Showing Posts For Brother Dulfite.5793:

The business model is still garbage

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I support the idea of getting more players in the game. It makes WvW more enjoyable, it makes dungeons more enjoyable with more people queue up for groups, it makes guilds less stale and filled with inactives (I, myself, have been one but won’t be come guild hall time). The more players in the game, the more enjoyable the game becomes. That’s how mmos work. Therefore, I’m willing to pay the same for content (part of which I already own) in order to make MY gameplay experience more enjoyable in the long run by having a player filled server.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Really appreciate Anet for listening. I didn’t like the price point in terms of what was included, but I never felt the urge to attack you as if you had done something personally wrong to me. I’m glad to see people finally coming to their senses now that you have compromised some. I’m also glad to know that future content prior to the 2nd expansion (if that happens, as you said) will be free like the living stories were prior to expansion #1. Nice to know I’m buying 1-2.5 years worth of content and not just what’s in the expansion at first

3 triple decker maps.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Not that I wish to be defending Anet atm, but I do recall something pointing out that means we will have 3 maps (at first, which is really more like the size of 9 maps). They will continue to add free maps for HoT buyers (just like they did with Gw2), so I suspect by the time expansion #2 rolls out we will have received at least 15 maps (including the 39 that they promised already). But that’s just speculation.

Guild Claiming

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I guess I truly am still in the minority on this… lol

Guild Claiming

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

What do you guys think this will be in WvW?

I bought Gw2 in the hopes that it would continue the beauty that was the faction system in Gw: Factions (guilds and alliances fighting for a more consistent control of cities, involving a lot of politics). So far, nothing has replaced that. WvW as it is changes one keep or tower or control point to the next group in a matter of minutes. There is no true meaning behind capturing something as a guild right now.

I’ll say this now. If they can replicate what Gw: Factions got right and change the way guild claiming occurs in wvw to make it feel more meaningful and spark more inter and intra server politics, then even if this game remains $50 I will be buying it, shoe in my mouth and all.

If, however, their changes are not what I (and many other former faction players) have been waiting for during the past few years, then I may be done with this game. We have been ignored too long by people who hate politics in games (it’s what made Gw Faction and Eve Online thrive, for the record).

Why $50 is the problem

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I got eye of the north for 99 cents 3 months after it came out at target. Wait to buy this expansion, and it too will come down. Obviously I got an obscenely good deal that will not happen with this. All I ask of this community is to use your money to show your opinion. Calling someone a child because they feel they should get more for their money, or a fool for buying something without a release date doesn’t help.
Just buy it or don’t. If you are worried that this will be low content and will not come out too fast, or will be full of stuff that isn’t that compelling , don’t buy it. Anet will get the message that way. If you want to buy it based on what you know, do it and they will use this money to try to market to you. Working Capitalism is when people buy the best product for the lowest price. No one here is wrong so lets be nice.

Well, currently, I am refusing to buy this. Unless they announce that this expansion is just as big as the original game, I won’t be paying the original price for it. It should cost $15 based on what I’ve seen, because it only seems to be 1/3 the size of the original Gw2.

Why $50 is the problem

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I see a lot of complaining about the lack of additional character slots, and the fact that the base game is going to be included which “screws over” the current player base. I’m going to avoid those topics.

I’ve also seen people defend it saying it’s to include newer gamers and we should “welcome in more, fresh players” as well as referencing previous expansions/standalone/dlc packs that have come out for previous MMOs.

All I’ll say is, when Gw: Factions game out, it literally DOUBLED the size of the game. When Nightfall came out, it added yet another continent (just like factions did), therefore DOUBLING the ORIGINAL Prophesy game. When Eye of of the North came out and it did NOT double the scope of the original game (though it did come pretty close), guess what happened? Anet did not price it as highly as they would a standalone game.

Under this logic, unless HoT literally doubles most of it (land mass, end game content, dungeons, new skills/weapon sets, titles, achievements, pvp battle maps and modes, etc), then I don’t see how they can justify charging the same amount as their base game. Eye of the North wasn’t the same price as a full Gw campaign and neither should this “expansion” be.

It’s not like were getting a brand new continent or map expansion that is the same size as the one that came with the launch of the game. It adds maybe 30% of the total map size. It adds one class/profession, and a bunch of sub classes that won’t have a tremendous impact on gameplay. And it includes a bunch of features that were promised to the ORIGINAL game. This expansion should cost 1/3 of what it does and I don’t care what anybody says, that’s the truth in my opinion.

