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Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Supreme, I don’t play any condi builds, man. I just deal with it. Nothing I said is based on my “ego,” and I haven’t told anyone to “L2P”. Do you think we can keep the discussion civil without going ad hominem?

As for your specific gripes:
1) Yeah druid has a lot of daze, but you’re problem is CC, not condi, and I agree that CC in PvP has become too frequent with HoT elite specs.
2) Yeah rev is pretty strong, but it’s hard to argue the problem is in their auto-attack…
3) Agreed that reaper Deathly Chill trait could use a damage reduction. If you look in my post history, I’ve proposed to reduce the scaling from 3.0 to 2.5.
4) Soldier runes rock, man.

I didn’t quote you because I wasn’t answering to you, was referring to this @ragnarok guy who keeps telling other to l2p when most top players agree that cc/condi spamm is out of control, I mean just take a look at current team compositions.

It’s not like you get outplayed and you must accept your defeat, from one side you get dazed for 2s every 5s or immobilized/crippled then you get feared/chilled/tormented to death and with soldier runes you still can’t do anything, you get swamped by several stacks of condis while losing control of your character

On a point you dodge left and you get dazed lock from the right, you cleanse that torment/chill combo and another comes 2s later +immobilize/crippled/fear, you use another stun break trying to move and you get caught by a well of gravity followed by more fear/chill spamm…seriously ridicolous

I’m confused… Are you generally talking about conditions as a whole or are you talking about damaging conditions? I have no opinion one way or the other about disabling conditions. I realize they can be strong to some builds just like damaging conditions can be but the game I pvpd in prior to GW was heavily WoW and i felt that GW was rather tame In regards to CC comparatively.

And condi pressure is different than pressure in general how? I mean, if it’s condi pressure or regular pressure… It’s pressure and it’s meant to be debilitating. I’m not sure how relevant the commentator’s comments on this point since if it would have just been power damage pressure no one would bat an eyelash at it?

So, Supreme, what you ultimately want is condition damage to have a passive soft counter similar to how toughness is to power damage and for CC to be less prevalent OR for people to have more ways to passively counter CC like a diminishing returns?

It is L2P when you die to condi because your build doesn’t compensate for it. If you DO compensate for it in your build and die, accept that improvements need to be made to your playstyle or maybe even your build. Or maybe you were relying on your team to punish conditions or remove them from you and THEY need to L2P.

If you die to conditions “SPAM” it was likely more than one person using condi on you and in which case… Two efficient zerk builds not going to do something similar to you? I don’t know, maybe I’m not good at this game but that seems irrelevant at this point.

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


There was actually a post on protection and conditions awhile back..

I’m not sure one way or the other if it’s the right thing to do. As some folks pointed out in that thread, do we really want to make the most powerful boon even more powerful?

I think condi’s are generally in a fine place right now. Everyone is so excited to run the elite specs a lot of us have left condi cleanse at the wayside, which is our own fault. I see the condi reaper and condi rev dominance as a temporary thing…inevitably people will adapt and begin running soldier runes again. And there’s no excuse not to. Before it was limited to guardian, warrior (and some bold rangers), but now that role is opened up to tempests and reapers, too.

Oh yeah absolutely. Everything is still new and shiny and people want to play with that stuff. It’s understandable. I personally think condition is fine as well but, man, the crying hurts my ears. And it’s not even just in the forums. In game people are just as bad… Before june23 killing someone with condition damage never warranted any comment but now people don’t hesitate to say something like, “Why you running a cheese build? Condi is cheese! You’re so bad your condis have to do the work instead of you!”

Look, I get that in the past condi wasn’t as dangerous but it is now. Lol it hasn’t functionally changed it just does damage that is almost comparable to power damage.

I’ve never had to defend DoTs in an MMO before… Like… Ever? People just understood in all other MMOs that I’ve played that if you eat a bunch of condi applications you are going to die quickly without a cleanse… Lol

You done kittened up - as AngryJoe would say

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Oh no the meta is changing and I don’t want to! cries

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Toughness is a semi counter to power, vitality is a semi counter to condi.

Toughness is partial mitigation. Vit is just a raw TTK increase.

Neither are counters. Countering implies negation of a mechanic. Cleansing is a counter to condi. Blocks are a counter to power.

