New Pure of Sight is less dead weight, but still kind of misses the point. :/
Pull looks really good. I don’t see why there’s an issue with potential synergy with Renewed Justice though. It’s on kill, so you’ll never be pulling an enemy more than once, and furthermore that’s exactly the kind of synergy DH needs with the base class.
Boons should be applied when traps are placed, not triggered. This doesn’t really do anything to change the fact that they’re too difficult to use effectively.
Good changes, but still just not enough. Traits need more work.
And the terrain bug only applies to projectile skills that follow the camera (Fireball), not ones that always stay at ground level (Bladetrail).
Go on an Ele, point your camera at the ground and use fireball. It will fly into the ground. Then do it looking up, it will fly into the air.
Then go on a Warrior and use Bladetrail. It will go straight ahead of the character the same way no matter what way the camera is facing. Same with Path Of Scars on Ranger. Brutal blade was like this., too.
I’ll bet you can’t get Bladetrail or Path of Scars to shoot into the ground no matter what.
My Guardian torch says that you’re wrong. Like, really wrong.
Actually, you’re not even referring to the actual bug anyway. That’s just terrain collision, which is completely normal behavior.
Mace is superior to sword now for PvE content. Sword is just too much of a burden to use against enemies you won’t need the teleport for.
Mallyx looked great as an anti-condi build, but that was deemed too unfriendly to teams, sadly. I don’t really see a reason to run it at all anymore over Shiro/Glint, even on condi builds.
And the terrain bug only applies to projectile skills that follow the camera (Fireball), not ones that always stay at ground level (Bladetrail).
Shock wave needs to be buffed/reduced cost to 5
Grasp makes little sense right now..a melee pull..lolwut
Grasp should be “step towards the mist to bound and pull the foe with you” 600range, unblockable.I bieleve thats what originally grasp was from datamined stuff where it had 600 range, 600 pull. I used it mostly as set up to jade winds if i managed to have so much energy to do so or as a tool to disorient ppl. But 15 energy hurts
Yeah, I thought that it would be a teleport to an enemy up to 600 units away, followed by a teleport back to your original position with the enemy being pulled along the way.
That would make much more sense to me, at least.
while being cool think of that: twice the chance to get stuck in the terrain and fail… XD
It’d be a great way to pull people off of cliffs.
Shock wave needs to be buffed/reduced cost to 5
Grasp makes little sense right now..a melee pull..lolwut
Grasp should be “step towards the mist to bound and pull the foe with you” 600range, unblockable.I bieleve thats what originally grasp was from datamined stuff where it had 600 range, 600 pull. I used it mostly as set up to jade winds if i managed to have so much energy to do so or as a tool to disorient ppl. But 15 energy hurts
Yeah, I thought that it would be a teleport to an enemy up to 600 units away, followed by a teleport back to your original position with the enemy being pulled along the way.
That would make much more sense to me, at least.
Did people really have an issue with this? I actually really liked it, as it really threw people off. Slow build up in a way, but as a result of the ‘return’ you could deal some pretty decent spike damage, especially if you had Impossible Odds up. Plus as another mentioned, a guaranteed proc of the GM health return trait. I’m actually sad to see it go.
The problem was that as a projectile, it suffered from tracking issues that would make it often difficult to land from such a close range, especially with differences in terrain involved. Since it’s the second attack of the chain, there was no reason for the extra range on it since you’d need to be within melee range to use it anyway.
The other problem was that any sort of projectile defense, particularly reflection, caused all sorts of trouble, which counteracts the purpose of using a melee attack in the first place.
I don’t need to drop $50 to playtest the DH because I have more than enough hours on my Guardians to know that this is not at all what the class needs to remain competitive.
are you serious?? you are one the most vocal vocies against the DH and you have zero playtime on the elite spec?You have literally no experience how the bow behaves, how the damage feels, what numbers you can actually produce, how traits connect and what not and you are dissing the elite spec and everyone who has even the slightest love for the spec.
you act like a know it all and yet you know nothing from first hand experience.
incredible. I do not care how much experience you have on the core class.
