Nope only way is to go to each zone and see if it’s at 100%.
Well either keep Dusk or keep the 320g – for that money you can buy nearly all mats for crafted gifts, get runestones and gift of fortune :/
You got a Dusk for 40 rares into MF. You sell it for a good price and then you go ahead and basically throw all that money away ? You got amazingly lucky once, and you tried to get lucky again ? I’m actually proper shocked how stupid that was.
Also guy who got Dusk on his 1st try with 4 rares. Some guys spend 6 weeks and 4594g on that kitten, some get it for 64 silver. <—- that is exactly the reason why legendaries aren’t really legendary, IMO, flopping a Dusk outa forge is the same as insta Twilight.
It’s alot more than 100g lol.
What’s the point of the legendary skin when 1/3 people are standing around with Twilight in LA? Just makes it another random little weapon.
500 tokens, badges, karma and gold are pretty easy. Farm karma with MF gear get loads of gold, do 1 dungeon run per day and wvw jumping puzzles every day (like 50+ badges a day with alts). So yeah that’s pretty easy, about 60% of the map should be done by level 80 anyway, another 10% from wvw which is easy late nights/server transfer and the rest 30% – clear 1 area per day like I did.
Simple and easy, a bit time consuming as a legendary should be, not a halloween event reward lol.
Precursor is the hardest part because it is RNG based OR 300-400gold from TP. The rest of the recipe is ~300-400g worth of mats depending on which legendary.
I’m on getting legendary – by farming 1mil karma I’m planning on getting enough gold and mats to buy everything besides the precursor. After I got the 3 gifts and need the base weapon I actually have no idea what I’ll do. Either hope for the best in MF or grind ANOTHER 300gold, lol.
It is the hardest part unless you get really lucky and Anet should change the way of getting one, but definitely not a halloween event prize.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
I have a different suggestion…
While i understand that an universal token is a bad idea, why not make every set be bought with 60% from its main dg and the other 40% distributed among the other dgs?
EX: Now, you need 210 Arah tokens for Arah shoulders.
It could be something like 126 Arah tokens plus 12 tokens from each of the other 7 dgs.If the goal of acquiring a full set dungeon gear is to be both enjoyable and rewarding, then universal tokens are a necessity. For a set of dungeon armor you need 1380 tokens (that’s 23 runs @ 60 tokens per run). 23 runs!? And that’s just the armor! You’re killing us, anet
. We desperately need some type of dungeon token currency exchange. Here’s an idea:
60 dungeon tokens in exchange for 20 universal tokens
20 universal tokens in exchange for 20 dungeon tokens.It’s a diminished return of 3:1 making daily dungeons (60 tokens) the same value as running a different dungeon path for a second time in the same day (20 tokens). I don’t see any harm in a simple system like that. We want to enjoy all the dungeons, not the same friggin one 23+ times in a row!
23 RUNS IS ALOT ????
When you said 23 runs for the WHOLE SET (1380 tokens) I was like ‘Wow is it that easy ?’ I actually did think for a moment and go ‘Really, only 23 ?’
Do 2-3 paths per day and you get it in 2 weeks, also you can do other dungeons on the side lol.
A whole dungeon set should be hard to get, atm it’s fine as it is. If it gets any easier then this then everyone would be running around in dungeon sets, what would be the kittening point ?
Dungeon token system is perfect as it is, only thing they need to add is getting tokens not only by finishing a path, but also a chance to get them in chests etc. Then of course adding actual LOOT in dungeons, more rares, low chance of getting exotics in chests and boss kills etc.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
how come molten cores are kittening 6s each while all other cores are 30s+…
yes CoF is very popular but still…? Volcanus recipe came out and still kitten cheap.
ye thats me, actually i got 67 dusks in my bags and waiting for that 500g mark.
Precursor is the hardest part of the legendary, everything else is easy.
No way an event going to hand out precursors, just think about it….that’s basically handing out legendaries tbh, which would just make them a halloween event reward.
You guys think Molten cores going up in price ? it’s about 10s now.
Worst idea I’ve seen. Dev said exactly why, it would make the whole dungeons completely useless. People would only do 1 dungeon all day, some kinda easy CoF runs and get Arah set ? It’s called the Orrian/arah set because you can only get it from Arah and that’s how it will stay.
