea?
Anet doesn’t owe you anything. A planned release date for a patch is not a binding contract, and there is nothing held within the update that will be lessened because you get it tomorrow and not today.
They need to make their players happy, it’s how business works. They promised to release it in time but couldn’t do so. Why shouldn’t they give us some stuff? It doesn’t cost them anything.
Just stop. You sound really, really entitled right now and it isn’t making you any friends.
Anet will get the patch delivered as soon as it’s ready. Begging and spraying ALL CAPS all over the forums while making demands isn’t going to make the patch come sooner, and it certainly isn’t getting you anything for free.
If you have any self-respect, your best bet is to get your entitlement in check and wait patiently like the rest of us. The image you’re putting forth right now is not a positive one.
(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)
But, you do get an extra day of Lucky Divine Envelopes. That’s 16 more chances to win some gold that you wouldn’t have had if the patch launched today.
Fixing forum bug.
I’m sorry to post an off-topic reply, but I see this kind of post as the first post on page 2 of many threads and the curiosity is driving me nuts.
What’s the forum bug that everyone seems to reference with these posts that start a new page?
1%, huh?
Weird, I’ve never heard of you.
What may seem like boring dialogue to some is seen as interesting storytelling for others.
Just putting that out there.
Yes! This would be amazing!
In fact, you could use the SAB boomboxes that Moto sells as an ingredient for a SAB music decoration similar to Uzolan’s Mechanical Orchestra! Heck, you could make it cost like 25 of the boomboxes and I’d happily farm my brains out to get one for our GH.
Also, could we get SAB themed tonics this year? Please please please!
Ohh. Then I agree with you! I’d also love to be able to vertically raise and lower decorations while maintaining their horizontal positions.
And rotation along the vertical axis would be a dream, but I think a lot of decoration models are “open” on the bottom which a character could noclip through, so I don’t expect we’ll ever get that feature.
I don’t really have an opinion on the sale of guild hall decorations, because I don’t know what kind of effects that would have on the market in general. I wouldn’t really be against having the ability to purchase decorations for my GH, but I wouldn’t want this to be a thing if it had detrimental effects on material prices. It’s an interesting idea, though, and maybe worth pursuing.
The main reason for my reply is to address this:
Also can we get better placement control? We have 1 key to place and 4 to remove. Would be nice to be able to actually select an item and have the option to move/rotate it WITHOUT DELETING the item first.
Just wanted to remind you that when placing a decoration, if you click and hold the mouse button, then move your mouse around, it will allow you to rotate the decoration before placing it. When you let go of the LMB, the decoration won’t automatically be placed, it will instead stop rotation and once again allow you to move the decoration around and place it where you want, only this time it will be facing the direction you rotated it in.
Hope that helps.
You don’t want to log in every day to get the rewards? Then you don’t get the rewards.
The only players deserving of login rewards are those who logged in. I’m sorry, but you aren’t entitled to anything here. If you want the loot, spend the extremely short amount of time it takes to open the game, log onto a character, open the shaky chest and log off. You don’t even have to play. And you don’t even have to open the chest. It will remain shaking in the corner of your screen the next time you login, too.
And login rewards have very, very little to do with the gem store. The only item that could potentially be there to entice players into buying gem store items is the Chest of Black Lion Goods, and even that gives you a freebie and requires no purchase from the store to utilize.
“While you may not look at the cash shop every day, enticing you to do so is the reason why “dailies” exist in games; Your unique login translates into positive reporting for the bean counters at the company”
Those ‘bean counters’ are using login information for the purposes of monitoring active playerbase counts and subscriber numbers, not gem store sales. Gem store sales are tracked by—you guessed it—sales in the gem store. The two are not directly related, at least not in the roundabout way you are thinking.
To my knowledge, you can still craft any of the banners you could before HoT— the difference now is that you need to have the guild hall to do so and you must have a scribe to craft the banners.
All upgrades related to those you had pre-HoT (ie, guild vault, guild banners, etc) were automatically “unlocked” for you when HoT hit. For those specific upgrades, you were grandfathered in.
From the wiki: “Guilds that were able to create Guild Magic Find Banners before the release of the Heart of Thorns expansion have this upgrade automatically unlocked for free.”
The same applies to other upgrades you had already unlocked.
