As I will not repeat myself more than I deem needed.
AHahahahaa… oh, you’re a funny one!
You’ll probably be surprised to hear me say this, but I don’t hate King Adelbern.
He was an excellent and benevolent leader in his day and much beloved by his people. GW1 Ascalonian player here.
Even the guy who could legitimately challenge him for his throne based on heritage (Duke Barradin) had no qualms with leaving him the crown.
It wasn’t until after the Searing he began to slip. Many things in the game hint that he was never quite the same man after the Searing.
The charr breaking the wall and literally destroying his kingdom took a massive toll on his psyche.
And even then, this man and his people hold the charr back for many, many years after the fact. The charr still couldn’t just sweep in.
After losing his son. After being attacked by all manner of demons (Titans).
I’d wager you’d be a little crazy yourself after such things. I don’t know that I could last half as long as he did.
It doesn’t excuse him or make right what he did (Foefire), but I can see why he did what he did.
And so neither side is innocent. Charr have their genocidal run (Searing), humans had their go (Foefire).
Countless warbands were lost in the Foefire. It was a disaster beyond the scale of the Krytan slaughter.
The remaining Ascalonians in the immediate area were not only killed, but turned into restless spirits doomed to forever haunt the land claiming even more lives.
A tragedy all around, and a lingering one for the charr.
Simple and well done. Very nice.
Destiny’s Edge was a guild. They are at war with the elder dragons. They fought and defeated dragon champions.
Guild Wars doesn’t have to mean guild vs. guild. It can mean guild vs. environment.
I was searching for an apt “rofl/lol gif” to copy in here, but alas, all of them fell terribly short to reflect the boundless hilarity reading your ingenious post had caused.
You won the Internet today, sir, and I’d hazard the guess that Mad King Thorn would’ve renounced his claim to his esteemed title and bestowed it upon you.
Yeah. It was pretty funny how he schooled you with an extremely relevant point regarding the OPs question.
Here’s Ninnko. He’s pretty cute.
You broke the system. And so, you win. Take a +1 and have mercy on me. I’m late for meeting.
I think this separatist movement and the ghosts by humans and the flame legion, are kind of lame excuses for enemies on both sides.
I disagree. One of the things they did very well with the game is settle the human and charr hostilities in a believable way.
Major props for that, love the fact that this game has no outstanding racial factions or alliances.
Would you like this, the PvP or NPC version?
If you had to pick a side, which side would it be?
Who would win?
In a hypothetical where it’s a humans VS charr fight in a PvP game mode or something, wouldn’t that obviously be determined by the players on whatever side?
A bit like spartans VS elites in Halo: Reach?
And it’s been said here – the charr work best when they are focused on enemies. If they didn’t have a lovely target-rich environment to focus on they’d be turning on each other. They cannot sustain themselves.
The Charr born and raised in Lion’s Arch would have a word with you.
Excellent, I need some new rugs.
Will Tobias have a pair of new rugs, or will Tobias himself become a swanky new pair of charr boots? Tune in next time, folks!
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
And it’s been said here – the charr work best when they are focused on enemies. If they didn’t have a lovely target-rich environment to focus on they’d be turning on each other. They cannot sustain themselves.
Bah. The charr of today aren’t the same charr of yesteryear. They’re not stupid. They’ve (hopefully) learned that exhaustive in-fighting can only weaken them in the long run.
In the event that they haven’t, Smodur the Unflinching expresses his own intelligence by possessing the Claw of the Khan-Ur yet choosing not to use it to officially claim the Khan-Ur title.
(… perhaps on the advice of Malice Swordshadow.)
However, the Fields of Ruin remains jointly owned. The greater part of the area that borders the Crystal Desert is Ash Legion territory. This is now their homeland
Fixed that for you.
Yes, yes. The forgotten had it first I suppose. Then there’s the ogres who claim to be older than the mountains (certainly older than the charr).
The charr have certainly been in Ascalon a heck of a lot longer than the humans at any rate. To further cement their position, the charr won the war over the land.
So they win out per longer ancestry and simple war.