If there’d be universal tokens might as well just remove 7 dungeons and keep 1. kitten it just only one path as well.
No. Get new friends or compromise, my mate ran CoF with me even tho he did not want anything from there, he ended up getting the sword anyway, but when I was done we both went for Arah.
I actually have not wiped once on CoE at all. Alpha is a long fight and keeps me on my toes avoiding his aoe, timing my rolls and evading crystals etc. Very decent boss imo.
Not a single one of his spells 1-hit me either.
I am a necro (only 18k hp) and personally I laugh at crystals because I can DS and fear him in crystal, but not one of the people i’ve ran the dungeon with had any problems either…
Crystal can be destroyed in seconds, if someone gets downed, go next to the player and press F + kill the tendrils for rally. If you actually die then what you wanna do is …run back.
I actually do not see the problem.
Nothing to fix.
I spread plague
I raise the dead
I leech blood from my enemies and use them to sustain myself
I corrupt the very ground I step upon
I drain life from my enemies and become an avatar of death itself
I can summon swarms of locusts at will
my spell effects are black and green and toxic looking
I use a rainbow sparkles staff
This guy wins. Everyone read this 23 times, this is basically my whole point.
The staff on a necromancer, considering its theme and even the profession name itself, does not make sense with the rainbow sparkles staff. Never will.
Erasculio don’t know what to say about you tbh. Think everyone already got the point besides you lol. Just google NECROMANCER, then look at the staff.
I do not care about a few people going all mad with white/pink dyed necromancer and love the staff, there’s always a few. Good for them.
I do not want a common exotic staff, I want a legendary staff. And the staff was made as if they didn’t know GW2 had necromancer, I simply do not understand what Devs were thinking. Also the fact that greatswords have several amazing effects, yet staff gets a few sparkles is just lazy.
ATM I’m getting the parts of legendary which are needed for all of them, I’m leaving the precursor and crafted gifts for last as I’m not sure which 1 I’m getting. Even if I end up getting the staff I’m 90% sure I’ll roll a mesmer.
Tbh The Bifrost should be UNUSABLE for necromancer, that’s how wrong it is.
And this is the thing I’d love to know next time when I create a character lol. A warning saying: ‘THIS IS THE LEGENDARY STAFF THE BIFROST (pic) IF U EVER DECIDE TO GET ONE, ARE YOU kittenING SURE YOU WANT THIS ON A NECROMANCER ?’
That’s so wrong tho, even having such a legendary weapon in the game with necromancers in it. Not like we get to choose ? We only got one 2-handed weapon and it’s perfect for PvE and WvW imo, but the legendary is absolutely by far the most pointless thing in a necros hand considering who necromancers are and what they do etc.
It does not make sense nor ever will, no dev can come up with a reasonable explanation for why the staff looks like that with necros in the game. The only reason could be that some random guy called Jeff made the staff and was unaware of the necromancer class, that’s the only one. But why did they let Jeff make it anyway ? :/
ye im done.
made the same topic weeks ago, you can check it for some of the responses and my own opinion.
’’2) Make the Forge recipes return there normal return item AND a token. 4 Rares of the same weapon type has the same chance to give whatever reward it would normally give but also always gives 1 Minor Token of Zomorros. 4 Exotics of the same weapon type has the same chance to give whatever reward it would normally give but also always gives 1 MajorToken of Zomorros.
3) Make Mayani sell all precursor for either 500 minor token or 50 major tokens. (Or whatever corresponds to the current probability of the forge now.)
This way if you fail all is not lost you are still progressing by getting a token. However, you can still “get lucky”. And since the precursors are account bound you cannot exploit this to get rich or give them to all your friends etc.’’
I love how I’ve been spreading basically the same idea for the last 2 weeks and no one replies, but when someone else has the same idea/copies it people call him a genius -.-
I really need to start making topics all the good posts are getting lost in this kitten.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
700g is a complete joke, I’ve played this game for over 400 hours and I’ve got about 200g+ in total. No that’s not just nolifing TP or karma farming in orr, I’m actually PLAYING the game as well. Do not even joke about something like that, stuff like that some devs take seriously.
