objective mistakes;
megaserver interferes with known systems and structures:
map waypoiint system
Dynamic event system
Guild grouping/guild events
Server grouping server events
guild chapters etcwhether you like it or not, the megaserver has effected all of these systems, and the current in place solutions are not integrated well or non existent.
A few more important points to be made here:
- If your world usually has a comfortable population on a given map, you’re unlikely to see much of a difference here until the map actually starts getting full. We’re not going to toss a bunch of people from another world into a comfortably occupied server and make it uncomfortable.
- But some worlds do fill up all on their own pretty regularly. The improvement from this perspective is that if you try to join a very full map, the system will find another instance which also contains people from your world rather than the old overflows which were much more of a mixed bag.
- If your world has a very low concurrency on a given map, we can put you and everyone else from your server into a map with a more comfortable number of players. The key term here is “comfortable.” There’s breathing room. Megaserver is not overflow in reverse.
- It’s very difficult to understand this situation if you’re not willing to look at the big picture. Similarly, you can’t really explain urban traffic by using a metaphor about seats at a dinner table. Server populations are big and they are not concrete. Players flow in and out all of the time, even when it seems like a map is completely full. The major change in the way the game is handling population is that it’s making better-informed decisions about where to direct you. If only my GPS did that.
- As the blog post mentions, we’ll be monitoring this very closely to make sure that the end result is positive.
We’ll also continue to monitor and adapt the megaserver system once it’s fully enabled to ensure it provides the best experience possible, so once you’ve seen it in action please make sure to leave comments, feedback, and suggestions as always!
Bonus: Red posts. That’s Anet up there. Dev communication. We have it.
So far that’s one thing, Megaservers… and it’s not even an objective problem. Most people like it. Many people asked for something like this.
They’re going to work on it and fine tune the system.
It came out what, barely a month ago? Beyond some valid quips with it (minor issues VS major issues), it’s working pretty smoothly overall.
There are other issues, which may be more opinion based, but seem to have a strong sentiment against the current implementation, like the trait system.
Come on now.
They didn’t even change how traits actually work, so much as added a few grandmasters, made point swapping free, and changed how it looks in the trait windows (‘30’ points in a line is now ‘6’).
You can’t even call that an issue in a non-objective sense. A quip with the aesthetics, maybe? lol
It’s not all about information on new content. It’s about acknowledging mistakes. Anet has been blatantly ignoring their mistakes and even go so far as brushing them off as if they were nothing or worse intended. Successfully interacting with a customerbase is key to the longevity of any product. It is an integral part of making the product better and making it grow.
Sadly anet and the fanboys can’t seem to grasp this concept.
What objective mistakes are you on about? What are these glaring issues that everyone can agree is a mistake that needs amending and an apology?
Hint: Disagreeing with the feature patch system isn’t an objective issue with the game. It’s a disagreement on direction going forward.
If you disagree with this, you probably want a more traditional expansion system.
What communication issues does Anet have? They interact with the community more than most devs of any other company. What are Anet and the fanboys missing?
What is Anet missing? The fact that they’re going a new route with the feature patch system as opposed to the traditional paid expansion?
Anet used to do the expansion system. So they’re obviously not ‘missing’ anything. They know what they’re doing. It’s a choice they’ve made.
What makes one a fanboy in this regard? Someone who disagrees with you?
So, to start off, no one said that the sites were taken down
Noxxic is not alone in ending support for GW2.
Compared to the aforementioned websites, err. Yeah. They kinda are. Maybe they could have worded that better? Hm? Nah, I must suck at reading.
Only one person said anything about sharing information with them, and that was you.
Developing content for a game with limited fansite support, outdated build calculators, and inaccurate databases leads to a low quality product that we no longer wish to deliver.
Collaborate with the community? Um, yeah sure you do.
Not that you’re in any position to cast stones in that regard.
Your armour hasn’t been buffed enough, and your shield arm is quite weak. Do try again.
And expansion is a sure fire way to get people to move on from the game.
They released a ton of new content for me to enjoy. How could they do this to me, I’m going to quit..
Said no one ever.
Aren’t people who are complaining about the LS model doing exactly that? Add “and free” “every 2 weeks”, and well… yeah.
People are silly.
Taken from Noxxic as I was looking for a build template:
Guild Wars 2 Closure
May 15, 2014
We couldn’t keep up with the constant content.Anet refuses to give us an unadulterated heads up so we might be the top resource/leak this information pre-release.
