Showing Posts Upvoted By Black Teagan.9215:

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Thief as it is right now is almost immortal with stealth


A skilled one is unkillable.

A skilled one is skilled if you wanna kill a skilled one get yourself skilled and stop blaming on the stealth to be broken.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Don’t even try to deny that a thief is the easiest class to play… even skull crack/100swags warrior is harder and that is telling a lot. im also rank 32 in spvp so i’ve played enough of this crappy pvp as well. I also noticed something, ppl that play only thief will rarely agree that the class is broken but another player that is skilled and plays a thief (as his main) but also plays other classes and is good with them will most certainly agree that thief is unbalanced in its current state. If it was me i’d remove all stealth and stealth related traits from that game and rework thief completely (of course this will never happen). the game is supposed to be skill vs skill and not skill vs nothing cuz the thief just refuged and heartseeker across the map.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liefbread.9513


Part 3 – Closing/TLDR

To anyone who wants to complain about thieves abusing stealth/being OP, I have one request, if you have an open character slot, make a thief. Take it into sPvP, look up a meta build. I would recommend Jumper’s S/D thief, or Cruups D/P & S/P build. Try running it for an hour, come back and tell me how easy it is to abuse our stealth mechanics. Thieves fight so hard/lash out so much against nerfs because we play our class and we know the skill cap for doing what we do.

People who play thieves do it because they’re dedicated to the class, not because it’s OP. I would have a much easier time dominating in PvP on my bunker guard or running around with my Bitcloud styled Elementalist in WvW, I choose to play thief because sliding in and out of combat is my desired play style and I know that with the practice I’ve put into it I can “make it work.”, I’m dedicated to the class and I really want to see it be a force of its own without “abusing gimmicks”… But that practice came through me learning 5 other classes, that’s what it took for me to be effective in PvP.

I’m not asking you to not suggest changes to stealth, I’m not asking you to speak out against our nerfs for us, I’m not asking you to suggest buffs for us. I’m asking for you to not call for nerfs of a class that you don’t know or understand the mechanics of until you make an effort to learn those mechanics yourself, I would never call for nerfs to a ranger or a mesmer, because I don’t know the classes in and out.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liefbread.9513


Part 2

That effectively rules out P/P builds (this weapon sets primary attack has a focus on stacking bleed). So then we look at other weapon sets, short bow is a great weapon with amazing base damage and trick shot is really neat when you’re in a 2v1, but the range is 900 and most other classes with ranged attacks not only have better range on their attacks, but better damage as well, so short bow is out as a primary mode of damage dealing.

This leaves us with sword and dagger main hand, both of which are run! Dagger becomes a condition build if not used with stealth, which means we need to focus on what our other offhands offer, running a dagger means we’re playing with cloak and dagger shenanigans, stealthing, backstabbing etc… with a pistol offhand we’re focusing on permastealth and blind shenanigans (heartseeker at you through a blind field we force you to fight in, then get behind you and backstab you).

I’m not saying either of those play styles are bad in any way, they’re really effective if you can get past the skill gap to use them! But there is a skill gap to use them and other classes do find them “unfair”… I think a lot of this sentiment comes from the fact that it’s what MOST thieves run, but what I want you to take from this is that we run that because we lack viability in other builds.

Now lets get back to the sword mainhand, what does this bring to the fight that we wouldn’t want to just go permastealth, avoiding getting hit and delivering (someone in this topic earlier said 15k backstabs, for what it’s worth the most I’ve ever backstabbed for was 13k and that was against the aetherblade loot bag runners in a PURE glass 100% damage focused build with sigil of night, sigil of justice, crit damage food, and a potion of outlaw slaying) so for arguments sake lets say a more realistic 8-9k crits? (which are still exciting for me, they don’t happen often and are usually only against really glassy builds in WvW). This weapon set offers positioning, and either an evasive attack/daze that’s hard to land and kills our creed of “always be moving, never get hit” (pistol whip) with blinds, or boon stripping and stealth (offhand dagger) which also gets us another daze attack (from stealth, when we’re behind you, why we need to be so mobile).

