Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
One problem with that. People have been actively counting the stars, there’s a big difference between assumption/anectdotal evidence and counting the exact number one receives especially in the cases where PermaDR has set in on top of the bug that’s already there causing the only person killing a champion to receive nothing.
Specifically, one can count the number of Ambulances on each full moon to determine if indeed that is an increase or decrease of hospital ER visits which is what the playerbase has done. Numbers don’t lie.
But people do.
Very few people offered unedited videos of what they do with their time. Players were unable to post logs do to the removal of that system. Without said evidence its all just hearsay.
why would you buy it with any kind of money?
Real life cash may be easier to come by than in-game gold for some.
Not only an infinite mining pick is useless because the normal ones are cheap but spending 10$ for pixels and pixels that aren’t even useful is kinda funny imo. Like not because its new YOU have to buy something as worthless…
Have you ever bought a DVD ?
Useless pixels on a disc, why buy those ?
OMG HAHA I love this comment.
What is a DVD? I have all these Blu Ray thingies… you kids and your new fangled technological gizmos!
I have seen more people tonight than I have ever seen playing.
And I saw a flying tractor pass my house with a naked lass driving.
Meanwhile in GW2..
Oh look a “doomed” thread! It’s been so long, we missed you. /hugs
On a positive note:
Gem store profits are steady and strong, servers were recently upped to fit more people, Anet hiring, and huge turnout at the current LS events. But continue, didn’t mean to interrupt the silliness.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
in Living World
Posted by: Geotherma.2395
Yes bonfire is up. Got it. Doesn’t fix my problem.
You had a month in advance to read the info about it, 2 weeks to do the dungeon parts of it, and now an extended epilogue. If you want to follow living story, you have to keep up on whats going on by reading the updates and info. Otherwise you miss out and this happens.
April 30th, 14:35
“The Molten Facility dungeon will be available until Sunday, May 12^^at 12:00pm Pacific, when the entire Flame and Frost saga will progress to an epilogue. At this point, players will no longer be able to earn achievements associated with the previous chapters of Flame and Frost, nor will they be able to earn the achievement Rage against the War Machine.
The Flame and Frost epilogue will be active from Sunday, May 12 at 12:00pm Pacific until Thursday May 16 at 12:00am Pacific the release of the Secret of Southsun on Tuesday May 14. The epilogue will mostly consist of conversations and story elements; there are no exclusive rewards to be given at this time.”
“Update: You will be able to complete the Secret Contact achievement during the epilogue to make up for the time it was not working previously.”
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Let me start by saying this is not a complaint thread about temporary content.
There are many people who believe that temporary content is:
Ruining the game
A waste of time
I’d like to discuss these beliefs in a constructive manner directly and see how others feel after reading my thoughts on the subject.
The first point “Ruining the game”-
Temporary content brings new players and veteran players alike back to the game. Many threads suggest this, and show that the content-although short, has caused a lot of people to play when perhaps they might have remained away. This content was released and many players did have fun with it. The Flame and Frost content was a nice touch, and although its beginnings were a bit slow and simple, it has gradually improved. The SAB event was widely loved and adored by the community as can be seen from in game and the SAB forums. This content didn’t even start out as something functional, and yet turned into something amazing. So I do not believe they are ruining the game. This brings me to my next point.
Point number two “A waste of time”-
Many people think temporary content was a waste of time, but they fail to realize the content as a whole. A temporary dungeon provides 2 very important things:
1. A chance to try out new dungeon mechanics
2. A way to not add to troubled dungeons if it is not a success
Designers use these tools to try out a new way to go about dungeons. In doing so they get a free testing audience-you! So when the majority of players enjoyed the dungeon or instance, they know they are doing it right. Many dungeons need revamping, and perhaps they find ways to do that through the temporary content. Instead of tweaking this and that in every dungeon and guess, they have a clean slate to start anew. This is a great tool to find ways to fix core parts of the game and to better improve player experience. Now if that content was widely disliked, they have less to lose because luckily it will be gone soon and they can move on. So instead of spending a bunch of time on a new core dungeon which could get a large amount of hate, they create dungeons using other designers ideas and feedback about current dungeons. It is a win-win for all of us. The bonus for this is that we get new skins, mining tools, dyes, and more. So you could even think of it as if the devs were saying:
“Hey, here is our new idea. We would love for you to try it. If you like it, love it, buy the skins off the gem store and show you enjoyed the content, or go and try to get this item free by doing __.
Just for trying we will give you XP, drops, new items, new characters in the living story, and best of all FUN!"
So we are play testing their ideas and given rewards for doing so. Love it? Great! They will do more that follows what works. And less of what doesn’t. I see this as a grand strategy at defining the game, and expanding it into many features we will enjoy in the future.
