i would go for this. But be prepared for more ranting on forum. So in perspective of ANET i wouldn’t do this as they have to keep the majority happy not the minority.
They changed the match making after season 1 because the “pro” players complained. I don’t see how that was keeping everyone happy. As far as PvP is concerned, ANet only wants the “pro” mentality group of players happy. Everyone else can hang. That’s the feeling I get from them as far as PvP is concerned.
if ANet really only cared about “pro” players, we would have a balanced meta and proper ranked system, I can assure you. Thing is, Anet wants everyone to be able to get their wings, and so the system allows it.
Not quite, if the system where to allow anyone to get there wings, there would be no division crossing achievement needed for them. I thought I was going to be done this season with the wings, but nope, I’ll have to play next season and get to ruby if I want my wings.
In all honesty I feel that one achievement causes the most salt.
They do care about there “pro” players, there wouldn’t be a prize fund if they didn’t. The only time they change anything to do with PvP is when the “pros” complain, see season 1. “pro” makes a QQ you tube video about after 8 hours he’s only in emerald. ANet change it to the way it is now. Even though a lot of people think the pip system is a joke.
So? The wings are the problem, like usual, Anet can’t make everyone happy, but this season and previous season, even below average players can get legendary easy.
System mostly insults people who knows hot to play this game, because it’s casual league, build up for people to grind. But nowadays everyone feels cheated if they have to grind for something they wouldn’t get normally, or to improve if they are bad, which leads to whine and whine and whine.
The only thing Anet can do is relocate legendary reward to reward track, which will remove incentive for people to even do ranked. Which will lead to dead pvp.
Funny, but Anet doesn’t care about only one group of players, about people who are doing pvp just for pvp.
You say that, but you will find you can get an unranked pvp match faster than a ranked one.
People like pvp, they enjoy it, most seem to not like the league. When I was playing last night I was waiting between 5-10 minutes for a match at T4 sapphire, where as I could get an unranked match in the sub 2 minutes mark.
Then there are those of us in that pip range who are ducking the current batch of competition and waiting for inactive volatility to kick in.
The meta and gameplay would radically shift keeping further death penalties in mind. Do thieves suddenly run acro instead of deadly arts and use paladin’s (or even knight’s depending on enemy comp) and avoid fights at all costs now? How many engis and eles would you stack?
It typically only happens during matches and I even have a recording of it and I flushed dns in elevated command prompt to avoid a dishonor. Where can I send support the video file? Should I upload to Youtube and share the link?
The problem is some players can be very short sighted and only think in terms of the current popular meta classes. If a map diminishes the FOTM’s advantage for example then many would oppose the idea even if it makes things somewhat more balanced. When people talk about balance they typically only factor in purely dynamic relationships but tend to ignore statics. There’s even a thread saying why they think ranger is the weakest class. It doesn’t feel that weak on high ground near Temple’s midpoint from various locations and the capacity to quickly drop to the node and issue some cleansing/CC (staff 4), healing, and eventually pop CA form for example. The statics in other words make the class stronger whereas on Legacy’s mid node classes with zoning abilities like DH traps or overload air and fire those abilities don’t go as far since they don’t force opponents off the node.
- Anet seem to like to consistently keep engi and ele stronger than Druid, (maybe to please some of their favorite pro league players).*
I’ve defeated both classes 1v1 on my staff/longbow druid but typically stalemate them.
- Last season it was second weakest to warrior.*
Even with another druid in the team I was told not to switch to rev at one point and rev is consistently top tier ever since HoT came out. I only started up on rev and ranger when HoT came out too since the classes offered scope for switching in and out of healing and offense roles against comps that may be ele unfriendly or counter their comp better than ele would. Ventari however is impractical due to its slow casting and awkward positioning (and too expensive casting skills) so rev turned into a pure offensive role with some good active defense management to stall things somewhat (juggling staff 3, sword 4, riposting shadows, UA, staff 5, and standard dodges in between to allow some energy regen)
One thing you’re not going to see this season is any “Rangers op, nerf Rangers” threads but there are already several threads complaining about engis and eles, which engi and ele mains flock to to try and defend their OPness
I think ele should get nerfed, I’m not the only ele running around when I’m ele and even then it’s cleric’s ele that gets complained about. Despite being Mender’s I still managed to get top damage dealt on my team.