We’re not as cool as Dulfy. We tried. Also GW2 isn’t to our taste anymore, check out our other games we do support! <3
Uh. Noxxic is a site for build templates. It really has nothing to do with ‘content’, other than build fixes.
Which also leads to the other 5 sites that are listed in that closure statement, with 3 having gw2 in the site address as waning down support. What’s their excuse? One’s a site that list skills and items to be bbcoded into other sites, and the other 2 are also build sites.
Doesn’t seem to me as it has anything to do with ‘unadulterated heads up’, but if it makes you happy to think so while polishing your armour so that it shines and testing you shield arm reflexes, then so be it.
Nice try though. Tryharder next time. You might bear fruit for your efforts.
Maybe. I’d have to give a kitten in that regard, trudging through a long winded letter that can be summed up in “we quit lol”. Kthx, send me your stuff maybe?
But to humor you, I went through that list of websites. They’re all still up. Is Noxxic presuming to speak for them or is he just throwing that out there because reasons?
Not yet updated != Quit.
So if all Noxxic was for is a build site, seriously, what’s their excuse again? How does that tie into Anet not sharing information with them?
It’s like they don’t even put up a list of skill changes and balance plans months in advance for community criticism.
Maybe if Anet did something like that, they would be awesome. Oh wait…
Or rather is that the poster superimposing that as a reason? From what I read, they’re just done with GW2 because they don’t like the end-game and do not consider it competitive.
That’s fair. It’s their website, his life. Never knew of it myself.
But I must confess, I skimmed that for the large part. But what I gathered from it I consider sound.
Penny for your thoughts?
Relics of Orr interview with Chris Whiteside posted yesterday ~~
Interview with mister marketeer. Woop dee doo. It’s sad when someone is in denial about what he really is, but I’ve accepted that Anet will ignore inconvenient truths and gloss over or just joke about problems people have pointed out. This interview is no different in regards
Clint: Wait, you just gave him an excuse to sidestep it now. You don’t know how this works Erik!
Chris: I think that, not specifically in regard to your question, that it’s important to answer questions, that’s why we put the questions up.
It’s important for the players to work together with the iconics to get deeper into the lore and work out what’s going on and have amazing adventures and the sense of discoverability.
Which nicely segues me to: I’m sure that when people see this they’re gonna be like “Oh Chris, he hasn’t really answered much about Living World Season Two questions.”
Well, I’m doing that because I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, and because of the way that our model works in terms of delivering new, fantastic, and mysterious adventures in the world of Tyria and in Guild Wars 2, it goes against that aspect of discoverability and players working together to find new areas, and discover new things and so on.
So I just don’t want to ruin anything for anyone by going into details like this, and plus not everyone’s gonna see it, what we’re talking about, so it wouldn’t be fair.
Im only posting because I saw my name on the page
What do you mean they didn’t add mounts? The asura have mounts. Heck, they’re such generous folks that they’ll sell you one in WvW for a nominal fee.
They come in three models.
Are you awesome enough to have an asuran friend in the game? You have it made! You’ll be cruising the lands of Tyria in style in a customized golem mount just for you.
Be sure to praise your asuran friends for bringing you the mounts you so craved in your life.
Beg their forgiveness for your gross oversight, and they might well forgive that you didn’t immediately recognize their brilliant machines.
I mean, only so much can be expected from a non-asura.
Hm. I was expecting some manner of BS or doublespeak. Maybe I’ll pry it out of you yet!
You sure do post a lot about a game you find stale and boring. I find that’s a trend with folks who think as you do.
There’s something you like about this game, something that brings you back here, or else you wouldn’t bother.
Friends? Or do you really just enjoy the forums that much?
Little secret: I’m not actually playing the game right now either. Do not think too negatively of this: talking about the game and playing the game are two different things. Sometimes, people want to do only one or the other. For many reasons, really.
It’s not the secret you think it is. I’ve been taking notes for a while now and following where it goes based on the content of the posts in question.
Positive or negative is subject to the data overall, not how I ‘should’ take something. That would introduce a bias. I prefer it remain objective.
You’re not alone or unique in your thoughts, but that should be obvious.
You’re right on this point though: talking about the game and playing the game are indeed two different things.
No argument from me on that. The implications of that are fairly self-evident.
Taken from Noxxic as I was looking for a build template:
Guild Wars 2 Closure
May 15, 2014
We couldn’t keep up with the constant content.
Anet refuses to give us an unadulterated heads up so we might be the top resource/leak this information pre-release.