Thats like saying “I know how chinese food tastes. it sucks! I havnt had it yet but I am very well experienced at eating.”Please put an “I assume…” infront of you posts from now on. jeezus.
I know enough about the game and the base class to not need to play it. I’ve seen videos and talked to guildies that have tried it. That’s given me more than enough information to know that it’s not worth my time. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at a trait list and see the potential interactions with other traits, which, in the case of the DH in relation to the base class, is very little.
So quite frankly, I don’t care what you feel the need to tell me. If you want to make things personal, fine, that’s your call. But I guarantee it won’t end well.
I, for one, am embracing our new Revenant overlords. The hell with this sinking ship.
They said they wanted the new Elite specs to require more skill. Dragonhunter is a perfect example of that. Can’t handle the Dragon? Don’t join the hunt.
Laying down traps and waiting on your enemy to trigger them is not a display of skill. It’s a dependence on a lack thereof from your enemy.
This is what you call looking at things in a vacuum. The DH is much more than just traps but you’re too busy trying to claim that it’s bad to admit that.
Okay, fine. The traits are garbage too, and range from very little to absolutely zero synergy with the base class. Seeing as it’s impossible to use anything else the elite spec has to offer without taking the traitline, I don’t see a reason to argue any further.
Guys, let’s be fair: Yes, traps are awful, and DH is lacking sorely, and this sucks, but it was a bug. It needed to be fixed.
They said they wanted the new Elite specs to require more skill. Dragonhunter is a perfect example of that. Can’t handle the Dragon? Don’t join the hunt.
Laying down traps and waiting on your enemy to trigger them is not a display of skill. It’s a dependence on a lack thereof from your enemy.
You could apply that logic to literaly every single aoe skill in the game.
“Oh I’m not a good player, it’s just the enemy was bad and stood still on my lava font”Don’t get me wrong, I don’t particularly like the traps either, but that logic is fawed regardless.
No it’s not, because with other AoE skills you can place them underneath their feet on demand. Except for things like symbols, but hey, I guess those are just fine too and don’t require any sort of CC to help make them work.
They said they wanted the new Elite specs to require more skill. Dragonhunter is a perfect example of that. Can’t handle the Dragon? Don’t join the hunt.
Laying down traps and waiting on your enemy to trigger them is not a display of skill. It’s a dependence on a lack thereof from your enemy.
Rework all of the upon revival/kill and falling traits. They’re useless while actually fighting.
Rework all of the traits that discourage the use of activating your virtue’s(Zealous
Scepter, Purity of body, Defender’s Dogma, Zealot’s Aggression)Valorous Defense: This one is completely useless, I’ve never noticed when it’s actually helped.
Zealous Blade: Increase the healing and have it be 10% dmg bonus instead of 5.
Symbol Avenger: Needs a damage increase.
Shattered Aegis: Needs a radius increase
Rework Radiant Retaliation: Have this something be power-based.
Stalwart Defender: Give this a unique attribute like Warrior’s Shield trait.
Communal Defenses: Radius increase.
Retributive Armor: Complete rework, this thing sucks.
Empowering Might: Remove the ICD and increase the range.
Remove Kindled Zeal, replace with Writ of Persistence.
Retaliatory subconsciousness: buff the crap out of this, the protection on cc is FAR superior than this.
Merge Permeating Justice/supreme Justice: No one takes these and even if they’re merged, I doubt anyone will take it.
Weapon/offhand Skills
GS: Remove the bolts from WW and increase the base dmg. They’re too unreliable and require you to be inside your target.
Hammer: Speed up the auto a tad.
Staff: Remove root on Empower.
Sword: Remove projectiles on 3rd hit auto. Remove root on Zealot’s Defense.
Mace: Third hit auto to cleave. #3 should only proc within melee range(same blocks as ranger/warrior)
Scepter: Fix the tracking on auto, change smite to a symbol.
Torch: Allow for Cleansing flame to remove conditions on the Guardian.
