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Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I really do wonder what is the power source for the Watchknights though. Their construction seems to imply they operate off watchwork (i.e. wind-up) technology, but that can’t be efficient having your elite troops needing to get wound-up every single day. Their ability to disguise themselves as different forms might just be illusions laid on them by spellcasters, and not an innate ability to the Watchknights themselves.

While humanity isn’t keen on sharing the specifics, I imagine it’s a combination of early charr clockwork (before they went full steampunk) with a secondary propulsion system of magitech powered by illusion/chaos magic.

Ergo eliminating the need for constant winding and the ability to appear as different forms. Humanity seems to have a reserve of powerful illusion and chaos magi.

Absent a powerful mesmer or magic source, I imagine watchknights can also go strictly clockwork with the caveat that they do have a wind-up downtime with this mechanic.

Charr machines tend to be strictly mechanical and asura golems tend to be purely magitech. Humanity has made something of a hybrid in the watchknights.

I’d say we’ve seen both types of modes in action.

The giant marionette needed to be manually controlled, while the smaller assault knights worked on magitech system very unlike the illusion bots we fought in the Jubilee.

Though that appears as an upgrade on Scarlet’s part, seeing as they go by the prefixes of the asura colleges of magic.

Perhaps it’s an ability the watchknights already had? Who can say? I doubt humanity (or the asura should they be involved) want to reveal that just yet.

Maybe we’re working closer with the asura than most people know. That’s a stretch though.

Many asura think too much of themselves to think humanity has anything valuable to offer, though certainly not all asura are like that.

Likewise with the charr. We couldn’t have thought to make these knights without charr metalworking know how. We’d still be using the trebs from GW1.

I doubt the charr have given away all their trade secrets.

For our emulation, the watchknights aren’t on the level of tough that charr routinely produce in their current designs.

Still, we’ve come leaps and bounds thanks to these gifts in knowledge.

If humanity can produce watchknights wholesale (as they prove they can in these Jubilees we often have!) and specialized assault and giant marionette versions…

As in if this were something already in the plans and not something custom done by Scarlet…

That’s even more impressive on humanity. And raises a ton of interesting questions.

I mean for most who are in the know, there is a secret Arcane Eye base in the human village of Garenhoff there is crazy wizard out in the human village of Garenhoff…

Humanity is expanding exponentially in innovation.

In no small part thanks to the charr and the asura, but we’ve taken what we’ve learned and created something new with it.

It’s certainly not gone unnoticed.

the death of key runs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


You think that MMO cornered the market on farming?

It is pretty infamous for that.

You think that MMO has all the grind?

Quantitatively? As in it’s a big black hole swallowing up all the grind in the universe? No.

Is it grindy in of itself? Very much.

You think GW2 doesn’t require farming?

It doesn’t. Most games don’t require farming.

If you mean ASAP route for shiniest thing, the farming needed isn’t anywhere on the level of most MMOs, including WoW.

A lot of these ASAP route people then mock the game as being too casual. So. Yeah.

You think GW2 doesn’t require grind?

Not for anything essential, no.

Did you fully buy into that manifesto?

Largely faithful overall. Can’t complain really.

This is all very cute.

What, no flowers?

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The Watchknights weren’t even a human thing, they were derived from Scarlet’s steam creature designs . . . which is how she co-opted them with root user access so quickly.

Would just like to speak up on this bit: The Watchwork Knights are human in origin. Humanity made those with no direct assistance from Scarlet or the other races.

It can certainly be argued that the nature of the Watchwork Knights mechanics borrows heavily from Charr engineering in combination with steam creature tech.

In this regard, humanity beat the asura to that punch. An asuran emissary Vorpp comments as much in this regard.

The Watchknights are like asuran golems, but different.

They can change their form with illusion magic and the way they’re controlled is very different from traditional asuran golems.

Slightly similar to the steam creatures (which they are based), which would explain Scarlet gaining root access since she’s an expert on these creatures.

It’s known she was able to eventually build her own and even master their portal technology. But the steam creatures aren’t unique to Scarlet.

They existed before her time.

This goes back to the infinity ball creator and the paradox created when they killed their future self.

Sooo… we have a reality that technically should not exist, leaking steam creatures with an ability to learn.

A crazy sylvari who made more of them, keeping the tech alive and mucking with these steam/aetheric portals that have an ultimate origin to a despotic/non-existent future…

Where an evil version of a synergetics asura PC is dead, and a Grand Vice Admiral Shodd can’t seem to reasonably control the creatures.

Back to our time line: Humanity apparently has it figured out and with any luck, we fixed the backdoor Scarlet exposed.

Humanity had another Jubilee with tons of the watchknights in action and nothing went awry.

The inner workings borrow from charr engineering shared with us and steam creature salvage from a reality paradox due to an asura mucking with the fabric of time and space.

Our take on it is unique at any rate both in design and how the watchknight actually works. This is uniquely human.

They are markedly different from a charr machine, an asuran golem, or even a steam creature.

Humanity proves itself very effective tinkerers and tweakers. We learn well. We’ve emulated charr metalworking and essentially improved on asuran magitech.

We owe the actual eureka moment for metalwork and golem tech to both the charr and the asura.

Still. Not too bad for a race that’s assumed by some to be on it’s way out.

GW1 Trilogy+EOTN - 50% Off Sale on Steam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I have not commented on my definition of fun.

That was the implication though, was it not? Or do you play GW2 for the same reason you do your taxes?

Your example is far weaker than my own analogy regarding elite hunting in GW2 and the trait hunting system in GW2.

The irony of that is not lost on me, considering that’s what you intended to prove with that nonsense.

That is unless you find taxes fun in the same way you see GW2 fun… in which case, well, yes. Your definition of fun and my own are vastly different from one and other.

Maybe that’s the crux of the issue, hm? Opinions and all that.

I, for example, do not have a problem with the trait unlock system. Well, perhaps it could use some tweaking but no system is perfect.

Here we agree. I liked elite and skill hunting in GW1. I like earning my traits in GW2 as opposed to buying everything. I’m an explorer.

