Also is it me or is axe 3 (and Illusionary Ambush)‘s targeting broken? I mean it doesn’t seem to do what it says it should do and blinks you to random places, often not near your target.
It was also detargetin me from my current target… Strange
I rather see it as hybrid spec, the fact is if we want to have good use of our illusion retarget skills we need to change target before last one will be dead, so we need to hit hard, put some condie, then change target and let condie do it work.
Last utility, from the same thread on reddit.
Tbh that’s a bit… boring? I mean it’s kind of copy paste of axe 3.
Edit: Ok I can see it being useful for other weapons, although the cooldown looks a bit high.
Yep but range is twice of the axe skill
And what runes and sigiles U sugest with viper?
I cleans 1 condie, not 2 like before
so i went frame by frame through peachy’s video and got this screenshot of jaunt’s tooltip with the range barely visible.
400 seems… low. understandable, but….
(in game terms, 400 units is the rollback distance from ranger sword 2, or, the distance travelled with swiftness out of combat in 1 second)
It has full range of 1200 (if U use 3 charges) and it give damage so it’s like upgraded blink
Tnx for replie, unfortunatly WP did not showed so much like with warrior on last clip. kitten, just can’t wait till tuesday
Looks like there are some additional changes that may be worth considering. The Prestige now removes a condition without its trait. Mistrust and Ineptitude have swapped places, and it appears as though Ineptitude now applies two stacks of confusion on blind. Thematically Ineptitude belongs in Dueling, but I’ll personally miss grabbing both Mistrust and Master of Fragmentation. Will be interesting to see what other changes come through.
Can U give link to footages with this changes?
I don’t know for sure, but from all the footeges it looks like staff ambush will not bounce, just go straid thru oponents and allies.
It say’s " when fully charger" do maybe it will trigger when the charger will refille…
Just saw this, axe 2 skilli has no cool down. Maybe it’s a mistake, but would be cool
2 charges, you regain them with 8s cd.
Oh, was bot sure what it os when I read that. Tnx
Just saw this, axe 2 skilli has no cool down. Maybe it’s a mistake, but would be cool
And also charger “recharg” without resolve after 24 sex, U van cheak it in other mantra treat
Yep, specialy that there are many new tooltip icons and descriptions
There should be one more balance update before expansion. Maybe then we will get some answers.
I also like Axe 3, the idea of being able to jump clones from one Mob to the next, thus avoiding the “build up” required in open world for a mesmer has awesome potential
Specialy with all the condies, just attack/put condies, and go to another one, and so on and on…
Axe 3 says that all illusions retarget a new foe.
So it will be possible to fight many oponents, and not to summon new phantasms, just retarget from time to time…
We need more skills like that.
Did U saw tooltip on Mirage feat. It have 7 tabs – every main weapon will get it own Ambush
Read this:
Here are all info how secialization and new trait line system work.
One good mes will get cool looking axe skin (if the leaks are true), but also we get dull headgear probably.
It’s definitly one of a best ideas for spec. for mesmers I saw.
Ok, this list looknice.
Just one question, where are “On Interrupt” sigils…
We could use some oh them
What OriOri said pls no more support spec, we need dps…
I’m curiose how our healing well will work with torch now, U know our only blast for condi cleans…
Portal as na elit – for me great idea.
I had an idea for sword:
Fencer’s Finesse
Instead of feriocity buff, all U’r clone summoning skills summon PSwordmen.
Dunno if it will not be to strong for second tier trait but I think it could bring double sword back in to play in some builds. Specialy in pve.
That’s not the case. There are 3 other trait lines they could buff. I’ve talked about a few buffs to domination before but I’ll just quickly go over a few that could make theorycrafting better without nerfing those 3 traitlines:
1) Rending shatter: When you strip a boon on an enemy, remove a condition on yourself (1 sec ICD)
2) GM: When you strip a boon, do bonus power damage.
3) Mental anguish: All shatters (F1-F5) now do a bonus 0.25 power coefficient per illusion.Basically only F1 works for power damage (F3 if traited) so the current mental anguish only really buffs F1 even though it “buffs all of them.” Meanwhile all shatters do conditions damage with illusions. Adding some active sustain and power damage to all shatters in domination could push for people to try and swap inspiration or illusion to domination. It would even give you a reason to run shattered strength instead of MtD.
Change Furious interruption to
Give Dueling a heal on interrupt trait.
Change chaotic interruption to transfer a condition on interrupt instead of random chill/cripple/blind since those are cleared so easily now.
Dom, Dueling, Chaos interrupt mesmer can now compete in this meta.None of those changes nerf the current meta but do increase diversity / theorycrafting.
Great ideas, for me better then changing ilusion mechanism of mes so many people whant.
U know it is only map that I love to play on my mes with thief or 2 in my team. We will just own side nodes and hammer no matter what opposite comp will be
Nie?le ;-)
Good one
Only thing that bother me is why U take so many condie cleanses? With just inspiration U have enough.