(edited by Brother Dulfite.5793)

Guild Hall Requirements

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Would be great if it was some random item that is currently not worth much in order to make the economy explode lol.

So... where are the dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I’d just like to join in on this intense discussion between dungeon people and open world people and say that… I support the idea of Anet doing neither of these as opposed to chicken farming. I really think there needs to be a new non combat tournament called chicken farming before we get new dungeons or open world events. We could each feed our chickens, level them up, and have pageant shows displaying our chickens. It could be glorious.

Heart of thorn so little content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

They are almost entirely new classes. It pains me when people say things like “Mesmer gets shield, only 2 abilities wtf Anet.”. Clearly, not everyone keeps up with the latest info.

what? no they’re not. and i seriously doubt that we’ll be getting anything remotely resembling a different class mechanic. we already know that. they went ahead and said it that the druid will have pets. so, no new mechanics, at best, i suspect, it will be variations on the main mechanic. if you seriously think that you’ll get “almost” 8 new classes, to go with that revenant’s 1 full class + 1 almost (rev spec) i fear that you’re in for a huge disappointment my friend.

on another note, why we’re so afraid to say how things are? let’s face it, they took a gamble with the living story, the felt they could sustain the game like that. it didn’t work out, profits went down. so, expansion. but they just don’t have enough time to make a proper one. so we’re getting a feature pack (a very good one i hope), a new class picked from one of their 18 class ideas they had at the early stages of gw2 development, and they rolled the living story season 3 into that. we’ll get the 3 or 4 zones we’d be getting via living story but in a better shape and in higher quality and some nice mechanics to keep us busy while they work on an actuall expansion after this one. don’t get me wrong, it’s gonna be fun and all, but don’t get your hopes up so much. it’s better to be pleasantly surprised, than painfully let down.

They have been working on this expansion for years. do you honestly think it took hundreds of anet employees to make the living world season 1 and 2 content over the last 2.5 years? They probably had like 20 developers working on that stuff while the rest focused on the expansion. Living story is just, and will continue to be, stuff we get to fill the gaps between expansions, which I love considering other mmos only release expansions then nothing new for 6-12 months.

A few things i'd like to see in the xpac...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Given how long we’ve waited while anet fiddled about with the Living World and wasted all that time and effort on non-seasonal temporary content…

1. Enough of the map opened up to double the current explorable areas of Tyria.

2. Three other new professions in addition to the Revenant, one for each armor class, each featuring new weapons (also available to various other professions).

3. At least two new playable races with new starting zones.

4. Mass quantities of missions, quests, and dungeons, multitudinous new pvp maps and varieties, wvw zones that aren’t mirror images of each other but strange, bizarre, twisted versions of tyria with desirable resources for each mirror image shard to fight over. Inspirational sources: Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood.

In short, less fiddling about, more MMO.

Of course, all that would be pointless if something positive and constructive and USER-FRIENDLY isn’t done to the trait system and the parts of the game Dr. Seuss’d by NPE…

This is neither here nor there
So throw your hands up in the air
And shake your Tyrian behind
To entertain the bovine mind

That would do. For now.

Lol, don’t exaggerate. Even WoW gave only one additional class after 5 years of release and two races.

How many new professions did Guild Wars give us in, say, a year and a half? How much new territory? How many new weapons? No new races, of course, but how many new cultures?

Gw1 was a joke in terms of development cost compared to this. This is a lot more expensive to update being an actual mmo as opposed to a , more of less, Diablo based game.

Dementors Coming to WxW WohOOO!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Doloros Umbridge would be the best villian Gw2 could ever put in the game. Umbridge > Scarlet Briar, Abbadon, and Shiro.

Interview of J. Corpening and I. Cartwright

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Ask them to give us just one of the letters in the deep sea Dragon’s real name (Bubbles).

Dementors Coming to WxW WohOOO!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Now I’m thinking about a Harry potter mmo. Just thanks for that. I’ve only been not trying to think about how much I want one of those half my life…

PLEASE make the final boss battle good!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Our skills, as a individual character, is a joke compared to the eternal dragons. It makes a Lot more sense , logically, that we would use a super weapon to kill them.

I don’t care. This is a fantasy game. Turrets aren’t fun. Screw your logic.

I have love for you!

Boycotting HoT Content until its released

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Only boys can boycott, and you have to own a cot.

