That would be better; more time with the event would be preferred to less time. Gives people more of a chance to enjoy the content they worked so hard on.
cooking can be pretty good. There are certain cooking items which make me a fair amount of money. I won’t give away which ones but they are always going for double the price of the mats for whatever reason
I think this is very much in the spirit of Halloween. You all got TRICKED into spending your money on a TREAT. The rest of us are laughing at your foolishness. Hopefully you learned your lesson :-D
You should read other threads before posting, this has been answered many times already. The skins from the chests do not have a duration. You can rent the skins from vendors; these do have a time limit. Any skin you get from a chest are yours forever.
I hope they are sellable. I could make alot of gold off of this holiday :-D
They are probably basing it around their highest concentration of players. You will still get to enjoy the event at the same time as everyone else. Would you rather they release it later for EU at a time that you will be awake? Everyone has the same start time, I’m sorry that is inconvenient for you :-P
You must either have legendary wealth or legendary patience to attain a legendary weapon in today’s GW2 economy. If you don’t have either then you are out of luck.
Personally I like having rare crafting mats, you need some way to make money in this game.
They said it would be late on the 22nd. Be patient.
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Yeah heaven forbid it’s actually done fairly like that. Would mean EU players get it before those in the US which we definitely can’t have.
Why should anyone get it before anyone else? How is that fair?
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Agreed, I guess Anet have to favour their country men.
A company is using their own timezone to tell their community when they will be releasing an update? Sounds like an injustice to me.
Warrior. Just mash the 1 button with any weapon and you will win the game.
Why do you need to be online exactly when it starts? There is nothing special happening at the exact time that the event starts. You can still enjoy the event. I mean, I guess if it would make you happy they could make the European event start later than the US one. Don’t see why that is necessary though.
Email regarding unauthorized login attempt
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954
I just received an email that someone from Taiyuan tried to access my account. I have never bought gold and am wondering how these insert expletive people got ahold of my information. Are your servers secure? The only thing I have done involving these people is reporting them.
How do they get my information and what can I do to stop it from happening again. Thanks for having this warning system in place but if I’m going to spend real money in game then I want to protect myself in every way.
At least I know that the devs read this thread. This thread was originally in the players helping players forum because I didn’t know if it was a bug. Once I found out then I made a new thread in the bug forums. Instead of responding they moved my first thread to the bug forums then sent me a message about not making duplicate threads and not using demanding language.
I didn’t used demanding language. I said “could a rep please respond”. No offense but but this is not a very friendly way to respond to a player who is politely pointing out getting screwed by a bug…
Cooking Feasts - what exactly do they do and are they worth it?
in Crafting
Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954
I just recently found out about these. Are they similar to the feasts from WoW in that they spawn a thing for people to click and get a buff or is it just a way to create several food items at once. Is there any reason to use these?
I put 4 rares into the mystic forge and received nothing in return. My understanding was that you always receive something, just not necessarily something better. Is this a bug or is there always a chance of getting nothing?
I wanted to see what you all thought before potentially posting a non bug in the bug forums.
All of the information that has been released so far.
hey, i DM’d a bunch of games, and i’m proud to have my own player character in the party at the same time! :P i’d usually leave him as a secondary character though, letting the party handle the bigger decisions.
I have used the “GMPC” before as well however they are usually something menial like a torchbearer or mentor. The Order Mentors serve this purpose nicely. They are your NPC partner and grow as you grow. ANet didn’t like that though. They wanted their character to be center stage. They don’t want you to dictate the story, they have a story to tell you. And it is about Trahearne.
Most players don’t like playing second fiddle to a poorly written NPC, especially when one of the taglines for the game is “This is my story”.
Now I have disturbing yet pleasurable dreams involving Trahearne and a giant Slapchop. Thanks ANet :-P
Which would drive up the price of herbs which would encourage people to pick herbs. I don’t see a problem with limiting it to two gathering skills per character.
Please don’t mistake this thread for one complaining about drop rates or the prevalence of bots.
My concern is that the game has no real economy. In other MMOs the economy is a big portion as to why people play the game. Academic essays have been written about virtual economies which I find very interesting. Is this something we may see in GW2? So far things are off to a slow start.
