Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
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Not Quite. Allow equal attachment to each guild I am in. Give my influence I earn equally to each guild. Give me the ability to view the guild chat of each guild (similar to alliances in gw1).
Interesting idea on the influence, I like it but it might be a bit more complicated than it seems.
For instance, the amount of influence you earn isn’t fixed but depends on the number of guild members around you doing the same thing. For example if only one guild member does an event you get 2 influence. If two or more members are doing the same event (in party or not) you get 20.
On the other hand.. The kites also have a function as Badge of Shame. Everybody can now see who buys gems and so helps to keep the gem-store focus alive.
Oh yes, how shameful it is that we chose to support the game we enjoy playing.
I will now hide in the corner (with my kite), while you continue to play the game we helped pay for.
The same could be accomplished with a “successful_yaks” field. For towers/keeps/castles this would be the number that arrived, and for camps it would be the number that reached their destination.
Has there been any word on this?
It would be extremely useful to be able to save builds. Preferably including what equipment you’re wearing, but I’ll settle for traits & utilities only.
Is it really so unreasonable to have 3 WvW related dailies during a WvW tournament? You can still easily get your 5 without going to WvW or PvP, and as has been pointed out you don’t actually have to do any WvW to do one of those three.
The dungeon “nerf” was only a nerf to people who just ran the same path over and over and over and over. To everybody else, it’s a buff.
Can’t commit much on badges- except that I’m having a tough time collecting any. It’s rarely who kills the mob; but who plants the stake. So you can run with a zerg never attacking anyone and just be first to plant the flag… and you get badges.
Are you talking about the finish move? That has nothing to do with badges. I never finish anyone, especially in a zerg. It’s a waste of time, auto-attacking is faster, and I get plenty of badges.
Perhaps, this would be better suited in the API sub-forum, where those Devs concerned with this subject read and post more often.
Good luck.
I think this post extends the boundaries of that sub-forum. The api subforum is pretty stagnant anyways.
It’s low-traffic. It is not stagnant. There’s a big difference. Devs read the API forums all the time, just look at the shear number of red posts in there.
My questions there are usually answered very promptly.
Map completion gives a charge. Have not tried a city, but it was specifically mentioned by a dev prior to patch that city completion gives a charge.
The point is that ArenaNet keeps trying to push PvE players into WvW in the hopes that it’ll increase the WvW population. Many PvE players avoid WvW because they don’t like it.
It creates a tension. “I want to see what’s up with Scarlet, but I don’t want to PvP. Why do I have to go into WvW and deal with this nonsense just to get the story that I’m interested in?”
The attitude of WvWers (“BAGS BAGS BAGS!!!!”) certainly doesn’t help with this.
If you just want story, this update is light on the overall story-arc, so don’t worry about it. It’s sort of like when a Buffy character shows up in an Angel episode. If you just watch Buffy, you won’t miss anything too important if you didn’t watch Angel.
If you just want achievements …. well, WvW players are allowed to have achievements too. That’s just something you’ll have to live with.
(edited by Nabrok.9023)
No, I like laurels as they are, but we do need more ways to obtain ascended items. Including crafting (jewelcrafting feels a lot less useful now) and WvW.
Here’s the thing … the match system hasn’t really changed.
What did change, instead of the system saying “your rating is X”, it says “your rating is somewhere between Y and Z”.
As we play against more varied opponents, the system gets more confident in the rating and the difference between Y and Z will get smaller. Arena-net could also make some adjustments to the calculation to bring the range down quicker.
This means, once the range is small enough, we will be playing the same servers most of the time (as before), but unlike before the colors will swap more frequently and we’ll see the occasional server jump up or down every now and then.
I’m only spending as much time as I need to get the crests. If I get the parts within that time, awesome. If I don’t, I’ll get them with the specific extractor.
Overall, it won’t make much difference.
The only problem is that jewelcrafting is pretty well useless now. That’s rather unfortunate.
This is true, but there is that “Ascended” filter in the crafting options. This gives hope that one day we might be able to craft ascended gear.
If so, I hope it’s before we get ascended armor and weapons, or those professions will become useless as well.
I mentioned this in another thread, but remember that ascended have no upgrade slot.
This doesn’t matter much with trinkets as the only thing you could put in them was jewels anyway. You lost a little bit of flexibility in your build, but generally this is not a major concern.
