Showing Posts For Aga.8641:

Fix to Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I didn’t read all of your post, but they really need to fix the rendering issues asap. It’s amazing how long it’s been bugged, considering how fracking annoying it is….

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Can you tell us how the meeting goes?

That’s some amazingly wishful thinking bro. About as much chance of that happening as there is of a dinosaur falling from the sky and killing the Easter bunny…No exaggeration.

Your top 3 most useless skills and traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Signet of power.
Signet of the lotus.
Axe. (I think it should count)

Target the weak – if there’s 1 thing the condition based trait line needs is +damage which doesn’t effect condition damage.
Decaying swarm.


in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Gee, this thread for the 10000th time.

Yes bunkers are annoying and no the meta wont ever change so long as the only game mode is conquest, you know, where you need to actually hold objectives…

Trait idea for "Reanimator"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


I’d like it if the minor traits in death magic weren’t linked to 1 specific build…

Reanimator is obviously the most useless trait imaginable and needs to be comletely changed. Protection of the Horde of nice, if you’re running minions which is very rarely the case, so move that to an adept trait (maybe make it slightly stronger, like +30-40) and move shrouded removal to the minor slot it its place, simple.

Any chance of 5v5...

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


One of the devs said a long time ago that the game isn’t balanced for deathmatch style game modes…

However we do really need some new game modes, conquest is getting extremely boring for most people.

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


The payment scheme is definitely needs work…I think a charge per round you reach is better. What will happen soon is that only the top teams will queue (as teams who don’t win 90% will run out of tickets), giving very long and tedious queue times.

What's is up with tPvP ranks????

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


There’s no matchmaking system and no indication of whether or not we will ever get one. If we do get it, I would expect it in the same patch, or just after we get proper rankings.

What traits should I be focusing on?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Power does very little. You want traits/gear that boost condition damage or ones that boost or apply additional bleeds. Such as hemophilia and enfeebling blood both are in curses and Mark of evasion which is in blood, utilise these to maximise bleeds stacks on your targets.

How do you handle thiefs?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


You can’t kite a thief. At least, a thief with half a functional brain stem.

So, you stand perfectly still vs a thief and let him pound on you?

Ignore Mode: ON

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


People need to stop expecting changes, I’m fairly certain that necro won’t get any real changes for a very long time.

We just have to put up with the 1 viable build in PvP, low and easily countered damage and 150 or so bugs. GOOD TIMES!

What are things you notice about Necromancer players in general?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


I notice that a lot are delusional and think power builds are in anyway viable.

How do you handle thiefs?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


I’m guessing this is completely your builds fault, necro shouldn’t really have issues against thieves. Or you don’t understand basic gameplay, such as kiting.

Mesmers In TPvP: Let's Talk Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Thief detected?

Portal is fine imo. Shatter is not, but there are two problems here:

1. Shatter burst is too high, but other mesmer builds are really very bad atm. They need to buff condition/phantasm mesmer (yet every patch phantasm nerf kittenol).

2. Other professions have far more ridiculous burst – mesmer full shatter combo (which is somewhat avoidable too) is around 10k damage. Hundred blades can instagib. Backstab is 30k damage….

Is this some kind of backwards troll post?

In what universe is phantasm build bad? It’s probably the strongest 1vs1 build in the game, it can 1vs2 easier then any other build. As the player you don’t need to do anything apart from summon them, then just LoS as much as you can….

You say hundreds blades is instagib, which it’s not, unless you’re running pure glass cannon on a low HP class, and it’s far easier to avoid then shatter considering most shatter specs are ran with swords, which have immobilise.

Backstab is nowhere near as strong as it was, but the damage is still extremely high and I’d like to see another nerf, hopefully that gives steal a 1/4sec cast time, so you can’t cancel the cast of other spells, because atm it’s a ridiculous mechanic, whether intended or not.

Let me store more items in the pvp bank!

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I’d rather they add slots for tournament ticket/glory boosters/finishers…….Especially tournament tickets.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Still a little confused here..

So if I use scepter/dagger with sigils strength/earth will I still be able to proc bleed and might? Or just the sigil on my main hand.

Then what if I use earth on my scepter and battle (might on weapon swap) on my dagger..will I still receive both effects?

I tested with earth on scepter, and it procced using a focus skill.

Is necro hardcore viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Any ranged class with kiting abilities will be just fine.

My spectral walk doesn't like water anymore.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Is it just me, or is this thread a tad bit off topic?