(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)
I haven’t searched back through all 13 pages of this thread, but skimming through page 13 here I didn’t see a reference to it:
Please, give us the option to set a PvP or WvW reward track to repeat upon completion! It’s been requested before, and here’s another thread about just that:
Would love to see implemented in the next big QoL update. A simple checkbox next to the track would suffice! Please please!
So, i have a small guild as well, most of the guildhall, we are currently at Level 34 i believe, was built with two people, one of which was me.
I will say that i find it sad that influence is gone but i actually enjoyed building the guildhall, it takes long, yes, but on the other hand, at least i, have a long time goal with this.
It will take me even longer to get my scribe anywhere, or the guildhall to max lvl at that, but in parts i want to say that is due to certain bottlenecks, like the fact that you gain way too little flax-seeds but need like 8K of them for a single lower level upgrade.Again, in the long run i enjoy the building, but i get the frustration at the same time.
The system does favor larger guilds, not sure how this could be solved so that smaller guilds don’t feel like they fall behind because influence was easier to gain for larger guilds as well.
This is me, pretty much exactly. Two of my friends and I started a guild when we first got into GW2 shortly after launch, and since guild halls were introduced we’ve been very slowly building it up. One of them has since stopped playing, for the most part, so it’s just been myself and one other investing in the GH. We’re also up to level 34 now and just last week finished the big tavern upgrade that required 200 kegs.
It’s funny; a lot of the upgrades are ridiculously expensive for one or two players to try to complete on their own, but when you do try to tackle these upgrades and you do finally get it completed, the feeling of accomplishment is so much greater than what you might get from donating a few scraps of materials and a little gold here and there to a huge guild with hundreds of members. We truly feel as though the guild hall we’ve got is ours and ours alone, because honestly, it is! We’ve put so much time and effort into the GH and invested so much, not to mention the time spent decorating… needless to say, we’re proud of what we’ve done with so few contributions from others.
My point here is that even without influence, small guilds of only a handful of players can indeed claim a guild hall and deck it out. Yes, it will take a lot of time, and it will not be cheap, but it can be done. The “GH grind” does indeed become a bit disheartening at times when you look at what’s required of the next big upgrade (moar SW shovels, le sigh), but as you start to make headway you’ll get excited at the prospect of finally completing that big step. Or maybe that’s just me.
Regarding Guild Missions
The best advice I can give is to find a BIG, active guild with LOTS of members that schedules guild missions every week to ensure completion with their large membership base. There are a lot of big, friendly guilds which have no rep requirements and also don’t mind you piggybacking onto their guild missions while repping your own. You can complete a lot of PvE guild missions in this way (but not PvP nor WvW missions, unfortunately):
Follow the big guild’s squad around from map to map. You may need to join their squad to stay on the same map instance. As soon as the big guild starts a mission, immediately open your guild tab and launch the same mission. Make sure you are repping your guild, not the big guild, and once the mission is complete you should get credit as well. This works for guild bounty, guild race, and even guild puzzles (be sure to join the big guild’s puzzle instance, not your small guild’s instance)—once the mission completes, there is an NPC you can speak to that will give you an option to “end the mission early,” giving your small guild credit for completion too. This doesn’t work for most guild challenges that I’ve found, and more difficult missions like Hard Bounty simply aren’t feasible unless you have enough members of your small guild to be present for each of the bounty kills. But for many of the guild missions, you can actually complete these and get credit for your small guild even if you’re the only person in your guild.
Similarly, easy and medium guild treks are probably the simplest missions to do, and while 1 player can solo the easy trek, 2 players can do the medium trek if they’re quick enough and get lucky locations, while 3 players makes it a cake walk. Also, easy bounty is…well, stupidly easy. Trillia and Brekkabek can both be killed relatively easily with only two players.
But before you tag along on guild missions in the way I’ve described, you may want to ask someone in the big guild you’re following around if they’re okay with you leeching. Most will say it’s fine, because they understand that even though you aren’t repping them, they still get one additional player assisting them with mission completion (and that’s almost always a good thing), and you’re still participating in their guild’s weekly scheduled event, even if you are repping your personal guild. But just to be safe, check first.
(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)
+1. It’s been requested before but as always, it’s a great idea.