We’re not as cool as Dulfy. We tried. Also GW2 isn’t to our taste anymore, check out our other games we do support! <3
OMG people are throwing away ascended crafting materials… give them to me. Somehow. What a waste! What a waste!
This is an ultra casual game focused on looks and armor skins, so of course the PvE is going to be shallow and unrewarding. Some people like the game just the way it is, OP. No need to make the game “harder” because it’s not the right environment for it.
When I want my PvE fix, I go to games which do it better.
So I take it you PvP exclusively?
Nah. I very rarely even log on anymore because I find this game stale and boring.
Hm. I was expecting some manner of BS or doublespeak. Maybe I’ll pry it out of you yet!
You sure do post a lot about a game you find stale and boring. I find that’s a trend with folks who think as you do.
There’s something you like about this game, something that brings you back here, or else you wouldn’t bother.
Friends? Or do you really just enjoy the forums that much?
I liked the game for the first few months, actually. But ANet decided to take it in a different direction so it’s just not for me though I do keep tabs on what’s going on.
But anyway, yes, I do like posting on forums. It gives me something to do when I’m bored at work.
Goes with what I’ve gathered so far. We disagree of course, but I can respect your honesty about it all. Hope you find what you’re looking for out there.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
Relics of Orr interview with Chris Whiteside posted yesterday ~~
Interview with mister marketeer. Woop dee doo. It’s sad when someone is in denial about what he really is, but I’ve accepted that Anet will ignore inconvenient truths and gloss over or just joke about problems people have pointed out. This interview is no different in regards to this.
So which is it? They’re obviously not ‘quiet’ in the sense that they’re not saying anything.
They’re just not saying what you want to hear, which they may or may not be at liberty to discuss at this time (you know, for the things that actually have an answer VS a list of rants/demands).
Further, they may have already previously addressed your concerns and don’t feel the need to repeat themselves ad nauseam for every dozen posts that appear after the fact.
It’s not practical. Do a bit of research.
They answered the megaserver question. It’s new. Just came out. They’re aware of the issues (and you should keep posting about those, btw). They’re fine tuning it for you.
Expect something soon™. In the mean time, occupy yourself.
Erik: So will we start to see some of those questions start to get answered, or are you going to keep drawing that out so we see some nice speculation going and building up over the next twelve years?
Clint: Wait, you just gave him an excuse to sidestep it now. You don’t know how this works Erik!
Chris: I think that, not specifically in regard to your question, that it’s important to answer questions, that’s why we put the questions up.
It’s important for the players to work together with the iconics to get deeper into the lore and work out what’s going on and have amazing adventures and the sense of discoverability.
Which nicely segues me to: I’m sure that when people see this they’re gonna be like “Oh Chris, he hasn’t really answered much about Living World Season Two questions.”
Well, I’m doing that because I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, and because of the way that our model works in terms of delivering new, fantastic, and mysterious adventures in the world of Tyria and in Guild Wars 2, it goes against that aspect of discoverability and players working together to find new areas, and discover new things and so on.
So I just don’t want to ruin anything for anyone by going into details like this, and plus not everyone’s gonna see it, what we’re talking about, so it wouldn’t be fair.
Pvp/Wvw speaking,if they introduced skills or condis that will “Stun 5 enemies next to you in an xx range” or “apply xx condis to people around you for the next xx seconds”" Meaning if im in a stack and someone will put one of these condi’s on me,it means i have to move out of the stack so the condis or stuns wont transfer to people next to me.
small example,but i think you understand what i mean,it will force people to go out of stacks so condis and stuns wont be transfered to other people.The effects wont do anything on the player itself but only to people close by that particular player.Such mechanics already exist, there’s some boss that puts an electric burst that damages nearby allies. No need for ALL the bosses to be extremely hard, but defeating AC p3’s final boss in 6 seconds is ridiculous.
Yeah but thats pve though.I was speaking about the pvp aspect of wvw since the stacking and zerging is all they tend to do.And currently there doesnt exist anything like this that will demote the zerging and stacking aspect.
WvW != PvP
It’s basically that PK area in PvE MMO’s of old. Same thing (zerging, ganking, stacking) happened in those places too.
At least with objectives that vastly reward your worlds game, this kind of play is especially reserved for those objectives.
Roaming and small groups have their place in such a dynamic.
Anet should provide more roaming/small group objectives in WvW, and more server oriented zerg play (castle/garrison ones) for large scale objectives as well.
But if we have to pick a focus, roaming/small group objectives should get a bit more love since it’s the one that seems to be lacking ATM.