Initiative revamp

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I would like it if they make it so if you used a weapon skill, it gets locked until you use different skill. This way you wont see thieves using HS or death blossom 50 times in a row.

I personally don’t rate thieves, but they are broken, not OP or UP, just broken. And they are broken because of initiative, having 0 cd’s just doesn’t work and I wish ANet would make some comment saying if they agree or not…

Please make PvP cross region

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


No. Lag issues would destroy pvp for a lot of people.

Hardest Class/Most rewarding

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I would say Engi is the hardest.

But with any profession you can just say how much of a huge difference there is between a skilled and an average player when running the exact same build.

PvP Heavy Nightmare set

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Unless it’s from paid tournament chests (which I doubt) it’s most likely going to be rank 60/70 item, so you won’t be getting it any time soon.

Halloween Patch and Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


anyway, is it really a big deal to keep a Tun Break + LF boost + Swiftness on your bar?

Yes, because you need the swiftness for roaming, whereas you need the stun break and LF in team fights, so you lose one of the skills functions. Not to mention how important the 3 utility slots for a necro, when I play other classes I feel comfortable changing up almost all the slots, but with necro it’s a very different situation…

Qualifying Points - farming..

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Well I don’t think QP will be the true rating system…They are something you need to compete in the large tournaments they will eventually run, and in the mean time act as some kind of pseudo rank as well.

I’m sure that they will at some point give some form of an ELO ranking system, as clearly any rank or point system that blatantly favors time played, over player skill is never going to be accurate.

Pets not attacking

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Search function down?……..No it’s not fixed.

Tpvp and Spvp crashing repeatedly help A-net!

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


They said much earlier today they are fixing this. I’d expect the patch to arrive in 4-5hrs

Are Qualifying Points only obtainable in 8v8 and not 5v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


It means tournaments of 8 teams, not 8 man team. There’s 8 teams of 5 players.

Can we get any kind information as to when...

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Thank you. Although today for you is tomorrow for us European’s, but still better then I expected.

Time to play the "insert class here."

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Since the nerf to spectral walk I hate my necro, I find it slow and cumbersomeI just don’t understand why they done that. It was pretty much the only thing (imo) that made necro’s viable in tPvP. It really does show just how ANet thinks, there’s what, 100 necro bugs? They fix only 3 in this patch, 1 of them being the only positive one we had.

Paid Tournaments will be available soon...

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


gw1 ppl like u and me aren’t “better” ppl then others.
We paid 60€ and the other paid 60€. In this case we are all the same for Anet/NCsoft.

If we’re all the same, why have PvP’ers got 0 content?

There’s probably at least 10x more ANet staff working on PvE then there is for PvP, just look at the red posts on this forum, 99% have been directed towards PvE…it’s very clear that PvP is not important to Anet.

Can we get any kind information as to when...

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


When will we get the paid tournaments?

I know the servers are still being stabalised and things could go wrong, but ANet could surely give us some info about how long they expect. Are we talking a couple of days, weeks or months? It’s not asking for much, I think we DESERVE something, given how patient you’re asking us to be….

I know there’s a blog post coming “soon”, which will have more info (maybe?) but again there’s no info when this is coming.

Halloween Patch and Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Spectral walk nerf has pretty much completely taken away necro’s ability to roam, I did call that this would get fixed before any of the negative bugs and I was of course right.

It also created a brand new bug for necros!! (hands up if anyone is surprised) If you remove the skill from your bar while it’s in the secondary activation stage it removes any effect you gained from it, swift/LF buff…this also removes any swiftness you had on you before, i cannot imagine this is intentional. Doubt it’ll ever get fixed.

Leaving the mists with hero tab

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Was probably intended to stop PvE’ers exploiting it in someway. An update that completely kittens PvP just so PvE’ers can’t exploit…..thanks Anet.

Paid Tournaments will be available soon...

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I really am starting to think that PvP in GW2 doesn’t matter to ANet, they said they wanted esports, yet that will never happen if they carry on like this. Absolutely 0 PvP content, yet PvE gets all the new events and jumping puzzles, pathetic balances even after they’ve said they want to change the meta away from bunkers and no decent information at all about when we will get changes that were promised…..After 4yrs of waiting for a game and having all this disappointment is not good, I’m close to just giving up.

doesnt seem to work

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


And welcome to necro forums. Its a ship… sinking ship. Or maybe a sinking raft?

I think it’s the crap at the bottom of the toilet that just won’t flush.

Crazy Idea on How to Improve MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


The craziest thing ANet could do to improve MM builds is….actually give them functioning AI…..just so crazy to even think about something this far out of the box.

