Showing Posts For Arheundel.6451:

My friend laughed at ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Attempt replica build;9;9;9;1T-JJ;159B;145-54-SR;4V19cV19cn-knN6;5K-P0T1ZYdZi41i-HN2kI

Now add:
- server bonus ( 7-8% vitality and toughness )
- food buffs
- WvWvW ranks buffs ( defense against guards = 1k HP )

And you’ll get the stats I’ve posted..ty

My friend laughed at ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


yeah only tpvp matters..why people find so hard to understand this?

All changes are driven by PvP format this the only truth , if people would play both PvP and PvE..they would be able to more easily understand where people are coming from, when they disregard any comment coming entirely from a wvwvw perspective..shall we take a look at raw numbers?

Typical s/d ele build 0/30/0/20/20

PvE (with all food buffs and server bonus):
-Power (base)= 2.3K
-Crit dmg= 80%+
-Crit chance= 50%+

PvP :
-HP: 12-13K
-Toughness= 1.4K-1.6K
-Power = 2K
-Crit dmg= 40-45%
-Crit chance= 17-20%

In this situation the PvE ele comes and say the profession is fine …the PvP ele needs to learn to play ..-_-

Typical viable weapons in PvE

-Staff PvE: The ele believes to be a God while running with 20K HP, 80%+ crit dmg , killing a bunch of upleved kids in zerker gear as they 100b all bunched up..and of course the staff ele is behind 10-15 people , possibly on top of a gate

-Staff PvP: The ele get trained by s/d thieves, warriors, necro etc etc most you’ll have 13K HP, do pitiful dmg, there is no large number of people behind which you can hide and most time you’ll be forced in 1v1 situations with a support build against a dodge spamming thief or stun lock warrior or fear chain necro or condtion sengy spammer or etc etc…

In this situation the Pve ele comes and call noob the pvp ele as he doesn’t know how to use combo fields, the staff is viable and the PvP ele needs to learn to play

I could go on for quite a while..but I’ll stop here..and no before leaving a clear message to all WvWvW heroes around:

If you’re so kitten on ele , do pls post a video of you facing a 2x spirit ranger-2x necro + s/d thief team ( all r40+ ), while using the typical 13K HP build ( but 5x less burst than PvE version), fightning inside a 200 radius red circle…… I don’t kittening care how pro you are in WvWvW with all the cakes and soups you can get and your maxed sigil of bloodlust after you kill wolves and Moas in the wild..kittening ty

(edited by Arheundel.6451)

Helseth's rant of the week

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Get into the game and play it, talk with ppl in the Mists (if you can find anyone there) there are dozens of threads in this subforum with detailed feedback, videos, screenshots, practical examples and some suggestions too.

I don’t understand why you keep asking for constructive feedback have you read it all already? if so, i’m sure you won’t need any more…

So, I shouldn’t promote constructive feedback because of why?

Do you want us to actually fix the problems you are having, or do you want us to just wing-it without knowing what the actual problem is?

It’s completely your choice to use hyperbole and not be constructive, but don’t expect us to read your mind or understand how to fix the issue if you don’t give us any detailed information regarding it.

Yes, there is constructive feedback. However, if we get 1 constructive post out of 10, how do we know that it’s a real issue if those 9 posts don’t actually give us any information?

Hey Allie,

I’m glad to see you actively involved in the thread. Personally, I usually have a sarcastic approach of how gw2 pvp is currently being handled. But to be fair, I’m sure the gw2 team really does try their best though.

I’ll try to lay out my personal opinions about pvp currently. The only thing I can really compare it to is gw1, since that was the pvp game I played for many years. So in that respect my opinions are always measured by the bar gw1 set. Here goes:


1. Dynamic combakittens very fun to watch.
2. Potential for each class to fill any role
3. Dodge is potentially a good mechanic
4. Foundation for unique team work mechanics in place (combos)
5. Class themes are great


1. Lack of counter skills, in gw1 have a problem with a melee train? Bring a anti melee skills like empathy, blind, spiteful spirit. This is non existent in gw1.

2. Lack of punishment with skills. This is why perma stealth exists, this is why spam exists, actions aren’t being punished if you do not land them or tactfully use them. Abusive mechanics need to be eliminated.