It’s delicate balance to be sure. Because if there are too many rewarding small group/roaming objectives, you might hurt your large scale grandiose zergy events.
And no one wants that either. Options are nice, but not at the expense of others who enjoy the grandiose large scale ones.
Sometimes I feel like one or sometimes the other. Other people live for one or the other exclusively.
I want the freedom to enjoy both whenever I want, and I want those who only enjoy one or the other to be able to enjoy their preference.
I don’t want to take away from their game, but to enrich it; and for those that like a bit of everything to be enriched.
To enjoy this awesome freedom of choice in having many awesome things to do.
This is an ultra casual game focused on looks and armor skins, so of course the PvE is going to be shallow and unrewarding. Some people like the game just the way it is, OP. No need to make the game “harder” because it’s not the right environment for it.
When I want my PvE fix, I go to games which do it better.
So I take it you PvP exclusively?
Nah. I very rarely even log on anymore because I find this game stale and boring.
Hm. I was expecting some manner of BS or doublespeak. Maybe I’ll pry it out of you yet!
You sure do post a lot about a game you find stale and boring. I find that’s a trend with folks who think as you do.
There’s something you like about this game, something that brings you back here, or else you wouldn’t bother.
Friends? Or do you really just enjoy the forums that much?
This is an ultra casual game focused on looks and armor skins, so of course the PvE is going to be shallow and unrewarding. Some people like the game just the way it is, OP. No need to make the game “harder” because it’s not the right environment for it.
When I want my PvE fix, I go to games which do it better.
So I take it you PvP exclusively?
Stacking isn’t a problem if you only want to play the game as an exchange of your personal time for online gold. By stacking you spend less time for the same gold. If you want to play the game for your personal entertainment then surely stacking in a corner (with limited skills and awful visuals) is some of the lowest entertainment the game can give you.
Is that all it is to you some days? I don’t understand your type. The game is obviously intended to be that ‘personal entertainment’, but you separate it into two things.
So some days it’s a chore/job for online money, and other days it’s entertainment? I’m not saying that’s ‘wrong’, but it’s weird and opposed to itself I would think.
I mean when you’re playing it purely for online currency in exchange for your time, how do you then turn around and say ‘this is entertainment’?
Is it a Spongebob complex? Do you enjoy working at the Krusty Krab? Do you consider it an accomplishment? A point of pride?
Be that the case, wouldn’t all your effort to that end be rendered rather redundant when you can simply purchase hours, maybe days of ‘work’ in a matter of seconds?
Then you could play for fun all the time? Or do you like to ‘work’ for it? Is that the ‘fun’ for you?
We’ve been getting a lot of players asking about having ‘The Hunter’ skin and don’t recall ever having this precursor rifle.
Fear not, you haven’t deleted a precursor. The skin was unlocked in your pvp locker at some point prior to April 15, 2014 and is now available in your wardrobe.
Also, if you haven’t visited The Heart of the Mists since the 15th and had previously participated in sPvP you should do so. We’ve seen some fantastic skins coming out of there!
On that note, is there any word you can give us about PvP exclusive skins for people who didn’t actively use the PvP forge methods?
Will there be a way to get these skins again under a new system? Added in PvE/WvW or PvP?
I feel really bummed and pretty stupid for missing out on a couple of really cool skins that I can’t otherwise get anymore, even though I could have under the old system.
Tribal armor for example: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tribal_armor
Some bits and pieces of other armor I can’t recall the name of off the top of my head. It would be nice if we could work to get those again.
Nope. It’s not entirely useless in PvE. It’s a free aura proc on knockdown that you can stack with. Great with aura share builds.
You can stun in PvE, btw.
You don’t want too many rangers in the zerg, but a good few of em’ are a benefit and a boon.
Bonus points if you have a few spirits and trappers that know how to play with choke points.
Rangers have a place in WvW. Even if they are weaker zerg material, they’re certainly not useless in that regard. They’re all together superior in roaming and skirmishing.
But if they want to zerg, rangers can zerg with the rest of them. Anyone can zerg as long as you’re not built as glass (or suck at it). No one likes rallybots in the zerg.
If you’re not a rallybot, you’re doing fine. Do your thing. Another body will always be of benefit. If you’re a rallybot, stop being a rallybot.
This is the only honest metric of the zerg.
Shortbow can already get about 1000 range. When you have to force your auto attack, you’re at about 1k range.
