Well done penelope!
Personally I think completing a Black Lion collection is pretty difficult simply because there are so many sets out there with nice skins, it’s hard to choose just one set and stick with it.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Yes, congratulations! I still have yet to complete even a single set, and I’ve played since launch. I tend to spend my gold elsewhere and don’t buy too many BL chests these days. That said, I’m jealous! There are several sets I’d love to complete.
Regarding the Privateer set specifically, I wasn’t too keen on the weapon skins themselves, but I have to admit I do like the idea of account bound sets that never go up in price. Really neat idea for those of us who take ages to get BL weapon skins but want to be able to continue progress on filling out a collection.
Nothing special, plenty of people have all black lion collections (or at least all minus 1 or 2 completed)
You’re right, how dare someone be proud of an achievement
Congrats OP, hope you find a new collection!
Congratulations. Well done! =)
tl;dr “the prices are out of whack, so to fix them, we’re doing nothing and hoping they’ll fix themselves”
This is why I’m not an economist. :-)
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
That would put the Merciless Focus in a weird spot.
Problem is they have a whip skin as a focus.
RIP City of Heroes
Thank you Penelope, for saying what I wanted to say.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I was never bothered by the content, just that I couldn’t read any /guild or /map chat due to the volumes of text spewing from a small fraction of the RPers.
This is the issue for me over what I see being said. I appreciate Penelope clarifying that not all RPers are inappropriate with what they say but boy, on NA we have some doozies who are; including some who don’t actually become explicit, but are… discomforting without being graphic. On my years on the internet, I have come across people who are serious about some incredibly explicit/inappropriate roleplaying and some who will do it in public, not just to troll. Whether the people I’ve seen doing it in NA DR are trolling or not is not for me to judge and the only people who will truly know are those people. Such is the nature of RPing, as I’m sure a lot of people are aware.
I’ve played my fair share of D&D over the years so honestly, I have no issue with roleplaying. Just having to change my chat options (which due to personal health reasons I can’t always remember to change back immediately) because of walls of text that are currently not supported properly by the game which interfere with what I and others are doing. The walls of text are where I think the ‘spam’ definition has some weight.
No one’s honestly saying RPers should gtho of DR (well, some people might really feel that way), just that we’d like ANet to give RPers proper integration into the game so they’re not so heavily ostracised or seen as a nuisance. The RP section being added to LFG was a great start but I think everyone can agree that there’s more that could and should be done for everyone to co-exist more harmoniously.
As for RP chat range, maybe that could be the same radius as Say chat? Also if people trolled RP chat, it’d be easier for GMs to understand the context of a report as it would be clear it was targeted harassment towards a group of players as they’d have to be typing in RP chat to do so, instead of trying to claim that they’re responding to someone else in the channels we have now. I don’t know, I don’t get why a channel dedicated to RP would be a bad thing as in my eyes it would actually give RPing more legitimacy than the current form of co-opting emotes with large walls of text, and could by extension clear up a lot of issues that people have with RPers.
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”
Here’s a tip for anyone who is worried about ‘flooding’ or so-called ‘spam’:
I’ve found that whenever people complain about RP (or any kind of chat come to think of it, it’s just roleplayers get unfairly singled out more often than not) most of the time it is from players who have stuck with the default chat channels that ArenaNet give you when you first start the game. I think the default is something similar to ‘Main’ and ‘Combat’.
You can create individual chat tabs, and tick which type of information you can see in that tab. The picture below shows how I have my chat tabs separated to avoid one type of chat over-running another.
I’ve found that realistically, you can have up to five ‘visible’ tabs showing at once. Any more than this and they are hidden (so you have to press the tab key to see it’s header). But five should probably be enough for most people anyway.
You don’t have to stick to how I have it, but I’ll show you what my tabs have enabled as a possible example.
Main: Has /map, /team, /squad, /emotes enabled. If you’re not a roleplayer, turn off /emotes from this one. Good for general PvE, WvW and PvP if not in a party.
Say: Self explanatory. Has /say and /emotes only enabled. If you’re a roleplayer like myself, this is where most of your RP will be conducted.
