Most people want is an easy win. Join the biggest server/blob/zerg, press 1 and get lootbags. Pretty much the same on world bosses in PvE.
What if this new map is an alternative map for EotM and not for the regular WvW?
@OP it’s not a push week
The problem is the constant stacking in attempts to create a fight tier. Now don’t get me wrong I love fights and the idea of a fight tier but when there is 4 T2 servers that are miles ahead of any server that could land in T3 it causes issues for those below T2, and the T2 server that gets tossed down.
It’s the same reason FA is currently T1.5, I never understood why all the fight guild stack only T2, would it not make more sense to stack 6 server vs 3-4 ? If both T2 & T3 were full of the fight guilds they would have a revolving door of match ups, dropping down to T3 wouldn’t affect their ability to find fight (causing them to move furthering the damage to T2).
Fights are great, I agree with this, I don’t care for PPT but having 6 servers revolving the fights vs 3-4, would make life better for everyone in those two tiers … well except the PPT heroes.
You’re absolutely right – it’s a pity that stackers can’t see something so simple.
Basically what people are saying to T1 servers more than a year ago before completely boring locking themselves out.
FA doesn’t want to experience silver league again like last year (season 2 silver) and oh hello HoD and YB
This NEEDED to happen! Aegis blocks 1 hit and vanishes why should stability make players completely immune to CC? Stability is THE REASON I don’t play interrupt mesmer. “Oh just strip it” yeah, have a build that needs to boon strip before becoming effective, thats a great idea.
I am already testing builds now, when this goes live I will be having a good time!
awesome! with this patch you can just spam interrupts mindlessly and be effective!
Glicko = PPT = Coverage, so base the transfer price based on WvW rank.
but then tanking.. ~_~
topic should be changed into “YB crying for 2v1 thread”
inb4 thread lock
what if ANET made a 1 week free transfer for all, it would be chaos. lmao
3k armor, stealth and AI based damage lol
it is hard to buy guilds when your world is full
one does not simply run full zerk on wvw
not true i run full zerk ele and necro daily however my mesmer….. soldiers motherkittener triumphant distortion null field feedback blink mass invis reflecting focus skills the whole 9 yards of defense on mesmer because bruuuuuuh your not meant to be a damage nuker your meant for attrition
I didn’t say its not possible, but yea, you need to know what you’re doing if you want to run full zerk on wvw
Guys, I have a feeling OP is playing EotM so TS3 is not always an option.
he’s having fun ganking pve people trying to get the JP chest, but now nobody goes in there anymore.
Stronghold looks more like DotA/LoL MOBA whereas the current GvG people want is a simple 15v15/20v20 deathmatch (wvw setting) where non-participants can spectate.
one does not simply run full zerk on wvw
well queues are not the most accurate way of measuring population. During pushweeks, on reset nights we can get every map queued for hours. EB queues can go on all day even, primetime has 2 or 3 queues with varying times. I dont know about tc and jq, but from what I hear, TC has high queues pretty often. During weeknights it always varies, generally queues are more often caused by map hopping groups, rather then just a constant high amount of players on each map.
I thought T1 queues are just a myth based on their recruitment threads
Anet intended that you have to actively participate on all aspects of the game including WvW to have a legendary, You are not worthy of a legendary of you don’t. hahaha
But seriously, transferring or wait for a good match up roll that could take months are your options
People from other tiers knows its not a push week lol.
T1 doesn’t need to login and play to retain their ranks.
#stalewars2 #blameanetonit
OP was not informed that this week is not a push week.
Fort Aspenwood only server in NA who have more than 50% Points not from tick made the match up a lil bit closer while being focused by 2 servers relentlessly.
(edited by retsuya.4708)
- Refer “Edge of the Mists” as a WvW gamemode
Publicity stunt successful. They won’t bother wvw for 6 months now.
Fade to black then instantly port to spawn after a few seconds. No hard rezzing.
They keep changing the things people like and don’t change the things people complain about.
If you lag in T1 and think it’s only T1 you are mistaken.
T2 lags just as much on server side as T1.Now if its lag based on “your” side, then that is your computer/internet and it might be good for you to check into that before going to T2 fights, since they also get blobby at times.
However in reality, 16hours, or even 1 week isn’t really enough for someone to make a very informed and good judgment of a tier or server. (It takes time.)
This week many are preparing to be on vacation for the holidays. (Even havoc groups are down due to holidays, college exams, ect…)
Try it on non-push weeks, it’s less laggy.
you just have to press 1 harder!
You can run with the zerg and be ignorant of how it is moving. The zerg actually may depend on that. We need meat shields, people who over commit because they don’t know where the commander is going. They protect the rest of us as they die.
seems like a bad idea to insult servermates and potential servermates
prolly oughta keep your mouth shut here and just make fun of them on those voice comms of yoursNo insult intended. It’s just good information. In my experience, if you cannot hear a commander who has explicitly asked you to get in voice communications, you may get used as a meat shield. It’s a very effective strategy for a commander being followed by a lot of pugs. Run them toward the enemy, then back up as the enemy blows their cooldowns and the pugs die, then advance.