Ebonhawk not withstanding (score one for the humans), Ascalon is predominantly a charr nation. That’s just where we are.
The human heritage of Ascalon (the living breed anyway) continues in the land.
They’ve made a place for themselves in Ascalon and they have official recognition from everybody, even the charr.
That’s very impressive for a race that’s been assumed to be on it’s way out.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Charr bomb.
Charr bomb who?
Charr bomb you!
Ooooops Svanir. Sometimes I mix words round when I am rushing a thought. Aspergers is fun!
It just seems really odd that the Charr have travelled so far from their own lands, stretching their supply lines across many miles, to fight an enemy which isn’t a direct threat to them (right now) rather than insisting on taking on Kralkatorrik first.
Except we kinda did. Per Destiny’s Edge, Kralkatorrik was the first dragon directly fought.
The battle was lost, and we suffered the loss of both Glint and one of the most brilliant asuran minds of our time.
Per the treaty with the humans and many charr being entrenched in the global interracial orders even before the treaty, the charr honor their commitments.
That brought them to Orr with the rest of the races against Zhaitan. The dragons are a global problem and that included Zhaitan.
Left unchecked, the undead would have taken the tyrian mainlands and eventually found their way to Ascalon… making it a charr problem.
If you followed with the charr personal story, one of your own warband became a risen right there in Ascalon.
The charr were besieged before the treaty.
The treaty with the humans eliminates one more threat, and brings with it a full and open commerce with one of the major races in Tyria.
It makes the charr that much richer and that much stronger.
crosses all fingers and toes that Ride the Lightning is also included in those nerfs (cooldown wink wink nudge nudge) that will be looked at
this was my first thought as well. Range as well as CD; when thieves can port halfway across the map every 10 seconds, RTL hardly seems like an issue, for a much squishier class at that.
One can dream. If they gave back the cooldown and the distance, that would be glorious.
If not the cooldown, at least the original distance it carried you. It’s one of the skills that inspired me to make an ele.
I can deal with the awkward cooldown mechanic, but I hate the neutered distance.
Oh and dungeons here have specific drops – meaning say Item A only drops on Dungeon A, and item A is needed to upgrade/craft certain item – which encourages players to actually run the dungeon – not just specific dungeons.
GW2 has exclusive dungeon gear, weapons and armor that you can only get by running that particular dungeon. So. Yeah.
As a bonus, it’s not some absurd RNG drop. Enough tokens gets you what you want free and clear.
As you may have noticed, those are “minor” impacts, but it builds over time – thus creating an environment where players would actually want to participate to gain advantage over others. They are actually encouraged to participate. Note: Encouraged, not required.
Nothing in this game “requires” you to do anything. Nothing in this game will give you a clear advantage over another player that they can’t also reasonably work for.
One of the reasons I like GW2 so much is because of this. In my opinion, that kind of thing in traditional MMOs is really stupid.
From the sound of it, you must hate this game because it runs counter to that standard.
I mean there’s legendaries and ascended gear, but that’s the last tier of the time sink in this game and even these aren’t WoW or RO level in time needed.
Maybe you want more of a traditional MMO where you can work to be a degree better than the average player based on the time you put in.
You know what though? That’s okay. People have different tastes and likes. GW2 is an MMO that caters to a starved audience that wants something a little more accessible.
If you want to be able to put in lots of time to be objectively superior stat wise and gear wise to someone else who can’t play as often as you might be able to…
That’s okay. There is an endless stream of these kinds of MMOs for you to try out. But GW2 won’t be that kind of MMO.
As I see it the lands surrounding Ebonhawke is of little military value since large tracks of it is corrupted by the Dragonbrand and thus is not a reliable sources of resources and has no cultural/political significance to the Iron Legion the army that occupies Ascalon on behalf of the Charr warbands.
Since the Charr would see little military value in the Fields of Ruins it would not be a source of conflict between the Legion and the humans. This being so, the humans could be allowed to own the Field of Ruins without any lost of face or honor in so far as the Iron Legion is concerned.
