Showing Posts For Blix.8021:

How much money have you spent on gems ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


$20 for extra bags. Will do it again soon. I refuse to buy cosmetic stuff for real money, but extra character slots or storage space seems like a fair trade off to me for a game with no fee.

Please make ranged warriors viable in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Blix.8021


You can easily run full zerk 30/0/0/10/30 in a zerg if you just pay attention and watch enemy melee train charges and mind yourself around AC fire. You can get 10k+ arcing arrows, which is hilarious to people on walls because people don’t expect that kind of burst. Combustive shot ticks for like 2k and is a long fire field, which is helpful. You’re never going to feel like you’re contributing as much as a hammer warrior when you’re ranged (because you won’t be), but you can still tag plenty of enemies and have fun.

Anet: your T3 hills....

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


The problem with WvW is that I have to find people to group with to have any fun + success. I don’t have to do that with sPvP (I can just join a random team there). I find joining a zerg to be completely uninteresting farming.

Then solo roam. Or roam with pugs. You don’t have to run with the zerg.

Or make friends or find a guild, because this is an mmo.

As predicted, nerfing dungeons has backfired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


I miss CoF farming tbh, it was something relaxing to do for an hour or two. More so than frantically waypointing around to keep up with the zerg at least.

Time to make Ranks Account-Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


This horse is dead. Please stop flogging it.

This horse should be continually resurrected and beaten to death until they change it.

I never play WvW because of traits

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Allowing people to save and load builds would be a general improvement. I don’t see why 60 seconds of retraiting would prevent you from playing wvw though.

Will there be an official response to Sacrx?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Will there be an official response to Sacrx?


Guard Leech, Applied Fortitude, Bloodlust

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


As a roamer, I feel that Applied Fortitude is a bit overpowered and I won’t run with it if I’m soloroaming looking for decent fights.

I’m seeing most roamers now running with either Applied Fortitude or Guard Leech, and some with both. You’re gonna have to run with it when roaming soon.

And that’s the problem. I seems you already have at least one of these abilities. What about a new player? He has no chance of getting them for a very long time. All the meanwhile, he will feel (and will be) at a disadvantage in WvW.

TLDR: Features that discourage new players from entering the game are bad.

WoW has had long, boring pvp gear grinds for almost decade and still maintains more casual pvp players than gw2. League of Legends has a massive grind for all the champions and runes, yet it has millions of casual players. I sincerely doubt these buffs would deter people from playing the game.

The Risen Priest of Melandru is OP

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


I’ve 2 manned him before with my warrior rifle… I soloed half of it before someone came over and helped.

Guard Leech, Applied Fortitude, Bloodlust

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


At least all the things mentioned are things you can work for personally, unlike a stat buff which comes and goes at the whims of whoever has more people on the maps to take them. The 2500 hp from fortitude is pretty over the top, though. For guardians, thieves, and eles, that’s more than a 20% health increase.

WvW Fix. How to Barney style.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


1. Never going to happen
2. Never going to happen
3. Might happen in 3 years
4. No
5. Never going to happen

An open letter regarding WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


The more gates that are paper, the more fights you can get. Just take your zerg and chase their zerg. Unless you’d rather sit there and treb upgraded keeps full of ACs? I wouldn’t. You can get tons of kills by just waiting around a corner and ambushing all the people pvdooring.

Final solution for league and transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


There is actually a very simple thing Anet can do that will make things so much better for the NA, and that is to make it 3 leagues instead of 2. Just look at this

Gold: BG/SoR/JQ/TC/DB/FA/Mag/SoS
Silver: Ebay/YB/CD/SBI/Kn/BP/IoJ/DH

Certainly looks better than asking rank 12 to go up against rank 1. Making it into 3 leagues or maybe even 4, and you will have quite a blast, because most of the matches will be very tight. As it is now, out of 7 weeks, you will probably see only 1 or 2 weeks of tight scores, the rest will just be a walkover.

3 leagues doesn’t divide evenly into 3. It has to be either 2 or 4.