The value of toughness is that it’s constant partial mitigation. Against a single power attack the value of toughness is marginal. Over the course of the fight however toughness adds up to a lot of mitigated damage. Toughness works great against sustained pressure as it decreases the amount of healing required to keep up with the pressure.
This is why cleric support guards are so vulnerable to power spikes despite having some of the highest toughness in game, yet at the same time are nearly impossible to kill by attrition. (which is a counter example to the “toughness counters power” claim because spikes are nearly always done with power attacks, yet the high-toughness support guard is extremely vulnerable to spikes.)

Vitality is another story. Vit merely gives a increase in health pool. This is great against burst (from anything) but is terrible as a sustain because it doesn’t actually mitigate any damage, and a large health pool also means you need way more healing to replenish.
This is why Carrion necros (high vit, low tough)almost never manage to completely top off their health pool in combat, but almost never get spiked to death. (which is counter example to the “toughness counters power” claim, since most spikes are done with power yet the low toughness Carrion Necro can’t realistically be spiked.)

The only way you could argue that Toughness is a counter to power is if you believe that high toughness prevents death by power. This is also a fallacy, as toughness only really decreases the effectiveness of attrition by power attacks, and even then only if you have the heal capabilities to back it up.

That’s the point he’s trying to make with “vitality counters condi” is that no matter how much health you have, condi deals the same.

So if you have 12k health, 1k/s condi will kill you in 12 seconds. But if you have 20k health, it’ll take that SAME condi 20s instead of 12s to kill you.

However, with power damage, vitality is a much smaller cushion if you don’t have toughness coupled with it because even though you have more health, you’re going to be getting hit HARDER without toughness or something like protection.

Vitality is a equal cushion.
A power attack dealing 1k damage with a 1sec cast would take 12 seconds to kill a 12k HP target and 20 seconds to kill a 20k HP target. Exactly the same TTK as condi.

Saying “well toughness decreases power damage, and thus increases TTK against power without a vitality increase” doesn’t all of a sudden make vitality a counter to condi, and it sure as hell doesn’t make vitality less effective against power.

In fact toughness just augments the effectiveness of vitality against power.

This guy is in the right. But with everything said I still don’t think toughness affecting conditions is the answer. Maybe have protection work for condi, too? I mean, it kind of makes sense.

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805



Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Sorry dude, you’re wrong. 5 stacks of bleed kills a 11k health player faster than it does a 20k health player. You can argue semantics and say it’s a “soft-counter” to condis but that’s about it.

Power attacks kill a 11k health player faster than it does a 20k health player.

Raw health pool isn’t a counter to anything beyond burst. All vit does is give you a larger margin of error regardless of whether you’re fighting condi or power.

Sorry again but are you kidding me? Do you know why people stack condi duration? It’s not just for giggles I can assure you that. It’s because high health pull characters require longer duration conditions to kill. That alone is enough to tell you how vitality affects conditions.

People stack condi duration, because condi duration gives +% damage generated per condi application…

You could say that people stack Precision and Ferocity because of high health pull characters require more damage to kill. That alone is enough to tell you how vitality affects power damage.”

I’m not arguing about power dude. I’m arguing about condi. Condi is directly affected by health pool, that’s a fact that I am trying to put across. If you want to argue against that fact, go ahead but let’s leave power out of this because that’s a whole different mathematical problem.

You’re arguing about damage. It’s obvious that Vitality affects TtK, but it doesn’t mean that it’s counter to anything aside from burst. What is more, I’ve (and not only I) pointed out that if we accept your logic as correct, then Vitality is counter to any form of damage.

Direct damage is affected by both toughness and health, Condis are only affected by vitality.

Condis are not affected by vitality. They do the same damage regardless of how much health you have. You can argue that vitality makes condis take longer to kill you, but that’s what it does for everything. Conversely, power damage is directly affected by toughness.

That’s the point he’s trying to make with “vitality counters condi” is that no matter how much health you have, condi deals the same.

So if you have 12k health, 1k/s condi will kill you in 12 seconds. But if you have 20k health, it’ll take that SAME condi 20s instead of 12s to kill you.