As a result I have earned the majority, though I haven’t earned every single trait I have. I bought a few/learned them from the wise skill trainers for a nominal fee.

Not everyone is like me, and I can respect that. Some traits can be tedious to earn or else I’m not on at the right time to meet the circumstances of some of them.

I have the option to wait it out or to buy it. I appreciate that option. Players who aren’t like me probably appreciate that option even more than I do.

What I am saying is that achieving 100% completion in a zone is not the same as killing a single boss. There is no hypocrisy in saying that one enjoys killing a boss for a skill but not having to complete an entire zone, participate in PvP, etc to do so.

Both are PvE-centric activities in this example, so yes. Slightly hypocritical. Unless PvE’rs don’t explore areas. Which I find hard to believe as true for a majority of PvE’rs.

A stronger example would be having to go into PvP if you’re deadset against segregating yourself along PvE VS PvP lines.

I’d think in Guild Wars both types mingle more so than in other games. I like both, I know a lot of people who like both, many in my guild.

But maybe the playerbase is divided like that. I don’t have the data.

If that’s the case, that’s more a community driven thing than a mechanic thing. The game is pretty overt in the idea that it wants you to give both a shake.

There is a lot of interconnection between the two.

These thoughts tempered by the fact that the forums are a microcosm and this thought comes from a discussion between two people.

Is it hypocrisy for me to say, for example, that I enjoy killing mobs for rewards but not doing jumping puzzles?

No. Not in of itself.

Now if you’re going to say jumping puzzles suck but killing mobs is the best thing ever, that’s very much getting pedantic in one respect and hypocritical in regards to things since both are PvE-centric activities.

This is made even more hypocritical if you subscribe to the thought that there is a PvE/PvP divide.

You’re further fracturing this thought on what is good PvE and fun (according to you) VS opinions (according to people).

It’s not always what you or I think, and “the horde” don’t always get it right either.

If you don’t like the basic framework, it’s the height of folly (not to mention a colossal waste of time) to think you can make a new foundation on top of the one that is already laid.

If however that’s simply your opinion VS trying to impose that on everyone else, by all means, you can think killing mobs is best and JP’s are made of Satan.

Elite skills are just that, Elite. Advanced. They are not the same as a basic Trait in GW2.

This wasn’t my argument nor the comparison I drew.

Acquiring an elite (or a non-elite for that matter) in GW1 and acquiring a trait in GW2 are largely the same PvE endeavor.

If you want to get strictly pedantic on certain traits requiring PvP, that’s a fair caveat.

It changes nothing for the purpose of my general comparison between the two games VS your own and doing taxes.

As much as I do not have the antipathy for the trait unlock system that some do I do think that if Anet wanted to capture the essence of Elite hunting in GW1 they might have been better off restricting the trait unlock system to master/grandmaster traits.

There is a sense of progression in the fact that earlier non-master/grandmaster traits cost less and tend to be overall easier to acquire.

We can agree that the system can stand to be improved. Some things changed around. Make it a little easier for new players to acquire early traits.

We see some of that in the feature pack update.

GW1 Trilogy+EOTN - 50% Off Sale on Steam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


If you don’t have an elite skill yet in GW1 you can just slot a non-elite skill and have a full array of skills. Admittedly under most circumstances this will be less optimal than having an elite that suits your build, but it is better than having nothing at all.

That you had to first unlock with coin, capture, or in the case of PvP both.

Further after you purchased so many skills from a trainer, the game hard caps you at a platinum per skill.

Getting the full collection of your classes skills, across the multiple campaigns and multiple trainers (not all trainers had the same selection) would often be a fairly time consuming effort that would require you going out half-kittened most of the time and/or a very costly endeavor.

And since you can secondary every class in the game… I sure hope you’re not a completionist. You paid very much for that build variety, in multiple ways.

If you don’t have a trait yet in GW2 you just do without until you can get one. Your build is not only sub-optimal, it is partially empty.

As it was in GW1. Ergo, the comparison. In GW2 you’re given an option, a real option as opposed to a faux option that existed in GW1.

I imagine they must have introduced tomes as there was a demand for the option to skip the exploring and discovering aspect.

As it is now.

Some people like to explore and earn their skills, and some people just want it ASAP gib now now now.

GW1 through a very convoluted system offered a kind of faux option to skip elite hunting for veteran players.

Whereas GW2 is much more honest and straight forward with this dilemma in that regard. Go earn it in the game or pay for it.

Both player types are sated with no weird convoluted system that was GW1. GW2 get’s it right here. Get’s it right on a lot of things compared to GW1.

Only in the broadest strokes can one accurately paint them as, “the same.” It would be like saying that because they both can involve sitting at a computer, looking at the screen, and entering commands through keyboard and mouse, doing your taxes is exactly the same as playing GW2.

You’re as free to feel that way as I am free to laugh at the blatant hypocrisy of folks who say “Elite hunting in GW1 was great fun” out of one side of their mouths and say “Trait hunting in GW2 sucks” out of the other.

We disagree, however. In that regard your definition of fun and my definition of fun are vastly different.

(edited by CETheLucid.3964)

GW1 Trilogy+EOTN - 50% Off Sale on Steam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


This is more or less a direct comparison to having to run out somewhere in GW1 and do some menial task to put another point into a trait. Does that sound fun to you?
Also, tomes don’t unlock anything that isn’t already on your account. Nearly all non-elite skills can be bought from trainers, with some exceptions.

Sounds fun to folks who loved them some elite skill hunting in GW1, yet inexplicably hate trait hunting which might as well be the same exact thing with tomes serving as trait books.

The point you make regarding tomes actually works against you in the fact that it required you to skill hunt. GW2 gives you the option.

You can skip the skill hunting. As you pointed out, GW1 did not give such an option.

You were forced to first either unlock it with skill hunting or by PvP, and then (granted the later and not the former) you had to obtain an Elite Tome either as an RNG drop in Hard Mode, RNG chest, Zaishen grinding, or again, from PvP.

So hey. There’s that. Thanks for pointing that out.

The GW1 “gem store” was not advertised at all and had practically nothing compared to what you see in GW2.