Bloodlust in the Borderlands Details

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


50 of 2 stats if roughly half of what a level 80 food buff gives. Nobody would care about such a minor buff. They have to make it useful enough for people to care, but not so useful that it becomes overpowering.

Critical (Precision) vs Siege, Gates, etc.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Only bad players think they need to run full ptv gear in wvw zergs.

Critical (Precision) vs Siege, Gates, etc.

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


if you could crit gates then zergs would melt paper gates ridiculously fast

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


The server with the biggest zerg also has the most people to sit in the middle. Don’t assume that just because a server has a large zerg they don’t also have people willing to run around and kill people.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Blix.8021


DB stop defending and focus on capping, I’m amazed that you guys haven’t realised what’s the real purpose of this match… sigh….

running from map to map killing your group of 20 people is about the most fun we can have this matchup, sorry

Why is there hostility towards GvG?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


But why all the hostility. GvG’ers and PPT players don’t have conflicting goals at all — each group can just pretend the other group isn’t there — UNLESS it’s a queue issue. But if it’s a queue issue, why don’t the GvG people just transfer to the queue-less lower tiers?

People who GvG also WvW, usually looking for a large zerg to go kill. Those zergs only exist in tiers 1-2, and maybe sometimes in tier 3. If you put even a mediocre GvG guild in a tier 4 or lower server, they would just roflstomp anything in their way and end up PvDooring an entire BL because the lower tier servers offer no comparable competition.

Wrong. Lower tiers have good players and guilds. The problem is numbers. A gvg guild running a zerg of their own greatly changes things because the overall wvw population and coverage is much lower. It has nothing to do with skill or competitiveness. The just don’t have the numbers. If the numbers stayed the same that would be ideal. The lower tiers probably have higher percentage of skilled player comparative to their wvw population/participation. Higher tiers have more overall skilled players and organized(not all skilled but organized)guilds because they have crap loads of total wvw players.

I didn’t say players in lower tiers were bad, I said even a mediocre GvG guild would roflstomp them, which you agreed with when you said “A gvg guild running a zerg of their own greatly changes things because the overall wvw population and coverage is much lower.” Take a 25 man GvG guild, stick them in tier 5, add in 15 pugs and that group will destroy whatever map they are on. Period. That’s not fun for the GvG guild.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I cant even understand why you would still be defending this…

Its probably physically impossible to disable.

How many buffs in this game do you know of that you can disable? Commander icons are the only thing I can even remotely think of, and that has a whole (bad) system designed to support it because, without one, how the heck would you re-enable the buff?

I seriously doubt that. In EQ you could just click on a buff and remove it if you wanted to and you have any idea how old that game is? It can’t be hard to put something like that in. They just don’t want to. There’s no reason why they couldn’t put that in for the people who do want it.

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of things you can do in older MMOs that you can’t do in GW2 for some reason. Why would this be the exception?

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


My guess is GW2 just doesn’t support the ability for players to remove buffs from themselves. They aren’t going to recode something just for a few WvW players.

Why is there hostility towards GvG?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


If you think Zergs only exist in Tier 1-2 and sometimes 3. In EU you are sorely mistaken. My guild will always fight the zergs, zergs are all that is wrong with the game, they develop no skill level by running in zergs. If anything the quality of opponent is worse the higher the tier. The guild groups of mid tiers are a lot harder to fight than the huge zergs of higher tiers.

People in general like max reward for little effort, thus they will zerg, they will not improve and thus get farmed by guilds. Long may the circle of life continue.

PPT people need to get off their high horses though, most self respecting WvW guilds earn more points in the 4+ hours they raid each day without trying/obsessing over points – just a by-product of looking for fights, than they will do during the same day.

I can’t speak to EU, but there is a massive population drop off after tier 2 in NA. That’s why everyone is complaining about the new league system.

Why is there hostility towards GvG?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


But why all the hostility. GvG’ers and PPT players don’t have conflicting goals at all — each group can just pretend the other group isn’t there — UNLESS it’s a queue issue. But if it’s a queue issue, why don’t the GvG people just transfer to the queue-less lower tiers?