A simple check-box next to the track would suffice.
I’d prefer this were a selectable option in the options menu, though, like other nameplate options. I wouldn’t like to see health bars over every player I come across in Tyria as the screen would become really cluttered, and it’s just unnecessary there. But in sPvP, this would be something I would probably enable. Even in WvW.
Perhaps allow the same options as nameplates. Show All, Show Teammates Only, Show None, etc.
Also, you might want to post this in the stickied QoL Suggestions thread at the top of this forum, as the devs watch that thread and it’s more likely to be noticed there.
To be honest, I see luck like this atm : luck is spamming in my inventory . It’s not fun when you see someone spamming in map chat all day long about their guild. I will be pleased to see a change about it, even so it’s deleted from the game. Not being seen or making them as tokens will be even better, but everyone can dream, but some don’t reach them… lol. When I’ll be bored I’ll leave the game like I’ve done in the past with some other. New territories is fun also, but when you crowd it with mobs and you are at a state that fighting every second is already pain, new maps with more mobs near materials don’t make, for me, new stuff. But that, it’s another subject…
I deal with the luck “spam” by keeping one of each tier of essence off to one side of my inventory when I’m out doing stuff that gives me big piles of loot. As I salvage, instead of cluttering up my inventory, the luck neatly piles itself into the stacks I already have going, and when I finish my loot farming for the day, it’s just a matter of right clicking each stack and selecting “Consume All”
Doing this once at the end of your loot run rather than after every single salvage really cuts down on the time you might spend “dealing” with the luck to almost no time at all.
Hope this helps.
This thread again? This discussion has long since played out. Please don’t necro six month old threads.
I don’t agree that the UI is terrible. I think it effectively conveys the information Anet wants to convey through the UI. A lot of other information, such as condis, boons, damage and crit info is conveyed through the world itself via the text and numbers over your target (or above your own character) when in combat.
That said, I would absolutely love it if Anet would allow us the same UI customization options that we had in GW1. That system was, in my opinion, perfect. It allowed players who wanted a minimalist UI to remove many of the on-screen windows, and players who wanted as much information as possible to arrange their UI in a way they liked.
This would be great, but I really doubt that we will see a drastic overhaul to it this far into the game’s release, especially considering they dropped the customizable UI intentionally.
The refractors do adjust skin color. I know they definitely don’t stack with other refractors. They also don’t stack with other color infusions like Phospholuminescent, to my knowledge.
The reason it’s account luck is because luck used to be bound to armor and people were making high luck armor. Their armor was inferior in damage and boons to regular armor. They were then going into group events such as dungeons and benefiting from their party members doing more damage and group help than them and yet they were getting better drops. After multiple complaints luck was changed to account bound, a better system than character bound luck.
Thanks for the clarification on this mentality. I’ve seen one or two other posts like Traced’s since they changed luck to account bound and I have never understood why anyone would actively destroy luck they get. It just doesn’t make logical sense to me as these players are actively choosing to destroy something that directly helps them to get better drops. Even if it’s an extremely, extremely small increase in Magic Find, it’s still an increase.
To me it’s akin to declining a raise at work. I just don’t see the logic in it.
Thanks again for this explanation, even if it isn’t Traced’s reason for destroying luck, it at least gives me an idea of why people might choose to do that.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: That depends on how many of your characters have already finished world completion.
Your first character? Yes, absolutely. You get some achievement points and it gives you the opportunity to see all of Tyria in its beautiful glory. Plus, by simply spending a lot of time in each map you’ll start to recognize and remember where players tend to congregate, where big events happen, where you can reliably find specific types of materials, and other stuff like that.
Your next three or four characters? Depends on a number of factors, but first and foremost you should ask yourself whether the full world exploration experience was enjoyable enough for you simply by itself, not including the loot you may have gotten. If it was, then absolutely do world completion again on as many characters as you desire. Plus, those extra Black Lion Keys never hurt!
Your tenth character and on? Entirely up to you, but beyond a certain point you realize that the loot is simply not worth the time spent endlessly rolling tens of alts through Tyria. Yes, it’s a beautiful world. Yes, I enjoy mapping. But no, I don’t finish maps much anymore. I’ve still got I think 11 or 12 gifts of exploration in my bank and those will probably remain unused forever. I don’t need the loot, and I don’t mind running straight past renown hearts or POI’s anymore. Unless I’m in the mood
Having said that, I do still run almost all of my alts through Tyria to at the very least get all (or most) waypoints unlocked. That is something that will never stop being useful. And getting all of the waypoints on a map can be done in minutes sometimes, while fully completing a map usually takes me an hour or two.
