Showing Posts For hotcatz.6834:
I’m another vet’ that thinks gliding is a great addition to WvW, not heard any negatives so far in our borderland chats or TS3 apart from the few bugs that needed fixing,
Too many people come here and speak for ‘everyone’
People need to step back, remember it’s a game and give things a fair go before they condemn out of hand.
It’s 100% one of EACH precursor per account. On my main l’ve made Nevermore, the pre’ for chukka and champawhatsit (only did it for the tiger cubs) and am working on the pre’ for the new sword now.
I have made Nevermore 3 times though, on 3 accounts…….
Seriously… so many negative whiners that clearly did not even read the dev post before launching into their ‘yip, yip, whah, whah, cry, cry mode….
Read the kitten post, wait and see what happens… anet have already proved they can and will adapt things to a degree if their ideas go ‘pointy bits up’
@ 5.6k rank I think I’m what might be classed as a vet’, I’m on the fence about this change but mostly I suspect it’s success or otherwise depends on how we adapt and learn to use this new skill we are being offered.
The OP clearly wants to smash the final nail in WvWs coffin….
Same for me, all other nodes brought and oyster not showing up at the vendor.
No, it shouldn’t, if ‘you’ want WvW rewards then ‘you’ should play WvW.
@Demonseed, In your case rally is working as intended, it was changed to 1 for 1 quite some time ago.
But the patch notes also say siege has been removed, so that’s a bug they need to fix somehow
Perso, I think the patch notes are hilarious and show that whatever we think, anet are aware of our feelings on certain matters….
There’s a bug where loot bags can port you inside walls, which is very annoying, in particular around the little niches on the outside of the lords room walls in Stone Mist.
I’ve also been ported into the staircase in the lords room at hills by a particularly vicious loot bag.
Why do loot bags cause you to relocate at all? It certainly seems to happen more since auto loot came into WvW.
Not sure about a rank restriction, regular players should get a vote even if they are relatively new to the game mode, but you sure as hell shouldn’t get the vote mail in EOTM.
This is (was) my favorite tonic in WvW, can’t imagine why they disabled it……
A wish list that short, surely they can accommodate that
Gonna miss you Fury, good luck for the future. TS and drunk raids will be quieter without you but not necessarily in a good way
This is a good idea and used in many games that don’t have an alterable difficulty level. Two recent games that use it to good effect are Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3.
The big issue with the HoT maps is that they are not large enough to allow this to work.
It took me a week total from deciding to go for it, to the finished article; I did have all the mats bar the crystal ore, sparks and about half the orbs, so can’t speak to the total cost.
I had to level the last two legend masteries (thank you Silverwastes) The worst part (for me) was getting the full HoT masteries, as I only had gliding complete at the start. The XP grind wasn’t so bad, it was getting the points to level them. Those kitten mini tortures (I mean adventures….)
It’s not unlocked account wide (at least not for me) you still get the message about going the egg bearer……
The lower level leathers, particularly rugged have always been expensive. It just shows how little thought went into the change to ascended materials…..
Also it seems that not all the big presents drop little ones. Mapping today I came across two that only contained skirt.. Maybe that is what the OP came across.
I was in a DS map yesterday, map was well populated on opening, and though events were progressing (I was on 40%) no one tagged, so people left and eventually the low pop map closing message popped up. I chose to move to a new map.
The new map was empty bar 1 other person….. 0 progress. So, in LFG I found a map with comms, moved to said map, checked my progress, back to 40%. Yup, I was back on my orig map…. Hoorah, let’s get this thing done.
An hour later things are ticking along, looking good and BANG, map closes. Same thing for all the guys in my squad, we’re now spread across multiple empty maps, all progress lost…
A similar thing happened in an AB map a couple of days earlier…
Not a great system, something’s broken somewhere, repopulated maps should not just close or a map tagged for closure should not let new people in.
One or the other guys, one or the other……
PS: why can I even make a topic title longer than the max allowed kitten …….
Let’s hope they don’t fix it. With their track record their ”fix” will be to remove fighting in WvW so no one ever goes into the downed state.
I lol’d.
I cried
As an Ele, I’ve encountered this bug many times, it seems to come and go with patches. /sit (or any other emote) will normally get you out of it.
So, since these new wonder kitten borderlands arrived, the eotm supply drop in home border seems to be bugged..
In our green home border the supply is red and unusable, has been the whole kitten time…… (Even when green have ‘won’ eotm)
Add this to the two uncompletable WvW dailies that still have not been fixed……
Oh yea and the kitten for brains PvE event that still bangs on….
Dead gametype is dead.
Gromit my little fruitbat, I do hope you’re wrong.
