Showing Posts For Blix.8021:

Why the Maguuma hate

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


the colors don’t mean anything anymore; dragonbrand was green against bg and jq even though they both have higher rating

The rankings and ratings are all still there. There is still a technically a tier 1,2,3 and so on, but the difference is the rng that’s been added that goes along with the rating the scrambles the matches to an extent. With DB’s rating and a high rng, that is what shot up DB to tier 1 and be green.

Uh no, we had less rating than either bg or jq. The colors don’t mean anything anymore, like I said. If they were still green is highest, blue is middle, and red lowest, mag would be red this week. The rating is still there, but the colors are no longer related to it.

Why the Maguuma hate

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


It’s funny that our rating has been going down, but our rng has been going up which cancels out the loss on rating. Been stuck as blue in “tier 3” the whole time since the change.

the colors don’t mean anything anymore; dragonbrand was green against bg and jq even though they both have higher rating

Opening 1000 Dragon Coffers

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Blix.8021


700+ dragon coffers. Somewhere around 1250 Zhaitaffy, 3 Holographic Risen Knights, some other food items, 0 tickets. Hopefully I can get at least one or two before the end of this stuff!

Ouch, thats real bad luck sweetie! If I could give you my third ticket I would, I have no idea what I should use it on to be honest, I got a Sword and Greatsword myself. Good luck anyway, you still got a whole month, keep it up!

that’s not really bad luck, it’s pretty average luck. most people are getting them in between 1/500 and 1/1000 coffers.

WvW ascended items missing...

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


You can craft ascended BPs at MF

you need items from fractals to make ascended back pieces

WvW-Suggestion: Restrict view-angle in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


nice build there

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Blix.8021


tl;dr why would anyone in any tier send 10+ people to flip quaggans?

because we’re bored and there’s not much else to do

i got my 6th character 100% wvw map completion and am currently deciding which dungeons to run because there’s nothing to actually do in wvw this week now

Rank Chests Extremely Dissapointing

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Chests in pve don’t give guaranteed good loot either, why should wvw chests?

Why are Zergs more Effective?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Why should less people be equally effective as more people? That doesn’t even make sense.

World versus World versus World

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Because there was such strategic depth to stacking in a pile and completely ignoring the existence of arrow carts, am I right?

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


I guess Anet just wants us to run CoF1 all day like good little drones, because AC is now a complete waste of time. No lodestone or core drops from the chests, no longer pug friendly, ugly kitten gear rewards, tokens can’t be turned into ectos at a decent rate. Did it with my guild once and never doing it again. I’d rather do HotW to get p/t/v gear at this point and that’s saying a lot because HotW is boring as kitten.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


1. Thief unstealths
2. Thief’s character model appears ~1 second after the stealth was supposed to end
3. Thief’s nameplate appears 3 seconds after that

1. Thief unstealths
2. Thief and nameplate are visible immediately

1. Thief unstealths
2. Thief’s nameplate displays as soon as stealth breaks
3. Thief’s character model appears

I just want to know a thief is stabbing me and where it is, and unless they’re using that stupid venom that’s basically a “hey a thief is trying to kill you, use a stun break” projector, you might not have any idea why you’re dying with the current system.

Let thieves kill lowbies and dumb glass cannon PvErs en route to zergballs all they want, I don’t care. I just want to know when I’m being stabbed without having to listen to the combat noises and try to identify the telltale “ping-ping-ping” of a dagger in the midst of the audio clusterkitten of a big fight.

Amazing idea

in Ranger

Posted by: Blix.8021


I got this amazing idea from a game the devs may have heard of called “Guild Wars.”

Pets in PvE take 33% less damage and deal 33% more damage in combat.


Animals are naturally infused against the Mursaat’s Spectral Agony

It’s almost like the people who made this “Guild Wars” game knew that pets might need extra protection against NPCs because they do dumb stuff like get cleaved and stand in AoE.