Actually, it greets you every time you log in at character selection. It’s still the same.

It offers quite a few of the offerings of GW2, for a bit more than GW2, with no option to pay for it with in game currency.

Your “bonus” is in fact a detriment because Anet is encouraging the player to make microtransactions and use real-world money for to buy gold.

As opposed to withholding from you the option altogether?

Anet’s crime is that they hope you’ll buy gems with real money to support them as opposed to always using in-game currency to get what you want…

While giving you that choice none-the-less? Seems legit. Can’t argue with this kind of logic.

GW1 Trilogy+EOTN - 50% Off Sale on Steam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Shen, you neglected to mention that you still have to run all over creation to get your hands on those skills, and still need to hunt down bosses to get elite skills (assuming you know which boss has which skills)

Unlike the trait you have to unlock in GW2, it was very fun unlocking Elites in GW1.

It’s the same thing! Make a new character in GW2. Go hunt for your traits in the world, instead of buying them. Bam. It’s elite skill hunting in GW1.

Take off your nostalgia glasses or else admit you’re a hypocrite.

Also, don’t forget about GW1’s awesome gem store.

Roger that.

(Bonus: The gemstore we have in GW2 tends to offer most of these things a lot cheaper and with the option to pay for it with in game currency.)

I’m a veteran GW1 player. I have the complete series. I used it’s gemshop. GW1 was a great game.

But this whole “GW2 sucks GW1 was the best game ever” thing… it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Further if you like GW1 so much, you know, it’s still there.

Canach feedback

in Living World

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I don’t doubt Anise is willing to sacrifice even a loyal Krytan if she considered it necessary to protect Jennah. Remember, the Shining Blade don’t server Kryta, they server the Krytan Royal Family.

There is no precedent for that, lorewise or in-game. She’s Shining Blade. Not White Mantle.

Innocent people, let alone Krytans, do not disappear for her sake or for the crown. There is no need and certainly no desire.

You might be thinking of the ministry and it’s ministers, where such a thing is common place for them. It’s no big secret that the crown does not trust the ministry.

The ministry makes everything a corrupted bureaucratic mess and there is much political strife between the two.

The queen cares for her people.

There are no innocent people that the Shining Blade need to sacrifice for her sake, and the most recent LS makes that even more apparent with regards to Kasmeer.

Seriously, Countess Anise isn’t Livia. They’re different people analogically… and literally, for the conspiracy person.

I honestly don’t know why Anise is interested in the Pact. Their actions would be generally favourable to the Queen’s survival. Not only do they have many Krytans in their ranks, but they have positive diplomatic relations with Kryta and mutual interests.

It’s problematic for me that the PC, who is more closely aligned with the Pact than they are Anise or Jennah, would be made aware of Canach spying on the Pact and not inform the Pact of it.

Technically, the Pact is handling it. You’re (the PC) aware of Anise and Canach.

The later wasn’t shy at all to inform you of his mission and the former made no effort to hide it. It’s almost like you’re pals or something.

If you’re going to do some sneaky dubious thing, you generally don’t tell a prominent member of the organization exactly what you’re doing.

They’re mostly harmless and I expect Canach and Anise will be a boon, not a hindrance. Time will tell.

The PC has multiple loyalties that generally all tie together. The PC is loyal to it’s people, followed by it’s chosen order, and then the Pact.

Generally, we’re trying to get the world to stop fighting each other and unite to fight the apocalyptic Elder Dragon threat.

In human society the crown and it’s Shining Blade protectors are the good faction that we’re supporting to that end.

Countess Anise has never proven herself a wicked person beyond some justifiable moral gray area stepping, and a repentant if not gritty Canach is being given his second chance under her.

Canach feedback

in Living World

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


If it were somehow favourable for her to get us thrown in jail, or worse, she’d do it. That’s why I don’t trust her.

Getting us thrown in jail or worse, as a hero the world over let alone for Kryta (if you’re a human PC), doesn’t pass muster logically.

It doesn’t make sense given the recent LS let alone the context of her character in the original story. Countess Anise’s interests are devoted to the well-being of Kryta.

True she has no qualms going into morally gray areas to accomplish that end, but she’s yet to have done anything that crosses that line any further.

She’s loyal to her queen and her country, in traditional Shining Blade style.

She’s not with us, she’s with us as long as we serve her purpose. If she suddenly decides that we’re but a small sacrifise in her big scheme, she’ll stab us in the back and walk over our corpse.

And that’s why I’ll never trust her.

If you’re a hero (moreso if you’re human) you and her are already serving the same purpose in that regard.

If you insist on being a cynic about it you wouldn’t be a victim of her sacrifice, you’d be the one rushing headlong into the trouble.

You’d beat her to the punch and probably survive because you’re a BA kind of hero like that.

If you can’t get over the fact that she isn’t a perfect pillar of morality in that regard, then yes. You’re correct.

You’ll never be able to trust her. Or Canach, or anyone like them for that matter.


"Downed State" frightening for new players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Leveling slow & weak? Discourage new Players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I just came back from a long pause and i recognized:

Leveling got the shaft big time!

Funny you should mention that!

The sad thing is, I can’t tell whether you’re being sarcastic or not posting that article. Because if anything, those changes make leveling worse. Personal story not available until level 10, stat increases coming in chunks (the implication is that you will literally now have empty levels), and downed state not available until level 5.

Add to this the horrendous trait changes made in April, and I pity anyone who walks into this mess. Also, why is Anet hyping up so many of these features that are just ports from the Chinese client? Do they think we can’t tell?

I’m quite serious. OP came back at the perfect time. This feature pack is practically aimed at him and others like him. Vet’s get a goodies announcement before the patch.

Some of these things (backpacks, revamped leveling system) are certainly from the Chinese release.

It is simple to deduce we will not have an exact replica of the systems: gems to open unid’d dyes, etc.

These things were forced on them, necessary so that they could release in China. They’re not stupid. They won’t do that here. If I’m wrong, I eat my words.