And with the Pact Treaty this decision to allow the human to have that land is made even easier. Seeing as now the humans are now allies to the Charr and thus allies of the Iron Legion. It would also not significantly affect the overall Charr domination of Ascalon.
Thus there is no valid reason for not allowing what I suggest to come to be earlier in this sub-forum.
This has already happened more or less, but you neglect to understand that the area about the Fields of Ruin is Ash Legion territory. It has nothing to do with Iron’s pride.
The negotiations of Ebonhawk could never have been established without Ash Legion agreeing.
Iron and Blood before the treaty stood with Ash Legion against the humans in an effort to take Ebonhawk and push the last remnant out of Ascalon.
That has never been successful, the humans have always held out against them, even pushed them back from there.
With the treaty established, the charr have moved their war forces out of the immediate area and have relented a fair swath of the land there to the humans.
This is an unprecedented concession, and some charr are bitter.
However, the Fields of Ruin remains jointly owned. The greater part of the area that borders the Crystal Desert is Ash Legion territory. This is their homeland.
Humans have established for themselves a place in Ascalon that is truly theirs, and the charr have officially recognized it.
But the greater part, indeed the vast majority of Ascalon is charr territory, and the last major human establishment in Ascalon is in the midst of the Ash Legion’s homeland.
At this time, the humans and charr are officially allies and following the LS nothing has really rocked this relationship since the defeat of Zhaitan.
If anything they’ve grown closer. Unity is a key thing against the Elder Dragons and the effort against Zhaitan demonstrated that.
The first major efforts and success against the EDs has been a multiracial one. Unofficially, where the races melt together (LA), their kids are playing with ours, ours with theirs.
The worlds changing.
Just allow us to blast them all, when several fields are in the same location.
This. Able to blast up to 3 fields (of different types) at once, but with a diminishing returns system:
if #fields > 1, each field effect duration is decreased by 20%, cumulative, so:
- most recent field – 80% usual duration
- 2nd most recent – 64%
- 3rd – 51%
Fields can interact, to form new fields, eg:
- fire + water field = steam field (cures conditions and grants regen)
- ethereal + dark field = void field (convert boons -> conditions)
- ethereal + light field = celestial field (convert conditions -> boons)
etcObviously wouldn’t need to be exhaustive.
This would be wonderful.
Guys, no one wants to take away you super-dps toy (aka zerker gear).
All anyone wants is to take away your reason to scorn anyone who would rather play with a different toy.
Because having only one gear/build choice be really viable in the eyes of pretty much everyone (thus inducing scorn for people who favour a different build and playstyle) is just plain boring.
I really doubt that zerker gear is suddenly going to become useless – balancing a game is, after all, all about balancing the proficiency of different choices, thereby favouring an increase in viability and usefulness of other stat combos and playstyles.
This needs a thumbs up. +1
RadeonPro is your friend. Seriously. It takes this game to the next level graphics wise. My night times are dark and vivid and my day times are bright and brilliant.
We just wanted to respond to the image that has been data-mined from the Edge of the Mists testing branch.
This is a testing branch. We conduct internal experiments for various territories on our testing branches. This particular experiment is not being tested for the West.
As always, keep in mind that we test a lot more than we ship, so data-mining is no guarantee of anything. If we have announcements to make about future content, we’ll make them through the usual official channels.
And checkmate. Thank you sir. Everyone that said “it’s for China” get’s +internets. You were right, everyone else was wrong.
Benefit in the form of ‘easy’ not benefit in profit or whatever. Paying 5 silver you say.. No thats not why I say it’s huge. How about having to walk 15 min to get to your friend. Will not happen a lot on a level 80 char in this game but when leveling and my friend is in an area I did not complete yet it will happen.
I only play two characters very seriously, I’m not much of an alt guy. Both characters have most of the WPs in the world.
I’ve never had an issue with meeting up with my friends.
If I have something they don’t have or they have something I don’t have, we just meet at the closest WP we both have.
Not very hard. Takes a lot less than 15 mins.
Plus you can expect mounts in the future, likely in maps with less way-points and also then it’s even a huge thing for a lvl80 with all way-points.
Alright. Whatever you say, buddy. I tip my tin hat to you.