These skills are great as well, the sword 2 allows us to pull out of fights when we’re knocked down, or generally out of commission (if we just sat there we would die very quickly, we’re in medium armor… please realize this, engineers don’t do melee combat, rangers generally stick to ranged weapons, and those that don’t are often complaining as well, I want you to keep this in mind, that said I can’t speak about rangers because I don’t play one, so consider anything I say about them anecdotal!).

Permablind is awesome, but doesn’t contribute much if we can’t keep our opponents in it, so lets get back to the stealth and boon stripping, the most frequently run sPvP build. Where is boon stripping good? Well, against bunker builds that load up boons!

In a fight of a very good thief versus a very good guardian, the guardian will win EVERY time. We can’t ignore their aegis and their blind throws off our stealth, and I’m ok with that, I’m ok with having a class that just “wins” against us, because we get a pass against mesmers. But being able to boon strip and then pull out is our “contribution” to our team against these bunker builds. I find that guardians are the most sympathetic (of people who have never played a thief) to thieves when it comes to us saying "our class really lacks build diversity in WvW/PvP because they know they usually get to take our lunch money (rangers of course being the least sympathetic because they also get hit with the nerf stick just as regularly, mesmers the most biased because they are our top target). So, there you have it, that’s why “EVERY THIEF ABUSES STEALTH AND STRIPS ALL OUR BOONS ARE ITS SO UNFAIR.” we do it because it’s what’s left of our class, and when you take away our ability to strip boons, we’ll resort to running d/d or d/p backstab builds, because that’s what will be left.

(edited by liefbread.9513)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liefbread.9513


Part 1

Now, I run 6 different level 80’s. My first was Thief, and my main is Thief. Some people have seen to argue with my initial points about the recent patches killing build diversity and I’ve sat down and discussed this with a few individuals I know who do not primarily play a thief but HAVE played a thief, and I think this is where there’s a large break in the discussion of this thread.

First, I’d like to talk about why I have 6 level 80’s. As a person who wanted to “main” a thief I found that I wasn’t very effective at level 80, I don’t have enough range to stay at a “safe distance” for most group fights, I don’t bring much to a dungeon group outside of damage, and an “oh kitten button” when someone gets downed. On the PVE side of things, generally we’re a one of class in a group because if there isn’t already 2 warriors, it’s better to have a warrior than a thief (for DPS maxing etc…).

That said, we bring a lot of utility to the part through our stealth skills, allowing people to skip sections or better position to deal with sections of dungeons/fractals/what have you.

Learning the other classes showed me what I could bring to a party to act as a stopgap for what we were missing in our team comp, while I’m not trying to say that thieves aren’t a “good class” we severely lack build diversity in PvE environments right now (honestly I think most classes do at the moment). But Sword Dagger is one of my favorite weapon sets for certain fractals and many dungeons as the boon stripping allows me to contribute something to my party that only one other class can do “almost” as effectively. (mesmers)

That said, I’m going to move on to the PvP side of things, where all the other classes can start rolling their eyes at me.

I played my other 5 classes (warrior, guardian, elementalist, necro, and engineer) to get a feel for how they worked in a WvW/PvP scenario, to get an idea of what it’s like to play one to best learn the mechanics of shutting one down. I found that I was getting STOMPED in PvP and WvW on a regular basis and until I learned how to best position to deal with the meta builds I could not reach an effective level of gameplay. This took WORK on my part, in addition it took a significant amount of practice to learn how to chain cloak and daggers when I was put in an out of position fight, when I’m on my thief chaining cloak and daggers, getting in and out with evasive backstabs, that is my survival utility.

When I’m on my warrior, I can jump in with my sword, block incoming attacks, hundred blades, and keep on going, I run a regen build that several classes have a hard time even denting… I can survive in a 3v1 fight for an extended period of time by timing my dodges and blocks.

What I’d like you all to recognize is that as a thief, those blocks that I have on my warrior, are stealths and blinds for a thief. Not only that, but you CAN still hit us when we are stealthed, and it doesn’t take much thinking to know where a thief is when they are in stealth (they’re trying to get behind you).

