A re-post since the original thread was locked for being old and revived. I realize it was re-posted by another but I tweaked the images a bit since I still had the files because: reasons. Ignore the “Evolution” bar as that was done a long ago with other suggestions.
Stats and attributes to reflect the player’s own Hero Panel layout since Pets don’t actually receive expertise or concentration, and to reflect critical hit chance %. Maybe icons of the effects in the corner as visual aid to help new or returning players.
Click that [+1] if you want a more organized Pet Management Menu, as it helps all Rangers, both new and old. Cheers.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)
I just want my pet names to stay. After all these years. I have given up of a petless option, or better pets. At least let the names stay.
Medium armor vests instead of trench coats.
Some better options for less-covering armor selections for males.
More pants in all weights.
Culture-themed outfits (finish up the Krytan gods, then throw in Asura colleges, Charr legions, Norn spirits, etc)
This. Plus no more butt capes! What could’ve been some nice leggings have been ruined by butt capes.
This. Plus no more butt capes! What could’ve been some nice leggings have been ruined by butt capes.
Light: Usually robes and dresses, or pants-like skins tend to be weird.
Medium: Occasionally some nice pants options. …covered up by trench coats.
Heavy: Metal skirts/kilts. Everywhere. Actual pants options are rare, and then they don’t work with most other armor pieces because of odd embellishments or gloss that doesn’t match dye channels.
It’s like ANet has something against legs. :\
Speaking of legs, let us show ’em off! #SummerOutfit
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Seriously. When standing in any town just doing regular banking stuff there are minimum 2 players with the SAB miniature doing random sounds SO loud, they cant be reduced except if you turn off the whole audio. So I’m ending up playing GW2 on mute since alot of people in WvW own those annoying minis too. Give us an option to mute it, is so freaking annoying.
Second: Replica Job-o-Tron backpack. Yes you replaced the characters voice with it, but do we really have to see the kitten dialog box? In a blobfight downed people ask for help so kinda get your eyes stuck on every dialog box. But then its just “Turbo—mode—engaged!” by a kitten backpack.
Looking at you Super Banana… shut it… now!
i want some more ears for asura, ears for sylvari and more tattoo’s for norns so……
Im signing under this.
It’s about time to put charr horns on this year’s to-do list, Anet!
Skins should never become exclusive in a game. Time, effort and repetitiveness may keep someone from attaining a specific skin/item, but for it to be completely taken out of circulation shouldn’t ever be ‘ok’.
I’ve been playing on and off since day one of launch and that’s my view on it and always will be.
If there’s enough demand for something, then why shouldn’t it be brought back? I honestly couldn’t care less if the next guy had exactly what the first guy has. It’s personal taste and preference that sets each person apart.
As an old player I completely disagree with this and hope that Anet reintroduces more skins that are no longer available.
Medium armor vests instead of trench coats.
Some better options for less-covering armor selections for males.
More pants in all weights.
Culture-themed outfits (finish up the Krytan gods, then throw in Asura colleges, Charr legions, Norn spirits, etc)
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I think the time to update endless gathering tools to the wardrobe system has arrived. Especially since more endless gathering tools are being rolled out which means more awesome gathering tools to buy. With the wardrobe system we could preview them to see what they look like when we use them instead of looking it up on youtube. Also, we’d be able to just click a button in the H screen to pick the endless gathering tool you want to use instead of having to shuffle them between characters either by the shared inventory slot or bank. Another thing is that if you’re someone who bought the Watchwork Mining Pick the one that gives you a chance at getting sprockets whenever you mine then you would have that boon unlocked since it’s in the wardrobe so it wouldn’t matter if you’re using a different look. I just think with the wardrobe system it would make endless gathering tools more simple to handle then they’re now.
I want medium and light armor that looks more like heavy armor- simple and battle ready. Also some masculine looking, practical female armor would be appreciated. I’m not a fan of the trench coats, dresses, butt capes, and flamboyant glowy back items
Illustrious is about as close as my elementalist can get to looking practical, well protected, simple and ready to kick some butt
Completely agree on the need of more ‘battle mage’ like armor, somewhat in style with the bladed skins (for Charr at least, not sure how it looks on other races).
Heavy armour (ideally shoulders) with black or dyable feathers on them for my Raven themed norn revenant. (I know there’s the Deathly Avian shoulders, but that’s more a skull with a few feathers stuck to it.)
Male light and medium armour that shows some skin. Nothing skimpy, but bare arms, lower legs or parts of the chest and back would be nice. At the moment it’s difficult to have more than part of 1 arm showing and with norn tattoos, sylvari bioluminescence and charr fur patterns to show off that’s frustrating.
And generally more variety all around. Such as more medium armour with short tops and plain trousers for light armour. I get that the ‘skirt’ on a lot of the trousers connects with the top to form a long tunic, but it would be nice to have some options without that effect.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Anything famous from GW1 to be honest. There are many great armor sets they could pick and chose from.
simple designs, fitted to the body shape, chest showing, short sleeves, short open jackets, tight pants, cool and sexy at the same time.