Litany of Wrath: Trade with Revenant’s Infuse Light.
Signet of Resolve: Completely change to something else, not sure.
Merciful Intervention: Change to a shadow step without the need for an ally.
Signets: Change all to be self-empowering(buffs upon activation).
Signet of Courage: Uh….lower interval to 5 seconds?
I agree with all of this, but add a spirit weapon rework and some cooldown reductions all around. I’m actually inclined to believe that Valorous Defense could very well be bugged, because I’ve literally never noticed it proc despite all my time both playing as and against Medi Guard.
As it stands, guardian has 2 more offensive oriented trait lines and 3 defensive ones. Which means it’s already geared to a lot more defense and support. Even if DH is more of an offensive line, the way the new virtues work bring even more defensive options as well. With renewed focus you can have 12 seconds, 12!, of complete frontal invulnerability through shield of courage and a high amount of CC.
So, no I don’t agree with your assumption that DH doesn’t expand on the core class
…it does NOT expand on the guardian.
This spec does nothing to compliment the Guardian play-style as originally promoted and actually goes totally against the grain with very little synergy, 3 years of timesink after the fact.
It’s either you just haven’t found the right build yet or maybe you haven’t even tried. But trust me, you are so wrong, the Devil would be envious of how wrong you are.
It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about subjective preference.
If that is the case then you should’ve worded your statement differently. To say the Dragonhunter has little synergy or does not compliment the Guardian entirely is wrong.
If your statement was “I don’t like the Dragonhunter’s synergies” then we’d be having a different conversation.
Except DH really doesn’t synergize with the base class. Hunter’s Fortification is just about the only thing that has any sort of cohesiveness with what we already have, and even that isn’t as reliable as things like Absolute Resolution and Pure of Voice/Rune of the Soldier. Hell, one of the new traits actually provides aegis on CC, which is literally something that the base class ALREADY HAS. It’s almost like they didn’t even look at what class they were dealing with when they came up with this elite spec.
Dulled Senses + Wards (Ring of Warding, Line of warding etc), Pure of Sight + Scepter, Hunter’s Determination + Pure of Heart or any aegis trait, Soaring Devastation + Binding Jeopardy.
It’s either I’m crazy or I’m a genius.
Do you seriously expect wards to provide reliable cripple access?
As for Pure of Sight, a scepter/longbow build would get murdered by anything that can close a gap, and no other build would benefit enough for it to be worthwhile. The other two work, but are nearly negligible in terms of actual impact. There are far easier ways to apply aegis and 3 vulnerability from WoR is not going to change the course of battle.
The goal is supposed to be to make Dragonhunter worth taking over other Guardian builds. Right now, I don’t see a single situation where that is the case.
I’m not sure if I can convince you that a lot of those synergies are and can be powerful so I’m just going to walk away with the fact that you’ve agreed that those are synergies with the base guardian.
You can say they are weak synergies all you want (I still know for a fact that you are wrong based off of experience) but I’m just going to take my little victory and walk away.
Look at Chronomancer.
Look at Reaper.
Now look back at Dragonhunter.
It is nowhere near being on the same level.
Chronomancer makes me feel like it could actually be worth giving up Domination, Dueling, or Chaos, and still have an amazing Mesmer. It’s still a Mesmer, but it’s also a new spin on a Mesmer that you won’t find with anything else.
Reaper is even more enticing. I don’t even play my base Necro, and I’m quite interested in its applications. I’ve seen builds that could work by making the most out of both Reaper and base Necro mechanics.
There are 60 base Guardian traits. You managed to list two of them that DH has some degree of synergy with. Worse still, those two that you mentioned aren’t even unique properties that you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of without taking DH. I flat-out do not see any sort of build combination involving Dragonhunter that doesn’t end up actually being more of a handicap to the base class than anything else. And that’s certainly not how you’re supposed to design an addition to an existing class.
Off the top of my head there’s already two traits in Zeal that synergize with dragonhunter, which is the main reason to take zeal with it in a pve zerker environment. Damage to burning foes and damage to foes standing on your symbols, which can be accomplished with a single skill on the longbow, or with the tether from your spear. And this is just from memory I haven’t even checked yet, I’m sure there’s lots more.