3. Lack of intellectual approach to skills. On paper we have things like chill, weakness etc. In gw1, one would stop to think when is the appropriate time to use these skills. In gw2, you just spam because you can get away with it.

4. Aoe is much too strong, needs to be toned down.

5. Casting bars are missing, I know Anet said they wanted players to observe animations and such. Problem with this is, tiny characters, instant animations and bright particle effects negate this reasoning.

6. Dodge is just available too much, it really needs to feel like a choice you do not want to blow on any skill.

7. Classes are pigeon hold into roles due to lack of coherence in trait design. For example guardian is generally bunker, because nothing else is generally that effective due to class design.

8. Lack of game modes that rival GW1. No HoH, AB etc.

9. Spvp feels like its disconnected from every other aspect in the game. In gw1 players could bring their pve skins to pvp. Pvp players could win stuff to sell from chest that helps them in pve. So there was a unity between the two.

10. Assist target audio doesn’t not play, the assist target ping in gw1 was superior. Since it got ones attention.

11. Damage in pvp is way too high. It says a lot when someone with high toughness gets flatlined in a matter of secs. Damage needs to be toned down or more anti damage buffs need to be introduced. Example:

12. There are just too many ways to disable enemies in pvp

13. Conditions are a bit too strong, but if they were changed condition removal would feel too strong. A balance must be created.

14. Too much passive and AI gameplay in a pvp game. Summons, passive traits etc.

15. Game lacks teamwork compared to the original

These are just my opinions of course, some may agree some may not. That is ok.

In the coming months I really hope devs change pvp for the better. Right now it sort of feels like the hidden feature of gw2. No one knows about it and its pretty much separated from everything else.

I feel with more ways to counter enemy builds, it would open the doors to more versatility and competitiveness. I also feel that there has to be a distinction between single target and aoe. Right now aoe is just too strong and spammy.


In a nutshell why GW1 rule and GW2 suck, great job, really great job

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The ele meta has changed a lot. With new fresh air an less healing, eles are supposed to go more offensive than defensive. You may or may not like it, but thats how they decided to ‘balance’ the class. Burst elementalists are very decent, and do very well against most classes.

Eles are also a very powerful counter to necros and every other condition class. Their ability to cleanse conditions on very low cooldowns, while having a lot a of burst damage makes then very powerful. And if everything goes bad, an ele can usually outrun a necro, meaning he shouldnt ever lose an 1v1, and should still be powerful on a 1v2.

Also, eles do have a decent amount of team support with group healing and cleansing, aoe swiftness, protection, regen and so on. While a necro delivers a lot of offensive power, its team support pales in comparison.

The fact tha playing as a certain class will hurt more than help is unfortenetely how this game has been from the start. It usually was necros, warriors and rangers, and now its more towards mesmers and eles (and maybe warriorstill).

Even when next patch comes, i doubt that every class will be balanced with every build. So either adapt your build to try getting the most of it (while still being supbar), reroll, or rage quit. I am pretty kitten ed with the whole PAX thing, but unfortenely i cant do anything about it, and i still enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

Other professions response to ele burst:

- necro goes DS and absorb 100% of your dmg, if you do catch the necro off DS, you still won’t be able to kill him thx to his 20K+ HP, while you’ll be easily fear chained to death assuming you’re using double arcane build, we then go back to the usual " team fight" card but the main reason why you don’t see eles that much anymore is because these days being effective in 1vs1 scenarios is more important than ever and no matter how you look at it, the s/d burst build is not a 1vs1 build at all
- s/d thieves will simply dodge over 70% of your attacks, not because they see through your pattern of attack but simply because they can spamm evades with impunity.

The only profession that a s/d burst ele can fight equally 1vs1 is the mesmer, because that’s the only class atm outside the ele , that goes glassy to get some results, the rest simply goes CC, condition spamm with high toughness, HP and loads of passive benefit

Time to revisit Ele nerfs.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The same phrase over and over again “having the lowest armor and heath in the game”.. It gets old to see players using this same excuse to justify why they are performing poorly with the profession. While some are complaining that the ele is awful at every aspect of the game, there are other players that are very good with this profession at every aspect of the game. What could be the difference?