Careful what you wish for. Just when you think you have the worse teammates there’s always worse. In unranked for example I won a 2v3 on a revenant with a thief against three warriors and a random warrior in another game died rushing mid 1v3. I’ve even seen some double cappers.
The MMR may need resetting to wash away lots of people who actually improved because they cared’s losses from a much weaker time (they got better but teammates stay the same notice how lots of new smurf accounts reached Legend).
(1 ele and 1 engi on a node? np let’s just 4v2 them for half the game)
That’s a design flaw. The best possible sustain should never outlast the best possible damage and shouldn’t have a lower skill floor than DPS. They’ll just follow you to another node anyway but yeah where they leave you can back cap.
Without MMR you’d see the truly bad on your team consistently. Unranked is a very mixed bag but typically has better matches than ranked.
We had a guy clean out our guild bank. Is this a reportable act? Is there really any point in reporting?
Maybe he doesn’t understand guild etiquette or assumes that everyone can grab those things? Like if there’s a sword and he grabs it he thinks a copy of the sword is there for everyone instead of it just being that one?
Nerfs hurt druids a bit, pets and utilities especially, by no means is it weak though.
The Ancient Seeds nerf was unfair. Nothing else to say about that.
Notice how no one complained about the skill. It was just about one of the only ways of counterplaying massive condi spam. If a necro boon corrupts then the entire reason for your booning up was defeated so you may as well help the party cleanse all that.
I think counterplay should follow this basic formula:
Passive defense (toughness, protection, vitality) counters normal damage
Good burst damage counters passive defense.
Active defense (blocks and evades) counters burst.
Condi is a trump card used tactically and intelligently and can’t continually condi bomb. Countered by cleanse.
I hope this changes since I actually find a little enjoyment from HoT pve but at the same time, there is zero appreciation for the customers who were here supporting the game for a long time. ZERO.
What about the knight outfit, character birthday gifts, and the free character slot?
Make PvP great again! We need a 90’s style peace and prosperity! :D Wait, that’s PvE territory, never mind -_-
One thing Anet does have a HELL of a lot of is metrics.
So by the end of the season they have a very clear indication of who’s generating the most success and who’s not.
Well.. Lies, kitten ed lies, and statistics.
There needs to be AT LEAST two dedicated devs, that ONLY do player proffession balance.
They dont get moved to system balance, NPC skill design, New content etc etc.
Day in. Day out. They will read prof forums. They will play ranked PVP matches. They will play in raids. They will talk to players. They will work on profession balance. They will focus on one profession a week. They will eat / sleep and breath professions.
That’s what I’d like to see.
Would be nice to see an Anet YouTube video where they follow Karl/Roy/Josh around for a day to see just exactly what it is the average balance dev is doing from 9 to 5. Given how minimal the work is that we see each patch directed at substantial profession changes/fixes, I guess they just aren’t focused enough solely on professions. And they really really need to be. Its something Anet needs to make allowances for.
If they aren’t going to separate balancing between PvP and PvE then the next best thing is purely balancing for PvP and then balance PvE around that. Don’t make a raid boss then rebalance professions with him in mind but rather look at the classes and modify the PvE content accordingly.
Why not just get rid of levels entirely? There’s no need to worry about proper scaling when everything is tuned to level 80 stats and abilities after all.
Favorite map Foefire… I’m sorry.
Everyone picks that crud map in ranked
It’s the best map for the following reasons:
1.Big mid point ensures you can still contest and still work around dangerous AoE fields.
2.Big map overall ensuring you have enough leeway.
3.Attacking a node is a real commitment since the other is far enough away.
4.Lord is inconvenient and out of the way enough to make it a real risk.
Some issues with the map however:
1.Lord is worth too many points.
2.Blue feels slightly favored due to having better kiting and hiding spots.
Still, Forest beast are too convenient and worth too many points and nodes are too close to their spawn making a far hit riskier than it should be, still a tolerable map depending on your comp and the opponent’s.