The rest of the legendary weapon costs about 300-350g if mats are bought, depending on which 1 u getting ofc. Precursor costing 2x that is literally stupid. Especially if I know the fact that some bigboys got their precursors for 25-50G (???.. yes this is the time when u wanna compare that to 700g) in the first weeks.
If I’m ever gonna get a legendary spending 1000g+ and there are people running around the world who only spent about 300g on it then kitten me… I want a weapon better then theirs.
I’d be happy with a account bound recipe, like karma, tokens, badges + another ~100-150g of mats and whatnot. Maybe even have requirements like finishing some puzzles and whatever.
..or as I have suggested before, but most likely it gets lost between all the nonsense…
4x rare or exotic same type weapons in the mystic forge have a chance of giving you back a e.g. ‘Greatsword blade’ (acc bound)…Let’s say about 5% chance.
You need like 10-20 of these + coins + scroll or whatever to craft the precursor.
So people can buy it from TP (obviously the prices lower as well) or gamble and if they keep failing they at least get the blades and with enough tries they will either get the precursor itself or 20 blades and craft it. So there would be a recipe, but it involves RNG so the hardcore rng fans still have something to play for.
Quick question, so I’ve been farming karma in Orr and obviously I get rares quite often, usually I salvage them (which are about 15-17s worth) with mystic salvage kits. Up till this morning I got about 40 ectos from 40 salvages which is ok I guess, but after that I got 15 rares and I salvaged all of them – not a single ecto, 0.
Is there some kinda DR for salvaging or is this my usual MMORPG luck kicking in ?
Yep agree with posts above. Farming karma, badges, tokens, mats whatever I know I am progressing and getting closer to the goal.
The prices going up constantly on TP and the forge fails just making me move backwards.
This needs changing no doubt because this is simply stupid.
About 3-4 hours ago I checked the prices for GS precursors: Dusk ~275g and Dawn ~200g
Guess what ? I check again 10 minutes ago: Dusk 400g, Dawn 350g.
I only checked the greatswords but probably a few other precursors prices jumped.
IMO start with 100% world then move to karma farming on Cursed Shore and WvW (for both karma and badges), then do the dungeon (should be AC for you). Doing all those things will get you a lot of money for which you can buy the rest of the mats etc. Short version :p
This is the order I’m doing it. For the exact recipe and more info go to:
Also skillpoints is the least of your problem, I’ve got all my skills learned etc and I have got about 350 points after reaching 80.
Trust me if you go from GW2 to Rift you’ll be like what the —-- and uninstall.
That’s what I did after playing GW2 beta and while waiting for another beta weekend I decided to renew my Rift sub and hop around. Wasted 10 euros cuz I literally played it for 5 minutes and quit. Not going to get into it anymore.
I agree they should be rare and very hard to get and not everyone should be running around with it etc, but RNG like this should not be involved.
0.1% with rares and 1% with exotics (that’s what people say at least) is just too low and frsutrating. I quit Aion ONLY because of RNG. I can’t stand it.
Saying that we already have a recipe: ‘a huge sum of gold’ …is just stupid.
Because atm nearly everything required for the legendary weapon can be BOUGHT. Some rich kids dont deserve it are already walking around with it probably.
The only things you need to farm by yourself is karma, badges and tokens…and tbh if you play enough you can have all that in about 10-14 days. Rest is just gold.
There should be a recipe for the precursor that requires karma, dungeon tokens, gold, ectos, badges—whatever.
Guy in my guild got Dusk after ~15 tries with level 80 rare greatswords. While the other guy spends 200g on the forge, gets nothing, realises it’s not worth buying it from the TP anymore so he keeps gambling, loses more – quits. I’ve played a lot of rng games and this is how it goes. Legendaries should not be easy to get and not many people should have it, but still RNG is bad.
Karma is actually so easy to get especially after this update.
Badges apparently done in less then a week as well with alts.
Dungeon tokens – 180 per day…
All ectos and T6 mats can be bought from TP and u’ll probably get about 30% of them just farming karma.