I don’t think you can convert your wvwvw s/d build to PvP, let me know how you fare against other professions with : 5-6k HP less, 30-40% less crit dmg, 10-20% less crit chance, 300-600 less Power, 100-200 less toughness, no sharperning stones or food buffs

If top 25 had to begin SoloQ today...

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Would you like me to test this on an alt account? I am 100% sure that I could carry. I don’t carry through skill but through communication.


Like PUGS listen to tell them not go mid ..and they close and nobody comes…you’re just extremely lucky man…be glad

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


@Peter Buch
You’ve saved me time with your answer….

To all the rest..
Anet simply copied the concept of Druid from WoW and applied it to the ele in GW2, but they failed miserably, so now we’re stuck with a profession that can specialize in nothing and can’t nothing better than other professions , they thought they could balance ele with big numbers on CD and low numbers on dmg, they gave the ele so many natural weaknesses to compensate for what they thought it was versatility and it in the end we ended up with a complete mess, they failed to realize a simple paradox: versatility vs specialization where one shouldn’t be inherently stronger than the other as it is in GW2, they should at this point scrap the current concept of the ele and come out with a new one….but I don’t really think this will happen, they’ll keep giving us patches with few “fixes” there and there in attempt to make it works…just like trying to save a sinking shape by covering the holes in the base with scotch stretchable tape.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451

Arheundel.6451 we’ve got a variant of the 0/30/10/0/ pony build…seriously…

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Ha wait ..he’s the same guy who was talking about his friend and his staff build….a 0/0/10/30/30 soldier staff build lmao…….pls dude just go back to the ranger forum

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Oh god..just what we needed another “hurr durr LMAO ROFL” hotjoin hero with his pawnage god build that comes without any build link or video.
I’m sick tired of your kind…just post a godkitten video of your amazing and godly skills, can’t wait for you to post a hotjoin video of you burning speed on a point with a 0/0/10/30/30 soldier build…maybe you’ll redirect us to one of @Mogvow videos, like the one where he get stealthed by @Lady nag nag and one-shot a glass cannon mesmer…

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Just started to mess around with engy, the amount of viable traits, builds and insane, that extra 5K base HP is sublime, possibly will make it my new main

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451



Right now playing an ele is like joining a car race with a family car..where instead everybody else uses a ferrari

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Basically ele is the biggest design flop in this game and why is that?

Elementalist must pay 3x the price for this so called versatility

- 1x lowest base HP pool and armor
- 2x only active defense is..healing, the effectiveness of this healing based on a water trait line
- 3x You must invest 30 trait pts in arcana to actually used this supposed “versatility”

And the end result of this versatility is rather ..meh, very low dmg on auto-attack, very high CD on the majority of skills, can be countered by anything and every profession with no specialized build.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I’ll let CMC post a video/guide when he’s ready. I just wanted to let people know that although spirit ranger and necro are still op, Ele is not “Dead”

Its not as viable as other classes, no. However this build is insanely viable and is actually very strong.

Hope it’s not another 0/0/10/30/30..everybody know that build, deal little dmg but in return you live long enough to cast few spells, a build nerfed several times by Anet even though it has been the only viable ele build since..forever

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Ele is viable.

My team is set to prove it. One of our teammates found a siiiick build and that with an engi and a ranger is gg for team fights. its so stupid.

Trust me. CMC is God.

Ele is not viable at all…post a tPvP video of this “sick” build

Leaderboard decay

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


People go on vacation for amonth so they shouldnt lose their rating thats silly. Thats why decay is set at about 2 months I think?