It’s a huge thing. I don’t say it’s a ‘broken’ thing. It just gives you a huge benefit VS not having it.
Not really. Unless you wanna argue paying 5s max to get to my friend is so tedious and awful. There’s no problem with this VIP feature if it’s exclusive to PVE.
It shouldn’t work in WVW for obvious reasons. Anet isn’t dumb. They know that.
I also don’t think it’s ‘just a small thing’. The ability to directly waypoint to a friend is huge!!!!
Not especially. Broken in WVW, absolutely. In PVE? Nah.
I concede it could still be fair provided some of the additional benefits (Resurrection Buff, Teleport to Friend) don’t adversely impact certain aspects of the game like WvW.
If teleport to a friend worked in WVW, that would be horribly broken.
It’s likely to put you ontop of your friend anywhere in PVE, but won’t work in WVW/PVP.
Likewise with the resurrection buff. Probably. Unless it’s like a booster thing. Details pending.
I would actually really like that. Maybe if you’re a charr, it lands on your horns every now and then? A shoulder so often.
And other times, it does what it down now and lands beside you on the ground. That’d be nice.
It’s actually lore regarding norn and cold in particular. Where a human or asura might freeze to death in the sub-zero temperatures, norn would thrive.
This isn’t to say they’re immortal against the cold, because yes at a certain point even norn can eventually freeze to death or succumb to frostbite.
They can handle it a lot better than any other playable race lore wise.
The Norn actually are more comfortable in cold environments. There’s NPC’s in the world that state ths. So it has nothing to do with the game mechanics of other races being able to unequip armor and not freeze.
If game mechanics are not the reason, then explain to me why my asura/sylvari/human characters can survive in the Shiverpeaks just as easily as any norn?
For the same reason they can breathe underwater indefinitely? Because having to manage your body heat would be an incredibly lame game mechanic.
That’s basically what I was saying…
Suspension of disbelief. Get some.
If it’s something that counts how many gems you’ve bought over time up to a cap, a “one time over time”, thing that you can just get in one go or over a few years, and if it gives no gameplay advantages, then maybe, just maybe, it may be fine.
But if there’s no cap and it just keeps going up, or if it’s something you have to pay each month and keep paying to keep it active, or if it gives any form of gameplay advantage over players who just purchased the game itself and not just a couple of quality of life services and vanity things, it would NOT be acceptable.
It’ll be a fee and releasing this would turn ArenaNet into a bunch of untrustworthy lying turncoats and no one with the sightless tiny bit of ethical integrity would ever pay for anything anyone of them will ever do as long as they stand under the banner of ArenaNet.
And nobody wants that. Not me, not them, not anyone. Well… maybe their competitors.
I agree.
The only thing that makes me go “hmmm” is the fact that it says “enroll”. That would be suspicious, but the fact that the rest of the image is riddled with typos…
It’s not unreasonable to assume that it’s just a poorly worded early mock up of some kind of VIP thing that they might do.
Again if it’s simply a big one time purchase, no harm no foul.
You don’t “need” any of that stuff the VIP member would get, and the gem discount can be looked at as a self-serving end.
Depending on how much of a discount the VIP earns after the initial membership purchase.
If you’re considering getting this, you’re already using the gemstore often enough.
This would serve as a big lifetime “thanks for your support, have a discount for the rest of your life with this purchase!” thing.
That’s not bad at all.
Now if it’s a system you have to buy into based on how often you use the gemstore, that’s a completely different ballgame.
There’s no defense for that and people would be justified in their anger. It would be an unquestionable betrayal of the gamer.
That said, despite the haters insistent QQ about ascended gear and other assorted BS to the contrary, Anet has never done anything like that to it’s gamers.
There’s no serious precedent there where Anet screws over it’s gamers. They spoil us, quite frankly. At least compared to some other companies out there.
We have little to go on at this point. Let the situation develop before we get the torches and pitchforks, hm?
The only thing that makes me go “hmmm” is the fact that it says “enroll”. That would be suspicious, but the fact that the rest of the image is riddled with typos…
It’s not unreasonable to assume that it’s just a poorly worded early mock up of some kind of VIP thing that they might do.