Honestly Bbox you just keep repeating yourself but you literally haven’t even given the class a chance from the start, and you haven’t seen how it improved in the last beta. Of course some things are flawed and there’s plenty of feedback about it already, but you’re just blindly hating on it at this point.
You literally admitted that it doesn’t expand upon the base class.
And I’m not blindly hating, I’m forming an opinion around facts that I already know.
1. I’m already losing interest in the Guardian as a class.
2. I don’t like currently existing trap builds because of how ineffective they are.
3. DH traits are based around weak concepts that either don’t mesh well with Guardian or are just lackluster in general.
4. DH really doesn’t effectively solve any problems the core class has.
5. There are other reasons besides DH as to why I am still not sold on HoT.
I don’t need to drop $50 to playtest the DH because I have more than enough hours on my Guardians to know that this is not at all what the class needs to remain competitive.
So much love being thrown your way right now, Roy. Thanks for listening.
Guardian sword, tho. Pretty please?
This spec does nothing to compliment the Guardian play-style as originally promoted and actually goes totally against the grain with very little synergy, 3 years of timesink after the fact.
It’s either you just haven’t found the right build yet or maybe you haven’t even tried. But trust me, you are so wrong, the Devil would be envious of how wrong you are.
It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about subjective preference.
If that is the case then you should’ve worded your statement differently. To say the Dragonhunter has little synergy or does not compliment the Guardian entirely is wrong.
If your statement was “I don’t like the Dragonhunter’s synergies” then we’d be having a different conversation.
Except DH really doesn’t synergize with the base class. Hunter’s Fortification is just about the only thing that has any sort of cohesiveness with what we already have, and even that isn’t as reliable as things like Absolute Resolution and Pure of Voice/Rune of the Soldier. Hell, one of the new traits actually provides aegis on CC, which is literally something that the base class ALREADY HAS. It’s almost like they didn’t even look at what class they were dealing with when they came up with this elite spec.
Dulled Senses + Wards (Ring of Warding, Line of warding etc), Pure of Sight + Scepter, Hunter’s Determination + Pure of Heart or any aegis trait, Soaring Devastation + Binding Jeopardy.
It’s either I’m crazy or I’m a genius.
Do you seriously expect wards to provide reliable cripple access?
As for Pure of Sight, a scepter/longbow build would get murdered by anything that can close a gap, and no other build would benefit enough for it to be worthwhile. The other two work, but are nearly negligible in terms of actual impact. There are far easier ways to apply aegis and 3 vulnerability from WoR is not going to change the course of battle.
The goal is supposed to be to make Dragonhunter worth taking over other Guardian builds. Right now, I don’t see a single situation where that is the case.
I’m not sure if I can convince you that a lot of those synergies are and can be powerful so I’m just going to walk away with the fact that you’ve agreed that those are synergies with the base guardian.
You can say they are weak synergies all you want (I still know for a fact that you are wrong based off of experience) but I’m just going to take my little victory and walk away.
Look at Chronomancer.
Look at Reaper.
Now look back at Dragonhunter.
It is nowhere near being on the same level.
Chronomancer makes me feel like it could actually be worth giving up Domination, Dueling, or Chaos, and still have an amazing Mesmer. It’s still a Mesmer, but it’s also a new spin on a Mesmer that you won’t find with anything else.
Reaper is even more enticing. I don’t even play my base Necro, and I’m quite interested in its applications. I’ve seen builds that could work by making the most out of both Reaper and base Necro mechanics.
There are 60 base Guardian traits. You managed to list two of them that DH has some degree of synergy with. Worse still, those two that you mentioned aren’t even unique properties that you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of without taking DH. I flat-out do not see any sort of build combination involving Dragonhunter that doesn’t end up actually being more of a handicap to the base class than anything else. And that’s certainly not how you’re supposed to design an addition to an existing class.