Whisper: Only has /whisper enabled. You don’t see anything else, no /say or /emote here, so no whispers can be missed.
Party: Has /party, /squad and /team enabled. Ideal for doing PvP or Dungeons, Fractals and Raids when in a team. If you’re a roleplayer who RPs with party members, you can turn on /emotes here as well. Beware though – if you type an emote in /party chat, it can be seen publicly too.
Guild: Self-explanitory. Has all the /guilds I’m in ticked. /g1 to /g5. Again, /emote and /say aren’t enable so you can’t miss a guild chat. Unless you’re on Mac Beta of course when the bug happens where it deletes! >.<
I really hope this helps people. Using chat tabs is a lot more of a friendly way of dealing with your problems than singling out any type of player. Please don’t unfairly cut out roleplayers. RP might not be to everyone’s taste, but we all have one thing in common – we’re all Guild Wars 2 players and we love this game so much! <3
So much this post. <3
No. Just no. There is no “discrimination” here, and pvp doesn’t give access to all pve skins.
I role-played it. Someone gave me a token and said “if you carry this you will be attacked”.
So I didn’t carry it…
We are looking at more meaningful and easy ways for players to report forums issues, but that’s a bit away. More on that at a later time.
Please don’t say you are considering using players as moderators.
Not on my watch. Never on my watch.
We are looking at more meaningful and easy ways for players to report forums issues, but that’s a bit away. More on that at a later time.
Please don’t say you are considering using players as moderators.
Are the current moderators not players also? Though, if they were to expand their workforce with current players, I hope they are well well vetted.
Yes, everyone on our moderation team has a game account, so they do play the game. I believe as a lead that this helps everyone, when the moderators are also familiar with the game.
It’s important to note, though, that they have a very explicit set of guidelines on how they perform their job. Hey, I wrote the policies, so as you can imagine they’re 107 pages long, with 3,201 bullet points.
Given that being a moderator is holding a job, and that one’s job is one’s livelihood, moderators don’t mess around. I have been happy with our mods and believe they are performing in a reliable and capable manner.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
I miss the BGs in WoW, not only were they well designed but they had variety from small groups up to 40 man groups in Alterac Valley
What am I missing?
Sounds like you’re missing WoW.
The inactivity timer is no longer impacted by autoloot.
RIP to AFK farming or at least to the degree we have seen lately.
Added an option called Disable Player Chatter to the Sound Options tab. Enabling this option will disable all player chatter VO, such as boon and condition gain, mantra and shout lines, reward acquisition commentary, and low-endurance notifications.
Definitely something that I’m excited about as I have gotten tired of Glint’s roar on Rev.
New parties are becoming interested in ley-line energy.
I’m hoping this is substantially different from the template they used the past two times.
Blighted Eir now uses a teleport skill to reach Garm to revive him.
Wouldn’t this technically buff migraine mode since you now have less time to burn down Garm before her fire attacks?
For a limited time, all super rare Contract items in the Black Lion Chest have three times the chance to drop. Please note: they are still very rare.
Hopefully it helps, although doubt by much, towards the cost of these items.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
Have jumping puzzles been in the game since launch?
Have Mesmers and portals been in the game since launch?
Did there used to be jumping puzzle dailies or monthlies?
Did Mesmers port for them?
Were there threads back then complaining about Mesmers porting for JPs?
Has ANet known about Mesmers porting for JPs for dailies/monthlies for years now?
Have they done anything to stop it or ever said anything against it?
Are they going to change the rules about daily JPs?
No. PvE is supposed to be cooperative.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
What is a competent consumer?
Someone who spends money the same way you do.
ANet may give it to you.
We can login and see some graphics. Physics is the next major step.
I have real life issues that prevent me from playing the most optimal way. I sometimes sit in one area of the game and let my necro pets do all the killing as I don’t have the energy or dexterity for anything else.
“Not the most optimal way” seems to be quite an understatement considering that you follow up on it by basically saying you can’t play the game at all and let it play itself.