There seems to be too much supply and not enough demand. By making every crafting material and skill accessible to everyone at the same time there is not much of a reason to buy materials. You just spend some time farming and you make money instead of paying money.
I am curious as to people’s ideas and theories as to why the GW2 economy is failing. Again we all know bots exist; I think there are reasons which have nothing to do with bots. I see the market as flooded and uninspired.
To me, one solution is to limit the amount of gathering skills a player can have. That way they need to buy some materials and stimulate the economy instead of largely ignoring it. What are some of your ideas?
Generally your average Charr is names something like Kill Grimdark. Mine is named Giggles Glitterstar. His parents were the Charr equivalent of hippies.
Ah okay, so you don’t have a 100% chance to find an item but just are trice as likely to find an item. Not as powerful as I thought…
The wiki article only told me how to get magic find, not if there is a cap. I assume it is impossible to get a 100% bonus but what is the cap? Thanks!
Well I don’t usually suggest anything on any game mechanics since I believe suggesting won’t do any good, but I will on this one.
I think it would be nice to rise my chances of getting a precursor if I contributed to solving world’s problems. That feels like more legendary.
RNG * (number of renowned hearts finished * a constant here / max renowned hearts) * (number of individual events finished * a constant here / max event type count) * (cumulative count of events finished / max event type count)This way you could encourage people to do every event and give them hope saying “You will eventually get it, keep trying and rising your RNG multiplier”. Otherwise people like me are afraid of throwing thousands of weapons and getting nothing. I don’t like gambling and if I must, I would do anything to rise my chances.
This is a fantastic idea. I hope the ANet team sees this and implements it. The sillyness of the amount of treasure you have to dump into the mystic forge is ridiculous. Throwing junk into a magic portal sounds like a pretty boring legend.
I respect what you guys said but I am not satisfied with your responses. There should be more easy difficulty options for all dungeons. I am not happy having my level 63 dual axe wielding ranger dying in one hit or even three. My weapons & armor are all rare so is my longbow. My area of effects spells include burning & poison. My elite skill is to rampage alongside my pet.
The level scaling really bites and is counter-intuitive to rpgs where you are supposed to be able to dominate lower level enemies. The whole point of grinding and seeing every nook in the world. Granted a veteran and a champion are allowed to be tougher. But ordinaries should not be bosses or mini-bosses.
Thats a very incoherent sado masochistic approach to accept this level of difficulty. Playing should be a reward not tedious, die and die again because an opponent is spamming some cheap move and built like a tank.
That honor should be reserved for the player only as this is a fictional, fantasy game to be enjoyed and played for fun.
Add easy, and super easy difficulty for all dungeons. And give an option to disable level scaling too. And get rid of the level cap if you want people to play longer.
I am whinging but I died six times before reaching the shooters and another three when half my party logged out because it was too ridiculous, too story breaking, to accept such a large number of deaths in such a short period. And when normal enemies take forever to whittle down thats the equivalent of chiseling a statue out of stone.
That was my first attempt at a “dungeon” in this game and it feels absolutely deflating.
Don’t expect to be awesome your first go around. Dungeons require strategy and practice. This isn’t the personal story where everything is handed to you on a silver platter. Read the dungeon strats and stop being so demanding. Very Easy Mode? Really? If you expect dungeons to be easy then I would advise playing a different game or improving your attitude / play style. The gear is all cosmetic anyway. If you can’t clear the dungeon then you arent entitled to wear the gear.
Maybe just send ANet a bag of money and they will print you a certificate saying that you beat guild Wars 2. This seems to be what you want…
Thank you for the quick responses! I love the community in this game
I was told that even though you can only have 2 crafting professions active at a time you can deactivate them and reach 400 on all of the professions on the same character. Is this true? I was told that there is a fee to reactivate each one. Does anyone know how much this costs? Thanks!
Lore aside I think that it would be nice to have some kind of meaningful interaction between guilds.
Have you guys done the Jumping Puzzles? They may not be the aesthetic you are going for but some don’t have mobs, and all are very atmospheric. You can make your own fun in taverns or many of the towns. I don’t see why a reward is necessary; that isn’t what this game is about.