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Alliances returning but having no political atmosphere to them (no structure mainly) would just be an extension of the current situation guilds are in; a hot mess that doesn’t encourage people to log on daily, contribute, and rise up the ladder. There is no joy about rising up the ladder in gw2 like there was in gw1.

I’m sick of seeing All that karma/gold boost, which changes daily, and barely impacts much of anything. Even if you do get 1-3g more a day does it really mean much in the grand scheme? Will you look back, a year from now, and care? I CERTAINLY would look back and care about having “eye candy” (as you call it) because that reflects something I helped accomplish. Why do you think the Hall of Monuments was such a popular feature in gw1: Eye of the North? People could actually SEE their accomplishments as they were added to their hall.

I do think having access to so many guilds takes away from being excited about one guild. After all, why would you want to work your butt off to make a guild successful when you could just join a massive 500 person guild and keep joining others until you find one that is already built up? This doesn’t encourage the rise of new guilds at all.

I won’t lie, having my guild members get kicked by a sabotage hurt in gw1, but it was part of the game and I accepted that (it made logging on daily an interesting thing!).

In the end it doesn’t really matter. This is what I, at least 2 others in this thread, and I’m sure a good amount more, want and we have been deprived of it since gw2 launched. I love this game dearly, but this is the one major flaw of it imo. I’m REALLY looking forward to the new things they are going to add to guilds in HoT and I hope ALL my complaints go away

I will agree with you about alliances. If they can be incorporated into the game and have the same amount of value as they have in GW1 then I’m for it. I loved my alliance in the first one and would love to see a return of something similar.

The eye candy, which is what it is, is just extra fluff. I’d rather have more meaningful buffs from WvW. As it is the pay off is a a bit weak. I’d rather they focus on increasing the buffs we get from WvW first before adding fluff of statues, or memorials, or whatever eye candy you are asking for.7

As for the HoM yes it was popular but there is a drawback from what HoM did and what you want. HoM was for your PERSONAL achievements, not what the world as achieved. A better PERSONAL reward system can be nice, but it should be way down on the priority list for Anet. After all HoM did not come out until a few years after the release of GW1. I’d rather Anet work on more content, like the expansion we are getting, instead of accounting for more fluff.

As for the griefing you were talking about I will not support anything like that. It that’s what you want then I hope we never get anything like that and that your complaints will never go away.

TL;DR Alliances good, eye candy so-so, greifing bad, and fluff is not a bad idea but should come second to actual content. To recall GW1, the trophies I got for beating the Undead Linch, Shiro, and Abaddon would mean nothing if the fight to beat them was not fun.

Ok so we agree on Alliances (yey!). Check.

As for the “eye candy” vs. “semi useless buffs,” they are both a matter of simple programming. It’s not like it would take much for Anet to occasionally give a specific world for a big achievement they accomplished. It would probably take less than a day to program that and, as other worlds earn that amazing feat (if it is one that can be earned by more than one world), they can just copy and paste it to their world. I’m totally fine with them increasing the buffs from wvw stuff to make them more useful! I think they could easily do both of these to appeal to both of us.

Lastly, I guess we won’t agree on what you call “griefing.” All I can say is from gw1, and especially Eve Online, there was a LOT of fun to be had by the political aspect of it. One could argue Eve Online’s foundation is in politics as you can’t get anywhere until you embrace the system or be a good enough leader to create your own system. I want that system, at least in some small way, to be transfer to Gw2. Not in a way that forces those who don’t want to deal with politics to have to (no one HAD to join the major faction farming guilds of gw1: factions), but accessible to those that do.

PLEASE make the final boss battle good!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Our skills, as a individual character, is a joke compared to the eternal dragons. It makes a Lot more sense , logically, that we would use a super weapon to kill them.

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

That…sounds horrible though. Isn’t that considered griefing?

It is. What I got from this post is that he wants a return of alliances (which is actually a good idea), world based eye candy instead of the current system (getting gold increases and karma increases and etc) which I don’t agree with, and it sounds like he wants guild to be more restrictive in a claim to “have more pride in your guild” but from that last statement it would seem it wants people to be limited to one guild so it makes it more enjoyable to kick someone out when they have been lead to believe they are rising in the ranks (which is a terrible idea)

Alliances returning but having no political atmosphere to them (no structure mainly) would just be an extension of the current situation guilds are in; a hot mess that doesn’t encourage people to log on daily, contribute, and rise up the ladder. There is no joy about rising up the ladder in gw2 like there was in gw1.