I’m not worried about ANYTHING else, but the precursor. I only started farming for legendary 1 week ago, I decided to start from karma farming and I get a lot of cash + ectos + t6 mats while farming. I’ll need that cash for crafted gifts and icy runestones.
But after I have all 3 gifts I still need the precursor which is either 300 kittening gold for 1 item, or 0.1-1% chance from forge. Great stuff.
I can’t enjoy the game if I’d throw 100g into the forge and get nothing back, doesn’t work like that for me.
Yep, rather have a recipe for precursors which requires all kinds of rare stuff, lodestones, skill points, karma, some kind of tokens etc, ATM all you need is luck and/or gold for it, rather get it with hard work and effort with some account bound items etc.
Do not understand why some people favor the 0.1% chance or 1% chance bs. It’s absolutely idiotic. The amount of players who have given up or quit already lol…
I can spend 1000g and never get it from forge, if its 1% chance it doesnt mean im guaranteed a precursor after 100 tries with lvl80 exotics…
Yes you can buy it but still it’s VERY expensive but also a really bad way to get 1 of the most important and hardest items required for the legendary. Recipe with account bound and rare mats would be ideal.
I’d rather work hard for the precurser for weeks and know 100% that I’m going to get it if I get these mats, rather then: ‘OK SO I GOT 100G LETS DUMP IT IN THE FORGE AND HOPE FOR THE BEST’. That’s a really pathetic system for a legendary weapon. This kind of 0.1% RNG belongs in grindy hardcore asian mmorpgs like aion.
Atm Legendary = ~1mil karma, 500 badges, 500 tokens + kitten loads of gold. A really rich kid/gold seller or whatever can buy nearly everything but karma and then he’s basically got it (500 badges is not hard with jumping puzzles neither is 500 tokens when u get 180 per day easily.)
Yep same story with shortbow no doubt.
And don’t tell me to be patient. I’m working on my legendary atm, right now I’m getting the Gifts which are used for all legendaries, because I’m not even sure which 1 I’ll get now, just because legendary staff+necro=stupid. Might go for a GS/hammer and make a new char. Anyway my point is that I am making a legendary now, I will not wait 3-4 months for a new expansion for new legendaries…which might have completely different recipes.
Also I dot need a ‘scary necro staff’, I need a staff without pink glow and rainbow trails…
They got lazy after making the greatswords, hammer (and scepter IMO). Have not seen some other weapons and their effects but GS/hammer are amazing and worth their title/name and also go with well with whatever class you play. They actually stand out and look really good, only way I’ll stand out with The Bifrost is because I’ll look like a twat.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
80g into rares for precursors. Well over 1000+ Rares, ZERO precursors. Hmm.
in Crafting
Posted by: Aphix.9846
How does dumping more weapons into MF boost your chances to get the precursor ? Each forge you do your chance is still lets say 0.1% with rares ?
Also IMO this would be the perfect fix for this absolutely game ruining system for the precursor: Each attempt of e.g 4x 80 exo greatswords has a 10% chance of giving you a item ‘X’. You need 10-20 of these to craft the precursor with weaponsmith for example.
So you still gamble, still a chance of getting lucky and having it way easier then other people (kittenystem), but at least you know even if you’re not lucky you’re still going to get it by failed attempts and getting those ‘X’ items. Enough tries and fails will net you those 10-20 items and just craft it…
IMO Twilight its the best weapon on any MMORPG I’ve seen, especially with the particle effects.
Also when talking about unicorn weapons don’t forget the staff ! A white stick which has a rainbow glow and as you move it leaves a rainbow trail/footprints. Can’t wait to get that for my full abyss dyed mean looking necro. I will most likely have an easy time in WvW as most people will be absolutely mind-kittened at what the …. am I using as a necromancer. A full out death-magic life leaching beast is wielding a white glowy staff that shoots rainbows. Can’t wait.
What are you talking about ?..
The levels and leveling is perfect, by far the best leveling/exploring experience I’ve had on any game so far. That’s definitely not the problem on this game lol.
1-80 can be done in weeks if your exploring and doing different things, but also doable in 3-4 days lol. What’s the issue here? If you have no desire to progress your alts it’s your problem…….