Finally the last point “Pointless”-
I pretty much summed up how I believe this type of content is anything but pointless above. But for those who don’t enjoy the content, you don’t have to do it. Which, if you think about it, works out for everyone. You didn’t like it? Well it will be gone soon, and they will try something different next time that may suite you even better. If you did love it, then all the more reason to come back and do the next arc!
A final note on items. I realize there is much frustration over temporary content and RNG rewards. As I mentioned above I believe they will learn from the feedback we provided in these cases and hopefully manage there release better next run. As for the limited time items, we can see these as prestige items. Those who were here get to show off the content they were a part of. And I think that is something all players can understand. I don’t expect to get the prizes people got for pre-order, or for the beginning of the games release. I missed out and I can accept that, but here I am enjoying the new content. And those after me may miss out on these great things. So consider it a privilege to be a part of the history of the game, that in itself is an amazing reward.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
some great work
If you can or know how, please post your standard deviation (Yes, I know it’s not a very good statistic in this case)
Okay, so I’m no math whiz but I gave it a shot lol..
BL Kit Test 1
Total Numbers 200
Mean (Average):1.285
Standard deviation:1.0193
Variance(Standard deviation):1.03897
Population Standard deviation:1.01675
Variance(Population Standard deviation):1.03377
Master Kit Test 1
Total Numbers: 200
Mean (Average): 0.93
Standard deviation: 0.81141
Variance(Standard deviation): 0.65839
Population Standard deviation: 0.80938
Variance(Population Standard deviation): 0.6551
BL kit Test 1
If it follows the normal distribution
The 68.3% measure confidence range, ? 0.26570129537695 – 2.3042987046231
The 90% measure confidence range, 1.645? -0.39174636910492 – 2.9617463691049
The 95% measure confidence range, 1.960? -0.71282546106118 – 3.2828254610612
The 99% measure confidence range, 2.576? -1.340713463109 – 3.910713463109
The 99.9% measure confidence range, 3.291? -2.0695120369145 – 4.6395120369145
Master Kit Test 1
If it follows the normal distribution
The 68.3% measure confidence range, ? 0.11858644342173 – 1.7414135565783
The 90% measure confidence range, 1.645? -0.40477530057125 – 2.2647753005713
The 95% measure confidence range, 1.960? -0.66037057089341 – 2.5203705708934
The 99% measure confidence range, 2.576? -1.1602013217456 – 3.0202013217456
The 99.9% measure confidence range, 3.291? -1.7403620146991 – 3.6003620146991
BL Kit Test 1
Population size:200
Mean (?): 1.285
Median: 1
Mode: 1
Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 3
Range: 3
Interquartile range: 1
First quartile: 1
Third quartile: 2
Variance (?2): 1.033775
Standard deviation (?): 1.0167472645648
Quartile deviation: 0.5
Mean absolute deviation (MAD): 0.8376
Master Kit Test 1
Population size:200
Mean (?): 0.93
Median: 1
Mode: 1
Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 3
Range: 3
Interquartile range: 1
First quartile: 0
Third quartile: 1
Variance (?2): 0.6551
Standard deviation (?): 0.80938248066041
Quartile deviation: 0.5
Mean absolute deviation (MAD): 0.5394
This is just for the first test of BLvsMaster salvage test so far. Based on 200rares vs 200rares.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
This is how I see the gem shop…
Since I consider farming as a 2nd job and not fun I will ask you:
Do yo make in 1 hour enough gold equal to 800 gems (converted back into gold), if the answer is:
A. no – consider converting gems to gold. Since you may as well get a 2nd job in real life and I believe you make over $10 an hour.
B. yes – farm away!Aw I can’t do both?
You may, that was my take on things
^^ Good, cause I just keep tossing gold at an empty guild lol. Perhaps soon it won’t be so empty :P
If you get a couple of guild missions, feel free to sell it to me
Actually I solo bought enough influence to have every guild bounty open and ready. I also have everything else to Tier IV or V. All from my own gold >influence from 3 months. ^^ I’d love some help with them lols
This is what happens when you try to screw people over, I hope that you and your friend lost all your gold.
That’s a rather harsh way to put it. If he listed the item for 10x their original amount and it sells, then it means that the item was undervalued all this time. If it doesn’t then the seller will lose money, which they had in this case, for overvaluing their goods.
Their mistake is not trying to screw people over, rather overvaluing their goods (also lack of capital to certain degree).
And by the looks of it some lack of understanding some basics about the TP.
And where does Arena Net put down the info on all this?
Some things are common knowledge, stuff you learn over time.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
This thread went in such a great direction lol
Ask yourself this: where in the world is it ok to promote gambling to teenagers?
GW2 is not an adult only game. It also does not matter how collectible card games and Kinder Surprise gets away with it. They are just as wrong. Nintendo learned that lesson hard and started to remove the slot machines from Pokemon in Europe, when they cam under fire for “promoting a false perception on gambling”. (You could only win more money by playing more Pokemon slotmachines, you never lost in the long run).