Temple also isn’t too bad, and the buffs don’t require killing NPCs while play can revolve around a charge. For example you know the enemy team will get tranq, so you stand off to the node’s side and immediately recap.
Khylo is just horrible for being too slow and too quick and convenient reaching any node while camera obstructions are everywhere at mid.
I’ve been stuck in T4 sapphire for 2 weeks with the most annoying 50% winrate ever. But you know what? I can look back at the matches i lost and see were things went wrong.
That still doesn’t wash the dirt of losing off your MMR though. For your improvement to see practical results everyone in your MMR bracket (now lower somewhat due to losses) also must improve their skill, which is very unlikely while your opposition gets stronger. The way the ranked algorithm works is low MMR gets put against higher MMR, so if you have lower MMR your chances of getting stronger opposition (five people vs. you and four others, your MMR is the same as theirs but your actual skill may be way higher) the less likely you’ll be able to carry.
I don’t think it’s small. If anything that’s the map that favors thieves, mesmers and revenants the most, and I assumed they were the “mobile classes” (with druid, which is definitely at a disadvantage on Khylo).
Ahh you would think so, but it doesn’t take long for a slower class to catch up after you shortbow’d up to the balcony.
You can at most get one-two shots in before the enemy starts to expect it and dodges
Dodges are balanced around dodging critical moves from other players, that gives classes that rely on dodging as a primary means of defense a disadvantage on Khylo whereas a warrior can dodge treb and use shield to block player attacks.
GW2 needs to get rid of scaled zones.
I say if you’re considering level scaling then just don’t have levels at all since they then serve no good purpose. Instead everything should scale up to 80 but have its level hidden leaving crafting tiers for rarities and stat sets instead of levels. The entire game needs a reboot from the ground up if it’s going to be competitive against today’s top offerings.
For $60 what can a customer have-
~ snip ~
Guild Wars 2:
~ snip ~
Sound like just a PvP only comparison. What I want to know is how Overwatch’s PvE is better than GW2. I’m just gonna make myself some popcorn and wait on your keen observations and well-thought-out response.
No, no… No rush, I’ve got time. Please enlighten me as to what I, a non-PvPer, am missing….
Overwatch has practice vs. the AI which is PvE.
But it has “excellent framerate” and excessive sexualising of Tracer’s butt!!!
No they don’t, Tracer has pants on the entire time she’s on screen unless there’s a thong outfit for her I don’t know about. Besides, Widow actually has a sexualized can and is a cute character ^_^ Tracer and Widow’s poses were just fine before people who clearly aren’t the target demographic started complaining. Every minor thing gets criticized. This video deconstructs very well in a funny manner the Tracer controversy:
About the framerates; I’m getting up to 70 fps at 4k so they’re great. In Guild Wars 2 in zergs (WvW or PvE) the framerate can dip quite a bit and the aging engine shows. The stutters in places, poor camera physics and control, (can only zoom in little at a time and it goes from medium distance to first person view, I need to use objects with collision detection behind my character to get a proper selfie), repetitive grind, and other features mean Guild Wars 2 can see lots of improvement at a basic level.
Agree. This MMR system and the league system is not compatible. MMR not measures your personal skill with this kind of team play. It measures only your luck (lets say “luck” but its a STRONGLY cheated system)
They fixed the Amber shopping.
That hasn’t even touched the problem people have been plagued by since season 1, jipped matches are still going on where people get 1 person whom deliberately throws the match making it impossible for the other 4 on that team to win.
The lower your MMR the worse your teammates and the deeper hole you dig yourself into though.
Agree. This MMR system and the league system is not compatible. MMR not measures your personal skill with this kind of team play. It measures only your luck (lets say “luck” but its a STRONGLY cheated system)
They fixed the Amber shopping.
Here are the current problems with the map:
1.At mid the camera is horrible. Sometimes broken pieces of the roof get in your way.
2.It’s a tiny map, meaning there’s no real commitment in hitting a node. Mid provides very fast easy access to these points in a very short timeframe. Classes with more mobility therefore have their advantage weakened.
3.Trebs do way too much damage for the low skill required to use them. This enables otherwise bad players to contribute more to a fight than they have any right to. Destroy the treb? No problem, a repair kit will soon spawn ensuring the skill gap between teams won’t matter as much.