Food Healing Nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Blix.8021


“If your build depended on food to work, it was never really viable to begin with.”

In other words, its incredibly broken if a class HAS to use food to be on the level of other classes? Is that the underlying assumption?

Show me a build that tanks even close to some of those classes or a zerker build that has any sustain AT ALL.

15% DR + 33% Perma Protection because of Hammer, full zerker.

pretty sure he meant a warrior build

Maybe now that the food crutch is gone they will look into warrior sustain/defense.

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Why does nobody consider that NNK/TFV/others might actually like night capping? Based on the amount of legendaries their players run around with they seem pretty PvE minded.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I don’t think getting 80% of another server to transfer to yours counts as ‘team building’


You’ve taken a few paragraphs and combined them into one inaccurate sentence. FA, as a server, believes in building inter-guild ties and server-wide strategies – team building.

Also, we were the lucky recipients of a lot of very skilled players from IoJ. They brought a lot of great ideas to our community on FA and we welcomed them with open arms.

Blix, go ahead and ask any of our former IoJ members if they’ve liked FA since they joined. Or, conversely, go ahead and ask what team building things we like to do as a server. However, please don’t just troll our thread with irrelevant nonsense.

I would like stomping the other servers in the tier for 3 week stretches, too. I just find it laughable that what was once a middling tier 3 server now has this giant ego because they got the bulk of another server to transfer to it. To act like ‘team building’ has any impact on WvW is silly, it’s all about time zone coverage, which is why this thread exists in the first place. By asking more people to transfer to you so you can move up a tier you have acknowledged the futility of whatever you’re doing over on FJ.

But by all means, feel free to pretend you’re an elite squad of pro-gamers with a top tier practice schedule. Enjoy tier 2.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I don’t think getting 80% of another server to transfer to yours counts as ‘team building’


2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Had a guest in DB citadel today


So some food for thought about Legs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


Legendaries can’t be obtained via legit play? Lol ok keep thinking that

Due to the need for Warriors

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


Stop joining speed runs and you won’t get kicked, i have no problem joining groups on my ele

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


In the time it has taken some of these people to whine on forums they could have leveled to 80.

They could also have taken a few moments to look up the word “elitist” in a dictionary.

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I’d take DB over Magoobers any day. They at least understand how WvW works and don’t cry on the forums about how every fight isn’t 5v5 and call anything over 7 ppl a zergball.

Except we stink at forum warfare. I bet 90% of the thread posts are Mag and FA.

Step your game up noobs. Get your NNK dudes on here, there’s bunches of them lol.

In all honesty FA + DB = Greatest WvW server evar. The coverage would be almost perfect.

Shame we can’t make a marriage happen.

I bet you guys thought the same when IOJ married you guys. Then T2 happened.

FA is a polygamist, didn’t you know?

Please make WvW worthwhile.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


If all you want is rewards, go farm CoF path 1 all day. If you don’t find having fun in WvW worthwhile then please go do something else.

Did you read the TL;DR?

I did but I don’t care. This thread is old and tired and there have been tons of them since release.

Please make WvW worthwhile.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


If all you want is rewards, go farm CoF path 1 all day. If you don’t find having fun in WvW worthwhile then please go do something else.

changing orange x will exacerbate probs in t8

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I’m sorry to burst your bubble here,
But I think tier 8 needs a reality check.

The servers in tier 8 probably comprise something like 1-5% of the game’s total wvw population.

WvW is not, and never will be, balanced for tier 8.

Kill yourself. kittening ban me from the forums already I can’t take this garbage you and ANet are throwing at us.

You had plenty of time to transfer, why stay on a crappy tier and then get mad at your own decision?

Because its my kittening tier? I’ve been here since launch? It’s not my decision that ANet canceled the only thing that may have fixed this (ranking reset).

a. Loyalty to a piece of plastic in a server room is silly
b. There are always going to be awful servers in tier 8, because most of the people who care about wvw will gravitate toward the higher tiers. A ranking reset would just waste all the other tiers’ time until you end up right back at where you started – the bottom.