However, with power damage, vitality is a much smaller cushion if you don’t have toughness coupled with it because even though you have more health, you’re going to be getting hit HARDER without toughness or something like protection.

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Part of the problem with conditions in my opinion is the delayed feedback from being hit by the skill. For example warrior’s pin down. People do not connect this skill as being a huge threat outside its immobilize. But it does 9k damage over time from a properly setup condi warrior build.

I don’t think for a lot of people get the idea that they need to dodge pin down. They may think- I have to dodge or I’ll be immobilized. Instead of- I have to dodge pin down or die.

Compare that to kill shot where you have the immediate feedback of that huge hit.

I don’t think it’s a fixable problem.

That’s a good point. People react quickly to losing large chunks of life in an instant but people just let condis roll onto them without a second though… I’ve noticed between power and condi reaper when I use Soul Spirial; if I’m power people run quickly because they’re losing a lot of life fast. But a lot of times if I used it as condi, people will just face tank it… Not realizing they’re going to be taking A LOT more damage from it in just a moment lol.

A lot of players don’t pay attention to their debuffs, I’ve noticed.

Meta means must play?

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Most people won’t have a kitten clue you’re not meta if you aren’t 100% a meta build lol.

Icebow still in a Non-Existence State

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


To add to topic:

Reduce cast time and make second weapon drop on you. (No ground target for fluidity)
Still think base CD should be 30 and have that work for FGS as well but tone down its power a bit.

Icebow still in a Non-Existence State

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Yeah… That is an issue that is becoming more and more apparent. That the power level or usefulness of some utility skills is lacking.

Ranger shouts and ele conjures seem to be big ones. Most noticeably useless in 90% of the content unless your aim is some gimmick or “to have fun”. Lol

The sad part is there is SO MUCH potential with ele conjures!!

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I’ll summarize what OP is trying to say

  • Game is hard when i’m on a bad, randomized, team.
  • SoloQ is full of builds that are unviable in Tournaments, yet, I’m not good enough to beat them.
  • I don’t like a certaint build type, so lets just remove it from the game.

Yea, I don’t like bunker sustain classes but you don’t see me making a QQ post about it.

All we need is toughness reducing condi damage.

It’s not an issue so why do you need more help against it?

Solid troll post.

Except it isn’t a troll post. Any time the game changes functionally where the typical player is introduced to play styles they aren’t used to combatting everyone flips their kitten. It is a L2P issue and everyone will eventually get used to having to think about more aspects of the game.

Which aspects of the game?

The threat level of builds that focus on conditions as a primary source of damage instead the golden age where you could basically ignore condi in general and be alright doing so.

When I don’t make room in my build to at least soft counter the threat of condi builds then I should reasonably expect that if I run into one I will likely die without team support.

Will Reapers be getting a nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Reaper is in a good spot and I think it’s neither too strong or too weak. I think old chill damage was better and had a more unique feel to it but other than that i think the power level of reaper is where all of the other classes should be. Maybe not quite as tanks by default(it IS still a necro after all) but generally be as fluid as a reaper feels.

And of course, reaper is “so easy” to play now, huh? Seems similar in difficulty as base necro was and I don’t recall anyone ever telling me I won because I was playing an easier class. Lol

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I’ll summarize what OP is trying to say

  • Game is hard when i’m on a bad, randomized, team.
  • SoloQ is full of builds that are unviable in Tournaments, yet, I’m not good enough to beat them.
  • I don’t like a certaint build type, so lets just remove it from the game.

Yea, I don’t like bunker sustain classes but you don’t see me making a QQ post about it.

All we need is toughness reducing condi damage.

It’s not an issue so why do you need more help against it?

Solid troll post.

Except it isn’t a troll post. Any time the game changes functionally where the typical player is introduced to play styles they aren’t used to combatting everyone flips their kitten. It is a L2P issue and everyone will eventually get used to having to think about more aspects of the game.

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Jon Peters 5signet yolo left AN some time ago. Condi rep is not really troublesome tho (i deal with em just fine with no cleanse) but condi reaper is by far the most braindead kitten ever on par with old turret engi

So condi reaper just stands there while 90% of their damage is done passively without any input on the reapers part? You know 40% of carrion reapers dps is physical, right?