This spec does nothing to compliment the Guardian play-style as originally promoted and actually goes totally against the grain with very little synergy, 3 years of timesink after the fact.
It’s either you just haven’t found the right build yet or maybe you haven’t even tried. But trust me, you are so wrong, the Devil would be envious of how wrong you are.
It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about subjective preference.
If that is the case then you should’ve worded your statement differently. To say the Dragonhunter has little synergy or does not compliment the Guardian entirely is wrong.
If your statement was “I don’t like the Dragonhunter’s synergies” then we’d be having a different conversation.
Except DH really doesn’t synergize with the base class. Hunter’s Fortification is just about the only thing that has any sort of cohesiveness with what we already have, and even that isn’t as reliable as things like Absolute Resolution and Pure of Voice/Rune of the Soldier. Hell, one of the new traits actually provides aegis on CC, which is literally something that the base class ALREADY HAS. It’s almost like they didn’t even look at what class they were dealing with when they came up with this elite spec.
Dulled Senses + Wards (Ring of Warding, Line of warding etc), Pure of Sight + Scepter, Hunter’s Determination + Pure of Heart or any aegis trait, Soaring Devastation + Binding Jeopardy.
It’s either I’m crazy or I’m a genius.
Do you seriously expect wards to provide reliable cripple access?
As for Pure of Sight, a scepter/longbow build would get murdered by anything that can close a gap, and no other build would benefit enough for it to be worthwhile. The other two work, but are nearly negligible in terms of actual impact. There are far easier ways to apply aegis and 3 vulnerability from WoR is not going to change the course of battle.
The goal is supposed to be to make Dragonhunter worth taking over other Guardian builds. Right now, I don’t see a single situation where that is the case.
This spec does nothing to compliment the Guardian play-style as originally promoted and actually goes totally against the grain with very little synergy, 3 years of timesink after the fact.
It’s either you just haven’t found the right build yet or maybe you haven’t even tried. But trust me, you are so wrong, the Devil would be envious of how wrong you are.
It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about subjective preference.
If that is the case then you should’ve worded your statement differently. To say the Dragonhunter has little synergy or does not compliment the Guardian entirely is wrong.
If your statement was “I don’t like the Dragonhunter’s synergies” then we’d be having a different conversation.
Except DH really doesn’t synergize with the base class. Hunter’s Fortification is just about the only thing that has any sort of cohesiveness with what we already have, and even that isn’t as reliable as things like Absolute Resolution and Pure of Voice/Rune of the Soldier. Hell, one of the new traits actually provides aegis on CC, which is literally something that the base class ALREADY HAS. It’s almost like they didn’t even look at what class they were dealing with when they came up with this elite spec.
The Dragonhunter has literally devalued my opinion of the Guardian as a whole. So yes, provided I splurge on HoT, I will be switching to a Revenant for my main.
As a former Guardian roamer that only had a staff to swap to for swiftness, I feel your pain on this.
Because it’s in your left hand obviously.
Cheekiness aside, this is correct. The bonus only applies to mainhand weapons.
Okay, people here keep saying how “DH is bad”, but just one question:
How is Zeal/Radiance/Dragonhunter so much inferior than Zeal/Radiance/Virtues?
DH inherits almost everything a Guardian has, except the f1 is slightly difference, and the 20% damage modifiers have different requirements (mantain cripple on foe + cast f1 versus mantaining aegis on yourself)
I argue that a Dragonhunter can maintain the 20% damage bonus easier than a Guardian with Aegis.
Oh, and if you are more than 360 range from a foe, you get an extra 10% damage buff. Altogether from traits, a 30% damage buff for going DragonHunter during ranged situations. This means for enemies like Old Tom, where you spam Scepter, it is superior to use DragonHunter instead of Virtues.
It feels like people are talking about Dragonhunter like it’s a completely different class. Is it?
PvE meta is virtually all melee-range. You will lose more damage and support running a ranged spec even with extra damage modifiers.
This is good, I say. This game needs a whole lot less of people being able to avoid losing a fight just by running away.