Again if it’s simply a big one time purchase, no harm no foul.
You don’t “need” any of that stuff the VIP member would get, and the gem discount can be looked at as a self-serving end.
Depending on how much of a discount the VIP earns after the initial membership purchase.
If you’re considering getting this, you’re already using the gemstore often enough.
This would serve as a big lifetime “thanks for your support, have a discount for the rest of your life with this purchase!” thing.
That’s not bad at all.
Now if it’s a system you have to buy into based on how often you use the gemstore, that’s a completely different ballgame.
There’s no defense for that and people would be justified in their anger. It would be an unquestionable betrayal of the gamer.
That said, despite the haters insistent QQ about ascended gear and other assorted BS to the contrary, Anet has never done anything like that to it’s gamers.
There’s no serious precedent there where Anet screws over it’s gamers. They spoil us, quite frankly. At least compared to some other companies out there.
We have little to go on at this point. Let the situation develop before we get the torches and pitchforks, hm?
One time buy for life = Not a problem. No different than using the gem store or picking up a gem card.
Monthly thing/based on gem purchase activity = Abject betrayal. Can’t defend that.
My money’s on the first one, and everyone is going to have a conniption anyway because unfettered emotional QQ is the hip thing to do round’ these parts.
I hate dredge, I hate dredge fractal, I hate paper.
You sound like a dredge.
It’s painfully obvious ANet won’t renege on this. They simply have too much invested in the current narrative. To even try to do so would be akin to admitting they were wrong. And that’s political suicide for them.
The human’s, and their gods, were just a passing phase of antiquity that we can read about in the Durmond Priory. I’d even go so far as to say ANet sees GW1 as a quaint fairy tale. Something to gut for ideas on what to name your next Ascended item, but certainly not something to take seriously. We can either get used to it and accept it, or be relegated to antiquity along with it.
Hey, there’s always fanfiction.
ArenaNet likes Warriors because the class name begins with a “w,” which stand for “winning.” Ranger begins with an “r” which stand for… well, you can probably guess what it stand for because you’re smart.
Also, In classic DnD ArenaNet (the whole company) was always afraid to play as the ranger because they got scared if they weren’t playing a heavy armor class, hence they don’t truly understand the class archetype.
ArenaNet was also founded by former Blizzard employees, and, as everyone knows, Blizzard ONLY makes P2W games like Stacraft.
ArenaNet was also originally named “TriForge” —a reference to the TriForce from The Legend of Zelda series, and as everyone knows Zelda is also a pay to win game.
It was never a racial thing, even other asura can be bookahs. It just means a stupid person. A bookah was a big stupid monster, equivalent to a boogieman.
It’s a folktale asura tell their progeny.
Though it could be based on an actual monster the asura once dealt with in the past when they were exclusive to the depths of Tyria.
Asura in the past seemed much more arrogant and egomaniacal then they are today.
They’ve toned it down considerably. Some asura are better or worse than others in that regard.
Just depends on the individual. Some asura can’t stand their own society of one-upmanship, and others couldn’t live without it.
From a practical standpoint, yes, superiorism is toxic.
If you’re trying to maintain friendly neutral relations with everyone the last thing you want to do is be offensive and condescending to the other races.
It’s not good for business. But yeah the language is still there and it’s no secret most asura think very highly of themselves.
10/10, would read again. Very cool story, such a sad forum.
Cut him a break. If you don’t know about the down-scaling, it’s completely logical to think that a level 11 bow will hit harder than a level 5 bow, and a level 16 character will hit harder than a level 5 character. In fact they do hit harder, just not in level 5 zones.
Okay. You know what? Go look at what level is needed to use a culture tier 2 shortbow.
It’s not even him I’m disappointed with. Maybe it was an honest mistake. Maybe he has his terminology all messed up. Even if he is trolling, he did a great job.
The people here are lemmings. The fact that out of 48 or so posts, maybe 10 of the posters here called BS is alarming.
