how about a screenshot anywhere but LA? That place is very crowded.
A few things to try before you replace parts:
In game: set the model limit to lowest so you see fewer players. This vastly improves performance.
In windows: increase your paging file (amount of hard drive space used for virtual ram, basically). This will give you a slight performance boost.
GW2 runs mainly off the CPU, not the GPU. You can force it to do more with overclocking and the like, but the first component you should save up to replace is your processor.
It went away to pay for all the bloom and particle effects in the new maps.
head desk
This is the kind of thing you see in a full F2P game to promote $$$->gold.
…and there it is folks!
If the materials required for this thing were even half of what is required, I’d have some hope of getting it.
Farm your game tickets now kids, and maybe by next year you will have enough to prove your worth for the thing you want in this game you spend your time trying to enjoy.
I don’t want to work for this theme park, I want to enjoy it. The cost for this item is outrageous.
Thief: Sword/Pistol. Skill 3, stand in place, do damage, stun, AND dodge, all at once.
GW1 with better graphics and features, honestly.
There is a lot to like in GW2, but the longer one plays it the harder it is to keep doing so. I was looking forward to a world I could wrap myself up in and also challenge myself in. What I got was a daily theme park with nearly endless grind.
Guild Wars 1 was like reading an excellent book series.
Guild Wars 2 feels like I’m at a chuckie cheese.
not sure if map rewards are time gated
also, I know that if you finish a map and then they add anything afterward, exploring those new points do not net a new reward for that map.
I’m a leader of a guild, and I don’t think I can afford to pick up the expansion on launch day. Will probably have to wait until it is on sale.
Will I be able to do everything related to guild halls for my guild without the expansion, or will I be limited in some way?
I have no problem promoting someone else who has the expansion until I get it, but if it can be avoided I just want to know what the restrictions are, if any, since the search option on this forum is abysmal and there doesn’t seem to be any clear information on the wiki.
hmm. maybe if dungeons were rewarding, and the game in general were more rewarding, we wouldn’t need to sell paths to begin with. if only there were some technology that would allow this.
it depends on the event, but generally: tagging mobs. the orange area circles are just guidelines, and have nothing to do with where you will earn event credit.
pro tip: if you are in a party, you get credit for the mobs they tag, and they get credit for yours. since this is shared you also get equal tagging for loot tables and the like. this is why everyone in large boss fights or event chains are spamming “LFG” in local chat.
But you only get like, 1 or 2. The price hike puts retail to shame. For the same amount of coin you could buy half a stack of cotton instead of 1 random chance to get maybe 8 silver worth.
“I was once a boy in these lands” – Prince Rurik; Ruins of Surmia.
The moldy bags are currently going for over 1g each on the TP.
Is there any other way to get these other than the pvp reward tracks? Why are these so expensive? They only contain T3 materials, and no chances of anything super rare or so valued to warrant the high price tag.
This game’s economy has turned into a bunch of scalpers, and this particular item is one symptom of it. I feel like something has to be done here.
magic find isn’t a myth, but it’s not enough of a boost to make it a legend either.
the best way to get good drops is to access the loot table more frequently. pure volume will net you better rewards, every time.
and don’t do content that specifically does not benefit from magic find. open world chests, end of dungeon floaties, or event floaties.
kill mobs. all the time. the only chest I know of that benefits from MF at all are the bandit chests, after a vinewraith kill, which is why silverwastes is so profitable. again: pure volume. who does a VW in the map and opens one bandit chest afterward. you get a train going and clear the map of chests 2 or 3 times. after going through 100+ keys, your drop rate is much improved because of volume.
if you are running low on ecto specifically, it’s good to do some of the starter zone world bosses as well. they are fast and will always drop a rare at least, perhaps more, so you will gather ecto quickly. avoid the world bosses in mount maelstrom, as they simply take too long.
my point was that necro is not a burst class. it is a sustain class. the dps isn’t a huge spike, but it’s a constant threat.
and yes, some other classes do have ways to heal while doing damage, but with the exception of thief they all have to stop attacking in order to do so. the necromancer doesn’t need to stop attacking at all in order to heal.
necro isn’t top tier, but it’s certainly not kitten dps.
do the Hydromancy and Geomancy sigils stack? I thought sigils of a same type didn’t proc at once. If you really get the chill and bleeds all at once this is overpowered.
I haven’t run into the immune to chill one yet.