Sorry for my long-winded responses. I have a tendency to be a bit too verbose sometimes. My apologies :S
But as Inculpatus said, just do what you have the most fun with, or whatever you feel like doing at any given moment. World completion is definitely a good place to start, that was the first thing I focused on when I reached level 80 with my first character. I really love to explore all the nooks and crannies of a map, though, and I’m a bit of a completionist. If you don’t find it that enjoyable, turn your attention elsewhere.
Anyway, welcome to the game. Now that you’re level 80, the real fun begins. And if you see me online sometime, by all means, feel free to shoot me a message if you have questions. Happy to help
Please don’t destroy your luck. My guild will happily take it off your hands for the sake of lantern decorations in the guild hall.
I’m quite serious, too. Whisper me in-game if you see this post and have an overabundance of luck you’re planning on destroying. We’ll send you an invite and you can toss it all in the GH, instead!
When posting a listing on the trading post for a high priced item like a legendary, there is always the risk that someone will undercut your listing, even if only by 1c. I would recommend checking the history of Eternity’s TP listings through a site like which allows you to see the entire history of an item’s trading post listings, with buy orders and sell offers alike.
Look for a listing within the last six months to a year or so which is close to the price you’d like to sell yours at, and follow the chart to see how long it was listed for that price before it finally sold. This should give you an estimate time frame on how long it may take, but as with everything else related to the trading post, this data will not be 100% representative of what your experience will be. Perhaps you will get lucky and list the weapon, only to find it sells within minutes of your posting. Perhaps you will be undercut by not one other seller, but ten. It could go either way.
The strategy I always take when I list a high ticket item on the trading post is to first do the research as I suggested above—check the item’s TP history and find the “average” price it typically sells at, and use that as a baseline for the highest price I should be posting mine at. I find that the closer I am to this self-imposed price ceiling, the longer it will take the item to sell. If I undercut that “average” price by an amount low enough to entice buyers and turn off other potential sellers who might want to similarly undercut me, but high enough that I still make a profit (or get the amount I’d like to get out of it), then I’m happy.
The trick is finding the happy medium between listing the item low enough that you dissuade other sellers from undercutting you and high enough that you still get what you want out of the sale. There is no perfect formula or equation that I know of to guarantee a profitable sale, I’m afraid.
I hope this helps. Good luck with the sale!
I’m sorry for the confused post, but I did a google search for combinations of “gw2 dragon’s heart” and “gw2 blue blogs regen hp” and came up with nothing. The only relevant result I can find redirects back to this thread. I can’t seem to glean what you folks are talking about through post context, either. For clarification, what achievement/zone/etc is this in reference to?
If it’s a raid thing, that might explain my confusion. I have yet to even begin attempting raids.
I like buying BL keys when there are items in the chests I want. The RNG is exciting to me, it’s like playing the lotto, and I enjoy the thrill that comes with getting a really lucky drop.
I bought a bunch of keys because of the newest update to the chests and despite my previous dissent in other similar threads on the “seasonal” black lion chests, I am really enjoying the new additions to the drop table. These cool new additions give us an incentive to buy BL keys, an incentive that for a while there was very much lacking.
If the drop table continues to be updated with fresh, new items that are exclusive to the BL chests, I will continue to buy keys as they are introduced in each seasonal change. More of this, please!
All gear less than level 75 (whether Masterwork, Rare, or Exotic) — Salvage everything
For gear level 75+ I use this system:
Masterwork quality and below — Salvage everything.
Rare armor — Salvage everything.
Rare weapons — Mystic Forge everything. Separate into groups based on weapon types first, only forging swords with swords, scepters with scepters, etc.
Exotic armor — Check runes and item value first. If runes are worth the same or more than item price, salvage with Black Lion kit and sell rune. If not, check price of item on TP. Salvage if below 50s, sell if above.