The damage ArenaNet is inviting is not so much of a financial nature but one of reputation.
Rated Teen. 18 can buy lottery tickets in NY.
Gambling that is legal for all ages:
Tattoo sticker games
8+ Various MMO in game lotteries
Gum ball machines
School raffles
The list goes on and on. Real life is a gamble in just about anything you do, at any age. This argument about “teen gambling” is getting old. Just about every MMO has this, I find it far less life changing than beating hookers in trunks, killing stereotypical middle eastern people with rocket launchers, seriously…
With all that out there on TV and in video games, if you think a silly “optional” box that is nothing but “optional” content that GARAUNTEES ((SOMETHING)) will drop, I really don’t see why THIS of all things bothers you and others. Seriously people will complain about anything. Read CNN for 1 week and tell me RNG lottery in GW2 is the hottest most disturbing topic that people need to go into such great detail about..
The manifesto argument is just as ridiculous. Name a game that gave you their entire business plan for 1 year and did every single aspect without changing anything whatsoever. And then remove any games that introduced something players didn’t like and kept it in game. Then go to that final game, if it exists, and stop bickering over some silly video that was for advertisement value. People really need to understand how commercials and advertising works before blowing off steam at a company. I’m going to go yell at dawn dish soap because my hands don’t look as nice and healthy as the models on the commercial after washing dishes for 20 minutes..
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I understand some peoples hatred of these old style games, your entitled to your opinion. But personally I want my son to know in 10 years what a cassette was, what a sega genesis was, original computers taking up entire rooms. It is part of our history just as much as presidents, wars, or heck even Twinkies… Younger people these days lose appreciation for what they have because it is the “beginning” to them. They started off with a PS3 or a flat screen. Most of them don’t know that we used to need 5 or 6 people to help us move our living room TV to a new house or apartment. Or that you had to blow in the NES cartridge to get it to work half the time. Taking time to teach the history of where things came from says a lot about us as parents, as educators, as designers. We bring back to the world what many have lost or never experienced. And for that I’m thankful to the devs for giving us a piece of history that so many forgot. Before fancy 3d images, before you were complaining the blood spatter doesn’t look real enough, and before we were role playing characters so real we sometimes forget we are playing a game at all. They all came from a more humble beginning, and I think that is important to remember.
As far as I can tell a cinematics person volunteered to do this for everyone. I highly doubt someone of that caliber needed much time to make this little game, and that it took nothing away from GW2. People really need to lighten up, and heck this time it isn’t even in the game. So it is entirely avoidable for those who can’t appreciate others work, or just do not like the game.
I blame your account name for my skepticism..
And the vet spiders that spawn, stay long after the event much like the wraith. And they drop nothing.. Which kind of makes them pointless.
I have no problem with making farming events more “interesting” or even more skill related, but there is a fine line between challenge and brick wall. And that wraith is 1 Chuck Norris joke away from me never farming that side again.
Want to make it interesting and not get rid of him? Make him a boss mob who randomly spawns at a camp who drops a chest (not bonus), and make it so people could actually kill him without the need for hellfire missiles from the sky. He can drop a scepter skin or something..
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
We have not forgotten about this. Sometimes as certain features get used by more of the game, it reveals issues that lead to a redesign. For instance, now that you can right click on people in PvP while spectating to switch follow cameras, accidental right-clicks can be far more disorienting than selecting a new target.
We appreciate your time coming in and posting, now we can reset our timers accordingly :P
On a serious note, thank you for updating us and most of us are patient and realize you guys are very busy with many aspects. Hopefully a fix will pop up soon for those who need it.
I agree if this item was account bound it would be an instant buy for me. But because it is a soulbound item I am doubting if it’s worth the money.
Same here.
It’s definitely not worth it as it stands right now.But… Anyone has any vídeos using it? If it’s THAT cool, who knows…
Vid should be ready in a minute, and in HD a few after.
First- The problem:
Some players would like an option to toggle off right click targeting due to various play issues.
I support this and if you do please +1 the helpful ideas/feedback not just anyone who posts. If you have issues with this problem too please post as much info as you can so that devs who read can understand your issue. Below is a summary of the problem and thread so far with information that can help you better see the situation.
I’d like to add some clarity to this thread now that it has gotten so lengthy and difficult to read. As of my posting this 5/12/2013 2:02PM EST here is the summary and purpose of this thread:
493 Posts (Not unique)
10 Pages (50 per page)
14386 Views (Cannot verify if these users experience/support based on views alone)
Thread is about 8 months old
Some posters are the same person, and therefore are not “unique” posts. Some examples of these-
9 Posts lunawisp
15 Posts Mad Queen Malafide
16 Posts Faux Play
16 Posts MithranArkanere
16 Posts RoyHarmon
18 Posts Kaaboose
21 Posts Stormcrow
23 Posts Patu
27 Posts Geotherma (Me)
33 Posts RoShamBo
There are several 2-8 posters as well but I won’t list those. Once duplicates are removed we have:
227 Unique Posts (Going to assume they are all for this, or support this)
Assuming 50 posts are dedicated to each page this would actually be 4 1/2 Pages long.