However as someone who in just over two years has ranked up to platinum colonel, (not showing off, just showing l’ve played a lot in that time) by roaming on what ever class I fancy and then grouping up to do my Ele thing for my server. Since HoT came out, I’ve hardly set foot in WvW except for guild stuff, my friends aren’t there, most aren’t even logging in
I really hope Anet has not killed WvW but it sure feels like it right now
On my main account I have 15 characters with 100% map completion, so have held off at 98% in VB, on my 2nd account I have a character at 92% so went ahead and completed VB, got the rewards, yea opened the elementalists cache, yea got an exotic dagger… But it didn’t unlock the cache in the achievement panel((((((
Possibly because I didn’t have tempest unlocked yet but even so
There’s another bug involved here too, if you complete the map and get the reward (no core maps completion) but then open the cache without unlocking your elite specialisation, you don’t the the cache credited to the collection achievement
We had the same issues with guild rush today
I’ve been using it too, no issues here.
Got my first (and only so far) about 10 days ago. 5k hours and rank 3000, Dusk dropped in home bl, no idea from what. Opened inventory to salvage, spotted it straight away… Closed inventory… Reopened and it was still there, woohoo.
So I made Twilight. Only needed 2 AC runs to finish all the mats for it, sold it on the TP and bought The Bifrost.
Well, I’ve got 13 characters, all L80 and map complete, all professions, but 2 necros, 2 guards and 4 Eles….. If, I had to choose just one it would be Ele, but don’t make me choose
I’ve got 12 characters so far, 10 of whom have 100% map. The two new one will also get their little yellow star.
Once I got my tenth to 100% I was going to take a break from training up a new character, but realised that I much prefer farming mats whilst doing something constructive like mapping.
The world boss train bores me to tears and I’m not keen on dungeons or fractals so it’s a productive way to spend my time when not in WvW.
Same issue here, all checkboxes are ticked but I still have to click on ‘login’ each time.
They did it on purpose…. I just got my 10th world completion and was determined to wait a bit before buying another slot and starting the ball rolling again.
Saw the offer, bought two more…….. I will try to to resist rolling two more Asura…. In vain I suspect
Plus 1 for the llama!
Taimi behaved like a complete brat, I’d have giving her an old fashioned telling off given the chance!
She nearly got herself killed, I had to waste my time rescuing her. And then that twit of a Norn behaved like the nublet was the injured party. Cross, I was furious!
Hey ho. Did enjoy the fights though with my Ele
I’m on 10 slots, 1 of each profession, plus an extra Necro and Ele, 8 have map completion and the other two on are well en route. I can’t imagine ever deleting one, so I guess there will be an eleventh slot bought soon though not until the two slackers have 100% map…
I’ve only used eotm to level up 2 new characters since the trait change, all my other badges have come from ‘proper’ WvW thanks.
I’ m still swimming in the things.
Just to add to this, as a single weapon slot user (Ele’ or Engi’) if you need to change land weapon (assuming you have the same sigil on original land weapon, water weapon and new land weapon) mid map, if you swap land weapons underwater you will not loose your stacks.
I know it’s not always convenient (or even possible) but it does work.
Rather than a Gem store item, make it available from the badge armor guy for a couple of thousand badges of honour. That kills two birds with one stone, we get our runes and sigils back and it gives us something to spend the badges on…….
I assumed the OP meant once you had bought extra slots that they might be displayed on the login page as there is indeed room. Certainly I would appreciate my 9th and 10th characters being displayed at login.
I started my 1st wvw map completion (as a ranger no less) by going out into the maps solo early in the mornings, and just getting the points we (my server) owned, it was scary as hell but enjoyable at the same time, sneaking about and running at the first sign of enemy players then I got a bit braver and started sneaking into enemy camps (just grabbing POIs and running) then I just joined the Zerg to get enemy towers and keeps, about the time I finished my WvW mapping I got an invite to a WvW guild (even though I was a ranger) since then I’ve discovered I love WvW (I main an Ele and a Necro).
Eight (and a 1/2) 100% map completions later I still map WvW on my characters in the same way, as solo as possible, just for the kicks. It’s a lot less scary for me now and I’m lucky that my server is active and changes colour on a regular basis but even so I start mapping WvW from an early stage with a new character, (my last Ele was only level 20 when she had all four maps 100%) that way I’m not waiting on ‘that last point’ that I have no control over for map completion.
Embrace the fear and get out there, you might even discover a whole new game mode that you enjoy
I can’t believe I’m the only one who hears this but… It’s a male voice and I’m sure he says
’ joyous kitten ’ during fights……
The kittened word is 3 letter American slang for your behind
(edited by hotcatz.6834)
WvW weapons and armor bought with gold and badges can be forged.
I always by my alts badge exotics at level 60 and forge then when I replace at 80.
Everything the others said and double for LB4….
When you click to apply the sigil you get a choice of which slot to fill, simple.
Dannehtbh hasn’t disappeared, just a bit too busy right now. He’s still commanding like a ‘Bauss’
Mesmer here, + 1
Ele here +2
I’ve got a full set of ptv with melandru (qq) no longer use it…. I thought about transmuting it it whites to extract the runes but held out too long. Silly me
Until yesterday, I’d not got a goldseller whisper for weeks, but in eotm it was nonstop…. All blocked and reported but it was annoying….