So beyond chinese specifics for clarity’s sake (no gems membership thing for us)…

Not bothering with your unsubstantiated rhetoric on a system you’ve not even experienced yet or especially applicable as a vet, unless you’re an altoholic or something.

For which these changes are toted as good thing, not a bad thing. But hey maybe it does suck. Let’s find out first, hm?

Leveling slow & weak? Discourage new Players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I just came back from a long pause and i recognized:

Leveling got the shaft big time!

Funny you should mention that!

Canach feedback

in Living World

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


He’s also been convinced that any means to achieve his goals were okay, because his goals were important to the world. He never really seemed to value other people’s lives, ideas, etc.

So I don’t think his “current” dialogue is inconsistent. He was cutthroat then and he’s cutthroat now.

What’s interesting (to me) is that Anise doesn’t seem to have a problem with hiring a (potential) sociopath. Either she imagines she can redeem him or she thinks its useful having a “Dexter” around to do “what must be done.” How far is she willing to go in defense of the realm?

To be honest I think Anise is pretty much the same. She’ll reach her goals no matter what the cost, and if she has kill a few people to get there she will. I don’t trust her, and I probably never will.

As long as you’re fighting for Kryta’s interests and it’s queen, you can probably trust her more than your own mother. Any hint of wavering loyalties?

Well… we don’t really talk about what happens to those folks. ^^


Never underestimate a ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The evade on swoop is only on the attack portion of the skill. It will be meaningless unless you’re like point blank and using it for DPS.

When the new swoop comes, you’ll actually want to use it as both a gap closer and at close range for the evade it’ll provide in the attack as the circumstances warrant.

That’s what I said. You said it better though. More detailed. Thanks.

Never underestimate a ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Dahkeus and Solrik have some great advice.

I would only add to what Solrik said regarding swoop and rapid fire is with the upcoming changes, this advice is due a relooking.

When the new swoop comes, you’ll actually want to use it as both a gap closer and at close range for the evade it’ll provide in the attack as the circumstances warrant.

What Solrik said about Rapid Fire being best at close range is also true, but there is no shame in using it on someone fleeing on low health if you feel the burst will down them faster then LRS.

This is going to be even more true when Rapid Fire is buffed to fire off even faster then it does now. Not to mention if you have a friend in the mix giving chase, the vulnerability does help.

It just depends. It comes back up fast enough, but these kinds of split second decisions are what usually decides if you land the kill or not.

Video was cool, nice choices of music.

Your fights themselves were generally good and you tend to survive even your tougher ones. Well played power ranger, bonus for not being meta cheese.

You definitely made the right choice with greatsword on swap over shortbow.

Keep PvPing and keep in mind the goal is to take and defend those points in addition to good play and you’ll be golden.

Sylvari and the dragons' corruption

in Sylvari

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Aerin is soundless actually, it is implied by the Zephyrites During the DryTop events

That doesn’t match up to the experience and his idle conversation aboard the Zephyr Sanctum prior.

We do read in his journal that he later rejected the dream of his people and his mother.

He became “soundless” at this point, but that’s not fair to the soundless who aren’t crazy. Some time between then and now, he lost his mind. He was corrupted.

I do believe that Mordremoth can absolutely corrupt sylvari, if not exclusively. We don’t know of corrupted humans or charr of Mordremoth for example.

We just don’t understand the nature of it. How it works. How and why someone like Aerin was corrupted.

We get the jist of how Scarlet was corrupted, but Aerin is a real mystery in that regard. He was a kind, enthusiastic, and cheery kind of guy before he went insane.

It seems to be a mental corruption for sylvari, not a physical one. Though going back to Scarlet, our PCs went through the same machine that was used to open Scarlet’s mind.

Who knows? That might lead to something later.

(edited by CETheLucid.3964)

Sylvari and the dragons' corruption

in Sylvari

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


The sylvari are resistant to dragon corruption. Dragon corruption generally does not take to a sylvari. They simply die. The exception possibly being Mordremoth.

It’s a popular theory that Scarlet and Aerin were both corrupted by Mordremoth, and while this didn’t entail a physical corruption, they clearly lost their minds.

Another one is that the Pale Tree and the dream serves as a natural shield against this kind of corruption.

Sylvari that willingly cut themselves off from the dream of their people (soundless) or those who have rejected the Pale Tree altogether (nightmare court) are thought to be more vulnerable to Mordremoth’s madness.

This is just a theory at the moment, and I have my reservations with it.

Scarlet was supposedly soundless (in addition to having her mind “opened”) but if I remember Aerin from my time in the Zephyr Sanctum, he was not soundless.

He would go on and on about how happy he was to be there and intended to keep a journal so that even those who don’t share a connection to the Pale Tree (every other race) can experience his joy and experiences.

He’d often ask his mother to guide him in his dealings with the zephyrites. The implications there are disturbing.

That isn’t the talk of a soundless sylvari.

Happiest of Birthdays To You GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Happy 2nd Birthday to Guild Wars 2! It’s been a fun ride! Thank you ArenaNet for the great game and may you see plenty more.

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How do you even interpret this blog post as hype? Seriously? This is hype?

“Hey how are you doing? I’m Isaiah Cartwright and here are a few things that you can expect to see in the feature pack.”

Act like they made an action trailer about how this is going to be rolled out. Then in other posts some of you turn around and say “not enough communication!”

Lack communication?
Wasn’t worth the post?


You’ve got to be kidding. Making an event out of a handful of minor changes is not hype? They have banners a whole section to the site, announced several times over many weeks, metered it out over 3 weeks & every time it’s brought up they talk about it like it’s massive sweeping changes.. Yes, this is embarrassing.
If they had a post with no preamble & advertizing showing everything from the past week & a half it would have been a normal “hey we’re keeping up on features” but the whole “feature pack” “changes galore” giant banners “Big Changes are Coming”. Sorry, don’t see any evidence of them treating this like what it is: minor QoL improvements. Most of these are ninja patch things.


Excuse me, I can’t find the part where I said “not enough communication!”. Can you point that out for me? Oooh I see.. it’s in that straw man’s chest over there.