I’m all for sacrificing Trahearne, wouldn’t really cause any sort of emotional response other than joy though :-P
The armor choice should remain exclusive I think; due to the story railroading all of the factions together it is the one thing that will tell the world “I am an Agent of the Order of Whispers”. I think that allowing a member of the Vigil to wear OoW armor is an insult (how is that for roleplaying :-P)
Seriously though, keep the armor how it is please.
Tybalt for president! Honestly, I wished they make tybalt survive and he unmasks trahearne as a traitor and then kills him. Ach, dreams.
Dear ANet, Please hire this person as your new lead writer. Death to Trahearne!
Please help me understand the confusion status effect; it is, well, confusing. I play a Mesmer and when fighting a boss mob I tend to shatter far damage (F1) and for the confuse status effect. I understand that it causes the boss to damage themselves but is it, without traits to support confusion, worth using?
When and in what instances would you find yourself using confusion? When should it be avoided. Thanks
26; I enjoy some aspects of the game and am really disappointed by others. Nvertheless, it is the best MMO on the market currently since WoW has implemented bouncing panda pokemasters.
if you are not happy with this game, or feel like it is not what you expected
Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954
But where else can I rant about how much I hate Trahearne? I’ll make you a deal, get ANet to remove Trahearne from the game and I will only post nice things on the forums
MMOs in general don’t make sense narratively in that traditionally everyone is the hero. Everyone has their own personal story. As far as canon goes you could just say that the hero saved the world.
Rezzing him is not the issue. He makes the story bad just through being in it.
I bought it for the personal story. Honestly I am fairly disappointed.
I would say that skill # 2 is too powerful; all other weapon skills that create a clone only create 1 per cast.
I do however desperately want to be a dual pistol duel Mesmer. Hopefully they do (el) this!
I hope that this thread grows large enough for some of the GW2 staff and writers to notice it. I really would like to know where they were coming from when introducing such a boring, uninspiring character and having that character hijack your personal story.
Personal story was the reason I bought this game. Now I don’t even know if I want to finish it.
Bugs aside I think that we can all agree that this game would be well served by the removal of Trahearne from the story. Either that or patch in a different voice actor. At the very least please add in some kind of mini game where you can kill him. Worst NPC ever.
The thing that excited me most about his game was that it was going to be personal. It was going to be a game where your choices mattered. It was going to have unique factions. It was going to have unique personality types, allowing for character customization. It was going to have unique and interesting armor and weapon skins. It was going to have a compelling story that you wrote through your actions.
I know that this is a large list but it all comes down to the word personal. Maybe instead of Guild Wars 2 the game should be called Trahearne Saves the World: How I met Tyria’s Greatest Hero.
Like the majority of the vocal community I also dislike Trahearne; long story short he makes the personal story impersonal. He essentially usurps the title of main character.
This reminded me of when I used to play Dungeons and Dragons. Sometimes the Dungeon Master would create an NPC which would follow the group around and steal the glory for themselves. Players generally wanted to kill that NPC, especialy if he was as two-dimensional as Trahearne.
I’m not trying to be unfair, I know the writers tried their best but Trahearne serves absolutely no purpose other than to hijack the story away from the player.
I would like to invite any and all ANet writers to speak about why they included Trahearne. I’d love to hear your thoughts on him as a character.
As an side perhaps your next major NPC could be voiced by someone with a little more emotion. I hear Microsoft Sam is available.
At the point in the personal story when you are getting ready to enter The dream with Trahearne and visit the City of Arah you first speak with the Tree Spirit (I don’t remember her exact name as I do not play Sylvari). My character is human yet I was given the dialogue options to ask if what we were about to do was the same as my experience being born from the Pale Tree.
Shouldn’t this be a uniquely Sylvari option? Some clarification would be nice. Kind of took me out of the moment.
In theory this spec seems awesome for support. You have quick heals and can heal nearby allies. Not to mention the cool chanting that accompanies each preparation. Is speccing into Harmonious Mantras a good idea? On paper it seems to be. If not then what could be done to make it better?
As you aquire multiple armor sets storing them becomes more and more difficult. Please implement some kind of dedicated armor storage system to make collecting armor less of a burden on our inventory / bank.
Kind of a kitten move to put a huge spoiler in the title of the post. Nice job OP.
Cantha expansion with Ritualist Class. /thread
Between boss attempts sometimes the NPC will pull a Leeroy Jenkins. they just look stupid doing it. Poor design imo.