Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
I will try to respond to this as nicely as I can and hope no offense is taken.
“As some one who knows 150% and then some that he is indeed innocent as we only play this game together”
" long distance relationship in different countries"
I’m not sure you can truly say you are so sure someone is not botting/using RMT when you aren’t physically with them. I’m not attacking your relationship or anything like that, but it isn’t really strict proof that you know such things being so far away. On the other side, even if you were, most people would see it as just sticking up for someone you care for. The response you see in the email means they literally have found evidence of RMT usage, and there is no actions available. they don’t send emails with that wording unless they are serious, and they do take that very seriously.
I would say the best thing to do is send an email, but.. as you have stated that has already been done. You can hope for a response from Gaile, but if its true that even she is sure, she will provide a very stern response that you may not be ready for…
Good luck either way.
I am talking about SAB not Frost and Flame. It does not fit in the context of the storyline. Frost and Flame fits into the lore, but not SAB.
Because every little square inch of the game must fit the lore, or else it’s a waste of time.
Just because you don’t like the content does not mean it’s a “waste of time”. As far as I know, moving a little out of the way with SAB is actually helping the game, not hurting it. As far as “wasting time and resources” is concerned, I don’t think it is given that the critical reception for SAB has been overwhelmingly positive.
I did not say I don’t like the content!!! I LOVE IT.
I only say it doesn’t FIT into the game! Hence the wasting resources and time on it! If I had hated the game, I would have been even more negative. The only thing I was negative about is not about how the devs did it in their free time or not what they did after work.
It is they put something out of context in the storyline that does not fit into the lore they are creating! Past, Present or Future!!!
Ok so since all your first points were moot now, the final point seems to be that the lore they created is not what you want it to be. So you are saying that you should be the one to decide what lore is and is not? I think you just explained the whole point of this thread.
Would you apply this to anything else? Would you say Guild Wars 1 was named as such even though the fact is that many devs and designers had a part in World of Warcraft? They build up their name, they realized something worked and they continued on with it. This is a huge practice among publishers and develpers. often times publishers who even hear a dev mention “new idea” instantly dismiss it. Because they know what has sold is what should sell. Is this always true or good? Nope. It’s a great idea to step away from the norm and be different. Look at portal and some other niche type games. Look at it on paper and tell me that it sounded like a good idea. These people didn’t just profit, they excelled at what they had done. Plenty of other examples: Minecraft, the original Final Fantasy series, and so many more I’d actually have to look up. They (Arenanet) took a safe route but at the same time they learned from mistakes and fixed those. Then added their own finesse to the game and style.
Except that GW1 was a success and it was different. GW2 is just a really bad WoW clone with a couple new twists and really inferior content. Sadly, they took a step backwards, not forward.
I think that is an opinion though. One could argue that any game made after the launch of WoW is a WoW clone. But it would be an assumption, an incorrect one. They are not trying to be WoW. By now developers and publishers should have learned that trying to be a clone will only result in failure. WoW is a successful game, whether it is a standard for all MMO’s remains to be seen. But I highly doubt any designer, developer, publisher sets out to make or sell a game that mimics blizzards piece of the pie. Instead, smart companies are working around Blizzard, to make games that are amazing while stepping away from the norms of MMORPG’s. I could list the vast differences on teh two games but i won’t. A simple google or youtube video would be just as fruitless to listen to for those who are stuck in one opinion. Neither game is perfect, all games have flaws, but to degrade the incredible steps forward Arenanet has made is just silly. And down right rude. Like comparing a 68 Corvette to a Monster truck. Two entirely different roads these people are traveling, whether or not people can see that is a different story.
And an aside- For a “bad game” that has become the fastest selling MMO of all time, it isn’t doing too bad. Even if “some” people consider it a WoW clone.
I drive a liquid-cooled Alienware Aurora R3. My monitor is a 23" 1080p Alienware 3D monitor. I am an experienced high end PC enthusiast and overclocker.
Sorry but this is just too funny.
The same thing I thought lololol
Just because people own alienware computers doesn’t make them idiots or less than people who build their own. I have my certificates in computers, and working on my degree. I still own an Alienware and so what? Maybe I had 1500 bucks to blow and didn’t feel like making my own computer because I have more pressing things to be working on. Anyway, just because you can afford an alienware that may be overpriced or not is irrelevant. Peoples skills are not always reflected by what they have “right now”.
AS for nvidia related: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/geforce-experience
Some people who are not as savvy with video cards and tweaking optimal settings might be interested in this. The downfall though is they haven’t released a GW2 monitor, but hopefully will soon. This worked fine for skyrim, waiting to see what they recommend for GW2 when it is added.
For those worried about heat, things like evga precision are available to watch your temp. My 2x 450’s sli’d were getting pretty hot even with liquid cooling.. I upgraded to a 650 and now it is fine. Those cards were just so close in the system I have I don’t see how they could ever stay cool. Hoping to build my next computer now that i have a fallback, that is if I don’t get bogged down with time restraints again. If your going to do something, do it well.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Strange i feel a little alone here in my feeling that the market isnt “corrupt” enough.
JS has by word and from what we have seen of the market quite hands off. Relying on the market to adjust its self rather than trying to micromanage the huge volume of transactions that occour daily to try and please the vocal members of the forums.
Gem prices will rise from simple economics, when the game started it was OMG i made my first gold, it seemed like a fortune now dumping 30g on ectos while they were cheep to knock off my clovers was by comparrison a small amout.
