Showing Posts For nickcosta.8256:
I thought Astralaria was a pain to make util i started making HOPE…so much more painful, the 5 Min cd items u have to activate before killing the mobs was a good idea…with a horrendous implementation. It’s fiddly, prone to make you fail to kill or be killed trying to activate the thing while u look for it in the inv. If u get downed the buff disappears.
And the cherry on the cake is that the M-PEC can burn out..and guess when it did for me?…at 10% HP of the frikking Champion Arrowhead after I had been waiting for it for hours that felt like Eternities (yeah I just said that >_> ).
Best part of the story is that now you can’t complete HOPE IV collection coz of this is bugged: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Devourer_Ichor
The event chain was bugged long time ago, they made the item drop from another mob, and now the event of that mob is bugged.
I’m glad they stopped doing the leges this way xD
For our and their sanity!
(edited by nickcosta.8256)
aaaaaaaand now they are both bugged…
I’ve been doing personal stories for other chars and didn’t get anything , REALLY ANNOYING. Wasted my entire day, fix this asap, I can’t level my mastery track!
And i don’t want to spend hundred of gold to do collections thx, nor do i want to redo 100s of times story steps to get achivs.
Hell no! They’ve been already nerfed too much. I say uft hem like they were during beta1. I still tryand pick them first but they are not a threat anymore
No Log In Window on HoT Expansion in Apple OS
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nickcosta.8256
Well that at least made the launcher appear! Now let’s see if I don’t crash again and can’t log back in like before
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nickcosta.8256
Got the game to start just fine 1 hour ago, updated until it was playable, got in the game no problem.
But then I crashed in LA. And now I can’t get the launcher to start.
I have to force quit it every time because it doesn’t do anything.
p.s. I tried most of the methods described in the problem solving thread. The terminal thread just stalls, I have to force quit both terminal and gw2
I’m still not getting any newsletter email confirmation after applying 4-5 times and after adding all their email addresses to my contacts. Checked all my inboxes and spam, nothing there. But I received some e-mail from them in the last few days so I’m confused :\
Did you get a newsletter lately? Because I never received any confirmation with my game address yet I received the newsletter, so I assume I’m registered.
I got a mail that went in my “Promotions” tap, it was about the 75% discount on the game and the pax and Rezzed events..I guess that is a newsletter..?
I’m still not getting any newsletter email confirmation after applying 4-5 times and after adding all their email addresses to my contacts. Checked all my inboxes and spam, nothing there. But I received some e-mail from them in the last few days so I’m confused :\
(edited by nickcosta.8256)
What’s his rifle build about? I wanna try it too
a guy just posted this on a post of mine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90L5Rw1YdwQIts pretty cool the hexastance stuff XD
that ‘guy’ was the god and legend known as Schwahrheit. i’m testing his rifle build on my warr, and gosh…
Proof that land spears are coming for HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nickcosta.8256
Much, MUCH disappoint for no polearms/ land-Spears
</3 :’(
email not registering for HOT mailing list?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nickcosta.8256
same problem here, not receiving any confirmation e-mail and nothing in the spam inbox or anywhere else.
I tried to subscribe 3 times
I agree with the OP. I’m just hoping what they are still keeping some things from us. We can only wait until it comes out to really decide.
Superior Rune of the Berserker
(1): +25 Power
(2): +1-2% damage for each boon on your foe
(3): +50 Power
(4): +3-5% damage for each condition on you
(5): +100 Power
(6): When you use a healing skill lose all conditions and gain Frenzy . (60s cd)
Superior Rune of the Swordsman
(1): +25 Precision, -25 Toughness
(2): +35 Ferocity, -35 Vitality
(3): 10% chance to Parry (Block) a hit while wielding a Sword or Greatsword. (10-15s cd) (Malee and maybe also ranged..?)
(4): +65 Ferocity, -65 Vitality
(5): +100 Precision, -100 Toughness
(6): +7% damage, +10% Attack Speed while wielding a Sword or Greatsword. (You can’t use other weapon types maybe..?)
A couple of ideas
Yes!!! No pet option please please please!
Or at least give us a pet raptor!!!
Much sadness and disappointment >:’(
I put the outfit on my war…….Ranger, mesmer, ele and will on my thieve too ( all with different color schemes)..not on my guard coz he’s a charr and doesn’t look so good..NINJAAAAAAS! XD
The Ranger pet is nothing but a complete handicap.
- Ranger has less damage
- 24 traits dedicated to the pet
- several utility skills dedicated to the pet (shouts & signets)
- pet keeps Ranger in combat
- worthless in WvW outside of capturing supply camps
- worthless in PvE against champion-level mobs
Get rid of the Ranger pet, it’s a worthless mechanic. I’d take any other class mechanic over it.
Yes please this! I only recently made a ranger and:
- In pvp it gets lost, wonders off, has to run up and down platforms most of the time leaving me on my own and in combat if I try to run..when I try to snipe people from a hight advantage the pets just sits next to me BEING TOTALLY USELESS or travels half a map to reach my target.
- In PVE (and all game modes) it’s a Mine-sweeper..just runs into all the red cyrcles and gets killed, eats all the bosses attacks and gets one-shotted or keeps me in combat when I don’t want to be.