The majority can’t read, couldn’t see the flaw being presented in the OP, and/or just bandwagoned on the whole ordeal. It’s pitiful.
This is why no one, especially the devs, can take the ranger forum seriously. There’s the objective answer for that.
If you want to have open honest dialogue, step one is to stop BSing and PMSing over everything you think is wrong and articulate that in a manner that isn’t hysterical hyperbole.
You know what’s not going to work? Calling the one with curly hair the worst dev of all that has no intention of balancing GW2.
You know what that might do? Get you banned.
Maul: This skill is great burst. The problem is there’s nothing else the weapon set can do if Maul didn’t finish the target.
Complete range attack shut-down with a cool Monster Hunter animation, a stun, an excellent gap closer with field utility, an evade built into the auto attack…
And a burst skill. Yeah. GS sucks.
Path of Scars: Requires both hits to actually do appreciable damage and is probably one of the least used weapons for this class.
Goes great with sword, applies retaliation, reflects projectiles, and applies vulnerability and in addition to being burst, it’s a pull. Lots of potential.
Call Lightning: Just nerfed.
IMO people who were using this for burst were wasting a utility slot. It wasn’t that great in any format except in PvP’s tight points.
AOE this class has only one real option in Barrage, but it does poor damage, roots a class that relies on mobility, and only cripples the target.
Yes, that’s pretty much what I said about Barrage; minus the kitten you had all over it. Barrage does decent damage, and is one of the better area denial skills.
MS hurts, but you can get out of it. Cripple is a death sentence in group play. Someones going to catch you and kill you. The decent damage it does is just icing on the cake.
The other forms of AE like piercing arrows and traps aren’t really reliable enough to be counted.
Traited traps are pretty amazing. They’re not bad untraited with one or two for utility. Just depends on what you’re doing. You’re also forgetting Spotter, which is really nice AE.
Piercing arrows is a bit situational.
So feel free to list the other forms of AE and burst you guys find this class has so we can debate them further.
I don’t think I’m going to change your mind. So, that’s a waste of time.
Utility is the one thing this class actually has a fair bit of, but because it’s almost entirely tied down to pets/spirits, it is very unreliable.
If you say so.
I can’t even begin to explain how many games were won by my Guild(s) in GvG because I hit the monks WoH/Healing Burst/RC and it let my team push through and wipe an enemy guild. Or, alleviating the pressure by making sure a mesmer never ever ever got off Diversion or Shame, while shutting down any eles and ritualists nearby.
And, shutting down rezzes, just about one of the most important functions in the entire game.
So, maybe damage wise weak, but rangers had just about the most important function in a competitive atmosphere, because a single ranger build could do just about every function in the game if necessary. Shutdown the enemy team, split to the enemy base and start soloing NPCs, carry the teams flag, cripple the opponents flag runner, Spike Support, Pressure Support, and Team Support.
It’s just so impossible to stress enough how valuable a Guild Wars 1 ranger was.
I get it. But that didn’t change the general opinion about rangers, except when niche builds in HA popped up and were summarily nerfed.
The ranger has always had an image problem, in GW1 and GW2. What has happened before will happen again.
Go pure DPS, snatch up remorseless. Bring out your Red Moa. Name it something cool and original like Red. Use F2. Troll with LB3. ???
Nah, in GW1 they complained about rangers being weak there too.
Distracting Shot had terrible scaling, actually limited the amount of damage it could do with few sources able to increase that number, and outside of an interrupt build (with the skill to land it, as it had a longer cooldown), it was a bad pick for anything damage related.
It was a nice filler skill for skilled interrupters, but not terribly incredible.
If you can remember, just ask yourself this: how many GvG battles have been decided because the team was able to push after a ranger landed a well placed interrupt. That specific scenario was not limited to team fights, it happened when a ranger went roaming too. If a key skill in the enemy base got interrupted the enemy team would be forced to send reinforcements in many cases.
You have a point there.
Bunny Thumper was awesome.
Pet AI wasn’t tho. (And it was annoying to get body blocked by your own pet.)
Maybe I’m not old enough, but as long as I played GW1 my pet nor my teammates could bodyblock me. Only your enemies or their pets could bodyblock you.