More people have more gold so when some thing like a cute back pack comes along they can buy more gems and are willing to pay more for them. When the sale ends gems drop. I would think it was actually in the interst of Anet to have the gem market totally hands off to encourage free trade back and forth.
I am sure there is a quote from the Devs some where that the price is totally player driven sadly i cant find it at the moment to back my opinion.
“John Smith.4610:
As a quick aside. Gems in the currency exchange are finite. You may buy gems with real money to your hearts content, but if you don’t put any of them gems into the currency exchange the currency exchange’s stock of gems never changes.
John Smith.4610:
Think of it this way. The government can print as much money as they want, that doesn’t mean your bank account has access to that money. The currency exchange does not have access to gem creation. It has a limited stock that players add and subtract from.”
Was this it?
People qqing about sales…
They had a Sale during Christmas, I checked Google and noticed GW2 was the only company in the world who had sales during this holiday period.
They had a Sale for New years, also checked Google, no one in the world had sales on new years or any “after Christmas sales”.
They had sales this month, I checked Google again, no one in the United States had any refund money this year, so terrible time to have a sale, also there were no refunds this year, anywhere.
So what we can assume from this is Guild Wars 2 and Arenanet are failing because clearly these are not times to have sales. As I’ve checked thoroughly with Google and seen no evidence of any other companies taking advantage of these holiday times to give sales to loyal or prospective customers.
So in anticipation of everyone in forums (since everyone is forums is clearly the only ones who play the game) leaving, I’ve driven as fast as I could to my local gamestop store (where there are no SALES at the moment) and bought all of their Guild Wars 2 cards so that I can play by myself when everyone is gone. I may be the sole survivor of Guild Wars 2, much like will smith in “I am Legend” I will endure on the zombie Apocalypse and support the world all by myself.
The game has enough bugs and problems to worry about, they don’t need people predicting the end of the game at month 7. If the game developer says player activity is slowly increasing, then most likely they are telling the truth. Simply stating the numbers can cause people to panic for no reason. It’s obvious to most that games have a flow, ups and downs, and after initial release. So stating numbers tells nothing. Do you see regular updates in WoW when a new MMO comes out stating “We lost 3 million people, 1 million came back”? No. That’s just an example. But seriously, if you want to talk about decrease/increase you need to realize some obvious things:
Peak Times
Locations Played from
Players playing other MMO’s on the side -Beta testers included for new MMO’s
Console gamers trying the new games that just released, breaking from GW2
And yes.
“Some” people leaving.
“Some” people returning.
There is a lack of common sense in most posts, people with any sense of business know that sales are a common thing, even in brand new companies. Petco opened near me, grand opening sale, as did a furniture store. Again, just an example.
If you find yourself on an empty server, we have guesting. If you enjoy the server you guest on why not join a guild and stay? If you REALLY like it you can get a transfer, and a good guild or friends could contribute to your costs.
If you don’t want to stay, or just want to hop around, find guilds on different servers. Ask them if they have a guest rank, a rank for just people guesting. Once you leave they remove you for space for others to guest and be part of a guild.
Just some ideas. My Apocalypse survival list is included below.
To OP…
Start today and tell me how much time do you need to equip your character with ascended/exotic items.Not to mention economy that is slowly but steadily collapsing.
This is nothing but the old lineage 2 formula…
Exotic for me full set was 4 weeks ^^ Ascended meh, I have no use for it.
Ok when you will be booted from fotm parties remember that ascended are useless.
Also when you will be booted by cof1 speedruns….the difference between exo and asc is about the same between rare and exo.
I don’t do Fotm. Also, never said was useless, said I have no use for it, Also, don’t do Cof p1 runs(or Cof), I make 5-8g /hr w.o dungeons. And never have to deal with “dungeon” type people. I just tossed 200g into my guild influence because I’ve found gold to be boring.. But game is still fun.
“It’s worth noting, the X-files conspiracy comment was directly responding to the theory something changed in the November release that made it all suddenly worse that has been perpetuated since Lost Shores. _We confirmed nothing what so ever changed in November,_ as we posted after a complete investigation into all parts of that release, thus the comment. Probably not worded the best on my part, but please take the time to read the actual comment in context and don’t apply it to other situations that had nothing to do with the remark.
As posted within the loot discussion thread, we did exactly what we said we would do: we completed our investigation of the November release and all loot tables and found no issues what so ever, we immediately let the community know no issues were discovered from the changes in the November release.
We then expanded the search to other parts of the game, here we found issues that had existed since launch and have both let you know about them, and will be correcting them.
To those who theorized there were issues since launch with qualifying for loot, you were indeed correct and your tinfoil hat is justified, thanks very much for helping us find this issue! November however, remains an X-files level conspiracy that has been debunked. There ya go”
But a dark outlook and a negative attitude doesn’t help the community or the game developers make it any better.
Praising failure doesn’t help them make it any better either. What do you suggest?
I suggest that when something is taken away that you disagree with to give your opinion on what could be better placed in game to replace it. If you truly believe that it didn’t deserve to be taken away or changed then state that as well. I’m not simply complaining that people should just be OK with every change, or follow blindly. I’m simply saying that people need to look at long term and see what can benefit everyone. And that people give ideas and feedback that is more than just destructive criticism or turn threads into 4 walls of arguments against each other. Because strife among one another gets us no where, and degrading the people you ask change from does nothing to help as well.