My interest in Mallyx has completely disappeared with the change. Now I could very easily run Shiro/Glint with mace/axe and be just as effective with running a condition build, if not moreso thanks to Impossible Odds.
Yes, the old Mallyx didn’t work well with allies that would cleanse conditions for you, but that’s a bit of a moot point when you think about the fact that it was designed as counterplay from the start. What do you do when you don’t need to resort to your counterplay? You just use the base skills you were planning on using from the beginning.
A single pulsing torment stack is simply not worth the upkeep, and Pain Absorption without the copy from the elite is completely pointless. Mallyx was already very niche as it was. Now there’s not really any sort of incentive to run with it at all.
If Dragonhunter gets a 25% speed trait we will literally never hear the end of it that the line is now MANDATORY for playing in a Guard in [insert your favorite play mode here].
I’m not saying I wouldn’t enjoy “+25% speed while you have a longbow readied” as a mirror to the Warrior getting +25% while they have melee weapons readied but I don’t see even something as limited as that happening when they are so clearly pushing towards DH maintaining position advantage through cripples.
I’d love to be wrong, but it’s just not the way the wind is blowing.
Would an argument to the contrary help? Even with a movespeed bonus, I still don’t plan on touching DH.
Some people like Dragonhunter.
But many do not.
A terrible speculative assumption. Rule of thumb: If there are less QQ threads, there are less unsatisfied players. The threads with “I want this added” are less and less. Even teh most pushed thread (speed buff) hardly makes top 5 priority in terms of “We really, really need to give this to our players”. It comes down to how good DH is compared to the other Specs. If the DH is good, players will think less and less about how fast they walk.
I’m still talking to many people who are just as unsatisfied with DH as I am. So it’s really not just an assumption.
I read the title of this thread and assumed it was related to “Netflix and chill”.
On a serious note though, the build that I had planned wasn’t entirely based around chill, but it had a lot of access to it. I’m not sure if I’ll run it anymore though because my interest in Mallyx left the building along with the condition copying.
Some people like Dragonhunter.
But many do not.
People don’t use meditations because they’re too strong. People use meditations because they’re just about the only utilities the class has that isn’t too weak.
spamming the same request across multiple threads to make it seem like it’s a widespread issue when plenty of people have disagreed with you is childish.
Calling someone else out for ignoring a differing opinion when you yourself are ignoring a differing opinion is also quite childish. People are divided on both sides of the issue. Don’t pretend that your opinion wins just because it’s your opinion.
Base virtues definitely need to be updated. The cooldowns are atrocious, and a perfect example of just how well the Guardian balancing philosophy of “higher cooldowns because your skills affect allies too!” has worked over the past 3 years. Please lower them to respectable levels. Speaking of the base virtues, without traited bonuses:
Virtue of Justice – There are literally zero situations in which it is beneficial to activate this now. It’s a pure DPS loss, even with a party of 5, to spread a single burn stack to allies over keeping it to yourself for 25 seconds. The passive is great; the active needs to be buffed.
Virtue of Resolve – Yet again, the tradeoff for this is ridiculous. 84 HP/sec covers maybe about 1 bleed stack. Even with the lowest base health pool, this is hardly noticeable. Worse still, even with the passive at such a paltry level, it’s still not worth using the active for a low 2k allied heal at the cost of having NO regen for 50 seconds. Because then you’ve just effectively cut that healing in half, to 40 HP/sec. After playing Guardian for 3 years, I could probably count on one hand the number of times the VoR active heal has actually made a difference for myself or allies. Buff the heals/Reduce the cooldown/Add additional baseline effects for the active. Please do two of the three.
Virtue of Courage – Where do I even begin? 75 seconds, for ONE party aegis. Really? My Mesmer can get up to 4 seconds of invulnerability with a shatter, on a lower cooldown with this. Not to mention how a single minor trait grants that to nearby allies as well. VoC is obsolete even to our own skill pool now, too. Retreat granted aegis on a 60s cooldown. That was deemed not enough, so now it’s on a 40s cooldown. Now our shield (finally) grants aegis on a 20s cooldown. Who the hell thought that 75s is a fair cooldown for this? Give it a lower cooldown at the very least. An additional effect for both the passive and active would be nice as well.