The class doesn’t have the tools to succeed. The 3 most important things a class can provide in an MMO is burst, AE, and utility.
They can do burst, and even an untraited spirit ranger provides excellent group utility. A traited one provides unparalleled party support.
A traited and untraited one together is almost OP.
We don’t have much in the way of AoE, but the one we do have is one of the better ones in the game and the only one unaffected by the AoE limit.
(edited by CETheLucid.3964)
If you’re full zerker, try speccing Signet of the Beastmaster and use Signet of Stone for that part with a GS. You should be past before the signet runs out.
If not, use trolls half way through to eat up any damage from the last part. Shouldn’t be very hard.
After you make it, you can change the trait back if that wasn’t the one you were using for your build.
and in gw1, ranger was also carried by 1 skill. it was dshot. when you didnt play with it , your built was just a gimmicky one (like bunny thumper, thrasher, enraged lunge).
dshot was one of the best (if not the best) skills in gw1, i wish ranger had a similar skill like it in gw2.
Nah, in GW1 they complained about rangers being weak there too.
Distracting Shot had terrible scaling, actually limited the amount of damage it could do with few sources able to increase that number, and outside of an interrupt build (with the skill to land it, as it had a longer cooldown), it was a bad pick for anything damage related.
It was a nice filler skill for skilled interrupters, but not terribly incredible.
Tired of skill carrying the class.
Yeah, me too. I should log into my characters and the game should flawlessly play itself while I watch and have a hot cocoa.
(True story: I sometimes do this in PvP. Spectating is a great way to learn. So I do appreciate the option! )
This game just got updated a few minutes ago and my short bow is doing less damage than a water elementalist’s Water Blast which is horrendous.
What build are you running and what gear is the ranger in the picture running? I tried to reproduce the effect and could not.
Edit punctuation and to add what level is the ranger in the picture?
Before yesterday’s update for whatever it contained I was 4-6 hitting those grubs with a rare cultural tier 2 short bow at level 5 on my ranger. Right now im level 16 and my bow was at level 11 and does less damage after the update? Every time I shoot an enemy with short bow it now only takes out 1/14th of their HP. That is really terrible. so that didn’t make sense to me so it had to be the update with me questioning on this forum post. Either they buffed the health of enemies or the short bow got nerfed. I don’t want to have to rely on my pet for all of my damage output. I don’t understand what they did.
This is with full rabid gear….
No, not a troll im dead serious.
Also if you guys think this is my first character its not. I have played ranger in the past but deleted it and yes I used short bow on him too, and have 3 characters over level 30, and one at level 80. I know something changed, not a newbie here.
10/10, would read again. Very cool story, such a sad forum.
The Canthan district used to be there. As you may already know, Divinity’s Reach is divided into several districts, some of them assigned to refugees from the other continents.
The Canthan District however was removed at the last minute before release because Arenanet got complaints about it from asian countries. So they removed it and created the large hole.
Who in their right mind would compla—nvm. Forgot. People.
Join hotjoins that are 5v5. You’ll get yelled at in Solo queue.
It’s pvp, you’ll get yelled at for breathing wrong if you do everything else right.
staff eles are the god tier carry of organized wvw groups. blink static initiations, massive aoe dps (up to 10k meteors, 6k shatterstone, 3k lightning flash) and all the water fields your driver needs. you wont have fun if youre doing something else though, feb o.o ele sucks for roaming since the d/d godmode nerfs, theyre pretty much a liability in small ops. everyone knows to jump on the ele first. you have to roll with it for the moment though. the class is broken, its either too strong or outclassed. it wont be fixed until they do things like split EA up into each element tree, to actually allow build diversity. but, staff ele is definitely a huge part of a zerg busting guild. if you arent doing that, it wont be fun :/ I would suggest playing another class for now, since youre a roamer…even I wouldnt pick ele as a roamer right now.
Roaming D/D ele is excellent, assuming you’re going up against other roamers and not trying to solo a small party’s. Most days, we can’t do that anymore.