Axe can’t do this reliably, with the exception of Winter’s Bite which I do believe is something of a homing projectile somedays. Love it.
If you’re asking that they normalize this quirk (not having to force the auto at 1kish), eh. I wouldn’t mind. Don’t count on it though. I think it’s that way for a reason.
I committed to marrying my fiance and loving her alone the rest of my life.
I can think of tons of things to call that but hardcore doesn’t seem to be one of them :P
Actually in this day and age of selfishness and lack of moral discipline, that’s extraordinarily hardcore. Totally off-topic though.
I feel hardcore when I carry my team in PvP… and summarily switch servers the next match. 3 hardcore 5 me.
Also, generally speaking, they post far more info on twitter and facebook than they do here.
And that does not trouble u in any way?
It sure troubles me because, I rarely go to facebook and I LOATHE Twitter(stupidest social network).
I hate both and I’ll never make a personal account on either; but it’s a simple enough thing to simply read what they put there.
Also, generally speaking, they post far more info on twitter and facebook than they do here.
And that does not trouble u in any way?
Not even a little bit. Given the way this forum gets, I’d do the same thing. Also, the irony of it all: this topic has a red post. Anet responded.
OPs title is defeated.
Some cool ideas to make ranger the fastest class:
Agility Training (Skirmish VI): the effect now applies to ranger as well.
~ a permanent 30% movement speed increase.Master’s Bond (Beastmastery II): For each stack the pet has, ranger gains 2% in movement speed, this effect will remove when u swap pet.
~ a potential of 25 stacks equivalent to 50% movement speed increase.
I really like the idea of Agillity Training working on the ranger as well.
That would actually make that trait a lot cooler in general and easier to take between PvE and WvW.
Master’s Bond seeing as it’s so gimmicky, even with a cool benefit like that would still be niche. Maybe a great PvE option for speed. It wouldn’t hurt nothing.
As much as I like speed, I’d rather Rangers had more abilities to limit the mobility of other players. Basically, traps/spirits that are strong enough to make an enemy think twice before shadow-stepping into a Ranger.
I ruin many a cheeky thief’s day with my Spike Trap. Go ahead shadow man. Step right up.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
Its clear that you were doing your best to selective read my most current posts scanning for key words and phrases and taking no account of context or have any understanding of key concepts and idea both in terms of the construction and their validity.
I freely confessed I didn’t trudge very thoroughly through that wall of fan fiction. I already put that out there, guilty as charged.
Ergo I actually can’t technically discredit you on the basis of the content you’ve written. Frankly, I don’t care.
Its obvious that you completely disregard all who forum contributors oppose the published official GW2 lore as writers of “fan fiction” at best and essentially consider this group to be a group of “loons”.
You’re only a loon in the context of what I said if you’re a separatist engineer NPC.
They don’t make too much sense lore wise IMO, though it’s easy to reconcile in that they’re just blind haters and don’t think too deeply about it.
Its clear that your position is that what is written on behalf of the IP owner is the only truth. Being of this position proves that you are completely incapable of independent thought in regards to GW2/GW lore.
Oops.. I better take that last part back then. Wouldn’t want to make you look silly.
The fact that you refer to my post as a “wall of text” is indicative of the fact that you indeed have NOT read my posts in any substantial way.
This is to ensure that you can discredit me easily and freely.
I’m dismissing your claims outright on the basis that you’re pulling this out of your kitten. It’s not lore.
It’s tru lore according to Nicholas S Lin. I’m not interested. There’s no discussion to have with that.
“Guise, I wrote my own lores. Mines is right, yours and official lore is the wrong. Discuss!”
SB/GS berserker is pretty great. You get two stuns, a defensive knockdown, and whatever you wanna bring with your pet (more stuns/knockdowns).
Throw a little condition damage in there, and you’ve got something really nice to work with.
Queen Jennah would never manage to declare war against the Charr; the Ministry Council (which still seems to wield considerable power) would almost certainly block her.
Actually, I would think it would be many of the ministry who would fly off the handle and do something stupid like that before Queen Jennah ever did.
Jennah and her seraph seem to be the ones who keep them in check, not the other way around.
Stories and Art Involving This Character:
No stories yet, but here are some pics below as well as a rough drawing I did:
Nice drawing! Very cool.
It was the Humans who as per my post that gain the Dwarven technology not the Charr.
That says it all, really.
You obviously did not read my post.
I’ll be honest with you, based on the “according to me” premise you’re pitching (in addition to poor formatting + wall of text)… no.