I’m sick of seeing All that karma/gold boost, which changes daily, and barely impacts much of anything. Even if you do get 1-3g more a day does it really mean much in the grand scheme? Will you look back, a year from now, and care? I CERTAINLY would look back and care about having “eye candy” (as you call it) because that reflects something I helped accomplish. Why do you think the Hall of Monuments was such a popular feature in gw1: Eye of the North? People could actually SEE their accomplishments as they were added to their hall.

I do think having access to so many guilds takes away from being excited about one guild. After all, why would you want to work your butt off to make a guild successful when you could just join a massive 500 person guild and keep joining others until you find one that is already built up? This doesn’t encourage the rise of new guilds at all.

I won’t lie, having my guild members get kicked by a sabotage hurt in gw1, but it was part of the game and I accepted that (it made logging on daily an interesting thing!).

In the end it doesn’t really matter. This is what I, at least 2 others in this thread, and I’m sure a good amount more, want and we have been deprived of it since gw2 launched. I love this game dearly, but this is the one major flaw of it imo. I’m REALLY looking forward to the new things they are going to add to guilds in HoT and I hope ALL my complaints go away

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I totally agree with you. When I was a kid i used to play a cheap p2w WoW-clone mmorpg that was poorly made but loved it and you know why? Only because of the politics and the reasons you listed above. It was extremly fun to form alliances with other guilds in order to beat the stronger enemy or backstab a previous ally of your in order to become a stronger guild and in general doing whatever it takes to rise to the top. I played more than 6000 hours on that game switching guilds and betraying people or trying to raise me guild to the top . AND IT WAS THE BEST GAMING EXPERIENCE I EVER HAD.

When I started playing guild wars 2 i stayed only for the mechanics and the combat but I really hope that maybe some day that excitement I had to log in and get myself involved in the politics will come back to me.

I TOTALLY agree! What games was that by the way?

If they could somehow infuse politics into guilds/worlds/factions in this game and make it about beating your rivals on a DAILY basis in some grand and visible-for-all-to-see form I doubt I would not log on this game daily and play even more than I have so far.

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

What do you mean by political? I certainly wouldn’t welcome backstabbing/spying etc…not in a video game like this. It has no place. I’m also not understanding where the politics was a thing in GW1. We had factions, but that was just a means to a rep, rather than anythng else. It wouldn’t make sense in this game.

Can you elaborate some? I’ve asked around and ppl from GW1 I know are scratching their head somewhat at GW1 being described as political.

Not sure what you meant by “rep” but the people that lead the faction farming guilds in Cantha were highly politically active. I myself was a member, officer, guild leader, and co guild leader of various guilds that were extremely strong in the faction scene and I can’t tell you the number of times I heard about/was personally involved in/was impacted by sabotages (people working their way up to officer then kicking entire guild when the leader is offline), spying missions (to get member list, take screenshots of guild/alliance chat), and a whole bunch of other stuff. It was a BLAST. I HATE that for some reason many people think like you and say this has no place in this game when there were and maybe still are a GOOD amount of us that MISS that aspect of gw1.

My political hopes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

My main issue with guild wars 2 has been and continues to be one that is hard to define. It is one that guild wars 1 had down so perfectly that it saddens me to see gw2 not have this at all; the guild system (and I know a lot love/hate certain popular aspects of guilds to talk about like guild halls, guild missions, gvg, etc, but I wish to talk about a different one). When I played guild wars 1, the guilds I was in had structure that actually meant something. It MEANT something to be a part of a guild in an alliance (in alliance competition/rivalries/betrayals to go to other alliances made things interesting). It MEANT something to be in the best alliance possible. It actually MEANT something to be an officer/guild leader/co leader in gw1. There was a highly political aspect of guilds in gw1 (whether you were faction farmers in Cantha, or gvg guilds, or title hunters, etc). There was constantly a dog fight to be the best guild in your respective field. This was THE MAIN reason I kept returning to gw1 over WoW or other mmos. And I know people will say “if you liked gw1 then go play that… kitten kitten kitten …” but that’s a joke of an argument. It’s all about enhancing THIS game (you know, the one that isn’t running graphics from the early 2000’s and in which you can actually JUMP for crying out loud). It’s all about making THIS game as appealing to different types of gamers as possible in order to make it more of a success for Anet.