The fear one is a problem, yes, but not across the board. The way these forever stable mobs react is one of two ways:
-fear is applied, the condition does damage, but there is no CC at all
-fear is flat not applied at all, and no damage from it
the problem is this is inconsistent across these mob types.
please make both of these conditions apply and do their damage, and if the mob is CC-immune, just don’t apply the CC.
um. necro shouldn’t be the top tier DPS. the damage you can crank out of them is amazing, but it should not be top tier.
the difference is, none of the other top tier condi DPS builds can heal themselves while doing damage. Necro is about sustaining and efficiency, not burst, and always has been.
Pressure, pressure, pressure. Battle grease. Necromancer is simply less risk in a glass cannon fight.
Also: are all these numbers taking into account life stealing?
Necro in Fractals:
This depends HEAVILY on your build. Some pointers:
-don’t bring minions into Fractals.
-life stealing/syphoning is amazing
-stripping boons and discount condition sales are effective
A full zerk life stealing (spite/blood/reaping) necromancer is super effective. In challenging content you have a few things that you can do for other professions since Necromancer is no longer the super selfish class it once was.
-wells and marks that heal allies
-skills that pull conditions
-teleport downed allies to safety
-prevent bleed-out of downed allies, period
-trigger life-stealing for all allies
-any fractal where there are large groups of mobs
-Dredge fractal: removing boons from these vets and elites make the fights take half the time
-Jade Maw (exploit) by syphoning health from the maw instead of relying on crystals. Don’t expect this to stick around. Even without the exploit necro has a lot of plus here, because they can stay at range without relying on projectiles, which are all reflected here.
-Drawing and managing conditions in the Cliffside fights helps your team a lot
-anything requiring a lot of mobility is troublesome (but not by much)
-you lack a lot of reliable stun-breaks, but with the health pool it seldom matters
-you hit like a wet noodle vs mai trin until you can condition effectively
-the lack of stability will make the ice fractal a challenge
yeah. account specific upgrades like this simply cannot be gifted. I’m sure this is a way to help control botting in some fashion.
there has to be something new/different for people without the expansion to do.
The Scarlet that was presented in game was kinda, meh. Everything between the lines and in the lore that we could discover (her secret cave for example) was awesome.
A proper villain should be one that people should not be rooting for out of fandom for being cool or awesome or kitten. Darth Vader is a great villain because he actually isn’t one; he is a fallen hero. Nobody says they think Hitler is awesome because he was an actual, horrible, cracked villain. Scarlet was awesome, imo.
And after seeing this video and playing through the story, in hindsight, I miss Scarlet too.
I would like this feature as well.
While we’re on the subject, it would be nice to have different keybinds for some professions as well. The number of keys you need immediately differ between say a warrior and an engineer, or even among just engineer build types. In general the settings in the game should be character bound instead of account bound (except for the overall graphics and sound settings, obviously)
I only use meta builds in pvp if I’m too lazy to figure something out for myself, or I simply don’t have enough time so I just plug in what currently “works” to hammer out a pvp daily.
do dungeons, sell rares, buy the extra silk you don’t get from salvaging greens/blues and loot bags. if you do 9 fast dungeon paths (couple hours game time) you will always break even. squeeze in a teq for another gold or two, depending on drops, and hit silverwastes.
farming gold needed is always better than farming mats directly.
Arah P4. Fight them all. It’s what we have and it’s fun.
add non-steam game
get over it
I would have preordered by now, but the secret world was half price this past week and I could not resist.
I’ll get it on or just before launch, because guild halls and legendary mastery. I think my wife will wait until the price is reduced before the holiday sales.
its like raaiiin on your fire field
like a free pooooort, when you’ve already waypointed.
conditions have changed, mainly that they effectively removed stacks for most damaging conditions. what this means is that all of your own condition damage will actually apply, and no longer gets overwritten by other players.
It sounds like you’d benefit from a guardian. spec for burning and symbols. you can wade in, drop tons of damage and vuln, keep blind up, and keep everything on fire. traited correctly, you can even spread might stacks on crits, and it takes very little healing to keep everyone else alive.
I would try guardian as well.
swap out your mace for scepter when you need range.
this will keep you alive and keep hurting your enemies.
This is kind of a big question.
Every class is fun to play to some degree, depending on the content you are playing.
I had a ton of fun with an interrupting warrior: hammer and mace/mace or mace/shield. you can rack up a ton of interrupts and a ton of confusion if you trait right. in mobs nothing gets a chance to hit you, in pvp everyone will be annoyed to the point of avoidance, and in dungeons you will be able to control bosses with ease.