One chief complaint i do have is that “some” players find ways to circumvent the game and destroy things others do or use which is not meant in such a way. These players are the reason for the removal and change that so many dislike. They and they alone can be blamed for the need to program a change that affects everyone negatively, not just them. But blaming isn’t going to fix it, working towards a fix or replacement idea will. Or at least it is a start.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I’d just like to say that there have been mistakes which will lead players to questioning things like this. To name a few, Lost Shores, Drop Rate bug with kill credit, and various bugs that turned into huge exploits. I support GW2 and Arenanet, but when the question of credibility comes up again and again, a generalized statement directed at us may no longer be enough to cull the anxiety of your customers. If you add in overzealous moderation, and blank statements it only makes the problem worse. Ectos at 21.20
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
is no one considering the possibility of a new kind of ore being introduced in expansion packs
It isn’t planned or being worked on at the moment. The logical assumption would be arenanet would like not to anger tons of paying customers by making this not upgradeable in the future. And the introduction of new ore does not necessarily mean it will be a higher tier. Just possible more rare, or harder to get to.
Why does the dungeon need to be temporary?
Because it is part of a “living story”, much like real life, when you destroy/change part of the world it stays changed. Well at least in a small way in game.. Temp content is a great test for what works and what doesn’t. Those things can be applied to the core game.
Why are the Fused Weapons only from the BLC?
$ = Content, ie Flame and Frost
Why can’t they make this (and add to it) a permanent dungeon with tokens much like the others and add the fused weapons as dungeon rewards to spend tokens on…?
Suggestion. Whos to say you won’t ever see this style of dungeon in the future?
Would it be so bad to allow more players to see these weapon skins rather than wasting 100s of dollars or more on keys and never seeing one? The dungeon on its own was awesome. Imagine it being its own explorable.. New content is what’s going to keep this game going, not temporary content and then the same old stuff afterwards.
Temp content has been raking in serious money, and the majority of the playerbase love the content. It gives players a reason to keep coming back, because the world is always changing.
There is 20 other posts like this one. Did it really need its own thread to complain about the fact that you think it cost too much in “your opinion”?
1. Not everyone bought them with gold.
2. People did not buy them for their “super money saving awesomeness”
3. They are in the gem store, so they are convenience items.
4. The gem store has never been, nor will it be, a way for players to get ahead of others who don’t use it.
It saves space.
It costs $10-The price of a fast food meal + snack, a small toy, a case of beer etc etc.
It looks cool (opinion)
It mines any ore
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I’d buy an XP boost that actually gave a boost to ANY xp earned not just kills. Since some of my low levels can’t use the boosts effectively unless they can kill very fast or have hoards of mobs.
I’d also buy event type boosts that boosted xp/karma/MF for party members or an AOE. Because I care that much :P maybe 10% each.
MMOs always end up changing to what the hardcore wants. Every single time.
But Guild Wars 2 isn’t like any other MMO, be optimistic :P
Because Arenanet respects customers and players more than other MMO’s where they just let anything pass. Welcome to a game where the company actually cares if its community is a huge troll fest full of abusers or not If you like the 4chan style stuff there’s always Aion and Tera Global chat.
Turns out that Zhaitan was the good guy, and we were actually destroying his plans to kill all undead and restore Orr. The current Orr looks is the result of that. Had we lost, Orr would look much more like miami.
I think it was ok, could have used a twist or 10. I do love twists. (See Castle)
But keep in mind the living story is an extension of that story as well, and brings new “bad guys” in at a pretty amazing pace. And at this rate hopefully we will see quite a few twists and turns in the stories.
..who things that after the Karka story arc is totally over that Southsun would be a better place if most if not all mobs were removed? I mean, maybe leave some bosses, some champs around the lairs that are farm-able for us 80’s who love farming. But clear most of that dreadful island off, remove the gloomy rain, brighten it up, and give us a nice island getaway ^^ I bet RP’ers would love this. Swimming trunks and sand, and when an adventure is wanted they go into the hive and do some cool quests that lead underground as well as above ground for fun. It could be an alternative to Orr farming, with less karka and more interesting mobs that are pushed only to certain areas. Maybe even make a monthly invade scenario, where the karka attack the camps and we have to defend them. I say that the island could be far more fun if done right, tried of gloomy Orr… We need a shiny, good looking farm area.
Lol, i doubt gw2 is even on top 10 of MMO (popularity wise) at this state. (wow, star wars, runes of magic, lineage, vindictus, runescape……)
I think that you really don’t realize how many users star wars has lost.
I think that it would be somewhere on the top 10. Especially with old MMOs loosing users. (Though I imagine WoW, lineage and runescape are still standing as giants)I think YOU don’t realize how many users gw2 lost/IS losing.
Star wars had pretty good bump at player numbers when they went f2p. I could say more names for MMO, but for some i’m not sure (like Alods)
To be honest, neither do you. You have no metrics, no statistics, no analysis that is 100% factual to prove GW2 is gaining/losing/steady. Arenanet does, and until they release those numbers, statements like these are valueless assumptions.
Since this seems to be plastered all over the forum like Burger King plasters mayo over my sandwiches by the pound near me, I figured maybe we could gather some ideas on what would be good alternatives for RNG. Specifically on what Arenanet could do to make rewards rare, yet attainable and unique.
In another thread I talked about redoing Living Story events in a recurring setting, allowing players to get missed achievements and rare gear once again.
Repeating content that is limited time allows a second chance at obtaining items that were introduced with the RNG factor: Boxes, BL Chests, Dungeon Chests.