Let’s examine Gw2 in this respect:

Gw1 had alliances. Gw2 has worlds (essentially the replacement) and it is so pathetically incomparable it is just sad. What they SHOULD have done was give certain worlds tangible and visible rewards for defeating their opponents (particularly massive statues with sculpted images/descriptions of specific accomplishments that world has accomplished; ex: 1st world to conquer Teq gets a massive sculpture of that dragon somewhere in the world for all to see and be proud of) and not just these insanely boring +% for certain things like karma/gold. WHO CARES about getting more karma and gold when I have nothing to be PROUD of? You know what I love about Lion’s Arch now? I LOVE the fact that I can visit that and see the destruction and KNOW that I was a part of that great battle. That’s what made gw1 amazing in certain ways (especially with faction farming guilds able to take cities for all to see).

Next one: There is NO politics involved in this game like we had in gw1. I miss the backstabbing, the spying, the alliance making, and all the other political stuff from the glory days of gw1. You may argue that it’s “more fun and more accessible to different kinds of people to not have politics” but can’t we have JUST ONE aspect of guilds that CAN be highly political? And don’t even suggest World V World is political (LOL). It’s a bunch of people giving out orders because they bought a commander tag for 100g. They didn’t EARN that like gw1 leaders had to. They didn’t obtain respect from their followers. They just logged on and put their tag on, popped on ts or ventrilo and started barking out orders to conquer lands the same way they conquered them the last 2,378 times. There is no politics in gw2 like there was in gw1 (that includes wvw).

Last one: It doesn’t really mean anything to be a leader in a guild anymore since everyone can be in anyone’s guild at the same time. This destroys players having pride in their guild and strips away the honor of being an officer/leader. The guild systems now are more similar to WoW (terribly boring) than they are to gw1. Would it really impact guild morale if the guild leader was offline for a week now? Nope! And some, if not most, would say that is a good thing but I disagree. The best part about gw1 and Eve Online was having good leaders that you could respect and desiring to rise to the top one day yourself. Who cares about rising to the top in gw2 the way guilds function right now?

I say all this to express my (very minority) concerns and hopes for HoT. I saw in one of the videos some stuff that gives me hope (in guild competition in terms of completion times, etc) and I’m really hoping Anet gives those of us who love politics something to do. Gw1 had politics. Eve Online had politics. WoW did NOT have politics and so far gw2 is a lot more similar to WoW in that respect and I hate it.

Personal Housing!!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I hate when people troll others for wanting housing. They just want raids and things that we already have just more of it. Personal housing adds a wonderful role playing aspect to the game that I wish this game had. I love Animal crossing but if they could combine thatkind of housing stuff with this action game why would I want to log off?

Gliding with Tonics? A: YES!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I want to fly with my Quagon tonic! Quagon can fly, yes?

[Question] Why not Fishing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Only if they build in Wii mote support for the fishing scenes.

Sylvari needed for HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I want 3 zones exclusive to only Slyvari characters. Anyone without a 80 Sylvari can’t play expansion lands and will have to farm greens by the thousands for another 2years.

[Suggestion] Advanced Guild Emblems

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I won’t Cate about emblem designs until I see everyone running around with capes on. Work through the glitches anet! And I’d rather have capes with glitches than no capes without glitches!

Stop running DirectX 9 in the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Is anyone supportive of them doing with dx3 in order to support decades old computers too? Who wants to run gw2 on a 256 mb ram stick with a 1gigabyte hardrive? Think of the lag people… Think of the freaking lag… WvW would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO messed up Ya know? I mean there would probably be so many glitches we would see Vinewraith in the mist with the eyes of Scarlet Briar and the tongue of Abaddon. I am horrified by that image. Who else is horrified!?

Avoiding time freezing in HoT.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Wow had multiple variations of the same map with lich king depending on how far you were in it. Why can’t gw2?

Found clue for Expansion release time

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

What if it’s already released? But only 1 new player a day gets to download and play it and if they talk they lose their account? What if every day since it was announced there is someone new able to play it. That would be like 30 people playing HoT right now! When will we get to play? The horror…. The horror!

What's your biggest worry...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I’m concerned with the overall size of the expansion in terms of added territory. If we go this rate that means we get an expansion every 2-3 years, that probably will cost $20-30, and only add a few maps (no matter how large or impressive they may be) then I’m seriously wondering when we will explore all of Tyria and get to move on to Cantha/Elona/Utopia. I would rather they hire a bunch more people, make much larger expansions, and charge us more for the expansions. I want to see Cantha and Elona in thenext decade please!

