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I figured this thread would be a fun place to compile all the places we’ve seen members of the Largos race, since they’re pretty elusive and normally only show up for a few minutes at a time, if that.
Firstly, everyone seems to know Sayeh, who shows up near the end of the Personal Story and is hard to miss.
In Brisban Wildlands (I think), there’s a dynamic event to protect Wyld Hunt members as they hunt something. A largos attacks them, labelled as ‘Mysterious Attacker’. I didn’t know about them at that point in the game, so at first I thought they were some kind of Nightmare Court.
I know there are others, but those are the only two I’ve encountered myself. Feel free to share!
In other words, it’ll probably end up leading to humans being painted as the bad guys again, just like with the war with the charr.
Nobody’s saying the Charr were the good guys at any time. In GW1 they were ruled by the Flame Legion and did some pretty terrible things, even by the admission of their own race. In Ascalon a couple of NPCs mention being disgusted that their ancestors killed civilians and burned villages.
Even now, it took a treaty for the Charr to stop launching attacks on Ebonhawke, and for Kryta to stop trying to launch raids on Charr lands. Both races didn’t do very nice things recently, but nobody’s saying the GW1 Charr were secretly good all along.
It boils down to the fact that there’s nothing inherently evil about raising a dead body in the way a necromancer does it, it’s all in what you use them for. Zhaitan’s method is somehow not the usual way; maybe because it keeps the body intact and gives them a semblance of life with speech and such, whereas necromancer minions are just body parts stuck together.
Think about it, necromancer minions should really be more useful in everyday life. Who needs living farmers when you can have animated undead farmers that never get tired and won’t need to eat or get paid?
As a Charr, I went with Ash Legion and Honorless Gladium.
I can say that while I didn’t particularly feel very sneaky as Ash Legion, the story was serviceable enough. It wasn’t bad, and there were some fun missions, like disguising yourself as a Flame Legion. In general the whole ‘building your warband’ thing was a really good touch, and the only disappointment is that I wish ALL of my warband was in every mission, instead of it usually being Dinky, sometimes with one or two of the others.
Honorless Gladium was really good. Good voice acting, hard decisions, and while it would be nice to have a little bit of failure available as a player (every choice is the right choice), it had a great tone to it. The only disappointment is that my dad said he’d catch up with me later and… he never does. I was expecting him to show up again late in the personal story or something.
I’ve also done Sylvari from 1-20, doing the White Stag storyline. Apparently this is the best early Sylvari story, and I liked it because Gavin was legitimately an interesting character. It’s kind of a shame you never get to see ‘another Gavin’ if you catch my drift, and the rest of the Nightmare Court are apparently all complete jerks at best, and depraved sadists at worst.
I hear tell that ‘where life goes, so too should you’ is the best second option, but I didn’t pick that one.
Something I liked about the Charr story as opposed to the 50+ story. As a Charr, my rank matters. I order people around, but those above me give me missions. There’s a clear chain of command to follow, and my Charr isn’t afraid to both use that, and is responsible enough to follow it.
Meanwhile, later in the story, being ’Trahearne’s second in command’ actually means ’Trahearne’s Errand Boy’ and being given orders by random order members.
(edited by manwhat.1745)
You use grenade kit underwater.
Or you use that autohotkey script that gives you a crosshair and makes the game play like a shooter.
Fun fact: on another forum, the opinion is completely opposite.
Shield has one main downside holding it back: The cooldowns. 30 seconds and 20 seconds, that’s huge. Depending on what and how you’re fighting, you’re not going to use those more than once every 2 fights or so. Kind of awkward. If shield had lower cooldowns, I’d definitely prefer it unquestionably.
Pistol’s main advantage is Blowtorch. It does huge burning damage, and it also does huge damage, which is pretty good in general, because pistol engineer is generally condition focused. Glue shot is what makes it versatile: instead of thinking about it as conflicting with blowtorch, think of it as complementing: blowtorch lets you deal the damage, glue shot lets you run away afterwards.
I admit that it’s not really helpful to compare this game to other games, but as a prot warrior in WoW, I was pretty much mashing the same 5 buttons from 1-70 in that too. There’s nothing new about GW2’s system beyond being a bit more transparent. You’ll also note that there’s a total lack of any skills that are just ‘do damage’, every skill either has some special effect or is in an AoE.
I certainly wouldn’t call what I do with my skills ‘managing cooldowns’. For example, with ranger shortbow:
Pressing 2 for poison all the time is a given, I’ll grant you that.
Pressing 3 is useless if I just spam it whenever available. It’s much more useful if I use it to evade an enemy, especially a tough melee enemy.
I can press 4 just for the extra pet bleeds, but I can also use it to cripple incoming (or fleeing) enemies instead of just wasting it for the damage (especially important in dungeons and PvP).