Now some people are saying this is a wide spread problem, some even have commented this is the biggest problem in game. I provided the information so that people can get a better picture of where this thread and problem is. As you can see it is not thousands of players, so one can assume that this problem may be linked to a few various things:
Play style of the individual
A glitch
Certain aspects or areas of the game
Class related
-There are more but those are examples.
Now the problem has been replied to by devs and the Arenanet team (although infrequent, they have replied). Here is the bulk of what I could find on this matter:
6 Months Ago-
Our development team reviews play input on a regular basis. They are aware of this suggestion, but have not yet reached a decision on what changes, if any, they will make to targeting.
There is a lot going on right now with the upcoming event, but after that, the team will take a look at a lot of different game elements, and may make some changes in the future.
Sorry I don’t have more specific information, but you can be sure this is not being ignored or rejected without due consideration.
Thanks for understanding.
20 days ago (Seperate thread)-
1) I agree that targeting has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work. We have not forgotten about this issue, but it is pretty low priority, unfortunately. This polish would fall under the umbrella of a combat team.
April 30 2013 Patch-
Fixed mouse-based target selection while using the “look behind” key.
A day ago via support-
“I would like you to know that I personally reported your concern to the development team. The research may take some time, so we will really appreciate your patience while they are investigating your concern. "
I believe there may be more quotes on the subject but couldn’t find at the time.
Again, I support Arenanet fixing this, and hope to see it in an update so that those affected by it can have relief from this problem. Whether it is a bug, glitch, or just a playstyle issue doesn’t really matter. Players have voiced their concerns and hopefully we will get a response. I hope this post helps to compress and clarify the jumble of posts and pages. If you have information to add please do so.
PS: Shame on you RoShamBo for making me use Office:Access to sort all that information out on duplicates… I hate that program :P
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
So everyone who “chose” to wear MF gear did so SOLELY because they clearly WANTED to be less useful? Ah yes, and there is the explanation for 90% of this thread. People in MF “chose” to kitten over everyone else who is in better stat gear. Every.. single.. person. So from this I take that everyone hates MF wearers not because of the loss of stat, but more so because they do it ON PURPOSE to mess with people.
That’s EXACTLY the problem, the are doing exactly what you are saying here.
And I will continue to watch zerker builds and people with legendary’s get downed while I am in full exotic MF and using skill instead of relying on my gear to save me. And I’ll continue raising all those hardcore DPS’ers in my farming area with my full MF on because they think their silly 3rd stats counters their lack of skill.
Just feel I should add this in – most “rich” people in the world don’t easily get to where they are and most have been working since they were legally able to work so they can achieve that level of work and earn their fortunes. Being rich is a nice outcome to a lot of hard work so I think if you do reach that level when you’ve put in all the work for it then you should be allowed to do what you like and seeing as this is a game where buying nice things with real money is acceptable and encouraged then I don’t think they should be slated for that.
Like it’s been said a lot already, the game would have to be P2P if they removed the gem store and I’d much rather someone looking “better” than me, but being able to play free for as long as I want. Besides, the items on the gem store are hardly bank breaking and only the people buying serious amounts of gems for gold are the people benefitting slightly, but even then if they choose to waste that money on a game they most probably have earned that right by working their way up in real life. Like I said, it takes a lot to be rich and really doesn’t come easy.
Yep. Those people in real life that everyone call rich in game, they din’t get there (most of them) by just inheriting tons of money. Most of them worked hard or went through years of training or work to get to where they are. So if they have every item on the gem store, good for them. They deserve it, but in no way makes them better at the game as far as progression or unfair advantage. Gold in game can only by you so much.
I don’t know but I think if another game has it and it work why don’t implemente that in this game. U said as a moderates don’t compare a game that has been 10 year in the market, well there u have the experience of a game that has been in the market 10 year and u don’t learn anything from that game experience?
Copying other games is not an answer. Guild Wars 2 is doing things no other MMO has, they are taking chances on new ideas and a different style of MMO. Being a clone of a game simply because that game does not make the game good. Sometimes you need to step away from what everyone else is doing and think outside the box.
Customer service here is not exactly the same in other games, the engine, the game itself is built differently. They have different tools, and they didn’t just copy over the code either. They learn and adjust as things change, as they stated new tools will be available-new problems will arise, and new tools will be made to counter those.