Our style of “abusing the stealth mechanic” comes from a lack of viability of other builds, we will NEVER be as good at conditions as a ranger, engineer, mesmer, or necromancer. There’s literally 0 reason to run conditions on a thief because literally half the classes do it better…. That removes an entire “mechanic” of our class (venoms) they’re just “not that great”.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Any plan on making venom worth using (outside of baskilisk and devourer) without spending 30 points for a trait which is responsible for them being terrible on their own to begin with?

I agree as a PVE thief all of the venoms and poisons are useless

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Thief leaked patch notes

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Next Thief updates:


Nerf shadowstep, it is too overpower

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


OMG! The profession that’s suppose to have the most mobility is faster than me! NERF IT ANET!!!

Some Ideas to Improve Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Before you can improve banners , they must be first destructable.

They can’t move itself, they can’t attack, they can’t defend itself, they can’t interrupts, they can’t cc oponnent, they can’t deal condition, they can’t do anything alone.

You suposse that a inanimated pole can be destructable
I don’t agree.
If make they destructable, i think the impovements need be very better

So what you are saying is that they are just like ranger spirits. Except it’s completely o.k. for their stuff to be destructible, just not yours. Typical warrior forum post.

before making them destructible, make them movable, can deal damage, can do cc, can deal condition damage. oh did i mention can spam blind?

Ohhh we have a poster that hasn’t learned his proper place. Allow me to educate you then.

The warrior banners are already movable. It simply requires someone to…..(quick horror movie gasp) pick them up. I know, that’s an awful lot of trouble to go through for such a meaningless buff. Yes you did just detect sarcasm. You see warrior players are largely lazy. Not all of them, there are some gems around here. They will pick up their banners, and they will move them, and they will even use them. I know, terrifying.

Second banners are already far more varied than spirits. Do you want me to give you a side by side comparison? It will just make you look bad, but I don’t mind. First go look at these two pages. Really read them, because it’s painfully obvious to everyone here you don’t have a clue what you are talking about.

(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)

PvP thieves suffering.

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Thieves are too squishy and can barely dent a warrior’s regeneration. Requires too much concentration and field awareness to be effective.

All is vain.

(edited by Excalibur.9748)

Before you decide to post on thief forums...

in Thief

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164

I agree with this thread so much. People QQ about Thieves it seems more than any other class just because they don’t bother to learn their weaknesses.

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


I think a good possible solution:
1) Fix Sigil of Parlyzation (already on ANets list).
2) Mix Skull Crack up a bit, make it stun for 1/1.5/2, but to compensate have it apply something like 4/5/6 stacks of vulnerability. AKA, the general idea, nerf the stun duration, but give it something to compensate (not necessarily vulnerability, just an idea).

Mace inst OVERPOWERED. Get ur hands away from it. If u want a nerf i suggest to look in 100b.

I dont want to nerf mace, I want to nerf the stun on Mace Burst and give it something else, hopefully making the weapon just as powerful as it is now, but less cheesy

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

new thief in gw2

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


you are right my friend
thief class is manly for PVP and solo WvW
in pve is …. meh…

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Opynn.2936


Ask yourself a question- Do you want to play a game in which you can just keep foe in stun till they are dead?
Because with mace+shield/gs or mace +shield/hammer you can do it easily (esspecialy with hammer).
I fought some new necromancer in spvp. I just stun locked him till he was dead. I was happy about that. Then i thought what that poor guy was thinking. He just sat there in front of his monitor and watch me do my chain cc. He had no stun breaker or its was on cd. And what can he do with stun breaker but no stabilty agianst that amount of cc. Nothing. He could log out and be done with the game.
Look how Wildstar will handle cc.
On the other hand we have classes who can just spam evade, and are so elusive we need somthing to keep them in place.

Opyrr[GoT] Warrior

What the word "thiefs" indicate...

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


“I recently got pwned by a thief and do not have the potential to better myself. Instead of practicing with friends or learning about the class, I just scream OP all over the forums until anet gives that class a nerf. I require outside assistance to get by in competitive gameplay. I also refuse to read this article.

Your welcome.