How to make this map better:
1.Change the camera physics. It needs it overall anyway the zoom is messed up can’t even zoom in tiny increments and always zooms to first person so I need to take advantage of obstructions behind me to get a decent selfie (that’s a topic for a different forum thread.)
2.Increase the mid node and clocktower’s overall size where camera obstructions don’t hurt.
3.Make shields that move in the air randomly ensuring the trebber has to actually aim at the proper time with the risk of the treb fire getting obstructed.
4.Increase the map size overall. Maybe not Foefire big but still much larger.
5.Vertical bridges like Spiritwatch for nodes to accommodate the new size.
6.Make the boxes and house to reach clocktower the same on each side. Not everyone is a thief who can shortbow up to the ledge. Related to the thief: if you shortbow 5 and contest a node then someone can easily climb the ramp and contest the map is too small so classes that are balanced around low mobility being a weakness suddenly become stronger than intended.
Honestly I like even Spiritwatch much better than Khylo no matter what class I’m using. When you ask who voted for a map just so you can Q-dodge them you know you have a problem somewhere.
I just want good matches again. Gambling with my ranked MMR knowing there are vastly better teams in my pip range than the teams I get is not fun.
I guess most pvp´ers play because it´s fun, at least i do. 0o
I dont play any more or less games since the backpack was released, you shouldn´t expect everyone to dislike pvp. I even changed the skin of my backpack since i found it to look ugly after some hours playing with it. Obviously its only the pve´ers who´s “goal” is the backpack, the core of the pvp players simply play for fun. These are btw the usually winning guys that don´t cry about mm or pips and other useless stuff. :P
I enjoy PvP but the matchmaking makes it so that every match is frustrating and not enjoyable to play.
PvP was better pre-HoT before leagues.
It´s a random arena if you soloq, of course you will have bad matchups. Next match you will propably have the a better team comp/mates than the opponent, so what?
But if you queue up all the people you’re Q-dodging (they’re in a higher bracket so they won’t be on your team so may as well duck them) will be just about the only people to face you since teaming up means your MMR gets boosted.
I don’t personally care for the look of it, generally speaking. Some areas are lovely (that memorial area with the waterfalls), but others (lobster) leave much to be desired. However, since LA is a lightning rod for attacks, it was in their best interest to not rebuild all the structures out of extremely flammable, old pieces of ships. LA as it is now is more structurally sound (except for the glass domes they have over heavily populated areas of the zone) and more likely to be able to survive an attack.
They could have gone with a tough substantive fortress layout with lots of rocks and metals. Something with the same basic style as the Black Citadel with bolts and metal but with more mariner and pirate influences with teals, aquamarines, and pinks in places and navy blues in others. So something structurally tough, with character, but marine colors. There’s too much white sterile concrete in real life.
As the title says, what do you think of Lion’s Arch
The ‘New’ Lions Arch would certainly survive… mostly intact… when ‘Bubbles’ comes to call at the docks—-
But, IMHO..the last 2 Lion Arch designs were too cluttered- and dark- even with torches everywhere- it was always hard to see anything.
The White Mantle had the ‘original’ design just right..lots and lots of military barracks
(But leave the beautiful singing fountains we have now please)
The ‘New’ Lions Arch would certainly survive… mostly intact… when ‘Bubbles’ comes to call at the docks—-
Let’s hope not, it can actually have an interesting look afterward and not this philistine artless architecture (unfortunately redundant as far as modern architecture goes) to it.
12sec queue in Overwatch
Fun fact, OW uses same old 50/50 algo that forces 50% win rate on you by stacking teams like in gw2.
At least the mechanics are more conducive for carrying and you can switch classes as the situation dictates. I was in such a hopeless match I logged out since I’m in T3 Sapphire pipless and having no personal score (everyone just had to go mid against two warriors, an ele, revenant, and a necro lol!) wouldn’t even get my 15 silver anyway especially with teamfights always finding a way to land on top of me and in matches like that there’s never any space to decap and can never seem to rotate right and revenant has no good tools to disengage and the 2v1’s were always with a warrior who lasted long enough for an ele to get there so…kitten it. Ranked hasn’t been fun in days. I accepted the dishonor and am just watching some Cartoon Network.