Not as thoroughly as I might have otherwise. Don’t get me wrong… I read enough to get what you’re on about, but that’s the sum of it.
Nicholas, there’s nothing to debate or discuss here if you’re throwing the lore out the window and substituting your own.
So why would the Human Kingdoms of Tyria want any tech or engineering from the Charr?
Heh. That’s what I said about the separatist engineer. Violating his own hatred. A hypocrite. Them dirty charrs gotta die!
… Thanks for inventing guns and bombs to kill you with though.
But, hatred is rarely logical and often blind. Those that hate don’t think very deeply, so it’s entirely possible for the loons to be hypocritical charr tech using fellows, who hate charr.
You see that kind of thing in real life all the time.
At this time it’s extremely unconventional and likely to cause waves within the more conservative of charr society. It’s not absolutely unheard of however.
If you look at the young ones who are raised together interracially, the idea comes naturally.
Given a generation or two if things keep going smoothly between the races of Tyria, it’s entirely possible to see multiracial warbands.
Some within charr society consider the Vigil an interracial branch given it was founded by charr.
Recently, Rox choose Braham’s guild over a spot in Rytlock’s warband.
If this becomes a trend, charr society may have to consider the other races as potential parts of the war machine.
I mean if they’re loyal to the legions and the chain of command, what can anyone say really? But, that’s some radical thinking at this moment.
And granted, at this time all the points raised by Dustfinger are very valid. If someone in the warband isn’t happy with the arrangement, charr politics are very brutal.
If they’re challenged because of this and defeated, not a thing can be done about it. The chain of command will be respected above all.
A well meaning charr could get themselves or their non-charr friend killed if they’re not careful or particularly skilled.
Say you have a bitter war m8 about the whole thing? I hope you and your non-charr friend sleep with your eyes open.
The revolution that Pyre led would but have led to any significant change in the Charr mind-set towards science and engineering. At best it allowed a better distribution of resources among the re-formed Legions.
The Legacy of the Dwarves would have been claim by the Ebon Vanguard of the Eye of the North as spoils of victory. Our player character would have helped as a human – Gwen and Kieran Thackeray recover such a prize as Dwarven gun-powder/technology obviously was. Vekk would certainly have made that obvious to his friends at least.
At the time Pyre would have had no interest in it since his focus was his people. He’s a warrior(yes, specifically he’s a Ranger) of this people and no bookworm of any sort. His reaction and professional relationship with to Gwen is proof of that. The Dwarves were allied to the Ebon Vanguard of Ascalon, the Norn of the Shiverpeaks and the Asurans and had no agreement with the Charr(to my knowledge).
So it would have been the Ascalonian Humans using the remains of their society and war machine that would have reversed-engineered dwarven know-how with the able assistance of Ogden and Vekk among many others. This has not been stated by the GW2 writers since the obviously did not want this to happen. not because its the most logical lore progression but because they want to make the Charr too powerful for the Humans to challenge.
The fact is logically the Ascalonian Humans would have been the ones to make use of Dwarven technology. Since the Charr at the very least was in the process of a civilisation-wide civil war and through Pyre would at the time see either seen no value and or no priority for such things. And as mention the Ebon Vanguard would have promptly claimed it all with Ogden and Vekk’s assistance.
This technology would have enhanced dramatically the fighting spirit and fire of the Defenders of Human Ascalon.
And so one can reasonable ask: how could the events that led to the Foefire ever have occurred when the Charr armies would NOT have been able to even get near Ascalon City.
The humans for the large part had no real relationship with the dwarves, save a few heroic PCs.
While the deldrimor dwarves had a friendly relationship with the ascalonian humans, both people were busy with their own problems.
Ascalonians with the charr and the deldrimor with the stone summit.
When the deldrimor dwarves went hero mode and gave up their mortal lives for a lifetime of fighting the destroyers, the first people who were going to claim the dwarven resources would be the stone summit dwarves who hate everybody except themselves.
When they died off, the dwarven resources were left to the wind. Per the lore, the charr picked up the gun powder. The rest is history.
Humans with guns and engineer savvy today own that by reason of the charr. Wonder if those separatist engineers realize that?
“BTW you crazy mouse, before I kill you, I hope you enjoyed that gun courtesy of the Iron Legion technology revolution. You’re welcome and good bye. ”
Celebrating a death is always in poor taste.
Personally I enjoy the immersion afforded by this game, I enjoy the escape from reality so yes it does bother me to see such things in the game. In fact long ago I posted a very similar thread pointing out the racism in the game.