Feedback on the Swamp Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


Coordination? What coordination? 3 people pick a node, you count down 3,2,1 and then everyone runs their route. You need zero teamwork as long as each person knows how to run.

Maguuma/Dragonbrand/Fort Espenwood 2-15

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


If DB wasn’t playing for 2nd I think they could actually challenge FA. That would make the match interesting.

Yeah the server who is outmanned on eternal at 10 pm eastern time could totally challenge the almost tier 2 server. Get real

Pet combat log & Pet condition damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Blix.8021


1. There isn’t

2. Pet’s do not scale at all with your damage. When you mouse over a pet ability’s tooltip it will appear to scale with your condition damage or power, but it does not.

Game feels incredibly anti-melee.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


Melee only sucks if your party is full of cowards and force you to be the only melee. Even then it’s not as bad as some players seem to think.

Are T6 dust prices going to drop again?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blix.8021


no, they will not drop, buy everything

(no, but seriously, even the best models of tracking gold inflation vs. supply alteration cannot give you a straight answer. It can all be nuked by a patch that increases or decreases the drop rate, modifies drop location, etc. )

or if a new bot program comes out

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


You see those people posting on the lfg site? Notice how they are making their own groups? Maybe you could do the same thing?

Why so much Drama in T8?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


People in tier 8 feel entitled to a ‘better’ matchup even though a., there are less of them so they are less important, and b., there are terrible matchups in other tiers.

2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


It’s cute to see people in tier 4 complain about ‘zergs’.

WvW Jump Puzzles: Seeking feedback

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


lol this thread and all the others like it are unbelievable

how many times do we need to say ‘pvp in a pvp zone’ before they start to understand?

What Trinkets for D/D Ele wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blix.8021


I run ptv armor and weapons with clerics accessories.

And a soldier’s backpack with an exquisite sapphire jewel because there is no cleric’s back piece

(edited by Blix.8021)

Implement Winner Moves Up Loser Moves Down

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Terrible idea. The coverage disparity between tiers is massive. Just because some server wins their matchup doesn’t mean they suddenly have 1000 more WvW players and are ready to move up a tier.

Greatsword versus Axe for PvE DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Blix.8021


You can dodge plenty of attacks with an axe

PrIcy Runestones, an outdated item?

in Crafting

Posted by: Blix.8021


I dont force you to agree with me, buddy.

I just don’t understand your point of view, friend.

Let’s see if I can explain it better.

I had to put a ton of work into getting up to 30 gold (which mostly got spent on equipping myself with the runes and weapon types/stats I wanted). Asking me to save up 100 gold feels like a task I will never see the end of.

However, I’ve been buying icy runestones in groups of 5 and keeping them in my bank. It feels a lot more manageable to do so as I feel like I am making real, measurable progress. I know that I am putting in no less work (and probably some extra due to waypoint costs), but it feels far more manageable this way. I refuse to play the trading post, so that much money is a lot of work.

If you feel like 100g is something you’ll never see the end of I don’t know how you think you’re going to get a legendary

Relogging = Exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blix.8021


We do this for guild members, however it is incredibly obnoxious when someone does it in a pug without telling the others. Especially when they don’t even damage the boss on their main before switching, essentially leeching off the other 4 members.

Elmentalists not able to swap weapons ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blix.8021


… (increased by whatever your +% boon duration is at, mine is currently at 80% so 9 seconds of each from Zephyr’s Boon), plus then having all your D/D auras ready to go is horrendously out of balance…

In WvW I see issues with blocking treb shots via the focus air skill. I haven’t spent too much time in WvW so I can’t say for certain, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that if you successfully block the projectile you aren’t actually put into Combat mode. Again, I’m not 100% sure of this. If this is the case, if the enemy teams portal bombs you, rushes your siege, whatever, you can easily switch to your preferred PvP weapon set with no penalty as long as you’re quick about it, and again with the possibility of prebuffing before they hit you.

