you need parties to farm for rarer drops, maybe obsidian shards or increased key drops or new items whatever
Restricting rare/better loot to endlevel grouping isn’t the core of what this game is about. The idea is that the whole game is your endgame, and you can do pretty much everything from walking around Metrica Province to kicking Subject Alpha out of the Crucible of Eternity to gain rewards that are useful and relevant at your level.
Right now this works very well. Whether I walk around enjoying the sights and farming copper nodes that I can upgrade to much-needed iron by investing a skillpoint I gained at said walk in the park … or province, or roam a high-level dungeon for high-tier materials, a healthy mix of content as much as guarantees that I’ll gather a healthy mix of rewards that for example allow me to forge the ascended sword my mesmer has an eye on.
Once you put better rewards behind a specific content wall (in this case above-level group areas), you will restrict their accessability to a large base of casual-oriented players and at the same time force all players into the same kind of content to gain comparable rewards. Right now you can play all kinds of content in this game and still be able to competitively gear your characters fairly easily. Once one specific kind of content will offer rewards considerably better than the rest, this game is no better than all the other loot treadmill games out there.
Sorry, but an open world zone where people are encouraged to group is not anti-casual, it’s anti-anti-social.
You can play for only an hour a day and group up with other human beings, that has nothing to do with being ‘hardcore’ or ‘casual’
It’s not supposed to be a powerful buff. ANet does not want guilds bullying people off of maps so that they can keep their buff.
Whether you dislike their reasoning or not, that’s why outmanned buff is the way it is.
Anybody in power mainstat gear can auto attack the gate down in a few seconds
What is the dodge bar??
The yellow bar above your hp
Not to be mean, but doesn’t the game have newbie tutorials?
K, he’s what you need to do if you want to farm the world events.
1. Play your guardian. It’s just better in open world pve. Staff 1 is ezmode aoe tagging, scepter works when you need to range something like when the megadestroyer is sitting in the lava, greatsword or sword for single targets. You also have access to easy stability and blocks to avoid annoying things like fears and knockbacks.
2. Zerker gear. Conditions don’t do anything when you already have 50+ people automatically applying burning and bleeding to the cap. Soldier gear is technically equivalent on targets you can’t crit, like the shatterer, but there’s no real reason to have tanky gear when you shouldn’t be taking much damage and have 50+ people there to revive you if you get downed anyway.
3. Don’t ask for a party, click on people and invite them and say lfm. Take the initiative, you will get a group.
Thanks, I will try your suggestion. Already running my necro with condition build and axe
there’s your problem
Get zerker gear. I can tag anything without a group on my guardian.
Meanwhile normal humans won’t be getting most of the real wvw achievements this decade
When you invite a ranger it’s like a 50/50 chance whether you get a useless bearbow idiot or a decent ranger. When you invite a warrior at least you know he’ll probably melee.
I agree with OP. Wiping blobs double your size should have some impact on ppt.
Kills should reward more ppt than it does now. It should be proportionate to the amount of current players on the map. Less players get more points per kill.
I think towers and keeps should stay the same though in terms of ppt, but defending a tower should be rewarding. Maybe a WvW chest every 2.5 minutes if the keep is contested for an entire 2.5 minutes and you repaired or anti-sieged. 1min for towers. This includes taps. This gives some incentive to defend and get loot even if you didn’t wipe them.
On second thought in terms of keeps and towers ppt, I think tick should be lower. from 15 (?) minutes to 6 ish minutes.
Ticks used to be every 5 minutes and they raised it to 15 so servers who capped entire maps during off hours only got 1/3 of the score for doing so.
Also, points from stomps make up ~30% of your score. See: During important matchups, like the last week between JQ/TC/SoS, that number rose to 40%+ during the first few days when the matchup was close and people were especially trying for stomps.
If they make points from stomps worth any more, or give points for kills, then I think it would discourage people from defending in outmanned situations because if they die it would be worse than just not defending at all.
Suggesting anet to improve loot. You poor innocent thing.
If you run in a proper zerg, stacking swiftness means your classes don’t have to waste a trait slot or a skill slot for 25% movespeed, or use longer ability cooldowns for permanent swiftness. That’s the point of guardians using their 12-15 second CD symbol and warriors using their 12-15 second CD warhorn cooldowns for group swiftness.
Again, I don’t understand how this is difficult for you to understand.