We should not have to take GM level traits just to make our class mechanic actually noticeable. The Virtues traitline is essentially mandatory in all builds right now for this exact reason. Without traiting into them, they might as well not exist. Most Guardian builds wouldn’t really be missing out on much.
(edited by Black Box.9312)
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
No class should have a ranged projectile attack on melee auto. Just saying.
If I repeat it this many times does it help to get the kitten point across? This should be common sense.
As a PvE-turned-PvP player, I don’t see a reason to take DH in either game mode.
Try hitting something with your auto-attack. Blindness in this game often clears up quickly
Har har. But I was serious. I don’t see any situation where I would rather have a DH over a base Guardian. I’m even so inclined as to consider adopting a policy of autokicking DH players in my party that don’t drop it for a more favorable traitline upon request.
The only people who have anything positive to say about the Dragon Hunter are PVP players.
I don’t’ play PVP, i only PVE, and it is overwhelmingly clear that the Dragon hunter is complete garbage.
I predict within three months of HoT launch we will be seeing “No Dragon Hunters or Guardians” in LFG.
As a PvE-turned-PvP player, I don’t see a reason to take DH in either game mode.
Geez, people, maybe take some time to actually read what OP has to say? He doesn’t want it gone completely; he just thinks it looks out of place when you’re out of combat with your weapon stowed.
No thanks. Anything Dragonhunter needs to stay far enough away from everything else that I can continue to pretend that it doesn’t actually exist.
It’s the second autoattack in the chain, actually, that is a projectile.
Apparently Anet didn’t learn from Guardian sword players how much people don’t like projectiles in their melee weapon autoattack chains.
If someone tried to use Signet of Mercy in a raid, I would probably kick them.
Revenant does not need a revive skill.
Also you may want to check up on your definition of “penultimate”.
Thanks for correction.
I would probably kick you if I you didn’t use Signet of Mercy in a raid.
I remember we check each other’s build before starting a Zaishen mission in Guild Wars 1. We plan before doing the hard version of the Zaishen mission, that includes carrying rez signet, and other necessities. Is GW2 any different, just because you can dangerously rez someone by standing next to them?
Yes, GW2 is very different. Signet of Mercy is literally the worst utility skill a Guardian has access to (barring maybe traps, apparently). A Guardian running Signet of Mercy is a liability because first, that’s a utility slot gone to waste that could have been used for something that provides more team utility; and second, that’s a sign that they likely don’t know how to effectively play their class.
If you’d kick me for not running it, then well, good luck finding a competent raid party.
Am I the only one who is actually deathly afraid of this, for all of the wrong reasons?
Traps aren’t bad, and no, wells wouldn’t be better.
Not “bad” per se. Just a niche mechanic that doesn’t fit GW2 gameplay well, which is why Rangers and Thieves rarely use them. It doesn’t matter how much they are buffed either; as long as they operate the way GW2 traps do there will be better choices in 99% of situations.
This, exactly. It doesn’t matter how strong you make the traps, because they represent a playstyle that just doesn’t exist in GW2. Combat is fast. Combat is mobile. Combat is dynamic. Traps, on the other hand, are none of the above.
I just don’t see a reason to take DH over an existing Guardian spec in any situation, ever.
If someone tried to use Signet of Mercy in a raid, I would probably kick them.
Revenant does not need a revive skill.
Also you may want to check up on your definition of “penultimate”.
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I saw that they were adding this to the autoattack chain. Too much time spent with Guardian sword has told me that it’s just not worth the trouble.
Autoattacks should be consistent. Either all ranged/projectile, or no ranged/projectile.
If things keep going at this rate, Guardian might as well just become a stability/aegis bot, because that’s all people will ever want it for anymore.
I’d love to see pretty much anything that isn’t traps, but don’t expect them to actually do anything about it.