Is this because people think chill damage is too powerful? That might be it and reapers do fart it out with pretty much an effortless 100% up time. Without chill DAMAGE reapers probably wouldn’t be AS effective but they’d still be pretty powerful.

Idk, my opinion is that it’s chill damage. But saying that reaper is braindead similar to full turret engi isn’t a correct comparison.

Does condition build need precision ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


In sPvp I use carrion and I often camp staff. I do use GS for GS4-5. I don’t use curses so there’s no reason for me to care about precision at all. SR/spite/Reaper with deathly chill and dhuum.

The alternative is rabid with SR/curses/reaper but I usually just play with carrion because IMO vit is the best defensive stat for necro because it is also partially offensive for us.

Staff....does it seem weak?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Staff is love.

Staff is life.

In pvp I hate switching to my other set because I immediately miss the utility and, in the case of condi builds, the damage it can put out. kitten, I even camp it in pve on a condi build just for general use because I love it so much. I like scepter but unless I’m fighting one target I rarely think about using it. In fact, my second weapon in a carrion build for pvp is often GS just for GS4-5.

Druid AF

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


It’s simple. Ele has moar buttons, and moar buttons means moar skill. You cant have a silly low skill class like Ranger with the same healing as high skill class like Ele.

No offense, ele is a super relatively easy class, even mesmer is harder to master than ele.

You remember DD ele? Anyone who tells me that is a high skill class is……

To be fair, The ONLY high skill class ele spec is Zerk Staff ele in pvp.

Super relatively. Indeed.

Also, ele has always been a high skill ceiling class. I mean, even with how good DD cele was for a while, I was still effortlessly pulverizing most I went up against and the ones I didn’t beat, we just stalemated. So there had to be people who were bad at playing it… And that was on ranger…

Just because that build gave them easier-to-manage sustain doesn’t detract from the skill and reflexes the class demands still.

Druid AF

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I read title as “Druid as fudge”… Anyone else? On a scale of one to ten that’s DRUID AF!!

Bundle wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Bundle Wars 2…

Seriously going to make a list of these at one point. Hahaha

Gw2 changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I typed a huge long story about how ridiculous people are who complain about HoT for whatever reason… But I deleted it because I don’t think it’s possible to change any of your guys’ opinions on this subject since I see it repeated every 5 mins.

Sorry GW2 became disappointing to you guys. That really blows.

Yes it is okay for people to say they do not like HoT not “ridiculous”. It is good for devs to see this. Just like good for devs to see from people say like HoT. If you like HoT feel okay to post this every time want. But also okay for people that do not to also post about it. Every player that has HoT pay for it and they can say what they think good or bad.

No, you’re right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just personally can’t fathom a reason for disliking it which is why I was going to comment. It just sucks that some people aren’t enjoying it like I am. Wish everyone could be happy! Haha

Gw2 changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I typed a huge long story about how ridiculous people are who complain about HoT for whatever reason… But I deleted it because I don’t think it’s possible to change any of your guys’ opinions on this subject since I see it repeated every 5 mins.

Sorry GW2 became disappointing to you guys. That really blows.

Diamond SKILL

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


This again? If you’re running a pure condition build you deserve to get countered by ds eles. Enough said.

And who the kitten comes up with the idea that condition builds shouldn’t be nullified by diamond skin? Why not? Because your mindlessly easy yet rewarding condition aids build doesn’t work on someone for once? Gtfo.

Diamond skin only works in a 1v1 anyway. Any other scenario, it’s break the 10% with your team mates, unload conditions, proceed to watch the ele die helplessly. Smh, some people just can’t l2p.

If anything, diamond skin should be buffed.


Oh yeah, man, for real! Because condi builds only require one button to apply all condi and power builds don’t require one button to slap 5-10k dmg at someone at an instant? Making comments like “condi is brain dead easy” or “less effort for me reward” or “condi cheese” only makes it more apparent that the shifting meta has somehow left you behind and now instead of not having to pay as much attention to conditions you have to worry about being defeated by them (and probably happens often considering your general bitterness on the subject).

Things that beat me are brain dead easy to play and skill less. Yeah, that’s the ONLY reason you could possibly lose to something, right? I mean if condi builds took more “skill” then you’d win against all of them, right? Doubt it.