Really don’t like pointless little topics moaning about stuff that is actually one of the GOOD things on this game – Leveling, absolutely everything you do make you progress further, crafting, events, wvw, hearts, vistas, poi, sp etc…
Let’s focus on something that actually need changing………… end-game.
EDIT: If they’d remove levels there would be a lot less people playing the game as there are now. That’s just common sense. No levels in a mmorpg is pure stupidity that’s all I can say, it’s actually hard for me to express how stupid it is……..:/
(edited by Aphix.9846)
Yes that’s what I mean Passive Aggressive.
And Fievre, I understand if you like it and like I said if I was playing mesmer/ele I’d have no problem with it, but I don’t understand why did they make such a weapon with a necromancer in the game. I like necros in GW2 and necromancer in general, death magic, minions etc the whole concept. Now have a quick look at the staff.
It’s just plain wrong.
Random is bad.
RNG makes people moan and complain on the forums and I agree with them.
RNG makes people quit daily and on the other hand a 100% recipe would mostly likely encourage more people to go for the legendary etc.
When I spend 200g trying to forge a precursor and fail I will most likely quit simply because the system is bad and I have wasted my time. I’d rather work hard for something and get it for sure rather then work hard and have a 0.2% or 1% chance of getting lucky…
There should have been a recipe to start with, like a 100g recipe, hard work, effort (account bound)…
No one would have said anything like: ‘MAKE IT RNG WE HATE IT LIKE THIS’
Everyone would be happy.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
How could anyone wield the staff looking like that ? :p
Also the scythe animation when using #1 skill just makes The Bifrost with necros so much better…
There are people who would like that staff on a necro yes, but still you don’t get it. You didn’t even read the bold sentence you quoted…
What is a necromancer ? The whole concept etc ? Yeah, get it ?
Now look at the staff.
Might as well give the necromancer fairy wings and a unicorn mount.
How do you not get what I’m saying…I think the staff is DECENT, I do not hate it overall, but there are necromancers on the game and I am one. That staff literally makes no sense for me on a necro, but I’m pretty much forced to get it since I love necro’s and I love staffs and I want to have a legendary weapon.
Rerolling or getting a different weapon would be a waste in many ways.
If I was a elementalist/mesmer/guardian I’d have no problem with the staff at all.
Well I got my Gift of Energy which can make either the Staff or the Scepter…
There’s no way I’m gonna wait for a patch or expansion hoping for new legendaries. (which may require different gifts/whole new recipe) I’m making my legendary now as I got nothing else to do lol.
IMO only 3-4 weapons actually look legendary and it is not hard to make up epic looking weapons sorry, just a bit of imagination I can think of about 10 different legendary looking staffs right now, probably the devs can as well, but they decided to go with the rainbow/unicorn stuff…it’s like some random guy made the staff who didn’t even know the game has a necromancer class.
I’m annoyed…Have a look at the greatswords. I literally want to reroll and go Guardian/warrior so I could use one of those.
Nothing to do with opinions either, rainbow glowy unicorn weapon does not go with a necromancer.
If I were a mesmer/ele/guardian I’d be ok with the staff. It’s not amazing and but it’s good. Rainbow glow and trail all good idea, but even then they definitely haven’t given it (also many other legendaries such as pistol etc) as much love as they did to greatswords (Got 2 of them lol ). Twilight and Sunrise both look really detailed, on the other The Bifrost does not, at least according to the videos/screens of seen…
Opinions, ofc there’s opinions.
But you don’t get my point…There’s only ONE legendary staff option and it’s a staff with rainbow glows and effects. And we have necromancers in the game who use staffs.
Just wrong.
I’m not saying they should have made a dark staff with skulls hovering around it…should have made something that would at least make sense on necros as well.
OK, so…Twilight looks like the only Legendary weapon along with Sunrise IMO.
Meteorlogicus is very nice as well, but the rest as I’ve seen are disspointing.
This is a serious question now which I hope will be answered by a dev and I’m sure there are others wondering about this as well:
Why does the staff have rainbow glows ? I’m sorry, but it’s literally not meant for an actual necromancer. Necromancer should not use white staffs with rainbow glow and rainbow coloured footsteps.
A staff with the effect of a Twilight would be absolutely perfect for example.