As for the South Sun chests, the fact that they drop AND can be purchased is a step in the right direction imo. We started with BL chests requiring keys from Gems or Gold>Gems. We then had some chests drop rare items, super rare to some, and there was no other way of obtaining those except for the fact they were made tradeable. Again, sort of a good step in the right direction. Then of course as already mentioned the new things that are available by chance from drops etc.
So as you can see from various threads:
People hate items/skins only obtainable through RNG via gems/gold.
People hate items/skins only obtainable through RNG via chest/loot.
People hate items/skins that EVERYONE has.
People hate items/skins that are only attainable by very few means.
So hopefully Arenanet can see that the answer to making money for the company, and keeping customers happy is a mix and combination of the things listed.
Boxes: Allow them to drop and simply open, with a RNG chance. Also allow them to be purchased via gem store directly at a steep price.
Dungeon Chests: Allow them to continue to be RNG chance in dungeons, continue to allow them to be sold on TP. Also, allow them to be purchased directly from Gem Store for a steep price.
BLTC Chests: Allow special limited skins to remain in chests for longer periods, allow them to be obtainable through other means like finishing the current arc, but just 1 per account.
Additionally, try to add rare/unique skins as alternatives to the three mentioned above. Instead of releasing just 1 skin and tossing it in 1 obtainable aspect of GW2, make a few so people have choices and options on whether to spend gems, finish achievements, or try their luck at RNG dungeons/chests. Having say 3 skins available whether it be back+armor+weapon or any combination, allows players to at least walk away with SOMETHING. I think a combination of all these ideas, or even some is a good step in the right direction. Most of us understand Arenanet needs money to take over and become their own awesome company create new content for us to enjoy and have fun with. So hopefully we can come to some sort of compromise so that everyone is happy, or at least fairly happy.
I’d like to hear others thoughts on this, I don’t mind any criticism on my ideas so long as you back it up with constructive feedback and suggestions of your own. Lets see what we can come up with.
^The fact that you call ‘I wish’ et cetera, et cetera ‘directly threatening/harassing’. Against forum rules or otherwise, getting a threat from that is such a stretch it seems like it would hurt.
A threat is a threat. You do it in real life you can end up in jail, no different here except they are more lenient and just ban you ^^ It is rude and uncalled for, toxicity is a terrible thing. Internet isn’t a right to act like a complete fool and disregard basic human morals and ideals. If you said that statement to the president of the US you could end up in prison. Just saying, rules are da rules. There is no grey area here. I have a greater respect for human life and emotion, even before serving in a combat zone.
I could be wrong, but in the strict English sense, the second part was not a wish but a hope, which is just as disgusting. Either way it is obviously not what we want in our community, or in our world for that matter.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
It is funny how some people think 5 guys work in a dark room balancing, coding, creating, and those same guys stopped all that to make a mini-game.. Seriously people do some research. They are called teams, and the people doing SAB etc are the same team who do jumping puzzles and some spare people from Living story (I think).
Here is the core team:
The Super Adventure Box team, from left to right:
Daniel White is our programming magician. He gave us the power to swap out the UI, upgraded the missile code and combat system to get us that old school combat mechanic feel, and got our physics to work with wacky things like bounce mushrooms.
Lisa Davis is the one who brought everything together and made it go. She scripted all the creatures, skills, secrets, and figured out how to make it all work in one coherent whole. A truly magnificent feat!
Jeff Weber was our primary prop and creature artist. He built most of the walls, rocks, clouds, critters, and pretty much everything you see in SAB.
James Smith is our producer extraordinaire who somehow managed to heard all us cats in the same direction. Apparently we wore him out so he couldn’t make it for the picture. Photoshop to the rescue!
Josh Foreman built the maps and coordinated the project.
Trevor Howell brought all our boxy creatures to life with style. He also had to learn to breakdance before animating the spiders.
Jason Wiggin built the Super Adventure Box that sits in Rata Sum, made our weapon skins and the in-game items like the candle, bomb, pointy stick, etc., and the beautiful dancing flowers.
Byron Miller is our principal QA guy (or Secretsfindah) but most importantly, came up with the idea of the bee dog.
But we had a LOT of help from Maclaine Diemer and Leif Chappelle for music (Lief contributed weekends and evenings because he’s a designer here, not a musician) Jerry Schroeder and Drew Cady making our sound effects and environment sounds. Our effects team: Jens Hauch, Paul Whitehead, Patrick Axlen, Daniel Henley, James Showecker, Lee Bledsoe (Our whole FX department wanted in on the action!) Dave Beetlestone is our environment art lead and helped up navigate the fine line between retro and ugly.
And Peter Fries did our editing and wrote the best shopkeeper line: “I see now that all my hording has brought me only sadness.”
“The full list is:
Live security
Live response
Holidays and events
Mac and performance
Bonus teams
“A Live Security squad will smack bots, spammers and account thieves, while a Live Response crew will focus on fixing bugs, balancing and answering feedback.
The Living World team is responsible for new content, while a dedicated PvE or eSports cabal will develop Guild wars 2?s competitive side.
A Holidays and Events posse is already hard at work on tan upcoming celebration (likely Halloween) as well as being responsible for world events, and techy types have been coralled off as Mac and Performance, focusing on building an OS-X client and improving the existing PC version.
Finally, the Commerce company is led by an economist and will keep a close eye on the Black Lion Trading Company.
Interestingly, in addition to these seven defined teams, ArenaNet will sometimes throw up what it calls bonus teams, to work on special features and events; the first product of a bonus team is due in November."