Diamond SKILL

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


The fact that the majority of this thread defend what’s categorized as a hard counter is beyond me.

Solution: Diamond skin – Reduces all incoming conditions by 75%



It’s a hard counter to builds that only use conditions and that can’t do enough direct damage to get through a bunker top 10%.

Your solution is vague. 75% always? 75% when above 90%? 75% of total duration of condi or damage of condi? Or condi duration/dmg is cut down to 25% of its normal effectiveness?

And people who sign their posts like their name isn’t in their sig or right next to their post look dumb. Please be specific and stop looking dumb.

Kitten Christ, make a solo and team queue

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I think the easiest way to solve this fairly is to add some sort of in game voice chat. I’ve fought against many premades and won and I wager that’s because they were just five average bros hanging out in pvp or a guild group with no voice chat going. Communication is why these premades can dominate.

Diamond SKILL

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I play carrion builds MOST of the time and I didn’t have problems with diamond skin the handful of times I’ve run against it. The condi builds that have issues are the rabid ones, I think. Most of my matches on reaper with carrion are like 500k condi dealt and like 350-400k damage. So that 10% isn’t as meaningful.

However, I think instead of having this trait “Block” condi application why not have it give them a refreshing stack of Resistance at the same health level? That way, if you do bring them down they will be affected by whatever you had already applied.

In response to condi builds being “skill less spam”; you’re being ridiculous. I’m so glad that for the most part that train has left the station because that sentiment was getting annoying to read once they revamped burning. Honestly, if you removed burning it’d still be just as powerful because then I could take foot in the grave and have even MORE stab!

Reaper: Better=power or condition damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


My bias is towards conditions. But I’ve always been the DoT guy in any game that’ll let me be.

New player - Hard time to even hit my target

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


If you are new, try running a condition build using the Curses trait line and scepter / war horn. If you want a power build like greatsword, try using axe / horn or axe focus. Both scepter and axe are easier to stay on target with while you learn.

Why? why nurturing new players into the condi cheese ? WHY?

There’s a little salt here.

Someone having a hard time dealing with condition builds?

Blind Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Blind wars 2. That’s a new one. I’ll add that to my list of punny guild wars renames.

Gliding in central tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


This wouldn’t affect vistas in any impactful way. And as for JP; most JP are vertical ascents. The few this would affect are just that, few. And not to mention quite a few people jus Mesmer cheese them anyway. Which is still possible to do at any time. Honestly, trying to use gliding on some JP might make it more difficult for you.

The best excuse to not have gliding would definitely be the numerous invisible walls and areas that you can’t go but it looks like you can. Like Azure said.

I think I’m time it will happen but there’s some cleaning up in tyria that they need to so first.

Laurels and you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I kind of figured but was hoping I’d only have to make HALF my gear. xD

Laurels and you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I just recently decided I wanted to get a set of sinister gear and thought, well, I can craft the gear and then buy the accessories with laurels but I could not find any.

So my question is where can I purchase new stat-type gear for laurels if there is a place and if NOT then why?

I get ascended armor/weapons needs to be crafted just like any other gear but why is exotic gear of the newer stat-types account bound on craft and why can we buy so many different stat-typed accessories but not new ones like sinister or minstrels?

I’m just honestly curious what reasons there could be for this? Discussion welcome!

Immersion Broken, Game Ruined - Look Here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Is it because your human gods are only valuable as part of a collection?? Lol

Leg Journeys not worth it w current inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Additionally, I would advocate Gifts being tradable.

Leg Journeys not worth it w current inflation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I feel like the cost should be cut or removed and have the difficulty/length of the collections doubled. That way the choice you have for obtaining your precursor is that of time vs money. Want it now? Money. Don’t mind waiting? Free.

I mean you still have quite the journey until you have all the mats for the legend itself anyway.

Dhummfire Reaper [PvE]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


You can AA with scepter and keep 10 stacks of bleeding with more than one stack of poison 100% of the time while kiting.

Compare that to Dhuumfire, which only proc’s in shroud, when you use 2 and connect with targets. Take a guess how long, on average, targets actually have even one stack of Dhuumfire, then start recording an outpost defense.

If you could apply burning 100% of the time, it would be awesome.