Oh noooooo, argumentum ex silentio. Truly you are a man of many words and I of few and many sorrows. Drat. How could I ever hope to overcome your brilliant logic?

Woe is me. Woe!

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How do you even interpret this blog post as hype? Seriously? This is hype?

“Hey how are you doing? I’m Isaiah Cartwright and here are a few things that you can expect to see in the feature pack.”

Act like they made an action trailer about how this is going to be rolled out. Then in other posts some of you turn around and say “not enough communication!”

Lack communication?
Wasn’t worth the post?


You’ve got to be kidding. Making an event out of a handful of minor changes is not hype? They have banners a whole section to the site, announced several times over many weeks, metered it out over 3 weeks & every time it’s brought up they talk about it like it’s massive sweeping changes.. Yes, this is embarrassing.
If they had a post with no preamble & advertizing showing everything from the past week & a half it would have been a normal “hey we’re keeping up on features” but the whole “feature pack” “changes galore” giant banners “Big Changes are Coming”. Sorry, don’t see any evidence of them treating this like what it is: minor QoL improvements. Most of these are ninja patch things.


10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:

…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.

Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.

Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.

The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.

Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.

She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.

On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.

If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.

She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.

This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.

When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.

She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.

Well kitten me. Color me suspicious.

I remember playing with BBB on multiple occasions and the free taxi’s they provided. I was in the TS a few times and you guys were really nice folks overall.

More chitter chatty than I am, but nice!

I don’t know many people from TTS personally, but a few of my friends do. OT but are you the same Ark from TDF? HoD?

Yes we certainly had our chatty ones. And yes I am the same Ark of TDF/HoD.

Well you get around. I didn’t connect it to you thinking “Ark is common name, that ain’t him”. You’re a good commander and a nice person as far as I’m concerned.

Think we were in TA/VLK together? You might be in my current guild as an ally. I run with you in WvW now and then.

Small world. Give the Hoelbrak kitten Squad hell. I might be on a bit later.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:

…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.

Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.

Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.

The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.

Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.

She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.

On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.

If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.

She is 100% accurate about [EotM] and Venturers. I agree there. I do, however, disagree with her methods, and the ToS apparently do as well. I was in BBB, the guild she accused of doing all those things, and that’s not how we rolled. We were an easygoing guild, and yes, we did routinely do what we called a “purge.” When a purge was called, we would drop our tags and move to one corner of the map. Anyone could see us. We’d then wait about 15 minutes for all the people AFK at Wiggin/Pyro to leave — and I use “AFK” loosely, because they were not truly AFK, they would wait until the boss spawned and then hit autoattack from a safe spot (ledges), tab out or go do something else — this often caused early burns and eventually so many people were there that the bosses would scale higher than we could DPS them down within the gold time limit. For example, each boss, aside from Wiggin, had 1.2mil HP (Wig at 1.5mil) at a base number up to 5 players. After 5 players, the boss gained an additional 20% HP per player on that boss. If a person can’t make up that 20% damage, or isn’t supporting the others that are with waters, banners, etc, it leads to failures and eventually golds turn to silvers and silvers to bronze and the map implodes.

This is something that we learned doing BB hundreds of times, so generally after a really close call on a gold or a silver, we would enact a purge. We weren’t mean to anyone, and we offered free taxis in LFG to anyone who wanted to join. That was actually one of the guild rules — if you are a BBB member, you were NOT allowed to charge for a taxi. We wanted to get gold and we wanted to help other people get gold as well.

When UnicornGirl showed up as The Greefer and started sabotaging burns, people understandably got angry. Tight player organization and coordination was the entire aim of BB, and achieving gold was a fairly difficult thing to do without it. When a single person aptly named after the activity they were doing (i.e., griefing the entire instance with the intent of ruining it for everyone doing it) comes along, and then even decides to join our TS and taunt us under the guise of “I’m just playing how I want, deal with it” and so forth, how many of the people in our TS are going to be happy about it? That TS channel, until she came along, was an open TS — and then it got a password slapped on it.

She was reviled in BB, she crossed the line here by impersonating Anet staff, and she got what she deserved.

Well kitten me. Color me suspicious.

I remember playing with BBB on multiple occasions and the free taxi’s they provided. I was in the TS a few times and you guys were really nice folks overall.

More chitter chatty than I am, but nice!

I don’t know many people from TTS personally, but a few of my friends do. OT but are you the same Ark from TDF? HoD?

Some skins don't require transmute charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Outfits, achievement rewards [Zenith, Radiant, and Hellfire] & Hall of Monument rewards do not require charges. Everything else does.

AFTER using the 1 free use for blt skins ……. For example – buy chaos axe – use the skin once at no charge. After that, all other uses from wardrobe – 1 charge per use. This is also the armor skins from blt….

Nope. Outfits, achievement rewards, and Hall of Monument rewards are always free. Infinite use, even from the wardrobe.

Everything else is free apply with initial purchase, xmute charge after the fact.

Some skins don't require transmute charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


HoM and Achieve skins still doesn’t require transmutes, those are free to use.

Thank you for the confirm.

Some skins don't require transmute charges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Skins which are from the Hall of Monuments rewards don’t . . . or rather, didn’t . . . require charges. I think ones from achievement rewards didn’t either.


Has that changed? Do those need charges now?

Tribal armor set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


PvP exclusive rewards are good. I hope they never bring it to PvE

I wouldn’t mind if the skin would be in the PvP reward track, I just hope there’s some way to still obtain them.

This. If they prefer these armors remain in PvP, I’m alright with that. I just want them to be obtainable again.

A PvP track for them (maybe behind other tracks that must be completed so they retain their “rareness”) would be great. Gives another incentive for PvP at that.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


UnicornGirl has intentionally tried to disrupt any and all organized player events for as long as I can remember, hiding behind the guise that she’s “not trolling” or “griefing,” despite actions like this:

…wherein she intentionally tried to cause gold Boss Blitzes to fail by bringing a character named The Greefer into gold instances and either burning bosses early or pulling mobs from the boss areas into the players to make it more difficult to get the burn timing right.

Goodbye, good riddance, (not) nice knowin’ ya.