How do you get to 80% boon duration, most I can get is 60% from 30 Arcana, and 15% each from runes of water and monk. I can see 80% for a specific boon (I have 80% for protection from arcana, 2x rune of water, 2x rune of the monk and 2x rune of earth), but not overall, am I missing something?

And blocking a treb shot does not put you in combat, if it does, it is for such a short period that I have never noticed it.

30% arcana
15% 2 superior monk
15% 2 superior water
10% 2 major water
20% chocolate omnomberry cream

Grenth Event is not good

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


I’ve pugged the new grenth, but it’s kind of dumb to have a world encounter where one mistake = death and long run back. I probably won’t bother to do it again because I don’t need the karma gear on any of my characters and I’d make more money doing easy events.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I think magooomba are in the exact same position as FA. We’re going to bounce between t2/3 and mags between t3/4

And DB going to be stuck in the middle for a long time. We have enough asians to stomp tier 4 servers, not enough people in general to compete with tier 2.

Can we get badges for playing support?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blix.8021


If you’re sitting around in water and not doing even the minimum damage to tag someone for a loot bag you’re not supporting very well. I get tons of badges on my ele, and no he’s not a glass cannon where I just spam fire aoes on the enemy zerg.

cof controller

in Warrior

Posted by: Blix.8021


I run past the npc with balanced stance, frenzy, 100b

Don’t ever need endure pain, I don’t know why people bring it. Then you can use balance stance to ignore one of the KDs on the boss

In my opinion, t8 rankings need more attention

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


If you merged 1-2 and 3-4 the queues would be awful

Do I really matter that much lol....

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


lowbies drop badges, too.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Hey how about you win if you decide to not play fair lol

Not all of DB, just that guy.
Glad you recorded it, I will find out who that guy is and beat the kittens out of him for you <3

There’s been other posts of the same player doing that, i will post in the DB forums and find out who it is.

Hope you reported him.

I have responded to your post on if anyone from any server wants to see it.

In my opinion, t8 rankings need more attention

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


If people cared about t8 they wouldn’t be in tier 8. The reason they’re tier 8 is because so few people care. There’s always going to be a bottom tier.

Lots of people in Fergusons Crossing or Eradon Terrace care about WvW play. We just simply don’t have the numbers to compete with Sorrows Furnace. Being in the bottom tier is not the problem here. The problem is being matched against a server (SF) that has the man power to push back ET and SF at the same time, rushing your towers with 50 men when there are only 5 people online to stop them. What about merging a few servers together? You could merge FC with ET and still not have the population that SF does.
There really does need to be a change up. Sorrows furnace isnt enjoying the lack of a challenge and ET & FC are sick of fighting a hopeless battle.

If you had “lots of people” you wouldn’t be in tier 8, simple as that. We’re in tier 3 and are routinely outmanned in 2/3 borderlands, can’t imagine how sparsely populated it is down there. The opinions of tiers 1-7 are more important than the minority in tier 8.

GJ ANet. You kill WwW

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I honestly would LOVE some variety. Currently, we’ve been at it with JQ for months. I could seriously use a new server to break skulls against. Having SoR is nice but honestly a complete reset was never a bad idea given how their new formula for rankings are calculated. Now we’re having the same same people to fight against.

Having to fight the same same same people means more hate towards certain guilds as you’re so used to the same people stomping or getting stomped on as opposed to a fresh new face where you can get a good feeling about and can just move on and fight some other server a week later.

if you fought any other tier’s server you’d crush them and have nothing to do all week.

In my opinion, t8 rankings need more attention

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blix.8021


If people cared about t8 they wouldn’t be in tier 8. The reason they’re tier 8 is because so few people care. There’s always going to be a bottom tier.

Feb 8: FA/Mag/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


You get forum banned if you post hacking accusations on the wvw forums. We’re not trying to cover anything up, we’re trying to follow the rules. See the sticky: