Showing Posts Upvoted By Black Teagan.9215:

Thief is dead.

in Thief

Posted by: Rem.9627


I’m going to say this now, before I hear more information about class nerfs.

I have played the assassin/thief class in every mmorpg Ive played up till now.

I have to say it seems as though this class started off as intended and slowly got nerfed into obscurity.

In every single game on any market in the mmo world Thieves/Assassins have always been highest 1v1 damage, mid to low range hp/def, but had the best evasion of any class. In every concept or iteration it has been a Glass Gatling Gun, unfortunately this is not the case and I notice and have noticed my thief who was my main since the start of this game lose more and more Damage/Mobility/Options…and become more clunky to use in general. Thief was a dream upon release…now its a nightmare.

I think what has happened here is there is too much emphasis on thief class and how others react to it, because we have stealth, (our ONLY means of defense/surprise), we get picked on a lot by the nerf police.

People often times take only into consideration what has happened to them or what they hear about and the common place or stance about thieves is people see them as unfair, I disagree.

When I first saw this game without the trinity I thought “cool a game where the classes stand out by each having something special about them.” I instantly started thinking about how might my thief function, and then other classes. I saw warriors doing huge cleaving blows slow but HIGH DMG, tearing through crowds like butter. I saw thieves using lightning fast Mid dmg, and having the ability to throw down some nice combos, and taking on any class with adaptation/planning (stealth).

Anyway the point is thief is dying/dead….

Low damage output
Low Hp threshold
Low Survivability
Losing Movement with every patch.
Losing Build Variation with every patch.
Most hated by other classes. (That says something about our player base, thieves having the closest thing to action combat in a mmo…could it be higher skilled players are using this class? Nah, we must be overpowered…oh wait…nope. Refer to above…and below.)
Stealth Debuff from other classes.
Loss of damage output over time even on auto attacks.
Loss of attack speed on daggers/short bow. <—- this i definitely know happens(ed) regardless of patch notes.

Sounds like Anet hates us thieves huh.

Before people start complaining and comparing…each class does something equally as “delightful” as stealth… Think about it and stop being so biased please.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JonPeters.5630



Game Design Lead

One of the issues we are working on for thieves this patch is the dependence on the traits which boost initiative. We did this by shaving a significant amount of initiative gain from these traits while simultaneously boosting the generic rate of initiative gain by 33%. We have also somewhat reduced the effectiveness of high evasion thieves by reducing vigor up time and adding some cast time to the Shadow Return skill on the sword. This prevents these thieves from evading too much and too easily dealing with being disabled (stun, daze, fear, knockdown, etc.). Also we are trying to improve the survivability of thieves in the Acrobatics line through easier access to the Hard to Catch trait and increased effectiveness of the Assassin’s Reward trait. This will reward thieves who are actively engaged in the fight rather than those who are just dodging over and over again. The change to Infusion of Shadow is meant to stop players from gaining initiative by applying stealth while already in stealth. This should keep thieves from being able to recharge all of their power while idling in a very long stealth. We felt that using a lot of different abilities to maintain stealth is ok, but re-using the same ability over and over for almost permanent stealth was just bad for the game, especially when gaining large amounts of initiative.

  • Increased the base rate of initiative gain from .75/second to 1/second.
  • Shadow Return on Sword. Renamed to Infiltrator’s return. Added a 1/4s cast time.
  • Pistol Whip. Reduced the after cast on the first half of this skill by .25 seconds.
  • Deadly Arts VI – Sundering Strikes. Increased the trigger chance from 50%. Remove ICD. Decrease Vulnerability duration to 6s.
  • Critical Strikes VI – Practiced Tolerance. Increased conversion from 5% to 7%.
  • Critical Strikes 15 – Opportunist. Increased trigger chance to 50%. Increase cooldown from 1s to 5s.
  • Critical Strikes VIII – Signet Use. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.
  • Critical Strike X – Critical Haste. Increase trigger chance to 25%.
  • Shadow Arts V – Infusion of Shadow – This trait functionality has been changed to “Gain initiative when you enter stealth.” 2 init.
  • Acrobatics III – Vigorous Recovery. Reduced Vigor duration to 5s from 8s.
  • Acrobatics IV – Assassin’s Retreat. Increased swiftness duration to 20s.
  • Acrobatics IX – Quick Recovery. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.
  • Acrobatics X – Assassins Reward. Increased healing scaling by 35%. Moved to Grandmaster Tier.
  • Acrobatics XI – Hard to catch. Moved to Master Tier.
  • Trickery 5 – Kleptomaniac. Reduce initiative gain from 3 to 2.
  • Trickery IV – Flanking Strikes. Move to Master tier.
  • Trickery VII – Bountiful Theft. Reduced vigor duration to from 15s to 10s.
  • Trickery VIII – Trickster. Move to Adept tier.