Balance the stealth mechanic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Another crybaby QQ stealth thread …
this gets old this dead horse… seriously

Thiefs need no nerfs, they need some specific buffs in various points in regard of their overall gameplay that forces players currently to play thiefs only with like 1 to 3 builds maybe to play this class effectively enough to win with them something at all

Thiefs need a serious redesign that improves ther overall steal and venom gameplay and completely their versatility that totally LACKS by allowing thiefs to steal more oftenly than only once every like 30 seconds or so and turning silly obsolete utility skills like venoms into the thiefs main mechanic for F2 to allow them to use every now and then via that venom skills that will change the effects for their whole weapon skills corresponding to which kind of venom you are using for the moment to improve the versatility of the thief class massively, so that they don’t have to rely themself so extremely much on stealth permanently to survive!.

Thiefs underwater gameplay sucks totally, it needs improvement by changing half of the thiefs skilsl by making them also usable under water or by changing the effects of specific thief skills, so that their effects work similar.

Think on the Ele’s Tornado, that changes under water to Maelstrom. The same way should get changed thief skills, some of their skills should change under water instead of simply becoming not usable there.

The durations of stealths have to get increased significantly, so that you can really play out the thiefs role as an infiltrator finally being unseen laying alot of traps and trying to gather enemy information and stealing alot of things to use all this against the enemy being the kind of silent deathly “guerilla warrior” type of class on battle fields, that thiefs should be alot more like together with their great arsenal of various deathly venoms that should allow them to handle enemies in a lot of various ways and make them more versatile in their usage of their chosen weapons and builds, that there will be more than just only full berserk or full condition thief!!

The counter balance for increasign massively the steath durations and removing the ridiculous revealed debuff would be by implemented “Detection Skills/Traits” for specific fitting classes like Rangers, Guardians and Engineers as also Thiefs self, because as masters of stealth, they should know best how to find enemies that are of their same profession by changing stealth into something visually to them, that looks more like moving into some kind of “shadow realm” between that they can cloak in and cloak out and follow that way enemies.!

In example:
If an enemy thief stealths in front of you and you stealth then also too with your thief, then you can see again the enemy thief, because both of you are then in the same “shadow realm” kind of parallell reality.

This is then also helpful again for any allied player in a group, because a group member can see where your allied thief is moving around and guess what that means ?
Right, for your party members it becomes this way easier to predict where the hidden enemy is to use either AoE skills at the place where your hidden thief ally is or use detection skills as for example as a ranger by letting your pet sniff around the near where your thief ally moves around at the moment in stealth to follow the hidden enemy.

Something that would improve also group play and group communication between group players in GW2, if the game would get improved that way…

The thief mechanics aren’t using the full potential that lies in the class to become something really awesome and fun to play. Currently the class feels like only giving 50% of what the class could potentiall do all and how versatile that class could be.
Epsecially when you think what all for options and potential lies in this game, if GW2 would ever get improved by implementing something like Sub Classes with that players would be able to specialize their classes more.

Oh how much I’’d love to see the day coming where i’d be able to specialize my Thief either into a Rogue, an Infiltrator or into a Saboteur to improve the various kinds of different gameplay mechanics that the classes offers and choose something to specialize into to make my character become more unique and feel finally some kind of CHARACTER PROGRESSION in this game that improves my characters options of weapon skills, adds more traits and all such things, which is GW2 absolutely lacking in the game currently totally sadly …

One can dream can dream …sigh

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Back to the roots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maria Murtor.7253

Maria Murtor.7253

First off: I’m a subeditor off the german Wartower-Community. Lately we did a poll relating to the Living-Story-Content. As if you probably all know, a large part of the community isn’t very pleased.

Lebendige Geschichte oder klassische Addons?

Interessiert mich nicht (1.6%)

Anderer Vorschlag (1.9%)

14-tägige Updates wie bisher (3.7%)

Nicht so häufige Updates der lebendigen Geschichte (12.0%)

14-tägige Updates mit mehr bleibendem Inhalt (28.6%)

Nur klassische Addons mit bleibendem Inhalt (52.2%)

Stimmen: 2525

Result condensed: 52,2 % of 2.525 players like to have the classic Addons with more lasting content. Only 3,7 % like the way it is. I have to admit, that I’m part of the 52,2 %. I’d like more lasting content and do not like this two week circle.

