I really do wonder what is the power source for the Watchknights though. Their construction seems to imply they operate off watchwork (i.e. wind-up) technology, but that can’t be efficient having your elite troops needing to get wound-up every single day. Their ability to disguise themselves as different forms might just be illusions laid on them by spellcasters, and not an innate ability to the Watchknights themselves.
While humanity isn’t keen on sharing the specifics, I imagine it’s a combination of early charr clockwork (before they went full steampunk) with a secondary propulsion system of magitech powered by illusion/chaos magic.
Ergo eliminating the need for constant winding and the ability to appear as different forms. Humanity seems to have a reserve of powerful illusion and chaos magi.
Absent a powerful mesmer or magic source, I imagine watchknights can also go strictly clockwork with the caveat that they do have a wind-up downtime with this mechanic.
Charr machines tend to be strictly mechanical and asura golems tend to be purely magitech. Humanity has made something of a hybrid in the watchknights.
I’d say we’ve seen both types of modes in action.
The giant marionette needed to be manually controlled, while the smaller assault knights worked on magitech system very unlike the illusion bots we fought in the Jubilee.
Though that appears as an upgrade on Scarlet’s part, seeing as they go by the prefixes of the asura colleges of magic.
Perhaps it’s an ability the watchknights already had? Who can say? I doubt humanity (or the asura should they be involved) want to reveal that just yet.
Maybe we’re working closer with the asura than most people know. That’s a stretch though.
Many asura think too much of themselves to think humanity has anything valuable to offer, though certainly not all asura are like that.
Likewise with the charr. We couldn’t have thought to make these knights without charr metalworking know how. We’d still be using the trebs from GW1.
I doubt the charr have given away all their trade secrets.
For our emulation, the watchknights aren’t on the level of tough that charr routinely produce in their current designs.
Still, we’ve come leaps and bounds thanks to these gifts in knowledge.
If humanity can produce watchknights wholesale (as they prove they can in these Jubilees we often have!) and specialized assault and giant marionette versions…
As in if this were something already in the plans and not something custom done by Scarlet…
That’s even more impressive on humanity. And raises a ton of interesting questions.
I mean for most who are in the know, there is a secret Arcane Eye base in the human village of Garenhoff there is crazy wizard out in the human village of Garenhoff…
Humanity is expanding exponentially in innovation.
In no small part thanks to the charr and the asura, but we’ve taken what we’ve learned and created something new with it.
It’s certainly not gone unnoticed.