Showing Posts For ixon.2496:
So basically during my last match i would get massive lag spikes when approaching two of the enemy players, both had the same guild tag.
I kept an eye on my ping, it would sit at around 60-80 on average, but as soon as they got near would spike up to 400-600, lagging out and id be dead from the burst damage before i could even react.
I found it pretty suspicious, any thoughts?
Look at is this way… the item ownership system is a fundamental system in any game, especially MMOs. If you were to change any fundamental system would you not want to plan it out carefully, prototype it on a controlled server and QA the crap out of it? That’s a job that requires weeks, if not months, when you have a game as large as a MMO. Rush it, and you’re almost certainly cause worse bugs. Do it properly, and you’ll be lucky if you have any player-base remaining after your weeks of down-time.
I will ignore most of the things I wrote in my suggestion.
Changing the state of an item from “soulbound” to “account bound on acquire & soulbound on use” (this state is in this game) has no impact on the game. Items still can’t be sold on the market or used by another account. Max you can do is to move them on another toon and use them there but you can no longer use them on another toon. It will max allow some swap between the items some toons have, market won’t even feel it because I doubt someone waited for such oportunity to happen.
This is just a search and replace in the database and nothing else. Those operation can even be done live and require no downtime…
There are many soulbound items that are quest/personal story items and having them become account bound could potentially create issues, it would take a lot of coding to change every soulbound item like these to not create bugs or glitches.
Seriously, putting 3 thieves on the one team VS two scrappers and two DH’s, major CC advantage. Couldnt stand on a single point due to all the moa, traps, knockbacks.
And yes, two thieves did switch. but it didnt matter.
60-556 loss
Clearly we had a 50/50 chance of winning that match >.>
Class stacking is just game breaking.
dominator or merciless
What’s wrong with profession switching in its current state?
Well not everyone can play all classes, so taking into consideration what people can play before hand would help a great deal? Making sure all professions are covered by the team
Why not have a system in place where you tick the professions you can play before the matchmaking takes place, and have the matchmaker try to cover as many bases as possible, so if someone can only play 3 classes it will match them with players that can play the others.
This would help comp diversity and promote profession switching once the team has connected
Oh. I thought this was a game where we all played on each others’ accounts or something.
You’d have to ask Car Crashed about that.
No requirements, just message Travelling Jackal in game
*Guild Arena Required
*KISS is not liable for any injuries, including but not limited to frostbite, cracked skull, severed limbs etc.
*Guild Arena Required
*KISS is not liable for any injuries, including but not limited to frostbite.
a) everyone who was d5/6 last time has already moved out of d3 10x times over. d3 is even last one with safety nets.
Nope, im sitting on tier 3 sapphire and not progressing at all, “Need one pip to move up? It would be a shame if the next match was a complete blowout~” “Oh, you just had a blowout? Here are two more to put you back to the start.” - If matchmaking had a voice
I’m seriously done at this point, its not fun. and it sure as hell isn’t competitively fair.
Edit: Just to add, i made it to sapphire in season 1 due to limited play time, I made it to diamond season 2 with some effort. and now, literally 2 steps forward 3 steps back, i switch classes, i rotate, i play pretty sensibly. But i solo queue and will forever be at the mercy of Matchmaking and MMR deciding if i should be winning or losing the next match i play, a system stacking the odds in one teams favor through matchmaking is a bullkitten thing to do.
(edited by ixon.2496)
“For a limited time, every Black Lion Chest contains an additional Crystallized Magic item. These can be turned in to Priory or Consortium researchers for a reward. Players can choose which.”
I’m guessing this means you can choose who to give it to, not choose a reward. Badly worded, and i’m disappointed by the 1g reward, given that a key costs 40g in converted gold id have preferred if you could collect enough to get a unique skin or mini, atleast that would be interesting.
I like this season. Win enough and hit a good team, but not so good that they blow you out. Learn from the lose and repeat. Only need at 40% win rate to make it to Ruby.
Started in sapphire, still there, only reached tier 3. jumping up and down pip by pip.
Its not fun. Win streaks aren’t a measure of skill unless you are a full team, for a solo player you are at the mercy of matchmaking and your MMR.
You can win just as many matches as another player and make 0 progress, purely because your team changes match to match with varying levels of skill, composition and class knowledge.