In contrast: The Flame and Frost-Content was great, and also our Community felt like this. The period you released the new content felt very comfortable. The players were not forced to complete the content so quickly (even if some players did so …). I’d like to see, and a majority as well, the future content coming with more breaks between them, and especially with noticably less Achievments you can earn.

This forum part is Suggestions. I suggest, that you either go finally for a real good sound expansion like most of the genre did for years, because it is the right thing to do. Guilds come back together, people get back to the game for more than 2 days a month and the overall mood of the community will rise as well. If you are still opposed to an expansion full of more Tyria, or you have to make Colin happy with telling him, “Living Story is a great idea, Colin!” than please convince him, to take more time for it. Build greater chunks of content. No more daily grind and two weekly skin lottery. Give your writers time to get meaningful stories written. The release shows they can, if you let them.

Stop the “hey we can do it every 14 days” content, which feels the same over and over again for the bigger part of the last year now. Please!


By the way: I would like to bring a suggestion for new content my self. While my work as subeditor I noticed, that players really enjoy the start of the personal story, so do I. Many of them wish to whitness the personal problematics of their culture (Humans fighting against Centaurs and Bandits; Asura confronting the Inquest …). Also play with the “old” NPC’s you met, like your warband (my good old pal Maverick, or my College-Friends). I guess, it would be a very nice content, and therefor the maps would’nt be so cramped, because each race plays his own content. Important: Breaks between the individual storylines, no 14-day-terms, no grinding achievments.
Suggestion for rewards: Armor-Skins of the races enemy (Flame-Legion, Inquest, Bandits …). It would be a good opportunity to bring more spefic armors for all raced in the game, for example the Flame-Legion-Straps (footwear) we are asking in this and this thread for.

Guild Wars 2 – Musicvideo: Claws and Steel

(edited by Maria Murtor.7253)

Make Larcenous 1 init. cost/steal 1 boon

in Thief

Posted by: OIIIIIO.7825


No, Flanking Strike is in a good place right now. (IMHO)

A victor gives no quarter when the victor shows no clemency or mercy
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Bud.5617


They have 1 stun break which is a trait on a looong cd and no access to stability, go figure.

OH GREAT! So to beat them you need another OP class, the perma stunning, ever regenerating warrior. That’s dandy.

Silly comments about thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


A thief can use his summon skill to completely obliterate an entire army in half a second, so there’s no competition there. I completely agree with the op on this one.

Warrior should be immune to blind.

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305



Nerf Rock, Paper is fine.

Kind regards


If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

suggestion: let charr hide boots please

in Charr

Posted by: Ashes.9586


I think the boots look ok, but I do agree that being able to hide them or have more foot wrap style shoes would be nice. (Even chest pieces would be nice to be able to hide sometimes)

The Legion Calls

Thieves are cheap, Thieves are noobs

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


Because we use excessive amounts of stealth, and it’s a broken mechanic for sure with zero counterplay. It’s broken, and cheap, but there is the downfall that we have close to no teamfighting capabilities.


Denying stealth isn’t cheap is pretty dumb. It’s only counterweighted by the fact it’s pretty much our only true unique ability.

When i use my sword/pistol build (which only has utilities for stealth) i find it very easy to fight most dagger/pistol thieves who rely on stealth. Stealth is really not very difficult to counter at all

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:

Quick breathing

in Warrior

Posted by: Faranox.4217


You shouldn’t post information like this on public forums. Now you guaranteed a nerf next patch.

Fixing a bug isn’t a nerf.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

To those who hate Heartseeker...

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Oh my god, I am loving this thread… And I’m learning things about people that will save me a great deal of frustration in the future.

Exactly how few people read beyond the title of a thread before posting?

Why full berserker and full offense?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I still don’t get it. There are rarely any timed fights in this game. The biggest challenges in the game come from fights where you have to sustain and survive through constant damage. Why would you go all out damage? For an acceptable decrease in damage (granted it’s noticable) you can get impressive survivability.

Going full zerker on jewelery makes sense, but I don’t see what beserker + scholar (or ruby orbs) has over a mix of beserker/valkyrie/knight with divinity runes. I feel like atleast 15 in SA (condi removal) is almost too good to pass up unless you are playing S/P or S/D.

Full berserker seems to be better when you want to get something downed fast while a mix is better when you want something downed (aka when you and your group are struggling). So basically you are gearing for the easier content instead of the more challenging content (which is lackluster, I admit).

Am I missing something? I want to be convinced, but when I’m doing harder content, with damage that can’t always be dodged or with a less experienced group of people, I tend to be too busy reviving the downed gc thief to be convinced.

Just because players are level 80 doesn’t mean they are high level players. What I mean is, every level 80 Thief is at different levels. Those who just reach level 80 typically use ranged weapons and survivability because dying is no fun. As they gain more experience and acquire higher level gears, they tend to push the envelop and take more offensive over defensive items. Of course, there are those who simply want to skip this leveling experience and fail (just like a lot of GC Thieves).

The way I see it, the level 80s are divided into 3 levels. The “rare” level, the “exotic” level and the “ascended” level. By having those items, I can gauge their base skill level, of course this is just my way to establishing a base line to give me an idea on what to expect.

So if the group is doing a dungeon speed run, as a level 80 Thief, you need to deal the most damage in the group thus expected that your gear is fine tuned to do as expected. Since the mind set in this type of group is “to kill as fast as possible of be killed”, so typically, the group will vote out non-Berserker, non-Ascended Thieves. For casual dungeon run, typically anything goes since nobody really cares if we wipe 100 times.

About Berserker vs Valkyrie, I personally like Valkyrie since to me, Vitality is more valuable than Precision since I am using S/D and not D/x. My reasoning is simple, better staying power = better prolonged DPS. Berserker brings a lot of burst damage that often causes problem in a group because it generates a lot of hate, especially from a boss, which typically the Thief will go down as a result. Unless the Thief is an ascended thief, he’ll know how to drop hate and not die. The problem with too much damage is that you’ll get aggro too often that a lot of times you’ll find yourself dodging and healing than actually dealing damage, but of course the high level thieves will not have this problem. Since sword attacks already deals a high amount of damage, it would be absurd to push it even further by gearing Berserker. I personally rather maintain a stable DPS with occasional burst damage on demand rather than burst-dodge-burst-dosge-heal, because in the end, the DPS for the whole fight is almost the same if the Berserker thief don’t go down; but if they did, there goes their DPS and the DPS of the one who is rezzing them.

The most balance pieces are the Valkyrie pieces with some Soldier. Someone posted a gear combination that I found to complement my playstyle, it’s a combination of Valkyrie (head+shoulder+hand+feet) and Soldier (chest + legs) pieces. I’m still trying out the runes though since each set brings different things to my playstyle. For condition, definitely Carrior over Rabid, again because Vit is better than Prec.

To summarize, I would never recommend Berseker items to anyone since it requires a high level of playstyle that only the player themselves can decide if they can handle it or not.

Personal choice.
Instead of Berseker, take Valkyrie
Instead of Knight, take Soldier
Instead of Rabid, take Carrion
(you have to read the wall of text for reasons) ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Berserker Overbuffed?(pve)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scynja.9057


To my opinion Berserker stuff is too strong in pve. I will now try to reason it.

Lets assume you have a blanc lv 80 char having

1k power
1k vit ~16khp
1k toughness +Armor~2kArmor
1k precision ~5%crit chance
50% base crit dmg

and we have 600 primary stat, 2 times 400secundary stat (or 40% critdmg)

I will not reflect condition dmg and healing power here, but it is similar.

the weapon attack is 1k, leading to a DPS of 2k*95%+2k*5%*1,5 (noncrit+crit) =2050DMG per second
the effective health is calculated via Armor*2/3 x HP/1000 (assuming 2/3 dmg is taken from direct hits)= 21333EHP

A knight setup adds 600toughness, 400 precision (roughly 20%crit) and 400 power, which is still quite offensive. Therefore, the DPS changes to 2,4k*75%+2,4k*25%*1,5=2700DPS (31,7% increase)
While the EHP change to 2,6k*2/3*16=27733EHP (30% increase)