I find that dps from hits and crit’s far outweigh condition damage without scepter. Other condition damage is in the noise. You will probably see that direct damage in Shroud outweighs both Dhuumfire and Terror by a large amount.

With fights being designed to last longer and punish meele groups which can’t break defiance bar, condition damage is the best option right now, imo.

Most certainly. I think it would be a lot easier to maintain scepter with less risks and without reaper. Basically the long the fight the more scepter is the better condition option. But as far as small content or even pvp, dhuumfire and dropping scepter is better. IMO, of course.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


it is fun … BUT! its the same thing we’ve been playing for 3 years just a tiny bit faster. The concept before HoT was the same as it is now.

Pre Hot: Sig of fury > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.
Post Hot: Use headbutt > use burst > highest dmg skills > use burst > highest dmg skills.

The build plays entirely the same and berserker did nothing to anything else. So yes it is fun, it is faster, it is slightly more damage but you still play the exact same build you’ve been playing for years. In regards to condi damage, im sure its close to the lowest condi damage build available and has 0 team utility. In PvP … lawl dont even.

This was my thought on zerker when it was spoiled… So, it’s warrior but faster paced? I think could have made the theme a bit me deep than that and maybe go hard on the condi idea and maybe work really well with warriors other condi lines that aren’t that efficient to make something that was unique. But yeah, it’s just faster warrior.

Although, burst skills have never really been that impressive of a mechanic to me anyway.

Confession bear

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


When I have a crap day, I look at every class forum and read how everyone thinks their class is just so bad and in the worst spot and is the “red headed stepchild” of Anet. And then I realize that crap must be pretty balanced if everyone thinks they’re equally in a bad spot. LMAO

If the new trait lines were never labeled as “Elite” I think people wouldn’t of had high expectations for their class’s elite to become “THE META”.

Found a great PVP build for Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


How dare you post something insinuating that berserker can be good in the area that seems to only be reserved for hate and complaining?!?


Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


being fun is different then useful or being viable..

Idk. I find it fun to be useful and viable. So usually when I tell someone I find something fun it’s because I am winning. And if not I say it’s fun but disclaimer it’s garbage.


Dhummfire Reaper [PvE]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Without Dhuumfire, you get Death Perception, if short on precision, or FitG, which is handy with all the hard control effects.

Terror provides small amounts of condition damage in a build that depends upon it.

Both Terror and Dhuumfire add condition damage but neither has enough up-time to rival a scepter build. Deathly Chill seems weak, even with as many ways to chill as possible. Scepter bleeds and poisons outclass everything Reaper can do foe condi damage.

On the brighter side, pretty much everything is better than axe right now. Scepter and corruption skills can help more than axe so if you want to run a condition damage build, it will be better than axe by a wide margin. Even staff feels better dealing with high mobility mobs. Axe offers cripples with Unholy Feast but there are other was to proc cripple and Necromancer’s limited range and mobs’ ability to ignore cripple on mobility skills makes cripple nearly useless!

Scepter is too slow and has a higher ramp up time than dhuumfire does. Without reaper, though, there is no better option than scepter/dagger and staff.

Overall, reaper does condi better unless you NEED range. My poison ticks alone reach 5k+ ticks on top of 5k burns and 1k chill. And bleeding still happens in my build at about 500-1k ticks depending on RNG and how frequently I camp shroud.

Deathly chill is weak. Needs to be better.

Dhummfire Reaper [PvE]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


For those of you going condi without burn, have you noticed increased dps without burn or is the dps comparable and the playstyle just a little different?

Without burn you probably wouldn’t be auto attacking in shroud. That’s if you keep reaper.

What would work best with a reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Play herald! Haha

What would work best with a reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Make him play herald that way you don’t ever have to worry about run speed or might ever again!

Condition or Minion Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I also dropped BM for reaper and it’s amazing. Dhuumfire becomes a very solid option with reaper shroud autos cleaving quickly.

Blood & Death magic minions traits are very important specially for zerker MM build.

Oh I wasn’t suggesting combing condi and MM builds. I already can’t use all the traits I want to for condi already. Haha adding MM to that would be stupid.