I am sitting in front of my screen (usually with a movie on another screen) and glancing at the game screen every 10 seconds or so. I set my auto cast button on my summon bone minions and explode them as they are summoned. The exploded minions create poison rings that will kill most anything veteran or below. I will have to occasionly heal but sometimes can go 30 min or so without hitting a button.
This does not sound like fun. Actually it sounds a little unrealistic too, especially the “10 seconds or so”.
Would I be a target of random people coming up and reporting me?
Of course.
If so why do I have to be harrassed in this way just playing a game to my best ability?
Reporting someone who looks like he is afk farming is not harassing him. You won’t even notice being reported. You are being overly dramatic here and I doubt it will win you much sympathy to present yourself as a poor, harassed victim, when all that is being done to you is to report you because you look exactly like a cheater who is afk farming.
And the answer to “why” is “Because no player can know if you are looking at the screen every 10 seconds like you claim you do, or if you are afk watching that movie”.
To determine if your char is playing unattended is the job of a GM, and the reports are done to help a GM find the subjects he should check.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)
As usual, ANet used their ability to answer a question as obscurely as possible. What he said is vaguely worded, but the last post I read as saying it’s not ok.
Tl;dr intentional mechanics that allow pet kills to give experience and loot =/= permission to afk farm.
This is absolutely correct.
If your pets are doing the killing and your mastery is doing the looting; you’re okay as far as GMs are concerned. This does not mean design can’t/won’t/should/shouldn’t update the system as it works today.
So to recap, EW said intentional mechanics are not permission to afk farm and MH said that that statement was correct.
Then he goes on to muddy the water to say pets killing and auto looting is ok, which isn’t the same as afk farming just that those mechanisms are themselves part of the game.
Actual AFK farming requires 3rd party programs. This is not OK as it breaches the TOS.
This is not what is being discussed. I think everyone in this thread knows that using 3rd party things that interact with the game is against the TOS. What we are discussing here is the use of ingame mechanics to farm loot in a particular spot with no user input. This is ok as taken directly from the devs mouth:
“pets are doing the killing and your mastery is doing the looting; you’re okay”
It literally couldn’t be more clear that his behavior is ok. I guess there may be a language barrier or something make it more difficult, but the devs said it is ok, therefore it is ok.
MH said that if your pet kills something and you auto loot while playing, then that’s ok but that it’s not ok to use these mechanism to afk farm.
Tl;dr intentional mechanics that allow pet kills to give experience and loot =/= permission to afk farm.
This is absolutely correct.
If your pets are doing the killing and your mastery is doing the looting; you’re okay as far as GMs are concerned. This does not mean design can’t/won’t/should/shouldn’t update the system as it works today.
The first part was to say afking to do it is not something allowable. The second part was to say it happening while actively playing is not a problem.
ANet may give it to you.
I agree on that. Having more than 12 slots would be better I think. Maybe a pool of 18, so you’ve got a choice of 6 per game mode would be better.
If there are more choices I can see a complain coming from a few people (not me), that feel obligated to do all of them, that it is to much they have to do every day.
Yeah! New people should have to level up like everyone else! By using a ton of tomes!
If your time is so very important to you, don’t spend it looking at a panel that you deliberately have to open up and go there to see and then spend the time blocking those misguided people who thought you were nice enough to mark as a friend.
ANet may give it to you.
Just felt like sharing this guy’s RP, made being in DR quite enjoyable and fun to watch/join in with.
wow realey a bata test for a mini nothing like a slap in the face after getting kicked in the other end on the hall of monuments rewards that I still cant get to here add this un tested app we will give you this sweet mini how about look at the 6,000 + hours I have loged and say hay you get this cuse your a loyal player Realey here is the other cheek please use the cricket bat this time
So I was a bit off in my prediction but I knew someone would find a reason to feel, “slapped in the face” over this.
yeah, many people speculated that each class would get a different set of utilties as well, but that’s out the window since Necro and Ele both got shouts
we should know soon enough, because i would assume thief and druid are coming up quick, since they seem to have more info put into the client than warrior and engie
I’m actually somebody who is looking forward to Thief staff, I think that sounds awesome.