Well, it’s clear you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
I never said anything about ‘blasting statics’ did I? That’s more rediculous than guardians trying to take credit for other professions moving quickly. Just give it up. It’s OK. Just say, " Yes! I’m a guardian and I’m slow. Yes, it sucks, but I like playing guardian and I’m very dynamic in group fights but I have to bring this staff to keep up with everyone sometimes." Nobody is gonna make fun of you or call you names b/c they already know what the deal is and we’re thankful to have you by our side. But plz don’t say stupid things like guardians are responsible for groups moving quickly. Thief will leave everyone in the dust so fast it’s ridiculous. Engi, Warrior, Ranger, and Ele can all maintain swiftness on their own VERY easily. They also stack it on each other. That leaves Necro which still does OK but can fall behind w/o certain setups, and then guardians and mesmers with their 2-3 short applications of swiftness. Do you even play other professions or understand how crazy it sounds for a guardian trying to take credit for anyone’s movement speed other than their own?
Is English not your native language? You said that guardians being responsible for group swiftness is “One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.” I’m telling you its not stupid and large zergs use guardians in conjunction with other classes for group swiftness buffing.
I don’t even understand how that’s a debatable point.
No they don’t and that math ‘sure does look well thought out’
but we both know it’s contrived and meaningless. A for effort though.
No tier 1 zerg blasts statics anymore, unless maybe they are running with a really small group.
Lol. Guardians’ staves are responsible for EVERYONES’ swiftness. O.o One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. You realize that EVERY other profession has at leat twice the amount of swiftness that guardians or mesmers have right? Four of the other 6 have easy access to permaswift, and thief blows everyone out of the water with Fleet Shadow. LoL Guardian staves. Pfffft.
They changed symbol of swiftness to stack with each other. That’s 4 seconds of swiftness x 4 ticks x 5 people = 80 seconds of group swiftness. So 10 guardians dropping 10 symbols on the zerg adds 800 seconds of swiftness spread over 50 people. The cooldown is short and can be reduced by 20%, and boon duration increases the duration of the swiftness.
Most zergs don’t even bother blasting statics anymore, they just rely on guardian’s staff and warrior’s warhorn.
Because those 3 servers are about as balanced as any of the other tiers, barring tier 1.
you’re a week late, nobody cares anymore
EU servers have bigger prime time queues because EU prime time only covers a couple of timezones whereas NA prime covers 4 timezones + oceanic and SEA players so people log in incrementally instead of all at once.
Outmanned roaming exists in tier 1, too. Sometimes we’re outmanned even in EBG, and we have people work together without a commander to try and secure our towers and keep.
There is literally nothing you can do in low tiers that you can’t do in tier 1. The only people who deny this are people who have never experienced it or people with potato computers who freeze as soon as more than a dozen people show up on the screen.
A day in the life of a top tier player…
Home Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy One Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy Two Borderlands is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Eternal Battlegrounds is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
SEGMENTATION FAULT: Kernel dumped. Rebooting…Thanks, I’ll stick with my tier 8.
This hasn’t been even remotely true for more than a year, with the exception of a few weeks in season 1. I don’t understand why people who have never been in tier 1 it talk about how tier 1 works with absolutely zero experience playing in it. I don’t know if it’s trolling or just astounding ignorance.
Your statement can also be said to be the same for lower tiers. So people need to stop assuming things about servers and tiers that they haven’t played on or observed recently.
No, not really. Everything I say is true: lower tiers have less people, less coverage, less even matchups, less guilds, less roamers, less everything than higher tier servers. It’s not an opinion, it’s a number.
It has more solo roamers and small scale skirmishes which is a big part of the reason many people play there. Congratulations on having higher numbers, have fun in the blob.
False. Tier 1 has plenty of roamers and small scale groups. Even in EB, which is blob central, you have people taking camps and killing stragglers.
A day in the life of a top tier player…
Home Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy One Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy Two Borderlands is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Eternal Battlegrounds is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
SEGMENTATION FAULT: Kernel dumped. Rebooting…Thanks, I’ll stick with my tier 8.
This hasn’t been even remotely true for more than a year, with the exception of a few weeks in season 1. I don’t understand why people who have never been in tier 1 it talk about how tier 1 works with absolutely zero experience playing in it. I don’t know if it’s trolling or just astounding ignorance.
Your statement can also be said to be the same for lower tiers. So people need to stop assuming things about servers and tiers that they haven’t played on or observed recently.
No, not really. Everything I say is true: lower tiers have less people, less coverage, less even matchups, less guilds, less roamers, less everything than higher tier servers. It’s not an opinion, it’s a number.