I press 5 when I need to interrupt an enemy, pressing it every time it’s off cooldown is pointless because then it’s wasted.
Yes, I might be using those 5 skills throughout the game (if I really love shortbow) but I’m using them intelligently, instead of rolling my face along the keyboard because the right time to use all my skills is as soon as they’re off cooldown. I’m not saying that WoW involves no skill, I’m just saying that GW2 requires you to be at least as involved in your skill timing, if not more so.
Yeah, this mod literally doesn’t touch the game files at all, doesn’t modify anything. It just modifies the game controls by using autohotkey. I’m pretty sure you could set up the exact same thing using any programmable mouse… INCLUDING the official Guild Wars 2 mouse.
The only thing it does extra beyond that is automatic toggling off when you press M, I etc, any key that would require the cursor to be used (a very nice feature) and adding in the crosshairs so you can target more easily.
In dungeons, pet tanking does not work, you have to think intelligently.
In general PvE? I just dinged 70, and I feel like I’m cheating with how easy it is to just get 80% of the mobs focused on my pet.
I thought he was going to come back later in the game, disappointed that this doesn’t happen. He doesn’t even send me mail.
By the way, just gonna say: using the script in the demo video makes playing a grenade engineer so much smoother.
It would be nice IF you can choose to or not. Players as me wouldn’t use this cuz’ I have choose to not use auto-targeting and using specific targeting. -> I can click 1 target in a bunch of mobs and still ONLY hit the one I have targeted instead of it jumping around and hitting where my “aim” is.
The mod is toggled by pressing Tab by default, and you can remap the button to any key you want. It’s freely toggle-able, especially if you fiddle with the script to make the transition between ‘combat mode’ and ‘unmodded mode’ seamless.
My sister has severe arthritis in her wrists but wants to play this game. Come on Arenanet, is she really going to be breaking the rules if I recommend this mod to her in order to reduce permanent deterioration of her joints?
I don’t understand why this wasn’t in the game at release.
I believe elementalist meteor shower sort-of bypasses this limit, in the sense that it can hit more than 5. However, each individual meteor only hits 5 people.
I think a lot of the events that are ‘collect x things and bring them back to me’ feel too much like old-style MMO questing and take way too long to do. They’re not really dynamic since the enemies aren’t attacking you, they just sit there waiting for you to butcher them for parts.
Tengu were originally going to be a playable race, and they already modelled a lot of their home city. The area you see is where the Tengu area was going to be. They got cut because of time constraints, it’s not a mystery. If you want to play a Tengu, nag Arenanet more!
While most of the Marksmanship traits are uninspiring, I really like the AoE ability I get with Piercing Arrows, even on a shortbow. Your mileage may vary, I just like that my Axe/Horn weaponset is now ‘I need some utility/group buffs’ set instead of my ‘I aggroed more than 2 mobs’ set.
But when that opinion is born of one man’s actions and one man’s actions alone, you find yourself wondering if those opinions aren’t right at all.
The opinions they hold were not created from one mans actions, they were created from a multitude of actions
1. Logan’s leaving
2. Eir’s choice to continue on without him
3. Snaff’s Death
4. Glint’s deathAll contributed to the opinions they hold now. To try and place it all on one person is to ignore the entirety of the situation.
2, 3 and 4 all happened because Logan decided to leave.
Logan doesn’t have to apologize for making a “wrong” choice because he didn’t.
Maybe he doesn’t have to apologise for being wrong. But he didn’t apologise for Snaff dying. He literally does not regret a thing, or at least hasn’t expressed it. Like I said earlier, Rytlock says he would forgive Logan much earlier if he would just say “Sorry for leaving you.”
(edited by manwhat.1745)
Destiny’s Edge not getting back together earlier is pretty much all Logan’s fault. At one point as a Charr you can ask Rytlock why he’s so mad, and why he can’t just forgive Logan. His reponse is something like “He never once apologised, never showed a single shred of regret.” And Logan himself says “If you were in my position, any one of you would have done the same.”
That’s why Logan was wrong. Not because he made the mistake, but because since then, he absolutely refuses to even consider the fact that he made a mistake. He can’t accept the idea of making the wrong decision at all.
So far these seem to be the mismatching professions and racial stories –
Char – Thief, Elementalist, Mesmer or Necro
Norn – Mesmer, Engineer, Thief, any other casters
Sylvari – Necro, Engineer
Any others?
Every race has its own members of every class, nobody is really out of place. Literally the most important Sylvari in the game is a necromancer. Charr thieves obviously have a place (Ash Legion), and while the Charr might not love magic, they spent enough time under the yoke of the Flame Legion to see where it can be useful; in GW1 you saw Charr of every starting class. I admit Norn doesn’t perfectly fit with their aesthetic, but the norn spirits respect cunning, intelligence and stealth.