Hm. Something like an eye for an eye thing going on here. They’re doing this, so I’m gonna get back at them and do this.

The things she’s saying if they’re true aren’t fair to other people if these are the kinds of tactics some of the big guilds are using to do these events.

Not that her response was any better morally (no moral high ground for her), but I can see why she would lash out like that.

She was telling the truth about the Venturers of The Mists, there is proof.

On that precident I don’t see a reason to doubt her on this. If what you say is true and she did do those things in the CP, she’s certainly no saint herself.

If I must pick between King John or Robin Hood, I’ll always pick Robin Hood even if both are dubious characters.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.

As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.

Who did he/she impersonate?

I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.

We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.

I hope you do get banned, karma sure has a way of coming back to bite you in the kitten doesnt it? Let the blix farmers rejoice!

What did she do to Blix farmers? Talk about possibly completing the event? Grenth have mercy on her.

Dhuum can have the Venturer scrubs though.

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How do you even interpret this blog post as hype? Seriously? This is hype?

“Hey how are you doing? I’m Isaiah Cartwright and here are a few things that you can expect to see in the feature pack.”

Act like they made an action trailer about how this is going to be rolled out. Then in other posts some of you turn around and say “not enough communication!”

Lack communication?
Wasn’t worth the post?


I got nothing against the post other than the fact they shouldn’t have said GALORE when they just list of 3 vague changes….don’t half kitten the articles…

Man that’s some kind of persnickety right there, but alright. You’re free to feel that way.

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How do you even interpret this blog post as hype? Seriously? This is hype?

“Hey how are you doing? I’m Isaiah Cartwright and here are a few things that you can expect to see in the feature pack.”

Act like they made an action trailer about how this is going to be rolled out. Then in other posts some of you turn around and say “not enough communication!”

Lack communication?
Wasn’t worth the post?


Game Dev abusing power? Any way to report it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Would you do the same irl? I mean, making everyone move because you didn’t want to get out of the way for a few secs

Well-deserved DC

Would you knock someone in front of a moving train because he was standing in YOUR way?

So, wait. Assuming that the GM did kick him (unsubstantiated assumption), did the soft kick for a mere moment amount to being hit by a train in your mind?

Improvements Galore and the condi cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


If they didn’t say anything? Lack of communication. If they say something? Anet, why did you even bother to post this?

Kittened if they do, kittened if they don’t.

From what I get from the post, crafting navigation is going to be improved.

I found it tedious to manually search all the components needed for something, glad I’ll be able to just hop to it from the window I’m already in.

Dungeons won’t close when the creator leaves (lol dungeon sellers), and general client optimization which should improve FPS all around.

Which is something GW2 has desperately needed for a long time now.

I have a pretty powerful PC. I just built my brother an even better one than mine. We both end up running the game at about the same FPS under stress.

It’s not on my end or his. We can run most other games at max settings or near max with great performance and FPS. Not GW2.

I have to pick between pretty or FPS, and even then if I choose FPS, the gain is negligible and altogether moot in high stress moments (WvW, world boss zergs).

If this fix is such an optimization fix for the game, I’ll be ecstatic. One of the best updates yet. I love GW2, but if this game has a ‘weak’ point, it would be optimization.

I don’t even know that they even make hint at condition caps and such from the blog post, so I wouldn’t expect that. If it’s included, that’ll be a wonderful surprise.

But don’t get your hopes up on that bit.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Banbot should be reported for impersonating a staff member.

As far as your situation goes, OP – don’t worry; even if you were running a “rigged” EotM match, it’s not against the ToS. People who say it’s against the ToS aren’t very well read on the ToS.

Who did he/she impersonate?

I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.

We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.

First of all, stop playing dumb. We can see it was you by adding “Banbot” to friends.
Second, it is not against the rules to “fix matches” since he does not have the power to do so. He made the zerg wipe once? Someone else tag up and join his squad. You will see the trolling commander no more.
And third, I have to say, naming yourself “Banbot” sounds stupid and childish. While you make a good point that you did not directly inpersonate an Arena net employee, you pretended that you had the power to suspend his account.

I think he is just overreacting by posting here, but I guess he just got scared. I’d like to see your account suspended, just because you acted like a 10 year old.

I hope she get’s off with a warning or something if any action is taken at all.

She brought attention to a real kittenbag guild. That’s a positive thing in my book. Well played, Banbot.

You totally shouldn’t make a habit of doing that for your own sake, but brilliant execution. You were a force for good.



Game Dev abusing power? Any way to report it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


You shouldn’t have moved op.

He didn’t.


Game Dev abusing power? Any way to report it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


No one can prove the GM did anything OP.

Could have, but it didn’t cost you anything. Next time don’t be a kittenhat (to a GM no less) and move over a few pixels.

Or, you know, it might not have been the GM and you’d still D/C because any other countless reasons.

The number of authority abuse apologists on this thread is frightening.

There would be no issue at all here beyond what the OP made it out to be.

Now if the GM took all his gold, temp/perma banned him, ate his legendary or all his gear or something, sure. You can be mad.

That’s an egregious abuse of power. That’s totally out of line, and I’d be behind the OP or anyone the victim of such authority abuse.

OP possibly got soft kicked (something we can’t prove) from the game because they’re being a jerk? I’m having trouble giving any kittens for that.

The lack of common sense in people is disturbing.

10 mins commanding FR zerg and being reported

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Who did he/she impersonate?

I think you should read the ToS yourself, since you seem to be unaware that it IS against the rules to fix matches.

We’re not talking about two sides ganging up on the third team, this is a guild attempting to control all three sides at once to avoid fighting and/or farm each other… and harassing people who don’t want to fix matches like they do.

This. No sympathy for OP.

I hope it really was Anet and they take him and his whole guild for rigging the game like that. If it was a troll, couldn’t have happened to a better guy.

Are you worried?


This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


They do not “guarantee” exotic drops.

Right. I meant the bag, but I see what you mean. That processed wrong in my head. lol

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I personally prefer harder content with guaranteed item drops.