- WvW mine-sweeper, yolo useless kamikaze in zergs.
And why can’t I pet Raptors!?!? The best pet in the game and I can’t tame it!!! No excuses..
I think I’ll try and see if it works with a pact mace and a Phoenix Lb
Exactly what he said x1000
Ellyss Twinheart (rather generic mesmer look: masquerade + mask of the night)
What dyes are you using?
Just got my Eternity Yesterday (Woot!). Looks awesome.
But two things really bug me.
1) Twilight’s aura compared to Sunrise’s is hardy visible on any char, was REALLY disappointed when i only had Twilight. And now the same thing. Day time is awesome, night time is MEH.
2) Can’t see ANY aura on my big charr!!! Looks amazing on my big norn female..the only little bit of aura i can see on my char is..on the lower bottom of the body and between the legs? -.-
Charr is not happy >:@
That would be amazing! It’s so annoying when i use blink skills. Most of the times I’m not able to take advantage of the full distance of the skills. Especially if I’m in the middle of the fray with particle effects all over my screen.
Just leaving this here…
Yes I had a really fun and squishy build but seriously!? Why is the system allowing me to get one-shot into oblivion!? Whatever build one uses this shouldn’t happen..
(edited by nickcosta.8256)
I’m currently running something similar to this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/elementalist/Maximum-PVE-DPS-Lightning-Hammer-Build
Aaaaaand works fine for me, I melt stuff with the hammer auto-attack. No survivability but I don’t tend to die much, at all. In cof p1 I die more on my Zerker war in fact. I haven’t tried it in fractals but for just running around and dungeons I find it works.
I tried it in pvp and It’s fun! People aren’t used to see crazy women in pijamas running towards them with a hammer and critting for 4-6k. But if i get pin down or focused no way you are gonna survive.
Anyway, about Conjures.
- Once i got interrupted then I was casting one and didn’t manage to summon it and it went entirely on cd…sucks
- when you go in mist form they disappear..sucks
- the auto-attacks consume charges sucks ( for the hammer It’s fine coz it have a blast finisher on the 3rd hit )
- It would be cool to have no time limitation, but I can generally pick up my second hammer as soon as the time is nearly up (got fire trait +10 charges), and people tend to pick it up coz it’s shiny, not a big deal.
I made an engi recently, and just the other day decided to do some pvp. I first used a P/P cond damage/ elixir build I found around some website. With no experience I charged in smashing buttons like a toddler would do with a new toy! And it kinda worked! Had good fun. Melted people, got melted sometimes, got quite a few times top kills and overall top score.
Then I tried out a PvE build in pvp…the bomb kit whatever it’s called (I’m also using it in pve now)
And Boom! I charged in drop da bombs run like a maniac and blow people up etc…and here again getting good results with little or no experience.
In one match a thieve also said “A pro engi ^^” coz I managed to survive for quite some time in a 1v2 or v3 I don’t remember.
But I’m not good at all, I forget to use half of my skills(I don’t quite know what most of them really do either), sometimes I manage to get some decent skill chains in but it doesn’t happen often.
This was just random pvp so meh who knows..my point was.. not sure
But I really like mah engi now. In pve I’m around lv 40 and enjoying my bomberman.
One thing I don’t like, mostly in pvp, is the downed state..I think I only managed to effectively use skill 3 ONCE..but then I died anyway
Hello, playing from Italy in Seafer Rest server. Since about 19:00 pm i got an extreme lag problem, never had before neither in the last days after new patch. All started today all of a sudden, huge lag in cursed, but also in some other area.
Quite impossible to play right now, hope u can find a solution.GN all.
Same problem here, was playing this afternoon and everything was fine.
Playing from Italy in Gandara
Extreme lagg and I disconnected 3 times in 15 minutes.
Good night!
Anyone know what color the Order of Whispers Blacksmith fur is? I didn’t find it in the color selection
So I made my Charr came out zebra-like instead :\
I’m not positive but did you try the blue black next to blackest black? If that’s not it then it’s probably not in the game.
Yeah..It’s called just Black and It’s got a bluish shade but nowhere near the blue I wanted
Anyone know what color the Order of Whispers Blacksmith fur is? I didn’t find it in the color selection So I made my Charr came out zebra-like instead :\
I have Bootcamped Win7 64
Intel Core due Duo @ 2.25 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
On lowest graphic settings I’m getting around 30 FPS in empty maps, 15-20 in dungeons and 1-15 FPS in WvW xD
The same thing happened to me this morning…my whole internet stopped working ( I thought it was my provider or something to do with last nights snowfall)
I managed to play smoothly for for most part of them morning and afternoon, but now I have extreme lag , everything freezes and continuous disconnections.
Speed test says Connection is normal and pingtest rates me as A
EU Gandara here
Disconnected 1 minute in, GW2 is unplayable
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nickcosta.8256
I was blaming my internet since it snowed nearby last night…but then I run speedtest and it’s fine and pingtest gives me an A
I get ingame lagg…1-2 minute where nothing responds and then I dc
This morning it made my internet (not modem) not work at all for about 15 minutes :|