you have to use the vendor that opens after you beat the dragon stand meta to buy your stuff
Soooo you did 2 hours of PVD for ppt and then busted some rams defending your garri, all of this while not having a single open field fight – and you had a blast.
these must be the type of people anet is trying to sell wvw to now
and in a few months, they’ll probably be the only type of players left, anyway
It can be fun when there’s no siege. There are several guilds who lead their zergs around assjamming one another, which is amusing, reminiscent of 2013 wvw where everyone is terrible and you can hammer train down twice your numbers with a ptv geared blob. It would still be a terrible map if it were used in, say, a tournament, where people actually cared to win.
Eotm is still a horrible map for actual WvW. Imbalanced keep design with tight corridors and bridges that allow for, were there enough people who cared to defend, enough unassailable superior arrow carts to make the entire map an unfun siegefest bore.
In any other game you would have to RNG grind dungeons for gear so you should be thankful that we can grind our masteries in any of the 3 zones instead of a handful of not very rewarding dungeons.
At least when I grind in this I am getting money and materials.
dungeons are fun, though
they could have just made the upgrades free to start instead of completely gutting the entire concept
Auto upgrades and free waypoints need to go more than the map does
even at the deadest times, we’d have a few people on our home bl and corner of ebg capping camps, scouting, making sure siege was refreshed, etc. Sure, sometimes there was nobody there and a tier 3 keep got 100% pvd’d, but that was usually not the case.
Now? Nobody cares. PPT was always meaningless but before we could delude ourselves and have some fun defending pointless structures, but anet completely killed that illusion. The maps now exist to ktrain on only, and nobody even cares to do that.
hardly anyone is playing in tier 1, either, server merging the bottom 6 wouldn’t even accomplish much at this point
I’m assuming that the living story 3 and any new maps it adds will be for hot owners only. If not, then hot really doesn’t feel like a full fledged 50 dollar expansion to me.
By the OPs logic I shouldn’t buy food at a store, I should just become a farmer and grow my own so I can get “free” food.
lol what is this thread? organizing teq is hard in na? I haven’t failed teq in ages, you just show up 10 minutes before it starts and you win. People don’t pin up to do champs or events? are we even playing the same game?
lol, the only place where it would be useful, and it doesn’t work.
GW2: run around casually picking flowers, killing some mobs along the way, doing some hearts, viewing some vistas. Come across an event, do it, a couple of people show up, do it with you. Go back to your frolicking after event is over.
HoT: run past every mob because some of them can 3 shot you even in full heavy ptv gear, only do events with 10+ people because the mobs are so obnoxious the only way they are worth the hassle is if you can upscale some of them to champs to get bags and spawn extra to tag them for more exp for masteries. Once event is over, hope you have someone who pins and moves the zerg to the next event. Otherwise, afk at an uncontested wp until an event starts.
it’s not a “get good” issue, the entire pacing of the game was changed.
yep he keeps all his abilities, so the fight is literally impossible if you fail toward the end and attempt to retry. every ability was active at once so i wasn’t able to channel the rift without getting interrupted because i didn’t retain my immunities to said abilities.
also his break bar is permanently “broken” so it is never able to be broken to trigger the bonus damage (which i assume is what was intended). so by myself i spend 10 minutes getting him to 25% only to fail because .2 seconds after i start gliding i get hit by a rock or something, fall, run to braham’s shield for safety only to find that not only does his shield not protect me, the air jet next to him doesn’t work, and the npcs won’t res me from downed state.
not to mention every time you do retry, you have to keep suiciding until you get a retry where the platforms actually respawn, otherwise the stupid thing you need to click on is floating in midair.
I could probably keep doing the encounter over and over and eventually get a relatively bug free run (there are bugs on the first 2 fights too, but they didn’t completely stop my progress), but kitten it. I don’t even care at this point. gg.
Those who loved killtrains/karmatrains will love the new map… it belongs to eotm.
nuff said.
Unless X guild makes the A castle as if it was their own stuff, claim it and defend it, comunities need to be more organized, instead of having guilds that call them superior becouse they can karma train an entire BL’s in a few minutes while that bl is empty.