Dungeons. Tokens. Use them. Good stuff, guaranteed reward which can be converted into money. Get things you want.

Your work = guaranteed reward. Use it to your hearts desire.

I’d rather try – and fail – at some really challenging content three times, then finally get the item I am playing it for – then have to farm the same content 30 times, even though I succeed at doing it every time.

Guaranteed drops behind more challenging content is way better than ‘farming’ lame, boring content over and over for a slight probability of getting something useful, or grinding some tiny amount of currency (which takes a massive amount of to get the item you want).

Then don’t farm. It’s not mandatory in the least. Or do you happen to be grinding for a legendary? Some other expensive skin?

Because that’s also a choice my friend, a peripheral one; not necessary.

If you want to do that however, that’s totally fine. It’s your choice to make. And there will be grinding. But you can’t blame Anet for that.

You impose that on yourself.

I prefer skill based reward systems.

So does GW2. Players tend to circumvent it with cheap tactics whenever they can though. And you know what?

Even if Anet were using some of the most sophisticated of AI (and they’re not), people would still find a way to trivialize the encounter any way that they could.

That’s just the nature of the beast. We’d probably be having this same conversation. “Encounters are too easy when I’ve mastered them! Make them challenging again!”

Champs should have guaranteed exotic drops

They do at 80 and depending on the area I believe.

Pre-80 areas might give you a rare or green bag I think; which can end up giving you the lower tier mats like linen. Which is a good thing.

legendary bosses guaranteed legendary drops

That’s just broken, man. You’d kitten off the hundreds of gamers who worked for their legendary.

Legendary’s were always supposed to be an optional grind.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


It’s not the game which isn’t for me anymore, it’s visiting the forums and reading all this which makes me want to pack up and depart.

Especially since we go from this . . . to this . . . in about 24 hours.

Only reason I ended up here in the first place were the recent DDoS attacks.

I regret it in one respect, and in another I feel glad I was here to rebuke at least some of the enormous engine of BS and hate that comes out of this place…

And then I’m reminded why I pretty much abandon this place to it’s devices and use Reddit.

If he honestly got tired of this forums BS and said “well screw it, CDI’s cancelled”, I wouldn’t blame him.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


A single dungeon with the depth and the difficulty of underworld/ fow or doa from GW1 would be enough to keep many players busy for months. But instead of we get some living story that you finish in one hour, and thats it.
The combat-system of GW2 is the best i ever played, and i dont understand why they waste it with their living story instead of giving us a challenging dungeon.

A dungeon along the lines of the Aetherblade path that is not done by people because you can do several other dungeons in the same length of time it takes to run this one path?

In my guild we do aetherpath almost every day.

But of course a dungeon that is longer and more difficult should give better rewards. In GW1 you got the obsidian armor and tormented weapons in these dungeons, rewards that were unique to them.

The best rewards came from the UW/FoW/DoA. If ANet did something that made it worth peoples while. Then they’ll do it. Clearly what ever you get from there is not worth the time/effort.

The weapons you can get from the aetherpath are worth 100’s of gold.

But it’s faster to run other stuff for the gold than to cross your fingers. It doesn’t take all that long to make 100s of gold just through daily dungeon tours anyway.

Okay but Xanthium of Dreams, among other Aetherpath weapons sell for more than several precursors. That’s some pretty great loot.

You have as many rolls at it as there are weapon types, and all of them are pricey. Do you begin to see the circular reasoning this is becoming?

“OMG Aetherpath is too hard, i can make hundreds of gold just doing the easier dungeon paths”
“Maybe if Anet made it worth it”
“Several aetherweapons are worth many times some precursor drops”
“Anet y u no make hm dungeons”

Dream weapons are not an incentive to do Aetherpath, they have under 0.1% drop rate, most dedicated runners didn’t get one yet. I ran the patch over a hundred times now with my group, we still haven’t got a single weapon.

Sure it is. When has an abysmal drop rate or ridiculous cost ever stopped anyone? Lots of people are still grinding for their favorite legendary are they not? I know several.

The best rewards came from the UW/FoW/DoA.

You were never guaranteed a perfect Chaos Axe, Storm Bow, Shadow Blade. Often time, you might get an imperfect version which was essentially worthless.

Their drop rates were abysmal and they were among the most expensive and sought after items in the game.

Those tormented weapons were a nasty bit of grinding. One of the hardest weapon sets to get in the whole game.

The cost and mats needed for FoW armor was enormous, needed rare mats from both the UW and FoW, and they were not common drops.

It was rare to find a few after a full run of each area. All of it was arbitrary. That dungeon offered some of the best loot money wise and it was long and hard.

Here in GW2, you have dungeon that offers the same; and yet?

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


(get tired of fighting the same enemy models used over and over – at least last season introduced toxic enemies, though arguable these are just reused models with some new particle effects).

Mordrem. Dust mites. Beetles. Just off the top of my head.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


A single dungeon with the depth and the difficulty of underworld/ fow or doa from GW1 would be enough to keep many players busy for months. But instead of we get some living story that you finish in one hour, and thats it.
The combat-system of GW2 is the best i ever played, and i dont understand why they waste it with their living story instead of giving us a challenging dungeon.

A dungeon along the lines of the Aetherblade path that is not done by people because you can do several other dungeons in the same length of time it takes to run this one path?

In my guild we do aetherpath almost every day.

But of course a dungeon that is longer and more difficult should give better rewards. In GW1 you got the obsidian armor and tormented weapons in these dungeons, rewards that were unique to them.

The best rewards came from the UW/FoW/DoA. If ANet did something that made it worth peoples while. Then they’ll do it. Clearly what ever you get from there is not worth the time/effort.

The weapons you can get from the aetherpath are worth 100’s of gold.

But it’s faster to run other stuff for the gold than to cross your fingers. It doesn’t take all that long to make 100s of gold just through daily dungeon tours anyway.

Okay but Xanthium of Dreams, among other Aetherpath weapons sell for more than several precursors. That’s some pretty great loot.

You have as many rolls at it as there are weapon types, and all of them are pricey. Do you begin to see the circular reasoning this is becoming?