But with armor … runes are completely different. First you have special effects that many won’t want to give up (warrior/guardian with soldier runes is probably a good example). Second, you get a pretty good boost to a single stat which will probably exceed the boost from exotic to ascended.
I think for many builds, you will still be better off with exotics.
Doesn’t matter, and you don’t need to guest there. sPvP is regional. Only the mists staging area is on your home server.
As I understand it, outfits replace the look of your armor and are usable in combat.
So, what if you could buy a gem store item that saved your current armor (I guess this would probably include colors … not sure if outfits can be dyed) as a new outfit?
That way, you could try out a new look, but still go back to your old look at any time free of charge.
All ascended equipment is now account-bound. If you did not upgrade your spinal blades to the ascended level then it will not be account-bound (but will become so if you upgrade it).
However, you do have all of the skins up to the level you upgraded it to unlocked in your wardrobe and can apply those on any character.
seems to be the case again.
https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/account returns{
“text”: “ErrBadData”
Yup, ever since the hotfix yesterday.
And here we are … BG vs JQ vs TC … again.
A few times I’ve noticed brand new players in team tournament matches. These are not second accounts but are self-admitted new players. The reaction of the rest of the team is usually very negative, involves swearing, and generally not a good introduction for the game.
Obviously there is cause to be miffed as these are ranked matches and nobody wants to be at such an obvious disadvantage. I try to be more helpful however, whispering these new players and directing them how to get to hot joins and maybe give them a few playing tips.
I shouldn’t really have to do that though, the game should do it. It should be made more clear that tournaments are ranked matches and more direction given to new players. Perhaps have a confirmation popup for any rank 1s attempting to join tournaments?
Fractals aren’t exclusive to 80s; I did low ones @ 60s and to little trouble.
Scale 11-20 fractals are pretty exclusive to level 80s. While theoretically a character below level 80 can still participate while uplevelled, none of his equipment (barring perhaps crafted level 78 backpacks) will have slots for Agony Resistance, meaning that certain attacks of every boss and occasional environmental effects will tick 10% of his max health off per second while also negating his healing effects for its duration. For a character with the appropriate level of Agony Resistance, they’d only take 1% of their max health from Agony.
A lower level player could be carried through fractals despite low Agony Resistance, and if he’s really good at dodging he could avoid most instances of Agony (each final boss has unavoidable Agony right at the start of the encounter). I would assume that most players being referenced to here aren’t being carried by level 80s, though.
I have done level 19 or even 20 fractals with people with 0 AR many times. It’s not that big a deal.
Hmm, so if somebody offered you free beer (or whatever you like) for life, would you complain because of all the money you spent on beer in the past?
The builds haven’t changed that drastically. Whatever worked for you before will probably still work now.
Just stop worrying about the score. Get some friends together, go out and have fun.
I have a quick tip. When we create Feedback threads, put your feedback in them. Too many folks come to General Discussion and start new threads, without checking to see if there is an on-going discussion.
Our team has been merging and closing/redirecting quite a bit this week, and is immensely helpful for you getting heard, when we can look in one main thread for very specific feedback and questions.
Fluffball has the right of it, too, in regards to /how/ you post. I’ve compiled a lot of feedback which is constructive and critical. If it is LOL THIS SUCKS I HATE YOU #yolo #swag, you’re pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.
Mark, Allie, and I spent a huge amount of time compiling feedback and sharing it with the Dev Teams, and in turn, the Dev Teams lurk and compile their own feedback. Keeping things concise, respectful, and constructive is the key.
Here’s a handy guide on how we like to see feedback. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/How-to-Give-Good-Feedback
And for Pete’s sake…very clear thread titles is a must.
I think the problem is that they are too general. People have a specific question and they don’t want to post it and have it get lost in 10 pages of other questions and responses which are vaguely on the same topic.
Edit to add a suggestion, instead of merging topics just send them all into new sub-forums for the topic.
(edited by Nabrok.9023)
Server numbers above 100 are 5v5 instead of 8v8. Try those instead. You can even create a filter to just show you 5v5 servers.
Even though I do everything, I completed the daily in PvE easily. MF’d 4 light gloves, ran around sparkfly and gathered some stuff, took a 100% map completion character to Queensdale to find events easily (use the content guide).
Very quick. Very easy. Even completed the new toy weapon collection.
Just hit the reset to default button …
I brought up this concern the day the wardrobe was announced. Karma purchases are affected by this as well.
If its the same stat spread, salvage the old gear and get the runes out.
Not all gear can be salvaged (karma and wvw gear). This is a big problem.