Deathly Chill useless?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


It definitely feels fairly useless at the moment. As you say, the damage isn’t all that great, even with 100% uptime, and it has overwriting/stacking issues (especially bad given that the duration-stacking cap for Chill is only 5 stacks). I’ve seen suggestions to alter this by changing it to something like “Chilling a target applies [# of stacks] of [damaging condition] for [duration]”. My own thought was making it a condition-damage modifier, along the lines of “Your conditions do 20% more damage to chilled targets”. There’s actually remarkably few damage modifiers that affect condition damage, and it would certainly make it desirable for condition-focused builds. They may or may not want to leave in the “Chill does damage” functionality if they make that change; if they leave it in, probably they should change the wording to “Your other conditions” so that there’s no confusion about how much damage Chill does.

Holy crap you’re onto something there! How about “Chilled targets take 10-20% more damage and condition damage from you.”

That way it is still an attractive dps choice for literally any build. Power, condi or hybrid.

Also, I feel like Reaper’s Onslaught should increase GS attack speed, too. Doesn’t seem like a bad spot to slot them even with the other GS trait.

Reaper's might

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I used to feel like Spite was too overloaded on might, but after using a bit I honestly think its fair, and other lines should just be boosted on their own merit without hitting spite.

Spite’s boosts are heavily loaded onto low health and shroud, which is really conditional setups, and also nicely themed. Having a lot of shroud buffs is nice, because it allows for the Spite/Soul Reaping pair for builds that heavily rely on Shroud as a DPS form, and use normal weapons as utility. Its a unique style, and I think it should be preserved, and I also think it is perfectly reasonable because while strong, it is specifically strong in its niche (against low health targets, or while in shroud).

Other traitlines should definitely be looked at on their own. I’d much rather they be brought up to Spite’s level, especially on a thematic level with Spite having a nicely cohesive setup and both strong and fun traits. And I don’t think this would imbalance anything considering our slightly substandard place at the moment.

I’m okay with Spite’s might generation because of how it is conditional it is. Curses seems to be our weakest line imo and it needs some love.

GS is viable in PvP, the problem is the AA.

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I would rather have faster hits and smaller damage, as opposed to slower hits, high damage, gimmicky chill on 3rd chain swing…and not hitting people at all. Remember if we don’t land GS auto, we’re starved of lifeforce. Which is often the case with GS Reapers.

Death Spiral isn’t bad for LF gain. But as a whole, GS feels quite slow at generating LF. Wish the trait for it remedied that a bit similar to how staff’s LF gen becomes WAY better traited.

GS is viable in PvP, the problem is the AA.

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


I think the rest of it, particularly the 2 skill, get across the idea of “slow but huge effects” well enough to not have a glacially slow AA.

Badump Tss

Dhummfire Reaper [PvE]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


This is what I’m running atm. I gave up on trying to keep bleeding prominent but it IS still there and usually runs around 500-1500 dmg per tick randomly.

Chill and weakness are 100% uptime and poison is a burst from CPC + Soul Spiral. Burning is what camping RS is for from Dhuumfire.

The weaknesses of the build are too many ranged mobs that won’t group up. (Looking at you shadowleaper sonsa batches) However, CPC used defensively can mitigate that a bit and so can Rise!. Shouts can be used liberally and can lead to pretty explosive condi bursts.

If you don’t mind losing some vit/HP/LF you can go half carrion and half vipers. With Rise! that might be a pretty safe option. Otherwise, if you’re cheap like me just stick with carrion.

Edit: Additionally, I would consider using Blighter’s Boon or Reaper’s Onslaught instead of deathly chill in a group setting where your chill may get over written.

Also, there may be an argument to be made about having a few less chill sources but I’m too lazy to optimize that and would rather just spam it as much as possible. Plague sending may be better if you use viper/sinister and a few more corruption skills but I’m not a fan.

(edited by ragnarokda.1805)

why is tempest so bad?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ragnarokda.1805


Loving tempest and warhorn and I fricking HATED the idea when it was spoiled. I was REALLY hoping for rifle for a sort of spell sniper type deal. But after all is said and done I feel like tempest fits right into ele as a 6th spec more than other elites. Like “snug” I guess is what I’m thinking. The warhorn abilities are useful and I’ve been having a blast with scepter/WH fresh air. Haven’t tried it in pvp tho.