Warriors get melee staff in next xpac:))))
That’s pretty much the only weapon left that would make sense with the class. I bet they’re gonna give us a staff with meditation utilities.
I don’t agree, I think dagger would be a reasonable offhand weapon for a warrior elite spec (ninja, adds stealth and some mobility utilities and gives the warrior access to stealth skills like tactical strike and a long daze on longbow and knockdown on rifle)
People used to fist fight, then the club was invented and people who used it were considered cowards. Then came knives, they were for unskilled people because all you had to do was stick them with the pointy end. Ten came swords, were were even more unskilled because they longer. Then came bows which were for true cowards to fire from walls up high. Then came gun powder and pistols..the ultimate in coward…and eventually here we are at inter-ballistic continental missiles. Push a button from thousands of miles away and let the GPS, lazer sighting do the rest..the ultimate in unskilled, lazy and cowardliness.
Things change..either you change with them and protect against them, or sit round hoping to find that one person who will still draw pistols with you at dawn.
People used to respect hunters to the point of dedicating gods to hunting, then when the gun was invented that all changed. At least with a bow and arrow you need to reload by the arrow so each shot matters and manually put the right amount of power into a shot. People do however respect pro athletes and martial artists.
If I lose to a revenant, druid, or thief as a druid, thief or revenant in any of those combinations then props.
GW2 needs to get rid of scaled zones.
I say if you’re considering level scaling then just don’t have levels at all since they then serve no good purpose. Instead everything should scale up to 80 but have its level hidden leaving crafting tiers for rarities and stat sets instead of levels. The entire game needs a reboot from the ground up if it’s going to be competitive against today’s top offerings.
For $60 what can a customer have-
- Excellent framerate and smooth, responsive graphics
- No input lag
- Matches tend to be quick and even a practice mode where you team with real people against AI
-Smooth coding
-Modern API
-Excellent class balance and no class has far more options on very short cooldowns or passive procs compared to other champions
-Quick and convenient champion swapping.
Guild Wars 2:
-Direct X9
-Dated engine
-Lots of clipping
-Download speeds in the kb/s common for many
-Bad input lag at times
-Stuck bugs
-Entire periods where many classes are outside the meta
-Glaringly poor class balance. To illustrate the point team with a friend, both of you roll daredevils and record how many times someone asked one of you to switch, now do the same for scrapper. In a point holding game of course something that can 2v1 for absurd periods of time with a reflect always off cooldown somehow and stopping their resets having notoriously tiny windows is welcomed in many teams. That isn’t even mentioning gyros that can stomp, meaning the scrapper himself doesn’t need to commit to it but can simply leave it there and if a scrapper gets rezzed he has a nasty habit of resetting as if he weren’t downed. Then you have necros who can condi bomb and you can see where this is going.
-Very inconvenient and even detrimental to log out and swap classes as needed.
There is allways room to improve
I’d suggest to change the style of the music you use in the future ^^
Thanks man. The original file for the Sonic music was 8 minutes so I had to cut it down but it was still repetitive (the effect was supposed to be cool, edgy, and up tempo without leaning on lyrics) while Balrog’s Theme has that cool baseline without being obnoxious (on reasonable settings). Lots of stuff gets your entire video muted (funny how a complex algorithm such as Content ID can identify a song through lots of sounds or even another song but can’t make something to remove just the song itself…imagine?) but I typically go old school like Operation Ivy, Green Day, NOFX, and Anti-Flag.
Keep in mind that lots of smurf accounts propped up so we have had all these new accounts with provisional ratings that lacked the negative weight of their main accounts. With the new accounts you take your lessons learned with you unhindered by past games when they were in a more ignorant state. These accounts obviously flew by to Legend with their clean MMRs.
This convinces me that we need a hard game wide MMR reset since MMR climbs faster if you’re new and it would neutralize the smurfing since the smurfs run over all those with established thousands of games ratings.
Ok, it took me forever to get settings and such figured out but I got it.