Maybe this picture is also good.
With Norn, just as an example, you can find a Norn guy in Wayfarer Foothills who talks about raising his kids by himself, because his wife decided it was time to seek her glory. Sounds pretty convenient to me… “Yeah, uh I don’t want these kids any more… I’m going to go seek my glory.” — Moves to Lion’s Arch, leaves old life behind with no consequences.
Maybe Arenanet decided there wasn’t a place for them in GW2, and since GW1 never had them as being an important race or having any important quests, they were just kicked out of the story.
What I really don’t understand is:
There are 3 explorable modes per dungeon.
So why doesn’t it only take three runs to get a full set? That would make more sense to me.
(edited by manwhat.1745)
Really I just don’t understand why someone would run the same dungeon literally a hundred times to get the armor set they want.
Why not just have it be: you complete the dungeon, you get an armor piece? What’s wrong with that system?
I’m disappointed because his name isn’t Braingore.
Anyway, I agree, it’s a silly boring fight. When I did it the first time, I didn’t know the gimmick and I died at the same time someone else did. Then the rest of my group 3-manned him.
To be honest as a ranger player, the only things rangers can do very well is AoE healing fields (Healing Spring is amazing, heal on you + pet, AoE condition removal, regen combo field), perma-cripple (or close to it) and pure damage. So if you already have all of those, you might want to look somewhere else. They really do make trash mobs melt fast, though.
Edit: I guess shortbow rangers also have perma-poison if traited, if that matters. I suppose since some enemies heal, the heal reduction can be useful.
(edited by manwhat.1745)
I did this just now, purely by chance, I want to make it clear I just found this thread after doing explorable. We wiped on the boss, then I said ‘what happens if I attack from here’ and we found out we could avoid almost all the damage.
That said, I have no idea how many times we would have wiped if we did this the hard way…
I remember way back in the demo video, I saw the devs comment about how players would also need to protect the cannons from the enemies he drops… I didn’t see any of that going on, and it definitely didn’t seem necessary. It seems impossible to ‘fail’ the event, the Shatterer will never destroy the cannons and fly away.
The event looks great and has a cool lead-up but in terms of actual gameplay it’s actually quite boring.
Simple answer: change the text to “Unless you take up World v World, this should last you a while!”.
Then it becomes 100% accurate.
I bet people said that real-time dodging didn’t belong in MMOs either. Back when WoW was about to come out, I remember people saying that they might as well be giving warriors spells, since in Everquest all they had was attack and shield bash, and now they were getting all these fun abilities.
The genre evolves.
Engineer kits really should use the weapon bonuses, yeah. At the very least, the sigils and stat bonuses. There’s all sorts of things I want to do with Flamethrower and Sigil of Earth that I can’t.
In dungeons, used a ranged pet and a bear. Problem solved. Eagles are actually really good too, they have high damage but they’re actually very survivable. I’ve had bad luck trying the big cats though, they die too quickly to be of much use.
I tried a Pink Moa for the AoE protect last time I dungeon’d, that actually went pretty well.
If you enter the Mists, the PvP area, you can find PvP vendors that will give you weapons for free.
a-net even filters the word “unjust”
Looks like he wanted to write unjust – ful, and the censor thought it was the acronym for shut the eff up.
I will say one thing regarding ‘forced specs’.
If you’re a ranger, your heal skill in a dungeon is Healing Spring, No exceptions. You will benefit your team more in any way. Troll Unguent will heal YOU for more overall, but Healing Spring will heal everyone, and most importantly, it is a combo field, which means even more healing.
Yeah, as a ranger, for example, there’s a trait that reads ‘chance to cause bleeding on critical hits’. What’s the chance? How much bleeding, one stack? How long does the bleed last?
Makes it really hard to determine if a trait is worth it.
I’ve heard someone do the math and find out that shortbow is better than longbow even if you ignore condition damage, simply because the increased shortbow speed means more crits over time, even if you both use the exact same build for both. Don’t just take my word for it though, you can try it on training dummies and see for yourself.
On the other hand, longbow does have barrage and the knockback, which you might prefer.
Ranger has a healing elite, and Healing Spring works both as AoE regen and as a combo field that’s really easy to combo through using any ranged weapon, so they can spread regen to every ally. That’s pretty much how ranger healing works. I can’t say I’ve intentionally spec’d myself as a ‘healing ranger’ but it worked OK in dungeons.
It’s not that you need a tank. It’s that you need a certain level of support, and either everyone can chip in to support each other, or you can have one person support everyone else, at the expense of feeling like a healer.