So what if the Backstab build is not nerfed?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


When are these idiotic thieves going to get their heads out of their kitten and stop defending 10-15k backstabs. It doesn’t matter how kittening squishy the thief is, he should never be able to do 10k+ with 1 skill and pretty much instagib just about anyone if they time their burst.

Do we want to see our PvP armor on character select?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


What’s the point? How much time do you spend ogling your characters in the selection screen? There’s far more important things for them to implement.

Best sPVP Server?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I think you’re better off searching for groups outside of the game, there’s multiple websites for this specific function.

An open letter to a dev regards the current state of the Necromancer class, and the silence thereof.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aga.8641



I’d love nothing more then to see a red post detailing on what Necro bugs they are working on, because at the moment is does feel like we’re being completely forgotten about. However I know this is very unlikely…

A question about spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


and on a final note, i sure hope bigger spvp matches will be added, like 12 vs 12 or 16 vs 16, after balancing and such that’s what im hoping for

That’s a really good way to make people disregard everything you said.

Almost everyone wants the hot join matches to be 5vs5, same as tournaments and not the massive zerg fest they are atm.

Why Transparency is paramount to success.

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


You misunderstood me, there is an entire group of people working on balancing the game as I write this…

Yes, I got that part. But it just seems to me that the balancing won’t happen for quite some time, I did hope that there’d be some decent balances with the next patch, so the first paid tournaments wont be filled with the same cheesy and OP set up that everyone is tired of facing now. Such as, Assassin signet + backstab combo, this is just plain wrong, retaliation/bunker guardians and of course mesmers…

Why Transparency is paramount to success.

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


As for class balance and skills, other teams not directly working on the pvp features are working on that stuff and will give updates once they have a clear plan in place. What we don’t want to do is post and say, “We’re doing x and this is how it’s going to work!” and then come back say, “no we lied we are actually doing Y”. We have a strict policy of talking about features and changes once they are far enough along we feel comfortable they are going to work, so we’re actually always delivering on our promises.

Unless I misunderstood you, it sounds a lot like you’re not going to balance anything in the near future? So we just have to put up with broken builds/skills until you decide people have had enough time to adjust?

You guys at ANet don’t seem to understand that as people get better, yes they can counter some of the broken builds better, but the people playing the broken builds will also be getting better, so the whole “waiting until things settle” just doesn’t work as well as you think…

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I find the PvP itself fine, but there’s just little to no incentive to actually play. There does need to be more of a reward, maybe once we get paid tournaments and the gem rewards for coming 1st/2nd it’ll be slightly better.

1)active tpvp server? 2)make smaller brackets please

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Anet said for a long time ago(before release):
8on8 is the best way for casuals to learn the game. (i lol’d)
Anet said: Our numbers said, 8on8 is good!

I can’t believe I missed those posts, it’s really amazing just how clueless they seem to be regarding anything PvP related. With the terrible balancing attempts, seemingly unwilling to balance some ridiculously broken things and still after almost 2 months there’s a substantial amount of bugs that make some skills/builds almost unplayable.

Condition Build vs Minion Build vs Power Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


People trying to defend Necro power builds for PvP…Lol. I’m completely sure I’ve never died to a power Necro in a 1vs1, on any class. All you need to do is dodge or remove the immobilize and you can’t lose, even if you don’t all you need to do is wait and step out of the Wells as soon as possible and then the Necro is left useless.

If you want to run a power build in PvP, don’t play necro, it’s as simple as that. Every other class does it considerably better.

Is burst damage really this bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


No class, whatever spec, should be able to hit just about anyone with 10k+ in 1 hit. It’s just absurd.

What I find really funny is that ANet went on about how they wanted balance, yet they somehow let stuff like assassin signet + backstab into the game, what kind of useless testing did they do before release?

Prayer to Lyssa

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Muting whichever effect causes it would be a good start.

Condition Build vs Minion Build vs Power Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


In pvp power builds can be used… in pve its much harder.

That is 100% backwards.

In PvP power builds are terrible, in PvE they work, because it doesn’t matter what you run, just about anything will get the job done.

Downed State - A constructive assessment

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


There does need to be a suicide button, but not an instant cast. It would NEED to have a cast time the same as, or even slightly longer then finishing, so people don’t abuse this to get instant respawns.

1st skill should remain, but toned down for some classes. This is so they can tag players (or mobs in pve) so they can actually get back up without the aid of another player.
2nd Skill AoE interrupt as you said.
3rd suicide, with cast time…
4th same as it is now.