Then they are like 8 month late with this tool to revert this kind of problem.
You can’t fix “stupid”. Or player errors. I would say a fix to resolve players not paying attention is probably in the works, but the fact that they even need one is a little embarrassing as a fellow gamer.
I often compare these problems with those of real life. Ever see that sign on a giant dangerous machine that says “keep fingers out of holes”? A smart man once told me for every warning sign there is some idiot who was the cause of one being made in the first place. Mcdonalds coffee is HOT, automatic doors open AUTOMATICALLY, if you touch the giant electricity converter behind the fence you will probably die..
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I would have to disagree. If we had a dragon event (which is no different than a meta event and we already have 6 in orr zones) it would only attract players there for the time it was up.
If you really want people to play in Cursed Shore…Anet needs to rollback all these farming nerfs and bring back shelt/pen + plinx.
I know I would revisit Orr if the times on the 2 events were at a decent rate. But Imo Orr AND Southsun really need something interesting added to them. Since leveling can be so quick, high level areas really need a revamp now that we have been “enjoying” them for several months. I can farm all day long and do mostly the same stuff, many people aren’t like me though. But that being said, I still would rather prefer some variation in the high level zones and new/interesting looks and monsters. And the champions need a serious revision.. as well as the coding for them not de-spawning at the end of the event. Nothing is more annoying than fighting an endless wraith or a champ spider who pops out 300 spiders who drop 0 loot.
I personally know of one place that would make for an excellent jumping puzzle in Orr, small things like that could help as well. Not everyone who comes to Orr is a farmer or a temple runner, and that is ok, but they deserve something fun to do as well.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Costume Brawls (something that nobody does outside of when they have to for dailies) was added before duels…..
What was anet thinking exactly?
I hate duels. I hate the duel system in most MMOs. I have blocked so many annoying “duelists” in other MMOs just for this.
Costume brawls are voluntary. You “suit” up and go. It’s a blast to me because it’s not a bunch of little morons running around asking for duals to ppl that just don’t care to. Almost irritates me as much as the old gold moochers did.
This. I hate duels with a passion. I turned off duels in WoW because some kitten would always plop down out of nowhere and want to duel when I was in the middle of farming or whatever.
If A-Net never put in a dueling system, I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Just one less checkbox I have to check in the options panel.
So you’re going to take out a major part of a game that many players would absolutely love to have, simply so you don’t have to go into your options a single time and check a single box?
Many players obviously have stated they would not love to have.
Why is it that you and a couple others think that a check box is all that it would need to make this happen? Not that simple. And they need to work on real things right now. Not “dual me dual me dual me”
Your missing the combined favorite: “Duel me!!!! Oh hahah I seen your gear soobaaddddd omgomg” Gosh, that used to be so fun to deal with /sarcasm
Yeah. Someone up there did at least make a good point about it passing time. But then, I don’t sit around waiting for some group to gather or mob/boss to spawn. So I can’t relate much.
Well Aion had dueling, and it was pretty meh. Most people just wanted it for kitten status. Then they would berate you for being bad etc etc, I hope I speak for all of us or the majority when I say GW2 is not THAT community. You did have a deny function, but people still whispered… I don’t think players should be bothered about this or the preview function while playing there game. I can agree that an arena or posibly a section of sPvP dedicated to this. But in open world I think the current “fun style duel” is perfectly fine. In fact I think it is actually better than regular duels because people really have so much fun since you lose nothing. And if you win you get the cute crown, this is why i often put down boxes o fun randomly on my server. It is nice to watch people have fun with them.
This is probably the most requested feature in the game, not sure why it isn’t implemented yet >.>
This statement is in almost every single thread on forums.
Just to be clear, Anet doesn’t have to publish everything in the patch notes, They owe us nothing, we agreed to their terms and they are beholden to NcSoft, so they can say whatever they want us to hear
They don’t have to no, but if/when we find things not listed that affect the game it ruins credibility. That’s a no-no and business 101. Not saying that is what this is, but there is missing notes.
Can’t believe how many people are downers on this. Anyways, great game update. Beautiful execution and I hope they keep it up. The crowd around it tells me that ANet probably will. If not at least we had a good April Fools and it wasn’t just a fake ad or some stupid “mechanic” that is never added to the game.
Yea, this update actually has substance. Which is really cool. Maybe some people don’t like it but it is optional. And for those on forums who can’t see, rata sum has never been more full of people enjoying the game.
If the armor gets any more skimpy they will be naked… The title of this thread just makes it sound straight sexist and teen-boy ish…
Why not just start a “serious” thread about how we would like new armor styles on characters outside of gem shop. Then an actual discussion could have been had.