Monkey King Tonic - Anet you are awesome!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Wukong. Definitely.

That’s what I thought when I first saw it too!

Questions you want Answered

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Now that other ancient allies/foes that were “dead, dead” are able to return from the mists via revanents, is it possible we may see the return of another dead dead for that was the best villian this series has ever seen, Abaddon?

Locked behind Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

The gamers that have been with gw2 since the beginning (including me) are going to buy the expansion happily so anet gets paid to keep making the game better. If anyone feels so self entitled that they are bitter about this game not giving you EVERYTHING for free (even though it gives out way more free updates than any other game) then that is simply sad. Developers should get paid for their work. Guildhalls, the WvW map, and everything else new even after the expansion should require the expansion. I bought this game before it launched and I haven’t spent a dime on the gem store but it’s about time I pay more for anets employees

Questions you want Answered

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Will we see more physical rewards for efforts as opposed to bonuses? (ie: statues showing off accomplishments for guilds instead of karma boosts…). I want there to be something tangible and visible I can be proud of and others can see.

Guild Halls

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I would very much like to know if we’ll be able to customize and decorate our guildhalls, much like housing in Wildstar, or is everyone gonna be stuck with same generic looking hall?

It would totally rock if it was the first case and each guild could make it’s own, original themed hall.

Doubtful they will change the way they work. In gw1 you get to pick between 4-5 diff guildhall skins (at a price), So they are highly likely to do the same in GW2. My guess they will be like EoTM areas. Desert skin, Jungle theme skin, Ice and Fire related themes also. And you’ll be likely to be able to change the skin of your guild hall for gold coin and guild influence.

In future they again are highly likely to offer diff guildhall themes on top of the ones they will offer. But they will likely be on offer in gemstore only otherwise you stick to the reg themes/skins.

gw1 had dozens of guild hall options to buy. Then again maybe that’s because I owned all 4 games. And each of them were wonderfully unique and only cost 20 platinum.

Guild Wars 2 will be a 10-15 year game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Alright here we go. I’m putting this topic in this forum specifically because this is the forum talking about the “expanding universe” or “expansionary vision” of the game and I want to give off my two cents. A lot of people love the expansion (including me) and a lot are still craving to return to the Echovald Forest, Jade Sea, Shing Jea Island, Elona, and (for those crazy enough) the Realm of Tormet (including me). Many have their reasons for being frustrated. I could argue against each of these reasons and point out how silly they each are, but I want to focus on my original topic. The game is massive, a whole lot more (even in proportion to the time of release) than that of it’s predecessor and it’s going to take a long time to develop content.

I think we will be fighting the Elder Dragons for the duration of gw2’s life and I think we will more than likely see expansions every 2 years or so (with living story in between to fill the gaps, something other mmo’s lack). I think now we are going into the Maguuma Jungle to fight Morde, and after defeated morde we will start having to deal with the living story that eventuallys gets us to fight Primo (in the 2nd expansion) and then we will have Tengu finally joining the battle as a playable race. Then I think Anet will do something similar to gw1 and take a break from the Tyrian specific ones and take us to Cantha to fight either Kralkatorrik or the deep sea dragon (by first getting rid of the crazy emperor and making Cantha a strong ally) in their 3rd expansion. I then think we will have to deal with Kralkatorrik or the deep sea dragon in Elona in the 4th expansion, followed by the 5th and final expansion taking us to the far North of Tyria to fight Jormag. I think all of this will take 10-15 years to get through and I’m looking forward to it.

For those doubting Cantha or Elona will be in gw2 and thinking they will be in gw3, I say nay! I think they will just keep updating the game engine, features, graphics, etc either every 6 months to a year like Eve Online does, or every 2-3 years like WoW is doing. Gw2 will be around for 1-2 decades, and we will see all of the world of Tyria before the end of it in my opinion.