T1 confirmed. blob up or die.
If it’s happening in T1 where a 10 man group could PVD down map during that time due to little opposition, how can lower tiers do any better?
Is it because the opposition only have 1 big blob and busy fighting another 1 big blob and not because of lesser coverage? get real right?
Create a tangible WvW team and focus on its improvement.
More players playing the game means more profit even if only 10% of the wvw buys gems for gold (gearing/finishers/skins etc).
Current state of its base population is declining and worst solution is P2W
hmm coming from a SEA player in T2 and having an alt in T1.
IoJ OCX can fight any t2 OCX, so pvd on T3 and below.
CD SEA can beat any t2 SEA except DB, so pvd all the way T3 and below.
(edited by retsuya.4708)
most of the OCX/SEA blob guilds of T2 recently moved on to Tier1
T2 isn’t as blobby as it used to be (not sure with DB).
T1 replenished its SEA/OCX blob(or as expected guilds die if they transfer over there)
(edited by retsuya.4708)
Gonna quote myself from the other thread here
(why do we have so many threads about one and the same topic? -.-)I am confident that these changes will improve the WvW experience for many people that don’t like the brainless karma train.
Except removing white swords only makes karma training easier.
except that it doesn’t.
I guess they don’t want us to mention server names, so a short situational explanation before I go into my actual argument:
Server A (my home):
Low pop (upper end bronze) outside of prime-time, many dedicated defenders, tho. Many small guilds (10-15) as well, and during primetime most of them perform rather well. Also we always have at least one pug-commander on EB, which we call over to Home if we need to defend, while guild-groups + roamers focus Enemy Borders.Server B (current matchup):
Outnumbers us vastly to all times (middle-low tier Silver). Does not even care to scout and k-train 24/7. Additionally they have 2 small guild-groups during prime-time, hopping maps and ganking other guild-groups exclusively (we’ve never seen them to try to attack a structure since friday ( first time that we’re matched up against B )), luckely we are mostly even numbers, but they interfere with and delay all our efforts during prime, which enables the k-train to rush in and clear almost all attacks on their stuff before we can make it to the lord.
Thus they have t3 keeps almost all week long, even tho their k-train does not put a single foot in their homeborder unless some WP is contested.Server C:
Upper tier bronze as well, gets steamrolled, just like us (even harder since there is some personal Yadda Yadda going on between C and B ).So, IF we would not have white swords, we could flip their towers + camps without Server B noticing it in time, crush their PPT and out-maneuver their k-train vastly. That would even allow us to downgrade their keeps even before it gets a wp (no contested wp to notice a siege cross-map).
Additionally we already have dedicated defenders on Server A who still upgrade and siege stuff, even while this karma-blobb is around (and actually scares them off from time to time), so our performance would not be impacted in the slightest.
Same goes for C, which also have their eco on a green footing.I welcome this change, and would really like to see how Server B’s k-train / gank-squads reacts to this situation.
Since server B outnumbers your server. They can put up a sentry on every structures and still k-train your BL and you still can’t
Don’t tell me your commander is the largest char with a brightly colored saiyanjin hair?
if your reason is getting bored/stale/guild dying its hopeless in any tier.
I know someone who hid in a keep till it gets waypointed (around 4 hours+) then ported people in to flip it.
People really do this stuff.
lol highest bidder wins?
siege disable barely matters in T1. minor annoyance.
has about the same effect as a door treb, but cheaper.
Yes because T1 has multiple zergs on most maps. You can break open a reinforced gate by PVD
non-T1 has small groups that has limited supply and must race against time.
I think gem sales are coming from wvw players, pve players can farm gold then convert to gem.
will not be surprised when the upper management asks “why is gem purchases at all time low”
(edited by retsuya.4708)
FA having a strong NA force (if not the strongest) in T2 and is looking to fill in those gaps for a balanced Tier 2
Coming in 2015: Siege Disabler Mastery
Increased Radius
Additional damage to siege 10-12k
Increase Siege Disable Duration
Invulnerable for 6 seconds after using
%50 Less supply consumption
epic fights awaits. join fort aspenwood
visit for more info
Poor zergs get mad when their trains get derailed by siege disabliers….I’m not feeling y’all’s pain.
as if k-train zergs are affected by siege disablers, they have a ton of supplies and capable of wrecking a gate with bare hands.
problem is, 5-10 man gameplay is rendered useless.
Who said WvW players wanted to remove white swords? Did Anet just decide this themselves, or did players who plays WvW regularly really want this change?
Because, I haven’t spoken to one single WvW player who want this to happen …
they prolly heard it from EotM k-trainers because some guild group is wrecking the train.
nobody complained about this last week, ybbl is like this previous matchup.
but yea, anet pls fix
guys new traps are product of CDI! people are suggesting anti-blob trap but they gave us siege disabler so that everyone are required to blob up. problem solved
everyone knows T1 is a purgatory
I’m still asking why the kitten I ever left FA in the first place.
Have you asked yourself the same question?
Reason maybe a marketing? sales?
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