“OMG Aetherpath is too hard, i can make hundreds of gold just doing the easier dungeon paths”
“Maybe if Anet made it worth it”
“Several aetherweapons are worth many times some precursor drops”
“Anet y u no make hm dungeons”

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


A single dungeon with the depth and the difficulty of underworld/ fow or doa from GW1 would be enough to keep many players busy for months. But instead of we get some living story that you finish in one hour, and thats it.
The combat-system of GW2 is the best i ever played, and i dont understand why they waste it with their living story instead of giving us a challenging dungeon.

A dungeon along the lines of the Aetherblade path that is not done by people because you can do several other dungeons in the same length of time it takes to run this one path?

In my guild we do aetherpath almost every day.

But of course a dungeon that is longer and more difficult should give better rewards. In GW1 you got the obsidian armor and tormented weapons in these dungeons, rewards that were unique to them.

The best rewards came from the UW/FoW/DoA. If ANet did something that made it worth peoples while. Then they’ll do it. Clearly what ever you get from there is not worth the time/effort.

The weapons you can get from the aetherpath are worth 100’s of gold.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I highly suggest people watch and read these recent interviews for themselves, a lot of forum posters are either misinterpreting and over extrapolating the developers answers.

Because they don’t like this game and they don’t want you to like it either.

You folks who are done with this loser game, please send me your loser gold and materials in game. It’s for losers. It stands for everything you’re against.

Cool guys like you don’t need it.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


You post seems to be a week early.

Maybe hold off until we see what the new PvE feature part of the feature patch holds and then make a judgment.

For me at least this is their last chance to show they are actually working on PvE content and not just smoke and mirrors. If next week doesn’t have some hefty PvE content then I am inclined to agree with you.

You won’t be getting any content in the feature patch, just new systems I hope. It really makes me sad that this is how the devs have chosen to drive the game. Im just telling you how it is. i’ll link you the interview regarding the PVE if you want.


You leave out context. Which is dungeons. No hard mode planned. Dungeons might see quality of life type updates (think dredge fractal).

Dungeons could someday get “hard mode” achievements.

This will not be akin to the TA aether path, which could be considered your traditional hard mode dungeon. I think more people do Arah p4 than they ever do Aetherpath.

But who knows? Nothings set in stone.

No major dungeon changes in the immediate future (this does not mean no dungeon changes never ever).

But hey since you failed to make that distinction, maybe you think like me and PvE is PvE.

Content wise in PvE you just got: a new map, new weapons, new backpiece, new armor and weapon stats for exotic and ascended variants, new food, great new skins (both new and nostalgic), and a LS season.

Gems prices and current Gem store sale

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I think individually since the account wide tools update, they’d cost you 1300-1500 gems a pop. So three for 3000 is a pretty good deal.

ETA: I’m wrong. I think they used to cost 800 gems before the account wide update. Since then 1000 gems or so.

Not so much a super awesome deal as much as it is a bundle pack?

Websites telling me they’re individual. So, it’s basically a second (third? fourth?) chance to get these tools again.

(edited by CETheLucid.3964)

Why doesn't Anet tell us their plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I guess WP is right in this video…

More or less. That’s how you do constructive criticism. It was very well done.

I don’t agree with everything he had to say, but he was engaging enough that I sat through the whole thing and he presents his issues well. He makes several valid points.

Thanks for the link.

theory about player made Sylvari

in Living World

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


so about unicorns?..
we havnt seen unicorns so far…
we havnt seen mordremoth so far

OMG mordremoth is in fact a unicorn!!^^

It’s a conspiracy!


Why doesn't Anet tell us their plans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Anet has never ignored, let alone made efforts to “slight” it’s players.

You… haven’t been reading a lot of their “communications”, have you?

I have. That’s how I know most people are full of… nonsense when they make the claim Anet doesn’t make effort to communicate with or else listen to it’s players.

It’s not hard to find.

Where have they outright cheated their players? This is what you insinuate with this. Show me the money. Or do you mean in regards to their communications?

Because being bad at communicating with an equally bad (if not worse) audience isn’t much of an issue for me.

Frankly, I don’t even see that they’re ‘bad’ at it so much as the official forum is openly hostile.

Whereas other community outlets are far more fair and intelligent in regards to their arguments and criticisms.

But maybe I’m weird like that.

Maybe I just don’t have this ‘normal’ level of communication expectation from the devs that the average gamer should have? I dunno. That wouldn’t surprise me.

Either I’m the odd duck or people like you are the odd ones. I’m open to both possibilities. (… but it’s probably you lot, I’m neeever wrong. Ever. )

As far as the game in it’s own right and even the community (as a whole, exceptions withstanding), I’m not feeling cheated out of anything.

So far I keep getting amazing free stuff.

I appreciate it immensely and I am thankful to the Anet team and staff for the wonderful game. For their awesome, unique, if not somewhat crazy business module.

I appreciate the community who for the most part are approachable, fun, interesting, diverse, decent people.

When I see certain folks complain about trivial things, that’s one thing. They can be pedants. I’m pedant about some things.

But when you have those special ones who outright lie and smear a game they’re probably still playing (or not, ergo forum warrior), they’re thankless hypocrites.

There is a negligible amount of these types overall, but they’re tangible. You tend to find them in concentrations on the official forum.

Honestly, the universe owes them a hindquarters punt.

Is over 10 years long enough for you?

Noted. If you ever go devil from perfect paragon of endurance, you have my sympathy. You’re a lot more patient then I am.

About that blix exploit....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Meh, all the farmers knew it was going to happen. “Toxic” community or not, it happens to every farm. I agree that some people go off the deepend about others completing the event. They have every right to complete it for legitimate reasons. However, there was rarely a case of anyone completing it just to complete it. I’m not defending one side or the other, but no one was ever at those events other than to farm, otherwise they would still be completed just whenever a small group of players felt like it.

That’s nonsense.

If I go out there right now with the intention to complete it with my friends, I’d bet you gold at least one person will have a conniption about it.

Likely several, if not the whole map. Try and say that isn’t true. Show me how convincing you can be to sell that pile.