If you prefer a support role, you can trait your banners to heal those in range and go with longbow for a lot of burning, aoe might bursting, and heavy damage all at once.
avoid meta-zerk pugs in the LFG and join a good guild that’s open to ideas instead of grinding out a game. I run a guild just like that and if you’re in the market look me up in game. we train.
Thief can be excellent.
Things my thief can do that none of my other classes can do: (I have an 80 of each class)
-Kill trash mobs in 2 to 3 hits flat
-Run across 1/4 of a map while in stealth
-Evade attacks almost endlessly without hitting dodge
-Gather vet guarded rich nodes without drawing agro
-Scout effectively in Edge of the Mists
-Conquer effectively in PvP
Stay away from the individual profession forums if you want to learn what is good about a class. Forums are generally full of complaining, and no one on here really likes their main class, it seems.
somewhere between a precursor and a loot bag, I’m sure.
I wasn’t even aware people did the mid-fractals anymore. just save up your AR and do 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Avoid everything else in between. Even a 50 is easier than a 39.
I think Dredge is the toughest fractal. The mobs all hit like a truck, they gather boons, they interrupt constantly, and are generally immune to blind. If you have a party of boon-stripping necros/thieves/mesmers this is a cake walk, but when is the last time you saw a party like that?
the gates take some timing, every pug does it a different “meta” way, the cannons and bombs are easier than they used to be, and the endless clown car was removed (much to the dismay of my loot drops), but even with these positive changes it’s still harder than most of the other ones. one bad dodge on the boss and your team falls apart or it takes an extra 10 minutes to take down. one miss on the lava debuff and the boss takes extra time. it’s easy to avoid wiping anywhere in the fractal, but its easy to kitten progress to the point of a forced reset if any one person falls out of rhythm.
snowblind only has one tough fight (ele). the first campfire/ice wall can be solo’d.
colossus is just long and boring, with far too many traps and potential for bugging. it’s more annoying than fairly challenging.
actually, anyone can be a healer of some kind. some classes are more effective at it than others, but every class has a way to heal everyone else in their group.
warrior = regen banners
thief = shared healing venom
mesmer = healing shatters
ranger = healing trap/spread regen/burst fields
ele = water/spread regen/burst fields
engi = tossed elixers/spread regen/burst fields/targeted heals/med kit drops
guardian = targeted heals/healing symbols/passive regen/healing bursts
necro = syphon health/spread regen/prevent bleeding out/healing well
several classes have a way to insta-res someone as well. these are classes with specific boosts to healing and are obviously better choices over other classes (ele, necro, guardian; warrior kind of an exception)
and you don’t lose a lot of DPS with this. with zealots gear you still have a power main. all you sacrifice is ferocity for healing, which just means your crits don’t pack as much of a punch in order to make sure everyone else stays in the fight.
currently, zealots/zerker mix is plenty of healing for anyone, and in a good group you only need one person set up like this.
for HoT, it sounds like you will need more than one (raids, guessing 2 to 4 out of every 10 people), but you likely won’t still be required to go into nomads or even clerics to survive longer. Druid spec will certainly have a more healing focus for rangers, and revanent will have a lot of healing ops as well, but there’s nothing to suggest HoT is bringing a holy trinity.
the world is not ending people. relax.
crafting is especially useful for several things. considering you don’t need the experience nor do you want to turn a profit, this will limit you to:
-anything account bound
-back pieces
-achievement points
it is very beneficial to have some crafting disciplines up there in rank. while it is true that many things are simply cheaper just to buy outright, but this is only if you do not have the mats. if you have a stockpile of materials saved up, it will (almost) always be cheaper to craft it.
one notable exception is watchwork sprockets. it takes 500 to make a refined one. 500 sprockets cost about 15g, while a refined one costs 10.
tldr; if you have mats and want account bound things, do it.
I remember reading somewhere that you would need “over 90” hero points to fully unlock an elite spec. Not sure where this information came from, but considering the costs of everything else and the elite nature of these specs, it sounds pretty solid to me.
salvaging things isn’t much of a problem, really. I have 120 slots in my main’s inventory and, yeah, salvaging can be tiresome, it is leagues better than it used to be (remember when you had to confirm salvage of green rarity?)
the clicking nightmare most definitely comes from all the bags that ALSO contain things to double click on, AND things that require salvaging. Open a box, get another box, etc. Silverwastes and Wintersday events are infamous for this. sometimes, when I am just too frustrated at the clicking I don’t even bother salvaging the green rarity or lower, just feeding it all to the merchant only because it’s fewer clicks overall.