People say you should carry your team, but with so many variables in a match that is just unrealistic, and if you can carry your team must at least have been competent not to ruin your rotations.
I was under the impression it was the huge protection uptime on top of the burst healing, meaning they cant be hit hard enough, it should be one or the other.
i dont mind ele having high protection up time, it has the potential to give them build diversity, letting them run condi or dps.
But i think they should have to choose between the healing and the protection, stop them being forced into bunker builds, if they do get reworked to be a choice between the two they might need a healing buff for non protection builds.
Basically the whole ele profession needs a rework, they are so shoehorned in pvp its a shame
Considering the queue times are already much longer than the actual games to get 4 thieves on your team, 30 minutes is a pretty reasonable estimate.
Well it sounds like you are getting crappy matchups with class stacking, it must be super annoying to wait 30 mins to get a completely lopsided match that you have no chance of winning?
If onnnnly there was a cap on professions…
On one hand, having the ideal team comp every match would be neat. On the other hand, adding an extra 30 minutes to the queue time to find this perfect comp every time… no thanks. The queue times are already longer than the actual games. And what if people just swap after they get into game? What then? Do we slap them all with dishonors? Cmon now.
Well, if they try to switch to a class to stack it, a big X over the professions that are capped already and unable to switch to them. And who said anything about perfect comp? its only eliminating too many of each, so i doubt it would take 30 mins to find 5 people playing a different profession for a team. especially with all the people doing dalies.
So no, you Cmon now.
After a pretty depressing loss streak of 9 games, i finally win one (which isnt a l2p issue, after 2000+ games i know for a fact i’m not the main reason for.)
Then, poof next match im matched with 4 warriors, none of whom switch and get our kitten handed to us.
Matchmaking doesnt take class into consideration at all, which is ridiculous seeing as team comp heavily influences success.
On top of that players want to play the class they are good at, or their favorite, so being forced to switch to something you aren’t good at, or having the odds stacked against you by comp is just not practical or fair.
Suggestion (Which i’m certain has been made MANY times)- Limit classes to 2 per team, id be happy even limited to 1 per team.
ESL started adding this rule to matches, even that should be an obvious indicator class stacking is bad for the game, screw queue times, id rather wait longer for a balanced match up than 1 minute for an abysmal one.
You’re wrong man – warrior is OP now – the more of them you have the better.
How could you lose with 4 of the most OP class in the game?/s
Also fully agree with the 2/team limit. It should make things better.
Just because you stack the most OP class doesnt guarantee a win, 4 warriors dont have enough mobility to jump between points or the group utility required to help each other = a loss. [Edit – the current meta build lacks in these departments, which is basically every warrior you meet, but lets not turn this into a buff/nerf thread, theres enough of those]
The overall point was that class stacking in any way is a detriment to peoples enjoyment, at least for ranked. Unranked or hotjoin, go wild, but for a competitive system that has solo queue and team queue together, limitations should be in place.
(edited by ixon.2496)
Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).
If increased queue times improves matchup balance im all for it.
And restricting professions does fix a lot, it stops blowouts due to one team having too many of a singular class, whether thats win or lose (It can happen both ways, such as stacking an overpowered sustain class)
Its also allows people to compete with the profession they want to, without feeling obliged to switch because there are 1 or more other of their own class.
After a pretty depressing loss streak of 9 games, i finally win one (which isnt a l2p issue, after 2000+ games i know for a fact i’m not the main reason for.)
Then, poof next match im matched with 4 warriors, none of whom switch and get our kitten handed to us.
Matchmaking doesnt take class into consideration at all, which is ridiculous seeing as team comp heavily influences success.
On top of that players want to play the class they are good at, or their favorite, so being forced to switch to something you aren’t good at, or having the odds stacked against you by comp is just not practical or fair.
Suggestion (Which i’m certain has been made MANY times)- Limit classes to 2 per team, id be happy even limited to 1 per team.
ESL started adding this rule to matches, even that should be an obvious indicator class stacking is bad for the game, screw queue times, id rather wait longer for a balanced match up than 1 minute for an abysmal one.
(edited by ixon.2496)
doesn’t relying on a static field in a fight a bit tough ? I mean you have to capitalize on that smoke field otherwise it’s a wasted utility with it’s long cooldown.
I ’m curious about your rotation with quick pocket and p/p sb.