Only top 20 seems to enjoy this, personally I lose 20-30 positions every day or so, if I don’t play…still I played 4x more than the first place

How staff should be

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The current patch is an attempt to do small “shavings” to bring the class into line with these goals, in the same way we tried to “shave” the Ele numerous times, rather than “nerfing it from orbit”. Are all Ele specs equally viable in all game types? No. Is this ok? Yes. Staff can see play in one game type while D/D or S/D see play in others. As we’ve said, we’ll split skills/weapons more and more in the variuos game types, but each time we split a skill, it gives us more update work down the road. We have to be very prudent when we split skills.
@Jonathan Sharp

For those who think staff is viable in PvP…

more build diversity on Elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Steps for more build diversity on ele:

Step 1. Increase base HP by 5k
Step 2. lower healing coefficient of water trident and cleansing wave, add dmg+sec effect
Step 3. Attunement base recharge lowered to 12s, arcana bonus halved
Step 4. Buff to focus and staff ( buff to shatterstone and dust devil also )
Step 5. Better Fire trait line , something that doesn’t force you to sit in fire 24/7

Elementalist build diversity achieved ETA 2015

Allow Conditions to Critical.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Now wait just a second, I bet that topic got your attention. However allow me to explain.

Now that they critical, make toughness/protection/and all defensive things lower the damage of conditions.

Weakness: -25% Critical Damage. (This now affects condition damage, however it doesn’t butcher power damage.)

Protection: -15% All Damage. (This now affects condition damage.)

Toughness: Make it better then it is now, a LOT better, toughness should be the primary defensive stat, protection should not be better then toughness.

Signet of Judgement: Sorry guardians, but it should be toughness, however I would like to bring your base health up to 15k, and bring all classes health to 15k. It makes no sense some classes are better, and this would really help elementalists, another 15% damage reduction would be a balance Nightmare, however I believe shields should lower damage directly.

This means to maximize condition damage, you would need critical damage, condition damage, and precision. So now you don’t get to stack all defensive stats and just get condition damage and healing power or vitality and be tanky.


a)More value to toughness
b)Elementalist base HP increased by 5K

You’ve got my vote:

List of Neat Elementalist Tricks

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Glyph of Elemental Power makes all those staff AoE skills cause cripple/chill, making it much easier to land subsequent hits.

Also, cast a Healing Rain, dodge into it while switching to Earth and give the folks in it healing, regeneration, condition removal and (if using Elemental Attunement), protection.

Stop with this non-sense, how somebody in his right mind can suggest that a RNG utility deserve a spot on your bar?From 25% chance we now get “all aoe skills”..what?

How staff should be

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The staff is actually in a pretty good place right now (yes, even for PvP). The main issue is that most people don’t use it to its fullest and then complain that it’s too weak.

Some things to keep in mind:
-The staff is not a support weapon, and not a damage weapon: it’s a mix of both.
-The staff is not a ranged weapon: like the engineer’s rifle, it has multiple roles at multiple ranges.
-Combo’s are not optional, but essential.

The key is to properly support the weapon’s skills with your traits and utility skills. Skills like Glyph of Elemental Power help make sure you actually hit stuff, while skills like Arcane Blast greatly enhance the effects of your healing skills.

But the most important thing to remember is that due to the nature of combo fields, the staff cannot be perfectly balanced for 1v1 duels. Because they become exponentially more powerful as fights get larger, the skills have to be made relatively weaker for 1v1 to make them balanced.

Nice I know that you never played ele

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Who has been playing ele in soloq? Your thoughts?

Quite a challenge to use an ele in soloQ

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


You need 2-3 people to focus down a necro, between DS and 3-4 fear a necro never lack defensive skills..stop lying man

Firstly, you only need one stunlock warrior who knows what they’re doing to keep a necro stunned and knocked down, but any CC and burst will do.

Secondly, you get one fear on the staff and one from DS that are on fairly long cooldowns. If you take spectral wall, its at the cost of offense/mobility/escape/defense. That’s 2 fears or 3 with a utility slot. Where are you getting 4 from?

I guess you don’t use corrupt boon, as you need stability to survive the onslaught of stun lock warriors..kk, ’nuff said

How long before you fix ranger/necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


yes just nerf this build too, then people can finally quit ranger.

Ele got no faceroll builds…still people play it…it’s hard as every fight must be fought at 100% to avoid certain death, but it’s still enjoyable somehow.

Welcome to what everyone else felt, when Ele’s had faceroll build for good 6-7 months.

Well…6-7 months ago people were saying that even staff ele was OP and still…I bet not even you have ever faced a 5 ele team and lost to it, I bet nobody here has ever faced and lost against a triple ele team either if not I invite any of you to post here videos or screenshot of you losing to triple ele team….