PS to the person who keeps posting the Aion pics.. I’m just gonna give people the actual link, cause basically thats what your asking for is armor from Aion.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Yeah, they put skins in these chests on the gem shop and then there is still the rng factor based into it, that isn’t fair, it might be if the gems you bought were going straight to Anet but they aren’t, they go to NcSoft and who knows what they spend the money on cause it sure isn’t game development when we still have bugs in game that have been in-game since launch, new bugs added with every single patch that don’t seem to get a fix and no one looking into anything like what the players really want just what the corporation big shots wants I guess.
There is no lack of misunderstanding how bugs and programming works on these forums. And throwing money at a problem like bugs does not guarantee a fix. And I could list a hundred things that were added at players suggestions, but I won’t because people who view the game like you are simply stuck in hate mode.
makes sense as they would want to hide their unjust actions. seems they have a lot to hide.
Yes, they really must hide stealing your items. I mean, it is an epidemic, a ongoing-greatly increasing problem we are seeing every single day. And definitely is not strewn with something as simple as player error.
On a side note, your in game items have 0 cash value. As you do not own them, or the rights to them, or anything in game for that matter. This entire thread could have been avoided if you simply sent an email and let the proper people handle the situation.
What anet is doing is an insult to PvE players
We get constant nerfs to PvE due to PvP played by few players….
While PvE is awfully broken.
GW2 guardian and warriors 2Dont even try to pretend any class can do everything in PvE…while its true having 5X sustained DPS makes the difference in ANY pve situation (from ARAH to lvl 40 fotms etc etc).
But its pve who cares of balance? not Anet for sure (they will split skills? will i get war dps with mesmer or ele? if not that who cares).
Well the new talk about separating WVW skills from PVE skills could help. AS they have been doing blanket nerfs/buffs, which was less efficient. If they do implement this idea, it may help a lot with the frustration some feel in either PVE or WVW. I for one hate anything that makes pve play more annoying simply because a skill of mine is being used in an OP way in WVW or SPVP..
It is called an economy for a reason. it is based off of players actions, there is enough qq threads about conspiracy theories that anet is controlling the market to fill the grand canyon. No point in giving those people credibility.. Why everyone sees it from 1 point of view is beyond me. It will sway just like everything else. Stuff available now is worth X amount, later it will be worth way more, especially if it is no longer available through various means. Go google twinkies price..
The instance itself is fun, the overarching theme behind it is bad. One thing that Halloween showed me is that you can have these types of events in the open world. The entire open world. Pulling people out of your world to go to one small place or instance has a detrimental effect overall to the gameworld. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of these same people who are saying that this is so great and yaya happy day are the same ones who were complaining when fractals came out and concentrated people in LA. The GW1 mindset of an instance for everything and everything in an instance needs to stay buried.
You have a huge glorious open world Anet, use it.
Event items are in open world as well.
Sweet. You should give Josh and Anet rights to use that in future SAB updates. It would make great boss fight music
While dubstep is close to 8-bit music I don’t think it would fit the SAB :P
I was thinking there could be an exception to that for a bonus stage. Also, the second half isn’t that dubstep-y. I suppose you’re still right though. XD
After doing this one, it makes me want to make more for the other stages and other dungeons/events lol
Lol if you ever owned or own a house, or worked in landscaping, you should already hate them :P
Edit: Just seen “less than a minute from now” next to when i posted. Apparent;y I’m posting into the future!
FFXI had a great translate function, you could auto translate some short phrases into any language. Was really helpful.
In my eyes 200 samples is jut not enough.
I have a way bigger difference between the two kits.
200 is the most I could do, but with the Wiki facts that support my evidence, the devs input on those threads, and my own experience I can say with very little doubt that what is on the wiki is very accurate.
But if anyone has video + written evidence to the contrary
I see no problem in posting that info here.
The general consensus from players is that BL works better for rarer mats and ectos, but is supported by the wiki/devs like I said and now this small sample test. I welcome any supporting info that devs would like to provide as well.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Count for the miniature collector achievement? There’s really no reason not to.
Wouldn’t be fair to those who don’t buy gems? Gem store items shouldn’t affect world completion or combat or achievements. That would literally be pay to win, even if the “win” is minuscule and just a profile aesthetic.
Jandus, as I wrote earlier it is impossible for me alone to gather enough date. It’s a hunch. I wish it was possible for me to proof it, but unfortunately I don’t have access to the data needed. Needless to say I still consider it fishy. Off-topic: I agree, the British education system is horrible. The lectures I followed the past year were absolutely horrible.
Hawkian, at that point I would drop it. I will just have to assume they speak the truth (which would be plausible considering their track record). Especially since I can’t generate enough data myself to investigate this an further.
Amfibija, positive reinforcement. People buy something in the Gem Store with real money and are ‘rewarded’ with an hidden increase in Magic Find, resulting in ‘better’ drops. These signals are positively stored together and the act of buying something in the Gem Store with real money is reinforced.