I butchered your name so much Agemnon so for that I’m sorry but here’s the video, I hope it’s at least somewhat helpful. (also sorry for the quality not being amazing, still trying to figure out settings.)Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-QuPeq_zuI&feature=youtu.be
Meh, just shorten it to Age, it’s already a shortening of a mythical name lol!
I’m still trying to get good settings too, the right video editor and settings should help and I’m currently looking into Power Director after I order a GTX 1070. I would have paid for Bandicam but a 1070 version of Shadowplay should be better (despite being free) as it’s integrated into the Nvidia driver itself and tends to be seamless.
Thanks man much appreciated. No matter how much better I get though it always seems like I can’t close the gap between my and the other teams so decapping and spreading out somewhat helps. Some times we stomp and other times we get stomped (ranked). I usually see lots of engis so I typically switch to revenant (Mallyx rev doesn’t work as well vs. engis as it used to but I typically run Shiro/Glint anyway) so it’s hard getting thief practice in ranked play but I’ve seen decent results.
in Sapphire. It’s been how long since the season started? Getting in teams where we’re constantly outclassed isn’t fun especially at the expense of my time and MMR (downward spiral with an unlucky streak after 3 losses time to call it quits for the day). Of course seeing double engi is very common (no one complains about that unlike double thief or dragon hunter! Gee, I wonder why lol!) and they always hang out in between nodes so you never know where to hit since they can get to either one faster.
Speaking of downed and Finishing Blow I typically find kill priority goes like this:
1.Scrapper, once they get back into the game have a habit of staying there.
2.Elementalist, excellent group support but relatively easy to interrupt and down again.
Question: A revenant, druid, and mesmer are all downed with no reasonable expectation of them getting up (downed health in half for all of them), who do you use Impact Strike on? You have two other allies nearby.
A: 1.Whichever one is on the node.
(if all are off the node)
A: Trick question, let them bleed out leaving the match 2v5 for longer, but if you must then do a conventional stomp, there’s no need to use Impact Strike since you don’t need a fast stomp here.
I second this! Though gyros can rez or stomp without the scrapper actively doing so himself so I deliberately target those sometimes. The problem is they’re too tanky but yeah, necro summoned creeps aren’t usually worth deliberately targeting.
perhaps allowing a personalized condition cleanse priority list as part of builds could be a thing?
I suggested this awhile back. I’d personally set the priority to confusion, poison, chill, poison, burning, etc., in general or switch it depending on my class or enemy comp.
Lots of people quit as that’s a big blowout time. Once they discover they’re on the low MMR end during that time they quit for the night.
Very likely someone we don’t know about yet.
Also keep in mind there are certain times where the MM really hates your guts whereas other times it seems to be fair. If you get three blowouts against you in a row just stop PvP’ing so your MMR doesn’t take anymore hit until you find a more favorable time.
I don’t think Ranger players suck, the class itself seems to weak compared to other classes with HoT builds .
Does chrono or reaper have an effect similar to Healing Seed or Lunar Impact? Those rangers were easy to kill because they didn’t spec properly or pop Protect Me or Signet of Stone at the proper moments. Some also don’t take advantage of the terrain or their pet skills. The problem isn’t the class but user error.
But get good and search for a team are your best bets. Understanding the core concept of your class and proper cooldown and resource management makes a player good, but further refinement of when to use certain abilities makes a player even better. There are entire games where I won’t use Eye of the Storm, Signet of Stone, Shadow Step, etc., because I didn’t find moments for those skills. There are many things to consider when using a skill:
1.Your health
2.Teammates’ health
3.Enemies’ health
4.Cooldowns you and your opponents used
5.What conditions you have
6.What conditions your teammates have
7.Your own and/or teammate stuns
8.The teamfight or duel matchup
9.Likelihood of a skill getting interrupted if you use it now
10.Stuff elsewhere on the map
11.Resistance or protection on the enemy
12.Who is downed (friendly or enemy)
13.Who is rezzing.
That’s a lot to consider and not all are applicable at the same time. Elementalist is also the best class in the entire game due to it having 20 weapon skills (one of which is a three second invuln with focus while others are knockdowns, interrupts, projectile hate, fire fields, etc.) then attunements on top of that as well as its healing and support potential and big AoE damage fields, but there are still gaps despite the versatility. Other classes like thief can fill these gaps.