Did the devs not think about this ?
Legendaries is mostly for the skin imo, and also just for the feeling of owning a legendary weapon ofc, but the skin is sooo important I feel like if you play a necromancer as I do, full abyss dyed arah/cof armor, a rainbow glow white staff just looks silly.
Either make 2 versions like Twilight/Sunrise or make a neutral looking staff so it’d look decent with a full white girly ele/mesmer -.- or a scary necromancer – if you get me.
I love 2-handed weapons (also if I get 1handed legendary I’ll feel the need to get another one to fill the 2nd slot -.-) and I like necromancers – Only choice for me obviously is a legendary staff…
Isn’t this endgame all about rare skins etc so why do I feel I’m forced into a legendary weapon with a skin which just doesn’t work for me and a lot of other people I know…
Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance.
The thing in this game, that not like Aion.. Even if you are lucky with the RNG, you won’t get ANYTHING that would make you stronger or better in the game. Its all about beuty.
Yeah but some people get it in a month with some luck getting Dusk for example with the 1st try in forge (lol), then another guy throws 400 greatswords in still doesnt get it then decides to buy it for 300g+.
Shouldn’t work like that.
Played Aion myself, did not go for Fenrir/Miragent armor only because of the Heart crit and I know I’m not lucky in games.
I tried to + 10 my bow 3 times. Never got it above + 3, used level 85+ stones etc tried everything. Wasted over 150 mil. I decided to just keep PvP’ing untill RNG made me quit.
Atm I’m quite worried, some people who bought the precursor on the 1st 2 weeks got it for 25-50g (staff for example). Now the staff is about 120g. By the time I have all the gifts etc it’ll be about 200g+ I think.
Unless there in fact is a recipe and someone finds it. Clovers are all the RNG needed imo, if not too much already. Precursor should not be RNG. Definitely not.
I must be really clueless.
How do I look for a group ?
I put ‘LFG CoE explorable mode’ in /map chat ONCE and after that I’m suppressed for literally 3-4 hours.
What’s that about ?
And no, there’s barely anyone infront of the dungeon to spam in /say.
And the fact that there’s no server wide chat or smth similar, because a lot of people who would want to go to dungeons aren’t actually on the map itself…
Yeah I must be missing something no doubt as this is absolutely stupid.
EDIT: Apparently I’m suppressed in /say as well.
(edited by Aphix.9846)
Aways thought this was a no-brainer. Rewards for completing dungeons, but I guess Anet lives in a different world or something…
I actually do not understand why do I only get 3 blues per chest and pretty much nothing else for the whole dungeon. Nothing. It does not make sense.
Anyone who’s planning on saying something like this: ‘go back to panda land and go collect ur epic rewards there ! GW2 is to have fun !’
..well, please don’t, that’s just silly.
Single currency for all dungeons/ current system discourages fun and varied gameplay with friends
Posted by: Aphix.9846
Never. Single dungeon currency is the worst idea I’ve heard so far.
You want a specific set, you do the dungeon ? what’s the problem ???
If your friends want different sets than you then bad news you either run with him and do something with the tokens or each of you run your own dungeons…
Did they fix the DR system with the last update ? Will I still get 45 or 30 on the 1st run ??…
Is there going to be some kind of compensation ? I literally get 45 each run (only do different paths in different dungeons). That’s 25% gone… and ye I get it, some people get 15 and 1 but still…
Going to take me way more time for my set…Also when is this patch coming ? early morning for EU ?
Fact is the game’s really good.
It’s got some flaws tho, implementing some simple stuff into the game would only make the game better, only more people would love it. No one would quit for these changes so I do not get the reason why Anet doesn’t think about these things.
Stuff that would literally make the game perfect for me:
WvW: ranks from 1-10 (1-50, doesn’t matter), for each rank you get a title/emblem whatever next to your name or something. (soldier, veteran, warlord whatever…)
The higher the rank of the invader you kill the better loot/more badges you get from him/her.
After a few ranks you can purchase better looking gear, max rank gear being amazing :P.
WvW is already fun, but that’s all, you get nothing atm, no ranks no nothing. The gear from badges looks really terrible and karma is pretty much useless.