The overall goal here is to reduce the damage for the very high control warriors. This means reducing some dependency on going 30 points into discipline for Burst Mastery, making warriors spend 20 points in Arms to get the benefit of Unsuspecting Foe. We also reduced the damage on the hammer’s burst skill to separate the control from the damage. We don’t mind warriors doing massive damage, or doing great area of effect control, but we’re trying to prevent them from easily doing both. We also increased the readability of Skull Crack, which will allow opposing players to more easily react to it. Combustive Shot on longbow also saw some rework. It will scale better with adrenaline levels, and still provide strong burning per adrenaline level, but the raw damage was toned down slightly.

  • Strength 5 – Reckless Dodge. Increased Damage by 25%
  • Strength III – Great Fortitude. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
  • Arms IV – Unsuspecting Foe. Moved to Master Tier.
  • Arms VII – Crack Shot. Moved to Adept Tier.
  • Arms XII – Last Chance. Increased the threshold form 25% to 50%. Reduced the cooldown from 45 seconds to 40seconds.
  • Defense 25 – Armored Attack. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 10%.
  • Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s.
  • Tactics 5 – Determined Revival. Now correctly displays the amount of toughness.
  • Tactics 25 – Reviver’s Might. Now applies 3 stacks of Might instead of 1.
  • Discipline II – Thrill of the Kill. Increased Adrenaline gain from 1 to 10.
  • Discipline XI – Burst Mastery. Reduced damage increase from 10% to 7%. Removed erroneous adrenaline gain fact.
  • Earthshaker. Reduced damage by 20%.
  • Staggering Blow. Reduced damage by 23%.
  • Skull Crack. Increased the cast time from 1/4s to 1/2s. Updated the animation and effects of this skill to be more clear.
  • Combustive Shot – Increased pulse duration to 3s. Increased burn duration per pulse to 3s. Normalized damage per pulse. Updated pulses per tier to 2, 3,and 4 respectively for tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3. Overall physical damage has been reduced by 15%.

(edited by JonPeters.5630)

Nerf incoming - Upcoming Dec changes posted.

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Everyone thinks Warriors are overpowered, Except Warriors.

Honestly everyone else is wrong, and all Warriors are just right.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: jonwar.4186


I’m not going to stop playing my thief but I dont know, something lately just doesn’t feel “right”. I can’t explain it or pin point it so yea, I have that feeling that others seem to have.

“every other class can just simply do this better”.

Sword Dagger Thief
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


D/P is still grossly overpowered and one of the few builds capable of taking on warriors. The issue is that thieves have no other builds to turn to and are stuck with the cheese. The class does need some serious improvements but those aren’t going to come until D/P has been dealt with.

Why Warrior is popular

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Why warriors are popular.

1) Easiest class to play and do well at.
2) Massive room for error due to armour values and healing signet.
3) Best Pve class.
4) Best WvW class.
5) Best mobility in game with a weapon which in itself does huge damage.
6) Aoe stuns on a 5 second timer (let’s be real, when isn’t adrenaline at full).
7) Melandru and food means conditions last for about 1 second if that.
8) Takes no effort at all to do well.

That about covers it. ( I do own a warrior, played him since day 1, but now it’s a joke how many are played in WvW and PvE.)

just nerf heal sig to silence the whiners

in Warrior

Posted by: Senjun.8149


Change it for sPvP, since for WvW and PVE it’s balanced.
-5 sec from CD, +50% heal on activate, -1/3 regen.

erhm. no… 600 hp/s (adrenal heal and sig) is not balanced. there is a reason everyone wants us nerfed.

I like this guy

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


Well many of us enjoy playing our thieves and don’t agree that this class is broken. You attack anyone who disagrees with you on the state of this class.

OP’d thief, lol

[Heartseeker] need a rework

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I think anet wants thieves to really be a rougey class that can’t do anything beyond stealthing and spiking.