If any of the above has changed, I’m sure a red box will reply and fix it :P
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
“I would like you to know that I personally reported your concern to the development team. The research may take some time, so we will really appreciate your patience while they are investigating your concern. "
There’s your Page 10 update (from support). It isn’t much but better than nothing. Maybe we get a response, maybe we don’t. We aren’t “entitled” to a response, we would like one, one would be great. But at no time are they obligated to respond all the time on the issue.
So it is being looked at, it is obvious that they can see this thread as it is always on top. So, sorry I couldn’t get something better, that’s all I can get right now. The recently added update for the camera turn is probably a step towards a fix. If you find constructive posts, or helpful information in the thread then +1 it.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
All ore veins.
Soulbound(One character)
$10USD(800 gems) or about 22-25g>gems.
It is unlimited uses.
Arenanet currenty has no plans to add a higher tier ore so this is good for all ore veins.
Also it does this http://tinyurl.com/cerbhak
Just thought i would put some unbiased info.
And an aside- For a “bad game” that has become the fastest selling MMO of all time, it isn’t doing too bad. Even if “some” people consider it a WoW clone.
Still, for all the people that said they needed to make it less like GW1 to really be profitable, it hasn’t been as profitable as the entire GW1 franchise yet. So, until then…
Comparing a 7 year old game to a 7 month ish old game is a little silly though, can’t you agree?
I see a lot of anger over the new skins because they are RNG based.
Basically you buy some keys and hope for the fused skins or something else you desire. And I understand this is problematic for some people. But maybe this can help:
Arenanet adds Frozen/opposite skins directly on the gem store. (No RNG)
These skins can be used to skin a weapon of your choice.
But heres the biggy-
If you don’t like the skin or you wanted the Fused version, you can take the unopened frozen weapon and use it as currency to trade it for the fused ones.
So to reiterate:
Buy skin directly off store, go to fused NPC and second tab allows you to buy a different Fused weapon instead so long as the weapon skin has not been used.Now this works both ways.
The Fused weapon skin NPC would also allow you (3rd tab) to buy Frozen style skins with your fused ones.
So the exchange would be even, the gem cost would be even. And there is a chance that when you open a BL chest it could give you a free fused ticket, which could be used or traded for the one you want.Now it is early in the AM for me, but this seems balanced. In all seriousness correct me if any part is flawed and I will try to correct it or discuss it.
What are your thoughts?
It’s not a bad idea but it seems drastically overcomplicated.
Why not just directly sell the fused weapon skins in addition to having the tickets come out of chests? They can say “Due to popular demand” or whatever.
I just think putting them directly on the store would even more annoy people who spent a ton of money on the chance. Now that such time has passed it might be too late to simply change it without making the situation worse. At least the new skins would provide some sort of softening for all those who spent money on the chance. “Oh I spent a lot on a chance and didn’t get any or only got 1. But now there are more cool skins, and I can trade them for the ones I wanted.” Might simply work out better than “Oh I spent a ton, and now they make them directly able to buy… great…”
To the tyranny that are dragon timer trolls with the introduction of API Now accurate timers and no trolling, and so many other uses so thank you Arenanet for that
Also a huge step to remove wvw culling, nice for all the wvw’ers. I have a strong feeling loot in wvw, lfg, and pve culling are the next steps ^^
What are your thoughts on them? I can’t wait for the gw2lfg to finally be rid of all those terrible people.. personally. Any official response on those things would be nice too
Lol.. as we have prioritized to do the daily and some world bosses and after that some leveling or farming in Orr, we haven’t been able to discover this OP risen yet, but it sounds that today evening (if it’s not hotfixed until then^^) we just HAVE TO look out for it.. xD
Guest on a busy server like TC or others, hang out there when he shows up. Its power was scaled directly to 9000 :P He did not pass go, he did not collect 200 gold, he went directly to our camp and ate everyone like some sci fi thriller. ^^;
Give it a lil more time before the hate threads. Things may yet even out. You can only get 1 chest per event per day account wide. Also Maw time has been extended, so the big events you are used to are going to get a lot less attention after the mechanics of it all settle in to peoples minds. Also some people may move now with the free option. Give it till maybe April 10th for all the new changes to kick in and whatever shenanigans may happen on the 1st.
I was bored so I calculated the percentages of tiers of loot dropping based on OP’s data.
% chance of T6-10.73%
% chance of T5-35.95%
% chance of Trash-52.06%
% chance of other-1.26%The ‘other’ group obviously relates to the prefix on the bag opened(like lodestones from miner’s etc..).
The ‘trash’ group is named thus because of the negligible relative values because they are so common and found elsewhere, it includes T5&6 silk and leather.I know the numbers probably seem skewed but that is because we don’t have data on how many of each came from every bag. Considering DR kicks in after as little as 30 minutes I wonder if we can extract the intended rate of attainment of this stuff that Anet planned for us? Maybe that info would alleviate some of the whining over legendary weapon difficulty and other general loot concerns.
I would have done those “every bag” info but that would have cause me to lose my hand/arm :P I do have the video recorded but it is very..very… long and thats like a week of watching and pausing at the fastest possible lol
That statement was made towards people who said that the November patch changed loot. Which it did not. The problem has been from the beginning, not from that day. So the statement still holds true.
You know what man, you can defend them, and they’re going to say whatever they PR people tell them to say, but as someone who has been around since ~August I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that something changed in November.