These changes would only make it better, keep everything else the same, I really want to progress in WvW (ranks), earn a few rewards (armor skins) and have a status (titles/emblems). Most MMORPG’s I’ve played so far had something similar to this system and I actually did nothing but PvP after max level.
Dungeons: Probably a lot of people want some of the boss mechanics sorted out and damage/hp pools decreased I agree with that as some dungeons are a bit too hard, maybe not for premades, but making it a bit more PUG friendly would only make the dungeons better.
A chance of getting tokens/exotic items/minipets/dyes etc from chests. (But keep the 20(+40) tokens for path clear system) Atm I’ve done hundreds of runs meaning about 400ish chests open and got about 10 golds which are beyond useless and 1 pair of exotic gloves which are also pretty useless. That’s really bad imo. Especially if I got the set then after that there’s no reason for me to do dungeons at all. With a chance of dropping rare dyes/minipets or exotic items I’d actually have a go. Also adding a few more waypoints to dungeons like TA, so people who die/wipe there (and it’s really easy to) don’t have to spend 5 minutes running back every time.
Dragons like Jormag and other champions which take about 15 minutes to kill should reward more than 300 karma and a white helm. Sorry, but that actually doesn’t make any sense. They’re not fun either. I could basically go afk and let my character spam #1 and come back 10 minutes later.
Server wide group search or something like that. At the moment I see about 2-3 people infront of dungeons like CoE or a few more at Arah/CoF etc. And maybe 1 guy searching for a party on /map chat. That’s a joke. And yes I understand you don’t have to be infront of the dungeon to enter it, but the fact is that it’s really hard to find groups. Anet advertised how social and player friendly etc their game is, yet it’s impossible find a group. Such an obvious thing to add since you don’t have a general/world wide chat either, I can only look for more people on the map where the dungeon is or usually in LA. But there’s probably about 50 people around the map in different zones wanting to go to dungeons tho, they just can’t be bothered sitting in the zone waiting like me. Not hard to add a LFG function, enter dungeon name, explorable/story mode, 3/5 looking for 2 more, people on the server would see it and guaranteed the group would be full in seconds.
They’re really common things that other games have, but the other mmorpg’s usually reward better stat gear, higher rank/more hours played=op etc. GW2 would never be that. All these items as rewards would still be for the skins. Regarding that topic, the preview system on trading post is a must, especially when majority of the items bought after level 80 are only for the skins. Not being able to preview them is just annoying to be fair.
My thoughts.
How does aggro work ?
I’m a necro and I tank bosses and mobs 95% of the time for some reason, quite annoying.
Did you even read what I wrote ? I don’t give a kitten if you clear the 3 paths in 5 minutes.
It’s just complete stupidity.
Yet we could not get new members to join our group, they could not enter the same instance. We were left with 3 players for an hour untill we finally found someone who could join us for some reason.
This is an MMORPG and PUG’s will be the way A LOT of people are going to do dungeons. Fact.
In PUG’s people die in dungeons like TA, with 1-shot elite mobs and Volatile blossoms, each death =1.5s and running back for 3-4 minutes and most probably dieing again on the way to the boss.
What do you get in the end ? (that’s if you make it there) – a few tokens.
Great, thanks.
Have you even read these forums ? Do you see the amount of hate the PvE/dungeons are getting ? There’s a reason for that.
I’ve played games for 6 years, never till now I have actually felt the need to complain on the forums, also that dungeon run was by far the worst experience so far regarding MMORPG’s.
It was the most useless 3 hours of my life so far, frustrating, buggy, cant group with friends, hard mechanics for PUG’s, lost 20 silver in total and gained absolutely nothing for killing the bosses.
As for not doing dungeon untill they fix the token system ? Are you mental ? How should I know when they’re gonna finally decide to do smth about it ? All I hear on the forums is ’We’re aware of the issue and we’re working on it’
Well that’s great, I’ve heard that before and then the 9/25 patch came out.
Oh dear.
You’re an idiot you miss the whole point.
That was just one of my experiences.
Also the fact that I get 45, 30, 10 tokens from finishing different paths in different dungeons.
And lets not forget how useless the tokens are.
Reason to run dungeons ? ‘fun’…………..