A day in the life of a top tier player…
Home Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy One Borderland is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Enemy Two Borderlands is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
Eternal Battlegrounds is full. Would you like to go to Edge of the Mists?
SEGMENTATION FAULT: Kernel dumped. Rebooting…Thanks, I’ll stick with my tier 8.
This hasn’t been even remotely true for more than a year, with the exception of a few weeks in season 1. I don’t understand why people who have never been in tier 1 it talk about how tier 1 works with absolutely zero experience playing in it. I don’t know if it’s trolling or just astounding ignorance.
Take a look at this, in particular, the Borderland Focus section.
Tier 1:
Tier 4:
Tier 8:
Notice how blackgate’s differs from the lower tiers? See how little % of low tier ppt comes from enemy borderlands, while for BG it’s a substantial? It’s because they don’t have a healthy enough population to have presence on all 4 maps, so people congregate on their home BL and EB. Which means enemy servers are also not invading THEIR bl, which means less wvw action all around. In tier 1, people actually take and hold keeps in enemy BLs, upgrade them to waypoints, and have people map hop to save them.
The fact of the matter is, for your casual or new player, it IS important to have people on all the time in WvW, on multiple maps. Imagine buying GW2 and your first impression of it is the 1 person on the map flipping camps telling you “yeah we can’t play real wvw now because server x has a 15 man australian guild and we don’t.” You’d probably never log in again, you would definitely not pay anet the ridiculous transfer fee to a non dead realm, because you would have no frame of reference for wvw being any actual fun. People log in, see if there are people to play with, and if not, they log out. That’s just how it works. It wasn’t an issue at launch, because there were people on all the realms. It is an issue now.
Welcome to NA Tier 1 where each map is queued and during NA prime time map blobs are everywhe-… oh wait :o
Post season, low turnout from people taking a break after the amount of overtime put in last week.
Wasn’t any different during seasons. We had unqueued maps the very first week a few hours after the first reset. Given that any of the tier 1 servers still absolutely rolls over tier 2, despite the decline in population, I can’t imagine how barren and boring it is in the lowest tiers.
You aren’t being punished by having to wait a extra week for an item skin. Grow up
1. Change the tickets that were given out already to grey items. Let people sell them for 1s each or something so they won’t complain
2. Fix the bug
3. Redistribute the chests with a new ticket item inside, make sure the vendor accepts the correct tickets
no rollbacks needed
Megaservers obfuscates population issues and avoids the bad press surrounding the phrases “shutting down” or “merging” servers.
On a tier 7 server, I had over 150 in the server TS, plus a decent sized guild running in raidcall on reset this week. If we were to merge with another server, how many of us are going to get locked out in queues on the weekend? We queued 2 maps, and I would expect that any 2 servers from the lowest tier would still queue all 4 maps for several hours at NA prime time during the weekend. When I was in T1, if I wanted to play on the weekend, the queues would be long, sometimes hours, during NA primetime. If we got merged, my choices at reset are to jam my buttons and hope I get in fast enough, or go play another game on friday nights. I can tell you quickly I would stop jamming buttons to try and get in, and just play another game.
we don’t even have queues in tier 1 after friday night anymore.
Please for the love of the gods don’t do this
I would love to hear the reason…
There’s a vocal minority in the low tiers that think it’s awesome to have empty borderlands and no off hours coverage.
Even in tier 1 there are usually 1-2 maps with nothing going on. There’s a reason why higher tier servers have more people: more people find it fun when there’s actual enemies to fight.
Are you actually in the low tiers? This is only REMOTELY true for t8. T7 and up (and even the top t8 server, whether or not that turns out to be AR or Ebay it doesn’t matter) do have off hour coverage. Darkhaven, for example, hits 40+ zergs during oceanic and sea, during sea we hit 40+ and have a guild of 20+ frequently, on week days. Darkhaven, Devona’s Rest, and Kaineng all have large night crews like this. Ferguson’s Crossing, Ehmry Bay, Anvil Rock, and Gates of Madness all have solid oceanic/sea (GoM has the strongest Oceanic in all of bronze, hitting massive numbers with 1-2 large zergs often, Ehmry bay is passable but can disappear easily though). Eredon Terrace and Sorrow’s Furnace are the only servers with no off oceanic/sea coverage.
Again, idk if you just aren’t a low tier server player, or a day time only person. I’m from Darkhaven, I play all time zones as I have a rotating schedule through the week (particularly, I play a LOT of SEA/EU/NA with some oceanic thrown in). I have fought ALL of these servers over the past 10 weeks, each of them at least once, many of them far more than once. I know what I’m talking about, and will get pictures of it right now if needed (it’s 12:50 AM, I can get pictures over the course of the next few hours if anyone requires me to prove my point).