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


A necro that wastes all three (yes, three, not four) of his fears on defense will not have them for offense, and vice versa.
Also, DS, lol. 60% extra HP with a utility-less skill bar. Remember the part about necro not having vigor, blocks, invulnerability, evades, etc?

By the time the necro run out of fear and DS bar completely empty, chances are I’ll be left with 20% HP at most…you don’t get it, a necro with each fear fill you up with 6-7 condition and there is always chill in between them, by the time you manage to clear the first line of conditions you get another line of full stacked condition with another fear…it’s stupid

Holy kitten trinity.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


you seriously just get focused down and killed way to easily. conditions are slow, and even if you take all the survivability possible, its still just not always enough. necros dont have the same bag of tricks that many other classes have, and if you’re a condition necro, you have very little defense without having to sacrifice utilities.

And this is it basically. In a team fight, the opposition SHOULD be closing down necro’s since we have lots of offense, not much defense and bugger all escapes. But if you let me sit at the back and apply cc/condi pressure, then that’s your mistake. Good teams don’t make this mistake, much to my chagrin.

You need 2-3 people to focus down a necro, between DS and 3-4 fear a necro never lack defensive skills..stop lying man

How long before you fix ranger/necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


yes just nerf this build too, then people can finally quit ranger.

Ele got no faceroll builds…still people play it…it’s hard as every fight must be fought at 100% to avoid certain death, but it’s still enjoyable somehow.

How staff should be

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


How to change a staff ele from free kill into a force to be reckoned with, while keeping any potential FOTM reroller at bay?

There are countless threads about this same topic, but I say that we need to keep “pestering” the devs with these threads, I’m not happy about the current stat of staff, you’re not happy either, for me the :" staff doesn’t work in PvP" crap doesn’t cut it, I want to change builds yes..but don’t tell me ( you devs) what I can play and where, what is this crap that a weapon set should be viable only in WvWvW and in specific situations?

We’ve seen how you’ve got no problems with having a power house killing people at 1200 range ( mesmer/necro) so why is only the ele that shoud be forced to use its 1200 range weapon in WvWvW?

The following suggested changes would make the staff a very enjoyable set to play while not turning the ele from a free kill to super sayan where we obliterate the entire enemy team at 1200 range….although necros can do that already XD, anyway here:


3) Flame Burst : 700 base dmg + 3s burning
4) Burning Retreat: 450 base dmg ( a damaging blast at starting location)


3) Geyser : apply 6s vigor on nearby allies


2) Lightning Surge : 1/2s Activation time , 550 base dmg
3) Gust : Push nearby foes , knockback 400 radius


4)Unsteady Ground : 40s CD – 2s immobilize on foes passing through it (now become skill 5)
5)Shockwave: strike at target last location ( like comet), bleed ( 2 stack per 10s ) and cripple (6s) target on hit, now become skill 4

These changes would make staff ele an excellent addition to teams, finally able to pull his own weight in 1vs1 situations, in this game to win those 1vs1 situation is rather important, it’s the only way to put pressure on enemy team

How long before you fix ranger/necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


bring back BM rangers?

If I play a zerker ele with no water traits, I believe rangers can play a build where they actually need to think instead than simply spam skills of CD

Moar faceroll

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451



How long before you fix ranger/necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


KK then let’s all switch to ranger and necro while waiting for the magic patch…guess that’s an alternative from uninstall the game

How long before you fix ranger/necro?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


It’s just ridiculous, no amount of condition removal or stun-breakers can keep you alive against this constant barrage of conditions, there is very little you can do against this fear chain, chill, burning and every possible condition in this game.
I’m full to the brim of this garbage, every 3 kittening matches out of 4 I face :

A- double ranger, double necro + guardian
B- triple necro+ double ranger
C- triple ranger +double necro

You face a spirit ranger: you try to kill the spirits while he auto-attacks you to death and use fear/kd from the dog, by the time you kill one spirit he goes and summon another, if you don’t kill the elite the ranger will just auto-ress…all the while laying fire fields on the point.