Exactly. Something DID change in November they added DR for one and they messed with the loot tables to supposedly adjust the drop rates of solely “unidentified dyes” however we all know from the short history of this game title that they have bugs when the fix other bugs. They admitted to it both things. I hate to burst Geo’s bubble but DR and adjusting the loot tables for 1 item absolutely has an effect on every other loot item drop in the game. So yes they still need to apologize to the public, they still need to remove DR until they can make sure that it’s absolutely 100% not going to bug out and they still need to admit that the loot is not the same as it was prior to November. Everyone who started playing on launch day and who has played since knows this to be true despite the denials of those who are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
I’m not trying to be demanding I really am not I am just working from the standpoint that customer service needs a serious glance and that they need to improve gameplay for players not hinder it.
I’m also working from the standpoint that clearly there is a priority problem in the company, that things like squashing bugs that are still here since launch on both classes and zones doesn’t seem to be a priority with this team. (DR being one of them, it’s obivous that there’s a permaDR problem when whole chests disappear or people get nothing on end for months except porous bones and some whites.)
I’m confused then as my videos and experience show me with some pretty epic Event DR and getting green and yellow drops. Furthermore, even though I stay in orr for over 6 hours, same mobs, still make the same amount of gold. So you can feel as though you burst my bubble all you like, I’m in game farming and hit 20g before lunch. This is where I go to see what everyone is up to when they aren’t in game.
If I want to get my karma and buy some boxes then I simply exit stage left to maw or a dragon, and continue to grind. This is by far the easiest game I’ve ever played in both leveling and money making aspects. But to each their own I guess, I enjoy the game and hope to see the new changes and the world grow long after all the qq is gone, I’ll be here.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
no way, i have some high end stuff in my bank that was untouched,also my money on all my toons is still intact. I had no issue logging in and as I said my comp is clean.
Doesn’t mean you weren’t hacked. You should change your password and wait for a response. I doubt Anet took your toys and outfits, sounds more like you were phished or you have some friends who aren’t very nice.
I may be a bit late since I’m in PST but I will be there! btw I ran with a KING player in a pug in Orr last night, again another good experience with your guildmates!
Orr, where we can live out our The Walking Dead,Resident Evil, hero fantasies. :P
Oh gods…First it’s “Play slow, take your time”, then it’s “Hurry up and come back and finish this content”. And the LS hasn’t changed a thing in the world. And people have been singing this same song for nine months “Give it time, you’ll see, it will get better”. I was even one of those people. And these updates are not “free”. They came with the purchase price, and paid for by either players playing or buying stuff in the gem store. You purchased the game and all updates, nothing here is being given to anyone.
Seriously, do you people all work for EA? Stop with the propaganda already.
I would argue that the 60 dollar price tag was for all content at the time of release. because most games need revenue beyond box sales they are monthly subs etc. They first had to generate enough revenue to pay back the cost of the game entirely, then pay a salary to all those people every month. I doubt $60 covers that alone, and even if it did I doubt they covered anything past the first few months of the game. But I think gem store sales are what is supporting new content, to say that $60 covered ALL expenses of making the game AND ALL future content just sounds silly. Play the core story slow, do the living story when it comes, be happy with the game or move on. Suppose thats the only real advice here.
I just started my own guild and can see that there are many people already in a guild or guilds. It seems like once you enter game your almost guaranteed to become a guild member or play solo until you do.
In my guild I don’t require 100% rep. I understand that some people have close friends or long time acquaintances with whom they do certain aspects like WVW,dungeons,spvp etc with. I don’t expect them to be on and repping 100% of the time, just that they try and be a part of the guild so that it is active.Things like bounty’s and missions will come in time, but for now I have no problem with people repping another guild so they can do content they enjoy. A guild is a community, some more close than others. Some people irl have certain bars they like, maybe they have a bartender friend or favorite drink. Maybe those people check out other bars for variety and come back. The point is Guild Wars 2 is very much about community as most games are, and your right to join several communities.
Some of the problems I often see are:
One side- Guild Leaders demanding 100% rep. The only reason I ever see the point of this is if your members are focused on 1-2 aspects of the game, ie WVW. If that is all you ever do then sure advertise it as such. But if you are multi-functional, you sound just silly asking for people to rep you 100%. Because they have needs and wants and they deserve to fulfill those. If you can’t offer that they will find others who can, but this does not always mean they will leave or never rep you.
Other side- Guild members using 5 guilds as a LFG. This is frustrating to see, as you do not just want a large guild with 200 non repping people just using you for LFG UNLESS that is the sole purpose of the guild. Yes it is a benefit that large guilds can be used for LFG for dungeons and whatnot, but it isn’t right to take up space in a maxed guild if you rep for 5 seconds a day.
Balance- There needs to be a balance between the guilds you rep, the guild masters understanding, and the cohesion of the guilds. The fact that many people have many different desires means that you could be all over the place. I wouldn’t recommend that a multi aspect player join 5 multi aspect guilds unless you can frequent them often. Guild Masters need to clearly lay out their plans and expectations BEFORE they invite you. No one should ever be told they got kicked because they weren’t repping, without that person knowing that was a rule. Even so, you could take the time to talk to them and explain, and see if you can come to an agreement. Because EVERY person matters in the game no matter the level, gear, skill, style. Every person is part of the world and has some kind of impact in one way or another, and that makes them important.