Please give us a right click – salvage all and/or open all option. Please do it right, and let it both play by normal inventory rules and allow us to set a rarity gate. some people may want to auto salvage up to rare, while others only want to auto salvage up to uncommon.
I main a guardian with zealots/clerics/zerker stats.
I like to think of this as “pug grease.” It makes any run easier because I sacrifice DPS to carry everyone who doesn’t know what they are doing.
as neat as this would be, it brings up a few issues.
ele would no longer have a unique mechanic of sharing auras.
leaps apply auras, blasts apply fields. what aura would you get if you blasted a darkness field? poison?
I think there are certain skills that would benefit from your idea, but the skill would have to be a leap finisher that had an effect like a blast finisher. A leaping attack that effects PBAoE upon landing. Guardian GS 3, for example, blinds targets aoe upon landing iirc. This is a very short list of skills and would change all the mechanics of combo fields.
just use a utility/food buff combo that complements your build instead of slayer potions. the dps you lose/don’t gain against X mob will even out since you will be doing the same vs everything.
if you are using slayer potions for the reduced damage, you need a piece or two of toughness gear and need better dodge management.
generally, slayer potions are only really useful for singlewashed dungeons, like Arah, TA or CoF. the +/-10% can be nice, but I have found its almost never preferred over a solid stat boost utility and might stacking/stat boosting food.
1. all 3 are active. you can unlock up to 5 (for now) total trait lines and swap up to 3 of them in anytime you are out of combat. more lines are being added with the expansion for each class.
2. hit H and view your wardrobe, or alternatively visit a bank and click on the bottom tab on the left side. any weapon you equip or salvage gets unlocked as a skin, and you can use trans charges to apply them to other pieces of equipment. I don’t recommend doing this a lot until you are level 80 and have your “final gear” (exotics) to get the look you want.
3. they don’t show up in the merch window because they are either in your invisible bag, or they are from specific events and are not worth anything. you will not ever need them again if you finished the event, and even if you didn’t, just go to the event when it is active to get some more. drag and delete these.
yes, there is. you can only send out like 2 or so every 5 minutes iirc. you can receive up to 10 before your inbox starts turning them away.
use the guild message of the day and hope to hell your members actually read it, or use another method of reaching them. I created a facebook fanpage for our guild and invited everyone to like it so it appears in their news feed.
The in-game guild wide announcement system is almost non-existent.
I like the idea of communication letting us know if they will be useful in the future or not.
I do not like the idea of auto-deleting them if this is the case. Holding on to these for posterity is fun for flavor for some toons, and can be a nice reminder of old times.
My main in GW1 kept an extra chunk of ice from sorrows furnace that turns a warm one into a cold one, and still has it in her bag to this day. Also: stacks of red iris flowers to give to people
ok, I’ll bite.
how is stacking in dungeons not a viable strategy? take 5 people and tell them to fight 20 people. out in the open is just begging for failure. the enemies don’t wait one at a time like old kungkittenmovies. they all rush in at once, causing confusion and panic.
in wvw, everyone would make a guardian line in the front and no zergs would be able to kill each other. what is already a glorified keep swap will just get worse, and I predict zergs will just hold their own territories and soak up the points. rip wvw combat.
and re: screenshots: just be patient. or ask them politely to move. it’s amazing what you can get when you ask.
this is the first MMO I have played where the rewards are total kitten.
CoH – didn’t really have a drop/item system and it worked. everything gave currency, and lots of it, and everything could be purchased with said currency.
TSW – gives appropriate drops, all the time, in all content. Everything can be either used, crafted into something else, or sold for a profit. Very rewarding experience.
SF – guarantees boss loot drops, and the harder content you play the better rewards you get. your loot is directly reflected in the time you spend in the game. if you choose easy missions, you get easy loot. Every loot you get can be broken down to upgrade your stats.
GW1 – everything rewarded gold, and drops were excellent. you could challenge yourself to do something solo and get all the loot instead of splitting it amongst NPCs. again, you are rewarded for challenging yourself. Hard mode and other challenge content gave tons of reward, which you could spend toward special armor sets or more coin.
GW2 is like going to a theme park at vegas. one in every 5k lucky attendant gets something really sweet as advertised, and everyone else gets used cotton candy. If there weren’t a wardrobe system there would be no reason to keep playing.