What Will Community Do If HoT Is Not Xpac

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

For the longest time, I have gotten myself used to the fact that there won’t be expansions/campaigns like the glory days of gw1. I enjoy living story, but I have tried to ignore 2 things: 1) The logic people use when they talk about 2 weeks of development essentially meaning 2 hours of more gameplay (which is not much at all over the span of 6 months, let alone 2.5 years) and 2) The amount of people working at Anet with only 2 hours of content every 2-4 weeks means something seriously fishy is going on. However, now I can’t ignore these things anymore because Anet is hyping up what is coming next so much (especially with the Twitch thing). I FULLY expect there to be an expansion/campaign/update (on steroids) and if there isn’t, if this is simply some hype for something small I’m going to rage and I have been one of Anets most loyal defenders (except for the whole forcing ls1 to be so dominate by a love story, homosexuality being wrong in many’s eyes aside, the actual obsession the game has with a relationship in general (regardless of it’s morality) makes the whole Scarlet thing seem so much less epic). Season 1 would have been MUCH better if there hadn’t been a love angle imo. But anyway, I support Anet more than most and if there isn’t some massive content/feature announcement in some form or the other I’m going to be very disappointed.

How will GW2 last long enough?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Here is the thing, who is to say that we will defeat all the dragons in gw2? We may get updates for the next 3-4 years involving the death of Mord and 1, maybe 2 more dragon. But maybe the last 2 or 3 or whatever dragons there are we can’t “figure out a way” to kill them or maybe we figure one out but it involves building some super weapon that takes hundreds of years to build (insert gw3, hundreds of years later with a totally updated graphic system and a huge amount of new features).

I support the concept of limited content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Translation: I like the double edged sword of exclusivity and limited content because I am not affected by it.


How? I’ve missed out on plenty of content. But its my fault, not anyone else.

I support the concept of limited content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

You heard me!!! There is rarely something more annoying than finding someone else obtaining armor/items/achievements a year later when it becomes easier to get after I spent a huge amount of time trying to acquire/achieve something. I LOVE the fact that when new content comes out, previous zones are abandoned (making it almost impossible to get the armor/achievements in some cases). You snooze, you lose! Or, if you didn’t own the game prior to the content being released, maybe you should have obtained it earlier. Tough luck! Same goes for armor. I’m currently farming to try to get the full lumi set of carapace armor and guess what? I may not get the full set (I’m married, work full time, play other games, etc). If new LS comes out and the zone is emptied (making it impossible to farm badges) guess whose fault that is? Mine! Not anets. It is MY fault and I have to deal with it!

I applaud you anet for making your game the way it is (in this respect). I love getting to walk around with titles/armor that other people can’t really obtain any more. That’s what gw2 should be like and I’m glad its currently that way now.

5 true gods hint?

in Living World

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

This may be a stretch but it seems strange to me that anet would put this kind of message in their secret library without it eventually leading to something. Can we expect some information or LS things related to the five true gods in the near future?


GW2 breaks 7.3 million

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I don’t think anybody expected China to already have doubled total gw2 sales. I’m stunned by how fast they have adopted this game despite having to buy it! PC gaming saved!?

The Most Hardcore Thing you have ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I committed to marrying my fiance and loving her alone the rest of my life.

Name 1 thing you want changed/added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

A guild competition system that gives guilds control over structures/cities in a zone dedicated solely to it based on either guild influence or some other kind of point system. I want the politics and war between guilds feel again! WvW is fun but is to big to have the person touch.

Now that the patch is over... season 2 or E3?

in Living World

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Greetings and salutations! Now that the feature patch has been issued and the era of “Megaserver” has begun, I was wondering what people think Anet will do next.

Will they give us some details on what we can expect in season 2 living world?

Will they wait until E3 to say anything and then bam release a trailer for an expansion?

Will they split up there teams to make content specific to locations (ie: Cantha in Europe/U.S. but for China instead of that new Tyrian zones)?

Something else?

Good work, Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

Would someone tell me why exactly the role players are upset? Is it just the wardrobe thing and if so why? I love how I can wear whatever outfit now whenever I want. Anet just greatly increased the rate of seeing everyone in different armors now that they aren’t restricted as much. I’m AESTHETICALLY PLEASED!!!

Will China GW2 have season one of LW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

I love how there is no replay right now. It makes the game feel much more alive than anything I’ve played before. I missed certain ones, too bad for me. I love how that stuff is in the past now and it impacts where the future will be. If we could replay it anytime it wouldnt feel as meaningful to me to have gone through each story I did.

Purchasable Guild Halls via Gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

They will certainly be more interested in it if they can make money off of it through the gemstore like you wrote. I really like this idea and guild competition was my favorite part of gw1, particularly with faction and alliances. I need something like that in this game!

Why do Anet people play with Anet Tags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Dulfite.5793

Brother Dulfite.5793

But what if the Anet devs are from Narnia? What then? How would we respond?