You face a necro : even if you skillfully or luckily survive their 3/4 fear chain followed by multiple stacks of bleeding/burning/ etc etc etc etc…by that time you’ll use all your stun breakers and condition removal all having 3x the CD compared to the necro..and if by a miracle you survive everything and manage to deal some consistent dmg on the necro..puff he goes plague form and then reset the fight killing you

In all this, both professions can bunker/de-cap and win 1vs1..and still offer team support, ranger with auto-ressing spirit and necro that needs no introduction.

Too easy to play and too much reward:

-no casting time
-instant effect aoe skills
-very low CD on skills
-a single attribute needed to have a condition build
-no attribute/boon that protects you against high condition dmg

Every match is an onslaught on that point, ranger-necro , they come spamm the impossible on that point and then leave, you get chilled, feared, burned to death….

TPvP Team Rankings - Reset Justification

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451



First off, thank you for the recent addition of Solo Queue. That will provide lone wolf players an opportunity to play competitive matches without starting at a HUGE disadvantage of playing against a premade group with some experience of how to play together and rotate as a group.

That being said; I sincerely think you’re really missing an opportunity here to remove the junk & doubt from the rankings and get people back on a level playing field.

Lots of premade groups have greatly benefited from playing against teams of solo queued players at an extreme disadvantage and have ballooned up the rankings. Now, with the addition of solo queue, this is the perfect opportunity to bring it all back together.

I think at least a soft reset would be beneficial to bring the masses closer together. I’ve personally clawed my way through hundreds of matches as the solo queued underdog. Now that there’s an arena for that, I feel at a huge disadvantage if I wanted to start participating in team matchups.

I hope you re-consider a reset. If not now, is it in your immediate plans to implement “seasons” or something along those lines?



Respect, you’re one of a kind!

Any tips on defeating Windcaller Kieldia?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Lol yeah got so frustated also with her, but got lucky also using ,my s/d burst build,

SoloQ leaderboard is invalid

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Look there are problems but if you lose alot then you are probably bad.

That’d be a possibility I give you that, but given the fact I won quite few, I’d say I’m not that bad, I cannot give any tangible proof but only make safe assumptions based on the win/losses ratio of the top 20 compared to the rest.
Without any established rating everybody is bound to get a low rank, even a r1 in his/her team, than how come the same people that we find at the top of the team leaderboard can be found also at the top of the soloQ leaderboard with a 20+won/2-3 loss ratio on the first day?A single player cannot carry a whole team….

SoloQ leaderboard is invalid

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


In the last hour I’ve played 6 matches…5 matches out of 6 were against synced team, this is not a problem of population, something must be done, in the meantime this soloQ leaderboard will hold as much value as the teams leaderboard..none

Do something about sync queuing....

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


This soloQ system is a failure…gz

GW2 content designer loves Greatswords

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Can we please have a decent looking dagger skin for once?
Once again people like me who don’t main a profession capable of using greatswords receive the short end of the stick with the champion weapon skins, as ele I am once again left with that sense of frustration and envy towards professions that can enjoy the new great looking GS, swords and hammers.
The only decent looking daggers in the whole game are : fractal and fusion..both RNG and account bound so can’t even buy them, this is really unfair…..

Solo Q a joke? WTB dual-Q

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Thanks for reading this time. Thanks for your opinion. Mine is that dishonor doesnt work because people still leave. Where a team balance’er would actually fix the problem.

What you want the devs to do? Disable the account of those who leave?
Get real bro! The dishonor de-buff is the most they can do, you won’t always get leavers and you can’t stop people from leaving….

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


My point of view as ele in tPvP

Team Fights only ( my point of view in 1vs1 is rather…different)

S tier
-Necromancer ( walking nuclear reactor )
-Engineer ( fart conditions , most OP elite in the universe all dimensions )

A tier
-Guardian ( hope you like soccer..‘cause you’ll be the ball )
-Spirit Ranger ( am I playing Pokemon stadium ? )
-Sword/dagger thief ( LoL Anet ..just lol )

B Tier
- Mesmer ( do you like birds..what about Moa?..that’s all I ask -_-)
- S/D Elementalist ( kamikaze caster…plays for the lol)
- Stun-lock Warrior (he tries his be a nuisance, but he dies quite elegantly )

C Tier
-D/D thief ( lmao)
-Ranger ( are you having a laugh bro ? )
-Bunker ele ( hmm…what about you go play Monopoly?)
-100b Warrior ( did you buy the game yesterday? )

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Ele needs better elites and utilities most of all.