People have the mentality that 5 glass cannons can beat a dungeon, when that’s not the case. That power/precision/condition full gear may win you PvE when it’s 1v1 or 1v2, but in a dungeon, 5vX, where all the X is super-buff, you need toughness, vitality, and HEALING POWER on your gear. You need to be applying protection to each other, swiftness to each other, removing each other’s conditions, etc. In dungeons you need to be spec’d to support each other.
For example, in PvE I use Troll Unguent on my ranger, but in dungeons Healing Spring is much better. Why? Because not only does it give AoE regen, but it makes a combo field. And it’s not just my arrows that trigger the combo field, it’s every single person in it. Every person in the combo field is applying regeneration to everyone else as they finish the combo.
Dungeons are all about supporting each other. The PvE glass cannon spec doesn’t work, you need to be buffing each other and comboing with each other.
Also, about Vassar and Ralena, there’s an easy way to win the fight:
Two people throw boulders at Vassar, two people at Ralena, one person is on Illusory Mage duty to kill any that Vassar manages to create. The four other people do nothing but throw boulders. Nothing. Don’t use any other skills, just throw boulders. It’s not the fastest way to win the fight, but it guarantees the bosses will never get a chance to hurt you.
First off, you can make any skill into autoattack with Ctrl+right click. It’s an annoying bug that it doesn’t ‘remember’ the autoattack when you switch out of kits, but it’s there.
Second of all, watch 1 engineer hold 4 people off a point in PvP.
I remember arenanet said there was no grinding in gw2 one of many lies
They said there was no grinding to 80, and no grinding to get the best gear. That’s true. You can get the best gear pretty easily.
Never said there wasn’t a grind to get the best-looking gear, and that’s subjective too.
I think if nothing else, this thread shows that warriors have upsides and downsides, and since sPvP is 5v5 or 8v8, not 1v1, they have interesting options and counterplay in games.
The game Is kinda crap tbh it’s blatantly obvious there’s no content ATM there’s really nothing in pve worth anyones time. yea wvw is fun but I would rather waste my time and get a reward than just waste my time.
If you don’t like the game, then any reward you get is also a waste of time, isn’t it? It all boils down to a bunch of 1s and 0s on Anet’s servers. If you don’t like the game, nobody will mind if you stop playing. After all, you can always come back if you want.
A lot of people missed the OP’s point early on. He likes the game and thinks it’s fun. He just wonders if there will ever be a rating system to keep him coming back, instead of naturally moving on (because he’s had his fun!). I think the answer is ‘probably’. GW1 had ratings, and it’s a highly requested feature, so I’m sure it’ll be implemented eventually.
You won’t find a ranger spec that’s too amazing at healing, but you can definitely take Healing Spring as your heal skill, and use it as a combo field to apply regen to allies. You can take Search and Rescue as a utility skill to heal downed allies. Lastly, you can take Spirit of Renewal as your elite skill to heal, remove conditions and res allies.
I suppose your pet could also act as healer too. I know some pets have heal skills, some Moas apply protection, and the Brown Bear removes conditions in an AoE.
If you go somewhere where there’s tall crops, like in Gendarran Fields, and you fire a ranged weapon, the grass will bend like it was disturbed by the projectile rushing through it. It’s a really cool little touch that I didn’t expect to see.
You say other people are two-shotting you. Why aren’t you two-shotting them?
I admit I haven’t played much PvP, only WvW, but in 1v1 situations there I’ve always done really well because the amount of bleeding I apply just melts the opposition; sometimes I apply a few stacks then switch to axe to fake them out so they use condition removal, at which point I switch straight back to shortbow and force them to have 10 bleed stacks and poison at all times.
Ranger actually doesn’t have that many stuns and they tend to be on long-ish cooldowns, they’re actually really focused on two things: conditions and damage-dealing.
While I do have complaints, a successful dungeon runner gave me this tip:
If you are specced for damage and nothing else, you are hurting your team.
There are five of you in a dungeon, and you’re going to end up doing damage naturally, even if the damage isn’t quite as high as you want. So instead of damage, you need survivability. You need group buffs. You need combo fields, especially healing combo fields and stuff that applies immobilise. You need to be using every ability you have that helps your team.
Obviously this is easier to do for some classes than others; for example, I’m a ranger, and the hard CC I have is a little lacking. But I help my team much more if I take Sun Spirit instead of Signet of the Hunt, and if I take Healing Spring instead of Troll Unguent.
Dungeons are where the defensive stats and healing power matters, because you can’t 1v1 out-DPS a dungeon mob all the time, instead you need to work together to survive.
Without spoiling too much, the game makes it so that there’s never a wrong answer. The answer you choose always turns out to be the ‘heroic’ choice. So when you have a story choice, don’t think “which answer is the right one?” because they are all the right choice. Instead ask yourself “which answer makes my personal story more interesting to me?”.