Something that actually looks good on my charr because 99,9% of armors and outfits are designed to look good on human characters and almost every time 0 effort goes towards charr especially headgear.
Yea I know all about gw1 armor I have almost every kind of armor in that game and I still play sometimes too. Gw1 armor was WAY better. All the armor in gw2 is just too bulky and poofy, and butt-capey, and trench coaty, and VERY concealing. Gw1 armor rocks.
why not leaving the chest bare for all male races?
This, I want this, I’d pay 3,000 gems for this outfit and weapon set. So gorgeous.
(edited by Ellie.5913)
I want medium and light armor that looks more like heavy armor- simple and battle ready. Also some masculine looking, practical female armor would be appreciated. I’m not a fan of the trench coats, dresses, butt capes, and flamboyant glowy back items
Illustrious is about as close as my elementalist can get to looking practical, well protected, simple and ready to kick some butt
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
I like the growing hair idea a lot.
It always baffles me when someone says “male characters get the short end of the stick!”
To me, much of the feminine armor is very distasteful. It focuses on exposing skin, breasts and hips. That isn’t feminine, it’s just sexual.
Why can’t we have femininity without it also being sexual?
For me, feminizing something and sexualizing it are two different things entirely… feminizing is fine, sexualizing is degrading.
At least, it’s degrading when most of the male armors cover everything up, while the female armors are designed around breasts and sex.
Is it really so hard to create feminine, but respectful armors for girls, interesting armor for males, and suitable armor for nonhumans? Apparently it’s nigh impossible.
(edited by Weindrasi.3805)
Cool idea, i dislike the unisex thing though, just make 2 seperate hairstyles, one more for men, the other more for women, but make both available on each gender.
I really like your idea! You should be an employee, the one who brings up interesting ideas. lol
Some really cool ideas. Don’t think they are easy to implement, at least not the growing mechanism. But maybe Anet could use these ideas and create something similar with the same goal and feeling
Better option.
Allow players to create a customized list of “junk.” They can add anything they want to it. Anything on that list will be sold to vendors when you hit the “Sell Junk” button.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
Give us a way of upgrading the DPS we’ve given up to our pets, to ascended level
Reasoning: No other profession is forced to give up some of their DPS to their profession mechanic, allowing them to have full ascended damage. Perhaps we could have a way training our pets from Juveniles to Adults and when doing so add some player selected attributes to the pet. Perhaps use a pet trainer NPC to allow us to return to them and change our attribute selection.
Give Pets 0.75s Invulnerability when player dodges.
Reasoning: This is the simplest Pet Dodge action to implement, and could be added by re-using the existing ‘companions defence’ tech, and without requiring new pet animations.
Improve auto-attacks to ensure that they actually hit
Reasoning: The pet should be a source of low (but persistent) DPS. This is worthless if pet attacks miss most of the time.
Remove 2 attack skills from each pet, leaving just auto-attack and special attack
Reasoning: Pets are often nerfed because players complain about being killed by an NPC. By reducing AI skills down to a single auto-attack, then the only times players get killed by pets will be when a player uses F2. This also opens up the UI space of the two removed skill slots (and the animations assigned to those skills) to be re-purposed.
Merge F1 and F3 into a single positional command toggle.
Reasoning: You would never use both together, and therefore having them as separate profession mechanics is just a waste of an F slot.
Move the passive/aggressive toggle to F3.
Reasoning: This is our most useful “mouse-click” pet control, and by making it one of the primary pet mechanics passive mode can be improved to give a more interesting and player controlled mechanic.
Prevent pets from attacking at all in passive mode
Reasoning: ‘Avoid Combat’ should do what it says. When in this mode a pet should avoid combat regardless of whether or not it (or the player) is being attacked.
Prevent pets from triggering traps when in passive mode
Reasoning: There are certain parts of the game where regardless of how carefully a player (or party) avoids the red circles indicating a trap, the pet walks straight through, triggering the trap and killing the player. This was especially annoying at the start of the original aetherblade dungeon in LS1. The player should have a way of ensuring that the pet will not kill them.
Prevent pets from being damaged by AoE effects while in passive mode
Reasoning: If a pet cannot attack at all in passive mode, then it should gain some form of defensive ability in return. Pets could still be damaged by targeted attacks, but would be safe from untargeted attacks.
Use the two skills removed in earlier suggestion as passive mode skills
Reasoning: If a pet cannot attack in passive mode, then the attack skills it has access to are irrelevant. Instead, the other two slots could be assigned to a passive-mode ‘auto-attack’ which pulses a minor AoE boon, and a passive-mode F2 skill which grants a better boon under player control. This also places all 4 pet skills under player control the two “auto-attacks” controlled by switching the pet between passive and aggressive, the other two controlled by F2.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
(edited by Kaz.5430)
Still waiting for some sexy skin-showing outfit to be added to the gem store, come on it’s summer let us show some skin, people are proud of their tattoos, fur patterns, and glow patterns, let them show it off. And plz new dance books with some actual cool dances, just look at gw1 dances for inspiration.