The little guy- Large guilds seem to start lacking in the area of catering to “most” instead of catering to certain individuals. Of course everyone knows you can’t please everyone, but you can sure try to have something for everyone (not including 1 aspect guilds) if you want to survive as a guild. You can balance Buffs, missions, banners, and events if you truly take the time to do so. Why expect everyone at the bounty mission if in 3 months you have had no guild buffs for people who are leveling, gathering, crafting, opening karma etc etc? No members should not be there solely for buffs, the core of a guild is its community. But it shows that you are doing your best to provide “something” for everyone. As your guilds needs change you need to refocus and ensure you are going the right direction and are paying proper service to those who helped you become what you are. Do not use people for influence, do not use people as a sort of interest bearing influence account. As they give to you, give back.
I’m always spending cash, gems, gold on throwing events for the server not just my guild. I know not everyone can do this, but I can so i do. I think it brings people together and adds a little fun to maybe a mundane moment between Maw or shatterer or whatever else. I invest time and money into this game because developers invested time and money into bringing out a pretty great game. At its core as with every MMO is the community, and we as guild leaders, as people should recognize that. Without people, without members, without community this is nothing more than an RPG with an occasional co-op. We need to support those we can, encourage others to do so, and our guilds should be a place where players feel welcome and important. So much so that all of Tyria feels this way, like we all belong to something.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
“These people also want a cheap way to boost they’re self esteem in a way by making their in game character impressive compared to their real life persona.”
Boosting self esteem by looking pretty in a game..
Digital esteem is a false sense of self esteem. You gain nothing in real life by thinking you now look better in a video game. While I agree peoples self esteem can be affected by video games, if they are truly caring so much about self worth that they need to spend money on unrealistic things, their problems are far deeper than simply what can be discussed here..
All this “dirty move” “shady company” garbage… Seriously, its comparable to saying video games make people go out and kill others. It is called self control, it is common sense, it is a sense of responsibility. It is not Arenanets fault if people are wasting money on the game when they should be spending it on something to further or better their real lives. But again, they have the right to do as they please with their money. They don’t need big brother telling them what to buy and what not to buy.
In Soviet Russia gems buy you.
If people are spending all their money on gems for RNG or pretty items, that is their business. Why people feel compelled to control others monetary access and spending is beyond me.. Sounds self righteous and controlling to me. Maybe people buying RNG chests aren’t the ones with psychological issues.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
150 Rares from TP
180 Ectos Salvaged (With BLSK)
0-3 Ectos salvaged, in fact seen several 3’s pop and 2’s like my old test.
Longest Streak of 1’s = 4 before hitting a 2 or 3. No strings similar to yesterday.
41 0’s
63 1’s
21 2’s
25 3’s
Total numbers (N): 150
Sum of numbers: 180.0
Mean (average) value: 1.2
Population standard deviation (?): 1.01980390272
Population variance (?2): 1.04
Sample standard deviation (s): 1.02322034077
Sample variance (s2): 1.04697986577
If it follows the normal distribution
The 68.3% measure confidence range, ? 0.1767796592269 – 2.2232203407731
The 90% measure confidence range, 1.645? -0.48319746057174 – 2.8831974605717
The 95% measure confidence range, 1.960? -0.80551186791527 – 3.2055118679153
The 99% measure confidence range, 2.576? -1.4358155978315 – 3.8358155978315
The 99.9% measure confidence range, 3.291? -2.1674181414843 – 4.5674181414843
The 99.99% measure confidence range, 3.891? -2.7813503459481 – 5.1813503459481
The 99.999% measure confidence range, 4.417? -3.3195642451948 – 5.7195642451948
The 99.9999% measure confidence range, 4.892? -3.805593907062 – 6.205593907062
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
i wish they made some monthly achievement; “RALLY”. 1000 rally and just one tier. since i get down so much now in wvw whit my ele.
Haha that would be awesome, farming orr I think I rally on my thief more than I shoot arrows sometimes..
The first thing I’d like to address is the start of your dungeon run which would be looking for the group.
You have:
1. LFG tool (Must be in the same map)
2. /Map shouting in LA or in the zone of the dungeon.
3. GW2lfg.com
4. Guilds
1. The LFG tool is very limited and does not allow for a global feature as many have suggested. It also does not cater to those who-
a. Are new and have never done dungeons
b. Are looking for a specific style of run
c. Are lower level
If you are new to dungeons chances are you may come across people who will kick you once they find out, people who will leave because they have to teach you. I think this is a great disadvantage to the game, and a disservice to those who recently joined GW2.
2. The /map shout function can fix the problems a,b,c because you can specifically mention what kind of run you would like. However, this also means you are spamming the chat channel in that area or in LA to get a party together. So with convenience and clarity, we cause commotion and map spam. In a place like LA tons fo things can be going on from chats about WvW and whats happening to random people talking about whatever, and then to those seeking groups or members. This all turns into one giant spam wall of text that really takes away from the game.
3. The 3rd party website known as gw2lfg.com removes problems a,b,c again by being clear on your intentions. It also removes spam from the /map screen, so in turn fixes problems with #2. This however leads people to grief players as this site is not owned or operated by Arenanet, and therefore much like the dragon timer website, can be taken advantage of. This third option is very limiting in the way that you have to tab out to use, and the posts often become filled before you can get the group you would like. A better chat based, or list based LFG tool in game would remedy this, but that is an entirely different discussion.
4. Guilds are a great place to find dungeon members. Hopefully the guild you are in is supportive and enjoys dungeon runs and for those who are new, they are willing to teach. This method is great but works in the opposite way of the other methods. Instead of random people joining up in the open world, now you have caused only select people in guilds to do dungeons together. This makes those few people less likely to help or join with other players outside of the guild.