AKA I agree with the OP
That depends on who you ask. Some would dance on her corpse if they could get away with it. A sense of vindication, justice served isn’t wrong.
More mature people can concede it doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t take back the damage done.
The conclusion it brings is an end to the suffering wrought and a guarantee of no further episodes of pain or turmoil brought by the individual in question.
It’s a serious moment in game.
GW2 can be serious save the people/world/LA as it can be lighthearted and fun. This is one of those serious moments.
It shouldn’t bother you all to much if you keep your perspectives in line.
It’s a game. It’s entertaining. It’s diverse. If you don’t like that particular aspect, don’t participate in that particular aspect and go do something else that you do enjoy.
Some people like it. Some people don’t and that’s okay.
If it’s all laughs and smiles all day everyday, you lose people who want something more serious and mature.
If it’s all serious and mature all day everyday, you lose people who want something a little more lighthearted and fun.
There’s a great balance in this game of both things. And that’s wonderful.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
And you certainly can’t speak for everyone, and not even “most” players.
I agree. He cannot speak for, “most,” players.
but to claim that “everybody” or “most players” “hate” the Megaserver is not true.
But by claiming that it is not true (rather than that you don’t think it is true) that most players hate the megaserver you are attempting to speak for most players yourself.
Bit of a fallacy you’re espousing there.
By stating that an individual does not speak for the majority doesn’t necessarily mean the one who stated this is assuming to speak for the majority.
That’s a bit too far a logical leap.
I was told it’s a temporary measure because the “brute” personality trait was called ferocity.
With ferocity now being the name of the +critical damage stat, they’re having to rename that personality type.
There wasn’t enough time to do this come the 15th, so they’ve disabled it until they do that.
That’s a (fairly solid) rumor, mind you. Take it with a grain of salt. It’s also possible they really did remove the personality system. We don’t have an official word.
No, you needed to complete the quests. You could have opted not to accept the reward, and gone on to finish the other quests. You could have destroyed the first edition, and gone on to complete the other quests. You did not need the first edition in your possession or inventory to obtain the second edition.
Again, progression applies to items used in recipes.
That’s not true. You did in fact need Mad Memoires to make the Mad Memoires: Complete Edition.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mad_MemoiresHaving the complete version should unlock the lesser version(s).
Perhaps, but it was non-destructive. You still had the earlier version after the complete edition.
No. That isn’t true. I remember fairly clearly that you did need Mad Memoires to get the Mad Memoires: Complete Edition.
It was an item progression. I have Dulfy and the wiki telling me the same. Anet can determine what’s what. We’ll be abiding by that.
I’ve no interest in arguing the point any further than I already have. I reckon it’s a bug. If it’s not, well, that’s that.
No, you needed to complete the quests. You could have opted not to accept the reward, and gone on to finish the other quests. You could have destroyed the first edition, and gone on to complete the other quests. You did not need the first edition in your possession or inventory to obtain the second edition.
Again, progression applies to items used in recipes.
That’s not true. You did in fact need Mad Memoires to make the Mad Memoires: Complete Edition.
Having the complete version should unlock the lesser version(s).
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
The Mad Memories items are not part of a progression. You don’t need the one to unlock the other. That seems to only apply to items created with recipes.
You needed the Mad Memories to make the Mad Memories: Complete Edition. You couldn’t make the final version without it. I don’t see how that wouldn’t apply.
I would appreciate it if the display worked the other way around: showing the transmuted skins name and any applicable descriptions proper how it used to show.
Where with the bottom part where it says that the item is transmuted, describes what the original skin is.
Ebon Vanguard Staff of Chuck Norris
Superior Sigil of Chuck Norris
Superior Sigil of I Win
Lol Ascended AR Slot
Pearl Quarterstaff
According to the update notes, all skins that have multiple stages to them (Spinal Blades, legendary weapons) should unlock all the lower tier skins associated with the item.
This isn’t true of the Mad Memories: Complete Edition. The first part of this backpiece isn’t unlocked, even though I have the complete version.
Just thought I’d put this out there. Thanks.
Murder is also known as homicide, the act of killing a human deliberately. Feel free to knock down a few asura, it’s not murder by the book!
Try Troll again.
bullkitten, if you say that quaggan are only made of fat you have never seen one from the inside.
That isn’t what I said at all. Most quaggans, especially the deep sea variants are built much like whales.
They have a large layer of blubber under their flesh before you actually get to the muscle tissue.