Seems like T6 and T7 have more Oceanic than T1 and T2 from what you’re saying. Stop spouting BS. T1 can barely get more than 60 players into WvW during an average weeknight during Oceanic prime. We PvDoor keeps down with 5 players. This is Tier 1 I’m talking about. T2 is even worse, with DB having non-existent forces and Mag fielding maybe 30 on a good night and only SoS fielding a sizable force. SEA is only marginally better, but that’s usually JQ PvDooring down everything in sight.
If T2 can just barely match T6 or T7 for numbers, then why the hell is there such a big gap in “coverage”.
Ugh, today happened to be a slow day unfortunately so my point can’t be adequately demonstrated that we almost always have very large numbers in WvW during oceanic/sea. We’re a server where SEA is our strength, on a week day, in oceanic, we have 20+ currently in our zerg. Check my attached image, pay closer attention to the mini map as this pic was rushed. You should be able to clearly tell that’s 20+, and we have multiple havoc groups (e.g. DM) currently going, as well as home BL defenders/pugs running around randomly.
One huge difference is in organization. Dh doesn’t do great in Oceanic even though we generally outnumber everyone cus we’re just pugs. But, when SEA comes along, we have a large (for our tier/time zone) SEA zerg busting ppt guild that generally catapults us way up on the ppt. Organization is that big of a deal, any server that has it will have a huge advantage in off hours. Another general note is that night crews are notoriously easy to scare off, one wipe diminishes your zerg largely. Thus, if one server has a slight advantage in coverage during this time, you can easily see them scare off their would-be competition.
Ask a bronze league person how many people GoM can have on during their oceanic omega rushes. Ask a bronze league person how many Dh has on during SEA. They might not agree with my exact numbers, but they’ll tell you the same thing, it’s not insignificant.
If you moved to tier 1 or 2 you would have actual players to fight instead of omega rushing poorly defended low tier keeps. In tier 1-2 oceanic pvding actually has a chance to met with resistance, from defenders or map hopping groups communicating on server TS or whispering commanders on other maps. It’s a completely different (i.e. better) game at the higher tiers. It’s an actual 24 hour war, like it should be. That’s why people come to the higher tiers, and that’s why they stay.
I’m on JQ, I completed the meta, never transferred. My achievement says we got 2nd, while we were 1st. I haven’t gotten my chest. Same for several people in my guild. Some kind of response/acknowledgement would be very appreciated.
exact same situation here
Please for the love of the gods don’t do this
I would love to hear the reason…
There’s a vocal minority in the low tiers that think it’s awesome to have empty borderlands and no off hours coverage.
Even in tier 1 there are usually 1-2 maps with nothing going on. There’s a reason why higher tier servers have more people: more people find it fun when there’s actual enemies to fight.
WvW is about blob fest taking keeps and crap like that. I doubt thieves are a result of people leaving WvW. The only types that I think would leave are brand new roamers with not so good awareness.
I guarantee getting ganked by thieves has driven players away from wvw. There’s a reason why most people blob in the first place – they don’t want to deal with thieves.
So they can concentrate discussion into one thread so that it can be more easily ignored
Hate to say it but I see about the same number of people on today as I did a year ago. I am not saying that many of the issues raised aren’t valid but people are still playing WvW even with the migration of players leaving to play something new. Seems WvW rewards do pull in achievement hunters in and some stay. If we add in the EoTM zergs, probably more playing today than a year ago.
… hod got massive server transfers before the season started, of course hod sees more people than it used to.
even if there were no nameplates your dye wouldn’t matter because of the team color option
Go pug ac 1/3
Get 3g + drops
There, you just paid for 100+ waypoints.
lol @ fanboys
Anet says one thing, does another and they have people defend them on forums for it. Luckily most people are smarter and don’t appreciate the deception.
One NPC is supposed to sell invader/pvt/soldier set for badges only. The other NPC sells soldier/berserker/carrion/knight/cleric/rabid gear for combination of badges and gold. The NPC that sells armor for badges only is bugged and selling level 70 armor to level 80 characters.
There hasn’t ever been a vendor in wvw that sells lvl 80 exotics for only badges of honor.
Yeah, there was. Back at the start of the game they sold ptv stat exotics for only badges. Then they changed it to badges/gold and added more stats combinations. That was a long time ago, though.