So we have all those things going on, and this is just the beginning of your journey through a dungeon. As you can see, these steps themselves are a journey almost worthy of a story in their own right. But again, we have much further to go, as we haven’t even found a group yet.
Now the fun part. We have finally found a group and we know what we want to do. We take our full group and head to the dungeon and the time either directly before we enter, when we enter, or shortly after, becomes the make or break of our experience.
a. You mention that it is your first time and
i. You get kicked
ii. You get laughed at
iii. Everyone leaves
iv. The group decides to deal with it and move on
b. You are doing story mode and your gear isn’t all that great, on top of that you haven’t done this very many times and
i. You get kicked
ii. You get laughed at
iii. Everyone leaves
iv. The group decides to deal with it and move on
c. Ok now your past all that nonsense.. You heading through and the group mentions
i. We need to glitch this part to get past
ii. We need to get around this part to get past
iii. We are going to only do the easy path
d. So now you’re sweating a bit, a lot of work just to experience a story or explore mode. You get past that part one way or another and
i. You are at the end and the dungeon glitched and you cannot continue
ii. You are at the boss and everyone says we will stand in this safe spot or ported spot so we can’t die
iii. Everyone dies and leaves
iv. You die and get kicked
e. Well now no matter what happened it sure seems like a huge deal just to do one dungeon. You think to yourself “I’m either going to never do them again, or maybe just not play this game because I love dungeons and this is my focus.”
I don’t see an expansion, but definitely some fun. I hope whatever it is thakitten is not any RNG items, because GW2’s success wasn’t random, so neither should be the celebration :P
Cake hats, since we have no hair with them on anyway :P AND TINFOIL HATS YOU HEAR ME COLIN! :P
I don’t understand why you can get the same loot from the Frozen Maw (which takes very little time) as you do from Claw of Jormag. Makes no sense to me.
I agree. I think veterans need a 100% chance to drop “something”. Doesn’t have to be an exotic, just something. And champions at very least a Masterwork guarantee. As for maw, I’m ok with greens or a rare. But Claw of Jormag and the other dragons, they should at least drop 1 rare item 100%. The rest is ok, but at least make the hour or so it takes for some of them be worth it… Otherwise your going to have a server sized zerg at Maw.
Last time someone shouted nerf I spent 80 gold showing there wasn’t one..
What FPS are you looking for?
one that isn’t as bad as it has been since beta weekends.
Right now running around LA I get 125 FPS in performance, 30 in appearance, 35 in Auto. Aion seemed much more greedy hardware wise than this. But my wife plays on a Dell from around 2005, and she doesn’t have problems with the game. And that computer is as powerful as a tracfone :P
And the game itself uses about 1.8gb/16gb of ram while I’m running it.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Guys, the idea is this: With the excuse of gem-gold exchange, A-Nets consideres that everything they add in the cash shop is affordable by everyone and so, all the content they provide is available for all.
What I wanted to show is that, in this way, it will be easier to take everything out from the game rewards: weapons, armors, etc, and just put them in cash shop. People could just get the gold in the game from whatever activities they do, and then do the gold-gem exchange.For example… they added the “daily costume brawler” to boost up costume sales.
and about of these mining picks: farming Bots have got an easier job now
Not really. They pay or steal an account 60 bucks, pay for a mining pick on 1 character.. Then get the entire account banned. That makes no sense money wise, this won’t help them. They don’t want to spend, they want to make.
All the cool stuff you keep adding by not announcing it :P
There are about 20 things in game that weren’t in patch notes, that were good improvements. And now you have more specialized forums for different topics that have been asked for forever. Are you being modest? Is it like hide and seek? Do we win something when we find these unmentioned things?! Is this the precursor scavenger hunt?!
I’m watchen you….. You think you are sly.. But I’ll catch your hidden cool updates my pretties, and your little quaggans too!
Life has a cycle, for once an MMO is trying to incorporate that fact.
I dont share this comp with anyone, nobody else is here, I live alone so the only way an outside source would be able to do it would be to use malware and as I’ve said repeatedly, my comp is clean.
Malware is not the only thing that can take your info.. You can get keyloggers on websites, you can get phished on websites by logging in or using your info other places. No one in this forum (which is the wrong forum btw) can help you. Only Anet can through a support ticket. After no response you can then after 3 days post on support forums for help. But saying Anet stole your goodies sounds unlikely to be what really happened. Either way you should change your password, possibly for your email as well. Or not, up to you.
Maybe they weren’t done yet.
Irrelevant, it’s still incredibly annoying and makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense, they don’t want you running through areas full of mobs just ignoring the mobs. The same with WvW, they don’t want you flying through a crowd of enemies pretending you’re not there. I don’t know if you noticed, but this is actually a combat game. If you want to stay out of combat don’t be in the world. If you’re in the world be prepared for the posibility of combat occuring.
Then why make skills that give you speed buffs for running away, why make skills like “retreat” if there is no purpose. Since you get slowed down in combat anyway, some of these skills are only useful outside of combat, therefore retreating is and should be an option. Otherwise your toon just looks like a moron who can’t run from an OP mob, and just sits there and takes it. That’s not tactic, that’s stupidity.
Just for you, mixed to emphasize just how evil that frog is :P
When SAB frogs attack
When SAB Ninjas attack (Jump in a lake)
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
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