People who GvG also WvW, usually looking for a large zerg to go kill. Those zergs only exist in tiers 1-2, and maybe sometimes in tier 3. If you put even a mediocre GvG guild in a tier 4 or lower server, they would just roflstomp anything in their way and end up PvDooring an entire BL because the lower tier servers offer no comparable competition.

Skill Lag - Or "I've had enough"

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Sounds like EU servers are having issues then, I never get skill lag except in giant three-way fights

Why is there hostility towards GvG?

in In-game Events

Posted by: Blix.8021


While most sane people stopped caring about the score a year ago, some still cling to the notion that WvW is a competitive game type with PPT being the indicator of success or failure. You’ve seen them, the crazy people who want to hold a tower “for the tick,” as if matters. Those are the types who don’t like GvG.

An option to disable "orb" buff on myself?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


No, please dont. GvG is ruining WvW.

This is not about GvG only, it’s for everyone that prefers fair combat, think of all the solo roamers.

/signed and +1

Roamers benefit from the buff, fair fights are not intended in WvW.

It’s substantially less satisfying to beat someone when you have an advantage that they can’t get.

A message by Ogre regarding bloodlust and PvP

in Community Creations

Posted by: Blix.8021


People wouldn’t even care about gvg if your “improvements to WvW as a game type” didn’t ruin any form of open field fighting in favor of sitting in keeps with siege.

Final solution for league and transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


If WvW was meant to be fair why’d they remove

  • Golem Boxes
  • Skale Venom
  • Spirit Totems
  • Anything else I might have missed?

That’s the real question!

None of those were unfair, because anyone could use them.

Bloodlust in the Borderlands Details

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


If you roam with a small group, nearly all of your kills are stomps.

And? Does adding a point to the score make it more fun?

Bloodlust in the Borderlands Details

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Does anet think the average player cares about the overall score? The whole stomp thing seems stupid.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Blix.8021


Time for PvE farming I guess. Sorry but it’s not fun fighting against a super stacked server with 24/7 coverage on every map. I’d hoped we’d seen the last of DB.

DB is not super stacked, lol. Just wait until you have to fight rank 1-3 or even TC


in Match-ups

Posted by: Blix.8021


Seriously DB. How do you always roll a lower tier??

Because we have more fairweathers than perhaps any server and we never play for ppt so our rank goes down each week even if we win

WvW league a fix to the coverage war

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


One of the goals of the league is to encourage people to organize and encourage people to get into wvw and to fight for their server, but knowing people on the forums they will be a ton of QQ and refusing to log on due to the assumptions people make, especially the fair weathers leaving their hardcore and organized guilds out to hang.

hopefully servers will get organized, get their own server comms for example, have meetings especially b4 reset and communicate each other

server ts and meetings mean jack when the other people have either more people, more people on who live in australia or asia, or both.

Dear Anet, Thank You

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


I agree whole-heartedly. It may take a little while for people to realize “Zerging the center is bad for PTT”. However once they figure that part out and leave it to smaller groups to fight for, it’ll be wondrous.

And even if the zerg does decide to try and fight in that center, they will be forced to split. Smaller fights, even 10-20 vs 10-20 is a massive improvement in engagement scales in t1.

If zerging the center gives good rewards people will do it regardless of ppt. Maybe not on tier 1, but on every other server with people who do not care about ppt.

I like the Orb Buff, with some concerns

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


For those of us that truly love the game type that is WvW we just have to keep offering good feedback and make the community voice immutable.

I think this update is proof that the community’s voice means nothing to anet.

How is this fair?

in Warrior

Posted by: Blix.8021


Number of times warrior in video was crippled, chilled, or immobilized: 0

Why should you be able to catch someone when you bring 0 ways to catch them?