I'm done playing thief. How about you?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Let say if a noob thief vs a noob of other classes. Noob thief has 99% chance of winning just for the stealth button.

If a noob thief vs an experienced other classes who know how to deal with them, noob thief has 99% chance of losing because once their stealth is countered, they are like a naked woman in a life time prison for males.

But if a skilled thief vs a skilled other classes, skilled thief has much higher chance to win… again because now they know how to use stealth better + know how to counter stealth counters, and there was no hard counter to stealth so suck it.

A couple of questions to you kind sir.

What’s the hardcounter to healing signet and adrenal health?
What’s the hardcounter to CC when you don’t have access to many dodges nor stability?
What’s the hardcounter to minions, clones and spirits sucking up your dmg ?
What’s the hardcounter to having a lot of, in many cases unavoidable conditions on you when your condition removal and health pool is lowest in the game?

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Thief's bad for dungeons?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


The problem is – there is nothing another class can’t do better than thief in dungeons, except shadow refuge res-es… So back on topic – yeah, thief is bad class to dungeon with.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102

Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Hi All,

I would like to thank everyone for their support toward the pioneering work we are doing, as we drive the world of Tyria forward.
The passion, and intelligence that our community devotes to making this game great is both humbling and essential.

Regarding our process in terms of forum usage as a development tool:

The reality is we do read our forums, and others, every single day. If you look over the last year, and cross reference with community feedback you will see many ideas actioned and many more not.

The communication pipeline in most part lacks one very important component. Specifically, ArenaNet having more time to feedback on your ideas, concerns and our own plans.

I am not one for excuses, but I do believe in being black and white. ArenaNet has been extremely busy of late listening to you all, evolving systems, providing ground breaking content, delivering adventures at a near real time pace, and tackling some very exciting problems.

We have, with your support, created a truly unique platform. One which is in its infancy, and one we build with the continued support, and collaboration of the community.

We do need to build out more time to be in dialog with you, specifically, following up on our own investigations of your suggestions and concerns.
We will work harder to achieves this.

We are also trying to forge a truly ‘Living World’. Therefore with your continued support, and patience we can continue to break new ground. Not just with world of Tyria, but with the method by which we build worlds ‘together’.

All of this said, I wanted to make it clear that whilst we avidly read our forums, we pay little, to no, attention to posts that are disrespectful to other members of our community or our development team. Our developers work very hard to listen to the community, and work tirelessly to create content and features that they hope the community will love. Likewise, the constructive members of our community work hard to provide our development team with feedback that abides with our collaborative standards and overall community philosophy of having a productive, welcoming, and friendly culture. This is a true partnership.

Our goal with Guild Wars 2 is to drive the creation of online worlds forward, thereby creating original, ‘stand-out’ content that pushes the boundaries of what it means to journey through a Living World. Any endeavor on this scale is going to have its challenges, and therefore as a team, we are fully prepared to make mistakes, learn from them, and make even better experiences as we move forward. We see problems not as failures but as opportunities, essentially a necessary part of Tyria’s and our Team’s evolution. It is with this understanding that we work with our community to move forward in the space and truly realize great things.

One key to understanding our philosophy to building worlds is that we don’t give more attention to feedback simply because it is the noisiest, most aggressive, or delivered in the most inflammatory way. We take on board all constructive feedback and actively discuss it, and then make a decision to backlog the item or move forward with it (the development of which can sometimes take longer than some give it credit for). Therefore do not expect feedback to be implemented just because it is something you feel very strongly about. We just don’t develop like that. We instead work with our community to help us navigate these uncharted waters, taking on board all advice and measuring them against the pillars of the Guild Wars 2 and the direction we ultimately want to move in as a whole.

Therefore you have to ask yourself: Is this a journey you want to take? Are you comfortable with expecting the unexpected, and ultimately working together in a positive and productive manner through thick and thin, to pioneer in a space that the team at ArenaNet feel is of huge importance? Many of you are not only comfortable with this paradigm but embrace it, and your contribution, as you know has already shaped Tyria immensely, for which we are extremely grateful and excited about.

Regardless of whether you wish to collaborate in the spirit outlined above or not, I ask that you remain respectful to your fellow man/woman, and be constructive in your approach to the development of the game, and understand Tyria is made up of communities and not individuals.

So thank you all so much for your support, passion and collaboration, and please understand that Arena is an amazing team with an amazing community. And together we build worlds!

Chris W

Proposal to change thief

in Thief

Posted by: Paulo.8459


Infusion of shadows should have a ~5 seconds internal cooldown.
Permastealth fixed.

Thieves to OP/All other classes are broken

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


There is actually a video of a person who made a spec for hs spamming. The intro to his video stated that “this build only works against really bad players”.

Have to say, I agreed. 90% of his kills was a result of the player
A) Not dodging, at all.
B) Using little to no control skills
C) not positioning themselves at any advantage, or trying to recover from the use of obstacles, or evades. In other words, they sat there and just slowly melted.

Thieves aren’t op, they just require the enemy to think. Same goes against mesmers who can actually distract you with dummies while you go mad trying to locate the real slim shady(sorry, I had to).

Thieves cannot 1v5, those 5 people are likely to be horrible at the game and shouldn’t even count as 1 target, if 5 people cannot pin a thief down then they should just stick to pve.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

October 15 patch

in Thief

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


FYI thief-onlies, stealth isn’t the thief’s class mechanic. It’s a game mechanic.

Initiative is the thief’s class mechanic.

L2P <—Just thought this was appropriate for the thief forum. I dunno why but its thrown around everywhere so I figured, why not.

You know nothing of thieves; your semantics and poor attitude aren’t welcomed

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Sic em cannot be dodged

in Thief

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


A hard counter is better than no counter at all, and whoop-de-doo, 4 second reveal isn’t going to get you killed unless you suck at Thief.

Please read all the other posts that have said this.

The CD, the length of the effect, whether or not rangers run it – NONE OF THAT CHANGES THE FACT THAT AN UNAVOIDABLE HARD COUNTER TO UP TO 42% OF CLASSES TRAIT POINTS AS WELL AS 33% OF THEIR CLASS MECHANICS IS STUPID DESIGN. It’s following on the poor precedent set by anti-stealth traps in Wvw (Like I said would happen when they announced anti-stealth traps). It’s lazy and it removes skill from the equation, because it can’t be avoided.

The stealth itself is stupid design.
Get over it.

The great forum duppy.

At least in WoW, stealth was balanced

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Taking damage brought one out of stealth, unless vanish was just used. Here, we got thieves stealthing, then stealthing right after their first stealth runs out. I guess we all have to spend money to beat a class…

Thieves are squishy and have zero mitigation. Stealth does not make them invulnerable or immortal because they still take damage in stealth. If they didn’t have stealth, the class wouldn’t be able to survive and the profession would be completely useless.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


so, while the other classes get super bonuses, thief gets nerfed more

well… thief hate at it’s finest….

lol thieves aren’t getting nerfed. scrub permastealthers ruin the game for everyone, especially decent thieves.

We get it. You don’t like stealth.

I’m a thief who hates what permastealth has done to my class.

OP’d thief, lol

State of the thief [Shadowstep]

in Thief

Posted by: crouze.3078


Disagree completely. Thief needs MORE condition cleanse options that don’t depend on stealth, not less… especially with the current meta’s incredible emphasis on condi-spam builds.

is removing 2 conditions in 30 seconds worse then 3 conditions in 50 seconds?

best classes for Skyhammer lolz

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


“Thief with bountiful theft and scorpion wire”
Try it out, it’s incredibly funny to see someone with stability think he has nothing to fear and fall down

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Infiltrator Strike : A balance blunder

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

What will be the next thief skill you guys want to see get nerfed into oblivion after IS is beyond crap? I’m curious.

Infiltrator Strike : A balance blunder

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


If I was a designer, I’d ask myself these things:

Why was nobody complaining about this ability when it was 10 times stronger than it is today and remained as powerful for 10 months?

How seriously can one take player feedback given this little fact?

Thief Stealth = Worst Mistake In The Game

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Please stay on the topic. Otherwise we’ll have to close this thread. Thank you.

Dear Moderator, you should have closed this thread long ago, since it’s just a flaming thread with no meaning at all.

Nobody likes thieves. Not even the mods.

Wanted: Healing Class

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


The thing is I find is many people find they need more survivability and trait accordingly because they are just standing there and soaking damage.

A big part of this game is more about avoiding or negating damage vs out healing it. Consider shifting how you play If you want to play other trait lines.

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

Is the thief OP or not?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Yes. Where is Burnfall?