-It’s absurd that a guy spinning get projectile reflection and deal more dmg throwing daggers( dagger storm ), while a freaking tornado offer no projectiles reflection, deal pitiful dmg and move 1/3 of the speed compared to the dagger storm

-Our only usable elite is a glyph with 4 facets and only one of them ( fire ) is actually useful at all , pls spare me the legend of the water elemental, it’ll die 9 times out of 10 before receiving any ..heal, this 6k heal only found in legends

- Ele is the profession with the most amount of unusable elites ( conjure ) while few more have never been used at all in tPvP

Can we have better elites pls Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


In a game mode where it has to be “best or nothing” as far as builds, the class which is intended to be Jack of all trades is just going to suck. Anet either needs to ditch that idea altogether or just announce that elementalists aren’t intended for tPvP at all.

tPvP requires your point bunker to be the absolute best and most specialized bunker possible. See where that contradicts the “decent at everything, best at nothing” idea?

Tornado makes (theoretically, not in reality) the best point bunker elite, so if any get a buff it should be that one. Enabling attunement swapping and healing while in tornado form would probably be plenty, maybe a slight duration increase or cooldown decrease also.

Greatsword is actually good for point assault, as is the fire elemental. Of course, then you run into the issue of elementalists not being the best roamer/assaulter anyway…..

Well ele is supposed to be able to temporarily supplement any member of the team in a specific role, be it roamer, bunker or burst while still not completely able to overstep their efficiency, so far the ele does a great job in that role ( valkyrie burst build can’t really bunker even for a 1 min, it’s not that flexible as amulet for eles )

-Tornado in theory should be an excellent point defending elite or it should be able to buy some time to catch your breath if you’re being pressurized by multiple enemies, but right now the lack of projectile reflection and extremely low dmg makes the elite completely useless

- Fire elemental is the only viable elemental in my opinion, while the air elemental does arguably the same dmg in total, its dmg come far too slowly to make any major difference, while a blast from a fire elemental can be game changing, sadly it’s the only one out of 4

Empty promises and ignored suggestion threads

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The GW2 community is to blame also, there are far too many QQ thread and Anet spend far too much time trying to please all the care bears who lose a 1vs1 and start a "profession X is OP, pls nerf " thread.

No chance is given to the devs if a weapon set suddenly become viable, the next day after a balance patch you get somebody who start a QQ thread because he lost to profession X and his new toy

We don’t go forward, always the same utilities and same traits

Can we have better elites pls Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Tornado i can come eye to eye with you. But the glyph is amazing, and FGS even more amazing. Have you even seen the damage capabilities of FGS? probably not, or you wouldnt be saying its a joke. The glyph is completely usable amongst any attunement, i prefer it be water or earth elemental.

I have specifically stated that this is Tournament PvP thread, I can appreciate your enthusiasm but pls take notice of my intentions

In PvP :
-nobody use earth elemental ( low dmg – highly kiteable, completely ignored ), water elemental ( no viable ele bunker build against s/d thieves and fear spamm necros and for bunker I mean sit on the point at all times )
-FGS : if you want to use FGS in my guest

(edited by Arheundel.6451)

Empty promises and ignored suggestion threads

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The game was released exactly one year ago, before the release we had 3 beta weekends and even at that time you could see that no ele was using : focus-conjure skills-glyph of lesser elemental-tornado-Fiery great sword..and after the EA nerf nobody ever used again staff in tPvP.

At this time there is absolutely need for me to give any explanation on why this happens or how it could be improved, there are over a dozen threads in the ele sub-forum with hundreds of posts with suggestions for the devs.