Stop penalizing players on siege

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


This is why the current meta is becoming “don’t defend anything, just run around ramming or goleming things and leaving when enemies come.” Nobody wants to sit and press a button for 20 minutes, so if everyone just kind of has a gentleman’s agreement to not defend, everyone gets more rewards.

New Tequatl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


Everyone will try him out for a week, then after that some people will show up, but not enough to succeed, then everyone will just stop showing up. People will go back to easy events, champ farming, and dungeons.

hmmmm weird. and i thought people were asking for harder things. more challenging things.

some people on forums =/= most people in game

New Tequatl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


Everyone will try him out for a week, then after that some people will show up, but not enough to succeed, then everyone will just stop showing up. People will go back to easy events, champ farming, and dungeons.

What will people expect of me?

in Guardian

Posted by: Blix.8021


i never understood the concept of NEED HEAVY CLASS and then right next to that they put FULL ZERK GEAR. seems silly.

anyway they’ll expect you to, like all other classes, deal damage and not die. our special function is that we can reflect projectiles and trivialize otherwise annoying fights. anything else you can do is just a bonus as long as it doesn’t take away from the 3.

Do not join any group that says “need heavy,” those are the worst kinds.

WvW notice about Scarlet

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


WvW was never intended to be an entirely independent game mode, get over yourselves. Most people who wvw also pve. The notifications help them and don’t hurt you.

Rank visible to allies

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


They could make WvW rank unlock titles that could then be displayed on any character.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


No, it’s not like that at all. Your characters are exactly the same as they were before. Anet does not care, you will not get a refund because you don’t deserve one.

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


If you bought celestial gear for mf, that was a stupid thing to do. The other sets with MF had more and were easier to obtain. The only non stupid reason to buy celestial gear was for a guardian or ele who wanted a mix of stats.

This whole thread is so stupid I can’t even comprehend how someone could agree with it.

Karka Queen Popular Now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


A guild did the karka queen on my server for the first time i’ve ever noticed since the event.

I just showed up at the end and tagged it for free loot

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


Your characters wearing celestial gear are just as powerful now as they were before they update. Further, with account bound mf they have more magic find. Your crying just makes no rational sense.

HOW TO : Fix population imbalance in 1 week

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


He’s right though, if people just abandoned the last 9 or 12 servers, the population of the top 12 would be much more evenly distributed.

Queues of course would skyrocket and WvW would become unplayable for most … which I suspect ANet would be happy to accept since they pretty clearly treat WvW like a bad decision they regret. Resources and focus tell that story.

Well unless each server has a map queue (or unrealistically, one person less than the queue limit at any given time), the map populations are not balanced. So pick one: queues or population imbalances

Edit: if there aren’t enough people to queue the maps, then people will just pvdoor whichever map has the least enemies, which is what happens now. So for the best balance, every server would have to have a queue on all maps at all times to ensure that no one server had more people than the other. That is not a situation most WvW players would enjoy.

(edited by Blix.8021)

Laurel items now basically worthless?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


celestial items still have more stats on them than other sets, you and everyone else who are complaining about this are doing so completely without merit. If you bought celestial stuff for the paltry magic find gain, that’s your own fault

This is such a bogus argument. Celestial items have more stats but not all stats are equal, regardless of build. You really have to stretch to make it semi-worthwhile and the magic find was the extra bit that it took for some people. Seriously, how is that not hard to understand?

Maybe we should take all those berserker rings and nerf the crap out of them so that their +crit values are in line with armor. Then it would be “your fault” for buying them in the first place.

The only people who should have bought celestial items in the first place are people with builds which can use all stats. The removal of MF did nothing to affect that. Anyone crying about celestial gear is beyond hope.

HOW TO : Fix population imbalance in 1 week

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


He’s right though, if people just abandoned the last 9 or 12 servers, the population of the top 12 would be much more evenly distributed.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blix.8021


What is not considered farming to you in pve? Just curious.

Not following some pre-set goal that results in your earning specific loot or specific amount of gold is not considered farming, I think.

What activity in particular is not farming? Because according to you dungeons, world events, and killing champions are all farming.