On my ranger I managed to get 1,560 points (50 from top stats, 10 for match ready, and 1,500 for winning) for being in the right place at the right time and it was against two eles too. Like any other class it’s about skill management. I know personal score and top stats don’t really mean much other than being in the right place at the right time to acquire the rezzes and kills whereas someone tanking or spending a long time in a 1v1 may have a lower score.
We were three Sapphires and two Rubies against three Rubies and two Sapphires, so if you believe in yourself you can overcome any kinds of adversity to achieve your goal just don’t give up! We had two dragon hunters while they had two eles and I queued in that match as a thief but switched to druid too.
They can walk away while the damage they applied ticks. You can mitigate that damage while they walk away. Defending against condi damage is actually easier than spike damage because you have a much larger time to react.
“But what if I don’t have cleanses?”
What if you don’t have dodges, blocks, blinds, or invulns?
I fail to see the difference.
Everyone has dodges while blocks, blinds, and sometimes even invulns can be found on weapon skills whereas cleanses are typically on a utility.
I think I’m getting the hang of the class well enough but still have a way to go. Against the Mesmer for example I wasted Roll for Initiative when I wasn’t dodging anything (ideal usage is low on initiative plus dodging a big hit). The second thief duel could have gone better too since I can typically reliably dodge heartseeker but relied on blinds too much. Still won but only because the opponent wasted too much initiative and used heartseeker at incorrect moments.
Sometimes when I’m on an ele, revenant, or even a druid sometimes I wish I were on a thief because I see a situation where it’d be great for a thief but not being on the class during those times means I can’t implement those tactics (shortbow racing to decap for example).
Quality varies but between Movie Maker rendering and Youtube bitrate loss it was bound to happen and some videos were captured with Shadowplay, and my version has a much lower resolution than Bandicam. I’m waiting to buy a GTX 1070 since Shadowplay will be simply incredible on it. Music is from Sonic, Star Ocean the Second Story, and Balrog’s Theme from Street Fighter 2.
Just when you think you have the worst teammates you join an unranked match and watch as a greatsword warrior charges mid with four enemies there and gets insta-downed. Was it overconfidence or did he have serious VRAM issues where only one player rendered when in actuality there were four? I honestly don’t know.
I think non-skippable cutscenes are just to stall things until game elements get set into place.
Besides projectiles shouldn’t just be a “I can pewpew you for dayz from a ledge” without any kind of counterplay besides closing the gap.
Okay that I agree with but if you have too many reflects on too short of a cooldown you could never get your ranged burst in and marauder scrapper beats mender’s druid in an autoattack standoff where one waits for a reflect before bursting while the other saves the reflect for the burst.
It takes the same amount of button presses to condi-bomb someone as it does to burst them in this game. Don’t fool yourself into believing that power builds require any more skill than condition builds. There is very little skill to either.
Power needs to land interrupts and make sure they aren’t hitting cooldowns into blocks, evades, or Facet of Light and while ranged power doesn’t take as much skill as melee you have to take care not to burst into a reflect and have a feel for switching to staff or celestial avatar form.
I’ve played the current warrior meta build, the Mallyx rev in season 1, and used ele, druid, retribution herald, and thief throughout and have to say ret herald and thief take the most skill with druid not far behind. Ele is a mixed bag depending on the situation but efficient use of overloads and being aware of stuff that can interrupt you is critical so the verdict there is not face roll though still generally easy with tough moments. The condi warrior and Mallyx rev were even easier than that.
The class just seems too good especially on a node. Since conquest is all about holding nodes the scrapper’s strengths are amplified with this in mind.
What games did you play in the 80’s with save points? At best we got save codes. When you started a game back then, you where in it till you finished it, or ran out of lives.
I played Final Fantasy 1 and Phantasy Star 1 on Wii Virtual Console and those have saves. They’re too hard even with them though in FF1 the wizards keep killing me while in Phantasy Star the sea monsters near the eastern cave at the beginning literally one shot me. I’d hate to see how Street Fighter 1 was if even the RPGs are like that.