You’re a grunt. The High Legions have no outstanding conflict with the quaggans. We’re not eating the quaggans. Pity the officer that has to deal with your tail.
What do quaggans taste like? o.O
Seriously, eat quaggans? You know, besides the sociopolitical ramifications?
Why don’t you discard all the meat from a bull and only eat the fat? There. You’ve eaten a quaggan.
@bullyrook: That is a fair point. It may be that Sylvari sexuality is merely an implanted desire given to them by the Dream in order for them to better relate to the other sentient races. But in the same way that real life sex is ultimately just to propagate the species, it doesn’t make the act any less awesome.
That’s how it is for animals.
Humans are romantic and sexual beings IRL and more often than not the act of propagating the species plays a distant second or even third in the equation to love and desire.
Many times it’s not a factor at all (IE some don’t want kids).
Sylvari are a deeply passionate and very emotional people (typically), and they’re very much capable of expressing love in the complete spectrum of humanity.
Sexuality is indeed a part of the sylvari experience, and it may well be for the reason you state; it makes them more able to relate to the other species of Tyria.
It’s not a foreign concept to them. In fact, they may make some of the more conservative of Tyria blush.
Just because you choose to correlate fiction with non-fiction does not mean others do.
You appear to be unable/unwilling to separate the two.
Saw this same nonsense when I made a comparison a bit back. An analogy can be used to make things easier to understand.
The analogy doesn’t suggest the one who made the analogy is drawing a direct correlation between the two things.
It’s impossible to believe Scarlet to be akin to any real life mass murder in any serious sense. She’s a video game character.
The fact that you think people don’t get that says something about you.
It is however a very relevant analogy when trying to make a point story/lorewise in game about why most people would celebrate or otherwise appreciate the end of Scarlet.
OP, it is a sad story. I’m sorry Ceara lost her mind. But it is what it is.
You can take cold solace in the fact that whatever madness and/or evil that took her, that made her Scarlet Briar, can no longer torment her. Her part in this has come to an end.
(… Besides, she went out in a big glorious Kuh-Braham!)
Make LA 10 times cooler. Add more cow bell.
Since Evon Gnashblade’s been pretty much entrenched into the city’s defense and rebuilding process, maybe make him “own” that roll.
This silly human had me conscripted, fine, I’ll make this place my own. The BLTP kinda puts more money into really making the place really awesome.
Because secretly, Gnashblade really likes the place and even though it wasn’t his first idea to deal with the problem, he’s developed a soft spot for LA.
He doesn’t really resent Kiel’s actions that much.
Despite what he may have thought intitally, Evon and Kiel were on the same page regarding LA. They both warned the council.
They can both continue to act tsundere about the whole situation though.
A-net has confirmed that sylvari are sexually active but lack the approrite organs to reproduce. Like all sylvari limbs, their “sexual organs” are simply imitations of human sexual organs made from plant pettles/stems/leaves/bark/vines/etc. wrapped to form a shape that produces a similar physical function. they look and operate similarly without he reproductive aspect.
They have the appropriate organs in sylvari fashion. They function in all the ways they should, stopping short of actually being able to produce after their kind.
They’re sterile. Only the mother tree(s) can physically produce sylvari.
But yeah OP, the sylvari obviously have well defined genders. Male and female. They also happen to be the most uninhibited, though humans seem to be catching up.
The devs kinda gloss over the whole thing – seems that way to me anyway.
Not that they gloss over it. They had addressed it. They just can’t really sit down and devote so much time to the issue that it begins to be a thing.
I’m honestly surprised they humored the question at all, props to them for that.
i believe the PC’s wyld hunt is to murder dragons though they kinda stop mentioning that one after a while…
Murder implies a crime. Self-defense in the name of pretty much the entire world of Tyria isn’t murder. If we don’t stop the dragons, they’ll kill all of us.
You’re twisting facts.
Ascalon was never Charr homeland until GW2 writers wrote it in last year…
I’m following the lore.
You’re denying the parts you don’t like because GW2 writing QQ.
But I’m twisting the facts?
Okay then.
Let’s ignore the AC dungeon story and the Ghosts of Ascalon timeline and pretend that Anet just wrote that in to troll you, Obsidian.
If we agree to ignore the bits of official lore you don’t like, you’re absolutely correct.
I’m twisting the ‘facts’ by using the official lore for my stance, instead of what should be… according to you.
Got it.
Big feet! The next best thing after big heads. Also shows a certain continuity and tradition.
Big hands! Big feet! Better to smash and dash!