I think is a matter of organization, and less karmatrain, the only thing i hate is the big gun event at center ~10 or less players we did it in just few minutes large group will complete it very very fast.
One thing for sure i dont have pitty for QQ guilds that only play if they can karma train empty bl’s, those groups should never existed.
some of the places are so stupidly defensible that if a guild really wants to siege them up, use the gimmick improvements, and actively defend it, nobody is going to bother even trying to take it. people wanted more even fights, not dumb chokepoints, ledges, and sieges
That means siege needs to be worked out, like trebs increase range(if stuff is that hard to take at close siege trebs need slightly range for better tactics and groups defending them at plains), or add more siege tools for groups build an attacking camp were they will build trebs there with a small defensive wall,
I dont know but this WvW new map gives plenty of brainstorming ideads for a siege warfere game, and alot of places where gank groups can cough players before reaching towers do defend, we also need to see the charr panzer in action, dont foget that players were used to get everything w/o a fight or fighting the useless defenses that the old map had, game was way to easy in that aspect now improved alot in terms of WvW defense and atack still with a huge huge room for later add ons.
um, a lot of people don’t want a siege warfare game. we want to use our characters to fight other people’s characters in large scale combat. siege should damage structures and other siege, not be so strong that it discourages people from fighting each other.
too much ktrain or too much siege humping makes for a boring game. unfortunately the new map seems ideal for either of those situations to happen
Those who loved killtrains/karmatrains will love the new map… it belongs to eotm.
nuff said.
Unless X guild makes the A castle as if it was their own stuff, claim it and defend it, comunities need to be more organized, instead of having guilds that call them superior becouse they can karma train an entire BL’s in a few minutes while that bl is empty.
I think is a matter of organization, and less karmatrain, the only thing i hate is the big gun event at center ~10 or less players we did it in just few minutes large group will complete it very very fast.
One thing for sure i dont have pitty for QQ guilds that only play if they can karma train empty bl’s, those groups should never existed.
some of the places are so stupidly defensible that if a guild really wants to siege them up, use the gimmick improvements, and actively defend it, nobody is going to bother even trying to take it. people wanted more even fights, not dumb chokepoints, ledges, and sieges
Verdant brink is an awful map in my opinion. That, and the initial grind just to get the story going gives a horrible first impression. You’re basically just dropped off in a confusing map filled with events nobody wants to do.
My opinion of the expansion has improved dramatically since entering the auric basin. its prettier, its easier to navigate, the events aren’t nearly as boring.
I still think there are problems, but I’m enjoying myself much more now at least.
Stop blobbing. I haven’t even notice any difference in stability and old borderlands were worst PvP map ever and EotM is best.
gr8 b8 m8
I agree with the op. I find HoT boring and uninspired.
I expected constant events, lots of action, lots of events going on. Instead the map is mostly empty, can hardly get more than 5 people at an event, maybe 10. I think we killed the wyvern with like 16 or 17 people. And then it turned nighttime and nobody seems to care about the night events, so everyone dispersed. I relogged twice, so I don’t know if I was just getting into dead overflows or what, but there shouldn’t even be dead overflows, this is the first day of the new expansion of one of the most popular games. There should be boatloads of people everywhere. I saw about as many people doing map completion the other day getting my last few hero points from the rest of tyria.
Even if there were people, the events are nothing special. You walk awhile, kill some mobs, pick up some trash and give it to an npc, maybe kill a champion mob every now and then. Orr had more interesting events and Anet has had 3 years to learn from orr. Silverwastes and dry top were much more interesting and had more action. Even old, non-max-level event chains like the centaurs in harathi hinterlands feel more interesting than what I’ve seen of HoT so far.