Using the smoke field either forces them to run into it blinding them self or kite round it allowing you to keep your unload blind pressure up, its also very handy fighting someone else using range projectiles by blocking them. another bonus is if you are hitting reflects, they are blocked by the smoke, so much less chance killing yourself against ele/shield warrior/engi
quick pocket lets me switch to bow with some extra ini to disengage and reset the fight/gain distance.
Heres the version ive been running
Blasting through smokescreen for great blind uptime, dodge/kiting through it to annoy the enemy. Roll for initiative = better unload uptime and basilisk venom to secure a bit more damage on target.
+strength runes & sigil to maximize the benefit of might stacks you get. almost 25 perma.
Pretty effective ive found
thatll be a no, ranks really arent hard to get, play enough and youll rank up plenty.
solution: Split PvP and all other modes balancing.
Oh but they wont, because reasons…
food? stones? bad skill rotation? :P
youll need to put more info than that, what were you running? weapons? traits? stats?
This sums up this season for me, logically both teams here should be of equal skill/knowledge to be able to reach diamond. So how could a blowout of >!!!600!!!< point difference be possible.
Competitive? what was remotely fair about this match?
It wasnt fun for me to win, it was painful for the losing team.
This just should not happen.
[Edit: 1. the other team didnt have any d/c, 2. they couldnt win a single fight. 3. they only managed to cap a point once and never could take it back.]
(edited by ixon.2496)
Weakening Strikes – Cause weakness to enemies you critically hit. Weakened enemies deal less damage to you.
Damage reduced: 10%
Weakness (5s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble (Unrestricted) E.g Glancing blows.
Weakness as a condition is meant to stack duration, but if you crit with this trait on and they already have weakness it does not apply the additional 5 seconds.
Please fix?
I don’t see any issue with the teams. They were a 4-man far below your team division-wise. There’s not enough PvPers to make exactly fair teams every game. As far the diamonds farming achievements, nothing ANet can do about that.
The point is division is meaningless as an indication of skill, i wouldnt be surprised if those low divisions on their team we’re alt accounts that already reached where they wanted to be, seems a pretty good way of helping your friends get easy premade vs pug matchups.
1. division doesnt equal skill, diamond players just farming achievements on my team, not caring about progressing
2. pre made vs pug, purely because of division, a load of kitten
3. Espurts.
Thief isnt terrible as it is, It can excel against certain builds. Right now i have trouble with mesmers bursting me down instantly, engineers that 2 or even 3v1 have trouble killing and trap guards.
But i have been having fun, a lot of our problems come with the general imbalance between classes, which is to be expected with all the new elite specs being added.
So my advice is to be patient with the meta, not to get your hopes up but to accept that things will be like this till the next big balance patch comes along.
Have fun with that, if youve had any amount of time on thief it should be obvious how to use it. If not ill happily explain to newer players.
I’ve noticed its impossible to mine the exotic ore for spark with the watchwork mining pick, after weeks attempting i switch to a mithril pick and got 2 bauxite ore and 1 nickle in the space of 10 minutes.
My point is that we just arent very capable of dealing with condi burst, even when traited. We shouldnt have to use all our dodges, iniative on sword 2 and utilites to deal with just one thing
dash – remove 3 condition which are most hated by thief
trick withraw and RFI – will remove those 3 and 2 more if traited
stealth SA – will remove dmg conditions
SS – remove 3 condition
sword#2 remove 1 condition can be spammblethief got less massive condition cleanse but can clean with a lot of skills
so guard may cleanse every 40 sec with 2 skills F2 and utility but thats it usually
Basically to be of any use you need to waste traits on condi cleanse, and most of those clears are for movement impairing condis, sword 2 is a waste or ini if you spam it to condi clear, SS is basically a must if you want condi clear,
You can remove 1 condi for a trick. Except that trait is garbage.
I mentioned that above
I find it laughable that this is what we are offered for condition removal, being given such a uselessly low condi removal amounts, other classes have utilities, such as guardian which will convert ALL their conditions into boons, or traits that remove 3 conditions usually, even rangers can clear 13 conditions entering their avatar mode.
Thieves have to choose traits to remove 1 condition on successful evade, not even on dodge or remove one condition when using a trick, or stay in stealth and be utterly useless waiting for condis to tick down.