Exotic weapons — Check sigils and item value first. If sigils are worth the same or more than item price, salvage with BL kit and sell sigil. If weapon is part of a collection I need, account bind it and unlock it for collection. If I already have it unlocked for collection, sell on TP if value is 2g+. If value is less than 2g, Mystic Forge it with two other exotics and one Mystic Forge Stone.
Granted, the system I use for Mystic Forging things does require a good chunk of storage space, so if you don’t have a personal storage guild you can use for this it may not be as effective for your purposes. Also, MFing stuff is generally understood as flushing it down the toilet as the “return on investment” is usually zilch, but I’ve gotten most of my precursors in this fashion.
I used to Mystic Forge rare and exotic armors, too, for the chance at getting expensive exotic runes, but I noticed that by doing this in addition to all the weapons I was getting exactly zero ecto. So now I salvage those.
To clarify my position, even though I think it’s a bit foolish for someone to expect a refund from items they’ve owned for such a long period of time, I actually have zero objections to alternate uses for items, like Aerinndis and JustTrogdor have suggested.
If there were a mini salvage-o-matic you could get from MFing one of these with some other things or a new GH decoration requiring it, gem store sales would probably increase because of that change, even if only by a small amount. I just don’t think Anet should be held “accountable” (pun fully intended, wink nudge) because some people regret purchases they made a year ago.
+1 to alternate uses! Because why not?
I still have all 4 of my 4th year “choose a dye” packs. Just can’t decide what ones I want.
Same! I save all of those for when I’m working on a new character’s appearance or I’m doing a new cosplay and it requires a very specific color scheme that I maybe haven’t unlocked yet. Better to hang onto those dye packs until you need them rather than just choosing the most expensive dyes “just because,” in my opinion.
But yeah, also WTB vantablack.
Aha! Believe it or not, I actually also got the Permanent Bank Access item a year or so ago, but the highest buy offer on the trading post was just too good not to sell. I still sorta regret it, as I don’t think I bought anything important with that gold. Still, I have a feeling if I got another one to drop, if the average price on TP were more than 700 gold I would probably sell it again.
I’m a gold hound. :P
Short answer to the question in the subject line:
I opened some keys last night and received three of the rooster minis also. The first time, it gave me the item. The second and third times it dropped, a red message appeared with the text JAFW quoted above (“Duplicate, account-bound unlock detected. Item has been replaced with free keys.”) and received bonus keys both times.
I suspect the same thing happened to you and maybe you lost count of how many keys you’d already used, provided you had enough BL chests in your inventory to cover the extra keys you received from the duplicate minis. But if you’re absolutely, positively certain that you did not receive additional keys, contact customer support and they can likely clarify what happened for you.
Hope this helps.
I didn’t even know about the existence of this item! Thanks for posting about it, and congrats on finally getting the ring
Also, you have some shiny stuff in your inventory that I’m ultra jealous of. Do want!
Thunder, your latest reply came in while I was typing my ultra long post just now, but figured I’d respond to your latest questions too:
Most of the folks farming world bosses are there for the loot and nothing more. Some are farming ecto from the rares, some are there because the world bosses have a small chance at dropping ultra rare items which are required to complete the Treasure Hunter collection (find it under Hero panel > Achievements Tab > Collections > Rare Collections > Treasure Hunter). Most of these items are worth hundreds of gold with an extremely low drop rate, so in order to acquire one you either have to save up your gold or farm the world bosses a lot.
Some people simply do the WB’s because it’s a relatively easy way of getting a lot of decent loot with minimal effort, as many of them can be done while you’re half AFK and just spamming the 1 key with the rest of the zerg, whereas others require more a concerted effort (like Tequatl). Still others might be working on finishing up some achievements, as a few world bosses have achievements tied to them.
Regarding crafting professions, to be honest with you, crafting is something that isn’t really necessary in this game. The vast majority of items that you can craft (with any profession, really, whether it’s chef or weaponmaster) can be purchased from the trading post for less gold than it costs to craft. That said, a lot of players use crafting as a way of working on new gear (such as ascended stuff) over time rather than having to shell out a big chunk of gold at once. Other players, like a friend of mine, simply prefer to craft stuff when they need it because they almost always have an overabundance of materials saved up.