Focus necro ;D And always make astomp
Hi, I play condi mes (sw+s/sc+p or t), right now in tier3 silver (down from gold).
My question is what is my role in team now? And really if there’s no thief I know close is mine on start. But after the open, what should I do? And do as mes I should always win every 1v1 fights? Tnx for any advice Kittykiettymeowmew.
Portal can be also nice trolling skill. Onec I got far in forest on the blue side. Then there came an ele (no problem we could not kill each other) but then came scrapper to aid ele so I just tried to keep them bussie for some time. I left portal on point, use all def cooldown witch took some time and then tried to reatret in cheftain way with blink. Scrapper went after me, but ele also made a mistake and he didn’t cap but went out of the ring. I’ve opened portal and was skipping from point to exit 2-3 times. It was fun, they where so confused. And yes it was in low tier.
1.) I know that and did write it in other threads. I would be pleased on locking class in Q :-).
If it ever happen we should get a possibility to change our builds in resp zones. If I will be locked on one class with one build that sucks because in opposite team have some hard counter to me, then there is no fun in play.
Just let phantasms stay alive and take another target as long as U will be in combat. It is realy annoying that U need to summon them again (and mostly in pve they will be on cooldown) but right now most of them are to powerful to stay alive out of combat.
And also change all clone summoning skillsto not overwrith phantasms (like scepter auto) and it will get much easier in pve open world/story.
I will bring that again but I would like to see mes with spear on land. Melee weapon with teleport/jumping aoe damage gap closer and with one 900 range skill.
Would like to know that to. I’ve started to play 1 year after launch and I always wondered whether Mesmer was that what A-net promised us .
There should be an elit that summon 3 phantasm of the current weapon U’r using with 90s cooldown to it. This would be nice for pve.
Ok Pyro U were right reflects do not work for dh. Did U had the same, that deflecting shot went throo U’r reflects?
He mean mistrust for sure.
I was using it last season (didn’t had hot then) and it was great in team fights, mostly against necros.
I think U just need a boon remove to make it shine.
Sword have one problem – it is only close range.
Scepter can be usefull also in mid range.And Pyro, if he will try to fight from range he will suffer from reflects (if I see team with dh’s, rangers, and thiefs I always take reflects with me)
That’s only an issue if the DH isn’t paying attention. When you say you take reflects, I’m going to assume that means you take feedback, right? I highly doubt you actually put on focus and trait it for that scenario just because that’s a pretty significant build sacrifice. So the DH just waits 6 seconds for feedback to drop then keeps going. They could even LoS you during those 6 seconds, or use any of a couple unblockable projectile attacks they have to hit through the reflect.
The good one’s sure can do that but right now with dh is like with reapers/scrappers/chronos in past 2 seasons – they mostly suck so feedback is enough.
And no I don’t use focus, just feedback, sometimes mirror.
I don’t take this skills to have 100% win chances, they’re just giving me an egde, a distractin, somethig that put my oponent out of balance and it work perfectly.
Sword have one problem – it is only close range.
Scepter can be usefull also in mid range.
And Pyro, if he will try to fight from range he will suffer from reflects (if I see team with dh’s, rangers, and thiefs I always take reflects with me)
The best topic ever Mesmer fulltime trolls.
Btw listen to Ross, he’s always helpfull.
Hello fellow Mesmers,
Several times in our forum I read about that Mesmer can solo fractals an dungeons, and I would really like to try this on my own. But because my experiance in this mattery is so low I would like to ask You for an advise:
- what build should I use,
- how to use it,
- have U got any advice what I should lokk out for,
Thanks for any advice.
I’m not a winner, just subbed U’r youtube channel so I saw what U did
He play it smart, and almost did not aproch mid and he hold far, when others holded close and distract oponents on mid whole match ;-) btw nice play
so maybe U out-rotate them?? Dunno I’m realy curious…
Seriously, U have problem to win a fight with power mes as a thief. Man U need to do something wrong. Only times when I had easy wins with thiefs was on my condi mes (confusion realy hurt when U spam autos), on power mes I was lucky if I survive first burst and I’ve run away.
I will complain because I was cheated by a-net.
Wait wait wait. You get 85% of the game for free and you feel cheated? Before HOT no one was able to play for free and now you can access nearly all the game with limitless free trial, and you feel cheated?
You play B2P game for free and you feel cheated?Where are from? You get expensive stuff for free for unlimited time and you feel cheated. Are you living in greece? Where in the world gaining free stuff is considered as getting cheated? GW2 is still B2P game. These free trail users are so entitled hat they want everything without paying a cent.
I know my english is not great, but man I’m not complaining about that game is for free or not (to U’r info I bought gw2 one year after release). Last year when hot was comig A-net said taht with this exp. we will get new ways of plaing with our favorite classes. They said that it will not be an upgrade but some thig that bring us new choises. And what did we get… An upgrade that is mandatory if U don’t pull U’r team down.