It has been more than year and nothing has been done to solve the issues, all we had were these pointless changes that make you wonder if the devs read the sub-forums
at all:

-Tornado : – 30s CD, the problem was never the CD…the problem is we get killed while in it, we get kited by everybody and everything, it offers no protection, it deals incredible low dmg…it’s basically useless

-Conjures : to add stats buff to them..was completely useless again, you went off in another direction totally ignoring what all the ele community was trying to say

-Focus : To add cripple to magnetic wave was pointless, we need additions to the other skills, to add even more to already good skills changes nothing because you can’t expect eles to sit in earth all the time and once you do leave earth you’re totally screwed with spells like : Flamewall and fire shield or freezing gust

Pls no more : " We’re looking into it…", it has been more than year and nothing has changed

Can we have better elites pls Anet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


NOTE: this is a tPvP thread

Can we please take a serious look at our elites?
They are absolutely terrible : Tornado is a clear design error, FGS is a bade joke and the Glyph of elemental is usable only in fire ( arguably in Air too ); it’s always or Glyph or nothing and the only usable elite is not even game changing like the supply crate of the engy ( the other only profession with a single usable elite ), the entire ele community has been asking for substantial changes since last year but you keep ignoring us while buffing to god status the elites of other professions…why?

Mesmers are no longer viable.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Mesmer is fine, Necro is overpowered.

Anything else?

So necros, eles, guards, warriors, rangers, engis, and thieves are all OP and mesmer is the one that is fine instead? Please. Mesmer was the least represented class from all teams in all of the games for PAX both NA and EU. That should say something.

Are you seriously suggesting that mesmer needs help?

-most viable builds in the whole game ( 1.5 builds for ele and several for the mesmer)
-most polished set of utilities ( wanna compare mantra to conjure? mes signets to ele signets? maybe our glyphs? )
-most polished set of weapons ( ever seen a staff ele in tPvP? a focus ele?)

You complain that mesmers are overly weak to conditions when using a burst build…on my ele I need to trait for condition removal to survive this meta, I need to invest all my utilities to do that, a mesmer can have a burst build and still equip utilites that can change the fate of battle..or entire games ( portal-illusion of life- null field )

Other professions look at your utilities with envy, there is no choice for the other professions, it’s always 3-4 utilities out of 20, maybe there are only 3-4 utilities that I’ve never seen equipped on a mesmer ( mimic- feedback – signet of inspiration and midnight )

You’ve got not a single useless elite..not a single one, look at :

-ele : tornado – FGS
- engineer: mortar, elixir X

Like have you ever seen these elites being used during a serious tPvP match?

Eventually ranger and necro may be toned down a little but under no circumstances the mesmer should receive any buff whatsoever

Let's create builds...don't destroy them

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


People also vastly overestimate their own abilities. The “I just died super quickly, so there must not have been anything I could have done” attitude completely kills forums like this. How are we supposed to have honest discourse about balance when people can’t take a step back and look at a situation objectively to understand what they could have done better?

Maybe you build support and have a disadvantage in certain 1v1 scenarios, but shine in groups. Maybe you don’t bring stun breakers, but have other tools that help other situations. Or maybe your build isn’t cohesive, and you could do better.

My Hammer/GS warrior has a huge disadvantage against blind-spam, so when it happens, I try to do my best to outplay it. If I die, I acknowledge that blind spam is a fairly strong counter, but still look for ways I could have done better.

Some mechanics could probably use work, but people need to realize they aren’t infallible as well.

Generally I wonder if everything has really been tried out for a profession, before complaints start to fire off

Too much damage ?

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Balanced builds have no place in the game. You have to stack stats to be effective.

If you don’t get enough toughness you get gibbed. If you don’t get enough power and crit damage you can’t scratch guardians and eles and rangers.

There’s no room for in-betweens.

Please show what one of these Balanced builds looks like.

Builds with 15-10 point investments in the various trees, not 30 and 20 in 3. Builds using celestial amulets or rampager’s amulet for damage delivery variety over stacking damage type.

A build where you can run a power weapon with a defensive condi weapon.

You know, being able to build a hybrid that doesn’t suck majorly.

And no eles in valkyrie are not hybrids. They’re just abusing boon spam to be able to tank and deal damage at the same time.

This is a MMO, not a shoot’ em up like Call of Duty, if I don’t want diversity I don’t go play a MMO


in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Flamewall is one of the worst weapon skills in this game.

Flamewall is one of the worst skills ever designed for a videogame