Y’all not giving hod enough credit as far as history goes Hod was the top dog in the first few months of release. Sbi and JQ were 2nd and 3rd back then. I’ll give hod a good chance of holding it in tier 2, definitely taking out one of those servers in t2 and take its place, idk about t1 but it would be a thrill to watch them.
Lol? HoD owned the first month of the game because of the Titan Alliance, all the guilds of which have either quit playing the game or moved to other servers. Not to mention all the people who used the free, no-cooldown transfers to move to hod for free wins.
Stuff that happened in the first month of the game has no bearing whatsoever on the present
technically it would be more comfortable to just not gather anything at all and use the money you saved from the unlimited tools to just buy things on the tp
Financially, no, they aren’t worth it. Unless all you do is gather for 12 hours a day, you’ll never reach the breakpoint where you’d have spent more on orichalcum tools than on the permanent tools.
Only get them if you like the graphic effect.
A Necromancer when played right will rock a dungeon to its core.
I get asked to bring my “Terrormancer” so they don’t have to put up with the Zerker player’s “holier than thou” attitude. I keep up a constant DPS from my build that ALWAYS gets me the full agro. I just laugh at the pile of bodies at my feet.
In a random PUG, I got asked my build in TA and I pinged my skills and listed my traits to the other necro in our group and his DPS and staying ability sky-rocketed in comparison to what his build was when he stepped into the dungeon.
Matter of fact, we tend to run 2 Terrormancers (wife and I) plus a flex Elementalist for support. The fourth is usually a lowbie along for the ride.
Just learn how to play each profession and let the elitist wait. Start your own group and don’t be afraid to let in a non-zerking profession, you might be surprised.
Your build gets you aggro because you’re probably wearing full rabid gear with lots of toughness.
I have never been kicked from a group when I play my ranger. Just drop my spirit and melee with everyone else, no complaints.
Why would anyone waste money and badges stripping a buff they enemy will get back 2 minutes later from tagging a guard?
zergs will still run power hammer train, single roamers will continue to run condi.
people were not too much into zerker meta in WWW anyway, so i dont understand the outcry on www forums, unless they are annoying backstabbing thieves which is OK.Zergs dont use zerker. The only people affected by the nerf are hybrid roamers that rely on crits.
Absolutely not true. Zerker was a great damage buffer for almost any power build that met the needed defensive stats. The PVT meta died a long time ago, the nerf hit everyone.
I highly doubt many of yall apart from eles and necros and the occasional mes had more than 30% crit damage.
Zerker was a minority in zergs and only a couple select pieces. Im talking bout 80+ here
I ran knights armor and zerk trinkets/weapons in tier 1 zergs on my war/guard. Any good guild runs something similar on their heavies. Full ptv is completely overkill for defense.
I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where I had to consult a time table about what I can do when. Even in games where a guild I’m in has a schedule, I can still do other stuff whenever I want. My pve routine has gone from a dynamic experience where I got to pick which events I did to a scheduled bore. Everyone maps to the same zone, to do the same event (because there are no others), spams the same auto attacks, over and over. And it’s all zerg, too. No longer will you be able to find a world event with 4-5 people and have some minor semblance of challenge. Nope, every world event has an entire map zerg now.
I feel insignificant and worthless in a zerg. Nobody cares if I drop my banners or use my shouts. Nobody cares if I res others. At most they die and suffer a 0g repair bill and get ressed after the boss, still getting the loot. Nobody cares if I use a dps rotation or just automatically spam 1. Other than triple wurm/teq it doesn’t matter what you do, you still win. I don’t know why karka queen is held up to the same standard as teq, have you even done karka queen with 80 people? She melts to auto attack spam, if you find an egg to throw at her on the ground you barely notice a difference.
I got credit for the shatterer event while typing this with like 20% auto attack uptime on the boss because he moves and I was too lazy to tab back in to the game and retarget. Still got gold credit + loot (the value of which was like .01% of my next legendary, woo)
tl;dr: megaserver + schedule means everyone has to zerg the same boss at the same time, zergs = soul crushing boring
Well balthazar faction is a currency, gold is a currency. It’s pretty much the same.
But I agree, gold is used for so many things they should have given us a separate currency for those unlocks.
balthazar faction had zero monetary value until they added the zkey grind, it’s not the same at all.
Or can I unlock them somehow? I already have 2 full sets of traveler runes in pve, why do I have to pay extra to use traveler runes for pvp?
In gw1 you could either unlock stuff in pve or pay balthazar faction for it, not gold. wtf.