Geotherma, of course this doesn’t sound plausible. However, I remember reading an article about an MMO were system players had more agro and this was proven by the community after a few months. In the end it got fixed. Perhaps this hidden Magic Find gain is similar to the issue I described?
I can say that I probably spend far more than most people in game on gems. Probably an alarming amount, and yet I’ve never seen a precursor or epic exotic drops. Anything that drops well for me is from hard work and farming. I haven’t found any statements where devs confirmed there is no connection between gems purchases, or DDE accounts etc, but I’m sure they are out there.
I mean if people really want to poke at conspiracy’s, then I could easily say my 5 fused tickets, farming gains per hour, rare drops, and the ability to give others uncanny luck in my groups is directly related to the fact that my account is 1 number different than Colin Johanson.
Anyone can make a conspiracy, and those who find themselves on the receiving end of bad luck tend to want to blame someone/something. Arenanet is the easiest and closest target for them. Rather than use logic and common sense people jump to what they are scared of, what they truly hope isn’t true, because they find solace in the fact they could be right-and people really are out to get them. But that’s an entirely different psychological discussion.
Oy. Played for an hour. Nothing but nothing or junk. Stranger still? Dropped goodie bags had junk in them.
Does Anet want people to quit the game? Sure seems like it.
Bags, at least in Orr, should be opening up to mats. The Moldy Bags, salvageable items, gear drops, and coin drops is really what I’m looking for in Orr. Now that they have been increased, its even better. Assuming you don’t mind selling the mats rather than saving them. I’ve never opened a moldy bag to find “actual junk” only materials which sell quite well.
Also its not so much how long you play, but what your doing for that time.
Temporary content is the CORE design of GW2. Just sayen.
You can think of it like a living wiki, if it is happening in game the API or program that uses the API can view that. I think it would be a little like GW2spidy, but for things like events and wvw. But I am far from an expert on API ^^;
This isn’t a black friday launch lol.. Geez people are impatient :P
Player hosted event:
Anet Hosted Event: Seinfeld Episode.
I love the game, and I do like some stuff on Gem store. But this… This is well.. “Different” lol
From an article on the web: “15 percent of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.”
15% of you will buy those roses, and you will like it.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
The game is doomed for the fact that the story has been completely degraded to something that resembles nothing I’ve seen in GW1. The game itself can be fun to play, I admit that WvWvW is the best thing in the game with its culling.
The game is doomed, but keep playing it because enjoy it while it lasts.
“This game is doomed without Cantha. I see no hope for Anet to recover from the oppression of NcSoft.”
“Treating people, teens and older, with the kind of tone in GW2 will ultimately doom the game.”
“Treating people, teens and older, with the kind of tone in GW2 will ultimately doom the game.”
" They seem to have forgotten about us, dooming this game for many old GW1 players, including myself."
“The game is doomed for the fact that the story has been completely degraded to something that resembles nothing I’ve seen in GW1. The game itself can be fun to play, I admit that WvWvW is the best thing in the game with its culling.”
“The game is doomed, but keep playing it because enjoy it while it lasts.”
“This is why I play as human or norn only, because asuras are for players who have comparable mindset of someone who exploits the game for profit.
The WvWvW is doomed.”
“The game is doomed.”
“If they won’t introduce Cantha, then the story will become goofy of the highest order. This will doom the game, you watch and see it crash and burn once Cantha is never introduced. Many old GW1 players have left me alone in GW2.”
“The game is doomed.”
“You are focusing too much on a certain part of the game. All you need in this game is a set of masterwork gear and then you can tackle the entire game. Just don’t try to 1vs1 in WvWvW, that’ll doom you.”
“This game is doomed. Too much goofyness going on, I feel a good story wasted with try-hard wit.”
“This game is doomed with all this excess of loot.”
“No daily deaths? The game is doomed.”
“This game is doomed btw.”
“This game is doomed”
“Just walked over the entirety of Tyria, haven’t seen a single person. The game is doomed.”
I would like to do you a favor-
Forum Profile > Edit Profile > Change Signature
It will save us all from having to ultimately see the exact post from you 9,999,999 times that offer 0 constructiveness.
The game is good/progressing well.
Everyone should get much gold, no matter how much effort they put in. Everyone should get the same amount of reward. Because that’s the way the world works so the game should be this way too. Oh wait.. that’s communism.
And if players are hunting these champs all day your going to most likely never make it to the event before they are dead. See: Maw. There are usually more 80’s at Maw than in all of the WvW area. This what you will have in every area if this were to happen.
Have you even downed any champs? They usually take at least 5 mins (with a really well co-ordinated team) to down. Im pretty sure most players in the zone can make it to them within 5 mins (aslong as someone shouts in zone chat that the champ is up – as what usually happens anyway).