Overall, D/D ele is a decent roamer. Not the best, but not the worst either. A D/D in a small party or even with just a buddy is that much better.
For zerg play, staff is what you want to be in. Scepter isn’t terrible there either since you can jump in and out of the fray as a decent midliner.
Scepter has great burst potential and zerg play let’s you set it all up with little worry.
The conversation isn’t below you, its way, way above what you’re talking about.
Seems that way, mate. So why can’t you use the new Arcane Wave again? You may have to change your rotation around and rethink how you use it.
But that’s not very hard. If you do it with flash, you can do it with AW.
Start thinking at a higher level.
Tells me to think at a higher level, complains about having to learn how to click one more time.
You know what, you’re absolutely right. If I channel my inner diva, I can totally understand your first world problem.
We get an amazing “Arcane Wave” like heal (in the right spot can get you from below 1k HP back to max) on a shorter cooldown untraited…
Nearly instant cast (certainly the fastest straight up heal we have now), does damage, counts as a blast finisher… and that’s very cool in of itself, but then on top of that…
The original Arcane Wave get’s an amazing range buff, keeps it’s radius, retains it’s instant cast nature… and the players are asking for a revert?
Seriously? What am I reading here? Are there that many bad elementalists? Anet’s been mean to us (RtL) before.
This isn’t one of those times. Hell, they even buffed FGS for use on the move. That was really nice.
Every change in this patch was a big step in the right direction. If any devs are reading, thank you. This is a glorious ele update.
Your about a year late bring this up. I guess it effected you so NOW your going to make a big deal about it hehe. Any way yes it would be nice if you could target in the 3d under water but you can also cast spell with ground targets if you just click on the spell 2 times it will auto you as the center of the cast.
Very useful! Thanks for the tip. Made the trip here worth it. +1
Likely overlooked. Calm down.
Same deal with Glyph of Renewal. It is an issue. They either need to work like they used to work but only while underwater, or these skills shouldn’t be useable underwater at all.
They’re pretty much unusable as is.
CETheSnowflake…. Sure, they can do well.
Oh wow. I didn’t expect you to actually admit you were BSing. Okay. Glad that’s out of the way? o.o
If the Ranger class did so well then you’d see a lot more “LFG Ranger only” posts, but you don’t and for a reason.
I don’t see “LFG profession only” posts for anyone, expect for warriors and guardians, with the occasional mesmer for speed clears and high level fractals.
Interesting criteria for what makes a class “good”, it says a lot.
By this logic, Ranger is the best class because we can roll Lupicus in 41 seconds without warriors, guardians, and mesmers.
Good job on cutting my qoute, Snowflake. GG.
Now with that out of the way… Like I said the amount of skill it takes to do well on a Ranger means that if the same player takes up a less handicapped class they will excel that much more. Mince words all you want but if a player can use a Ranger and roll Lupi in 41 seconds, he can do better on a another class that doesn’t have a Lead Game Designer admitted mal functioning don’t know when it is going to get fixed class mechanic.
Just keeping it relevant, Pumpkin. People can read. Your post is still there.
The rest of your post such as this one, the one before it, and I’m sure several posts going into your posting history is as follows: QQ pets.
We get it, baby! I’ve nothing to add to that more than I already have. Hence I did not respond to that bit that I should have quoted it.
I doubt I can help you or change your mind. So, well, cry some more about it? Take a spin on that motorbike? I dunno. Whatever helps you cope buddy.
You dont need to be condescending.
Tit for tat.
I just want to point out a different point of view here. I can seriously understand why WvW players don’t want PVE players in WvW.
I felt the same way doing Battle Grounds in World of Warcraft. A few people who didn’t know what they where doing could seriously ruin a Battle Grounds group.
Those people need to get their collective heads out of their backsides. It can’t be helped. Can’t tell people what game modes they can and can’t play.
If they’re determined to stay which is more likely to yield a favorable outcome? Telling them to GTFO or showing them how it’s done?
With the former, if you can’t “make” someone leave in a situation where they’re certainly allowed to be there, all you’re going to do is engender defiance and breed conflict.
Good times, no?