How abysmal our condi removal options are forces us to take traits to survive that are sub optimal. the amount of times i get condi burst, attempt to clear them all and die slowly to bleed/burning/torment ticks as the other player can walk away laughing is just ridiculous.
I think having our condi removal traits buffed to at least 2 or 3 conditions would help massively with keeping us in fights without being QQ`d for being stealth bots.
/end rant
Hope you enjoy
some glamour footage for those considering guilded hollow –
Our guild has been around all the way back to the early days of Guild Wars 1,
We had a blast completing this as a guild, around 120 of us. It took two attempts to get organised enough to complete it. More guild missions like this would be amazing.
Please watch -
Perhaps you all should try DD without the Staff and with more endurance gain traits and utilities.
Which makes me sad, i want to use a new weapon ;-;
Its not even the animations, after quite a a few matches in pvp, i’m feeling none of that “Daredevil jumps into the fray, evading and staying in the fight.”
Still die to all the same things i did before, not just a l2p issue. The thief is still suffering from all its other weaknesses, this has done nothing to improve its survivability.
1. The way the staff is held looks like a hammer, not very agile. Plus the backwards dodge roll on skill 3(?) just looks silly, either make the dodge 600 back so it doesnt happen so fast or make it a leap back?
2. It isnt feeling very survivable, possibly due to bugs on the skills, but condi clearing on dodge doesnt seem to be happening 100% of the time and the heal on dodge doesnt proc.
3. The physical utility skills just dont meld well, they dont feel like they are worth taking over other utility skills, the best has to be Bandits Defense, a stun break every 10 seconds is nice to have but sadly the stun locking that happens frequently kinda ruins that, as soon as an enemy hits you your block drops, you (might) knock them down if they don’t have stability. (I’ve noticed this being rather useless against hammer warriors).
I feel like a lot of the issues come from the current meta and balancing, but there is definitely room for improvement.
!PLEASE! use the monkey king tonic animations for the staff wielding, its so much better looking !PLEASE!
I’ve found its not as bad as my initial impressions, though the animations still bug me.
A big problem is having to choose between recharge endurance on staff skills and remove condition on succeful dodge, having , more endurance is almost necessary to play DD, so you either have to put up with our terrible condition removal, or not enough endurance to stay in the fight.
The other way we can get some more endurance is on physical skills, but they are underwhelming compared to our other utilities providing much better survivability.
(edited by ixon.2496)
“Learning curve. Thief is a very hard profession to truly master. It’s easy to get the basics down and go to WvW and kill scrubs and bad players, but once you meet a player that know how to counter Thief you’ll be dead. Good thieves however are almost impossible to beat 1v1, and if you manage to get the better of that Thief it’ll probably run away and never be seen again. It is a steep learning curve, but very fun if you’re up for a challenge!”
Shame this is no longer true, We are the +1 champions now >.>
In this thread:
“Dear Devs, please confirm our conspiracy theory so that we can feel good about trash talking you. Then buff us. Kthnxbai!”
Conspiracy theory? More like a blatant observation!
The whole reason i made this topic is that this elite specialization is what may have convinced me to pre-order or even buy the game, but if feels like being short changed, “Here is a great idea, lets take away survivability and then give it back if they pay $50 for it.” facepalm
Fact is while they are similar, they aren’t identical, and do offer different bonuses. If you want to be a dodging fool, they will compliment that playstyle very well.
True they aren’t identical, Acrobatics is “hit” with an “s” in front.
Please read these forums. Just one response, that’s all we ask.
Please acknowledge you nerfed Acrobatics just to make Daredevil work, what are you going to do with Acro now?
As you can see my “face it – thief sucks” thread was deleted, the link in the original posters message is all the evidence left.
I think the thread had a pretty decent discussion going on about the classes problems.
Alas the mod infraction hammers came down on my twice today.
In other class forums they talk about how easy thieves are, that should be a huge red flag for those in charge of balancing right there, especially since thief is meant to specialize dominating 1 on 1 in PvP.
Not so much dominate in 1 v 1, but be a threat if they get the jump on you.
Currently our burst is outclassed by other professions cough mesmer cough
And our survivability is so sub par we cant outlast other classes in a prolonged fight without our stealth as a crutch… which is now getting more and more counters…
So yeah, either make me an explosion of damage to make up for my lack of defense, or bring our survivability back up.