I wonder if they’ll sing the same tune in 6 months as population continues to decline as rapidly as it has.
OK, look me up in 6 months and we’ll continue this conversation then.
How about replacing two of the tomes of knowledge instead of the transmutation charges?
You don’t actually need a lot of those materials for the actual ascended weapons.
What you do need it for is crafting exotics to level up your craft skill. I expect a high demand over the short term, which will taper off as people finish leveling.
Wrong forum. Try tech support.
Okay, so I’ve been lvl 80 for awhile and I have, like, a bajillion skill points just sitting, worthless, on my character because I don’t craft. Could we please get something for the non-crafters to spend these points on? Let us convert them to karma, maybe? Or use them to buy things in the Black Lion TC? Or trade them in for buffs like you could do in GWEN?
I just hate to see them sitting there doing nothing.
If you’re not interested in a legendary, or any of the other skins that require the use of skill points to create, let one of your guilds WvW commanders (or world’s if your guild doesn’t WvW) know you’re sitting on a bunch of skill points.
I’m sure they’ve got plenty of siege for you to upgrade (requires skill points).
So I claimed on a character I don’t WvW with.
I didn’t think to look … no other boosters are soulbound, why would this one be?
Any chance you could make them account bound?
Many of us have been refunded close to 1000 dyes. So, we will be getting many duplicates if we open them. Hundreds, in fact. Either sell them for a pittance on the TP, or hold on to them, and hope the price increases.
Or, just give them to newbies as a kind gesture. =)
Now that they’ve been removed as drops and made more expensive when purchased with laurels, the price will almost certainly go back up after this large influx. How long that will take or by how much I don’t know, but it will happen.
I got nearly 400 dyes myself. I intend to open them and sell any I already have, though I didn’t think this all the way through yesterday when I opened about 70 of them and then realized I’d have to store them all in my bank until I’m ready to sell.
I think I’ll just sell a few per week to get rid of them.
1. Multi guild chat
2. Calendar
3. Alliances
More people still not getting the concept of optional. If there was a big reward for doing all of them, they would no longer be optional.
You do get experience though, that’s enough.
It should also have a larger ranger, or just not go on CD if there is nobody in range. Nothing worse than hitting it and your pet just stands there because you were slightly too far away.
I’m not an avid fractal player, was only at level 7. Tuesdays my guild, which is normally WvW focused, usually does PvE stuff so I joined in with a fractals group.
1. Somebody started it while I wasn’t in the same overflow as the rest, still got the popup to join.
2. We ran it at difficulty level 10. I got personal reward level 7, others in the group were lower. Everybody benefits.
3. We could now restart at a checkpoint individually as long as the party was out of combat.
4. One guy got disconnected at the maw. He was able to rejoin.
5. At the end, everybody’s reward level increased.
So well done A-net, great changes there. I’m far more likely to do more fractals now … though I’ll probably still be sticking with guild groups.
The core game is now free. Your friend can play it at any time.
I believe people who bought the core game prior to a certain date get an extra character slot.
Is there even a reasonable way to get to 50 without decorations? We don’t have the vendor yet, and everything in the list is grey or green except the decoration upgrades (I’m at 47).
Also, I can’t see how to make schematics … I guess I’m just not high enough to make them yet … when is the first one?
The amount of sand is ridiculous. I feel like I have to go play in Dry Top, when I’d much rather be doing other stuff. It doesn’t make any sense why they would require so much of a material that basically just comes from one zone.
At the very least they could increase the drop rate … instead of 1 whenever you don’t get anything else, make it drop 1-3 and have it drop on every opening in addition to the regular drop (geode, crest, etc).
John Smith
“You shouldn’t be able to place buy orders below vendor price, that is the bug. We’re aware of it and will have a fix soon.”And they did. Those orders still there are old ones from before they stopped people from placing buy orders below vendor price.
Okay…so if that’s fixed then the problem is that Anet is leaving 2+ year old buy orders on the market. I’m pretty sure this has been suggested before but couldn’t they just remove them?
It wouldn’t be too crazy for orders to have an expiration date either.
As to removing them, I gather it’s too much trouble and they aren’t hurting anything.
John Smith: Source
Prioritizing a bug fix that doesn’t actually affect the TP usage at all over any fix in the game that does affect players would be irresponsible.
It affects my usage. It means I have to go in to every non-zero item and see if I can actually just sell it now or if it’s just an old listing.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.