A Berserker setup adds 600Power, 400Precision (roughly 20%crit) and 40%critdmg
Boosting the DPS to 2,6k*75%+2,6k*25%*1,9=3185DPS(55% increase), while the EHP remain at 100%

This looks quite balanced to me. Boosting one stat is somehow compensated (55% and 0% vs. 30% and 31,7%). However, this was only half of the armor, so lets see what happens when we add the 2nd half:

Using two Knightsetups changes DPS and EHP as following:
DPS: 2,8k*55%+2,8k*45%*1,5=3430DPS (67% increase)
EHP: 3,2k*2/3*16=34133EHP (60% increase)

Knight+Berserker Setup instead:
DPS 3k*55%+3k*45%*1,9=4215DPS (105% increase)
EHP: 2,6k*2/3*16=27733EHP (30% increase)

Full Berserker setup:
DPS: 3,2k*55%+3,2k*45%*2,3=5072DPS (147% increase)
EHP: 100%

This shows a clear trend that more Berserker means more stats in the end, however, this is still not the end of the story. We love to play in a party, which means we get buffs from our mates and we use skills and potions to boost ourselves. I will not refer to defensive buffs at this place, because this would be too complex to show the influence on the one hand and on the other hand i will explain in the end why it is not needed. That said we get permanently attitional 15% crit chance from banners and fury and 300 extra power from might, banners etc. Finally we are using potions VS undead or whatever comes across us and receive an extra 10% dmg.

DualKnightDPS: (3,1k*40%+3,1k*60%*1,5)*1,1=4433DPS (116% increase)
KnightBerserkerDPS:(3,3k*40%+3,3k*60%*1,9)*1,1=5590DPS (173% increase)
FullBerserkerDPS:(3,5k*40%+3,5k*60%*2,3)*1,1=6853DPS (234% increase)

Still, these values can be enchanced by traits giving +10%dmg traits, rune of scholar etc. The more offensive traits, the bigger the gap. For easier calculation lets assume that traits add again 10% dmg on top. Therefore, a Boss with 400k HP that is solod by a
DualKnightDPS: 400k/(4433*1,1)DPS takes 82 seconds
KnightBerserkerDPS 400k/(5590*1,1)DPS takes 65 seconds
FullBerserkerDPS 400k/(6853*1,1)DPS takes 53 seconds (i.e. even when he is downed for 5 seconds, he is still faster than a hybrid paying attention to the fact that another FullBerserker revives)

What does it tell us? A well traited player havind ascended Berserker gear can kill a boss 35-40% faster than a player running offensive knight gear. But there was something about effective HP.. well
1st: toughness does not protect vs condition dmg
2nd: Agonie is more effective if the player has more HP
3rd: Healing power needs to be skilled separately
4th: Dodging prevents all DMG
5th: Bosses often simply onehit, there is no point in stacking HP etc., Furthermore, the example shows that with 21333EHP the Full Berserk can take 402DMG per second and still win the fight (without healing) and the offensive DualKnight can only take 416DMG per second, which is 3,5% more, while he needs about 55% more time to kill the same boss.

My suggestion is to cap the attributes, i.e. the first 100 power grant 200 power, the 2nd 100 grant 150, 120, 100, 80, 65, 50 and so on. I’m sure there are nice functions for it. Or to change the effect of a dodge roll into - reduces incomming DMG and Conditionduration by 90% and changes knockdown, fear, pull, push, stun etc. into weaker conditions like cripple etc. This could make defensive builds essential to exist in pve. Just think of GW2 in 3 years when your adding the new tier that comes after ascended: CritDMG will further increase and normal builds will become even worse. Im aware of the thing that this argumentation has many flaws as its does not pay attention to condition dmgetc.

PS you can calculate for youself what happens when your using full Power (primary), Vitaly, Toughness: 400k/((3,5k*0,8+3,5k*0,2*1,5)*1,1*1,1)DPS takes 85seconds, and EHP change to: 2,8k*2/3 *(16+8)=44800EHP