Regardless of whether its grindy or not, regardless of whether we should be able to unlock our elite specs more easily, I’m not really impressed with what I’ve seen so far. Maybe it gets better in the later zones, but I have to unlock those zones, so yeah. I don’t feel like HoT is an improvement on the base game at all, at least when it comes to the open world pve.
so now instead of standing on a box and auto attacking, people will auto attack for 20 seconds to get credit then go afk out of range
You won’t get event credit if you don’t participate for a while.
so afk and then tag it at the end? people afk at these events because they are both rewarding and boring, making it more annoying for them isn’t going to encourage them to participate
so now instead of standing on a box and auto attacking, people will auto attack for 20 seconds to get credit then go afk out of range
Unless you spend an insane amount of time with the mystic forge you should have more than enough points upon HoT release to finish out any or all trait lines.
spirit shards are not the same as hero points, not at all
you only get hero points from the hero challenges, previously called skill challenges
Just wait until we get herald revenants passively granting people around them buffs all day
Game balance can’t be made on the assumption that one side is outnumbered. If you server is outnumbered when defending, it’s outnumbered when attacking as well. Any change that helps you do one of those things hurts your ability to do the other.
this guy gets it
when you make defending easy for outnumbered players, you make it miserable for players to take a keep against equal/greater numbers.
30 people against 30 people on a wall with ac support = stupid
I am glad ACs are useless now, they are one of the worst parts of WvW
Yep, good riddance.
YAY! Now you can k-train with out being hit with ac fire..
or you could go fight them instead of sitting on an ac pressing 1
Please take the expansion as an opportunity to rework acs to be like catas. Charge up a volley of aoe damage, release it. Require charge up time and a clear trejectory. Current ac implementation is boring and skillless.
Thieves have max 900 range and the immob venom got its duration halved. Since the thief specialization is going to be another melee spec instead of the rifle that many wanted, thieves are never going to be very useful in 50v50 map blob battles
even if the populations were exactly equal yb would still complain because they dont understand how tier 1 works
you 2v1 to gain an objective or because someone is kittening you off, later you’re the one getting 2v1’d. you deal with it
at this very moment our main jq map group has been fighting bg for at least an hour, such 2v1
defending was already easy as hell, the problem was population imbalance not defense being difficult
TC is the smallest of the T1 servers, population-wise. In fact, even YB actually has a higher population than TC
What is this based on?
YB has queues. TC, other than reset, generally does not. Actually it isn’t unusual for TC to have the outmanned buff on 1 or 2 of the maps during NA primetime (again, other than reset)
Replace “TC” with “BG” or “JQ” and your quote is still true. Tier 2 has had far more NA players for a long time, tier 1 was just isolated and has better timezone spread.
Here is the most simple way to fix the stale matchups.
If you come in first you move up, if you come in second you stay, if you come in third you drop down. This way you will be fighting two new teams each week.
This would even apply to both T1 and T8. The top 2 servers stay in T1 and the bottom 2 servers stay in T8. Gives incentive.
Dump the stupid glicko, win move up, lose move down. Simple.
And what better way is there than to see how you could do against better talent than having to prove it. If you’re down by 8K on a Thursday night (NA time) then wouldn’t it be more fun to have to fight to stay or fight to move up? Wouldn’t more people wan to come into WvW if there was a chance to move up or at least a new matchup the next week? And how about giving the winner something silly like a few laurels or silver or some sort of token that could be traded in after enough are acquired to make it even more lucrative to want to win in WvW?
What do you think?
I think all that does is trade what you deem as a stale match up for unbalanced matchups that I feel would be boring.
FA has owned that tier for a long time, and YB is like in what Week 4 or so of the push for T1???
The amount of salt generated by YB is amazing…Just sit back and let the process work and see how it ends up. You can’t win every week tiger.
Why do you assume coglin is in tier 2? (he isn’t)
I was speaking in general and quoted the conversation.
+1 for your white knighting tho.
I dont think you know what that phrase means
Here is the most simple way to fix the stale matchups.
If you come in first you move up, if you come in second you stay, if you come in third you drop down. This way you will be fighting two new teams each week.
This would even apply to both T1 and T8. The top 2 servers stay in T1 and the bottom 2 servers stay in T8. Gives incentive.
Dump the stupid glicko, win move up, lose move down. Simple.
And what better way is there than to see how you could do against better talent than having to prove it. If you’re down by 8K on a Thursday night (NA time) then wouldn’t it be more fun to have to fight to stay or fight to move up? Wouldn’t more people wan to come into WvW if there was a chance to move up or at least a new matchup the next week? And how about giving the winner something silly like a few laurels or silver or some sort of token that could be traded in after enough are acquired to make it even more lucrative to want to win in WvW?