Also, having alot of 80s spread about the open world can NEVER be a bad thing… since anet designed their systems to be based of co-operation rather than competition.
Yes I’ve solod many vets/helped kill champs. 5 minutes of my time for a porous bone DOES suck. BUT, I also spend 6 minute events making 2g. So when the lowest drop possible is a blue from a vet/champ, I’m fine with that. Every other game I’ve played with elite style monsters had worse drop rates, especially the ones that claim to have the rarest of items. I would spend hours killing 1 mob, who supposedly dropped some epic item just to get no coin, no loot, and a sad face. You have a BETTER chance to get BETTER loot from these champs and vets. even more so when teh update hits. But aside from those chances now you get GUARANTEED “something”. Good luck finding anything guaranteed in real life. If GW2 was realistic, you would see rares once a year and exotics by age 75. The only thing guaranteed is death and taxes, neither of which are fun. I make more off trash than most people make off selling exotics, rares combined. I have no problem with the loot drops as I do my best to work for what i get. And feel rewarded for such. I don’t depend on rare or exotic loot to keep me going, I know that it takes work and time to gain coin in this game. Depending on luck to survive is like putting two backpacks in a skydivers plane. One with a parachute and one stuffed with ACME socks and shirts. Your going to get to the ground one way or another, but what happens after is more important.
How would you feel if you weren’t rewarded for your hard work? I had full MF gear at least 200% of buffs and yet I farmed for weeks/months and really have little to show for it apart from my measly 7g and some achievements.
I’m not sure. Not to sound boastful and I’m truly not but I run with just food MF and make 2-3g an hour in Orr with DR, and with only simple 6 minute events. In between I gather materials like ore and trees. On my breaks when events aren’t up I’ll check the dragons or help with maw because my guild is there and I’m a guaranteed “raiser” :P
I’ve used 230% MF and found not much change other than in 80 areas. I dropped my MF gear and stuck with just food and the 10% loot buff from guild. I make between 16-23g a day off everything that isn’t yellow or gold. When i do get yellows its a big deal and fun for me. And I think that’s exactly how it should feel. The update is supposed to help and bring at least blues for people who do these vets and champs. I’m happy so long as my loot is steady which it has always been. With high MF the only thing I noticed was I gain more better quality as I know everyone aware, but what I’ve noticed is that blues were replacing my normal whites. Which is exactly how I make a profit is a steady flow of blue,green, and mats.
u didnt get a ticket?… well I guess lucky me than cause got a ticket from one of the coffer drops in metrica province
Not yet ^^ I need to farm more but have a lot of homework to catch up in college… Darn school always ruining my gaming :P
Hero Panel now displays magic find.
Woo, no more math! lols
Does this change help anyone here? Just curious.
If you buy a game for 1 sole purpose that you seen then possibly. It was mentioned that it was a goal to achieve this, not that everything would be added. Even in the beta registration of every game it says “features are subject to change or not be available at any time”. taking that into consideration people should have seen the warning and enjoyed the game for the many other things it does right. To base an MMORPG off one aspect is just silly. I understand some players will just PVP, PVE, WVW, or whatnot, but your seeing a small scope of the game and making it sound like the game is terrible because of it.
Er, what? You seem to be conflating my posts with someone else’s.
Still, PvP could have been released in a much stronger state than it was.
But that doesn’t mean the game is garbage because it doesn’t have what you want right now. Every patch we see things added that people on forums mentioned and stuck up for. They haven’t given up, they are simply working on many things. 8 months in and everyone expects the game to be the last MMO ever, it won’t happen. In TESO and maybe FFXIV people will find things they wish were in GW2 and vice versa. It just takes time for change. And if you want something that wasn’t stated, stick by a suggestion and get people behind you. Instead of rail on the game and its creators because they don’t meet your speed requirements.
I didn’t say it was garbage.
If I didn’t still hold out hope the developers will change PvP for the better, I wouldn’t be here. For example, I left Diablo III and haven’t looked back; I don’t even check for updates. That is a game that was garbage and that I gave up on.
I gave up on Aion because it turned into a cash game. You really spend more time on the cash store than in game.. It’s kind of sad. Not everything was directed at you ^^, but just saying in general. Forums are a very dark seeded place for people who complain just to complain… Again not pointing, just in general :P
Last night, I was leveling up my warrior (if I continue, it’ll be my 6th level-80) and I kept accidentally picking up the Banner of Defense that I had placed. After a split second of confusion, I realized this was just another quirk of the right-click targeting system.
Isn’t that really a quirk of the F key? Eg you were trying to loot a mob but instead picked up the banner?
But in general I totally agree. Even a bandaid fix to the right click targeting problem would be much appreciated. It’s really annoying.
I spam F key like an idiot when farming, leads me to collecting many banners and dying while temp raising NPC’s :P
Judging by your account name, and your post that this will be one of many..
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