The crafting profession you decide to pursue really just comes down to personal preference. Chef is used to make food that gives you buffs, as well as a few specialty items required for certain exclusive skins, like the Mawdrey back piece. Weaponsmith is mostly used for—you guessed it—crafting weapons. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to craft every weapon with a Weaponsmith, you’ll need to have someone proficient in the Huntsman crafting profession to make ranged weapons like longbows or shortbows.
Ultimately, every crafting profession in GW2 has a specific type of things they can make. To be honest, Chef is probably the most “difficult” of the professions simply because there are so many more recipes to learn and so many more ingredients to juggle on your way to maxing out your crafting level. Depending on how invested in Chef you are, it may benefit you to select a different profession for now and come back to it, but that’s entirely up to you. More info on the different professions here:
Regarding your question on throwing stuff into the Mystic Forge, the only reason players do this is for a chance to profit, or for a (very, very small) chance at getting a precursor. The drop rate for precursors is atrociously low, so I don’t recommend dumping stuff into the Mystic Forge unless it’s stuff you don’t mind losing. Many players call it the Mystic Toilet, with good reason.
Having said that, full disclosure: I do put almost all rare weapons I get into the Mystic Forge because I’ve gotten a few precursors this way over the last four years of my playing. This is the main way I’ve acquired my precursors. I have easily flushed thousands of rares and exotics down the mystic forge, and it’s pretty likely that I’ve probably lost more gold and ecto than I’ve ever gained through doing this. It is RNG, pure and simple. Getting a precursor in this manner is like winning the lottery.
My advice? Don’t put anything into the Mystic Forge unless you are fully expecting to lose it.
I hope some of this information helped you in some way!
You could…
Go achievement hunting. Try to complete whole sections of achievements, like the achievements for completing all dungeons, or the jumping puzzle or world boss achievements.
Work toward a legendary. Get the shiniest of shinies. The endgame of GW2 is, for me, Fashion Wars 2, and I love it. I spend more time tweaking my characters’ appearances sometimes than actually playing, and it can be a lot of fun to see what you can come up with. In-game cosplays are always entertaining too (I’m particularly fond of my Guybrush Threepwood and similarly, my Bobbin Threadbare).
Find a raid group and practice, practice, practice. Farm your raid of choice with said group once you have mastered it. Achieve total enlightenment and get all teh lootz (including the permanent, unlimited portal item that can be used by any character—/me want that)
Pick an ultra expensive item that you want on the trading post, and go for it. Sell all the mats and loot you get and save all your gold until you get the thing and win the satisfaction of having said thing (and show it off when you do, so map chat can be envious—I always am, at any rate).
Start participating in WvW. Find a group of friends or guildmates (lots of guilds are WvW-only, always good to be a part of one in case your current guild doesn’t have many WvWers) and start roaming the Borderlands maps to pick fights with the opposition, or jump headfirst into zerg mode in the Edge of the Mists and karma train until you are nauseous.
Start participating in PvP. Find a build you like online, or use your own, and tweak it slightly over time until you can counter the classes that usually kill you. Play PvP until you rage, then ragequit (but don’t rage in chat, you’ll just look silly and the responses you’ll get will make you rage more), then come back when the rage subsides and do it all over again. Become not only proficient in your class and build, but effective in understanding what you do best, and steamroll the opposition. Learn how to recognize when your enemy is using a heal skill or heavy burst skill and learn to time your interrupts to sufficiently stop them from doing what they want to do. And during active PvP league seasons, do all of this while bringing in more gold than you know what to do with (this season especially, ohmaga).
Work toward unlocking every skin in the wardrobe. Then, when you have all of the “easily” acquired skins, buy some black lion keys and hope you get lucky with some Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock items, then hope you get even luckier when you use said items and maybe get some ultra rare gem store skins that have been unavailable for years. (Lots of RNG involved here though, maybe don’t do this first)
Save gold, then buy more character slots with said gold and create a character for every available class. Get them all to level 80 and unlock each of their elite specializations.
Master all the masteries.
Become a fractal professional. Farm fractals until your eyes bleed, and until you have more gold and ascended rings than you know what to do with. Make Ad Infinitum.
Create a mesmer exclusively for jumping puzzles. Use that character to help others get through difficult puzzles (like Not So Secret or Skipping Stones). Offer portals for free and sometimes get tips, or request up-front payment for portals. (Warning: Doing the latter will probably get you angry whispers, and chances are not many takers, but YMMV).