What do you think?
I think all that does is trade what you deem as a stale match up for unbalanced matchups that I feel would be boring.
FA has owned that tier for a long time, and YB is like in what Week 4 or so of the push for T1???
The amount of salt generated by YB is amazing…Just sit back and let the process work and see how it ends up. You can’t win every week tiger.
Why do you assume coglin is in tier 2? (he isn’t)
Interesting. Gudradain. I’m a bit old school though. I don’t mind ratings but I am about wins and losses. Nothing moves someone more than the simple fact of busting butt to win because there is a reason to win.
There is zero incentive to win in a winner up/loser down system. If you win, you will get promoted and then lose next week. If you lose, you will get demoted and then win next week. If you come in the middle, you will likely come in the middle next week, too.
Where’s the incentive to want to win? The 3 bonus boxes containing crap greens you get for winning? I don’t think so.
YB runs blobs 24/7 so it may be in actuality two BG official guilds but in their wake they had to drag a lot of other people because the size of YB is unreal. And to see BG dip in points just a few weeks ago seemed natural since ones gain is anothers loss. YB surged and BG dipped but now BG in a locked situation is surging with less people, hard not to have a red flag go up on that one.
Those would be the fairweather YB players. tier 1 pugs did not transfer en masse to tier 2, I assure you
I’ve been reading forums for awhile now and I’ve seen some referencing how BG helped keep JQ in T1 last summer. And it’s common knowledge that BG lost a bunch of guilds to YB recently. I wondered if JQ would repay the debt and help BG out so they could stay in T1. It was never easy to get into T1 so now that there is a lock I wonder how BG could have a resurgence after losing all that manpower? Leading this week but all three servers still relatively close makes this an interesting week to watch. JQ still has the mega blob but finds itself in second but the megablob of YB wins by over 200K each week in T2.
BG lost 2 guilds to YB. JQ lost 1 (TW had been on JQ for months before leaving for YB).
BG still has plenty of guilds and militia to compete in tier 1 without help from other servers. JQ isn’t “letting BG win”, BG is just out and playing, which is nice.
How many guilds transferred to tier 2? Three? Is the state of wvw really so pitiful that 3 guilds transferring makes the game unplayable? If YB suck as much as everyone says, why not just farm them? Both other servers say they don’t care about ppt, so who cares if YB ticks 400+? I don’t understand why everyone in tier 2 ragequit.
Normally I have optimism for ANet fixing problems eventually but on this issue we will not be getting resolution any time soon.
I’ve seen an tagged Dev running right past that invincible spot siege on TC to stop my small ops group from breaking their NW tower. If they can walk right past it while wearing their Arenanet tag and do nothing at that time… then the company doesn’t consider it an issue worth diverting resources towards.
I’d post the Dev’s name but sadly it just said Silver Tarnished Coast Defender. :\
Just because they had an anet tag does not mean they are developers
is this what brain damage looks like?
A lot of people AFK at world bosses because they’d scale up the pre-events and just wasting time. Try doing the shatterer collection event with 30 people vs only one.
they changed the shatterer pre months ago, its a fixed number now
world bosses were more fun before megaserver garbage made every event a 1 spam zergfest
Except the ratings are determined by coverage, not overall population, and if you make all the tier 1-2 servers full then people can’t move around to balance.
Tier 2 probably has a similar number of active players as tier 1, but in tier 1 the players are spread out over multiple timezones where in tier 2 they are concentrated mostly in NA.
What if I’m a SEA, EU, or OCX player or guild that wants to move around to balance out tier 1-2? Guess my options are stay on a server where my time zone is already stacked, or move down to a tier 3 or below server and fight doors?
(edited by Blix.8021)
funny thing is BG is pushing this week so YB isn’t even coming close to reaching tier 1
sad to see people on my server blob groups half their size while also having a golem buff
no shame at all
Here’s an idea: never do anything like this ever again because anet refuses to test anything they make to a proper standard.
I’m glad you are ok with all the killing in the game but draw the line at vandalism. It’s good to set boundaries.
it doesn’t address anything, stop making kitten up