Do anything you like, really! Don’t let your dreams be dreams etc
Good luck!
But Justine, the shared inventory slots didn’t make any of this stuff irrelevant. The salvage-o-matic was always account bound. You could always transfer it between characters. The shared slot just removed a step from that process—instead of walking yourself to the bank to deposit it and then pick it up with a different character, you can put it in this slot and transfer it over that way instead.
Nothing has changed. Nothing has been made irrelevant. If you have 30 characters each with their own copper-fed and silver-fed salvage-o-matics, along with a full set of unlimited salvage kits, and each with their own infinite repair tool, permanent hair stylist contract, permanent trading post contract and permanent merchant contract, then you have the ultimate in convenience.
You can buy 30 of an account bound item, one for each character. That’s absolutely a thing that you can do. But you don’t get to turn around and blame Anet a year later because you realize you made (what some might consider) a foolish decision in buying so many duplicates.
And regarding the NPC summons, If you actually purchased multiple permanent NPC summon contracts, that’s a really silly waste of gold.
The snowball fight PvP minigame in Wintersday is a lot of fun. I also really enjoy Dragon Ball, even though most people don’t. If you don’t have fun with it, don’t play it. As many have already stated, the rewards are not great for DB so it’s really only there to play if you enjoy it.
I will absolutely agree that it would be nice if Anet had a couple of people dedicated to tweaking and revamping festival content year round, but if it doesn’t fit within their budget constraints then I’m supportive of their “launch and leave it be” stance. There are way more important things for them to be working on than content that is entirely temporary. Each festival is here for 3 weeks per year. If Anet doesn’t have the extra staff to devote to this content, I’d rather they not stretch themselves too thin.
The current release schedule they’ve been adhering to over the last six months has been awesome, in my opinion, and I’d rather they not risk that by trying to make festivals amazing. And after having typed that, I’m sad to admit to myself that GW2 festivals aren’t really amazing to me anymore since there’s nothing new, but I stand by my previous thoughts.
Substantial and permanent content is more important to me. Just my opinion, though.
I’m with IWN on this. I love the variety and variation. Not everything has to be part of a set.
There’s a Karka Helm out there that lets you wear a karka on your face, like a facehugger from Alien or Half-Life 2. Should there be a full karka set, with karka gloves and karka leggings and..? You get the idea.
Variety is good!
These were account bound right from the start, correct? If so, then buying multiples of them was a bit overkill, and you were paying extra for the simple convenience of not having to walk to the bank in order to transfer the salvage-o-matic between characters.
As a person who has bought many unlimited gathering tools (and a few extra shared slots), I get the mentality behind paying extra for a little extra convenience. However, in keeping with the “convenience” mentality, you should keep in mind that the shared slots do not negate that convenience. They may offer additional convenience should you choose to place one of your salvage-o-matics there, but by owning a salvager for each character, you are able to free up that shared slot for something else. Therefore, owning extra salvage-o-matics is still a convenience to you.
I think with this in mind, and also bearing in mind that refunds typically only happen within a week or so of purchase, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever get refunded for the extras.
Let’s say I buy a bicycle this year and ride it all around town as my main form of transportation. It’s more convenient for me to get around this way than by walking, as it’s faster and less strenuous. Next year, the company that sold me the bike offers me a job with lots of benefits, one of which being a company car. The car is more convenient than the bike so I don’t really need the bicycle anymore, but the company isn’t going to give me a refund on the bike. I bought it a year ago and I’ve been riding all year round. And I can still ride that bike anytime I want, because I bought it and I own it, even if the car is the easier option.
To clarify, I would pay for this even if it were simply an instance of old Lion’s Arch without any services. No bank access, TP or merchants to be had, just NPC’s you could perhaps chat with and an explorable version of the entire map (including the old Troll JP please!).
I imagine it would be no different than when you can enter old Lion’s Arch during personal story, except without the sharp auto-kick border limiting your walkable area of the map. And without the sepia, of course
That said, it would be neat if it were a “shared instance” which allowed you to join party members in (via party window, right-click player, Join Player In Lion’s Arch).
(edited by drunkenpilot.9837)